Newspaper Page Text
" ■ ■ . '
News from the Three States Told in
Brief Paragraphs.
SniiirthlUK About till 1 Jlunilc l.lttlc C’jiki—Ti-sti-
moil)' for mill Airiiiiiit Hor-Cupturliiu llllell
BlitlllrrlM—A Itouiis Dnetnr Skips tlmlsileii.
Political Mutters,
picious character was arrested bv Police
man Carlisle at Selina. He gave his name
as Clarence Corley, Is about 30 years old
and well built. lie was nearly nude, and
i 1 ?!’. 00s ' , He S1 ’J' S he came 1'rom
Jackson, Miss.; that he had been confined
m an asylum at Winnebago, Win., for four
years. He is thought to ho one Kelly, an
escaped convict from Mobile. He' pre-
tends to be more or less crazy.
!f oountlnn on a full crop
The Georgia teachers’ association is in
session at Atlanta.
An electric light company has been or
ganized in Rome.
Sunday Mr. A. Culpepper, of Atlanta,
and Miss Fannie Ilardage, of Cobb county,
were married at Powder Springs.
It transpires that the burning of United
States Marshal Nelms’ residence was the
work of an incendiary.
C. O. Jones and J. H. Bone, two young
white men, have been arrested in Atlanta,
charged with stealing old brass from the
Meeneely brass foundry.
Jane Kendrick, one of the negroes con
nected with the Mamie Little affair at
Macon, has been required to give a $300
bond for keeping a lewd bouse.
Colonel W. H. Felton has been nomi
nated for the legislature from Macon
county. His son,W. H. Felton, jr., isoneof
the nominees of the legislature'from Bibb.
Prof. M. L. Brand, assistant teacher in
Flowery Branch high school, died Mon
day morning after an illness of two weeks
with typhoid fever.
Will Puckett, the marshal of Cartersville,
who shot and killed Bryant Strickland
several weeks ago, joined the Baptist
church Sunday.
Deputy Marshal G. W. Grant reports
that on Saturday he cut down and demol
ished a large distillery in White county,
with about 1200 gallons of beer, the prop
erty of A. R. Williams and others.
John Grubbs, an Ocean Steamship com
of oranges this fall.
DeLand is making arrangements to have
a system of water-works.
The dry weather of the pa ,t two weeks
has opened cotton rapidly in middle
l«eal Estule Agent,
215 11 l!
Citizens of Georgians, on Indian river,
have subscribed -Y205 toward opening an in
let to the ocean.
. A Place of twenty acres, large
- u, and commodious House, with 1
x -- x —' every convenience, in perfect or-
der, t 1 , miles from Tyrone street, 1
- «• - mu, in one of the most desirable lo- ,
entities adjac ent to the city. Tf desirable would 1
exchange for city property.
Judge Speer, of Oakland, declines the re-
nom iimtion as senator from the Twentieth
senatorial district.
Arthur McKey, of South Take Weir, was
felling a pine tree which, in its descent,
struck and killed him.
A sawfish, eighteen feet long, with a
four and a half feet saw, was captured
in the Matanzas river, near St. Augustine
last Friday.
It is reported that Charles Springer, a
mulatto, sent up from Apalachicola some
two years ago for attempting to outrage a
colored girl, escaped from confinement at
Live Oak, some few days ago, in company
with several others. A reward lias been
offered for the capture of the convicts.
The building operations of Orlando to
A desirable* four-room Dwell*
W, ing on south Fifth avenue; good
neighborhood and not fki from
business center of' Broad stieet.
r Terms easy undiou long time.
A desirable six-room Dwelling,
h W tNV0 stories, with water works,
on north Broad. Place in thor
ough order.
gia Midland Railroad.
_ Two Residences on north Sec*
- i, ond avenue .lackson street) of 5
pi;iir>and 7 moms, each desirably lo
cated. This property is consid-
. .... ered cheap by those who know
the value of good real estate.
Potash Victim.
Cured by S. S. S.
