Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, October 02, 1886, Image 2
DAILY ENQUIRER • SUN : mLUMBUS, C4E0KQIA, SATURDAY MORNING OCTOBER 2, 1**8. A CHURCH QUARREL IN COURT. V.\-Preacher llrlMor Niios flu* Tru^t** fV»r Kloctlng Him. Duffy’s Pure Halt Whiskey and Duffy’s Formula. Nyauk, N. Y., September 20,-Hev. •Ztuorgu K. liristor wan suspended from the pastorate of the Spring Valley Methodist church after bolnjr charged with criini- uallv assaulting his servant girl. Ida 1 'owns, In December Inst, but continued to occupy tho parsonage until the Rev. W. I’. Ferguson was appointed in his stead. On March 17 Hrjstor was served with a no tiee to vacate the premises within forty- ' ick eight hours, the time expiring n_t [i o’elocl “laren UJ£UL liuumi tiun; vwi _ in the evening of March 1!). The notice was signed by Stephen il. Burr, Alfred ' Smith and other Methodist trustees. At?, o’clock on the 111th Mr. Burr, Officer Fisher, Mr.Smith and others went to the parsonage and marie an inventory of the contents, despito Bristor’s protests. At 11 o’clock, just as the minister and his family finished supper, officer Fisher, who was acting un der the Methodists’ directions, and not in an official capacity, ordered Bristor out. Dr. Bristor replied, “You must put me •out.” Fisher then proceeded to eject the doctor and his entire family, including his wife, mother and children, one of the last named being a four months’ babe. A great rowd were in front of the parsonage and witnessed Fisher’s proceedings. Several of Bristor’s friends in the congregation flow (•> gel Hearty atnl Hong. (Iiiln of 4 1 Pound* M:{• J\ K. MUKI'JIY. IBM Com llitiilinoro. Mil., -.triton: “Hive i c.ii If iiv tin* ii*(• hf v-iur JtuTy's wniakey V/ilskeyami Dutfy’n formula." a in of ifr Poll M. V. NKIGIIHOKS were also put out, and property belonging /him a to Bristor and valued by him at fl500 was taken nway. THE LAW OK THK CASE. Bristor sued for $10,000 damages and a jury trial lasting all yesterday was held be fore Judge Bartlett. All the leaders of the rival factions in the great Bristor scan dal were again in the witness chair. The prosecution held that the relationship ex isting between Bristor and the Methodists was that of landlord and tenant, and the defense claimed it to he thntof master and servant, giving them the right to eject him as a trespasser without legal process. Judge Bartlett charged very strongly in Bristor’s favor, instructing the jury to find -damages ami defining explicitly ns to how they shjuld consider the ease. The jury >$ng«* Milton, • lin'd your Duffy'* Pure M it NV ilnkny and Duffy'* for uia, and uclgli ‘25 pound* more than ever Before.” Gain of 33 Pouada. Mb. Z. HARRISON, Luruy Courthouse. Va. wrlicK *‘MHve Been using your Duffv'* Pure Mali W.lnkey for dyspepsia, and have gulned 33 pound*." Gain of 15 Ponds. Mb. \VM. H .). WKL1.3, l>Vi Clnlborno Ave., Chleiiffo., writes: ’’After u*ing your Duffy'* Pure Mall Whiskey and i u Ty * Kor- inti;a', one month, have rallied 15 pounds. Gain of IB^j Pound*. Mb- KfiWAUM II. HOWE, l«H M n Street, Kan was City. Missouri, writ”-: “Have u«od y< ur Duffy s Pure Malt Wntskey and Duffy'* Ivr.A.002ST, C3-.A.. nth*. Have little pained Jin*, pound*.’* Gain of lO Pound* Mb. WM. CHAPMAN, 1500 Vermont Ave- WwH’.dngion. D. C.. write*: **l Bwve used your Imli'y'p Pure Mult Whiskey and Duffy’a r'onnuia, and have gained 10 pounds.” Gain of 10 Pound*, Mb. CHARLES E. J1YKKE. Washington, D. I'., writes: "My friend, Mr. Eugene Sullivan, (corner Second and E *ts ), ha* trained 10 round* In three wc-Ws. by the use of your Duffy'* Pure Malt Whiskey and Du fly'a For mula.” Gain of 11 Pound*. Mb. A. I). DUUASNK, Photographer, 020 Virginia Avenue, Washington. D. („ writes: j gained 11 pounds by the us* of your Duffv*''pure Malt Whiskey In < Duffy’s Formula.” Gain of Hi Pounds inter Ion with retired at half-onst four yesterday and this morn log reported a ” Mh-OKOBOB II. SXYDEK, Lakewood, N. .I., writes: ”My weight has Increased nanrly 1*2 pounds—benefits derived from tour Duffy’* Pure Mult Whiskey nud Duffy’s Formula.’’ i disagreement and wer ^discharged.* The vote was 11 to 1 against judgment. The fe«lin^ between the (Hristors and Methodists &Iud ever, BRUTAL MURDER BY BOYS. After Killing it Mexican Shepherd They Mali- I’iously Destroy Sixty Sheep. Uvalde, Texas, September 30.—Three months ago a Mexican shepherd in charge jep o Simpson, in Zavalla county, near Muella post olfice, wus foully murdered by par- tcr The Duffy't Formula i* a opeefn/ house hold application of Ike medicinal vfrtne* and purity o[f Vu&V * Dure Mali Wkinkey, and it in tended mwe eperi^fteatly for the treatment of Coneiemptirm, Ifyapepata. Indignation, Malaria, General Debility and all Wanting Inmate*. In addition to Ike tonie efern nf aur \cki*k*y. it fnr- ttiehen uneqatled blood-farming material, iche ‘ Ike Weight and Strength are Malt Whitley and , rw ,, —.... ^r-.« . liquid form, ike nvtriMtme etetaeni* being extracted iritkovt eoobtng or •kemieal wen by a new nroreee. aw ling il the mom table and wlmrtou* be^< preparation ever mad*. It ran be had <\f nil Meciert at OAA palatable ever mad* DOLLAR Ft 11 nOT J LK. Wm.L.TILLMAN ) Georgia, Muscogee County— vs. > Mortgage. &c. In Muscoge# R. H. GORDON.) Superior Court. May term, 1886. ef then unknown. A Mexican coinnan- iompi son of the shepherd was for a long time thought to be the murderer, as he had dis appeared from tho country about the time th * ’ . the deed was committed. This suspicion, however, proved erroneous; and the real culprits have been discovered and jailed. From a gentleman residing in the vicinity of the crime, who arrived here to-day, it is learned that the real murderers are two boys named Drown and Wood, neither of Whom is over fourteen years old, and whose brothers before them are said to have belonged to a band of desperadoes. DETAILS OF THE CRIME. These two bovs and another companion of the same ago, Joe Burriss, went to where the unsuspecting Mexican was herd ing sheen. One of them had a revolver, as also did the shepherd, which the other ■boy borrowed. No sooner did they get possession of the Mexican’s revolver, when these fiendish young devils—Brown and Wood—without provocation turned their revolvers upon the poor shepherd and fired up seventeen snots into his body. At the first mortgage deed, that on the fourth day of May, Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-three, the defend ant made and delivered to the plaintiff her two promissory notes, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, whereby the defendant promised by one of said promissory notes to pay to the plaintiff or bearer, twenty-four months after the dat# thereof, Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-eighl d "* ‘ ~ ' •■• • • THE FALL TERM of this institution will open on the last Wednesday -29th 1 of September next. The chairs of Latin and Greek have been con solidated into the chair of Ancient Languages, to which Prof. Wm. G. Manly, a distinguished graduate of the University of Virginia, has been elected. The Theological department, presided over by Rev. James U. Ryals. D. I)., and the Law depart ment. with Hon. Clifford Anderson as the chair man of its faculty, offer special inducements to students in these departments. Of the Preparatory department, designed to prepare boys for the University classes, Mr. Emerson H. George, an alumnus of the Univer sity, has been elected as principal, to succeed Prof. T. E. Ryals. Post graduate courses of study for the degrees of A. M. and Ph. D., open to the graduates of all male colleges, have been established by the authority of the board of trustees. For