Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, September 24, 1886, Image 2

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DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN : COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 24, 1886, klflt GOULD CONFESSES, I Dunys Pure .2! aU Whtskej - Duffy’s Formula. Maine's Most Trusted Financier a Com mon Defaulter. • TekiiRt $87,000 of the Fuml* of III* Bank -Donn- r*ll nl » Non ton* Premlnent In Social, Flumi- <1*1 anti Kellrlos* OrflM. Portland, September 20.—The news of the defalcation of William Edward Gould, cashier of the First National Bank, a man prominent in social, business and religious circles and the most trnstcd financier in , Maine,, was read with pain and astonish- i merit in this city. Mr. Gould, who is now a prisoner in his own house, is a son-in-law of General Neal Dow and the son of the j Hon. Edward Gould, cashier of the | National Traders’ Bank. He has i been a preacher and lecturer, and I has filled a large place in the religious world, not only in this state hut in the country, having been identified with the American board of foreign missions and the Young Men’s Christian Associa tion. Ho was ulso a leading civil service reformer of the Euton school, and has written and spoken in favor of the theory. Acknowledged to bo the ablest financial authority in Maine, and being to all in tents and purposes the leading spirit among the Portland bankers, he became identified with the American Bankers’ Association, and at the annoal Hus sion at iWatogn has read papers admitted to have been of groat interest. The first years of his married life were Dysentery, Dlarrhtra, Cramps. Ka*tos. Mn 0«iiMrmi)n--I h»vg u*n<l yniir Duffy'* I’ur Malt uhl.k.y with lN* m..u tio'c-tclsloffecU Idt truuljlo wiwCtruMr pi.rrlio*. WAI.TKII fl I' IIHARD. olcrMloh ol tbr The first years of his marriea lire wi spent at hiH handsome but not too exp sive residenco In Deering, whoro he lived in a style befitting a man who hod an in come of ififiOO a year. Afterward ho moved to Portland and built one of the most ele gant residences in the city. The fact that be was building this expensive house was commented upon at the time, but he stood so high that no suspicion of wrong doing was entertained. There were rumors that he bad been lucky in speculation, and be sides that bis father-in-law, General Neal Dow, is n rich man, and it was supposed might be supplying the money for the building. Sinoe then his stylo of living has been more than good. He has kept a carriage, and his son, Neal Dow Gould, has had. it is said, a yacht. The directors of the First National Bank did not make public the defalcation until last evening, and then they declined to give any particulars as to how they discov ered the shortage or when their suspicions were first aroused. It is understood, how ever, that during Mr. Gould’s absence in New York last week they put an expert at work upon tho books, ana that to their astonishment he showed that $87,000 had been abstracted. Mr. Gould returned on Saturday, and it is said was at once con fronted with absolute proof of his guilt. He attempted no denial, but it is said made a full confession, and completely broke down. At his own request he was allowed to be taken home whon arrested, whore he oould be consulted more roadily in re gard to the affairs of the bank than in jail. He has already, it Is reported, assigned to tho bank property valued at #60,000. The bank, it is said, will not be crippled in the least, unless tho defalcation is much larger than the sum ($87,000) named by the direc tors, as it has a capital of $1,000,000 and a surplus of $100,000. It issupposed that Mr. Gould lost the money in grain speculation In New York, ATLANTA’S GROWING FAME. » M.nif Whiskey, Aetnry r^milti. [;AA8 A. WKIDMKH. __ . . .. runs thr stomach far a long ttm*. until I fauna out your UuiTy's Pur* M*l? Whl«<*y And Duffy's Formula. I have UMd than) and flr. l that tho cnuui* not return. MART I» SCHOTT. Mt. Hop* a vs., Pr unrj 1 find your Duffy's Pure Malt “Whiskey WnrsTo*, North Cnroltna. Ocntlemon—For two yo«ri I suffered with what the (loc'ora called « hronl** Diarrhoea, and wn# unable to get relief. 