Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, September 15, 1886, Image 7

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PAILY ENQUIRER • SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 15, 1886. Making Toothpick*. Rochester Union. There are but three toothpick factories in the United States. One of them is lo cated at Belmont, Allegany countv, N. Y Just on the edge of the town, and near the banks of the Genesee river. To commence at first principles. We started in the base ment, and, after exploring the engine room, betook ourselves to where the wood work was in its first stages. We found in this second room piles of circular blocks of wood about 1« inches in diameter bv perhaps, 5 in thickness. This wood was ‘‘hard’ and “soft” maple and pine. These are put into a revolving machine which strips them of their bark; they arc then sent up to the first floor. Here they are again put into an other revolving machine, which cuts them into small strips, which are then cut into the required shape for toothpicks. The ‘‘picks” are dropped out at one side, while the refuse tails from the other into a shaft and is carried down to the basement and is subsequently used for firing. Some are round, some square. This little machine which makes them appears simple enough to the uninitiated, but in reality is quite complicated, containing, we are informed several hundred knives. These small arti cles of after-dinner service are then taken up to the second story, where they are kept in a heated room until sufficiently dry tor packing. Lowell hi Lonilnn. Mr. Russell Lowell, whom it is now the fashion to worship, has said a good many things in his humorous way about our foibles and shortcomings, although he has said nothing quite so coarsely or so strongly us was said by the late Nathaniel Hawthorne, whose natural fretfulness and irritability, heightened and exaggerated by his distastefui duties as consul at Liver- E ool, embittered his pen and prompted im to write that elegant and graceful de scription of English women and cows, which must forever endear him to Eng lish readers. The distinguished represen tative of the Peoria Porkpacker or the Oil City Democrat crosses in the steerage of a cheap line of steamers, puts up for a fort night at a half-American, half-German boarding house in the neighborhood oi the tower or the mint, and returns to “the land of the free” to liberate his spite and venom as to what he imagines to be the neglect he has experienced from the Brit ish aristocracy.—London World. ' A Lnitvful Corresponilriit. When a recipient of a bottle writes as enthusiastically of the virtues of Calisaya Tonic ns did a daughter in a letter to her father recently, it can only mean that the Tonic is the best on the market. The let ter came from Wilmington, N. C. The writer, after referring to the extraordinary and wearing nature of her household duties recently, says : “I am confident that I never should have held out had it not been for the bracing effects of the admira ble Tonic.” Again the writer says: “lam proud of Greenville’s sons. Long live Dr. Westmoreland, and may his name be wide famed for the preparation of so excellent and palatable a medicine.” * * '» Sev eral other highly complimentary refer ences are made in the letter to the splen did effects of the Tonic. Westmoreland Bros, only ask any one who is suffering from debility, loss of appetite or malaria, to try their medicine. It is sure to revive and strengthen. “And all it costs is a dol lar a bottle.” Brannon & Carson, Wholesale Agents, Columbus, Ga. sep3 dlw Hr Fieri With Emma. Jackson, Mich., September 13.