Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, September 30, 1886, Image 7

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- DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER ;iO. 188(1. Cocoane, Iodoform or Mercurials in liny form in the treatment of catarrh or hay fever Hhould be avoided, as they are both inju-'nus and dangerous. Iodoform is easily detected by its offensive odor. The only reliable catarrh remedy on the mar ket to-day is Ely's Crenm Balm, being free from all poisonous drugs. It. luus cured thousands of acute and chronic eases where all other remedies have failed. A particle is applied into each nostril: no pain; agreeable to use. Price 60 cents of druggists. eod&w Wliat It Costs to Keep a Man for Nevenly-llre Years. I met one of our old citizens on the street the other dav, who is in the 7tith year of his age. He said : “Do you know that it costs between $f)000 and $7000 to raise a Core of l.irer Complaint. Iowa Falls, Harding Co., Iowa, T , , , June 8, 1886. PlLto^’e, baen “Sing Allcoek’s Poroui I 1 listers for four years, and think 1 could not act along without them. Fora lone . wi i h , a P aln under mv oulder lade ; I also had considera )le difficulty in breathing. I applied an Allcoek s Porous Plaster on my back, and one on my chest. I kept changing them every four days, and at the end of three weeks was entirely cured, eod&w e, 8. Stevens. a ZE3I Hi w RUDOLPH FINZER’S STARLIGHT man of my age?” I answered no. He 1: “Well continued: “Well, sir, in the past seventv- five years 1 have purtaken of 82,126 meals, consumed 61,696 pound of solid food, drunk 51,100 cups of tea and 18,250 cups of coffee. I have not lived extravagantly, and my meals have cost me on an average 8 cents each. Therefore the . 82,125 meals have cost me $6570.” Where is there an octoge narian who can figure closer than this?- Pittsburg Times. Tin* Safest and Host. In October, 1886,1 contracted that dread ful disease, blood poison. I went under treatment of a physician at once. At the end of the first month I became alarmed git the progress of the disease in my sys tem, and abandoned the doctor. A friend told me of S. 8. S and its wonderful effects. I gave it a trial, aud began to improve with the first bottle. I have taken ten bottles, and am to-day a well man. To all faol who are in need of a blood purifier I will say, by all means try Swift’s Specific. It is the safest and best of them all. E. B. Black. 93 8. 14th St., Newark, N. J. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, At lanta, Ga. New York, 157 W. 23d St. Sethads of Kvarts and funk linn. People have been regaled from time to time with samples of the oratory ofWm. M. Evarts, in which siDgle sentences have been given of more than 200 words each. As a contrast we may mention Roscoe Conkling’s address to the jury in the case of thi — of Farnsworth, receiver o i tne Bankers’ and Merchants’ Telegraph Company, against the Western Union Telegraph Company, a pamphlet of forty-eight pages, in which the speaker uttered no paragraph larger than sixteen lines, including 120 words, and this in five sentences. There is a great difference between great orators.— Pittsburg Gazette. Advice to Mothers.—Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It re lieves the little sufferer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "• ght ‘‘bright as a button.” It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the leasant |fiims^ allays all pain^ relieves wind, regu- o au jjait i. x ciio ten » niu, itgu* i bowels ana is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twenty- five cents a bottle. jel7 d&wly John Stdlkoii’n Uipxtunt. “That last remark,” said John Stetson, reminds me of an incident. One dav a poor, miserable tramp, with rags on'his back and woe, born of starvation, depicted . on his face, threw himself on the lawn of; a friend of mine, and in the desperation of hia hunger began to nibble at the short blades of glass. My friend gazed at him from an upper window for a short time. «uhi then, in the fullness of his generous ' heart, he addressed the trnmp thus: ‘Are you hungry, my poor man?’ ‘Yes,’ gasped the forlorn wretch. Then my friend, with ns heart overflowing with the milk of human kindness, said consolingly: ’Come around to the buck yard, where 'the grass is taller,’ ’’—New York Star. CAPITAL PRIZE n A IT 1 A A LOUIS BOILER & Co, oolttim: bus, G-.A- jc5 eoilPiTi A Mtandrird *l<wli< a itl Work HITKI.KVS Alt.MCA SAUK. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Fan Vlll'VI' i> \|l!l'\||’ ii’PIlTIP Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positive- I t III I ! \ ! I il t , r " VI iU I f ly cures Piles, or no pay is required. It is ’ l ”‘* loti.',I A JIUmIUiJ . i ij guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For saie by Brunuon & Carson. je24 oed&w A Moreau,Mr Parrot. A down town druggist has a parrot which he has taught to say, “What a pretty girl!” whenever a woman, young or old, enters his store, aud they do say that a poor, OM.V 81.00 HV MAII., I’ONTPAlll. illustrated sample free to al, buy a cigar on a fine “afternoon.—Philadel- ' ’ "ill. phia Call. bow Country Malaria Ousted. Westmoreland’s Calisaya Tonic is pre scribed by all prominent physicians, and is undoubtedly the best tonic now being sold. It prevents malaria, and cures dys pepsia and general debility. Greenville, S. C., May 22,1885. Messrs. Westmoreland Bros.—Gentle men : Having used your Calisaya Tonic since 1883, I cheerfully recommend it to those suffering from loss of appetite and dyspepsia; also as a preventive of mar laria ; having used one dozen bottles in Florida during the months of September, October and November, 1884. J. C. Boozer. Brannon & Carson, wholesale agents, Columbus, Ga. sep2tl d&wlw Cleveland's Uncle Pend. Baltimore, September 27. — Joseph Neal, maternal uncle of President Cleve land, died in this city to-night, aged 81 years. It is not known whether the presi dent will attend the funeral. Too Mnny Stenographer*. “It would be a kindness to many poor girls and boys,” said an old short-hand writer, “if the fact could be printed that the supply of stenographers is largely in ad. ■ excess of the deraaui “Encouraged by the comfortable salaries which some skilled stenographers earn, thousands—literally thousands—of boys and girls in Chicago have studied or are ■studying short-hand. Not many of them can hope to get situations.”—Chicago Herald. flood Hmultn in Every Case. D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes that he was seriously afflicted with a severe cold that -settled on his lungs; had tried many rem edies without benefit. Being induced to try Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption, did so and was entirely cured by use of a few bottles. Since which time he has used it in his family for all Coughs and Colds with best results. This is the ex perience of thousands whose lives have been saved by this Wonderful Discovery. Trial Bottles free at Brannon & Carson’s Drug Store. eod&w >Vtoiled Medici,10. “ O, doctor, my husband is very sick with the fever, and I am afraid he will not live till night. I want something for him.” “Well, I will send him my prepara tion.” “ O, no, doctor, he is already prepared, for he told us so this morning, so he doesn't need that; it is some medicine we want to break the fever.” Po Sot Forget To tell your lady friends that Simmons’ Iron Cordial cures those painful and har- rassing diseases so common with your sex. That it clears the skin and complexion, invigorates; strengthens and builds up the system, while it restores youthful vigor and vitality. Sold by all druggists and dealers. eod&w It would be interesting to see Belfast go The through a whole week without a riot, demand for novelties of this sort; however, exceeds the supply.—Philadelphia Press. This would be a comparatively happy world if everybody knew the virtues of SMITH’S BILE BEANS as a family med icine, and acted upon that knowledge. One-half the misery of the world comes from ailments which arise from a bad stomach or a bad liver. Chiefest among these are dyspepsia, biliousness, sick head- neuralgia. ache and neuralgia. BILE BEANS will cure all of these, be sides all miasmatic diseases. Dose: One Bean. aug24 eod&wlm IfuIfilH) Work, We wanted to ao out and enjoy the great labor holiday, but we were compelled to work about sixteen hours that day in order to get out our paper.