1 was ireatiy reduced when I commenced the use of your |)nffy'a pure Malt Whlstcay, alnna which I have experienced great ralleC. and nave gained imm Uiau 00 pound* la traUrht. DOC. OOATBB. mar. Philadelphia, Pa. 1 hava used Dpfff’s PorwnlA along with Dnffy's Pure Malt Wafstay, firing It to my younrcBt ahlld ot wren yearn, adit® a deli cate little thing. BM had baea all In* a long Vjm with naraataua. I am clad to aay that tireat to a JaitoOd Impr©v®m«*L. JOU* BL'HGAW. thb duttt uxt/r co,. »at/n*tnyta, Mi>. honor W The Daffy'e FPnmHa to a meet*i honor ho 14 appttroiton of tho wndtototo rtrhts* and ewrftv u( Doff o''* Awn JfaflWAtwJtecf, <w»d to tn- mart IrwSAcwftf for tho treatment of Conmmption, TWepoynii. fndtyeoUoni, \Ralut'ia^ Qmerml /vtoJktg <m4 mH waeWny pteoanoe. In mddttkm to IA« tom* tfto of oner trM«Aew, H fur- niehee tmn/ntU4 ktoorformtng material. ichoreby tk* Weight and Strength are tnrratoed. II to matfa to accordrr— “““ * J g -mwff and roe lit WTt4*X(Of < mo form, She UjLRPER ROTTLM. beef prof Udealore PERMANENT RELIEF To all persons who are suffering in any way from Nervousness or Nervous Exhaustion. Everybody knows that a strong, vigorous nervous system ia e.HucnUai to good health. IMIOIXIIIE] Is recommended by clergymen and endorsed by eminent, physicians. It contains no alcoholic or other stimulant. It is not a drug. It is a food i not a medicine. It induces a good appetite. It insures sound, healthful sleep. It is perfectly harmless. Only SOc a not t ie. A Hosth Carolina Caper Tarn* l.aosa Its IVralli Upon thr Ucorgla Hair City. Greenville iH. C. News. New York, the Empire city of the Union, answered to the cull of her humbler stricken sister with imperial opon-hunded generosity. Philadelphia and Boston, the homos of anti-southern sentiment and all that is most bitterly .antagonistic to Charleston in politics, poured out lavish gifta and words of love nnd tender sympa thy. Glorious Baltimore, like the queen she is, hastened to offer her splendid gifts at the shrine of cbmmon charity, in their degrees lesser cities did likewise. Charles ton's more immediate rivals in the great struggle for commercial supremacy were among the first, in the crowding ranks of helpers, ftavannah, Augusta, Greenville, Spartanburg, Columbus and all the others have give., generous gifts and spoken heatpful and sympathetic words, combin ing to lift up l he prostrate city and restore her in a position where she could com pete with them fairly and with hope. The one exception lias been Atlanta. 1 She has given niggardly. The Coustitu- j tion, her leading newspaper, hus done ! what it could to cheek and chill the flow- 1 ing tide of uelp wit li declarations that, none was needed. The same newspaper, with i mealiness almost beyond belief, has en-! deavored to use the calamity of Charleston and the misfortunes of Augusta for Atlanta's advantage, and boastfully parades that, city's alleged immunity from trouble and the advantages it gives her over others. Atlanta’s time will come. When fire or pestilence or some other of the troubles that visit cities vist her we would not have one helpful hand withheld from bor or one generous purse closed against her. ; It will be the nobler rovongo to do for her what she has in this instance failed to do, however little certain men who claim to represent her may understand or appre ciate magnanimity and generosity. \Yo believe that Charleston will be among the first, and most liberal if Atlanta ever needs help, for a brave and generous people never seek revenge or advantage on a wounded foe. But if the Constitution newspaper ac curately reflects the Atlanta feeling and purpose, we hope the inborn American souse of fair play will be onlistod in the cause of Charleston and Augusta and pun ish the gloating over their troubles and tho endeavor to profit by them. Wo hon estly hope the Constitution does not repre sent Atlanta. We know Its utterances and S osition misrepresent some peoplo thore. ut until those utterances are fairly re pudiated they must be accepted as ex pressing the sentiment of tho community. Every .South Carolinian so accepting them owes it to his state and her stricken metropolis and to decency and right to