catalogues an other information, address JNO. J. BRANTLY, jy!3 2tawtd Secretary of Faculty. pnBlaaerg H^kleberrY "SHADELAND’JiSI PURE BRED LIVE STOCK ESTABLISHMENT kin the WORLD. New Importa* It ions constant I) ' arriving. Bare individual excellence and IT choice Breeding. CLYDESDALE HORSES, PKIt(’I1EKON, NOlt .llAN or FRENCH DRAFT HORSES, ENGLISH DRAFT HORSES, TROTTING-IIIt ED ROADSTERS, CLEVELAND BAYS and FRENCH COACHERS, ICELAND and SHETLAND PONIES, HOLSTEIX-EBIESIAN and DEVON CATTLE, Our customers hare the advantage of onr many years experience In breeding and importing ; Superior Onalltyt Larne Va- rietr and immense Collections; opportu nity of comparing different breeds t and low prices, Became of onr nneqnnled fa* clllties, extent of bnslness and low rate* of transportation. No other establishment In the world offers Such advantages to the purchaser. . PRICES LOW! TERMS EASY! Vis* Itors welcome. Correspondence so lie* Ited. Circulars Free. Mention this pai>e$ POWELL BROS.. Spwigbora. Ciawlord Co-P* Notice to Debtors and Creditors, against inuiue tiunca. late of said county, deceased, are hereby notified * ’ authenticated, to me, to present the same, duly within the time prescribed by law; and all par ties indebted to said Mollie Jones, are required to make immediate payment to me. August 6, 1886. GEO. Y. POND, Au5 oaw6w Administrator Dollars and Twenty-two Cents, with interest said note was not paid at maturity, ten per cent attorney’s fees for the collection thereof, for value received; and by the other of said promi- sory notes the defendant promised to pay to th# , —ighteen eight Dollars and Twenty-two Cento, with interest from date at eight per cent per annum, and if said note was not paid at maturity, ten per cent attorney’s fees for the collection thereof, ror i received ’ ‘ “ r valu# shot the. Mexican fell upon his knees and line implored them not to Kill him; but the hardened young: murderers laughed at his ughe grayere, aiid kept uj) their^fusilade until dropped over (lead. They then fired balls several bnlls into his quivering body. Re loading their revolvers, they kept up their ►ckofisheep, pastime by shooting into the flocl ' y bead before they stam- and killed sixty •peded. HUNTING THE YOUNG VILLAINS DOWN. The officers <»f Zavalla county diligentl * set to work to ferret out the murderer or murderers, without success until four or .five days ago. when the whole affair was revealed. Joe Burriss, the companion of the youthful erimiuals, who was present when they killed the Mexican, and fired Into the flock of sheep, although not a participant in the shooting, was arr sted I by he sheriff of Zavalla county and, I charged with committing the crime, wus 1 Judged in jail. After being in confinement ! a few days and being sharply interrogated, : iiie weakened and betrayed Brown and Wood, giving the above description of | bow the murder was commuted. Brown and Wood wore at once apprehended, and *tlie young murderers are now enjoying each other’s society in the Zavalla county jail. ed to the plaintiff her deed of mortgage, whereby the said defendant mortgaged to the plaintiff aD that tract or parcel of land situated on the west side of Broad street in the city of Columbus, and in said county and state, being about twenty-fly# feet In front on Broad street and mnning back th# full depth of said lot, and known as part of lot number sixty-five, with all the improvement# thereon, upon which is situated Store Hons# number one hundred and forty-three; and it far ther appearing that said notes remain unpaid: It is, therefore, ordered that the said defendant pay into Court on or before the first day of th# next term thereof, the principal, interest, attor ney’s fees and costs due on said notes, or show cause to the contrary, if any she can; and that on the failure of