Newspaper Page Text
NorTiuH, Debilllnteil Mon.
You are allowed a free trial ofthirn
days of the use of Dr. Dye’s Celebratwi
Voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory \V,
pliances, for the speedy relief and perma
nent cure of Nervous Debility, loss of Vital
ity and Manhood, and all kindred trouble
Alsr ' - L *-— ”
Iso for many other diseases. Coiupk -c
restoration to health, vigor and manhood
guaranteed. No risk is incurred. Uluv
{rated pamphlet, with full information
terms, etc., mailed free by addressimr Von
talc Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. 45
d°el^i v
All Uanrinic to lilt 1 Sump Tunr.
In the recent election Mississippi county
Ark., which has been in control of the re
publicans for a number of years, was car
ried by the democrats with the assistance
of the negroes. To celebrate the victory- a
barbecue and dance was given, which was
attended by whites and nlacks. Exactly-
the same fare was served for both, the long
rows of tables spread under the trees being
but a few yards apart. In the evening
there were speeches, white and black
orators alternating, and later there yvjs a
big dance, one party being within call of
the other, the music betyy-eeu them, and
all Whirling to the same measure.—New
Orleans Picayune.
llo Not I'uriO't
To tell your lady friends that Simmons’
Iron Cordial cures those painful and har-
rassiug diseases so common yvith your sex.
That it clears the skin and complexion!
invigorates, strengthens and builds up the
system, yy-hile it restores youthful vigor
and vitality. Sold by all druggists and
dealers. _ eod&w
The Now Letter Sheet In lleniAiid.
For the ilrst month the post office de
partment ordered 1,000,000 of the double
postal card or combined letter sheet and
stamp, and additional orders from post
masters have been received for 708,000. It
was about one month ago that the card
went in use.—Washington Star.
The beautiful crimson blush of nature,
without paint can be imparted to the pale
cheeks of a sickly and leeble woman by
the use of that great female tonic, Sim
mons’Iron Cordial. eod&w
Should Have Been “The First.''
The latest; “Bayard for secretary of the
treasury and Lamar for secretary of
The Only Itemed).
Those yvho suffer from foul breath are
open to the charge of carelessness. It is
an offense that can be speedily abated as a
single bottle of the fragrant SOZODONT
will unmistakably accomplish the work.
It will preserve and keep the teeth white,
and the breath pure and sweet.
sat se tu th&w
Brother X. of the Stammering Tongue.
At a recent revival meeting down in Vir
ginia an old farmer arose to his feet and
Inflammatory Itlieumatlsm.
I-or over tyvo years I suftered intensely
V th “"ocular rheumatism. I becanu-
almost helpless, and had to be helped out
oiir i'i ‘V tlm . es I was unable to turn mv-
selt in bed, and had to be handled as teii-
uerlv -as an infant. My chest was Involve <1.
ami the pain was intolerable at times. AH
tile old and well known remedies were
exhausted, but no permanent relief yyas
obtained. About a year ago I was induced
by a friend to try Swift's Spei ifle. The
etteet has been magical. Mv friends
scarcely recognize me. My rheumatism is
entirely gone, my general health is superb,
and 1 am weighing thirty pounds more
than when I commenced taking H. 8. S. I
am able to attend to all my ministerial
work. I am devoutly grateful fur mv re-
storation to health, which I owe, under
the blessing of God, to Swift’s Specific.
Tr , „ J. M. LoyviiY.
Hampton, Ga., April 20, 188B.
For sale by all druggists. Treatise on
Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free.
thh Swift Specific Co., Drayver a,
Atlanta, Ga., or 157 W. 23d St., New York.
A Tr! ycle I’nh.
The new tricycle call or three wheeler
has just pnssed the usual police inspection
and is noyv duly licensed for hire in the
streets. I am told that the new vehicle Is
comfortable and roomy and that the
ladies’ drosses cannot get spoiled by com
ing in contact with the muddy wheel. The
driver can be communicated with without
any dislocation of the neck, and all that is
needed for its success is that the said pas
sengers should be satisfied that its odd
looking single wheel in front is by no
means dangerous.— N. Y. World.
Advice to Mothers.—Mrs. Winslow’s
Sootuino Syrup should ahvays be used
yvhen children are cutting teeth. It re
lieves the little sufferer at once; it produces
natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child
from pain, and the little cherub awakes as
“bright as a button.” It is very pleusant
to taste. It soothes the child, softens the
gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regu
lates the bowels and is the best known
remedy for diarrhcea, whether arising
from teething or other causes. Twenty-
five cents a bottle. jel7 d&yy-ly
Illvl" WIMUm.
