Newspaper Page Text
News from the Three States Told in
Brief Paragraphs.
HIuIiwk) Rollin'r* at Work at Pnlatka—Xolillo'a
Now Ituil)' Flnain lall) KmliurruHsril—A > i n nun
Boy Dim of Lockjaw, etc.
Mr. H. C. Story, city editor of the Ameri-
cus Recorder, is In Atlanta, under medi
cal treatment. Mr. J. W. Furlow is tilling
his place.
Mr. R. L. Campbell has sold the Dawson
News to Mr. W. V/Munroe, who will
conduct the paper for the future.
Tom McQill, of Terrell county, has a
knife that has been in use about twenty-
five years. His father bought the knife
before the war and paid five dollars for it.
He carried it through the war. and after
the war he died, when Tom fell heir to It
and has used it ever Bince.
An accident occurred on the Brunswick
and Western railroad at Albany Thurs
day morning by which Engineer Wallace
Scoville had a leg broken.
Mr. John P. Boring,, of Cobb county,
made on an average of 223 gallons of sor
ghum to the acre this season.
The Fort Gaines Guards are getting up a
military fair. It begins September 28 and
lasts one week,
Johnson Orr, the fifteen-year-old son of
I. N. Orr, one of the most prominent mer
chants of Newnan, died Thursday morn
ing after a lingering and very painful ill
ness. While out hunting with some friends
a few weeks since, his gun was accidental
ly discharged, ‘literally tearing one foot
to pieces, resulting in lockjaw and finally
in death.
Duffy’s Raw Beef Formula
How to (let Hearty ami Strong.
Mr. P. R. MURPHY, 198 Conway street,
Baltimore, Md., writes: “Have gained 41
S ounds by the use of your Duffy's Pure
ialt Whiskey and Raw Beef Formula.”
Mb. M. V. NEIGHBORS, Ossage Mission,
Kansas, writes: “Have used your Duffys
Pure Malt Whiskey and Raw Beef Formu
la, and weigh 26 pounds more than ever
Mb. Z. HARRISON, Luray Courthouse,
Va., writes: “Have been using your
DuflV's Pure Malt Wiskey for dyspepsia,
and have gained 33 pounds.”
Mb. WM. H. J. WELLS, 966 Claiborne
Ave., Chicago, 111., writes: “After using
your Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey and Raw
Beef Formula, have gained 16 pounds.”
Mr. EDWARD H. HOWE, 938 Main
street, Kansas City, Mo., writes: “Have
~ ~ ' Pu
used your Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey and
Raw Beef Formula a little over two
months. Have gained 19J pounds.”
Mb. C. II. KNIGHT, 1345 Corcoran St.,
Washington, D. C., writes: “After using
Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey, have gained
10 pounds in weight.”
Macon Sharpe, who for a year or more
has been connected with the general ticket
office of B. D. Mann, at Atlanta, has re
ceived the appointment of traveling pas
senger agent of the Atlanta and West
Poiut railroad and the Western railroad of
Mrs. R. F. Napier, of Hawkinsville, has
during the past several months sold
eighteen dollars’ worth of milk per month
from one cow. During the past two or
three months the cost of food for the cow
was only jf2.50 per month. Mrs. Napier’s
success with one cow has about induced
her to engage in the dairy business.
The Telegram, the new daily paper
started at Mobile about six weeks ago,
made an assignment Thursday to J. Es-
palla. An attempt is being made to form
a new company. The publication will
temporarily continue.
The negro Dock Wilson, who stole some
g ants from Carlisle & Bro., at LaFayette
aturdav night, was sent up by Judge Rob
inson Wednesday for three months and.
additional time to pay the costs. Jim
Smith, who was with Dock when the pants
were stolen, and in whose possession one
S air of the pants were found, got thirty
ays and costs.
Auburn is on a regular boom. The A.
& M. college has had the best opening i
uiiipp 187Q nr<a t.hnt. t\bf»vn will •
Mr. WM. CHAPMAN, 1500 Vermont
Ave., Washington, D. C., writes: “I have
used your Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey and
Raw Beef Formula, and have gaiued 10
pounds.’ * •
Baltimohh, Md.
fl tTThe Duffy's Raw Beef Formula mentioned
above is a special household application of the
medicinal virtues and purity of Duffy’s Pure
Malt Whisky, and is intended to more specifically
meet the requirements of those suffering from
Consumption, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, General
Debility and all Wasting Diseases. In addition
to the tonic effect of our whisky, it furnishes un
equaled blood-forming material, whereby the
weight and strength are increased. A printed
copy of this formula, which consists principally
of raw beef and our DutfV’s Bure Malt Whisky,
ui ruw ueei uim uui duuy b run: nma»o,
will he mailed to any address, under the Seal of
the Company, upon receipt of a two-cent stamp.
