Newspaper Page Text
i /ii v kmjtbei; • sry : com mtus, geohgia, Sunday morning august 22, im.
Stiil Taking In tho Groat Motropols
night brings on the crowd of pleasure
seekers hastening to theatres, concert gar
dens, gambling r mins and all the tempta
tions of a big city an unending stream.
We have often iieard people complain
that no attention was shown ladies, but
that a ear full of men would keep seated
and allow a lady to stand: but there is
something to be said on tlie other side.
If a lady oeliburuUb.v enters a car already
full she must expet t to take her chance. Tt
often happens that those In the car are
sadly in need of tin* grateful rest after a
day of hard labor, and besides the story is
not true. The writer has been accompa*
I nied b.yanold lady for years on his trips,
and he can assert that he has never en
tered a car hut that n scat hn.s been
nromptly and politely tendered her. We
nave often, however, seen ladies, (?y when
some wearied laborer H is given her his
seat fso pleasant to his tired muscles,! sink
quietly into it without one word ol' tnanks
or even a smile of re:? ignition of tile .
courtesy. Is it surprising that the next
time some woman Inis to stand while he
enjoys the hard earned rest? A smile or
a word of thanks from a Indy, it is easy to
It In llot ill Now Vnrk «s Well ms Here of
the Wild West mnl the fooooys of III" Viii*
Future A Tour Tliroiiuh 11»•• KMnhllsh*
merit of 1’I Iran) A to.-Wli) lie IHdn’t Huy the
Ten Set The Street Cur Ibitromme n I’lizzh*.
Kpoctal (’orrospondenee Enquirer-Sun.
Nrw York, August 19. Here we arc,
back in the city, and, after all our wander
ings, we come back with pleasure to stop
awhile in the crowded city. Fashion has
ordained that the (iotlmmitcs should fly
to the mountains and seashore during
the hot months, and so imperious are bush-
ion’s demands that it is even believed that .. ,, . . ,
. , A . _ .. , 1 see, fully repays any man for his selt-de- ;
on occasions when the family puracs lias : llia t f tliu for it. Strange [
run too low to permit the style of visit dc- 1 hat so cheap a recompense should ever I
manded, it is not an uncommon tiling to ; he wit hheld!
1 r . , , , .... , ...... , . 1 I We are glad to hear Unit our reverend
b.ivu the front .loom .uni winch, a s b.mrde.l , rit . Ilft UIK |^ (; , liK i companion on our former
up, live in the back rooms, and steal in 1 trips is soon to make a visit to New York. I
and out of the domicile through the alley I We look forward with pleasant antici- j
until the prescribed time is passed, when, put ions for his company on some delight-
1 _ . . * n . , I fill trips, and with Ins reverence on tine 1
with an array of trunks and other seaside , H idc and the madanie on the other (to say
luggage, the family drive up to the door nothing of the fact that old age is a great j
and resume their usual habits of life. Great j to morality), we hope to escape the
Is fiwliion, 11 rid sin. will rule. 1 j;!j, ralls °‘ n bi « Columbus ls bti(;(,n ’- !
in the summer is hot at times, it is true, at the “Barnard.” Those who once put
but hot days do not bust long, and, as a i generally come again the next
, , ... . , i tune they come to Isew York. Among
rule, wc have found tlm lights quitu i laU . arrlvillg aPt . B llsscV) Mr. Na-
ant, while so many resorts can be visited I than Bussey, Tom Chaffin, Jim Thweatt |
in the immediate vicinity that it is easy to ! and other acquaintances. How pleasant it ,
escape the hot days and go where can | j^ 8 " a ' vibv from homc to nieut famlllar I
enjoy all the comforts of a seaside place j Sunday we returned to our first love
and not be subject to the discomforts. I and attended morning services at St.
People will leave luxurious rooms at home ) ( , The services opened as usual
. ... , ... . ; with the slow marching in of the boy
nml go where t hey are so crowded that one ( .j 10 j r ( 0 f 30. singinglthis time “Christian
has to go to bed and rise before the others | Holdier.” The organ begins faintly and
to dress in comfort, and put
inconveniences in order to
“we were at such or such
place.” I
doubt if any do make long slay and not
become tired at the enforced idleness.