—Texas Siftings. John H. Henderson vs. Green McArthur. Rnli Nisi to foreclose Mortgage. May Term, 1886 Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia. hllJICTlOr UIU1L U1 .uuntugcu vouiiij, It appearing to the Court by the Petition 01 II. Henderson that on the first day oi Sep- 3i*rvous, Debilitated yen. You are allowed a free trial of thirty days of the use of Dr. Dye’s Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Ap pliances, for the speedy relief and perma nent cure of Nervous Debility, loss of Vital ity and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases. Complete restoration to health; vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred. Illus trated pamphlet, with full information, terms, etc., mailed free by addressing Vol- taic Belt Go., Marshall, Mich. dec!7 tu,th,sat,se&wly WMitel an Earthquake. “Oh, Miss Brown, who was that very lomely young lady you were with this ifternoon?” “That, sir! That was my sister.’ “Oh—ah—I—I beg ten thousand pardons! i ought to have noticed the great resem- ilance! That is—that is ” Then he wished an earthquake would rappen right, then and there. An Eml to Bono Scraping. Edward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, 111., ays: “Having received so much benefit rom Electric Bitters, I feel it ray duty to et suffering humanity know it. Have had w .IIIUUIUJ *»■ _ - running sore on my leg for eight years; ray 1 ‘ 31 would have to have the ioctors told me a wuu.u -x —y - A ►one scraped or leg amputated, l usea, nstead, three bottles of Electric Bitters •nd seven boxes of Bucklen s Arnica lalve, and my leg is now sound and well. Electric Bitters are sold at 60 cents a (ottle, and Bucklen’s Arnica halve at Jbc >er box, by Brannon & Carson. eod&w Jonn li. llOIlCierHUll WlUl uu wiu moi ita.y tember, in the year of Our Lord eighteen hun dredand eighty-two. Green McArthur, of saic county, made and delivered to saul John H. Hen derson a certain instrument m writing commonlj called a promissory note, whereby lie promised tc nay to said plaintiff the sum of one hundred and thirty-nine dollars twelve months ufter date with imereti iium wmv. i--- --- for value received, and that alterwaiun wn me day of September. 1882. the better ip secure tlu payment of said instrument executed und deliv ered Ito said plaintiff his deed and mortgage whereby he conveyed to said plaintiff all that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the County of Muscogee, known and boundeo as follows: On the north by the lauds of Janie* Huff, on the west bv the St. Mary’s road, on th. east by the lands of James Hull and on the so by the lands of l’hilip Owens, containing four and one-half acres more or less, whic mortgage was conditioned that if the said defend ant should pay off and discharge said promtsiiorj note according to its tenor and effect, that then said deed of mortgage and said note should he void. And it further appearing that said prorate sory note remains ftnpaid, it is therefore ordcrct that said defendant do pay into this court^ by the first day of the next term thereof, the principal, interest and cost-'-- ““'d morf. mum and nrom- * next Mjnn hicicui. mib )8t due on said mortgage and prom issory note, or show cause to the contrary.if there be any, ami that on failure of said defendant so to do, the equity of redemption in and to said mortgagedlpremises he forever thereafter barred Md foreclosed. Audit is. further ordered that this Rule be published in the Columbus i.N- speciaLagent or attorney, at leiuit three month. ^^tELTSmSi''eiiuri. U ’T O L. Y° 1 C R A \V FOR D, , Petitioner’s j'cuuuiici s Attorney. J. T. WILLIS, Judge S. C. C. C. A true extract from the minutes of Muscogee uperioVCourt at its May Term 1886 on the wth ay of May, 1880. GW). Y. jy3 oam 4m <-ier«_ Can’t rnilemtuinl II. “Confound these stamps!” exclaimed