“Must you go, William 7” asked a voung
“I have more care to stay than will to
go,” quoted William.
“Oh, that’s lovely! Is it original T”
“Of course it is,” ansivered the unblush
“It’s divine, William,” said she.
Noyv he yvonders if she said it on pur
Hood lb-soils In Every fuse.
D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer
of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes that he was
seriously afflicted with a severe cold that
settled on his lungs ; had tried many rem
edies without benefit. Being induced to
paralyzed the congregation with the fol-! try P?' New Discovery for Con-
lowing preface to his'‘experience;” “Dear sumption, did so and was entirely cured by
i_ r _ i i - *. i_ ? i. ji US ft of «. rfiw nnr.tifis. Smnn which t.imfi ho
friends, I am glad to have this opportunity
to mingle together and to spend these hap
py hours together where I couldn’t
wasn’t.”—Washington Critic.
This would be a comparatively happy
world if everybody knew the virtues of
SMITH’S BILE BEANS os a family med
icine. and acted upon that knowledge.
One-half the misery of the yvorld comes
from ailments which arise from a bad
stomach or a bad liver. Chiefest among
these are dyspepsia, biliousness, sick head
ache and neuralgia.
BILE BEANS will cure all of these, be
sides all miasmatic diseases. Dose; One
Bean. aug24 eod&wlin
Alf nnd Bob aa a Show.
The Avalanche is glad to know that
Bob and Alf have, through their com
mittees, recognized the absurdity of
trying to run against Barnum’s
circus in their Memphis appointment.
The chief prompting to our delight
with the change is that we didn’t inte.nd
to miss the circus, and we, humanely,
didn’t want Bob and Alf to miss us.—Mem- |
phis Avalanche.
A MOST I.lltl.ltAL OF’l-'Kit.
The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., j
offer to send their celebrated Voltaic
Belts and Electric Appliances on thirty
days’ trial to any man afflicted with Nerv
ous Debility, Loss of Vitality, ..lanhood, I
&c. Illustrated pamphlet in sealed en
velope with full particulars, mailed free.
Write them at once. ^ ^ l&wtf
Tin- MassHcluisrlU Muney-Bag.
Cyrus W. Field is trying hard to cook
Lieut.-Gov. Ames’ goose, but he can’t get j
the oven hot enough with all his millions. ;
Lieut.-Gov. Ames is to be the next gov
ernor of Massachusetts, and he is to have j
a “walk-over,” too.—Boston Gazette.
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positive
ly cures Piles, or no pay is required. It is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Brannon & Carson.
je24 oed&w
use of a few bottles. Since which time he
has used it in his family for all Coughs and
Colds with best results. This is the ex
perience of thousands whose lives have
been saved by this Wonderful Discovery.
Trial Bottles free at Brannon & Carson’s
Drug Store. eod&w
HgriBITTCllbL)*jL i miKMWaWM—BB——MB—M
Printing, Book-Binding
Paper Boxes
V LARGE STOCK of all kinds of PAPER, w
eluding Letter, Packet and Note Heads, Bi
Heads, rsiutements, always on hand. Also Fi
velopes, Cards, Sic., printed at short notice
Paper Boxes of any size or description not kep
in stock made at snort notice.
Til ON. Oil. HEIM.
tf 42 Randolph Street, opposite Post Office.
is rapidly increasing, and we take pleasure in
to your kind notice:
D. A. Andrews,
D« A. Anglin
Averett & Porter,
R. J. Auglin,
J. Adams,
C. Batastein,
R. Broda,
Bennett & Co.,
T. A. Cantrell,
V. R. Cantrell & Co.,
R. 8. Crane,
F. Conti,
M. E. Edwards,
A. Simons,
J. K. Giddens.
J. R. & H. F. Garrett,
C. E. Hochslrasser,
L. H. Kaufman & Oo.,
G. W. Lewis,
C. H. Markham,
P. Me A idle,
T. E. Middlehrooks,
Martin Si Chalmers,.
Tobe Newman,
W. It. Newsome,
J. H. Rumsey,
Rothschilds Bros.,
T. J. Stone.
Whereas. Thomas L. Williams, administrator
of R. G. Williams, deceased, represents to the
court in his petition duly filed, that he has fully
administered R. G, Williams’ estate.
