Newspaper Page Text
A\’ll :1
their prevention in futue, but Dick says
the only real damage the average earth
quake does is to tnuko llara of eminent
citizens, who smell sulphur, flee opening
chasms and behold frightful carnage and
lx jrtkquskos in General anti California destruction of property, all which phe-
_ , . n nomena. when subsequently boiled down,
Quakes in Particular. leaves little if any residuum. H. G. C.
CAPITAL PRIZE, - $150,000
T In »»>r l-Vels That llo H'aa
gashes Kti-hlonnhle hi lull
-4 n.rqollo,l to Kmlgrale How i
on mill'd- Kuril:*
ruin- Hull Knur,
Hint Mu-,1 Art.
•CarsKtLL, N. Y., September 2. -There is
*w groat deal of lamentation hero over the
ou t that although every one in the house
I'elt the earthquake no one was aware of
■ Is true character, and hence none of us
.-njo.ved It. To be sure, we heard a rumble
and a rattle and felt a terrible Jar, which Baltimore, Mil., writes: “Have gained 4l
•shook the building, hut supposed It was pounds by the use of your Duffy's Pure
suly unothor boy falling down stairs. 1 he yj *
• art is there are about 1 iITy sinaTl hoys here
Duffy's Raw Beef Formula
IIOH’ flo <;«‘l IlHirl.v iiimI Ntrim».
Mr. P. R. MURPHY, 1Q8 Conway street.
ained 4j
" We, do hereby certify that tec supervise the nr
rangcvic.nt for all the Monthly and Quarterlj
Drawings of The Lou is inna State Lottery Cotv
I pony, and in portion manage and control th>
Drawings themselves, and that the name are cov
' ducted iv'th honesty, fairness, and in good faitI
l toward all parties, and fvc authorize the Company
natures attached, to its advertisements.”
11*0 permanent state of eruption, and no
meb insignificant phenomenon as an
• earthquake can be expected to attract itn-
''•nediaxe attention, and the major says he
t/eeJ« c* though he had been swindled. 1
. io ret. I passed sixteen years in Califor- |
ila. 6x*l in those days earthquakes were*
n fashion, and sometimes occurred with
sta-b violence and frequency an to j
r o>e monotonous, and I really
;,h/rik J can he content to live in
\ shodkless neighborhood, \vorry along
with qr clones and epidemics, and leave the '
an petite 1 for subterranean excitement to , • T1 ,
•vounerer and more enthusiastic natures. , yeur Duffy s J ure Malt Whiskey and Itaw
rhere it something ill-bred in an earth- ] Beef Formula, havegained 16 pounds,
make. Jl comes right along without send-I ., mirAnn „ god
. ng in a card, and in good md Pacific coast M R * ^DW ARD It. HOWL, 938 Main
i .v. iL. ai_.a .. street.. KimsMs ( ltv. Mo., writes: “Have
Mull Whiskey and Haw Beef Formula.”
Mn. M. V. NEIGHBORS, Oasago Mission,
Kansas, writes: “Have used your Duffy’s
Pure Malt Whiskey and Raw Beef Formu
la, and weigh 25 pounds more than ever
Mn. Z. HARRISON, Luray Courthouse,:
Va., writes: “Have, been using your
Duffy’s Pure Malt Wlskey for dyspepsia,
ami iiave gained Iff pounds.”
Mn. WM. H. J. WELLS, 955 Claiborne
Ave., Chicago, 111., writes: “After using
■ his neighbor’s. Traveling
anil/* t* Port Tejon, when I was a small
hoy, I remember seeing a llssure from 20
Mu. C. H. KNIGHT, 1345 Corcoran St.,
.‘to56ofeet wide and of unknown and snn- Washington, I). C., writes: “After using
toss depth, which was caused by one of | Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey, have gained
the liBtle shocks of the last.century. It is 10 pounds in weight.”