Consumers should not confuse our Specific
with the numerous imitations, substitutes,
jtolas/i and mercury mlrtufes which are (jot-
ten u/i to sill, not on their own ma lt, but on
the merit of our remedy. An Imitation Is
always a fraud and a cheat, and they thrive
\only as they can steal from the article imitated.
Treatise on filwd and Skin Diseases)nailed
free. For sale by all druggists.
Drawers, Atlanta, Ga.
S. S. S. vs. POTASH.
1 have had blood poison for ten years. 1 know 1 have tnkep one hundred bottles of
Iodide of potash in that time, hut it did mo no good. Lust summer my face, neck, body
and limbs were covered with sores, mid I could scarcely use my arms on account of rheu
matism in my shoulders. 1 took !S. S. S.. and It Ims done me more good than all other medi
cines 1 have taken. My face, body and neck are perfectly clear ami clean, and my rheu
matism is entirely gone. 1 weighed 116 pounds when l began the medicine, and I now weigh
152 pounds. My first bottle helped me greatly, and gave me an appetite like a strong man.
1 would not he without S. S. S. for several times it* weight in gold.
(.’. K. MITCHELL, W. 23d St. Ferry, New York.
date foot up the large sum of #110,000, with
' ' " lilcli ■ ' •
many projected buildings not yet in course
df erection.
pany policeman, dropped dead on Indian
street, in Savannah, Tuesd
Tuesday. Grubbs was
a native of Virginia and was in the employ
of the Central railroad a good while.
Burglars entered W. J. Jordan’s residence
on Martin street, Summer Hill, an Atlanta
suburb, Sunday night, and after chloro
forming the family ransacked the building.
The citizens of Esmeralda island guar
antee a bonus of #6000 to the railroad com
pany who propose to construct the Buffalo
Bluff and Leesburg road.
i A new and elegant House close
■iNlL- g t» court hoii-e. Dwelling ill
i r,vV.:Va thorough order ami lias all the
.. ... late improvements. N consider
ed one of the nicest homes.
The grand jury at the special term of the
i V •
circuit court in Marion county unanimous
ly rejected the new jail, and' the present
ments point out enough defects in the
building to condemn it for any purpose.
A stock company composed of J. S.
Bashaw, Dr. R. B. Bellamy and others,
has been organized in Chlpley, for the
purpose of erecting a public hall. The
proposed plan calls for a one-story build
ing 30x70.
A - u ON LY ( ORSET marte that ran he return*
by its -purchaser after three weeks’ weajp*.
•I, and its pocc refunded by sell*
• .,f stv'< anil prices. Bewares*
it..'Lis. N 'lie genuine without HaJBt
A ricligl ' ful home on Rosc-
Ilill. hair acre lot and a new
House i - property is consid
ered to lie one of’the nicest
homes on the hill. Terms easy
and will be sold cheap.
A nice little farm seven miles
- L from the city in Lee county, Ala.
SSjaNelafc c-ood four-room House on the
sliiOlihSL place. Enough timber on place
1 ' to pay for same.
Sixty-five cents and a bunch of keys fe
warded the outlaws’ work.
W. J. Gardner, a prominet citizen of For
syth county, died at his residence four
miles from Cumming, Saturday night,
from a Sudden attack of pleuro pneumonia.
Mr. Gardener had been in bad health for
some time.
Governor McDaniel has commissioned
as notaries public aud ex-officio justices of
the peace Cicero C. Howell, for the 1011th
G. M. district, Murray county, and N. G.
Trout, for the 428th G. M. district, Jackson
Forsyth received its first bale of new
cotton Saturday and classed it middling.
It was brought in by Mr. George A. Davis,
who has been the first bale man for five
years. The cotton was handled by Robert
P. Trippe, of Planters’ warehouse, and sold
to Mr. W. A. Pye for 101 cents.
News has been received at Macon that
when Mamie Little arrived at Milieu her
presence caused some astonishment, and
her reception was not very cordial. The
authorities at Macon are now in possession
of conflicting evidence. One prominent
gentleman in authority has received six
letters, three for her and three ugainst.
