Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, September 11, 1886, Image 2
as-io jrfa '• DAILY ENQUIRER • SUN : COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER U, 1886. Laboring for tho Democratic Congres sional Campaign Committee. inmliirli'il on strirtl) IliMnem l*rln<-t|»l«‘H -Sen. ator Kriiim's Term* Views on flu 1 fiolltiriri (till* look ThK Kill I The sitmitliin mi IV c. I VlrtrinlM Knuml In lir Kafisfmlor, hi Hi* Htuliwt hi- roe. Washington, September .8. Senator Kenna tins devoted his entire vacation j thus far to the work of I lie democratic i congressional campaign committee, of which he is chairman. Me seems to be 1 profoundly interested in the work of the committee, which he is conducting on j strictly business principles. “The com.,” he says, ‘ is not in possession of 1 large funds, and is incurring no liability whatever. No officeholder lias been asked fur a cent.” Mr. Kenim’s own course, and his direc tion to all of Ills associates, is absolutely positive that no net on the part of any one noting in connection with tlio com mittee shall violate any Jaw or de part from the proscribed theories of tlie administration. Me believes in tho sincerity of President Cleveland’s pur poses and the restoration of the govern ment to honest methods, and while he •iocs not* think the fact of holding an office ’should debar any citizen from free exer cise of all the rights of citizenship, ho ap proves heartily of President Cleveland's effort to abolish tho habit and practice in augurated Ivy the republican party of making public office a political machinery to control and promote the franchise of the people. Finding Mr. Kenna engaged in his com mittee room to-day, an Enquirer repre sentative asked him for his views of tho outlook. “I see nothing.” ho said, “to indicate dis couragement to the democracy. Informa tion received by tho committee from all quarters promises active and energetic campaign work by the local organizations, and assures a good working majority in the next house. Yes, there are some com plications in*a few districts where the democrats have majorities, but the same is true in some districts where republicans have a majority. These difficulties are in cident to every campaign, and will affect perhaps equally both wavs. One consider ation is of importance, that is that this is the first campaign since the war in which the republicans have not been able to use, as they have used, the vast machinery or NlWOlU MOST PERFECT MADE Drvji.iml with strict to Purity, Strength, ami II«‘,iltlifulnoHri. J)r. Ui i 'd r* Baking Powderr untaini no Ammonia,Linii*. \liun or Phoffihtite**. Dr.Prlcu'h Extract-, Vanilla, Lemon, etc., liavor deliciously. MERCER UNIVERSITY, MACON, Q-A. The? chairs of Lutin and Greek have been con* i "olicJateri into tho chair of Ancient Languages, to which Prof. Win, (J. Manly, u dlstinguHhed graduate ol the university of Virginia, lias been c h cted. Tlie Theological department, presided over by Rev. James (». Kyals, I), D., and the Law depart- 1 input, with lion. Clifford Anderson as the chair- I man of its faculty, offer special inducements t<? students in these departments. Of the Preparatory department, designed to i prepare boy- for the University classes. Mr. ' rlnuwn ll. (}corm , un alumnus of the l.’niver i sity, has been elected as principal, to succeed ! Prof. T. K. ItyalK. Post graduate courses of study for the degrees of ' . A. M. and Pli. ))., open to the graduates of all j male colleges, liuve been established by the i authority of the board of trustees. For catalogues an other information, address - JNO. J. IIRANTLY, jy!3 2tawtd Secretary of Faculty. BALL'S the federal administration,permitting every state, county, village amf liumiet in the iuinl to promote their political ends. The pamphlet we are distributing now on “Abuses in the' Pension Office," shows