This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned,
heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they
can, why said administrator should not be dis
charged from his administration and receive let
ters of dismission on the first Monday in D^
cember, 1886. F. M. BROOKS. Ordinary
September 4th. 1886 oawsm
of Itlcliinontl, Virginia,
John H. Henderson vs. Green McArthur. Rulf
Nisi to foreclose Mortgage. May Term, 1886.
Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia.
It appearing to the Court by the Petition of
John H. Henderson that on the first day of Sep
tember, in the year of Our Lord eighteen hun
dred and eighty-two. Green McArthur, of said
county, made and delivered to said John H. Hen
derson a certain instrument in writing commonly
called a promissory note, whereby he promised to
pay to said plaintiff the sum of one hundred and
thirty-nine dollars twelve months after date with
interest from date at eight per cent, per annum
for value received, nnd that afterwards on the 1st
day of September, 1882, the better to secure tho
payment of said instrument executed and deliv-
as follows: On the north by the lands of James
Huff, on the west by the St. Mury’s road, op the
east by the lands of James Huff and on the so
by the lands of Philip Owens, containing
four and one-half acres, more or less, whlc
mortgage was conditioned that if the said defend
ant should pay off and discharge said promissory
note according to its tenor and effect, that then
said deed of mortgage and said note should br
void. And it further appearing that said promis
sory note remains unpaid, it is therefore ordered
that said defendant do pay into this court by the
first day of the next term t hereof, the principal.
Potash Victim.
Cured by S. S. 8.
Cbtuntmers should not confuse our Specific
with the numerous imitations, substitutes,
potash ami mercury mixtures which at'e (/of
ten up to sell, tuA on their own merit, hut on
the tneril of our remedy. An imitation is
always a fraud and a cheat, and they thrive
only as they rati steal from the article imitated.
TmUlse on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed
five. For sale by all druggists.
Drawers, Atlanta, Ga.
S. S. S. vs. POTASH.
I have hail blood poison for ton yonrs. I know I have taki-n om- hundred bottles or
iodide of potash in that time, but it uid ino no good. Iwist summer my face, neck, body
and limbs were covered with sores, ami 1 could scarcely use my imus on account of rlu-u-
mattsmln my shoulders. I took S. H. S.. and It lias done me more good than nil other medi
cines I have taken. My face, body and neck an- perfectly clear and clenn, and my rheu
matism Is entirely gone. I weighed till pounds when I began the medicine, and I now weigh
1M pounds. My first bottle heljied mu greatly, and gave me an upiietiU) like a strong man.
I would not bo without S. S. S. for several times its weight In gold.
K. MITCHELL, W. 83tl St. Ferry, New York.
Special Notice
The Following Will Explain Itself
Magnolia Gin
The Foremost Standard COT
Hem Sample and General Utility," at the
World Cotton Centennial Exposition, New
Orleans, over uii Competitors.
Slade & Etheridge, Columbus, Ga.
A Serve of Love Tram the Fourth Einger to the
“Why do we always wear wedding and
engagement rings on the fourth finger?”
she asked as they were about to leave the
jeweler’s shop.
“The reason is,” said the smiling jeweler,
“that in olden times a nerve was popularly
supposed to run from the fourth finger to
theneart. It used to be called the heal
ing finger, and physicians invariably used
it when they mixed their medicines.”—
London Times.
Cure of Liver Complaint.
Iowa Falls, Harding Co., Iowa,
June 8, 1885.
I have been usiug Allcock’s Porous
Plasters for four years, and think I could
not eret along without them. For a long
time I was afflicted with a pain under my
right shoulder blade ; I also had considera
ble difficulty in breathing. I applied an
— '"y back, and
to $90 per month and ex*
■senses to distribute circulars i..
I iness Honorable, permanent, pleasant & easily operated.
I Ali expenses advanced. SAMPI.B CASES FRFH. Hr
I stamps required. No humbug. We mean what wc say.
Bradford Block- CINCINNATI, OHIO
Allcock’s Porous Plaster on ray l
one on my chest. I kept changing them
every four days, and at the eud ol three
eefes was entirely cured.
• f . r
E. S. Stevens.
Tim British Lion IIoommI.
Mr. Howells has stirred up the British
lion by his remarks on the aristocracy.