the defendant so to do, the equity of redemption in and to said mortgage premise* be forever thereafter barred and foreclosed. . And it is farther ordered that this rule be pub lished in tbc Columbus ExquiRBK-SuN, a public gazette printed and published in said city and county, once a mouth for four months previous tc the next term of this Court, or served on the de fendant or her special agent or attorney, at least three months previous to the next term of thin Court. J. T. WILLIS. C. J. THORNTON, Judge C. C. C. Plaint ifTs Attorney. A true extract from the minutes ofMuscoge* Superior Court, May term, 1885. GEO. Y. POND. my20 oamtm Clerk S. C. M. C. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. QEOROIA -MCSCOGEE COUNTY: ^All par- ties having claims against John D. Stripling, late of said county, deceased, are hereby notified to present the same, duly authenticated, to me within the time prescribed by law, and all parties indebted to said John D. Stripling are required to make immediate payment to me. R. A. M’FARLAN. uug8 oaw 6tv AdministraorL Notice to Debtors and Creditors. OEORGIA—MUSCOGEE COUNTY: ALL persons having demands against the estate of Lucius Anderspn, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the under signed, according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment. GEO. Y. POND, Administrator Estate Lucius Anderson, September 8, 1886. Deceased. sep»-law-6w Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA—MUSCOGEE COUNTY: A LL persons having claims against the estate of Mrs. Jane Reed, late of said county, de- make immediate payment to me. , , E. 8. McEACHERN, September «, 1886. Administrator. sep7 oaw4w GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Whereas, George Y. Pond, guardian for Ora A. Burton, having applied to the court of ordinary of said county for a discharge from his guardian- niAgBpf^^. U Vt® NT l RY CHILDREN TEETHING f0 Wo«rs 50 tPER BOTTLE OF Tliis is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned to show cause why the said George Y. Pond should not be dismissed from his guardianship of Oro A. Burton, and receive letters of dismission. Given under my official signature this Septem- F. m. BROOKS, Ordinary. BOSTON i’OLiCE AGITATED. of It*. Olil..,*! anil Bravest i KpttiiII. Sui.|irnilt ii I utlor ( liui'i.'rs. Boston, Matts., September 29.—The sen sation of to-day was tho suspension of olio Captain Horace M. Ford, of police division ■No. 11, this morning. A little over two .years ago there were a number of stories in circulation to tho effect that he was in league with the gamblers and liquor deal ers of the West End. Although there may not have been any foundation for those stories, yet the old board of polieo com missions transferred him from division 3 to the Dorchester division. For the pnst few days it has been known that the super intendent has had several secret meetings with the board, and it was surmised that some member of the department was To be ordered into the “sweat box.” Soon •after the arrival of the superintendent at police headquarters he telephoned to Captain Ford that he was suspended, and thef charges of neglect of duty, conduct j .becoming an officer and prejudicial to The welfare of t he public had been pre- ferred against him. The board will not I say anything about the matter claiming it would be unfair to make the charges ! public until Captain Ford has bad a chance to defend himself, Captain Ford has the reputation of oeing one of the best men in the depart ment, and is possessed of considerable wealth. He was appointed on the force 1 ictober 20, 18H2, and is one of the bravest officers in Boston. He says he cannot tell what the suspension is for. Shortest, Quickest and Best—308 Miles Shorter to New York than via Louisville—Close Connection with Piedmont Air Line and Western