—E. T. Whipple, for the past year engaged on the farm of A. Trutts, a well-to-do and respect ed farmer of Norville, was discharged from the latter’s employ for being too attentive to his daughter Emma, aged 17. Whipple came to tnis city, where the girl joined him yesterday. Warrants were issued for Whipple’s arrest on charges of bigamy, adultery and seduction. The couple left the city before the warrants could be served. Whipple has a wife in New York. Bruce I'ii. You are feeling depressed, your appetite Is poor, you are bothered with headache, you are ‘fldgetty, nervous and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for ail hour, and then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of liver and kidneys, restore your vitality, and give re newed health and strength. Such a medi cine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at Brannon & Car- son's Drug Store. eod&w A Sorrowful Suicide. iNptANAPQLTB, Ind., September 13. — William Jackson’s suicide to day by mor phine disclosed a sorrowful state of affairs in hiB family. He was n slate-roofer, 03 years old, who lived alone with his wife, Nancy, twenty-one years his senior. Re ceiitly her mental powers failed through “senile dementia,” and to-day she was de clared insane. She cannot recover, and her condition is pitiable. When Mrs. Jack- son failed so noticeably her husband begnn to drink, and yesterday and bust night lie added morphine to his potations, and physicians were unable to save him. Worthy of n Trial. A lady of our acquaintance has been in quite feeble health for many years with some complnint peculiar to the sex—be came emaciated—lost her appetite—was melancholy—sleepless—cross and fretful. Many years’ suffering indicated that all medicines were n failure. Some one sug gested the use of the Simmons’ Iron Cor dial, which could be applied locally. After using two or three bottles an astonishing change was observed, and a complete cure was soon effected. eod&w The daring young dry goods salesman wlio jumped off State street bridge Tues day night shouting “Here’s for fame, for tune and a dime museum,” appears to have been a victim of misplaced confidence, for his fine was light. This would be a comparatively happy world if everybody know the virtues of SMITH'S BILE BEANS as a family med icine. and acted upon that knowledge. One-lmlf the misery of tlie world comes from ailments which arise from a bad stomach or a bad liver. Chiofest among these are dyspepsia, biliousness, sick head ache and neuralgia. BILE BEANS will cure all of these, be sides ail miasmatic diseases. Dose: One Bean. aug24 eod&wlm Some of the newspaper men of New York who have been swearing about their circulation are said to bo a little nervous over the earthquake. Even a slight shake ubout Gotham might work a groat reform. A MOST 1.1 III:K YI. OFFER. The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on thirty days’ trial to any man afflicted with Nerv ous Debility, Loss of Vitality, -Ianhood, &e. Illustrated pamphlet in sealed en velope with full particulars, mailed free. Write them at once. t&wtf W. D. Howells is receiving subscriptions for the purchase from Mr. Osgood of the Healey portrait of Longfellow, which it is g roposed to place in Memorial hall, at [arvard college. The price is $1500. RUCK LEYS AgpiCA SALVE. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sait Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblnins, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay is required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Brannon & Carson. ie24 oed&w The proof reader made a bungle ot St. John’s speech where he spoke of having “left the republican party.” It should read, “When the republican party of Kan sas left St. John” by 55,000 majority. PUBLIC I am now prepared to de all kinds of House Painting The smallest oscillating engine in the , ■world has been made by John R. Hare, of Baltimore. Its bore is one-sixteenth of an inch, and the stroke is one-eighth. The heel, shaft and crank weigh eight grains, the cylinder five, and the stand and pillar twelve grains, making the whole weight I one pennyweight one grain. It is about half as big as a collar button, and it makes | 3000 revolutions a minute. Hay Fever Sufferers.