The Saturday Review fairly at the
mouth over the presumption of Mr. llow-
slls’ words that justly characterized the
ignobleness of Great Britain s venerated
institution of “nobility.” The sentiments
that particularly sting the organ of the
mobocracy are the allusions to the cor
rosion of English life by snobbishness, so
that “when it comes to a question ot rank,
the natural self-respect ot the English
people is eaten away,” making their
‘spiritual abasement open and undenia
ble.”—Boston Herald.
Lour Country Malaria Ousted.
Westmoreland’s Calisaya Tonic is pre
scribed by all prominent physicians, and is
undoubtedly the best tonic now being
iold. It prevents malaria, and cures dys
pepsia and general debility.
Greenville, S. C., May 22,1885.
Messrs. Westmoreland Bros.-Gentle
men : Having used your Calisaya Ionic
liuce 1883, I cheerfully recomnieiid it to
;hose suffering from loss of appetite and
Jyspepsia; also as a preventive of ma-
aria, having used one dozen bottles in
Florida during the months of September,
Dctober and November, 1884^
Brannon & Carson, wholesale, agents,
Columbus, Ga. sep2t4d&wlw
Equally goo- ii level land. No furrae
•Uiruld hi wii •- :i ot e. *-ond for five I Hup
tr.itcri C’a» ih* nu ( l AI mil into.
Cor. ClirHtnut ami Eighth Sto.
Receive Advertisements for this Paper
ESTIMATES £? fi£!i?o!SSn!Si FREf
fitV.'v.'.'MER t SON'S MANUAL
issory note, or show cause to the contrary,if there
he any, and that on failure of said defendant so
, to do, the equity of redemption in and to said
i mortpagerLpremises be forever thereafter barred
j and loreelosed. And it is further ordered that
, this Rule be published in the Columbus Kn-
quirkR'Sun once a month for four months, or »
; copy thereof served on the said defendant, or hi?
! special agent, or attorney, at least three month*
before the next term of this court.
By the Court:
Petitioner’s Attorney.
J. T. WILLIS, Judge S. C. C. C.
| A true extract from the minutes of Muscogee
uperior Court at it*. May Term. 1886. on the lOtb
I ay of May. 1886. GKO. Y. POND,
i jyj oam 4m Clerk.
Wm.L.TILLMAN | Georgia. Muscogee County—
vs. .-Mortgage, Ac. In Muscogee
i R. H. GORDON. J Superior Court. May term, 1886.
IT appearing to the Court by the petition of
! Win. L. Tillman, accompanied by the notes and
mortgage deed, that on the fourth day of May,
Eighteen Hundred and Kighty-three, the defend-
! ant made and delivered to the plaintilf her two
! promissory notes, bearing date the day and year
| aforesaid, whereby the defendant promised b>
! one of said promissory notes to pay to the nluintin
: or bearer, twenty-four months after the date
! thereof, Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-eight
i Dollars and Twenty-two Cents, with interest
, from date at eight per cent per annum, and if
[ said note was not paid at maturity, ten per eent
| attorney’s fees for the collection thereof, for
value received; and by the other of said promi-
sory notes the defendant promised to pay to the
plaintiff, or bearer, thirty-six months after the
date thereof, Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-
eight Dollars and Twenty-two Cents, with interest
from date at eight per cent per annum, and if
said note was not paid at maturity, ten per cent
attorney’s fees for the collection thereof, for value
received; and that afterwards, on the clay and
year aforesaid, the defendant, the better to secure
the payment of said notes, executed and deliver
ed to the plaintiff her deed of mortgage, whereby
the said defendant mortgaged to the plaintiff all
that tract or parcel of land situated on the west
side of Broad street in the city of Columbus, and
in said county and state, being about twenty-five
feet in front on Broad street ami running back tht
full depth of said lot, and known as part of lot
number sixty-five, with all the improvement/
thereon, upon which is situated Store House
number one hundred and forty-three; and it fur
ther appearing that said notes remain unpaid ;
It is, therefore, ordered that the said defendant
pay into Court on or before the first day of thf
next term thereof, the principal, interest, attor
ney’s fees and costs due on said notes, or show
cause to the contrary, if any she can ; and that or
the failure of the defendant so to do, the equity
of redemption in and to said mortgage premise 1
be forever thereafter barred and foreclosed.
And it is further ordered that this rule be pub
lished in the Columbus Enoi irkr-Si'n. a public
gazette printed and published in said city am
county, once a month for four months previous t<
the next term of this Court, or served on the de
fendant or her special agent or attorney, at least
three months previous to the next term of thif
Court. J. T. WILLIS.
C. J. THORNTON, .Judge C. C. C.
Ulaint ilfs Attorney.