and Allantic Railroad. WESLEYAN Female College, Macon, AURAN Moet of the dieeneofl which afflict mankind are origin ally caused bj a disordered condition uf the LIVER* For all complaint* of thi* kind, tacb m Torpidity of the Liver, Biliousness, Nervoa# Dyspejisi*, Indiges tion, Irregularity of the Bowel*, Constipation, Flatu lency, Eructations and Burning of the Stomach (sometimes called Heartbnrn). Miasma, Malaria, Bloody Flux, Chills ano Fever, Breakbone Fever, Exhauation before or after Fevers, Chronic Diar rhoea. Loss of Appetite, Headache. Foul Breath, Irregularities incidental to Females, Bearing-down is Invaluable*. It is not a panacea for all diseases. First Wednesday In —. — in the South with all iclern improvements, unsurpassed for comfort, health at moderate cost. Apply for catalogue to w. c. BASS D. b. President. DRUNKENNESS OR THE LIQUOR HABIT, POSITIVELY CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES’ GOLDEN SPECIFIC. without the knowledge of the person tak Ing it; is absolutely harmless, ami will ef fect n permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an al coholic wreck. It has been given in thou- sands of cases, and in every instance a per- In effect September 12th, 1886. ! No. 53 No. 51 8 20 p m ■ 7 55 a m 1 10 a in 1 20 p m 9 05 ami 4 30 a m 8 20 p m | 7 55 a m 9 55 pm 9 07 a m 11 55 a m| 11 55 a m 2 23 p m 8 54am 10 53 p ni| 10 05 a m 11 48 p m, 10 49 a m 12 26 a mi 11 20 a in 1 45 a m j 12 23 p in 3 25 a m i 1 45 p m Arrive Columbus Leave Columbus Arrive West Point “ LaGrange “ Atlanta Via W. & A. Railroad. 7 50 a m 1115 a m 11 40 a m 100pm 6 50 p m 5 55 p m 7 37 p m 1 07 p m “ Dalton “ Cincinnati Via the Piedmont Air l ine to New York and East. 7 40 a ni 6 25pm 7 00am 4 00 p m 4 05am 3 37 pm 8 30pm 11 25 p ra 3 00 o in 6 20 am 9 35 a m 2 40 p m 3 40 p in “ New York Train 53, Pullman Palace Cars Montgomery to Washington without change. Train 51, Pullman Palace Buffet Car Atlanta to New York without change. South Bound Trains. No. 50 No. 52 1 46 pro 2 28pm 5 18 p m 6 02 p ra 7 15pm 11 20 p m 3 30 a m 4 40am 6 20 a m “ Montgomery 2 25 a m 7 20 a m 2 10pm 7 30 p m New Orleans but, Pl!DP all diseases of the LIVER. 1 WUffC, STOMACH and I will'wwrajfe STOMACH and BOWELS.' It changos the complexion from a waxy, yellow tinge, to s ruddy, healthy oolor. It entirely removes low, gloomy spirit*. It, is one of the BEST AL" TERATIVES and l-UP.IFIERS OF THE BLOOD, and Is A VALUABLE TONIC. STADICER’S AURANTII For sale by all Druggist*. Price SI .OO per bottle Battle of the Klk*. Richmond, Ind., September 29.—A fatal combat took place a day or two ago be tween two elks confined in Uien Miller, the city park. The contestants were the old buck and a young buck, an offspring of th») former. The older lias huge antlers and has been very fierce for several weeks. The young buck was a little over two years old and had antlers well covered with the velvet that indicates his yonth. He had hitherto stood in great fear of the old buck, but on the day of the conflict had dared to brave him for the first time,and it proved to be his last. The huge strength of the elder enabled him to hurl the younger to the ground with interlocked horns, and then the older gored him to death. The victor is still in a rage and will attack anything. lie snapped off a «»»,»ntwfc. xic on a *our-ineh tree with his horns yesterday as - - ^ “Guia jcoiciuuj na 1 1 j were ft match. He is about eight years •old, and was purchased by Superintendent Miller, of the Pan Handle, and pre ■ I ’"W * <*** UttUUlC, nuu pic sented, together with his mate, to the city «— vi fi ■ o v ' v * lv '* n ifti uio uictit., tu Luc LI some years ago. The city authorities Wm take care to keep the remaining elk calf * *- f - .father' C. F.3TADICER, Proprietor, >40 SO. FRONT ST.. Philadelphia, Pa. D R. WARD’S SEMINARY.. Nashville, T*nn. Real Southern Home for Girls. 