Or the preparation itself, in liquid form, as put up
by us by a special process, making it the most
IJj kin Ijy U n|Jk.k-lt(l nuia
pulatnble and efficacious beef preparation
had of all Druggists at ONE 1
since 1879. Indications are that there will
be two hundred matriculates during the
first term.
Theo. Roach, shot at Huntsville by Tom
Mason in a difficulty Wednesday, died of
his wounds Thursday.
Mrs. John Pearson, of Branchville, St.
Clair county, dropped dead in her yard a
few days ago. Apoplexy is supposed to
have been the cause.
The ordinance of baptism was adminis
tered to thirty-five candidates by Rev. Mr.
Cloud, of the Baptist church of Wetumpka,
Sunday, and some thirty members were
received into the Methodist church at the
Sunday morning service.
Three sons of a Mr. Morgan were
drowned in the creek at Bush’s mill, in
Cherokee county, last week. They were
bathing in the creek and got into swim
ming water and were drowned. The
oldest was fifteen and the youngest eleven
year;: old. They were all buried in the
same grave.
Mnfftof the dioenaes which afflict mankind are origin
oily cauued by it disordered condition of the LIV E R •
For all complaints of this kind, such os Torpidity of
the Liver, Biliousnuwi, Nervous Dyspepsia, Indiges
tion. Irregularity of the Bowels, Constipation. Flatu
lency, Emulations nnd Burning of the Stomach
(sometimes called Heartburn) Miasma, Malaria,
Bloody Flux. Chills anc Fever. Breukbone Fever,
Exhaustion before or after Fevers. Chronic Diar
rhoea. Loss of Appetite. Headache. Foul Breath,
Irregularities incidental to Females. Bearing-down
ache, Ac ,
Is invaluable. It is not a panacea for ail diseases,
but g IQ Cf alt diseases of the LIVER,
It chungos the complexion from a waxy, follow
tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color, ft entire,y removes
low. gloomy spirits. It. is one of the BEST AL
BLOOD, and la A fALUAh-E ‘ r OBIC„
Pecan nuts in west Florida are getting i
A good rice crop has been made in Co
lumbia county.
St. Augustine will soon have one of the
best public school houses in the state.
Polk county has increased in wealth i
nearly a million dollars within the past ,
Rev. J. F. Eden has been invited to ac
cept the pastorate of the Gainesville Bap
tist church.
At Gainesville the collection for the
benefit of the Charleston sufferers now
amounts to $311.
A female base ball club will be organized i
in Gainesville. They will be called the !
Red Stockings.
Charles G. Ellis, of Como, says that Como 1
was visited by three distinct earthquake
shocks on Sunday night.
Last Friday young Bickman, of Mann-
ville, Putnam county, was bitten by a rat
tlesnake, which proved fatal the following
night. 1
A pear, across between the Bartlett and
LaConte varieties, has been found in Co
lumbia county, and is said to be delicious
in taste.
At Palatka Monday noon a negro man
by the name of Riddell approached Mar
shal Manucy and stated that he had been
robbed over in East Palatka by three men
who made him throw up his hands while
they rifled his pockets. The marshal and
Special Policeman Woodring, on learning
that the robbers had come to this side of
the river, began searching for them, and
found two of the crowd in Reid’s swamp
and gave chase. The robbers were fleet
of foot, however, and got into the swamp
and escaped, although several shots were
fired at them. Later they found the other
one, and he ran through Reid’s garden,
closely pursued by Manucy, who shot at
him just as he entered the swamp, and
thinks that he probably wounded him.