True, one can stroll off to some nice nook
and court his wife over again, but some
how it is very much like gingereakes. Our
friend, Judge Ingram, says he will give $50
for a gingcreako that will taste like those
I/IIV. Wi.1u.1n nwillici. J UU Ul^dll 1 it 111 11 ill 111
up with many * b(! voices are heard in the vestry. As they
1 lie idili. Irimiv 0Mter in couples, the youngest first, the
y sound swcIIh. The oriran sounds louder
sound swells. The organ sounds louder
and louder until, as the Inst two enter, the
entire congregation joins in. From verse
to verse, as the organist adds stops, the
voices increase in power and volume, until
at I lie last verse the congregation of two
thousand, apparently enthused, send forth
a volume of sound which fills and rever
berates through tliegothiclarchcs, leaving,
as it closes, the worshipers fully attuned
for the services to follow. In this, as in
lie had when he was a bov. Yesterday j moHt Q f the Episcopal 1 lmivhes, the choir
\\r\ t?°, it / ,1 i > Ntuteii * s J J . ,n ^ l>V now is properly used, not to serve as prox-
\\ hitehall boat. I hey have discontinued u\s, but to lead the singing of the congrega-
the route, formerly so pleasant, to the west ; tion. In the Psalter the custom is that the
rtideol the IH mid, and now all floats stop IIrat chapter is read responsively, but the
at a new landing, “St. George, and ears ( remaining ones are, as intended, and as
are in readiness to take passengers to ; the name Psalm indicates, sung by “all
either the west or north side, stopping at , the people” to some simple Gregorian
all the points; not so pleasant as the old i chant in which ull can join. In addition
custom of the boats, but us it saves a lew to the city work, of which I wrote last
minutes of time it is more in accordance
with the rushing spirit of the age. Near
St. George
has pitched his quarters, and with his co.v-
hoys, Indians, buffaloes, stage coach, etc.,
reproduces the scenes of former prairie
life to tin wondering gaze of thousands
daily, and inspires the street gamins with
hopes of graduating as “cowboys” in the
near future. Judging from the thousands
who crowd his show, Kill will soon gradu
ate as a millionaire, unless a far more dan
gerous “critter” 11 lie New York “tiger")
than the wild buffalo absorbs his proiits.
On our return from Hag Harbor we lind
installed at Mrs. Barnard's one of our for
mer Columbus friends, who, though now a
stout matron of Washington, I). O., with
live charming and healthy children, has
lost none of those graces of person and
charms of manner which, when she was
Miss Mary M., enabled her to lead captive
so many young gentlemen, and will the ad
miration and respect of the old. This
morning we spent very pleasantly in ram
bling through the immense store of
This is a joint stock company which pays
very tine dividends. The stock is immense,
year, St. George’s also sustains a large and
prosperous mission in Japan. Surely these
people “work and pray.” As we were
coming out of church
at tlie corner sounded, and the engines
coming tearing along, we luid an opportu
nity to see how quickly a tire is subdued.
In n half hour all was over and the engines
were on their way back. We saw a new
contrivance which it. seems must be of
great service. It is carried on a wagon
and seems to he a number of sections of
large, stiff pipe, which can he joined and
by machinery elevated, one end being at
tached to a hydrant, to the top of a house,
where hose may be attached, thus avoid
ing the loss of power consequent upon
carrying water to such a height through a
small flexible hose, a very important mat
ter in a city where houses of eight, ten
and even twelve stories are constructed.
A Fiir-Seriiig Mollirr.