Chopper. “There ain’t any mucilage or else there’s something on mjj ,ff.” “Maybe it’s lye, KNOW THYSEF.i A Grout Mpdlfftl Work on Manhoori. and the untold misery resulting from indiscretion every man, young, esorii r excesses. A book t whose experience for 25 years is suc^i as probabl} never before b<’ bossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a flnei work in every sense mechanical, literary and professional -than any other work sold in thif country for $2.50, or the money will be reminded in every instance. Price only $1.00 by mail, post paid. Illustrated sample fi cents. Send now Gold medal awarded the author by the Nationa Medical Association, to the President of which, the Hon. P. A. Bisscll, and associate officers of the Board the reader is respectfully referred. The Science of Life should he read by the youmt for instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. It will benefit all.—London Lancet. There is no member of society to whom Thf Science of life will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman.-Ar gonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bui finch street, Boston, Mass., who may be consulted on all diseases re quiring skill and experience. Chronic and obsti nate diseases that have battled the skill of all other physicians a specialty. Such treated suc cessfully without an instance of failure. Men tion this paper. ap28 wly GULLETT’S Magnolia Gin *«MITE, LA. The Foremost Standard COT TON GIN of the WORLD. It has just taken the * Gold Medal and Diploma.’ _ _ Rest Sample ami General Utility,” at the Slade & Etheridge, Columbus. Ga. je7wl3t OOLD MEDAL, PAEI8, 181 BAKER’S Winrunted absolutely pot Cocoa, from which the excess Oil 1ms been removed. It hasfAn time8 the strength of Cocoa mfxe with Starch, Arrowroot or Suga and is therefore far moreeconou leal, a>sting less than one cent cup. K is delicious, nourishing strengthening, easily a*t****oC ml admirably adapted for Inva. ds us well as for persons In hoaltt Sold by Grocers everywhere. f. BAKER & 00. Dorchester, Mass. sssssssssssss s s s s s s For Fifty Years the great Remedy for Blood Poison and Skin Diseases. For 50 Years. SrS*S^ It never Fails! Interesting Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to all who apply. It should be carefully read by everybody. Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. S S S S S S SSSSSSSSSSSSS I* It IXI. Tlrkch only fjlj. Share* In |>io«iortl«i*<, Shortest. (Quickest mid Best—308 Miles Shorter lo New York than \ iii Louisville—Close Conned ion with Piedmont Air Line and Western and Atlantic Railroad. To the Trade and Smokers. Beware of Imitations, and see that you get I lie genuine GRAND REPUBLIC CIGARROG ESTABLISHED 1866. ALBEMARLE G.GUNBY JORDAN Fire Insurance Agent, Female Institute, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. ^ Full corps of superior teachers ; course of instruct!o» thorough and extensive : location healthful and ao cessible; scenery beautiful; surroundings most at tractive: terms very moderate: order catalogue W. P. MC KINNON, Principal- IRON OOP me Louisiana State Lottery Comp’y “ We rfo hereby certify that ire ftiipennec the a*- rangement far all the Monthly and (Quarterly Drawing/* of The Louisiana State Lottery Com- gang, and in person manage and control the Drawings themselves, and that the same are con- •tucted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and tee authorize the Crmipany to use this certijleate, with facsimiles of our jrfp natures attached, to its advertisements.” In effect September 12th, 1885. No. 58 No. 51 8 20 p m 7 \K n .1. 1 20 p m 8 20 p III 0 .*>5 |) 111 ::::::::::::::: 2 28 p ill 10 53 p 111 11 46 p ill 12 23 p 111 1 45 p ill “ Atlanta 3 25 a ill Via W. & A. Railroad. 