sight' miles long, and quite as interesting
um it vraecrackud up to be. At Fort Tejon,
. ju IKK®, we. had a pond of several
-acres urea just back of the barracks,
and vu earthquake came along one
'.’ligtP and drank it up, much to the disgust
. >f •’.'.'raj thousand bull frogs, who were
".oinj KAed to get up a four-mile jumping
. lintel tea swamp down the valley. But
itht Asst great shock I went through was
; ..ban«.)-October 8, 1806, which shook up
the wt oJe state of California, scared Oro-
v gon Iwfif to death, and even excited com
ment.'!] Nevada and Utah. It came along
: about A o’clock in the afternoon, accom-
puinu’ by the usual rumble. I was in the
gynoiOKkini trying to break my back on
tfe'l’nriig trapeze, when my attention was
sudfltnly called to the fact that I was
.isKHi .v ihumpod against tlic side of the
building, ami then that a lot of loose
umbir,/were floating rapidly down from
he raftera. I ran to the campus, saw the
■liapo bowing to the dormitory
and ffhe clock tower trying to
Waite., iki<I heard the wrenched tim-
.- curs shri ek mid groan: .then tho liclls rang
out a wild and discordant peal, and falling
■himneys and shattered glass were added
• to thexttniultuous clamor of the frightened
ornteasers mid the yelling of 400 flitting
boys, while above all tliis chaotic sound
rose Ur mighty roar of the convulsion, as
of (be grinding of acres of flint and the
rushing of many winds. Then suddenly
boys tr.o buildings recovered their perpen
dicular and the rector enmo out from the
• cellar, and after ho had recovered his
urolith told us that it was an earthquake,
hut tbiit we mustn’t be scared, for we wore
• all in .the hands of a benignant Provi-
■ deuce, and—here a second shock came
along .and the rector skipped down cellar |
The next great earthquake happened
along at S:10 on the morning of October ;
.21, 1868. I was in a third-story room of 1
live Occidental hotel, in Ban Francisco, and i
enjoying a cigarette, when a slight rattling ’
of the sash drew my notice. It continued
nine or ten seconds and then ceased. I ,
anew the shook was over, and congratu
lated myself upon having had nerve enough
to lie nbed while it lasted. Suddenly the
building rose vertically about u yard and
descended again with a thump which
■ brought down every inch of plaster in the
room. Then it rose again, and this time
ilnattered the window. The third up
heaval fetched down half the chimney, •
•and I thought it was time to gt t up mid
set. what the other half intended doing.
i hotel indulged in a jig, varied by
lional wild pirouette, and the
was something like that of a
street ear off the track, but
olive mid noisy, and sounds
corridors convinced me I was not
resident who was enjoy ng It. It
erearlv in the morning, out some
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sworn to the statement that during
unhcai i' they had seen it open and
ike u clam; eight ghastly corpses were
vied tv, v!
belief t
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c-ss tin
mt 1
rgue, victims of a m
iiut it was safer to run
■: than stay within; there were no :
in thirty shocks during the day; j
by camped in the’ streets that
md there was a reign of terror '
for a week. The damage in
i ■' • ci rv. plaster and brick
. muted, ii was said, to ~19,00t>,000,
t kthe surprise it gave was worth
nore ti au twice that amount.
It a man wishes to act according to rule I
'.luring I irthquakcs he had better make
ip his mind beforehand and commit the
plan An _ memory, for scientitie observers
lave noticed a general tendency to hurry ;
■md disorder during an active ’upheaval.,
'W ' alil'oniians, when an unusually sliarp I
shock comes, get in the doorway or under*
-inarch, avoiding thus the falling plaster, I
snd the position is a safe one unless the
vails themselves crumble. To run out- j
loors is highly dangerous; one is apt to ;
•atcb tile broken glass and falling chilli- i
leys, to say nothing of walls and cornices.
Perhaps, after all, the safest way is to go |
up in a balloon the day before and stay
here till the trouble is over.
The major is, of course, dreadfully cut up I
ueoause he did not know the nature of this !
ast earthquake until after it was over, for i
ae says, he would like to have studied the
character and direction of the oscillations;
but Dick says he was with the major dur
ing the shock of 18A4. and the major
promptly recognized it by going down
5-tatrs nine at a time and oscillating iu the
direction of fresh air. The major heard
Dick say this and was very haughty
for a while, and then explained to
us privately that Dick's ribald intellect
could never comprehend anything
more scientitie than a jack
pot, and that the real cause of his hurrv
J*®* to get out where he cuuld see exactly
yw the seismic iorce expended itself.
Anirthennore he says that any country
-WMoh contracts the earthquake habit U
the road to ruin, and he hopes the au-
•H^fcorities will provide scientific means for
Mn. WM. CHAPMAN, 1500 Vermont
Ave., Washington, D. 0., writes: “I have
used your Duffy’s Pure Mult. Whiskey and
Raw Beef Formula, and have gained 10
Baltimore, Md.