’Frisco Chronicle: .She was about 18 and
as pretty as a peach. He was 22, and they
were engaged. He had just gone out to
...^ .„ lu .. oc , the theatre with her, and as they trotted
we were told between four and live mill- ,,b happily I made some remark to her
ions, which, at I per cent, interest, would
give enough for a man of moderate desires
“They are young to lie engaged, in my
Wli opinion,” she said, “lint it’s a iroori
(olive on. First floor is devoted to watches. J 0 "’ n opinion,” she said, “blit it’s a good
clocks, jewelry, diamonds and silverware. 1 U'.ng. It’sgoodfor both of them, lie’s
It would seem ns if art ii id exhausted l 1111 honest, steady boy, and she’s a very
itself in forming beautiful shapes for 1 pretty girl, and I am willing that they
household and p» rsonal adornment. The i should be devoted to one another. I en-
second story is given up to bronzes, rich courage ii, r like to know that she is so
antique clocks, vases and such like goods.
The bronze statuary is from every country,
other well enough by that time.’
The one with heart of flame he gave to her
Whose eyes veiled from his own Hin's bitter
With throbbing pulses and with heart astir,
Entranced by eyes th t held an Eden lost.
The other lily-pale, drooped on its stalk-
lie gave to her his seal's pure love unstained,
\\ saintly eyes and sweet unworldly talk
Held less an Eden lost than heaven regained.
adorned with a variety of Itsli and inter-
sp> '' ■' villi lemon and sprigs of parsley. I
Ii. ' mil platters each were adorned to
?lass I
■ dust, tlie red rose lay.
Lippincolt’s for August.
Well Ai*«|U.ilnt«*il With Him.
A gray-haired man stopped in front of a
suit t he proposed contents. The
at cavil plate was of various styles "and house in a Dakota town" and addressed a
colors. In suit the wine or cordial lor which .voung man in tlie yard:
they were intended. Tablecloth and , “I don't suppose you know me?”
napkins were of some unusual texture of: “No, I think not."
lapanese make, apparently, no two alike 1 was very well acquainted with vour
rieiment. whieii was woven into tlie
goods in pictures appropriate to their use.
Tin whole forming one elegant affair, loo
beautiful for stieli a pen as mine in de
scribe. It must be very nice t i be able io
own sueli a dinner service. lint
1 am sere that whoever buys u will never
eat fro.n it with half tlie relish that some
oi us enjoyed in eating hardtack and fat
bacon to istt'd on a ramrod over a smoking
lire, and in tlie rain at that, as we hurried
out oi Kentucky some years ago at tin*
pressing invitation of tlie “boys in blue.”
cry day for
Jught up down wii
! he
“Yes, I saw him
“Were v
came from
"Acquainted with him while be lived in
“Never saw him there.”
“Did you know him afti
this place?”
“1 was never in this town before."
“May I ask you, then, when it was you
he caine to
about a city like New York is the street as * 0 ;‘ int ed with him so long?
car i'. ,D om varly dawn until after mid
night they are crowded. Who are all tlie
people, and where do they go? At day
light the dream begins if there is any be
ginning; ir,an tbal timeiuutil 9 or 1(1 a. m.
sat ion. These mostly arej
I here is no i
tainly, young man; I once happened
to be ill the same car with him for a hun
dred mile trip on a branch Dakota road.
It seemed like parting with an old friend
when 1 left him.”—Estelliue Kell.
judging from their garb and tin buckets’
people going to their daily labor. Then tlie
appearance changes; dapper clerks,spruce
aim neat, with many a nice looking voun ,T
woman, hurry to their stations, when.* bv-
hind the counters of the large retail estab
lishments. tin* v naientlv and nolitldv it And I thought how the man was just leaving
tend to tlie wants of more fortunate sisters ;
A Wish.
I turned as T saw thorn passing.
The child amt the bent old man;
The grandsiro tottered and trembled,
But the grandson sported and ran.
The life so new to the boy;
burden or so
Of the grandson’s visions of joy.
run from store to store to buy, undjoften to
J?fe end to buy. These and idlers*in town i And 1 raised my eyes toward heaven,
till tlie ears until such hours as “homeward And cried in accents wild:
the wearied salesman wends his weary I T* st t ® h the , oId ° ‘?, r '
way,” followed by the mechanic, unt?l I Andkee P dear child a child.’’_
—Chicago Times.