On the 3d of September Sam Jones will
begin a series of services at Carterville. It
has been announced that Dr. Hawthorne
would preach the dedication sermon, but
on account-of previous engagements _ Dr.
Hawthorne was forced to decline the invi
tation to dedicate the tabernacle. Under
A. Stivender.of Leesburg, has a seveuteeu-
montbs-old calf of the Jersey breed that is
now giving two gallons of milk per day.
A desirable . room Dwelling
L with good vacant lot on north
Fifth avenue, one of the most
desirable locations in the city,
for sale cheap, as owner wishes
to leave the city.
It was a pet in the yard, and Mr. Stiven-
' ’ ’ ildr
der’s children played milking it while its
mother was being milked. To their sur
prise milk soon appeared in the calf’s ud
der, and now it is milked regularly and
gives as much of the lacteal fluid as many
grown cows.
Information was received on Tuesday of
the unfortunate killing of Mr. Arthur Mc
Kee, of South Lake Weir. He was in a
field burning trees down, and about 11
o’clock stopped to rest and eat some
grapes. Before being warned a tree inter,
him feel and a lightwood knot struck him
in the forehead. He made a desperate strug
gle to summon aid, but did not receive
any. His mother becoming anxious about
him, as he did not put in an appearance to
dinner, sent a man in the field after him,
where he was found dead. Mr. McKee
Founders and Machinists.
Linio, Dressed mid Matched Ceiling and Flooring and other
Lumber. Specialty made of Dressing
Lumber for other parlies.
Royal Pumps, Judson Governors, Eberman Feeders, Standard
Injectors, Hancock Inspirators and
Place the management of your property in my
hands and secure good, prompt paying tenants, 1
as my long experience in renting enables all who j
place property in my hands to secure good and
desirable tenants
For Rent from October ist, 1886.
was a young man and a favorite among
many friends.
The best Salve in the world for Outs,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positive
ly cures Piles, or no pay is required. It is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Brannon & Carson.
ie24 ocd&w
A Fair Klnlil anil no Favor*.
Kate Field is writing a novel, and if any
the circumstances it is presumed that
either Sam Jones or Sam Small will preach
the sermon.
Late last Saturday night, United States
Dei ‘ ‘ l"
old Mormon gets into that book he’s goi ng
The proprietors of the crooked whisky
l had ' " 1 ' -
mill had” prepared for an extensive busi
ness. They had over fifty gallons of mash
on hand, and had evidently not been away
from the place long. They had constructed
a worm out of sixty feet of leaden water
pipe. Noboby was seen near the still and
no arrests were made.
At a democratic mass meeting held in
Brunswick Hon. Bolling Whitfield was
made chairman of the executive commit
tee and E. A. Nelson, secretary. Ira E.
Smith was unanimously nominated tor tlie
house of representatives. Hons. Lourtlana
Symmes and Thomas M. Lamb were
elected delegates to the senatorial conven
tion. Under the rotation system Camden
county is to select a senator. The race will
be between Captain John A Foster and
John Dilworth, both of Camden.
to have a worse time than he’s had
United States courts at home.—Chicago
Mlnn-tilmi* Kh<‘K|ii-.
W. W. Reed, druggist, of Winchester,
Ind., writes: “One of my customers, Mrs.
Louisa Pike, Bartonia, Randolph county,
Ind., was a long sufferer with consump
tion, and was given up to die by her physi
cians. She heard of Dr. King’s New Dis
covery for consumption, and began buying
itofiiie. In six months’ time she walked
to this city, a distance of six miles, and is
now so much improved she has quit using
it. She feeis she owes her life to it.”
Free Trial a bottle at Brannon & Car
son’s drug Store. eod&w
A Inha in n.
D M. Powell and J. J. Stewart, of
■eenville, have been admitted to Lie bar.
Work on the Memphis and Birmingham
ilroad is progressing finely.
Selma had the first rain of any consc
ience on Tuesday, after a drought or
out 30 days.