ItS'The Duffy’s Raw Beef Foynllla mentioned
above is a special household application of tile
medicinal vtrtueR and purity of Duffy’s Pure
Mult WhiHky, and is intended to more specifically
meet the requirements of those suffering from
Consumption, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, General
Debility und all Wasting Diseases. In addition
to the tcnic effect of our whisky, it hiruishcs un-
equalcd blood-forming material, whereby the
weight and strength arc increased. A printed
copy of this formula, which cbnsists principally
of iaw beef and our Duffy's Pure Malt Whisky,
will be mailed to any address, under the Seal of
the Company, upon receipt of a two-cent stamp.
Or the preparat ion itself, in liquid form, as put up
by us by a special process, making it the most
palatable and efficacious beef preparation ever
Do you want a pure, bloom-
dll grat
ify yon to your heart’s con
tent, It does away with Sal
lowness, Redness, Pimples.
Blotches, and all diseases ana
imperfections of the skin, li
overcomesthe Unshod appear-
ance of heat, fatigue and ex
citement. It makes a lady of
THIRTY appear but TWEN
TY i and so natural, gradual,
and perfect are its effects,
that it is impossible to detect
its application.
We the. u ndo signed Ranks and Rankers will 1
pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana State. %Lot• ,
levies which may Itc presented at our counters.
J. ■■* OUtKNIlV. I'rea. La. Nnl’l Bunk. ;
.1. W. HIl*BHETll,I*ros. Stale Nnt’l H'k
A. HAIJ1WI I'rcs. O. Jfnt’l Bank 1
Over Ihilf a Million Distiilinld
Louisiana State Lottery Coinp’y.
Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legisla
ture for Educational und Charitable purposes-
with a capital of f1,000,000 to which a reservi
fund of over $550,000 has since been added.
By an overwhelming popular vote its franchiai
was made a part of the present State Constitu
tion, adopted December 2a, A. D. 1879.
\in Grnntl Single number Drnwftngh
will take place monthly. It nevet' scales or post
pones. Look at the following distribution;
lOtttti (■rnml Monthly
In the .Vnnb'iny of Munir, New Orleans,
Tuesday, September 14, lHHtt.
Under the personal supervision and manage
ment of
Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, A
Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia.
Capital Prize, 1150,000.
iWXotlce--Tickets arc Ten Hollars mil,. Halves.
$.». Fifths, fi. Tenths, $1.
1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF $130,00(1 $150,001
1 GRAND PRIZE OF 60,000 60,000
1 GRAND PRIZE OF 20,000 20,000
2 LARGE PRIZES OF 10,000 20,000
4 LARGE PRIZES OF 5,000 20,000
20 PRIZES OF 1,000 20,000
60 PRIZES OF 500 25,000
100 PRIZES OF 300 30,000
200 PRIZES OF 200 40,000
600 PRIZES OF 100 60,000
1,000 PRIZES OF 50 50.000
100 Approximation Prizes of S200 $20,000
100 " ” 100 10,000
100 75 7,500
2,279 Prizes, amounting to $522,500
Application for rates to clubs should he made
only to the Office of the Company in New Orleans.
For further information write clearly, giving
frill address. POSTAL NOTES. Expres*
Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordi
nary letter. Currency by Express (at our ex
pensej addressed fit. A. DAl'PHIN,
New Orleans, I.n. |
’ Wn<4hlngl4>n. D. V.
Make P. O. Money Orders payable l
anti address Registered Letters to j
wed se&w5w New Orleans, La !
rlMm \ M
n /
• .‘‘J '---S
;.y $rr:~wion
. • Nv- -1 yj» >a JX
c ... i\ T ev? Vork.
,y/ ChwQffo uk
ally ett mted by a Ls 'rdprt*d uomlitionof tlin LIVER.
I'm- %11 iflints of thin kind, «Uf h ns Torpi«lity of
tin L .-pr, I'L: • v- V-rvous Dyspepsia, Indiges
tion Irregularity «»1 tht» IV .vis. Constipation, Flatu-
'enoy. Knut.iTion'j and Burning of tho Stomach
(Mometimos called Heartburn) Miasma, Malum,
Bloody Flux. Chills am Fovoi, ‘Bronkbono Fever,
Evmasti m before or after Fever Chronic Diar-
rhivn. Loss ■ r Appetite. Headache, Foul Breath,
Irregularities in 'idontal 1" Female? Bt
1b invaluable It is not - panacea lbr all diseases,
but ct'l cliseri6eo of the LIVER,
It- changes tue complexion from a* waxy, yellow
Huge, to a ruddy, heultliy color*. It entirely removee
low. gloomy spirit. It ie one of the BEST AL
For sale by all Drtigpjrts T
■iceSI,00 perbottla
C. F. STAOICER, Proprietor,
140 SO* FRONT ST., Philadelphia, Pa
IDUDOLPH FINZKH’S Pat. •* Havana (hire ’*
Jl process for treating Tobacco removes nico
tine, dirt and grit, enabling the leaf to nbscob
pur®, ripe fruit, and making the most delicious,
the most lasting, and the only wholesome
chew in the world -one that will not cause
heartburn, nervousness, nor indigestion.