For sale by all Druggists Price SI .00 per bottle
C. F. STADiCRR, Proprietor,
140 SO. FRONT ST., Philadelphia, Pa.
{Copy.) Chicago, April21st, If
This is to certify, that the Illinois Trust
Savings Bank has this day received from the
Union Cigar Company of Chicago, to be held
as a Special Deposit,
U. S. 4 °io Coupon Bonds,
as follows:
No *2‘’0°8 D. $600. n Market Value of which Is
**’41201 ’ 100. |
** 41205 100. V S1G2„
•• 12BI0 WU 1
"<800. I (S.) yas. S. Gibbs, Cash.
We offer the above as a FORFEIT, if our
“FANCY fl BOCK It" does not prove to bca
genuine Havana-filler Cigar.-Union Cigar Co
Hay Fever Sufferers.— 1 The number
of people annually afflicted with this most
annoying malady seems to be greatly on
the increase. i ’’ * * The editor ol this
lournai is an annual victim. “
view to discover a specific, has tried nu
merous remedies. Of these, “Ely’s Cream
Balm” is by all odds the quickest and most
satisfactory, two applications greatly allay
ing the usual symptoms in .the nose and
eyes. We would recommend its use by all
subject to hay fever, and we gladly bear
unsolicited testimony to its efficiency in
our own case. 1’ * * *
our own case.
—Media (Pa.) Record.
Couliln’t Bltle It.
Book Agent—Councilman, don’t you
want to buy an encyclopedia to-day ?
City Father—What do I want with the
darned thing ? I’d break my neck the
first time I rode it.—Life.
This would be a comparatively happy
world if everybody knew the virtues of
SMITH’S BILE BfiANS as a family med
icine, and acted upon that knowledge.
One-half the misery of the world comes
from ailments which arise from a bad
stomach or a bad liver. Chiefest among
these are dyspepsia, biliousness, sick head
ache and neuralgia.
BILE BEANS will cure all of these, be-
iides all miasmatic diseases. Dose: One
Bean. aug24 eod&wlm
Lace Curtains!
Advertised some time ago to arrive a handsome line of Lace
Curtains; also Scrim for Curtains. They have them now in
stock—the most beautiful designs, the richest patterns ever
brought to Columbus, marked at such prices as will not in
sure keeping them long. These goods will lie on exhibition
on the first floor Monday. Housekeepers are especially in
vited to call and see them.
Received This Week
Domestic Goods, Ginghams, Indigo Prints,
Bleached and unbleached Cotton Flannels, Colored Col
ton Flannels, Water Proof Goods, Cassimere for hoys, Cassi-
imere for men.
Columbus, Ga., August 1,1886.
O N and after this date Passenger Trains will
run ns follows. Tains * daily; f daily ex
cept Sunday. The standard time by which these
Trains run is the same us Columbus city time.
Leave Columbus..
Arrive Mncon
“ Atlanta
“ Monte
12 00 m
1 4 38 p 111
1 9 35 p ill
II 10 p ill
3 00 a ill
615 mill
1 5 55 a in
11 45 p m
7 35am
1 35 p ill
7 28 p m
3 58 p ill
2 45 p in
113 p m
3 15 p m
4 07 p m
Passenirors for Sylvania, Sandervllle, Wrights-
villo, Milledgeville .and Eatonton, Thomast.on,
Carrollton. Ferry, Fort Gaines, Talbotton, Buena
Vista, H.ukcly and Clayton should take 11 46 p in
Leave Macon
“ Atlanta
“ Montgomery..
“ Kufaulu
“ Albany
“ Milieu
“ Augusta
“ Savannah
Arrive Columbus
1 10 00 a m * 7 15 p m
1 6 00 a ml* 3 10 p m
* 7 40am
10 55 a m
: 12 00 m
12 00 111
* 9 30am
8 40 a ill
2 43 a 111
Sleeping Cars on all night trains between Co
lumbus and Macon, Macon and Savannah, Ma
con and Atlanta, Savannah and Macon, and Sa
vannah and Atlanta.
Tickets for all points and Sleeping Car Berths
on sale at Depot Ticket Office
Gen’l Pass. Agent.
C. W. MEYER, Ticket Agent. augl tf
Blanchard, Booth & Huff
More New Shoes received this week. Men's Congress
and Bal Sewed Shoes, Men’s Congress arid Hal Cable Screw
Shoes. Ladies’ Kid Button $1.25 and up, Ladies' Grain
Shoes $>1.25 and up, Ladies’ Glove Grain $1.50 and $2.00.
Misses' School Shoes, Boys' School Shoos, Children's
Shoes—a dozen different styles, from 50c to $1.50.