inflict punishment in tho manner it will be most acutely felt, and tuko care that not a dollar he controls goes to Atlanta for anything. That is how to resent the bullyiug and contemptible assault on wounded and fallen rivals. That is how to prove that while Charleston in power and prosperity may be fought and resisted, Charleston in the ruins of her homes, her churches and her commerce is bound hard to the heart and olose under the defending arm of every loyal Carolinian. Sam .loin's Illustrates his Idea. In a sermon at Bound Lake Sam Jones said: “You should not ridicule a man for gettin’ an idea in such shape that he can get it into your little puny heads. Brother, say, that’s the reason I illustrate. Christ was great at illustrating. Well, Brother Grigger was converted at one of my old churches dowp in middle Georgia. The minister told him if ho would do before he got religion what he thought he would do after he got religion he would have religion. Grigger joined the church. He went home, told his wife, end says, ‘Get down the Bible, we re going to have family prayer. ’ ‘Why! are you going to have family prayer before you have religion?’ she asked. Grigger said he wanted it aud tho minister said if he d do before he got it as he thought he’d to after he got it he’d have it, Well, Grig- l ? 1 l®omd not get the idea into his head. Jut Grigger stuck to it, and In a few weeks Grigger was the finest case of religion I pver saw. It broke out all over him.” For sale, wholesale and retail, by M. D. Hood & Oo.. Goo. A. Bradford and Evans <s Howard. ax>6 diy arm •IAY FEVER. ^ 'Iota Liquid, Snuff or y/ ^ U.S3L] owder. Free from ; injurious drugs and ■lfenaive odors, i A particle is applied into each nostril and is 'agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists; by mail, registered < r >0 cts. Circulars free. ELY BROS i Druggists, Ovvego. N. Y. auerS eod&wtf nrm ally cauaed by a dicarderod condition of tbo LIVED For all complaints of thin kind, such as Torpidity of thoLivnr, BQiouimonu, Karroos Dyspepsia, Indigos* tion. Irregularity of tho lioaola, Omstipat ion. Flatu lency, Eructations and Burning of tho Stomach (Hnmotimes called Hoartbaro), Miasma, Malaria, Bloody Flux, Chills and tVvor, Break bo no Fever, Exhaustion before or after Fevers Chronic Diar rhoea. Loss of Aiipeth©, Headache, Foal Breath, Irregularities incidental to Females, Bearing-down 2ST« SIAD) fiEBlSJWMNm to invaluable. It to not a panacea fur all diRea^ea, tmt/>||Cpgy diseases of the LIVER, will VWHE STOMACH and bowels. It. changes the complexion from a waxy, yellow tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color. It entirely removes low, gloomy spirit*. It to one of the BEST AL" TERATIVES and ^UMFIERS OF THE BLOOD, and le A VALUABLE TONIC. 6TA0ICER’S AURANTII For sale by all Druggists. Price SI .OO per bottla C. F. STADICER, Proprietor, •40 SO. FRONT ST.. Philadelphia, PM FOOD perfeof substitute for Mother's ivaiuabie fa cholera Infantum ting. A pre-digestea food for Dys* peptics, Consumptives, Conv Perfect nutrient In all Wasting Requires no cooking. Our Book, tgested food for Dys- is. Convalescents. “ ~lseaaes* he Cars BELLEVUE 111 SCHOOL, Bedford Co., Vat. I’HE 21st Annual Session opens September 15th, A SMndsrd Medical Work PORYOUNG & MIDDLE-AGED MEN ONLY SI.Oil BY MAIL, POSTPAID. ILLUSTRATED SAMPLE FREE TO AL1 mow msELF. A threat Jfcriicnl Work on Nfnnliootf. Exhausted Vitality. Nervous and Physical Debil ity, Premature Decline in Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold misery resulting from indiscretion or excesses. A book For every man, young, mid dle-aged and old. It contains 125 prescription? for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of which is invaluable. So found by the Author whose experience for 26 years is such as probably never before befel the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, em bossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work in every sense -mechanical, literary and professional—than any other work sold in thia country for 12.50, or the money will be refunded in every instance. Price only 31.00 by mail, post paid. Illustrated sample 6 cents. Sent! now Gold medal awarded the author by the Nationa Medical Association, to the President of which the Hon. P. A. Bissell, and associate officers ol the Board the reader is respectfully referred. The Science of Life should be read by the young for instruction, and by the afliicted for relief. It will benefit all.