that department with its hundreds of em ployes and its agents in the Held through out the country, and its million^ of annual appropriations are precisely the equiva lent of a vast republican campaign com mittee organized and paid out of the fed eral treasury to sap the foundation of the public freedom of will, pervert the legiti mate functions of government into eiec- llonee-ring agents, and advertise to the sol dier element of the country the idea which lias proved vastly effective, that no proposed pensioner need apply un less lm would give adhesion to republican methods. The measure in which affidavits contained in this pam phlet, shows that n great philanthropic unit humanitarian department of tin* gov eminent, organized m recognition of'its soldier* mid designed to make of those | who snil'ercd by the war for their count,rv i a roll of honor, was prostituted and de based to partisan ends, is shameful as it is appalling. But such a tiling is now a tiling of the past. As rapidly a*, time for the sell i t ion of better and purer agi ueies will permit tin* scoundrels are voing to the rear, mul it is hoped they will remain there forever. The democracy is relieved of the necessity of whipping both the re publican party rnd the federal administra tion lo elect a constable.” “What do you think of tlie situation in West \ irginfu?’ asked the Kiuiuirtr inun. “It is s itisfactory in a high degree. The second and third districts are safe beyond nerndviiiture. In the fourth district we have ae! uatl.y a democratic majority. [ believe, from a pretty thorough acquaint, unco with tlie district, mure especially In the sou hern end of it, that Mr. Ifogg will poll a .oiig vote, and with the attention that he ami his party will devot* uithc * anvils- i tin not doubt his election. Tile 'lrst district, ns indicated by the Register a few days ago, Isa democratic district. An examin.-ldon of I lie tiguros collected from t he lust i wo elections will demonstrate this clearly.' ■MV:'' ieiuiral fiuff ho a candidate?” "I de not know. Tim distinction of car rying i democratic district Ik one which i thing he would like as long as it wmihi * hist,lint the consciousness that it won't last id proluioly sufficient to secure his with draw:*' ■ 1 is last election was a pretty plain admonition that the first district , lemoertn v will not again fail to send a! demiierat to congress from that section.” j ‘■Suppose Judge Brannon should lie , nominated, having defeated him once, "oulii .lot (ii'imral Gofl defeat him again?” 1 iskeo the Enquirer repn sentntivo. “I think not,” .lowered Senator Kenna. 1 •'Brannon ran against a majority which I <k>tl had . rented in the district that made j a large prestige to overcome, and i believe i Judge Brannon. Mr. Freeman Colonel | Johnson, indeed any democrat at nil likely j to btMioi,limited, will carry the district.”’ | “Will Col. Ben. Wilson's name lie before the convention?” ”1 presume not. Col. Wilson has given ! assurance both public and private tliat he js not a candidate, and does not desire the nomination.” “Do you think he could be elected if nominated?” "I have already said I do not doubt that auy good democrat can be elected in that district this year. 1 mean this statement Broadly and in earnest.” ladies Do you want a pure, bloom ing Complexion l If so, a few applications of Hagan’s MAGNOLIA BALM will grot - ify you to your heart’s con tent. It does away with Sal lowness, ltedncss, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases ana imperfections of the skin. It overcomes the flushed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citement. It makes a indy of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY ; and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its effects, that ft is impossible to detect its application. CORSETS The. ON I Y ( OR8F.T marie that ran he return*) by its