—The number ■of people annually afflicted with this most annoying malady seems to be greatly ou the increase. * * * The editor of this journal is an annual victim, and . with a view to discover a specific, lias tried nu merous remedies. Of these, “Ely’s Cream Balm” is by all odds the quickest and most satisfactory, two applications greatly allay ing the usual symptoms in the nose and 'eyes. We would recommend its use by all subject to hay fever, and we gladly bear unsolicited testimony to its efficiency in our own case. * —Media (Pa.) Record. eod&w All ONLY 81.00 IIY MAIL, POSTPAID. ILLUSTRATED SAMPLE FREE TO A LI President Cleveland up ill the Adiron- dacks talked to a New York reporter about civil service as smooth as if his tongue and lips were oiled. But he and his cabinet go right along violating it in spirit and letter every day—and they know it. Theory is one thing and practice is another. Cure of Liver Coniiiliiliit. Iowa Falls, Harding Co., Iowa, June S, 18S5. J have been using Allcock’s Porous Plasters for four years, and think I could not get along without them, ror a long time I was afflicted with a pain under my right shoulder blade ; I also had oonsideia- ble difficulty in breathing. I applied ail AUcock's Porous Plaster on my back, and one on my chest. 1 kept changing them every four days, and at the end ot three weeks was entirely cured. eod&w t E. 3. Stevens, i William Walter Phelps sailed from Havre for New York Saturday. At a tare- well banquet given him in Paris the night before, Justice Stanley Matthews, Chauii- cey M. Depew and Charles A. Dana were among those present. .Host Excellent. J. J. Atkins, I chief of police, Knoxville, j Tenn., writes: “My family and 1 are bene ficiaries of your most excellent medicine,! Dr. King’s “New Discovery for consump tion; having found it to be all that you claim for it, desire to testify to its virtue. My friends to whom I have recommended it praise it at every opportunity. ur. King’s New Discovery for Consumption is guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, bron chitis, asthma, croup and every aftectionoi throat, chest and lungs. „ , Trial bottle free at Brannon & Carson s Drug Store. Large size, $1. eod&w It is stated that the cleaning of the white house is nearly complete. It is supposed that the president has reserved the hang ing of the curtains and getting unsym- metrical kinks out of the stove-pipes just -to revive memories of an official past. KNOW THYSELF. And in the very best manner, with the best Paints, as cheap as any one in the city. I am always ready for small jobs as well as large ones. I have the best of workmen employed. JAMES M. OSBORNE, AT THE Old Bradford Paint Shop. jyl2 se&w3m An Infallible Remedy FOR FLOODING. F 'ASY to obtain and costs nothing, Succeeds * where the skill of the best physicians fails. To any one remitting me one dollar 1 will send recipe, and will refund the money if satisfaction is not obtained. ■ 3M , ,, , , I will state that before I used this remedy I paid heavy doctor bills every year, but now 1 do not have to pay any. lIof I | „ „ KI K agu29 selm Buena Vista. Ga. A Standard Meiliciil Work The Muscogee Oil Company I Has recently refitted their Ginnery with the DD/lVPn limilYIJDV and have a capacity of forty bales per day. The patronage of t lie public is respectfully solicited. tirs< (Md:i: <mi. «'<>. m NERVE FOOD PERMANENT RELIEF To al) persons who are suiter in k in an> way from Nervousness or Nervous Exhaustion. Everybody knows that a strong, vigorous nervous system is cssont iul to Rood he alth. MOXIB Is recommended by clergymen and endorsed by eminent physicians. It contains no alcoholic or other stimulant. It is not a drug. It is a food; not a medicine. It induces a Rood appetite. It insures sound, healthful sleep. It is perfectly harmless. Only 50c* a <|narl Hoffle. For sale, wholesale and retail, by M. D. Hood & Co., Geo. A. Bradford and Evans & Howard. apfi dly nrm s s s s s s s s sssssssssss Fo r Fifty Years the great Remedy for Blood Poison ana Skin Diseases. For 50 Y ears. It never Fails! Interesting Treatise on LJlooil and LSkin Diseases mailed free to mil who apply. It should be carefully read by everybody. Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. SSSSSSSSSSS s s s s s s s s X»URV. > r e*EA J||S NwdkI L0NLY INJ DRPRICES SPECIAL flAVORlHg S' Extracts MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared with strict regard to Purity, Strength, and Health!ulneBB. Dr. Price's Baking Powder contains no Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Dr. Price's Extracts, Vanilla, Lemon, Grunge, etc., flavor deliciously. PRICE BAKING POWDER 00., Chicago and St. Louis. Gray Ready FOR ACTION! Oui Preparations are Mow Complete, And our oxpectalions for a booming Fall Trade are certainly to lie realized. All waiting on Gray lo set the ball iu moiion. Some say, “What is Gray up lo?” others, “Wind on earth is Gray going lo do willi three car loads of Dress Goods alone?" Well, our immense resources were skillfully applied. We are determined lo do Ihe Dress Goods trade of llie town, as usual, as we cherish Ihe .just reputation we have established for be ing a truly progressive, enterprising and reliable firm, identi fied willi prime qualities of medium and line imporied goods. t All of Our Mew Fall Slock Mow in! Just to gef Ihe trade Colored Dress Goods we A Great Work on Manhood. Exhausted Vitality. Nervous and Physical Debil- itv. Premature Decline in Alan, Errors of Youth, and (lie untold misery resulting from indiscretion or excesses. A book lor every man, young, mid dle-aired and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of which is invaluable. So found by the Author whose experience f<>r 25 years is such as probably never before befel the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, em bossed covers. full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work in every sense mechanical, literary and professional-than any other work sold in this country for §2.50. or ihe money will be refunded in every instance. Price only 81.00 by mail, post paid. Illustrated - -mple 6 cents. Send now Gold medal awarded the author by the Nutiqna Medical Association, to the President of which the Hon. P. A. Bissdl, ami associate officers of the Board the reader is respectfully referred. The Science of Life should be read by the young for instruction, and by the afllictcd lor relief. It will benefit all.- London Lancet. There is no member of society to whom The Science of life will not he useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman.-Ar- tfC Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr \V. H. Parker, No. 1 Bulfinch street, Boston Mas- who niiv be consulted on all diseases re quiring skill and experience. Chronic and obsti nate diseases that have baffled the skill of all other physicians a specialty. Such treated suc cessfully without an instance of failure. Men tion this paper. aP 2 ® ,vl ? ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost i of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers Tty addressing Geo. P. Rowell A Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York.’ Send lOcts for 1 OO-oaae Pemohle* GEMtu SOUTH FRENCH BUHRS. ible, - iC thl! chinery Cincinnati, O. /teat. mirulm*. Compact. Write for Descriptive Circu lar. Mention this paper. lo son how many Black Goods and arc displaying, wo will for I his week only offer a few of our choicest Dress Goods at Ihe following prices : 5 Cases of 4-ounce BROCADE BALBERDJAN8, worth 10c, good goods, at 7e a yard. 6 Cases of 5 Queens POSE CASHMERES,- “ 15e, “ “ “So 5 Cases of8 Queens De CLARENCERET BRISTOL LUSTERS, worth 18c, good goods, at 10c a yard. 5 Cases of Silk Face WOOL MOHAIRS, worth 20c, good goods, at He a yard. 5 Cases of Figured ILLUMINATED SUITINGS, worth 25c, good goods, at 12J0 yard. 1 Case of I’RUNELLE CLOTHS, worth 30c. good goods, at 15o n yard. 200 Shades of Lupin’s 10-inch COLORED CASHMERES, worth 45c, at 25c a yard. 110 Shades of Ossolet 40-inch COLORED DeSEXGALAS, worth 50c, at 821c.' 43 Shades of SATIN BERBERS CLOTHS, wortli 76c, at 33 41 Shades of DRAP D’ALENA CLOTHS, worth 76c, at 33je. 24 Shades of TRICOT SUITINGS, worth 66c. at 28e a yard. 12 Shades of JERSEY CLOTHS, all w >ol, warranted, worth 50c, at 371c a yard. All these are some of our new Fall Stock, as you will see at a glance. We bought from a big bankrupt house 150 pieces of 40-inch Black Cashmeres. Some in (his lot is worth 00c