A true extract from the minutes of.Muscoge*
Superior Court, May term, ism;.
m y20 oam4m Clerk 8. C. M. C.
IJUDDLPH I IN/.KU'S l*at. “ Havana rura'*
process for trmUiriK Tobacco removes n!«•(#•
tine, dirt and grit, enabling the leaf to absorb
pure, ripe fruit, ami making the most delirious,
the most lasting, and the only wholesome
New Yoiik City. September 1-41 h, 18N(>.
Messrs. C. dray «.('• Co.. Cuhuiibtis, do. :
Gentlemen—Have.just bough I the entire bankrupt slock l
telegraphed you about. You will find il impossible to make
room for them in the store. All the boxes are very large.
There are 432 of Iliem in all. Mark at once llie following
prices on Dress Goods, so as lo move lliem off. quickly, so
as to make room for oilier bulky goods already bough I.
Respectfully, G. P. GRAY.
230 Pieces of Burnside Wool Mohairs, worth 2”»c. price now
10 cents.
200 Pieces of Lena de Nell Siblings, worth 3oc, price now
8 cents.
500 Pieces of Brocade Pose de lunch, worth 30c, price now
7 i cents.
720 Pieces of Dark Vidd Cashmeres, worth 25c, price now
0i cents.
878 Pieces of Diagonal Twills, worth 20c, price now <51 cents.
956 Pieces of Mongatelle Illuminated Ponsons will he sold at
5 cents a.yard.
N13 Pieces of Simeese Volex Suitings will he sold al 5c also.
Liipiifs Blue, Black and Diamond Crow Dlack Cashmeres,
; very wide, double width, worlli 65 cents a yard. In Ibis Ini
j you can get what is left uf them al 25 cenls a yard. See
them. Wc reserve I lie rigid In change Ihese prices aller
this week.
Price our Blankets and Flannels. We are 40 per cenl
below any one's prices. All Fall Slnck now in.
Prices may shrink with us In an appalling lilllcuess, hid
il is taken for granted by everybody llial we never permil llie
quality of our goods In deteriorate.
Gray's Fall Indigestible Pulverine—Sell Cheap, Sell a
Largest Business Connections South,
C. P. GRAY & CO.
Opposite liankiii Hotel.
ir#S A I*ITAl< ■•KIXI-; *73,000.-€*
Tick of m only 3.'). ttluiri'M in proportion.
Louisiana State Lottery Comp’y.
“ We do hereby certify that ice supervise the or-
rangement for all the Monthly and Quarterly
Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Com-
pany, and in person manage and control th§
Drawings themselves, and that the same arc erm
ducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith
toward all parties, and nr authorize th*e Company
to use this certificate, with facsimiles of out sig
natures attached, to Us advertisements."
We the undersigned Hanks and Bankers will
pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana State Lot
teries which may be presented at our counters.
.1. II. OGMMY. I»r<>«. Lit. \at*l liittik.
.1. W. Ii I lillltirril, SiuH- Nal l H'k.
A. BALDWIN. |»rcN. N. O. Nat’l Hank
Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legist**
ture for Educational nnd Charitable purposes—
with a capital of |1,000,000 -to which a reserve
fund of over $550,000 lias since been added.
By an overwhelming popular vote its franchiat
was made a hart of the present State Constitu>
tion, adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879.
The only lottery ever voted on and endorsed
the people of any State.
It* 4«ruii<t Single Nmiilier Drawing:*
lake place Rant lily, and the Extraordinary
Drawings regularly every three months, instead
of semi-annually as heretofore, beginning March,
1886 I97lli Monthly Dm wing.
4’A PITA L PI1IZK 975,000.
1440.0404 Ticket* at Five Dollar* Lneh.
Fraction* in Fll’lli* in proportion. .
1 do do 26,000
1 do do 10,000
2 PRIZES OF $6000 12,000
5 do 2000 10.000
10 do 1000 10,000
20 do 500 10.000
100 do 200 20,000
300 do 100 30,000
500 ' do 50 25,000
1000 do 25 25,000
9 Approximation Prizes of $750 6,750
9 Approximation Prizes of 500 4,500
9 Approximation Prizes of 260 2,260
1967 Prizes, amounting to...
Application for rates to clubs should be mad*
only to the Office of the Company in New Orleans.
For further information write clearly, giving
Bill address. PONTAL N44TFM. Express
Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordi
nary letter. Currency by, Express tat our ex
pense; addressed 141. A. DAFPIIIN, ,
New Orlcnn*. La.