—London Lancet. There is no member of society to whom The Science of life will not be useful, whether youth, pareut, guardian, instructor or clergyman.— Ar gonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bulfinch street, Boston, Mass., who may be consulted on all diseases re quiring skill and experience. Chronic and obsti nate diseases that have baffled the skill of all other physicians a specialty. Such treated suc- cessfhlly without an instance of failure. Men tion this paper. ap28 wly (Copy.) Chicaoo, April 21st, 1SS0. This is to certify, that the Illinois Trust anci Savings Bank has this day received from the Union Cigar Company of Chicago, to be held as a Special Deposit, U. 8. 4 °lo Coupon Bonds, as follows: ■o. amts D. *500. , Market Value of which U “ 419*4 100. I “ 41906 10O. I $1012. « &igio too. 1 VVI "I5oo7 i (S.) 7<*s. S. Gibbs, Cash. We offer the above as a FORFEIT, If our 44 FANCY GROCER” does not prove to be a genuine Havana-filier Cigar.-Union Cigar Ca Our LA LOMA 10c. Cigar (s strictly Hand made. Elegant quality. Superior workmauhipw Sold by all Grocers. UNION CIGAR COMPANY, ;& N. CUatonSt., - CHICAGO, Iletxiil by C. D. HUNT, Columbus, Ga ie24 dly Paper Boxes OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT LOWEST JPJELTCnHS. A LARGE STOCK of all kinds of PAPER, in cluding Letter, Packet and Note Heads, Bill Heads, statements, always on hand. Also En velopes, Cards, &c., printed at short notice. Paj>er Boxes of any sire or description not kept in stock made at short notice. T1IOS. tllLREKT, tf 42 Randolph Street, opposite Post Office. THE PRESS BOSS Is Without a Rival. THE LIDDELL VARIABLE FEED SAW MILL Is the very best Saw Mill in the market. It took the only medal of the first class at the New Orleans Exposition. For the above, and for all other machinery, address, FORBES LIDDELL&CO., Montgomery, Ala., N. B.—Our stock of Wrought Iron, Pipe, Fittings and Machinery is the largest in .this part of the country. JOHN DISBROW & CO., Sale, Feed and Livery Stables. New and Nobby Turnouts, Safe and Showy Horses, Careful and Experienced Drivers. FUNERALS personally conducted and properly attended to. The finest Hearses SEPTEMBER 1st, Horses boarded and carefully cared for at $16 per in the city. AFTER month. Ample accommodations for LIVE STOCK. Headquarters for dealers. sep!2 se&tb4w pcBiggers H u ®UBEREt THE FAMOUS BRAND OF OLD MILL PURE OLD RYE This whisky was introduced originally in the year 1S52, and is constantly making new friends. It ii the product of the most approved process of distill ation, from carefully selected grain, being held uni formly in warehouse until fully matured oy age, is justly celebrated for its purity, delicacy of flavor and uniform quality. For sale, and orders solicited by the agent, T. M. FOLF.Y, Opera House, . Cor loth Street and 1st Avenue, Columbus, Ga, TAX NOTICE. State and County Tiues for the Year lSISli Are now due. and my books are open for collec tion ot same from and after Monday, Septem ber 6th. D. A. ANDREWS, Tax Collector Muscogee County. Office : Georgia Home Building. sep7 eod tdecl ALBEMARLE Female Institute, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. Full corps of superior teachers; course of instrnctloo thorough and extensive: location healthful and ac* cesoible; scenery beautiful; surroundings most at* tractive; term. {fr^niQjkrate^order^atjfiofiua ~r «* ^ CHILDREN TEETHING ^ALL + D«TS l! HOSE! HOSE I IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF RUBBER HOSE, 1 WILL OFFER SPECIAL BARGAINS Fl HIE MEET WEEK. We have the best and cheapest Hose in the market. A full line of Hoie Reels and Nozzles. GEORGIA STEAM AND GAS PIPE COMPANY, Telephone 99. 