A military company, to be composed of
tall boys, is being organized at t mon
The negro, Nelson Mosel,V, convicted of
pe at Union Springs, has been sentenced
hang Friday, October 8th. i he ext-ou-
m will be private.
First Corporal Wilkins, of the Pettus
(ties of Selma, has presented to his com-
my a genuine wild cat about three
onths old, which will he known .as the
Once upon a midnight dreary,
I was tossing weak and weary,
For I hart a lit of ague,
And my bones were very sore.
Suddenly I read a label,
Of a medicine on my table,
But to reach ii. I scarce was able';
I was so infernal sore !
Took I just one dose, ’twas bilk beans:
Soundly slept J and did not snore.
Ilad the ague nevermore!
25 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists
jy24 eod&wrm
No. 152-1 Sixth avenue, 3 room Dwelling, new.
No. 1522 Sixth avenue, 3 “ “ “
No. 1520 Sixth avenue, 3 “ “ “
No. 1518 Sixth avenue, 3 “ “ “
No. 1516 Sixth avenue, 3 “
No. 220 Thirteenth St., 5 “ “ corner.
No. 1542 Second avenue, 5 “ “ “
No. 1532 Second avenue, 5 “ “ “
No. 1317 Second avenue, 5 room Dwelling.
No. 1314 First avenue, 3 “ “ new.
No. 1316 First avenue, 3 “ “ “
No. 1316 Warren street, 8 “ “
No. 823 First avenue, 4 “ “ * “
No. 932 Fifth avenue, 4 “ “
No. 930 Fifth avenue, 5 “ “
No. 502 Eleventh street, 4 “ “ corner.
No. 1138 FroDt street, 7 “ “ “
No. Front street, 4 “ “ cor. 6th
No. 710 Fifth avenue.
No. 702 Ninth street.
No. 708 Ninth street.
No. 402 Second avenue.
No. 402 Third avenue. •
No. 404 Third avenue.
No. 430 Fifth avenue.
No. 428 Fifth avenue.
No. 1233 Fifth avenue, 5 rooms.
No. 1304 Broad Street Store.
No. 1248 Broad Street Store.
No. 422 Fifth avenue, 4 rooms, new.
No. 836 Fifth avenue, 4 rooms, new.
No 693 Ninth street, 4 rooms, new.
No. 709 Fourth avenue, 4 rooms, new.
Patton Dwelling in Linmvood, 5 rooms, with
two acres, fronting Deo. W. WoodrulFs.
Wanting homes now ■
find it to their interest I
from any other agency.
from October 1st will
see me he fore renting
Stralkm's improved Absorption Ice Machines, Saw Mills,
Pumps, Hollow Ware, Syrup Kellies,
Sugar Cane Mills.
on r c * c. O CORSET cot
*3 Lispcnard St., New York.
St Chieaoo HI*
THE best
Hakim' Powder
Many baking powders are very pernicious
to health, and while every one regards his
own, lie should also have a care for the tender
ones—the little childreu.
containsnono of the had qualities of baking
powders- soda or snleratUH. It contains no
hurtful ingredient—no alum or ammonia.
All Chemistsiwho have analyzed Rea Foam
commend it. Housekeepers who have used n
will have no other. Cooks, whose best efforts
have failed with other powders, are jubilant
over Sea Foam. Haves time, saves labor, stives
It is positively unequaled. Absolutely pure.
Used by the lending hotels and restaurants
in New York city and throughout the country.
For sole by all first-class grocers.
170 Duane St,, N. Y.
1245 North Broad St
jo20 wed,*o.vw6m
lathe beat general purpose wire fence In use. It
Ian strong net-work without barb*. Don’t
Injure stock. It will turn dogs, pigs, sheep and
poultry, aa well us horses and cattle. The best
fence for Farms, Dardens, Htock Ranges and Rail
roads. Very neat, pretty styles for Lawns, Parks,
School-lots and Cemeteries. Covered with rust
proof pulut, or made of galvanized wire, as pre
form!. It will last a life-time. It is better than
hoards or burheil wire In every respect. The
o'dawiek times made of wrought-lron pipe and
■ •cel wire, defy all competition in lightness, neat
ness, strength and durability. We make the best,
•hcapes* and easiest working ull-lron automatic
,r sell'-openiiiK tfiite, and tlx- nenlest cheap
• con fences now made. The best Wire
- t rciclicr*. (<utl ing Pliers and I'ost Augers.