a yard. We will give your pick from Ibis large stock for 25 cents a yard, hut only for this week. Our Fine Silks and Dial/, D'Alma Silk Warp Henriettas, worth §1 25. will be 82c, a yard. Corkscrew and Basket Suit ing; .also Gilbert’s noted Flannels, at all prices. This will he our Great Dress Goods Sale, so don't miss il. We desire lo slale explicitely and have il understood, that our fixed inten tion in regard lo Ihese goods is lo handle nothing hut whal is of Ihe very host manufacture—goods that for quality and workmanship shall hi’superior to anything ever before shown in litis city. No language that we can control conveys even an idea of the grandeur and magnificence of our new Fall Slock. All our other departments full lo overflowing. When Gray cannot sell you your Dry Goods, he will give them lo you, especially at the prices lie has on lliem this week. Remember, the best Fall Prints are only 5 cenfs even will) us. Good Calicoes can he had at 4 cents. OIT-TOF-LIVB-HOUSB. C. P. GRAY & CO. Largest Business Connections South, COLUMBUS, SAVANNAH, AUGUSTA, NEW Make lliem sell lliem cheap—Gray’s aim. YORK. ALBEMARLE Female Institute, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. Full corps of superior teachers: course of instruction j thorough and’extensive; location healthful and ac« i i ceBsible; scenery beautiful; surroundings most at- j tractive: terms very moderate: order catalogue ■ W. P. MtKINSON, Principal. WANTED. Vs .ill pay Averts a sair.iv of tKO to t-90 per month and er. penses to travel an 1 sell on* Jesters, or 840 a month and ex- distribute circulars in you* vicinity. Bus- e. permanent, pleasant & easily operate l advanced. SAMl’LB TASKS frrk. iV in,,, .cquired. No humbug. We mean what we say 4ll,r4 NATIONAL SrPI’I.V COMPA\V. ill when bnslnoss Is dull and prices arejow Is NOW BUY YOUR Bffi&iSS! UN8 €!•»•• i•» A- r». a •- 50 llunne St. %'ew Vary y ...salary and *LLEXPENSES PAID • o I state which preferred 0,1 t*l ot** fccO.MAimfarturerafc . 3 i-4 Goorce 5>t., v. mciuaau, O. jell wljr j O.'il iiance Proliiliiiiihr futile from lluniiiihf ;it j Laiffo I pon llie Streets. I )F IT ORDAINED, That from mid after Ot- > tober 1st. 188(5, no cattle shall be* permitted at j . night in any of the streeth or parks of the city. and from October 1 to April 1 shall be permitted j ! neither day or night, except while being t ( driven through the same: and any i cattle found so running at large shall be im- \ I pounded by the c hief of police, who shall adver- ; \ tise *nd sell the same after giving three days ‘ ! notice of time and place thereof, and unless the j owner‘•hall within that time redeerii the same by paying 50 cent s for each head of cattle, with 26 cents per dav for fieding. When sold the net proceeds shall be turned over to the city treas urer for account of owner. Be it further ordained, That nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to prevent the , grazing ofcattie upon any of the commons of the city. Adopted in Council August 1th, 1886. CLIFF B. CRIMES, Mayor. M. M. MOORE, Clerk Council. aug6 se t sep19 d2w EDOCATEg BUSINESS Tills School Is i he best m America. The rnosl practical course of in- slrucuoa ami the most .eminent faculty. En dorsed by business houses. For circulars and specimens of Fen- Biansnlp, address KOisix i. DOLcatrrx^ Wishing to Change My Business, 1 Offer My Entire Slock Coffins, Cases and Caskets, Robes, Etc, At greatly redueed prices. Purchasers will furllier their in- interest by examining before buying elsewhere. B. F. COLEMAN. Jr. The Brown Ctoitors. Crixi do., WAPITAL I'KI/j; 8T5,ftOO.-f| riekrt^oiil.vW, Minin'* In priiimrtloi* Louisiana State Lottery Comp’y. " HV do hereby errlifi/ that ire aapervisc the at* tanijement for ad (hr Monthly and Quarterly Drawings of The Lnaindina State Lottery Com. "any, ar t in n iym manage and control the Drawings them * < < s. and that the same, are con* lueted trdh hoi>< sly, fairness, and in good faith inward ad purlieu, and authorize the Company a use this certificate^ ■ndth /m'-nmiles of our »xg naturea attached. /<• its advci tinenientsf* >RIZE ....f75,OM 2000 .... 