W'UMliinjctoia. D.
Make I*. O. Money Or<lcr* payable
and add re** ItcK iMtcrcd Lei ter* to
wedseArwlw New 44rlean*, La.
A Standard Medical Work
To the Trade and Smokers.
Beware of Imitations, mid see Unit you gel llie
ill infringements will lie vigorously p
A Great Medical Work on Manhood,
Exhausted Vitality. Nervous and Physical Debil
ity. Premature Decline in Man. Errors of Youth,
and the untold misery resulting from indiscretion
or excesses. A hook for every man. young, mid
dle-aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions
for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of
which is invaluable. So found by the Author
whose experience for 25 years is such as probably
never before befel the lot of any physician. 300
pages, Ix’und m beautiful Fr< u'-h muslin, em-
bosser I/O vers, fi»;i gilt, guaranteed to be u finer
work in every sense mechanical, literary and
profes'd *n 11 than any other work sold in this
eountr.. i •■* >2.50, or the money will b». refunded
in every in ’.nice. Price only $1.00 by mail, post
paid. Illustrated sample 6 cents. Send now.
Gold mod d awarded the author by the National
Medical A soeiation, to the President of which,
tin- Hon. I*. A. Hissed, and associate officers oi
the Board the render is respectfully referred.
The Sei -lice of Life should he read by the young
for instruction, and by the ufilictcd for relief. Ii
will benefit all. London Lancet.
There is no member of society to whom The
Science of life will pot be useful, whether youth,
parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman.—Ar
Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr.
W. II. Parker, No. 1 Hulfinch street, Boston,
Moss., who may he consulted on all diseases re
quiring skill and experience. Chronic and obsti
nate diseases that have (milled the skill of all
oilier physicians a specialty. Such treated suc
cessfully without an instance of failure. Men
tion this paper. ap28wly
O ha
^ Paris, T«*
G has won the favor of
ic puLlic and mow rank*
iiong the leading Medi
ae* of the oil tom.
Bradford, Pt
Bold by Druggists.
Puce gl.OO.
Warranted absolutely puf
Cocoa, from which the excess:
Oil has been removed. IthasfAr%
times the strength of Cocoa mixoif
with Starch, Arrowroot or Su gal
and Is therefore far more econo®
leal, costing less than one cent
cup. It is delicious, nourlshin$
rengthening, easily abided
iid admirably adapted for invai*
Is as well as for persons in healtlk.
Sold by (irocor^everywhere*
We hereby notify the trade that all infringements will he vigorously prosecuted to
the full extent of the law.
re T uL OD Tnvaffihfe*l J n b Ch t o| t era°^ln5!
and Teething. A pre.digested food ft
peptics, Consunr
Perfect nutrient In
Requires no cooking.
and Feeding of I'JV't,
boubeb. ooo
The genuine are lor sale by W. S. Preen
Peabody A Faber, T. A. Cantrell, J. II. Edv
G. T. Miller, and .ill first-class retailers.
Fnchfry 24444, :iil Dislriel, N. Y.
T. ICavanagh, Brannon & Carbon. King & Dm el,
Is, J. K. Deaton, W. K. Moore, E. M. Walsh A Co.,
angd tu t h
A fruit-flavored pocket piece for the people.
Ctuaranteerl not to contain a traceof chemical
or noxious driig. Chew It a week and you will
chew it always. The pilot-wheel on every plug,
Lvulavllle, Ky*
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i'oliiinbn*, Ga.
The Brown Cotton Gin Co.,
.Manufacturers of the “ON1 Reliable”
Brown Cotton Gins, Feeders and Con
All the very latest improvements: Im
proved roll box, patent whipper, two
brush belts, extra strong brush, cast
steel bearing", nut improved Feeder,
enlarge:’ dust pro©! ’ondeuser.
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Ggln ' ? ast liglit, cleans the seed per-
I fect v and produces first class samples.
at any aecessible point. Meod for fall
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COLUMBUS IRON WORKS, Agents, Columbus, Ga.
¥.. BAKER & HO.. Dorchester Jass.
Female Institute,
Full rf.rps of superior teachers ; course of instruction
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n■r.hible ; s'-enery beautiful; surroundings most at*,
tractive; terms very moderate: order catalogue.
U. I*. DIC KINSON, l*riii«*ipitl.
^° i ' i i-rilSlG
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B. M. W00I
Atlanta, l
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