purchaser after three weeks’ wof "'perfectly satisfactory •*n every respect, :ml its prire refunded by Made ’G a vai ini) of styl«s and prices. Beware*#? wortLI'v-s unintions. None genuine without Half - CHICAGO CORSET CO 13 Lispenard St., New York. . Jc40 & Z-tZ tv-os St.. Chicago, ill* AURANTI I Moat of thediwviset* whieu nfllict mankind arn origin- c|!y caused by a disordered condition of tho LIV E R* For all complaints of this kind, such an Torpidity of tile Liver, Biliousness, Nervous Dyspepsia, imliges- *»on. Irregularity of the B.nvelo. Constipation, Flntu- -‘■ncy, Ernotatioria ami Burning of tb« Stomach (s Mnetiines culled Hourthuru). Miasma, Malaria, Bloody Flux, Chills nnc Fever. Breukbone Fever, JvxhuuHtiou before or after Fevers. Chronic Diar rhea. Loss of Appptkn, Headache, Foul Breath, ImsgularitieH incidental to Females. Bearing-down M*?; STADIGEB’S AURANTH is Invaluable lr Lnot-i pnnacea for alldiseasos, /*R9£¥i|? all d'se&oesoftho LIVER, will a£J5sL!5Ja STOMACH and BOWELS* It ulmugus the tvmpVxion from n waxy, yellow tinge, to a ruddy, healthy cu'or. It entirely roinov68 l«»w. gloomy Bpirits. It. is one of tho BEST AL TERATIVES and f -l>> IF1ERS OF THE BLOOD, and is A VALUA&l E '"OfilC. STAOSCEP a AUR ANTI I Fat »ale hy all Di uggi-N Price ©1.00 per bottla C. F. STADICER, Proprietor,. *40 SO. FRONT ST„ Philadelphia, Pa. 1 We do hereby certify that wit supervise the ar \ rangoment for at! the Monthly and Quarterl) Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Com puny, and in person manage and control th< Drawings themselves, and that the same are con ducted with honesty, fairness, and in good fait) toward all parties, and ice authorize the Compan, to use this certificate, with facsimiles of our si{ natures attached, to its advertisements.” Comm (NMtoiM* 1*9 TUc the undersigned Banks and Bankers will j pay all Prizes drawn, in The Louisiana State Lot- I teries which via-, be present'd at our counters. j .1. II. IMJl.tiKBY. I-ion. I.n. Noll Ciimh. j i .1. IV. H I l.tlHKIIl, I*ion. Stnto Yiifl B'h 1 I A- BA1.IMVIN. I»rp«. X. O. .V„f| Haiti. | u vmiAi'TidN: Over Hull :t Millivti Distributed OF GEORGIA, 1.1.. I*., t'huneeUor. Dog \ : .lavs >1 t he sold as Tlie Daily tlrist. ended September 5. 1 hundred fairs will be held in .all. Fen n.sWvn nia nut eoal Is worth *25 perl ton in Don twood, 1>. T. rile Hiehmoud iVa.' militia turned out i to suiqu'i ss the earthquake. i he funds ot 5 ale eotlege have been in ■refuse*! *‘iij*j,(HKl iii five years. The harvest moon, the prettiest year, shines oil September 13. Hundreds of baby alligators are ladies' pets in New York yearly. Half a million dollars a day is t he *ige colleeted at tho New ' York custom I house. After spending$8,000,000 in surveys, there ' is still no actual map in existence of the ' luted States. On Wednesday Ust, two men with hooks and lines caught 2UK) mackerel oil' New- j l*wt, tin greatest catch ever known tliere. Itnigh.un, Mass., inis not only the oldest church iu America, but the oldest sexton, lie having served in that capacit y for fifty- I six consecutive years. “Mark nvy word for it,” said an elderly Hocklaud lady the other day. “there’s I goiug to be a war. All these boy babies : t nat have been coming along lately mean something.” j UNIVERSITY i'. ti. >it:i.t. ii i>. 1 I’ll K siith .Session of Departments at Athens * will .x.'gm Wednesday. 