10,000 We the undersigned Banks and Bankers will p.i gall Vi izen drairn in The Louisiana State, Lob teries which mai/ he presented at our counters. .1. il. OGI.I SHY. I’tMH. I.i%. Yafl (tank. J. W. It J IsBIt II ('If. Pvvh. Mf*»l«* Xnri B’* A. HAI.IMVIN, rn s. \. O. NiU’l Bunk Incorporated iu 1HC8 for 25 years bv the Legislft* t iro for Educational and Charitable purposes— with capital of §1,000,000— to which a reserv* fund of over 8660,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise \ us made a part of the present State Constitu tion, adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. ’ The only Lottery rrc r voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. IT NEVER SCALES OR POSTPONES. Its (iraiKl Sinylc NuntlM'r Drnwinjf* 1 iilie Monthly, and the Extraordinary Drawings regularly every three months, instead of fwmi-amuuUly ns heretofore, beginning March, 1886. A MI’MMHII 0110.(4 1 MTV TO WIN A FORTUNE. TENTH GRAND DRAW ING. CLASH 14.IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY. Orlnln'i* I2tb, lMHfl IDT III Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL I’ltlZK *7.1.000. 100.000 Tickets al l ive DollnrM Kach. I'riM'tiniiN In I'illliM in proportion. LIST OF PHIZES, APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of |750 9 Approximation Prizes of 500 9 Approximation Prizes of 260 1907 Prizes, amounting to 8266*5®® Application for rates to clubs should be mad* only to theOfflceoftheCompany in Nexv Orleans. For further information write clearly, giving full address. POSTAL NOTIIM, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordi nary letter. Currency by Express tat our ex pense) addressed ML A. HA l T 1*111IV, New OrleunN, Ls. Or M. A. l»Ain*HI»r, UiiHliiugtim. IL Make I*. O, Money Orders (myall ® :»imI iidilrosN KegiNfereil l.ellera lo \i:w OIU.F.ANS NATIONAL BANK, wed se&w4w New OrleunN, Ls. MANUFACTURED BY M, D. HOOD £ CO., Columbus, Ga. HOOD’S EUREKA LIVER MEDICINE The fnultles-i family remedy. For biliousness, torpid liver, indigestion, constipation, and all the common i!F oflite it is simply perfect and can not be improved. Don't be without a bottle. Jordan's Joyous Julep The infallible remedy for Neuralgia. It will cure the worst case of Neuralgia, however severe and long standing the case. J UVANTIA! A specific for Hick Headache. A dose taken when symptoms appear will prevent the worst Hick Headache. It cures nothing else. riiomuH’s ortttttit Cologne, a Perfume most delightful and refreshing. KxIrarlN of I,onion ami Vanilla, the finest flavoring extracts known—something su perior and elegant. _ dtf GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 181 BAKER’S 1 absolutely pul. Cocoa, from which the excess. Oil has been removed. 11 liasfAll times the strength of Cocoa mixaf with h'tarch, Artfiwrootor Sugal fher.'fo /sting less than one cent It <s delicious, nourishing nd. ihvai. for persons In health* Sold by firocers everywhere* NEW LONDON, CONN. Manufacturers of the “Old Reliable” Brown Cotton Gins, Feeders and Con densers. All the very latest improvements: im proved roll box, patent whipper, two brush belts, extra strong brush, cast steel beariuirs, improved Feeder, enlar<"”’. uUBfc proof 'oudeuser. l ■I'onj&simpieiEV.ustructlon, durable i0irin fast, rubs liyht, cleans the seed per fect.., and produces first class samples. I UEl.lVBItEl* KHKE OK VUEIGQT al any nreetntibln point. Send for fall description and price list. COLUMBUS IRON WORKS, Agents, Columbus, Ga. af&w.ltn j' J .‘H'r. ridIr rdng, candy a*fir**i / j j ■ u Jand ml:nimbly adapted tor ih\ ' as v ll an for persona in heal Grocers everywhere BAKEH ft HO.. Dorchester^ Xte N.W.AYB&SON ADVERTISING AGENTS bJiSo PHILADELPHIA Cor. CbentnuC and Eighth 8ts. Receive Advertisements for this Paper. ESTIMATES « Low«it®ca.h r«S FREE jKnJSiw AYER & SON'S MANUAL^ Notice to Debtors and Creditors* i . mcAruie. mie ui .uusoukcw county, deceased, to present them to me properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount. And all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby rf