Newspaper Page Text
News from the Three States Told
Brief Paragraphs.
A Sraro C.ndldiitc in Morirnn Count, Afrnid of n
Blot— 8lx Negroes Arrested at Auburn—The *
Muddle Among the Colored Methodists at
tnlon Springs.
The Clarke county authorities will make
a levy next year of $6 per $1000. The stato
and county tax of last year was |7.60 per
Thursday evening an Athens delegation
went to Atlanta to present the claims of
that city before the board of trustees to
morrow for the technological school. E
R. Hodgson, of Athens, is a member of the
Thursday evening while Mrs. W. 8.
Mize, of Banks county, was starting to
drive home from a neighbor's, her mule
took fright and she jumped from her
buggy, breaking her ankle and her leg
above the ankle, so that the bone stuck
through the skin and into the ground,
’ Efforts are being made to organize a
Baptist church in Mabletou.
The council of Jonesboro is lighting up
the town with gasoline lamps.
A terrapin caught near Mapleton has the
inscription: “1866—J., 75th 0. Vol.”
Acworth has organized a broom factory.
The machinery has been ordered and
brooms will soon be booming,
Clement Saussy has been appointed as
inspector in the Savannah custom house
vice Richard W. White, removed.
Col. James G. Parks, of Dawson, Inis
been appointed by Gov. Perry, of Florida
ns a commissioner of deeds for Florida in
and for the Btate of Georgia.
Randall Davis, the prisoner shot by Wil
lis Mills at Sylvauia, died on Wednesday
at 1 o’clock from the effect of the shot.
Swanson, the little son of Dr. F. L. Wis
dom, died at Buena Vista Thursday. He I
was only two years old.
Colonel James M. Smith was in Macon
Thursday morning on his way to Lump
kin, where he will get his force of convicts
recently at work on the extension of the
American, Preston and Lumpkin railroad
and take them to work on the Covington
and Macon railroad between Monticello
and Athens.
Hubert Comings, a colored candidate in
Morgan county, writes the governor that
he tears a riot and bloodshed in Madison
on the day of the election, and asks that
troops be sent there. The governor re
plied that the mayor of Madison and the
sheriff of Morgan county would be able
and willing to keep the peace on that day.
Hon. J. M. McKloery, of Eufaula, has
permanently located in Montgomery.
The mayor ar.d city co..ncil of Eufaula,
have entered into a building agreement
with a Mr. Chapin and others to erect for
them artesian works. The company as
sume all responsibility and give the city
fifty-five plugs for $3000.
The sheriff of Lee county made it lively
for the colored population of Auburn
Thursday afternoon. Six men were ar
rested under warrants chargingthem with
disturhinga school and with other offences.
The arrested party sued out a warrant
for the teacher, Eason, charging him with
trespass. The cases will he tried before
Hon. T. L. Frazer, judge of probate, next
E. M. Wallace, master of transportation
of the Mobile and Ohio, who has just re
signed that office, and who will probably
be succeeded by Newton J. Seale, chief
train dispatcher for the Alabama Great
Southern road, will retire permanently
from the railroad business. Fie goes to
New Orleans to live.
Col. James J. Brown, of Uniontown, has
been peculiarly sick for a few days, caused
by drinking an overdose of buttermilk.
A Union Springs special says; The two
factions in the colored Methodist church
are still quarreling over the possession of
the church property. The situation is caus
ing our white citizens a good deal of
amusement. The African Methodists have
moved their household goods into the edi
fice and are using it for an abiding place.
The Northern Methodists, the most intel-
side speculation, hut America for a steady I
diet. ■ i
i Ah® Paris journals annouuoe the death
! 9* Allrod Cambronne, a descendant of the ,
famous general who won immortal renown
| , b - v on ® word spoken at the battle of Water-
] loo.
| Julian Hawthorne makes a savage attack
upon "Ouida” in the North American, and
it is not unlikely that “Ouida” may let him •
have it back with Interest. She is perfect
ly e<|ual to the tusk.