6 50 p ill 5 55 p ill 7 37 p ill 1 00 p in Via the Piedmont Air Line to New York and East. 4 00 p m 3 37 p ill 8 30 p 111 11 25 ill “ Washington K 00 a ill 2 40 p in 3 40 p m “ m New York 6 20 a ill Train 53, Pullman Palace Cars Montgomery to Washington without change. Train 51, Pullman Palace Buffet Car Atlanta to New York without change. South Bound Trains. No. 50 No. 52 1 45 p m 2 '28 p m 5 18 p tn 6 02 p in 7 15 j) m 11 20 pin 2 10 p m 7 30 p ill “ New Orleans 7 20 a m Train 50, Pullman Palace Sleeping Car through to New Orleans. Sleeping Car, free of charge, through to Texas without change. Train 52, Family Emigrant Via Selma and Queen and Crescent. 1 2 28 p in 5 18 p m 8 15 p in 11 15 p m 1 45 p m 8 45 p m 5 .35 p m 8 27 p m 11 15 p m i i “ 8hreveport 6 35 p in CECIL GABBETT, General Manager OHAS. H. CROMWELL, General Passenger Agent. Commissioner* We the undo signed Itanks and Hankers wiU pay all /Vises drawn in The Louisiana State Lot teries which may he presented at our counters. J. El. OKLIIKIIY. Pro*. |,n. Xnfl Hank. .1. XV. 14 I laHKI'VI'Blq Pros, fttntr Xnt’l H’k. \. HA I.IMVI. Pros. \. O. XnCI Hank Incorporated in 1R(>8 for 25 years by the Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purposee— with a capital of ^1.000,(MM) -to which a reaervt hind of over $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its frunchim was made a pail of the .present State Constitu tion, adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. IT NEVER SCALES OR mSTUONES. I In UruiMl Single Number firuwlitfft lake place Monthly, and the Extraordinary Drawings regularly every three months, instead of semi-annually as heretofore, beginning March, A NPLEMHH OPPOHHNITY Tt WIN A FORTUNE. TENTH GRAND DRAW ING, GLASS 14,IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY. Oetohcr 1*2tk, IHHB 197Hi Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PIC IKK 875,000. 100.000 TirketN ill Five Hollar* Back. Fractions In FIFthM In proportion. „ LIST OP PUI7.KB. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE $75,000 1 do do 25,000 1 do do 10,000 2 PRIZES OF $0000 12,000 5 do 2000 10,000 10 do 1000 10,000 20 do 500 10,000 100 do 200 20,000 300 do 100 30,000 500 do 50 25,000 1000 do 25 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750 5,750 0 Approximation Prizes of 500 4,500 9 Approximation Prizes of 250 2,250 1967 Prizes, amounting to $265,000 Application for rates to clubH should be mad* only to the Office of theCompany in NewOrleana. For further information write clearly, giving bill address. PONT A I* NOTE*, Expreoo Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordi nary letter. Currency by Express (at our ex pense) addressed W. A. IIAFPIVlBf, New OrleanM, La. Or Bl. A. HAFPIIINT. Wasli lug ton. H. C. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and addresN Kegistered Letter** to NEW OltLFANN NATIONAL HANK, wed se&wlw New Orleann, La. INCREASING PAST, TOBACCOS is rapidly increasing, and we take pleasure ia bringing the following revised list of such dealer* to your kind notice: J. K. Guldens, J. tt. & II. F. Garrett, C. E. Hochstrasser, JvlsTJD THIRDS 3STO OTHERS. We hereby notify the trade that all infringements will l>e vigorously prosecuted to the full extent of the law. GEO. ZED LIES Sc CO., Pnetnry 200, :hl Histrlet. N. Y. I). A. Andrews D. A. Anglin Averett & Porter, 11. .1. Anglin, J. Adams, C. Batasteir., tt. Brod-i, Bennett A ( »»., T. A. Cantrell, V. tt. < Mb’ ,vd & < R. 8. Crane, F. Conti, M. E. Edwards. A. Himous, L. II. Kaufhmn & Co., G. W. Lewis, C. II. Markham, P. McArdic. T. E. MnnJlcbiDoks, Martin A: (!lialmers, 'I’obe Newman, W. R. Newsome, ,]. H. Rumsey, Rothschilds Bros., T. .J. Stone. The genuine are lor sale by W. 8. Freeman. J. T. Kavanagli, Bninnon <fc Carbon, King Daniel, Peabody & Faber, T. A. Cantrell, J. H. Edwards, J. E. Deaton, W. R. Moore, E. M. Walsh Co., (i. T. Miller, and all first-class retailers. ang.1 tu tli satA.saHm of Hu llmoml. Virginia. Manuftieturers of Fanny 1'xleJ and L. Flood To* baccos. I4EIIN A LOI'JI are our Nolo Agent* far Hi In territory. my2 seQin Printing, Book-Binding Pioneer Building, Front Street. Telephone No. 104. REPttESICNTING- AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Philadelphia. Honestly paid every loss since 18io. NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE CO., of New York. Every policy issued under New York Safety Fund law. SUN FIRE OFFICE, of