Fine Cavendish, Brandy-
peach flavor, an everlast
ing chew. p
TH K FALL TERM of this institution will open
on the last Wednesday :M)th of September next.
The chairs «»f Latin and Creek have been ion-
soiiilated into the chair of Ancient Lunguages,
to which Prof. Win. ii. Manlv, a distinguished
KTiuhmtc of the University of Virginia, has been
The Theological department, presided over by
Rev. James G. Ryals D. D.. and the Law det>art-
metu, with lion. ClitTord Anderson as the chair
man of its faculty, offer special inducements to
students in these departments. •
Of the Preparatory department, designed to
prepare boys lor the University classes, Mr.
Emerson H. George, an alumnus of the Univer
sity, has been elected as principal, to succeed
Prof. T. E. Ryals.
Post graduate courses of study for tlte degrees of
A. M. and Ph. D., open to the graduates of all
male colleges, have been established by the
authority of the board of trustees. For catalogues
an other information, address
jyJ3 2tawtd Secretary of Faculty.
Cured by S. S. S.
Consumers should not confuse our Sjieciflc
with the numerous imitations, substitutes,
potash and mercury mixtures which are got-
ten up to sell, not on their own merit, but on
the merit of our remedy. An imitation is
always a fraud and a cheat, and, they thrive
only as they can stealfrom the article imitated.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed
free. For sale by all divr/glsts.
Drawer 3, Atlanta, Oa.
S. S. S. vs. POTASH.
I have had blood poison for ten years. I know I have taken one hundred bottles of
iodide of potash In tkat time, but it aid me. no good. Last summer my face, neck, body
and limbs were covered with sores, and I could scarcely use my arms on account of rheu
matism in my shoulders. I took S. S. S., and it has done me more good than all other medi
cines I have taken. My face, body and neck are perfectly clear and clean, and my rheu
matism is entirely gone. 1 weighed 116 pounds when I began the medicine, und I now weigh
152 pounds. My first bottle helped me greatly, and gave me uu appetite like a strong man.
I would not bo without 8. S. S. for several times its weight in gold.
.C, IS. MITCHJtLL, W. sffd St. Ferry, New York.
pitormaioxAL card*.
D r. c. T. OSBURN,
^Successor to Dr. J. M. Mason.)
Office next door to Rankin House. Same en
trance ns Riddle's gallery. oc4-ly
W F. T1GNER, ^
, Dentist,
35*/$ Twelfth street (formerly Randolph street)
Real Estate Agent,
1 12.15 BRftAD STREET,
A Placo of twenty acres, Ian™
imff commodious House, with
every convenience, in nerfect or.
tier, 1 1 „ miles ft-oni Broac street
in one of the most desirable’lol
cnlities adjacent to the city. If desirable would
exchange for city property.
A desirable four-room Dwell
ing on south Fifth avenue; good
neighborhood and not fhr from
business center of Broad street,
Terms easy and on long time.
-•-t A desirable six-room Dwelling
■ ■ stories, with water works!
on north Broad,
ougb order.
Place in t h or-
Five two-room Dwellings oo
Ninth street, one block of Geor
gia Midland Railroad.
• A rt Eh# 1 IP H .*m
-,- w, SEN'
. Two Residences on north Seo-
J./iilML - V, ond avenue (Jackson street) of 5
and 7 rooms, each desirably lo.
mVWWuM. cated. This property is consid-
mw* 'ri Hm ered cheap by those who know
the value of good real estate.
A new and elegant House close
to court house. Dwelling in
thorough order and has alT the
late improvements. Is consider
ed one of the nicest homes.
A delightful home on Rose
Hill, half acre lot and a new
House This property is consid-
ered to be one of the nicest
—i- homes on the hill. Terms east-
sold cheap.
A nice little farm Beven miles
from the city in Lee county, Ala.
Good four-room House on the
place. Enough timber on place
to pay for same.
A desirable 7 room Dwelling
with good vacant lot on north
Fifth avenue, one of the most
desirable locations in the city,
_ - _ for sale cheap, as owner wishes
to leave the city.
