Newspaper Page Text
Npwt from the Three States Told in
Brief Paragraphs.
> SfKro Kill*. Another McRrllnnimUle-A Mule
[leu from Hydrophobia—Killed Inn liununu}.
elle Boyd Travellim Through Klorlda.
ittlton is to have a system of water
Ibb county will hold a primary to
ilnate candidates for county offices,
ab Ramsey, of Lincoln county, has four
is of cotton that will make six heavy
£ ,
ank Humphries, the Milledaeville
lerer, has professed religion and joined
Methodist church.
tier collage opened with ninety-nine
Is. Over one hundred names have
i enrolled up to date,
i the result of a gambling scrape John
ks killed Boss Wright, near Homer-
j on Thursday night. Both colored.
W. O. Cooper, of Oglethorpe county,
>e a candidate for doorkeeper of the
■e at the next session of the general
rings on Mr. Phinizy’s place, near
ns, seem to have sunk eighteen
as,supposed to have been caused by the
l quake.
le Rome Bulletin was sold Saturday
[$1610 to W. G, Cooper, of Rome, and
(C._ Lowry, recently proprietor of the
veta Advertiser.
here is a negro in Marion county who
ms to be one hundred years old. He
d in Lincoln county during the revolu-
mry war, and was then ten years old.
’ W. McMillan, one of Terrell county’s
ypendent planters, has gathered and
dieted this season four bales of cotton
p five acres. He has 155 acres in
On Friday night at 12 o’clock John
ders, colored, of Jesup, who had been
ir some time, took what he supposed
a dose of blue mass. It proved to be
ish fly blister ointment and after
ng in great agony, death relieved
! mule belonging to Mr. Albert Haile,
r abridge, which was bitten by a rabid
jjveral weeks ago, was attacked on
night last, just three weeks after
bitten, and had to be shot on Mon-
| Every animal bitten at the same
i either died or been killed on the
^pearance of attack,
i told of an East Macon man for a
at the other night he went home
and after tying his mule to the
ir of the front porch of his house
ito the stable, locked It and then
sleep in the trough. The next
j when his wife went to the stable
[up the mule she found her husband
) in the trough.
Tullis, who lives at Green Hill, in
rt county, has fodder which he has
l a house for thirty years, and it is
ad sound to-day. Mr. Tullis hauls
new fodder every summer and
it in his barn loft, and he never
t all out before fodder comes again,
quently he has fodder in the back of
arn, good authority says, which has
[j there for the time stated,
tney Yates, of Carroll county, is sixty-
ears old. and his wife fifty-seven,
have had twenty children, most of
i now living. A few days ago a
able incident occurred at Air. Yates’
i. child was there that had three
‘ prs present. Mrs. Yates’ mother,
j living, and who was visiting
iter, was the great-great-grand-
Mrs. Yates was the great-grand-
motlherj and one of her daughters was the
a young
■ of Greenville, formerly of
lings, died at his residence at 1
tttrday evening.
l not a vacant storehouse in Bir
and hardly a vacant office.
Allies have baggage stored in the
|le they hunt houses to move it
JL Brooks, one of Selma’s most
hind highly cultured young ladies,
[to Tro y, at which place she will
j of the musical department of
i been commenced on the Slief-
Bee; and Messrs. Ensley and
re in Sheffield the first of last
located the site for a second
jke work on which will begin in
Sheffield is booming.
6kee Tuesday, Mr. Robert Good-
Hriving his mules and wagon,
’ mules became frightened and
throwing Mr. Uoodloe out upon
the gr( )un|, his head striking one of the
rails'o, th« railroad, crushing his skull and
killing hiiln instantly.
The fall term of the Union Springs fe
male soilage will open Monday, October
11, unc ler clharge of Prof. H. R. \V. Smith,
a teac her l of twenty year’s experience.
Misses Clar a Mabson and Isophene Toney
will ha ve of large of the music and painting
depart! nenlfls, and Mrs. Smith will give in-
structic as ii:r, vocal music and voice culture.
The eol lege,building is being fitted up for
the opej ningj of the school.
Who Gather in the Duqats at the
Expense of Suffering Humanity,.
Tli« Glurliitt Gull I'xhlbllod by Xou-
FrofoNNionnl Frniatl*.
The country is flooded with bnjyt 18 medicine
men, and in a few cases, a heavy capital is all
they have to sustain their prestige. Numerous
cleverly concocted certificates are forced upon the
unsuspecting, purporting to have "snatched from
the grave" some poor victim of blood poison, or
other disease, when to our knowledge, the identi
cal persons lay groaning in agony while the pub
lic were reading of their remarkable recovery.