Lieutenant Greely may never be the
robust man he was before he sailed for the
Arctic regions, but he is gradually re over-
ing his health aud feels 1000 per cent,
better than ho did a year ago,
M rs - C. E. Barron and daughter of Des
Moines, won over 100 different premiums
on their exhibition of needle and fancy
work at the recent Iowa state fair. The
right sort of honors for womenkind.
A correspondent of the Woman’s Jour
nal has been visiting the grave of Jesse
James, the outlaw. A simple monument
bears his name and age. The grave Is like
a bed of flowers, and sweet-scented blos
soming shrubs stand at the head and foot.
A telegraph operator on the Chicago
change so closely resembles Col. Robert
G. Ingersoll that he is called “ Pope Bob”
Morrow. The principal points in common
are said to be the Bmootn and child-like
face, the well-nigh hairless head and the
rotund form,
I have been treated for catarrh by emi
nent physicians, hut nothing has ever ben
efited me like Ely’s Cream Balm.—Mrs. L.
A. Lewis, 186 Chippewa street, New Or
leans, La. eod&w
Prepared with strict regard to Purity, Strength, and
lleaithfulnops. Dr. Price's Baking Powder contains
no Ammonia,Linit*. Alum or Phosphates. Dr.Priee’b
Extracts, Vanilla, Lemon, etc., flavor deliciously.
MCE BAKING POWDER CO. Cmcnro. amp St. Lours
T obacco
ligent faction, have employed as counsel w..u.,d» Cuts lir.iF.-s. Si:rV r.»' Erjulpi-lnr. ii- iln.
r:n: host effective pkepaua.
'. , iIN on the market for Piles. A S|’«!• (’( KM
Ur Dcliiu.v I* Ion. Huh never foiled to Rive
t<r. nipt relief. Will cure Anal Ulcers. AIifcghh,
i tula, 'letter. Knit Rhcvni. Bnrber’K Itch. King-
v.oiiUH, Phnpleu, Sores and Boiib. Price .'iO rlH,
n’j'lfi 's mvv Kf Mi.ny, <m.
guine that their causa will he ail right. It
is t he general opinion of our people that
the church will eventually he burned by
some of the negroes, though it is hoped
that this prophecy will not be true.
On Tuesday two young tramps, one a
negro and the other white, broke into a
negro cabin on the railroad about two
miles north of Calhoun, and stole a watch,
a ring and a pistol. They were discovered
before leaving the house and ran off, meet
ing the wife of the negro whose house
they were robbing, and drew a pistol on
her in her attempt to stop them. They
made their escape.
There is considerable sickness in Gads
den county.
A large whale was seen near Daytona a
few days#ince.
Hugh Haden and Rev. T. P. Webb, two
old citizens of Madison county, died last
There are already six candidates an
nounced for the offieeof sheriffof Alachua.
Marion county starts out with 103 public
schools next month. The teachers will
cost the county for the term $23,465.
Previous to the earthquake water had to
be pumped from the artesian well in Cum
ing’s grove, but since it has flowed in a
continuous stream.
The fruit growers of Manatee county
met at Braidentown last week. A pernia
nent organization was then effected by the
election ofjudge E. M. Graham as presi
dent, Mr. Daniel Lloyd, secretary, and Col.
J. W. Harllee, corresponding secretary.
Mrs. Taylor, a guest of the Bay State
house at Jacksonville, was badly burned
Monday. She was in her night dress in
her room, and by some means the flames
of her lamp had* communicated to her ap-
uarel, which instantly blazed up furiously
as she rushed out into the yard. She was
burned from the waist down to her feet.
Dr. Mitchell was summoned as quickly as
possible and ministered to her relief. Hue
is badly burned, but the doctor thinks she
will recover.