• or prices and particulars ask Hardware Dealers,
• r address, mentioning paper,
oEDGWICK BROS.. Richmond, Ind-
to Drop t<
Ileal Kstale (*n f.
No. I() f ncltfli Street. 4'oliiiiiliim. tin.
you safely
have any
i First American- Glad to
buck from Mexico. Did _
trouble there?
Second American- Oh, not at all. I
traveled as 11 British subject.—Omaha
i World.
r*. M}>
te @-#s)
Y/ *' •
nl liii'Mh .street.
Simmons’ Iron Cordial invigorates and
' recuperates the muscles and limbs,
j 1 eod&w
A Terrible si hint in
rhe republican district executive eom-
ttee have issued a call for a republican
trict convention to meet in Demopolts
Dtember 21st, and nominate a candidate
congress from the first district.
’he Mobile Register of Saturday had a
g interview with C tutt. Mo
ntgomery Trade Cr
Company’s line of
n which an outline was git e u.
: company’s purpose to work w tjthe:in'ta
1 Mobile to get _a line of steamers be
»en Mobile and New York.
V R Dortch, chairman of the congres-
nal committee, has called the eonven-
a to meet at Gadsden on the 15th of
item her to nominate a congressman tot
fiftieth congress. The Hon, W m. H.
•ney will go in by acclamation, a., he
no opposition.
aturdav ni^ht, at Gadsden, Messis.
Strother and H. R. Campbell becanie
olved in a difficulty in which Mr. Camp
l received a severe flesh wound m his
ht hip. The difficulty wose about a
>t Mr. Campbell owed Stiolher.
e case will be tried Friday. The defend
is under a three hundred dollai bond,
'here is some excitement in Cross Plains
ir the finding of a muiatto babj im a
ner of the fence, near a negro cabin, at
ona. It was susptcioned th ^^ilav-
s a white woman, as one was seen Iea\
the vicinity early the morning the in
t was fount!, yet it was wrapped in gar
nts that had considerable oi
•or about them.
f the negro
i Saturday Dr. Thompson was arraign-
efore the mayor of Gadsden fo P i a
efore the nmy.ji ——
is medicine without a license, J 1 ”.
I two dollars and cost After the trml
ite warrant was issued for him »
was set for two o'clock the same da.._
..-S set lor l\nO u , Vi.
before the appointed hour the j
calls himself, Whirh >»i.
j he calls hlmsen, " '.TTwit of
n leg bail aud has not been .ltaid o
esday afternoon a white man of JS
As the courts are crowded with work
and the jails full, many people believe that
the entire crowd who are at present eu-
eaged in wrecking railroad trains about
Chicago should be strung up to the hand
iest limb.—Inter-Ocean.
M other s
Not only shortens the time
of labor and lessens the in
tensity of pain. but it great
ly diminishes the danger to
fife of both mother aud child
and leaves the mother in a
condition highly favorable
to speedv recovery, and far
le-ss liable to Flooding, Con
vulsions, and other alarming
svmptoms incident to slow
or painful labor. Its wonder
ful efficacy in this respect
u . 1,. • !l tn bn OH Ill'll PlIK
entitles it to be called The
Mother’s Friend and to be
ranked as one of the life
saving remedies of the nine
teenth century.
We cannot publish certin-
cates concerning tiiis reme-
dv without wounding the
delicacy of the writers. Act
we have hundreds on file
Send for our book, “To Mothers,” mailed free.
Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
jy21 eod&w nrm
‘CH ICh : ESTE R’S C - - GLIRif
i! Only f<runlR«
.ApiaS. A-'.',' •• ilru*ifi.'
works, First;
ell ot
ood water and
.. , kitchen and cow and hors*- house, high and
dry, with water works attached, on Fourth
avenue, between 13tli and I4th streets.
Hix Houses and Lots in Girard, 150 yards
from lower oridge, c heap.
One Store House and.Lot in Chipley.
Cash. Three 2 room Houses and Lots in
city. Terms easy.
os land, b room House, in Beall-
Stimulate Business!
i 1S.V2, and is. 01,-Lun.y n ikii.e nends. ft I
' the proil.i' l of the mud approved pro* e-- of distil**
i ution, fo in eiirefiiliy m iei led grain, I eing held Uii>
I fortnly in warehouse until fully nmt> red by age, ic
justly celebrated for its purity, delie.iry of flavot.
and uniform quulit v. For sale, and orth rs .* olit ite'
by the agent,, T. >1. l Ol.llY, OpemHmiso,
Cor 10th Street and 1st A vein.e. Columbus, C
1250. Fvht
3000. TL j*t«
-fi v
res land. 5 room House, in
land in Wynnton
i.; ,
kitchen, :< servant hous<
300 or 100 acres fine farm land near the city fo
sale or exchange. Several other farms for sale.
lor Hem fro ii i October 1st.
$25 00. Six room House on lower Broad street.
15 00. Four room House and kitchen on conic
of First avenue and Seventh street.
15 00. Four room House on Second avenue, be
tween Sixth and Seventh streets.
>ur room House, 2 room kit then, come
12 50.
of Fourth avenue ami Fhglith street.
10 00. Four room House and kitchen. Fourth
avenue, between Seventh and Kighth Sts.
12 00. Four room House on upper Second Ave.
10 00. Four room House on upper Second Ave.
To bamllonlN.
Any property placed in my hands for sale
•ent will have prompt attention. I do not tro
>le a man to death, or try to get other ageni
. .. -- «... agents
property out of their hands, hut do a square and
legitimate business.
Real Estate Agent, 12th St.
The On»;t
' ' V RIA
ch t
'•f.vml.-al < r
This School is the best
in America. The most
practical course of in
struction and the most
.eminent faculty. En
dorsed by busineah
houses. For circulars
and specimens of Fen-
manship, address
M033MT J. G0LECUX78,
Prim;: pal
We are Offering Some Excellent Bargains,
WE nyrElsTTIOIsT _A. FEW :
Union Lawns at 3£c ;
Clioicu Muslins at 7c;
Figured Linen Lawns at cost
Egyptian Lace, worth 124c, now 8c.
Egyptian Lace, worth 2<Je, now 12£c
Shirts at 65c:
Being overstocked in Table Linen, Towels and Napkins,
we will sell at prices that will pay you to buy and lay aside
until you shall iced then).
Used for over 25 yearn with groat BivccsHby thi
physiciann c-f Furls, Now York and Loudon, and
superior t » ull odo rs l rtho i roinpt euro of all
Clues, recent or of long sinuding. Put up only ia
Glass Bottles cm tabling CK’-psiilesoach. PRICE
Prepared by
Send foi prices
and fillustrated t uluiogue ot
mey deod&weow6m
0F MUSIC Boston, Mass.
WORLD — Instructors,200. r » Students last year. Thor
ough Instruction in Vocal ami Instrumental Music, 7” “**
LanguaRes, English Branches, Gymnastics.
etc. Tuition, $5 to $20; hoard and room with Steam Heat and
Electric Light, $4.1 in 375per term. Fall Term begins Sep
tember 1^*;. For Illustrated Calendar, with full information
ddress, E. TOUIiJEE, Dir., Franklin S«|., BOSTON, Ma»
eo my25d2m weowCt
Seven Distinct Departments: Academic,
Engineering, BiMica!, Law, Pharmacy, Med-
icul, Dental. Five tuition to students in
login st. n t free cm aj pin-ution to
M LUAS. Secretary, Nashville, Tenn. *■ -a
jylo eod&wlm