Milk Crust, Dandruff, Eczema,
and all Scalp Humrrs
Cured by Cuticura,
I AST November my little hoy, aged three years,
* fell against th«* sieve while lie was running
1 and cut his head, am!, H,*lu ut'u r that, he broke
out nil over his head. face and left ear. I had a
•.food <!o , to utlci.d aim, but ue got
worse, md th<* doctor eonld net euro him. Ifi*
whole head, and left ear were in u icur/ul
state, and hr- ‘-u(f • i f r-W!” T '\uudit Me -th- 1
ease from nim.and it spread mi over my taee and
nee! nd even got r' 1 in: . . . »bony th usdit
we would ever get belter. I fell sure y t w< re (tis-
fi livid for Ii I In-aid < f t)i futieura Reme-
di- ■« and pi i. , irecl a hotth- off'utienra Resolvent,
a box ol ( t, ,.iri . t i.i f • nil Uiv. - ;p,
nml intI them constantly d-iy md nigh?. After
using two botu-.ft of Ite.-voii nt, i mr bo.\<*s ofcuti-
curn nnd four cakes <*' So .!<. ■ u jkm ctly
eiued wiliioul a sear. Ai.> ooy - is u.nv like
satin. IJLt.fK BPTTXG,
;i7J Grand strei l, Jersey city, X. J.
Sworn to be foie me this ‘ , .• >f i...\h, v-Si.
Have been in the drug and medicine business
twenty-live years. Have been selling yourcuti-
eura Ri>inef>i< r since ve.u.’ia west. They lead
all others in their line. We could not write nor
could von print dl w« h:r. 1k.*i‘(1 ‘i : d in « ivor .if
the cuticura Uemeflies. One year ago the ruti- Jvuip eared a Mtilv gi: ’ •:r leu*, of
the worst sore head we ever -aw. and the Resol
vent and cuticura .i:v no.*, curing a young goado-
man of a sore '«*tr. while the phvsjcians are trying
to iuive it ainpuiateo. It wtli save ids leg. and
perhaps his life. Too much cannot be said in
favor of cuticura Remedies.
8. It. SMITH & BH0. I
Covington, Ky.
Cuticura Remedies area positive cure for every |
form of Skin am! .Blood l)i-t i-, -.from Pimple* to !
Scrofula. Sold everywhere l'ne< : f'uticura, 50 I
cts.; Soap, 25 els.; Resolvent, jl. Prepared by the
Rotter Drug and Chemical Co.. Boston, Mass.
Si'iul for “llmv to <’tir<* Sliiis Uisrasi's."
D r. c. t. dsburn,
(Successor to Dr. J. M. Mason.)
Office next door to Rankin House. Same eg.
trance ns Riddle's gallery. oc4-ly
\\' F. TiriNEH,
IT. Dentist.
3Shj Twelfth street .formerly Randolph street.’
Baby Humors, use Cuticura Soap.
t human -.K11 i .veins able to aMcviate,
the condition of thousands who as yet
know nothing of tlru new and elegant
antidote to pain and inflammation, the
Cuticuru Anti-Rain Plaster. 25c.
i rpiin'*. €r..j .v ctzx 'A, v< •.? a t ?«... /tuffimw. ta
CAPITAL PRIZE, - $150,000.
r—, .'II /"\ , r-N I | • “We (lo hereby certify that we supervise the nr.
St!11 ureater Keductions
*" ' * ' — tinny, and in person manage and control the
I Dimriitys themsetivs, nnd that the same are con-
] ducted with honesty, fairness, and in <iar,d faith
Iii prices will In** for Monday. The resulls from our “(Rfif'jft
last week's ad vcrtisi’inciit of Bargains were even more than nnluri!l,a ‘ luoh ‘ id - toil> udmrtu
we expected. And yet we have thousiinds of goods left, not
prolilnhle !o carry over till ue^l season, liesides stacks of
oliier goods Unit imisl he sol'l to make room for liie Fall
Slock. The following is it short list of some of the above
All our Manchesler and Pacific
sold al cents per yard.