Some parties have had publish ed a peti
tion for license to sell whisky in \\aldo,
and now some of the citizens of that town
are incensed about it. Many persons,
among whom are two ministers ot the
gospel, whose names appear among the
petitioners, assert that they will make
affidavit that they never signed the peti
tion, while the petitioner has . already
made affidavit that they did sign it.
About Noted People.
Madame Adam got, as editress of La
Nouvelle Revue $6000 a year salary, and
$2000 a year more for entertainment ex-
P< MrfEdwin D. Mead’s lectures this season
will be on “Samuel Adams,” “Gladstone,
“Lessing," “Puritanism” and J he l H-
grim Fathers.” „ ,
Joseph Hatton is one of the most Indus-
trious of literary men in London, lie is
always busy upon some new work, ms
latest he calls “A Series of Cigarette
P 1ie'iry Ward Beecher begins to sigh for
a sight of dear old Brooklyn and Plymouth
church. England is all very well tor a
Gout Oi-Ids, Cor.phs,
;tt Fill SO NT**, compounded with the p
icco Flour. find iff sipciiilly rccomuieudRd i
Kij> Weed or < hike ot the BronM. and for that dt
of irritant fir inflammatory maladies, Aches and
Pains where from loo delicate a state of the system,
thomtiont is un a hie to hear l ho stronpor application
>h<> TohfltvtCako. For Headache or other Al lies
and Pains it is invaluable. I'vif'O !o nth.
Ask your druggist for thesvi remedies, or write tot ho
DURHAM!, M. C. S. A.
Columbus. Ga., September 19, 188ft.
O N and ufter this date Passenger Trains trill
run as follows. Tains * daily; + daily ex
cept Sunday. The standard time by which these
Trains run is the same as Columbus city time.
Leave Columbus * 12 00 m + 8 50 p tu
Arrive Macon I" 1 4 38pnU+ 5 40am
“ Atlanta * 9 35 p ml* 135pm
* ‘ Montgomery * 7 23 p m
“ Eufaula
“ Albany |* 11 10 pm
“ Millen i* 3 00um
“ Augusta * 615am
“ Savannah J* 5 55 a in
3 58 p m
2 45 p tn
1 13 p m
- 3 45 pm
* 4 07 p in
Passengers for Sylvauia, Haiulerville, Wright*-
ville, MUledgeville and Eaton ton, Thomaston,
Carrollton, Perry, Fort Gaines, Talbotton, Buena
Vista, Bakely and Clayton should take 8 60 p m
Ix*ave Macon
“ Atlanta
* 10 00 n m
* 8 00 a m
* 5 40 a m
* 11 00 p m
“ MlUrn...
“ Ha van 11 ah
Arrive Columbug
* 8 20 p m
* 2 25 p 111
10 56 a in
12 00 in
12 00 m
9 30 a ra
1 8 40 a m
5 20 a m
Sleeping Cars on all night trains between Co
lumbus and Macon, Macon and Savannah, Ma
con and Atlanta, Savannah and Macon, and Sa
vannah and Atlanta.
Tickets for all points and Sleeping Car Berths
on sale at Depot Ticket Office
Gen’l Pass. Agent.
C. W. MEYER, Ticket Agent. augl tf
The only perfect substitute for Mother's
milk. invaluable in Cholera Infantum
and Teething. A pro-digested food for Dys*
peptics. Consumptives, Convalescents.
Perfect nutrient in all Wasting Diseases.
Recuireo no cooking. Our Book, The Care
and Feeding of h.’snts, mailed free.
DOUBER. OjOOALE A* CO.. Boston. Maa»
Shte and (Vint) Taxes for the I car 18S6
Vre now due. and my books are open for collec
tinn ot same from un i after Monday, Septum
berGth. I). A. ANDREWS,
Tux Collector Muse.gee County
Office: Georgia Home Building.
sep7 eod tdecl
fives Relief at Once
a/nd Our os
told in Head.