3,50 Girl* this year. A non-seotariar vi-hool. Patronized by men of liberal minds in al Catalogue address DK. \i r - WAKIh YIT A WTED-A WOMAN OF SENSE, ENER- ▼ ? UY aud respectability for our business in her locality. Salary about 950 per month. Per manent position. References exchanged. E. J. JOHNSON, Manager, 16 Barclay St., New York. sep7 tu4w PENNYROYAL PILLS “CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH The Original and Only tiounlne* Nsfr and always KHiaMr. Rowan of worthlrM unitatlc U l>T return mall Rugllah" NAME PAPER, fiiicheater C'Uemleal €’«»., 2o!s MudLun sjuara, Philada., Pa '.old bv^brug^UtM I'vrrwhorf. bhuiio eanen. Mini in cvcij iiibmiiivc «» - feet cure ha* followed. It never fails. The system once impregnuted with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For Sale by FOR SALE BY* M. D. HOOD A CO., 93 BROAD ST., COLUMBUS, GA. Call or write for circular & full particulars. GEORGIA. MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Whereas, David A. Anglin, administrator of the estate of Hugh Dever, deceased, makes ap plication for leave to sell all the real and per sonal property belonging said deceased. These are. therefore, to cite all persons con* cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, within the time prescribed by law, why leave to sell said property should not begrauted to said applicant. Witness my official signature thip September 4th. 1886. F. M. BROOKS, sep4 oaw4w Ordinary GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY : Whereas, KatherineE. Deignan. administratrix of William Deignun, deceased, represents to the heirs and creditors! to show cause, if any they can, why said administratrix should charged from her administrat'd!! and receive letr ters of dismission on the first Monday in De cember. 1886. F. M. BRC OKS. Ordinary. September 4th, 1886. oaw!2w DRUNKENNESS SHARP GINS--; « Perfect IIIY KHARPRVEII nlV-ree It*'Sold •' Ml AUI whenbMlBWttmdull and prleM KtlowU M BUY YOUR fall ahootlug lirnatbanraln*. Bfmdfornew FRIC^ A II flkl A l -e/J* o( Watcht'aRlfl6i8portlncOood*aB<S%A w ffw O Instantly Cured Dr. Haines’ GULDEN SPECIFIC*».<«„*!« destroys all appetite for alcoholic liquors. It can be merretly administered in coffee, tea, or anf article of food, even in liquor itself, with nmre failing results. Thousand# of the worst drunk ards have been cured, who to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. Endorsed by every body who knows of its virtue# but saloon-keepers. Send for pamphlet containing hundreds of testi monials from the beet women and men from aU part# of the country. Address in confidence, GOLDIN flYXOinO 00., IM Bae# St, Ciaeiaaatf, % wint xMSSA IBR Train 50, Pullman Palace Sleeping Car through to New Orleans. Train 52, Family Emigrant Sleeping Cai, free of charge, through to Texas without change. MM Montgomery.. rive Selma Marion Greensboro.... Meridan Jackson Vicksburg Monroe Shreveport . 1 2 28pm. .! 5 18 pm' ., 8 15 p m . 11 15 p mj 1 45 p m 3 45 pm 5 35 p m 6 27 p m 1115 p m 4 22 a m 6 50am 140pm 6 85 p m CECIL GABBETT, General Manager. ^JjEEDSOFDJIlUHfi AGEM'ANlicI?; of the tnostthrllliiigpersoTial advrnturcs, ex- K loitu of scout* and spies, forlorn hopes.ncro- ? bravery, imprisonments aud hair-brea«lth W. S. GREEN, Real Estate Agt. ' EOHGIA, CHATTAHOOCHEE COUNTv ’ Notice la hereby R-lven to all persons con. cerned that on the — day of , ib«6 xt\ Daniel, late of Chattahoochee county, d'enar! i this litn intPSt,RTP and no m»r«nn this litc intestine anil no person has aiiiili,.,] ndminlatratlon on the estute of said Minin n.,?, r lei In said state. That administration wiin," vested in the sheriff of said county or some nth . fit and proper person niter the publication of thil citation once n week for four weeks, unless valid objection is made to his appointment. w Given under my hand aud official simint,,.. this *J7tb August. 