All our Slain bird Summer Print;
o(M Yards Summer Ginghams reduced to S cents.
oO(.K) Yards o-cent Figured Lawns (some pretty styles
among them) red i iced lo 4 cents, and I he remnants will he
sold at 2h and 3 cents pci’ yard.
500 Yards left of those Cotton Flannel Remnants lelt ill
half cost. Little early for these goqds. hut the prices will
move lliem.
cent Lawns will he
1 lie sold at 31 lo 5
Has uryrr failril to givo
prompt relief. Will cure Anal Ulcere. Abscess,
l i’itula, 'letter, Salt Rheum. Barber’s Itch, Ring
worms, Pimples, Sores and Boils, hii'i* AOcIn.
NATURE’S OWN R Ell Ell Y, Uiii-.h all
Wounds. Cuts, Bruises, Srirams. Erysipelas, Boils,
Carbuncles. Bone Felons, Ulcers. Sores. Sore Eyes,
Sore Throat.Bunions.Corns, Neuralgia.Rheumatism,
Orchitis. Gout, Rheumatic Gout. Colds, Coughs,
Bronchitis, Milk Ix-g, Snake and Dog Bites, Sting*
of Insects, Ac. In fact allays all local Irritation aitf
Inflammation from whatever cause. Price 25 rts,
I’ryiuirvil m'l'urilhiK »<> tlip iiumt Nploiitlllc
in tin- l»t:iti:sT sedative
IMdJMHh.xTS, componnded with the purest
Tobacco Flour, and is specially recommended for
Croup. Weed or Cake of the Breast, and for that class
ot irritant or inilnmmatory maladies, Aches and
Rains where, from t<H» delicate n state of the system,
the patient is unable to hear the stronger application
of die I'ohncco Cuke. For Hoadaclio or other Aches
and Pains, it is invaluable. |‘ricc cts.
Ask your druggist for these remedies, or write t< > t ho
DURHAM, N. C. J. S. A.
Ilecfived hy Express this week. A choice assortment of
these goods, in narrow and medium widths. Also a new lot
of Ladies' Collars and Cub's in the latest styles.
\Ye beg lo call attention to this fast growing deparlment.,
which is being carried on in an adjoining room lo the Dry
Goods. New shipments of Ladies', Men's. Misses', Boys' and
Children's Shoes are being received and added to this stock
every week. Don't forget to ask to see our $1.75 Kid But-
loned Boot, worth $2.00.
In our last advertisement we mentioned DACE CURTAINS at reduced prices. In
addition we beg to say tlmt our Mr. Huff’ is now en route to New York to purchase our
Rail and Winter Stock. Lace Curtains will be the tirst article looked for, and the first
to be shipped. Housekeepers who anticipate refurnishing their rooms this fall will do
well to examine our stock before buying. We promise to show the handsomest and
cheapest stock ever brought to Columbus.
I ominissioii).rs
tie the undersigned Hanks and Bankers will
pay all prises drawn ill The Louisiana Slate Lot
teries which mcq/ he presented al om counters.
.1. 19. OGI.E.MtA. Pres. I.u. Start Hank.
.1. W. Ii I MUtE I'lI. Pres. Stale Nat’l B’U
A. BAUMVIN. Pres. N. O. Nal l Bank
Louisiana State Lottery Comp'y.
Over Half a Million Dhli'iliiileii
fond of him that the flattery and Hum- i
mery of less honest men does not touch her. j
including both China and Japan. It is bile's proud uf her beau. He runs at her
wonderful to what point their artists have i word, lie simply slaves for her, and it sat- 1
renched, not only in the grotesque images i isfles even that girlish vanity which is all :
one is accustomed to see of their make, but ! girls' danger. He is honorable, and would i
much of their statuary is as chaste and | clI ( b ' 8 bal 'd °tf’rather than do anything I
pure as that of ancient Greece or Rome, j to injure her. He's proud of her, and it j
The third story is full of glassware, rieli keeps him steady, because he has an all-ab-
ehinu and “faience.” From France and sorbing subject to think about. The love
England come some of the most delicate !')•*>' lbe out, yes, it may; but by that time, I
and rich specimens of the potter's skill we ’* 'V ever happens, mv child will have;
have ever had the good fortune to see. Thu 1 learned so deeply the lesson of what re- j
prices of some of these goods would seem ! spect is due to her, what devotion is capa-
fabnluus to our home people, u hose ideas b ‘ 1 ’ of, that she will lind it very difficult to j
are limited by such goods ns are now meet a man who will make her forget it.