London, Established 1710. Always successful. Policies issued on all classes of Insurable property. Representative Companies. Courteous Treatment. Fair \iljuslments. IVoinjit Payments. Paper Boxes OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT LOWEST PRICES. "R' ** and fllustrp.trd ( utaiogiie < t’-ANCINNATI (0. CORRUGATING Cr sepli sc tu&tb tf A share of your business solicited. A LARGE .STOCK of all kinds of PAPER, in cluding Letter, Packet and Note Heads, BUI Heads, statements, always on hand. Also En velopes, Cards, &c., printed at short notice. Paper Boxes of any size or description not kept in stock made at snort notice. N.W.AYER&SQN ADVERTISING AGENTS ngue that eats it off'. *'.-v -- — icf Jones, trying to be facetious, ana it is always puzzled him since why W In p- ir treats him so coolly. Tlio Only Homwly. rhose who suffer from foul breath are en to the charge of carelessness, n >• offense that can be speedily abated as gle bottle of the fragrant SO/ODO.N J 11 unmistakably aecoinplisli the worx. 1 uumisuiaaoiy -r ivill preserve and keep the teeth w ‘ u - id f * id the breath pure and sweet. sat se tu tli&w the best swivel plow in use. En 11 ally t-' 1 iboultl lx* a i tratcil C’a* - ^YRACdSE CHILLED PLOW CO. SYRACUSE. NEW YORK times _ PHILADELPHIA level land. No farm*) send for free Illos* 1 Almanac. BUILDING (’or. Chestnut anil ICighth Sts. Receive Advertisements tor this Paper •Oil SALARY AND LL EAF£NSES paid .- h 1 ■: i 1 preferred Bellglous Clilinos. ebody sent us a chestnut bell, m re It out in a week wading tlnougn religious exchanges.—Fall h 1 ' 1 - nONT I.IHI1KAI. OF I'flit. Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich.. ;o send their celebrated Voltaic and Electric Appliances on thirty rial to any man afflicted with >en ebility, lisa of Vitality, -lan^ood, llustrated pamphlet in uealed en with full particulars, mailed free. them at once. Uwtf je,4 wlv ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. I TV-nER und by virtue of an order of the Court iHHIliili L f l b £ r ?, U hiVlder for Sash, at public outcry, sixty highest bidder tor casn, acr ^ 8 of landi moro 0 r st-v-en ud ono ; th southwest corner ol ber 287, in the 17th distnct D « B “t pUn d/ceased. *^0- of Pafin KR deb V n/|MribuUon. T AdS’r do bonis non of John D. Htriplin*. dec’d. sep7 oawtw ,', n flYF.R & SON’S MANUAL THE BOSS PRESS Is Without a Rival. TNE LIDDELL VARIABLE FEED SAW MILL, Til ON. <«;kt, 42 Randolph Street, opposite Post Office. WANTED. •Ve will l*ay Agents fi sulary t f $H<) to $90 p» r month and e* :inity. Bu 1 SeJenir or' *40 " izenses to distribute circulars in s honorable, permanent, pleasan expenses advamed. SAMI'I.B lamps re«iuircd. No humbug. We - ‘ ’ SUPPLY COMP A \ V. CINCINNATI, OHIO I Is the very best Saw Mill in the market. II took the only modal of the first class al the New Orleans Exposition. ! For the above, and for all other machinery, address, An Infallible Remedy FOR FLOODING. GEORGIA. MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Whpppnn Thnmns T, WillliLmS, a< represente to^the s petition duly filed, that I ad ministered R. G. Williams’estate. court in his petition duly filed, that he has fully xlrainistered R. G. Williams’estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons,concerned, FORBES LIDDELL&CO. Montgomery, Ala. heirs anh creditors, to show cause, if ary thej can, why said administrator should not be diH charged from his administration and receive let* ceraber, 1886. F. M. BROOKS. September 4th, IM. oaw3m N. B.—Our stock of Wrought Iron, Pipe, Fittings and Machinery is the largest in this part of the country. ieldwOm I /A8Y to obtain and costs nothing, Succeeds J where the skill of the best ohybiciaus fails. To any one remitting me one dollar I will send recipe, and will refund the money if satisfaction is not obtained. I will state that before I used this remedy I paid heavy doctor bills every year, but now I do not have to pay any. IIOIjMN DEMI, agu29 selin Buena Vista, Ga. OPIUM Whlakc cured at hi out pain Hcuters Book of par- “d. Otto, wiSt.-Xu*:stewi ♦> ,.■ , at,