1880. siiature aug28 oaw 4w JAMES CASTLEBERRY Orddinary and Ex-Officio C. c. o f'BORGIA. MUSCOGEE COUNTY-Wbe ' " Savannah Anderson has applied for a tw : Hied their report; This is to cite nil persons interested to slm... cause, it any they have, within four weeks C the date of this notice or citation ivhv 3 twelve months’support should not he set'as I S to said Savannah Anderson and her children e Given under my hand this September Oth i»»« SCP9 oawtw F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary ®' GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY : Whereas, Thos. J Granberry makes application for the guardianship of the property of Isabel Ferguson, a minor child of Charles and Sarah Ferguson, under fourteen years of age. These arc, therefore, to cite all persons inter ested to show cause, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted to said applicant. u Witness my official signature this August 7th 1888. F. M. BROOKS, ’ aug7 oawlw Ordinary GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Whereas, E L. Bnrdwell, executor of the estate of Sarah S. Bardwell, late of said county de- ceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has fhlly administered said Sarah S. Bardwell sestate; This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said executor should not be discharged from his executorship and receive letters of d mission on the first Monday in October, 1„„„, Witness my official signature this July ad, 1886 jy3 oaw3m F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Whereas, Mrs.C. L. Downing, administratrix of estate of L. T. Downing, deceased, represents to the court in her petition, duly filed, that she has fully.administered L. T. Downing’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administratrix should not be dis charged from her administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in De cember, 1888. Witness my official signature this Septemherk 1886 F. M. BROOKS. seps oaw3m Ordinary. GEORGIA MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Whereas, Charles F. Dixon having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of ad ministration on the estate of William Hodge,late This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of said William Hodge, to be and ap pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why perm anent administration should not be granted to said applicant. Witness my official signature this September t, 1886. F. M. BROOKS, sep5 oawtw Ordinary. GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Whereas, Robert A. McFarlan, administrator de boms non, with the will annexed, of John D Stripling, makes application for leave to sell al the real estate belonging to said deceased. This is, therefore, to cite all persons interested to show cause, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why leave to sell said property should not be granted to said appli cant. Witness my official signature this 5tU day o August, 1886. F. M. BROOKS, aug5 oaw4w Ordinary. GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Alexander Toles, residing in the state of Geor- ? ia, having applied to be appointed guardian of he persons and property of the minorchildren of Williams, deceased, minors under fourteen XV. VT • t» MllAlliS, uccctinctl, 1I11UU1D UUI1LI II years of a#e and residents of said county, This is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the October terra next of the Court of Ordinary, and show cause, if any they can, why vuiuuu J, ami niiuiy unuov, ii »uj uicj' can, v* n j said Alexander Toles should not be intrusted with the sruardianship of the persons and property of said minor children. Witness my official signature this September 4, 1886. F. M. BROOKS, sep5 