<’AT A lilt II,
.'ota Liquid. Snuff or
'ovvder. Free from
njurious drugs and
tffeusive odors.
" narticle i- applied into each nostril and U
agrelable. I'Hce SO vents at Dn. W .sts; by nmd,
registered 50 cts. Circulars free. FLY BROS.,
Druggists,Owego. N. Y. aug3 eod&wtf nrm
Opelika, Ala., September 14th, 1886.
f \N and after Sunday, September 14th, 1886, the
" ' trains on this road will be run as follows:
No. 1.
Leave Columbus 8 22 a m
Arrive Opelika 9 52 am
No. 3.
Leave Opelika 10 05 a n
Arrive Columbus 11 20 a m
No. U.
Leave Columbus 2 2H p m
Arrive Opelika 3 58 pm
No. «.
Leave Opelika 6 18 p ui
Arrive Columbus 6 43 p m
No. 5.
Leave Columbus 710 a m
Arrive Opelika 9 2.3 a iu
Arrive Good water 5 50 p ni
No. O.
Leave Good water 5 20am
Arrive Opelika n 16 a m
Arrive Columbus 12 56 p m
No. 7.
Leave Columbus 1 45 p m
Arrive Opelika 3 38 p m
No. H.
Leave Opelika 4 13 p m
Arrive Columbus 6 64 p m
The night trains are discontinued for the pres
dtf General Manager
M tV liUJlfi li;
Office Geneh.%7. Manager,
Columbus, Ga., September 12th, 1880.
/\N and after Sunday, September 12, 1886, the
" f schedule of Mail Train will be as follows:
No. 1—Going North Daily.
Leave Columbus 2 29 p m
Arrive at Cliipley 4 32 p m
Arrive at Greenville 5 37 p m
No. 2—Coming South Daily.
Leave Greenville 7 10am
Arrive at Chipley 8 11 a in
Arrive at Columbus 10 21 a m
No. 3 -Freight and Accommodation—North.
Leave Columbus 6 oo a m
Arrive at Chipley 8 14 a u»
Arrive at Greenville 9 25 a m
No. 4—Freight and Accommodation—South.
Leave Greenville 10 22 a
Arrive at Chipley 11 38 a m
Arrive at Columbus 2 11 p m
W. L. CLARK. Gen’l Manager.
T. C. S. HOWARD. Gen’l Ticket Agent.
feb24 dlv
Real Estate .Agent.
'Sit. IO Twelfth Street, ( olumtiis. tan
61800. One vacant Lot, ’i acre, on First avenue,
between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets.
6000. Corner Sixth avenue and Lightn street, h
acre lot, two Store Houses, Wagon Yard,
and several out-houses. Terms easy.
1600. Quarter acre lot-on upper Second avenue.
1 loom House.
800. Quarter acre lot, f room House, upper
Second avenue.
1500. Quarter acre lot, 6 room House, up town.
Second avenue.
2000. Quarter acre lot, 8 room House, 2 rnon
kitchen, well of good water ami water
works. First avenue.
3000. Quarter acre, 6 room House, kitchen and
out-house, cow and horse house, high and
dry. with water works attached, on Fourth
avenue, between lath and 14th streets.
Six Houses and Lots in Girard, 150 yards
from lowe» oridge, cheap.
One Store House and Lot in Chiple;
Three 2 roo
city. Terms easy.
Twenty acres land, C i
Eight acres land, 5 r<
House, in Lii
W» dinli.lttiffnl'
. ■ s. 1. '.’.lici-j. Iilin i.-.u. H Witn i .1* •
«■ Cl O': i i
i.V.i ^ • .PaiittUfluhiuor St- Lou*
Bankinpt Stall Just Bought al Forced Sale
For the past week our resources were tried to their ut
most. Never before in the history of Columbus were such
great bargains put before such a well pleased people. The sale
is positive, and without limitior reserve. Before reading our
prices we would say, remember, he certain to call and see
this new stock during Monday and Tuesday, as you will have
first choice before they are all picked over, as we will sell at
this season of the year largely to merchants that have spot
Still Without a Rival. Note This Price List. We Have the Goods.