Shoe business has increased beyond their expectations, and
they propose to continue the increase, if custom-made Shoes
and low prices will do it.
Shortest, Quickest and Besl—308 Miles Shorter to New York
than via Louisville—Close Connection with Piedmont
Air Line and Western and Atlantic Railroad.
In effect .September 12th. 1886.
| No. 53 j No. 51
Ophlika, Ala., September 14th, 1880.
/ VN and after Sunday, September Mth. 1886, the
" ' trains on this road will be run as follows :
No. 1.
Leave Columbus n 22 a m
Arrive Opoliku 0 62 si m
No. 2.
Leave Opeliksi 10 or, u m
Arrive Columbus ll 20 a m
Leave Columbus 2 2fi p m
Arrive Opelika 3 68 p tu
No. I.
Leave Opelika 6 18 p m
Arrive Columbus 6 43 p m
No. 5.
Leave Columbus 7 10 a m
Arrive Opelika 9 23 a m
Arrive Good water 6 50 p in
No. «.
Leave Good water 5 20 a m
Arrive Opelika 9 40 a in
Arrive Columbus 12 60 p in
No. 7.
Leave Columbus i 45 p in
Arrive Opelika 3 38 p m
No. H.
Li ave Opelika 4 13 p m
Arrive Col urn 1ms 6 54 p m
The night trains are discontinued for the pres
dtf General Manuger
Office General Manager,
Columbus, Ga., September Pith, 1880.' \
O N nnd after Sunday, September 12. 1880, the
schedule of Mail Train will he ns follows:
No. 1—Going North Daily.
Leave Columbus 2 20 p m
Arrive at Chipley 4 32 p ni
Arrive at Greenville 6 37 p in
No. 2 -Coining South Daily.
Leave Greenville 7 10am
Arrive at Chipley 8 11 a m
Arrive at Columbus 10 21 a ni
No. 3-Freight and Accommodation—North.
Leave Columbus 0 00 a in
Arrive at Cliipiey 8 11am
Arrive at Greenville 0 26 a m
No. 4—Freight and Accommodation—South.
Leave Greenville 10 22 a in
Arrive at Chipley H 38 a m
Arrive at Columbus 2 It P m
W. L. CLARK. Gen’l Manager.
T. C. S. HOWARD, Geu’l Ticket Agent.
feh 24 dlv
Leave New Orleans..
“ Mobi'e
“ Selma
“ Montgomery.
e ha-si
1 20 p m
4 30 a m
i 55 a m
Arrive Columbus
Leave Columbus
“ Opelika
Arrive West Point—
“ La Grange
“ Newnan
“ Atlanta
Via W. k A. Railroad.
Leave Atlanta
Arrive Rome
44 Dalton
9 07
11 55 a m 11 55 a in
2 28pm 854am
10 53 p in 10 05 a m
11 1<> p m 10 40 a ni
12 26 am 1120 am
1 45 a in 12 23 p i
3 25 a in 1 1 45 p m
7 50 a m
1115am 150pm
1140 am 6 55pm
1 00 P ill 5 37 P m
7 07 p m
Via the Piedmont Air Line to New York and Fa
Leave Atlanta
Arrive Charlotte
“ Washington
44 Baltimore
“ Philadelphia
44 New York
7 40 a m 4 00 p m
6 25 p in 4 05 a in
3 37 p m
8 30 p in
11 26 p m
3 00 a m
6 20 u m
K 00 a
» 35 a
2 40 p
3 40 p
South Bound Trail
No. 50
No. 52
Leave Atlanta • 1 45 p m, 11 20 p i
Leave Columbus ! 2 28 p in
44 Opelika i /... 5 18pm|
Arrive Chehaw ! j 6 02 p in
** Montgomery 1 : 7 15 p m!
Arrive Mobile 1 ; 2 26 a in
44 New Orleans 1 7 20 a ni
3 30 t
4 10 i
6 20 r
Train 50, Pullman Palace Sleeping C'ar through to New Orleans.
Sleeping Ca*, free of charge, through to Texas without change.
52, Fa
ily Emigrant
Via Selma and Queen and Crescent.