13 Twelfth Street. ILLS A Remedy lor idl Dlneasei of tb llm Wd- .StoDuehud Bo«£ta. A waRto* DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION. THREE |Sfah| < CENTRAL RAILROAD. Columbus, Ga., September 19,1886. O N and after this date Passenger Trains will run as follows. Tains * dally; t daily ex cept .Sunday, The standard time by which these Trains run is the same as Columbus city time. Leave Columbus Arrive Macon “ Atlanta “ Montgomery *' Eufaula “ Albany “ Millen “ Augusta... “ Savannah * 12 00 m 4 *50 Fm * 4 88 p ill I + 5 40 a m * 935pm|* 135pm * 7 23pm i* 3 58 pm * 11 10 p ml* 2 45 p m * 3 00 a in!* 1 13 p m * 615 a m I * 3 45 p m * 5 55 a ml* 4 07 pm Passengers for Sylvania, Sanderville, Wrights ville, MiTledgeville and Eatonton, Thomaston, Carrollton. Perry, Fort Gaines, Talbotton, Buena Vista, B akely and Clayton should take 8 50 p m train. * 10 00 a m; * 8 30 p m * 7 40 a m * 10 65 a m *11 00 pm * 12 oo m * 9 30am * 8 40 a m * 5 20 a m * 8 20 p m * 2 25 p m Arrive Columbus Sleeping Cars on all night trains between Co lumbus and Macon, Macon and Savannah, Ma con and Atlanta, Savannah and Macon, and Sa vannah and Atlanta. Tickets for all pointt on sale at Depot Ticket Office G. A. WHITEHEAD, Gen’l Pass. Agent. C. W. MEYER, Ticket Agent.’ augl tf Opelika, Ala., September 14th, 1886. O N and after Sunday, September 14th, 1886, the trains on this road will be run as follows: No. 1. Leave Columbus 8 22 a m Arrive Opelika 9 52am No. 2. Leave Opelika 10 05 a m Arrive Columbus 1120 a m No. 3. Leave Columbus 2 28 p m Arrive Opelika 3 58 p m No. 4. Leave Opelika 518 p m Arrive Columbus 6 43 p m No. 5. Leave Columbus 710 a m Arrive Opelika * e 23 a in Arrive Goodwater 5 50pm No. 6. Leave Goodwater 5 20 a in Arrive Opelika 9 46 a m Arrive Columhus 12 56 p m No. 7. Leave Columbus 145 p m Arrive Opelika 3 38 p m No. 8. Leave Opelika 4 13 p m Arrive Columbus 5 54 p m The night trains are discontinued for the pres ent. A. FLEWELLEN, dtf General Manager Office General Manager, Columbus, Ga., September 12th, 1886. O N and after Sunday, September^, 1886, the schedulo of Mail Train will be as follows: No. 1—Going North Daily. Leajve Columbus...; 2 29 p m Arrive at Chipley 4 32 p m Arrive at Greenville 5 37 p m No. 2—Coming South Daily. Leave Greenville 7 10 a m Arrive at Chipley 8 11 a m Arrive at Columbus 10 21 a m No. 3—Freight and Accommodation—North. Leave Columbus 6 00 a m Arrive at Chipley 814 a m Arrive at Greenville 9 25 am No. 4—Freight and Accommodation—South. Leave Greenville 10 22 a ra Arrive at Chipley 11 38 a m Arrive at Columbus 211 p m W. L. CLARK. Gen’l Manager. T. C. S. HOWARD, Gen’l Ticket Agent. feb24 dly Five Cold and Two Silver Medal*, awarded in 1885 at the Expositions o! New Orleans and Louisville, and the lo. ventions Exposition of London. The superiority of Cornline over horn or whalebone has now been demonstrated by over five years’experience. It is mors [durable, more pliable, more comfortable, and Turner breaks. Avoid cheap imitations made of vartoin Kinds of cord. None are genuine un’eE “ Da. Warnbk’s Goralixe ” is print* on inside of steel cover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEAOIHR MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York CM GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Whereas, David A. Anglin, administrator of the estate of Hugh Dever, deceased, makes ap plication for leave to sell all the real and per sonal property belonging said deceased. These are. therefore, to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, within the time prescribed bs law, why leave to sell said property should noy begranted to said applicant. Witness ray official signature this September 4tb, 1886. IF. M. BROOKS, sep4 oaw4w Ordinary. GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY: Whereas, Katherine E. Deignan, administratrix of William Deignan, deceased, represents to the court in her petition duly filed that she has fhlly administered William Deignan’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administratrix should not be dis charged from her administration and receive let ters of dismission on the first Monday in De cember, 1886. F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. September 4 th, 1886. oaw!2w .RON RO OFY^ G Send for prices aad Illustrated Catalogue ot CINCINNATI (0.) C0RRU6ATING CO OPIUM •nd Whisker fish. Its cured at home with out i tleut I It fLTiiVau ” ’ Gfflc* i«S& Whitehall Street.