Another serious offense is the publication of
erroneous statements concerning various drugs,
such os are daily prescribed by our best phy
sicians, declaring them to be deadly poison.
Iodide of potash, which seems to receive their
greatest condemnation, when prescribed by phy
sicians. and in the proper combination with cer
tain compounds, is not only harmless, but forms
one o the most powerful antagonists to blood
poison known to the medical world. B. B. B
(Botanic Blood Balm > contains iodide of potash
This company holds hundreds of genuine certifi
cates from persons who have been cured of vari
ous diseases arising from an impure state of the
blood by the use of B. B. B. The question now is,
if iodide of potash is such a terrible enemy to
health, why is it that the Blood Balm Co. have
made within three years the most gigantic sales
and cures everljefore made on American soil ?
We are credibly informed that the Blood Balm
Co., Atlanta, Ga., proposes to cure any of the fol
lowing eomplaints for one-third the money and
in one-half the time required by any known
remedy on earth. The diseases embrace all forms
of Scrofula and Scrofhlous Ulc ers and Tumors, ull
stages of Blf od Poison, Rheumatism, Catarrh,
Skin Diseases and Humors, Kidney Affections,
chronic female complatVits, Eczema, etc. Send to
them for a book filled with the most womlerftil
cuses on record, mailed free to any uddresf.
thought to be a carbuncle, which ran its course
several months, broke and finally healed. The
next spring knots, or knodes, came on my arms,
which were thought to be rheumatic, and I took
gallons of medicine from the best physicians in
Cuthbert, Ga., where I then resided.
About this time my left limb below the knee
hardly know how I managed to live through it
all. About this time we moved from Cuthbert
to Atlanta I began to despair of ever getting
inches in width, seeming to be down to the bone
and discharging about a cupfhl of pus (matter)
per day, my arms still running, my sleep dis
turbed, and I sometimes thought I would lose my
A friend recommended B. B. B. I commenced
its use, and I saw an improvement from the very
first. I have now taken 8 or 9 bottles, and my
arms are entirely well, and the large ulcer on my
limb has healed. I now feel like a new person,
A Rook of Woudent, Free.
All who desire full information about the cause
andcure of Blood Poisons,Boro fula and Scrofulous
Swellings, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Kidney
Complaints, Catarrh, etc., can secure by mail.
fVee, a copy of our 32-page Illustrated Book of
Wonders, filled with the most wonderful and
startling proof ever before known.
Atlanta, Ga.
d2taw seaw too col n r m
1 Florida.
has subscribed $133 for the Sum-
; sufferers.
i 'Vsse^Bor Appel reports that the
n jbnt ifpll in Levy county will show a
CS8in« iuu j'yii ah ..... —
itifyiif ig i increase over last year, and will
ich bi| itWtUsn .400,060 and $1,500,000.
)nly if i fevil sales were made by the sherifl
Ocalat landMonday. The Welshton hotel
d twe.! nty .Jots were knocked down to the
fhest bidder for $381, Mr. Aguew becom-
; the j Imrcnaser.
Forontlo is the name of a new town
lich IJias fecently been evolved in the
oid deSvelobment of Orange county and
ieived-U its Tchristening. It is located at
2 crosf sing! of the Orange Belt and the
varesAi Orlkuido and Atlantic railroads,
ar theM resilience of D. C. Hill.
U BroWnsorJ, V. F. Kingsbury, in show-
?someMboy.'ji how to use an instrument
hasfolir extracting caps trom exploded
itridgecj shells, picked up a loaded shell
mistallie, and clamping down on it with
2 extriTietoi , the shell exploded, laeer-
ng sevneral fingers on each hand and
iding a-fj sho ; into his breast.
Among!! th i passengers on board the
irgaretiJ from Tampa last week was a
iman al'hout whom more has probably
2n writjlten and said than almost any
ler woiJinan who has overpassed through
it placifl. Mrs. Belle Murphy does not
.1 to mi |nd any very well-known person-
2, but tilhe name of “Belle Boyd, the
-'- J —'Ite Spy,” will call to mind one
jug the war, passed through more
ian ninety-nine out of every hiin-
• uidu * in the sendee on either sidt.
tured and imprisoned almost mnumer-
i times A, luck went with her, and she
alwaj 5s released or escaped. She re-
si Tampa Tribune reporter some
breadth escapes she had from
the story told in her own lan-
111 A JUJIMilU ll HI
IT being officially known to the Board of D
1 rectors of the Georgia Midland and
Gulf Railroad Company that the first
section of twenty miles of the Georgia
Midland and Gulf Railroad, of four feet nine
inches gauge, ‘‘between Columbus, Ga. and At
lanta. Ga.. or between Columbus. Gu., and some
point on the East Tennessee, Virginia and Gent
gia Railroad between Atlanta, Ga., and Macon.