oaw4w Ordinary EXECUTOR’S SALE. riEOROIA, HARRIS COUNTY—By virtue of ' * an order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, I will sell before the court house door in the town of Hamilton, in said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Octo ber next, the following described land belonging 4 - — ~ , deceased. to the estate of William O. Rutledge, to-wit: Lot# 135.154 and 168, in the 18th district of said county, being the homestead life estate of Mrs. Jane Green, deceased, situate at Ellerslie, on the Georgia Midland Railroad, containing 607 l v acres, more or less. Sold for cash, and for distribution. G. A. B. DOZIER, sepl3 w4w Executor of Wm. O. Rutledge. UNPRECEDENTED STOCK OIF 1 Piece Goods NOW READY For Fall. 1886, Clothing Made to Order. V«rlfly I’n|>iirHllrlc<l. Uriel's RtiuNoianble. Sallslaclion Unarm,tcril. GOODS select4id now will be made ready for delivery at any date desired. Call and favor us with an order. G. J. PEACOCK, Clot li ill if Manufacturer, 1200 A 1203 Broac Street* ColiinibiiN On. eodtf the famous brand of ic brsvery, imprisonments aua nair-urtauui escapes, hand-to-hand strufrcles, perilous journevs, darinp rni«ls nnd bold deeds on ROTH Sll»E8 during the Great t ivil — - - '• Outsells all. I have for sale the following list of Real Estate which I will be pleased to show to parties who desire to purchase: £1500. One eight room house on Eighth street, be tween Third and Fourth avenues. "scam iiEL 1 i MTOIl^kKiiavisa- THE PATENT MICE & DUST PROOF TYLERDESK Bookcases,Tables, Offlct Chairs, Letter Presses, Pine Cabinets, Ac. TYLER DESK CO. 500 N. Fourth Bt„ St. Loma. bead 4c Cor 40 dp. Catalog!# $50 REWARD be paid for an; Grain Fan of s size that can clean and bag as __ clean and bag i Seed in one day as Patent MONARCH CfraJa K r or onr imprt Mill which i . Pries List mailed frse. NEWARK MACHINE CO. • 1800. One new five room house on Ninth street, near court house. #2400. One six room house, near court house, i $4500. acre lot with six room house on Second ■ avenue, near Thirteenth street. I 8*2500. New eight room house on lower Broad l street. 1800. A new five room residence on Rose Hill, ; $3000, l » acre lot with six room house, on Second avenue near Fourteenth street. 3000. New six room residence, on Firth avenue, near Fourteenth street. *2500. Eight room residence on Rose Hill. *2200. Six room house on Fourth avenue, near street car line. 3000. Improved corner lot on Fifth avenue, pay ing fourteen per cent. 760. Two new three room houses in lower town, paying fifteen per cent. 1000. Four new three room houses in Northern Liberties, rents for $16 per month. 225. One vacant lot, near Slade’s school. 2400. 213 acres of land nine miles east of Colum bus. i 1200. 187 acres of land, seven miles trom city, on Hamilton road. 3500. 160 acres of land in Wynnton, with six room 5000. 800 acres of the best land in Bullock county, Alabama. 1600. 800 ocreB of land in Gadsden county, Fla. eod OLD MILL PURE OLD RYE I’liis whisky was introduced originally in the year 2. mill IM miiMtnnriv maL'Inw e..i J. jj j ^ 1M2, Slid is constantly making new friends t,ie product of the most approved , approved process of dlatlh- atmn from carefully selected grain, being held uni- e\ , i’ c.. ■ "nr, i , uueru in Mist, 74 Cor 10th Street and 1st Avenue, Columbus, Ga. Send six cents for postage and I lil/Jij* reccoive free a costly box of goods which will help all, of either sex, to mak# more money right away tha i anything else in this world. Fortunes await the workers abso lutely sure. Terms mailed free. True & Co., Augusta. Maine. 4*wtf AGENTS ? oin money collecti.i* Family Pictures t 1 ** large : all styles. Piniresuuaranteed. St _ _ all expense, can be made working for us. Agents preferred who can furnish their own horses and give their whole time