brought out for sale to our impoverished I ' ni * K, h 1 let them go, and I shall be quite
friends. In the English department we I content if, when they are old enough, they
were carried away with the beauty of | want to marry. They’ll know one an-
some oi't lie tea sets, but one of those little
family disputes which I suppose nil mar
ried people are subject to prevented our
bringing any specimens home. Proposing
to purchase a single teapot at #1200, the
madanie, with “picayunitui economy,” in
sisted on only buying one at JfiOO, and as
neither would give way the result was we
did without either. In one of the rooms
for a dinner of six persons. The dishes
were all of hand painted china ol the finest
quality, no two alike The fish phitter I Ami when he died, one wept, but dried her tears,
was long and narrow, the center contain- crenely hopeful of a brighter day;
mg u picture of a beautiful trout, with nil ; Against the other’s heart through dull, slow
the brilliant colors of one just fresh from a y v ' ll y s *.
silvery mountain stream. The edges Dll both alike
Most of the diseases which nfflict mankind nre origin
ally caused hya disordered condition of tho LIVER.
For hII complaints of this kind, such a* Torpidity of
tho Liver, Biliousness, Nervous Dyspepsia Indiges
tion, Irregularity of the Bowels, Constipation. Flatu
lency, Eructations and Burning of the Stomach
(sometimes called Heartburn) Miasma, Malaria,
Bloody Flux, Chills anc Fever, Broakhono Fever,
Exhaustion before or after Fever-*, Chronic Diar
rhoea. Loss of Appetite, Headache. Foul Breath,
Irregularities incidental to Females. Bearing-down
io Invaluable. It is not tt panacea for all diseases,
but if* I BDCT a11 disease* o1 * til0 LIVER,
It changes the cotnploxion from a waxy, yellow
tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color. It entirely removes
low, gloomy spirits. It. is our of the BEST AL"
For sale by all Druggists. Price SI ,00 per bottle
C. F. STADICER, Proprietor,
•40 SO. FRONT ST.. Philadelphia, Pa.
In Two Weeks
Chancellor's Shelves and
Counters will lie clear of
Summer Goods, If you wish
bargains in Straw Hats and
Summer Goods, call early,
Flail Bosom Shirts, beauiifuul Stud
and Cliff Buttons, Satchels and Trunks
specialties for this week.
Incorporated in 18G8 for 26 years bv the Legisla
ture for Educational and Charitable purposes—
with a capital of $1.000,000—to which a reserve
fund of over $550,ObO lias since been added.
By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise
was made a part of the present State Constitu
tion, adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879.
It* Grand Single number nriiwinjt-*
will take place monthly. It never scales or post
pones. Look at tlie following distribution:
ItMWh Grand Monthly
t:\TTIAIIIIIil.\AIIV lllAirmiLV iirawixg
In tin* Anidi'iny of Music. New Orleans,
Tuesday. September 14, 1SS0,
Under the personal supervision and manage
ment of
Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, &
Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia.
Capital Prize, $150,000.
'Notice-Tickets arc Ten Hollars only. Halves.
85. Filths.8*-. Tenths, $1.
1 GRAND PRIZ E O F 50,000
2 LA R G E PR 1Z ES OF 10,000
20 PRIZES OF 1,000
50 PRIZES OF 500
100 PRIZES OF 300
200 PRIZES OF 200
600 PRIZES OF 100
1,000 PRIZES OF 50
100 Approximation Prizes of $200
100 “ “ 100
.. 50,000
.. 20,000
.. 20,000
.. 20,000
.. 20,000
.. 25,000
.. 30,006
.. 40,000
.. 60,006
.. 50,000
.. $20,000
.. 10,000
.. 7,500
2,279 Prizes, amounting to
Application for rates to clubs should be made
only to the Office of the Company in New Orleans.