Ga., wiili the privilege of entering Atlanta on the
track of any railroad with terminal facilities
there, is prnded and ready fir the cros^-ties,
trestles and bridges," and whereas, by the terms
of subscription the first installment of the same
becomes aue and pavable upon official publica
tion of the completion of the work as above;
Be it resolved, That the Treasurer is authorized
to publish in the name of this Board the com
pletion of the first section of twenty miles, as
stipulated in said subscription notes, and to call
on the subscribers for payment of the first in
stallment notes of twenty-five per cent, which
notes are now due and payable at the National
Bank of Columbus, Ga.
Heaton Grantland, O. L. Davis,
Geo. P. Swill, Jr, N. J. Bussey,
W. J. Kincuid, J. F. Flournoy,
B. T. Hatcher, T. M. Foley,
J. W. Wool folk.
The Board of Directors of the Georgia Midland
and Gulf Railroad Company.
sep" 6t Treasurer.
(Copy.) Chicago, April 21st, 18S<*.
This is to certify, that the Illinois Trust an .
Savings Bank has this day received from the
Union Cigar Company of Chicago, to be held
as a Special Deposit,
U. S. 4°lo Coupon Bonds,
as follows:
Ho. 2202ft D. two. % Market Value of which Is
41204 100. I
** 41205 100. I $1012,
•• 61810 n>n f
fftOO. / (S.) yas. S. Gibbs, Cash.
We offer the above as a FORFEIT, if our
“FANCY GROCER" docs not prove to be a
genuine Havana-fillcrCigar.-Union Cigar Co
c\G f\h
X 7"
ey Wi
- inn siory wiu i. ,
t be more interesting to our re-m
gMurphy will spend the winder
*st. ' _ *
pis judge has decided that cider
king. Everybody who has ever
Id older through a straw knows
lhat a blow it will be to ,™ ari y
lists to find it out—Philadel-
Our LA L0XA 10c. Cigar Is strictly Hand
made. Elegant quality. Superior workmanhip.
Sold by ail Grocers.
?5 fi. Clinton St., - CHICAGO.
Retail by
C. D. HUNT, Columbus, Ga
Shortosl. Quickest and Best—308 Miles Shorter lo New York
than via Louisville—Close Conueclinn with Piedmont
Air Line mid Western and Atlantic Railroad.
In effect September 12th, 188(1.
Leave New Orleans
“ Mobi e
“ Selma
“ Montgomery
“ Chehaw’
Arrive Columbus
Leave Columbus
“ Opelika
Arrive West Point....
“ LaGrange
“ Newnan
“ Atlanta
Via W. & A. Railroad.
Leave Atlanta
Arrive Rome
“ Dalton ;
“ Chattanooga
“ Cincinnati
Via the Piedmont Air Line to New York and East.
Leave Atlanta
Arrive Charlotte
“ .Richmond
“ Washington
“ Baltimore ; j 9
<> tlUlltwInlnbla 9
No. 53 I No. 51
20 p m
10 a m
06 a m
20 p m
66 p m
65 a m
28 p m
63 p m
48 p m
20 u m
45 a m
25 a m
60 a m j
15 a m.
40 a m 1
00 p 111
10 a m
25 p in |
00 u tu |
00 a ni
36 a m |
40 pin'
40 p ni
7 56 a m
1 20 p m
4 30 a m
7 65 a m
9 07 a m
11 66 a in
H 61 a m
10 06 a m
10 49 a m
11 20 a m
12 23 p m
1 45 p in
I 60 p m
6 56 ji ill
5 37 p m
7 07 p ill
fl 50 a m
4 00 p in
4 05 a ill
3 37 p ni
R 30 p m
II 26 pm
Train 53, Pullman Palace Cars Montgomery to Washington without change.
Train 51, Pullman Palace Buffet Car Atlanta to New York without change.
.South Bound Trains.
No. 50 No. 52
Leave Atlanta
Leave Columbus
“ Opelika..
Arrive Cneliaw..
“ Montgomery..