Leave Columbus
44 Opelika
“ Montgomery'
2 28 p ill
5 18 p in'
8 15 p ni
11 15 p m,
1 15 p i
3 45 p i
5 35 p i
6 27 p i
li 15 p i
4 22 a i
6 50 a i
1 40 p i
6 35 p i
Vegetables and Fruits,
Our LA LOMA 10c. Cigar is strictly Hand
made. Elegant quality. Superior workmanhip.
Sold by ail Grocers.
?G N. Clinton HU, - UIIIAGO,
Retail by
G. D. HUNT, Columbus, Ga
ie24 dly
Magnolia Gin
The Foremost Standard COT
It has Just taken the " Highest Awards
Gold Modal and Diploma,” for ” Light Draft.
Best Sample and General Utility," at the
World Cotton Centennial Exposition, New
Orleuns, over all Competitors.
Slade & Etheridge, Columbus, Oa.
tin the WORLD.
hew Imports*
I thin n constantly
r arriving.
Rare individual
excellence and
> choice Breeding.
Our customers have the advantage of our
rioty ami Immense (Collectionat opportu
nity of comiiarinw dilhreni breed* i and
low price*. because of our unrqunlca la-
cililicM, extent of btiMineet* and low rate*
of transportation.
Noether ontnbliNhmont In the world offers
sueh advantages to the jMirehnHer.
Horn welcome. CorreHimndenee aolic*
It etl. __ (!i re ill n r * Free. Mention th Is pftfigS
POWELL BROS., sunuiihora. Crawford CoJ
For 15 years at 37 Court Plat
Bet. Third and Fo
- quulili -il physician and la#
riiuHt aurietiaful, »•* hlu praetwo will piuvc.
Spormatorrlioa and Impotency,
romill »f self-iil.n*e lu youth, MX'ial oxreMoa In ins*
onni. or other auiBua, and produ. 'n^ some of the fol*
elloots: Nei volume**, Seminal KmUmonn. (night erntv i
v dreams). Dimness or Sight, Defective Memory, i*by-
“Ciiy. Pimple* on Paco, Avcraion to Society of Females,
Coufu.sluu of bleu*, Loss of Scxnul Power, hz., rendering
unhappy, aro thoroughly r~*
lently c
•nper or unhappy, aro thorniigtii)
SYPHILIS Wi ™ r " i ’
u<i from the ayntein; Gonorrhea,
’lernla, tor Rupture),
t ll phv (detail win- pays special stlontlTO
..f diseases, nnd treating thousands auuu-
Physieluns knowing tills fact often
Curas Guaranteed in all Caset
•idad, for tbntf
I T being officially known to the Hoard of f)
rectors of the Georgia Midland and
Gulf Railroad Company that the first
section of twenty miles of the Georgia
Midland and Gulf Railroad, of four feet nine
inches gauge, ‘‘between Columbus, Ga, and At
lanta, Ga., or between Col uni hi is. Ga., and some
point on the East Tennessee, Virginia and Geor
gia Railroad between Ath ntu, Ga.. and Macon,
Ga., with the privilege of entering Atlanta on the
track of any railroad with terminal facilities
there, is graded and ready for the cross-ties,
trestles and bridges,” and whereas, by the terms
of subscription the first installment of the same
becomes due and payable upon official publica
tion of the completion of the work as above;
Be it resolved. That the Treasurer is authorized
to publish in the name of this Hoard the com
pletion of the first section of twenty miles, as
stipulate I in said subscription notes, and tocall
on Un; subscribers for payment of the first in
stallment notes of twenty-five per cent, which
notes arc now due and payable at the National
Hank of Columbus, Ga.
Keaton Grantland, G. L. Davis,
Geo. P. Hwift, Jr, N. J. Bussey,
W. J. Kincaid, J. F. Flournoy,
B. T. Hatcher, T. M. Foley,
J. W. Wool folk.
'I’he Board of Directors of the Georgia Midland
and Gulf Railroad Company.
scp7 (it Treasurer.