For further information write clearly, giving
ftill address. PONTAL S’OTIIM, Express
Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordi
nary letter. Currency by Express (at our ex
pense) addressed M. A. I>A(T1*IIIJV,
New Orleans, Ins. j
Or M. A. DA1P1IIN,
Washington. I>.
Make P. O. Money Or tiers payable
ami address Registered Letters to
wed se«few5w New Orleans. I^a.
We have the best and cheapest Hose in the market. A full line of Hose Reels and Nozzles.
TV'luuliono ftfi. 13 IV,.It'll i SI root.
I To the Trade and Smokers.
/^VURE Biliousness; Sick Headache In Four hours.
\G) 0 ne dose relieves Neuralgia. They euro and
prevent Chills Fovor, Sour Stomach Bad
Breath. Clear tho Skin, Tone the Nerves, and olvo
Life Vigor to the system. Dose: ONE PLAN*.
Try them once ana you will never be without thv;r-..
Price, 26 cents per bottle. Sold by Druogfrts *
Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on rbceipt u
price in stamps, postpaid, to any address,
Manufacturers and Sole Props.. ST. LOUIS, MO.
(Copy.) Chicago, April21st, 1R80.
This is to certify, that the Illinois Trust ana
SavingsBankJias this day received from the
of Chicago, to be held
Union Cigar Company of
as a Special Deposit,
U. S. 4°lo Coupon Bonds,
as follows:
No. 92028 D. $500. n Market Value of which Is
“ 41204 100. I
•» 4120* 100. V $1012.
•• 5287C lOO. f
$800. J (S.) yas. S. Gibbs, Cash.
We offer the above as a FOBFBIT, if our
‘ k FANCY GROCER” does not prove to be a
genuine Havana-filler Cigar.-Union Cigar Ca
* 1 C M IC K E STE R ‘S L. I t G LI H
Tho »*»hI <»tr!> (■uutiiao
Beivaiv of Base Imitiitions ou th*
-THE —
IB uv Ct
Cor. Chestnut and Eighth Sts,
Receive Advertisements for thid Paper
C has taken the 1e?d in
the sales ot *hat class ot
rei'ir i le e, an.I has given
universal "Uisfae-
among the lca.llng Medi
cine, uf the oilJore.
Bradfcrd, P$
gold by Druggists,
Trice $1.00.
Have i RED seal on each 1) >x and our : c. >rv don. printed on it.
Examine boxes before purchasing, and see that you get the genuine Cigarros.
GEO. JP. LI3S &c CO.,
l*net<u\> 206, :{il OKiricl. X. Y.
The genuine are for sale bu *,v. s. Freeman. J. T. Knvanagli. Brannon & Car-on, King & Daniel,
TT 1 1 B1CtC dyspepsia - IB I .
8 ■■■ |K Bi BV SICK HEADACHE, ■ ■ ■ ’
1 I R mm constipation, j
A Remedy for all Diseases of the Liver, Kid*
neys, Stomach and Bowels. A positiva
cure for Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, •
Constipation. Dose, one to tW6 teaspoonfuls.
0 and 25 cts. No genuine salts sold in bulM ;
Our L l L03IA 10c. Cigar is strictly Hand
made. Elegant quality. Superior workmanhip.
Sold by al! Grocers.
!5 X. Clinton St., - CHICAGO,
Retail by
D. HUNT, Columbus, G
T .IE STORE HOUSE No. 1147 Broad Street,
next to Wit.ich & Kinsel's corner. This
Store is being remodeled with single pane plate
glass windows ; has all modern improvements.
Also Office and Sleeping Room in Garrard
Also, Residence in Wynnton with 25 acres of
land attached, known as Garrard place.
Also, the place in Linnwood known as the Wiley
Jones place, with 28 acres of land attached. This
last named place will be put in repairs for a good
tenant. Apply to
jtug!4 lm LOUIS F, GARRARD.