Arrive Mobile
“ New Orleans..
Train 50, Pullman Palace Sleeping Car through to New Oi
?ping Cat, free of charge, through to Texas without change.
Via Selma and Queen and Crescent.
Leave Columbus
‘ Opelika
tivc Selina
1 45 pm| 11 20 pm
2 28 p m
5 18 pm! 3 30am
0 02 j) ni 1 10 a m
7 15 p m 0 20 a m
2 25 am' 2 10pm
7 20 a m 7 30 p in
Orleans. Train 52, Furnily Emigrunt
I 2 28 p m ,
; 5 18pm 1 .
I H 15 p in
l 11 15 p ill
1 45 p m
3 45 p m
5 35 p m
« 27 p in
11 15 p in
4 22 a m (
0 80 a m
1 40 p m
6 35 p ni
CHtttL GABBKTT, Gone ml Manogar.
Mobile & Girard R. R. Co.
N and after this date Trains will run as follows:
COLUMBUS, GA., July 24,1886.
No. 9.
I.«eave Columbus Union Depot 2 30
“ Columbus Broad Street Depot 2 16
Arrive Union Springs 5 37
Leave Union Springs | 6 46
Arrive Troy | 8^0
Montgomery, M. & E. R. R 7 2
Eufaula, M. & E. R. R... I 10 3
5 45 p m
5 55 p m
8 59 p in
9 30 p mi
4 55am
5 05 a m
8 57 a in
9 18 ft m
Leave Montgomery, M. A E R. R..
“ Eulhula, M.&B.R. R
Arrive Union Springs
Leave Union Sgrings
Arrive Montgomery, M. & E. R R....
“ Columbus
4 24 a m
4 20am
5 48 a ra
6 46 a ill
7 29 a m
941 a m
10 48 p m
6 35 a m
6 45 a m
0 85 a m
9 40 a m
11 10 u in
7 28 p m
No. 10.
2 30 p ni
8 57 p in
4 07 p m
7 23 p in
6 58 p in
Trains Nos. 1 and 2 (Mail) daily. Nos. 3 and 4 (Macon and Montgomery Through Freight and
Accommodation) daily except Sunday. No. 5 and 6 (Way Freight and Accommodation) daily ex-
ceptcept Sunday. Nos. 9 and 10 (Passenger) Sundays only.
W. L. CLARK, Sup*t. D. E. WILLIAMS, Q. P. A.
Lace Curtains!
A'lvei'tiriutT some time hum In arrive a handsome liii” of' L;icu
Curtains: also Scrim for Curtains. They have 11;c*111 now in
stock—the most beautiful designs, the richest patterns ever
brought to ColYimbus, marked at such prices as will not in
sure keeping them long. These goods will he on exhibition
on the first floor Monday. Housekeepers are especially in
vited to call and see them.
Received This Week:
Domestic Goods, Ginghams, Indigo Prints,
Bleached and unbleached Colton Flaime!-', Colored Col
ton Flannels. Water Proof Goods, Cassimere for hoys, Cassi-
imere for men.
Blanchard, Booth & Huff
More New Shoes received this week. Men’s Congress
and Bat Sewed Shoes, Men’s Congress and Bal Cable Screw
Shoes. Ladies’ Kid Button $t.2o and up, Ladies’ Grain
Shoes $1.2o and up, Ladies’ Glove Grain $1.50 and $2.00.
Misses’ School Shoes, Boys’ School Shoes, Children’s
Shoes—a dozen different styles, from 50e to $1.50.
l m
Coi.l’MHVH, Ga,, August 1, 1880.
N nnri flftor Hi is date l’aftHonger Trains will
run as follows. Tains daily; | daily ex-
Trains i
i the same as Columbus city time.
Leave Columbus
Arrive Macon
“ Atlanta
“ Montgomery..
“ Euflnila
12 00 III
4 38 p m
9 35 p in
11 10 p 111
3 00 a m
6 15 a m
5 65 a m
■ 11 45 p m
7 35 a m
1 36 p m
7 23 p m
3 58 p 111
2 45 p ill
1 13 p ill
3 45 p ill
4 07 p ill
1000a m * 7 15pm
6 00 a in '” 3 10pm
7 40 am
* 10 55 a III
540am * 12 00 m
11 00 pm * 12 00 111
Passengers tbr Sylvan la, Sanderville, Wrights-
ville, Milledgevillu and Eatonton, ThomaNton,
Carrollton. Perry, Fort Gaines, Talbotton, Buena
Vista, B.akely and Clayton should take 11 45 p m
Leave Macon
“ Atlanta
“ Montgomery..,
44 Eufbula
44 Albany
“ Millf n
44 . Augusta I * |* 9 30 am
44 Savannah * 8 20 p m * 8 40 a in
Arrive Columbus I* 2 25pnij* 2 43 a m
Sleeping Cars on all night trains between Co
lumbus and Macon. Macon and Savannah, Ma
con and Atlanta, Savannah and Macon, and Sa
vannah and Atlanta.