Place the management of your property in my
hands and secure good, prompt paying tenants,
as my long experience in renting enables all who
For Rent from October ist, 1886.
No. 1524 Sixth avenue, 3 room Dwelling, new.
No. 1522 Sixth avenue, 3 “ “ “
No. 1520 Sixth avenue, 3 “ “ “
No. 1518 Sixth avenue, 3 “ “ “
No. 1516 Sixth avenue, 3 “ “ *«
No. 220 Thirteenth St., 5 “ corner.
No. 3542 Second avenue, 5 “ “ “
No. 1532 Second avenue, 5 “ “ « 4
No. 1317 Second avenue, 5 room Dwelling. #
! No. 1314 First avenue, 3 “ “ new.
! No. 1316 First avenue, 3 “ “ “
! No. 1316 Warren street, 8 “ “
I No. 823 First avenue, 4 “ “ ‘
I No. 932 Fifth avenue, 4 “ “
i No. 930 Fifth avenue, 5 * “ “
j No. 502 Eleventh street, 4 “ “ corner.
I No. 1138 Front street, 7 “ “ “
I No. Front street, 4 “ “ cor. 6th
i No. 710 Fifth avenue.
No. 702 Ninth street.
. No. 708 Ninth street.
! No. 102 Second avenue.
No. 402 Third avenue.
! No. 404 Third avenue.
No. 430 Fifth avenue,
i No. 428 Fifth avenue.
No. 1233 Filth avenue, 6 rooms.
i No. 130-1 Broad Street Store.
No. 1248 Broad Street Store
! No. 422 Fifth avenue, 4 rooms, new.
; No. 336 Fifth avenue, 4 rooms, new.
j lNo 693 Ninth street, 4 rooms, new.
No. 700 Fourth avenue, 4 rooms, new.
Patton Dwelling in Linmvood, 5 rooms, with
two acres, fronting Geo. W. Woodruff's.
fan Fsmali
homes now or from October 1st will
it to their interest to see me before renting
i any other a gene v.
1245 North Broad St*
(Copy.) Chicago, April 21st, 1886.
This is to certify, that the Illinois Trust and
Savings Bank has this day received from the
Union Cigar Company of Chicago, to be held
as a Special Deposit,
U. S. 4 °lo Coupon Bonds,
as follows:
No. 22028 ». #600. Market Value of which Is
fro. zzinat u. youu. -
“ 41204 100. I
“ 41205 100. A
“ 628JO 100. I
■300. / (
•300. ; (S.) fas. S. Gibbs, Cash.
We offer the above as a FORFEIT, if our
k ' FANCY GROCER” does not prove to be a
genuine Havana-filler Cigar.-Union Cigar Co.
Guaranteed not to contain a traceof t
or noxious drug. Chew U a week and you ... .
chew it always. The pilot-wheel on every plug, I
Loulavillc, Kb '
s«r eodSm
Colnntbiu, Un.
K«mIlord Co.. Ya.
1886. For catalogue or
ve P. O.. Va.
igue or special information
apply to W. R. ABLJTT, Principal
Believe P. O.. Va. jy30 eoa2
P. II. XKI.L, D. D., LI.. IK, Chancellor.
will begin Wednesday. 6th of October next,
rull courses of study in Letters and Science;
special courses in Engineering. Agriculture,
Physics and Chemistry. TUITIOfc FREE. For
catalogues and information address the Chan
cellor mt Athens. Law School opens at the same
time. For information address Prof. Gbo,
Dudlry Thomas, at Athens, Oa. Lamar Cobb,
8ec*y Board of Trustees, Athens, Oa. Aug.. 1IN.
sep4 dawlm
Opens September 22d, 1386. One of the First Schools for Young
• Ladies in the Union. Ail Departments thorough. Buildings elegant.
.Steam heat. Gas light. Situation beautiful. Climate splendid. Pupils
from nineteen States. All important advantages in one greatly reduced
charge. Board. Washing. Lights. English, Latin. French, German.
Music, for Scholastic year, from September to June, $200.
For Catalogue write to
Rev. WM. A. HARRIS. D. D., President,
iy7 eod2m Staunton, Viaginia..
cornu DIDfJIW’ FftD
We have the best and cheapest Hose in the market. A full line of Hose Reels and Noziles.
Telephone 99. 13 Twelfth Street.
Our LA LOMA 10c. Cigar Is strictly Hand
made. Elegant quality. Superior workmanhipb
Sold by all Grocers.
7t X. OUtea 8U, . caiCiflO.
C. D. HUNT, Columbus, Ga.