6tli of October next, l ull eourse^ of study in letters and Science: special courses in Kmrinet-ring. Agriculture. Physics and chemistry. TUITION FREE. For vatalogues an,| information address the Chan- t'ollor at Athens. Law School opens at the same time, ror intormation address Pitor. Geo. IIuhley Thomas, at Athens. Ga. Lamar Cobb. See’y Board of Trustees. Athens, Cia. Aug., 1886. sep4 d.vwlm ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. I yNOFRand by virtue of an order of tlie Court 1 , /'t Ordinary of Mu>eogee county, Ga., will be sold, in front of the store of F. M. Knowles & Co., corner of Broad and Tenth streets, in the city of Columbus, Ga.. on the tiist Tuesday in Oc tober next, between the legal hours of sale, to tlie highest bidder for cash, at public outcry, sixty- seven and one-half 67 . acres of land, more or less, lymg ami being in the southwest corner of lot number ^6 ami northwest corner of lot num ber 287. m the 17th district of said county. Sold as the property of John 1). Stripling, deceased, lor the purpose of paying debts and distribution. Terms cash. R. A. McFARLAN. Adin r de bonis non ot John I). Stripling, dec'd. sep7 oaw lw GEORGIA, Ml Si’OGEE COUNTY. Whereas, Robert A. AfeFarlan. administrator de bonis non, with the will annexed, of John D Stripling, jnakes application for leave to sell al the real estate belonging t<i said deceased. This is, therefore, to cite all persons interested to show cause, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why leave to sell ' lure lor iv.mcu.uonai ami unaruable purposes I with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reservi | fluid of o ver $550,000 has since been added. , Bv an overwhelming popular vote its franchise j was made a paid of the present State C'onstitu non. adopted December 2d, A. D. lf.79. Bn Grand Singl< member Drawing J will take place monthly. It nerer scales or post j pones. Look at the follow ing distribution : ItMitli Grand Montiily AND THE IKXTRA01IIHXARV t|l AUTKkLV DllAWIXG In the Anidomy of.Music. New Orleans, Tuesday. Septeiiiliev If, lxsr». Under the personal and manage Gon. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, & Gen. JIJBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. Capital Prize, $1*50,000. .Votin' Tickets are Ten Dollars oiih. 55o. Finiis.^2. feutlis, j^l. LIST OF PRIZES 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF $150.000.. 50.000. . 20,000 . 10.000. . 5.000. 1.000. . 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 2 LARGE PRIZES OF 4 LARGE PRIZES OF 20 PRIZES OF 50 PRIZES OF too PRIZES OF 300..!!. .. 200 PRIZES OF 200 600 PRIZES OF 100 1,000 PRIZES OF 50 APPOXIMATKIN PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of $200 100 $150,000 .. 50,000 . 20,000 .. 20,000 .. 20,000 .. 20,000 .. 26,000 .. 30,000 .. 40,000 .. 00,000 .. 60,000 .. $20,000 .. 10,000 .. 7,600 ....$522,600 id property should not be granted to said appli- niy official signature this 5th day o «. F. M. BROOKS, cant. Wit nos- August, l 2,279 Prizes, amounting to Application lor rates lo clubs should be made only ti> the Office of theCompanv in New Orleans For Anther information write clearly, giving full address. POSTAL NOTES. Express 1 Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordi- l nary letter. Currency by Express (at our ex- peuse) addressed .11. A. Pit 'PH IN. I New Orleans, La. Or M. A. PAIIMIIN, Washington. I>. i\ Make I*. O. Money Orders |iayn(;!e and address itegislered Letters to Ni:w OULI VNS N 1TTON A L IS A NK, wed seJtw5w New Orleans,d.» I Used for over 25 years with groat succor by the .hysicfuns of Paris, Now 5'.>rk and Loudon, and suporior to nil others fertile prompt cur** . , ciiKt'S, r.ic.'Ut vrofloag staii,tin : l*ut up cnly’in Ulifi MIlf a containing mCaiisulcat-uch. 1'811’E v > CJ.NT8, MAKING THEM XUE CUEAPESf CAPSULES IN TILE AIAHKET. 1 Prepared by CLIN & CLE, Pari*. Ill'llI'oril * * '21st Annual Session opens September 15tli, 1 '.Seti. p'or catalogue or spseial intbrination apply to W. R. ABL JTT, Principal. Believe P. O.. Va. jy30 eod2tit Louisiana State Lottery Comp’y ; Incorporated in 18t>s for 25 years bv the Legisla j .re for ivlucational and Charitable purposes- I Potash Victim. Cured b/ S. S. S. CAUTION. Consumers should not confuse our SjHciflc with the numerous imitations, substitutes, jwtash and mercury mixtures which are got ten up to sell, not on their own merit, but on the tnerll of our remedy. An imitation is always a fraud and a cheat, and they thrive only as they can steal from the article imitated. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. For sale by all druggists. TIIE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Qa. S. S. S. vs. POTASH. I have had blood poison for ten years. 1 know I have taken one hundred bottles of Iodide of popish in that time, hut it did mo no good. Last summer my face, neck, body mul limbs were covered with sores, and 1 could scarcely use my arms oil account of rheu matism in my shoulders. I took S..S. fcL, amt it has done me more good Ilian all other medi cine- I have taken. My face, body and neck are perfectly clear and clean, and my rheu matism is entirely gone. I weighed 116 pounds when 1 began the medicine, and I now weigh 152 pounds. My first bottle helped me greatly, and gave me an appetite like a strong man. I would not be without b. S. lor several times its weight in gold. C. JS. MITCHELL, W. 33d St. Ferry, New York. Vegetables and Fruits, NORTHERN GARBAGE, ONIONS |>n TATOES, APPLES, PEARS, &c. I) pnBiggers bill Ml ! umi Am receiving New and Seasonable (tootle. Fresh Ground Meal and Grits $1.2*5 per sack. Split IVas, Oninula Cracked Wheat, Hiircadwt Oats and strum Cooked Outs'. e<l I'RESH CRACKERS just in—Sweet and Mai,, Crackers. CANNED GOODS. Finest brands of neiv and seasonable goods. u llilllf; OF IDE KITCHEN SOAP. For scouring and cleaning purposes, 5c a cake. Fine Flour, Sugars. Coffees and Tens, Ferris A (Vs llreakfast llacon and limns, Pure Spices, Flavoring Extracts and Bakina Powders. 6 J. J. WOOD, 1026 Broad Street. ESTABLISHED 1874, JOHN BLACKMAN, Real Estate Agent, COLUMBUS, Q-JL. FOIl SAFE. •A I l*.*«* Cent. Investment. Four quarter acre lots, three 2 room Dwellings 3 room Dwelling. Price $800. Renting - TV No * -f* 5 , the hest located Build ing I*ot in the city of Columbus, Next south of Mrs. Griffin's resi dence, No. 1542 Third avenue. \ Three Rose Hill Residences— * - $1250, SJ800, $2000. CHILDREN TEETHING ’XallW^sts Two Wynnton Residences— $1800, $3000. )lings For ICrait from October 1n(, No 821 Third avenue, one story brick, 6 rooms xr o.vo waterworks and good well. No 328 Eighth street, corner Fourth avenue, next to Police Lieut. Roberts; 6 rooms. No 1237 Fourth avenue, 1 rooms, next north of Prof. Dews. $15. No. 1216 Fourth avenue, 6 rooms, on hill: spleu- uni well; very healthy. No 808 second avenue, 5 rooms, water works, x’ r >, , to Mr. R. W. Ledsinger. No 921. birth avenue, next south Mr. D. F. x- ™ >Y»llcox. 5 rooms. $15. Will be painted. No 309 Eleventh street, next west of Judge Pou, 2 story, 6 rooms. Will be painted and repaired. No 1221 Fourth avenue, next to Mr. Win. W. Bussey. 2 story. No 1424 Second avenue, opposite Mr. J. 8. Uar- tnnn £?.t.o rooms,2d door above Judge Ingrain No 1022 birst avenue, 6 rooms, opposite east of « the market. Suitable for boarding house Rose Hill new Residence of Mr. Harris, stable, etc. $15. No 1315 Third avenue, 2 story, 6 rooms, next to My. Homer Howard. No 1308 Fifth avenue, 6 rooms, water works, bath room ; next north Mr. J. H. Hamil ton’s residence. No 1132 Third avenue, fi rooms, water works and bath room; next north Mr. A. m. Bran- non. No 1314 Third avenue, corner west of Mrs. Rowe’s residence, 9 rooms, water works and hath room. No 313Tenth street, now occupied by Mr. W. H. Hiude, 2 story, 6 rooms, bath room aud water works. Store* For Itont f rom October l*t. No. 1212 Broad street, now occupied by Farley’s furniture store. Broad Street Stores No. 921, occupied by Sher man s Bakery: Nos. 1204 and 1208. Stores at Webster comer, formerly occupied by John W. Sanders. Will rent low lo first-class tenants and fit up to suit the business. Brown House Hotel, 27 guest chambers, op posite Rankin House. If it is conducted