Tickets for all points and Sleeping Car Berths
on sale at Depot Ticket Office
Gon’i Puss. Agent.
C. W. MEYER, Ticket Agent. augl tf
Opei.ika, Ala., May 8th, 1RRG.
O N and after Sunday, May 9th, 1RRii, the trains
on this road will be run as follows:
Xo. I.
Leave Columbus 8 54 a m
Arrive Opelika 1020am
Leuvc Opelikn 10 40 a m
Arrive Columbus 11 66 a in
Xo. ». '
Leuv * Columbus 2 28 p m
Arrive Opelika 3 68 p m
No. 4.
Leave Opelika 6 05 p m
Arrive Columbus 6 31 p in
xo. a.
Leuve Columbus 7 30 a m
Arrive Opeliku 0 43 a m
Arrive Goodwuter 6 02 p m
Xo. «.
Leave Good water 6 oo a m
Arrive Opelika 10 16 a m
Arrive Columhus 1 09 p in
Xo. 7.
[weave Columbus 1 46 p m
Vrrive Opelika 3 38 pm
Xo. H.
Leave Opelikn 4 13 p ro
Arrive Columbus 6 64 p m
The night trains are discontinued for the pres
dtf Ueneral Manager
OpprcB Ghnhral Manaorr,
Columbus, Ga., July 18111. 1886*
O N and after Sunday, July 18.1880, the schedule
of Mall Train will be as follows:
No. 1—Going North Daily.
Ixiave Columbus 3 00 p m
Arrive at Chipley 6 01 p in
Arrive at Greenville 6 07 p m
No. 2—Coming South Daily.
Leave Greenville 7 00 a m
Arrive at Chipley 8 02 a m
Arrive at Columbus 10 11 a m
No. 3—Freight and Accommodation—North.
Leave Columbus 7 00 a m
Arrive at Chipley 9 32 a m
Arrive at Greenville 1110 a m
No. 4—Freight and Accommodation—South.
Leave Greenville 3 56 p m
Arrive at Chipley 4 60 p m
Arrive at Columbus 7 07 p m
W. L. CLARK. Gen’l Manager.
T. C. H. HOWARD. Gen’l Ticket Agent.
feb24 dly
Printing, Book-Bindin
Paper Boxes
4 LARGE STOCK of all kinds of PAPER, in-
\ eluding Letter, Packet and Note Heads, Bill
Heads, niutements, always on hand. Also En
cel opes, Cards, Ac., printed at short notice
Paper Boxes of any size or description uot kept
u slock inude at snort notice.
tf 42 Randolph Street, opposite Post Office.
Vegetables and Fruits,
u in ui! limit;
Am receiving New and Seasonable Goods.
Fresh Ground Meal and Grits.
$1.25 per sack.
Split Peas, Uranula Cracked Wheat, Shrouded
Oats and Steam Cooked Oats.
FRESH CRACKERS just in-Sweet and Plain
CANNED GOODS. Finest brands of new and
seasonable goods.
For scouring and cleaning purposes, 5c a cake.
Fine Hour. Saga rs. folFet'S ami Teas,
Ferris i Co.’s Breakfast Bacon and Hams,
Pure Spices, Flavoring Extracts and Baking
1026 Broad Street.
Shoe business has increased beyond their expectations, and j
they propose to continue the increase, if custom-made Shoes |
and low prices will do it, ,
5 V-*.' Send for price
-**■' and Illustrated Catalogue o
and filnstrnted Catalogue i
»(oo apiiPA cc
Magnolia Gin
The Foremost Standard COT
oJfd 5K.,iyin!rt,* ! 2,r.Wd'SHlz
Beat Hnmpln and (4enoral Utility,"at thS
World < otto» Centenohtl Exposition. Nome
Orleans, over all CompeuiorB.
Slade & Etheridge, Columbus, Oa.
|in the WORLD,
1 N«w Ini|,urtfc>
I tloiiN ronHtn.ilfy
r arriving.