.Biliousness: Lick Headscho InFourhocrs
■/j) One dOGO relieve.' Neurahjia. They curs
prevent Chilly .-• Fever, Sour Stoihach 9a 4
'•oath. Clear the Sion, Tom'* the Per-c?, and oiva
ifo Vigor to tho system. J>omi : OS E LEAN.
r y them - once anc yoi. will never be without
/'rice, 76 cents per bottle. Sold by Dri'tpicis »
lAerBcino Dealers generally. Sent on receipt •:'
price in stamps, postp. i:i, to any addroSi,
u. F. SMITH & CO.,
Manufacturers and Sole Props.. ST. LOUIS,
I I AVING sold the stock heretofore held by the
* • undersigned in the Eagle and Phcnix Man
ufacturing ('on,puny, located in the city of Co
lumbus, Muscogee county, Georgia, notice is
hereby given under section 1493 of the Code of
Georgia of such transfer. 1 also claim exemption
jorgia <
H AVING sold the stock heretofore held
by me in the Eagle and Phenix Muuufactur
ing Company and Merchants and Mechanics’
Hunk ami Georgia Home Insurance Company, lo
cated in Columbus, .Muscogee county, Georgia,
notice is hereby given under section 1496 of the
code of Georgia of such transfer. 1 also claim ex-
cxinption of liability under said section.
U.UiLIL I U.lllLH. I ti.llllil
Am receiving New and Seasonable Goods.
Fresh Ground Meal and Grits,
$1.25 per sack.
NG sold the stock heretofore held by the
/rued in the Merchants' and Me-
Hunk, located in tin city of Columbus,
nuty, Georgia, notice is hereby given
feb‘27 o
1196 of the Code of t B orgia of such
I also claim exemption of liability
id section. J. S. GARRETT.
The College of Letters, Music and Art. Rlxteer
professors and teachers; five in music, with thf
Misses Cox, directors, Misses Reichenan and
graduates of Leipsic, and Mist
Records, both graduates of Leipsic, and
Deaderick, a thoroughly trained vocalist: full
apparatus with mounted telescope. For entar
ogues address I. F. COX, Pres’t.
11 a&^2m
Mobile & Girard R. R. Co.
Split Peas, Granula Cracked Wheat, Slireaded |
Oats and Steam Cooked Gals.
FRESH CRACKERS just in—Sweet nnd Plain j
! Crackers.
i CANNED GOODS. Fiuest brands of new a
seasonable goods.
HAVING sold the stock heretofore held by the
undersigned in the Eagle and Phenix Manufac
turing! <*mpany, located in Columbus, Georgia,
() No
N and after this date Trains will run as follows:
COLUMBUS, GA., September 19, 1886.
' No. 1.
I No. 3. |
Accom. j
Jyeave Columbus Union Depot
44 Columbus Broad Street Depot
Arrive Union Springs
Leave Union Springs 1
Arrive Troy |
2 30 jj ra
2 46 p m
5 37 p m
6 46 p m
8 80 p m
7 28 p m
10 33 p m
10 25 p m
10 35 p m
1 45 a m
1 2 00 a m!
4 50 a m
44 Eufaula, M. & E. R. R
Np. 2. i
Past ’ger.
No. 4. |
3 30 [i m
4 01 p 111
9 10 a in'
9 25 a m
! 7 29 a m
12 45 pm
0 10 n ./I
7 15 p in
44 Columbus !
10 49 n in
j For scouring and cleaning purposes, 5c a cake.
Fine Flour, Sugars, Coffees and Teas,
i Ferris i Co.’s Breakfast Bacon and Hams.
1026 Broad Street.
Trains Nos. 1 and 2 (Mail) daily. Nos. 3 and 4 (Macon and Montgomery Through Freight and
Accommodation 1 daily except Sunday. No. 5 and 6 (Wny Freight and Accommodation) daily ex-
ceptcept Sunday. Nos. 9 apd 10 (Passenger) Sundays ocly.
W. L. CLARK, Sup't. D. E. WILLIAMS, Q. P. A.
rOO 1
Send tor price
and Illustrated Catalogue
under section 1196 of the
.'ode of Georgia of'such transfer. I also claim
•xemption of liability under said section.
feb24 ounitiin A. ILLGE8.
vous Debility, Lost Man
tKKxl Aje.liavlmc tried in vain a very known remedy
has diHcovored a simple self-cure, which he will
D ^Nksh'vlll*r T.:lTn.~Uen,l Southern Ho
forOirlH. 350Oirle this year. A non-seetai --
AHFNTQ roin money collectiiiK Family Pictures to en*
• w large ; all styles. Pictures guaranteed. Special
Adrtroas .1 A V «HON«D1m «‘ ^i* Mlo
offer. Thu Clipper Miff. Oik. (limiudj.OtneUufli