properly will prove a gold mine. Business is increasing every day. LAMftLOlULS. All advertising at my expense. For a small commission i which will be less than the cost of your advertising bill,' I rent property, collect, pay taxes, Arc., attend to repairs and give careful supervision to all property in my charge. With an experience of 13 years, I can serve you to ad vantage. I I . A A NT S. Call and see niv list. If l have not the place i wish, 1 will hie your order lYee of charge and as soon us possible. JOHN BLACKMAR, se wedjff If Real Estate Agent. B S0+PER BOTTLE Wesiefan Female suiA-TjnsrTOiisr, Opens September 22d, 1886. One of the First Schools for Younu La oiks in th l Union. All Departments thorough. Buildings elegant. Steam heat. Gas light. Situation beautiful. Climate -plendkl. Pupils from nineteen States, .vll important advantages i.i one greatly reduced charge. Board, Washing, Lights, English, Latin, French* German. Music, for Scholastic year, from September to June, Fe Catalogue write t< j.v7 eod2m Hfv. WM. A. HOSE! HOSE! CAPSULES 8old Every where. Efforts at Diversion. Picayune SH,lt “ SOrt ° f hi B hland Aing.- The governor of North Carolina aaid to tfie governor of South Carolina -Shake! —Macon TeJegraph. The biggest gum-boil on record has been chant Traveler! 1 mUcUage . “ A 08 rnnlly amusing to see people !J,oil h n P° st ,offlee to “get out of the ea quake. — Raleighs, (N. C.) News. GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Alexander Toles, residing in the state of Geor gia, liavitig applied to be appointed guardian of y' ( \J) e rsmy? and property ot tlie minor children of K. \\ . M illmms, deceased, minors under fourteen • atfe residents of said county, I his is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the October term next of the Court of Ordinary, and show cause, if any they cun, why said Alexander Toles should not be intrusted with the guardianship of the persons and property of said minor children. jgWitness my official signature this September 4, se’p6 oawiw * Ordinary. W EWENGLAND CONSERVATORY 0F MUSIC Boston, Mass. THE LARCESTand BEST EQUIPPED In the WORLD —100 Instructor*. •JiKt.'i Students last venr. Thor ough Instruction iu Vocal and InstrumonUl Music, Piano aud Organ Tuning, Fine Arts, Oratory, Literature, French, Ger man and Italian Language*. English ffrnnches, Gymnastics, etc. Tuition, $•> to $20; board and room with Steam float and Electric Light, £46to $75 per term. Fall Term begins Sep- tom hi r t», lsSrt. For llluatmted Calendar, with full Information ddresu, E. TOURJEE, Dir., Fruuklin Sq., BOSTON, Maas eo my25d2m weowfit ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED A CT1VE AGENTS WANTED to sell mining AV specialties. Big money in commission or salary to good workers. Address Hartsfeld Port able SmOting Furnace and Mining Company. P. O. Box No. 115, Newport, Ky. jy!6 dawUn IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF RUBBER HOSE, We have the best and cheapest Hose in the market. A full line of Hose Reels and Nozzles. GEORGIA STEAM AND GAS PIPE COMPANY, Telephone 99. 13 Twelfth Street. Five Cold &ncJ Two Silver fVPed&la, awarded in 18?5 at the Expositions of New Orleans and Louisville, aud the In ventions Exposilion of London. The superiority of Coraline over born or whalebone lias now been demonstrated by over fi ve yeai s' experience. It is morg durable, more pliable, more comfortable, iand iintr bnahi. 1 Avoid cheap imitations made of variou* kinds of cord. Norm are genuine iin’eg “Dr. Warner's Coraline” is print® on inside of steel cover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York Citi Notice to Debtors and Creditors. /"GEORGIA—MUSCOGEE COUNTY: All par- y ties having claims against John D. Stripling, late of said county, deceased, are hereby notified make'lmmediate payment to me. B. A. M’FARLAN. auge oaw lw Administraort.