, Karr iBdlrldual!
exrellrnco i.^l
> choice Brerdlaif,.
Our cuatomera taavo the advantage of mi.
fnnnr roar* experience In breeding »uuf
Importing ;Mapnrlor Onalltrt l.arge Va .
rlety and Immenne Collectlanaf opportu
nity of comparing different breed* tan^
low price*, because uf oar uneaualea fa—
elllilc*. extent of ba«lne*« und low ratem.
Of transportation.
Number e*tahll*hment In the world offeia
■uch n.l van tages to the uurchaper. _
Itor* welcome. Correspondence *ollc-
(ted. Circular* Free. Mention till*papo*
PbWEU. Bros.. spnnsDoro. crawrord Co-P*
For 15 years at 37 Court Place, now at
H Bleciod lvB.Ur .iu.1111.^ phyilolaa mad mo
Bpanoatorrhea and Impotency^
.x tiib ruaul* of Mir-HbuM In youth, Mutual mmmi Ib mho-
.,,ror rear*, or oih*r u»iiiiM, owl producing aome 0f the tot-
towioK olfcotr. NarvauaiMM, So»lnal Kmi*dona. (olfht
aoui by dMDuna). DIudsm of Sight. DotooUre Metnory, f by*
ikalUddoy, Pliupluaon Kaoa. A»er»lon to Soolety of FoimM
Oonfualon of Id*M, I>om of Botual Vowtr, Ao. p wndtno^,-
ubtrriaco tma
umiUj curon. „
UrolT onutloatod
GLEET. Slrloturo, (frahlUa, HohjIa, (<
riluaandothiarprivatedUoaoo* quicklyourod*
It U iM»Jf.»wIdoot that a pby «icUu wbopayaap<«lalattMtto»
to u cvt.ui oittHt of dUou«M, and trooUnt thouMOda uu«.
»i ilt tii.- fit r lor iroatiuont, nadtolneo o*n iMMnl pdataMlr
: v.»fdly by mall or oaproaa aoywhore.
Caves Gnaraitteed lit all Cmw.
°( , !la^uJS! C ®S5nallr or tj Mur frer auH larlMA ,
>. :. u'*o. 1 .•a»ooablo an l oorrespondonoo otrictly oonUdonlW-^
if tddroM. «A0uroly oeoled, for thirty
• —id bv all. AddruM aa abova
Bumlara. ItotF.N
'■yURE filliousness: Sick HoariftChe In Four Hours,
n?) One doso relieve? Neuralgia. They cure and
prevent ChlHc . Fever, Sour Stomach Ba*
reath. Clear the Skin, Tone the Nerves, and elves
'.0 <*■ Vlgrr to the system. Doko : > \ BEAN*,
••y them once ano you will never bo wilhout thym
I’ice. 25 cents per bottle. Sold byDrugc’;'^
Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on tecei(.: o
price In stamps, postpaid, to any addrcci,
.j. F. SMITH & CO.,
Manufacturers and Solo Props.. ST. LOUIS, MG-’
oftlie moiitthrilline
1 * col lectioar
inff personal adventure*, ex
ploit* ot Hcoiita amiapiea, forlorn hopet.hero-
Ic braTery, ifiipriaonmenta and hair-breadth.
*, hand-to-hand atrueoles, periloua journey*, darinc-
•d bold deed* on HOTII HIHKR durliig the Great CivuC
»k like it. UROFUSUTIUUmATIP.OutaelLalL
'si'cJuiiiliL'aco.*' KWHOTf-WMiasai
uch (Aruio or Heed In one day an
Patent MONARCH Grata
H«*ed Henai-tttor and IUg>
our Improved IViire-
Mill which we oiler cheap,
-ice LUt mailed free.
Golumbua, Ohio,
l Illu-trnted clrcu.
MAUlhSi;CO,, Columbus,O. La.llr. Houm, IllKentawa*!^
liui iniiirudeuce causing.
■Premature Decay. Ner»
. , . . . - Ivoub Debility,Lo«tMam
hood.Kc.havingtried in vain every known remedy-
boat discovered a simple self-cure, which he wifi
Bend FHEK to bis fellow-sufferers. Address
I. H. liLLVES. 43 Chatham atreeLNew York CifeV
D r. ward’s seminary;
Nashville, Tenn. Real Southern Uouti*
for (llrlw. 360 Girls this year, A non-sectariau*
Muhool. Patronised by men of liberal minds in m&
L'hurohes. Uunurpassed in Music,Art, and Longuagsar
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