40 Inch Black Brocade Dk VERNEY CLOTH, sold by many at $1 00 a yard; our price
25c- warranted all wool, 40 inches wide.
8 Ounce Colored Heavy VAMAST: also Fairborn’s Suitings, worth 25c; our price 12jc.
6 Ounce NORMANDY TWILLS and DIAGONAL SUITINGS, worth 20c; our, price
10 cents.
4 Ounce DACELL and UVILLE DRESS GOODS, worth 15c; our price 7 cents.
One case of good WASH POPLINS, worth 10c; prieo till Wednesday 6c, all shades.
Lead on, oh ! Spnrticus! Remember this for Monday,
as all will begone that day:
36 Inch English Fold Fine Soft CASHMERE, worth 40e: price 16 cents.
Lupin’s 40 inch Blue and Crow Black CASHMERE TWILL, 1800 fine, worth 65c; price
25 cents.
All our large $1 25 BUTTONS are marked down to 50 cents, all you want.
All our best KID CAMBRICS are marked down to 5 cents.
All our BRASS PINS are marked down to 2A cents a paper.
All our Ladies’ 25e COLLARS are marked down to 12A cents.
All on’-114 BED SPREADS, worth $1 50, are marked down to 75 cents.
All our White and Red 35c FLANNELS, all wool, marked down to 20 cents.
All our 76c Barnsley TABLE DAMASK marked down to 50 cents. •
All our 65c Red DAMASKS marked to 35 cents.
Gents’ $2 00 Scarlet UNDERSUITS marked to $1 00 for full suit.
Scan this Price List well. Oh, my! did you ever? Keep
a reading:
200 rieees 4-4 full heavy SEA ISLAND, worth 10c ; our price OAc, same by the bolt.
200 Pieces 1-4 full he'ivy SEA ISLAND, worth 8e; our price 6e, same by the bolt.
200 Pieces bleached anil unbleached CANTON FLANNELS, worth 12ic; our price will
be 7X cents, heavy.
500 Pieces 4-1 BLEACHING,S at 4 cents ; also 4-1 Undressed Heavy at 7jc.
200 Pieces Best KINO PHILIP CAMBRICS at 91 cents.
Have you noticed how (fray lias knocked the bottom oul
of Calicoes! Remember Ihe best Fall Prints are priced by
us o cents: even good Prints can he had al. -I cents.
54 Inch Ladies’ Imported MOOULL SUITINGS, worth $1 25 a yard ; our price 45 cents.
72 Inch Silesia Face Satin Palm Leaf Damask, worth $2 75 a yard; our price it.
All our Blankets, Ladies’aud Gents’
Dress Goods and Shawls now in. Spi
$4 (Kl a yard. Endless array of fine Si
Pieces of Hamburg Edge and Insertings to be thrown away.
Tlie following wus overheard os some high price competitors were in conclave on
a Dry Goods box the other night: “What are we going to do since Gray has bought
that large bankrupt stock ?” “Well, I had an awful dream the other night about Gray
cutting the prices lust week, and that dream has caused more sorrrow to the soul of
mino than ten thousand earthquakes, or a million bankrupt stocks not handled by
Gray,” “No use,” said the other, “trying to match Gray’s prices. It is like the noted
Indian chief, Geronimo, trying to eaten an ostrich in the Sahuruh Dosert on the
back of a Florida gopher.”
Our aim during this sale will be to have our bundles delivered promptly and show
goods with pleasure. Strict attention and politeness Gray’s imperative rule. Remem
ber the one that keeps the prices down.
Largest Business Connections South,
C. P. CRAY & CO.
Opposite Rankin Hotel.
al uamosK, worm <o a vara; our price ncu it.
ents’ Underwear, Skirts, Linens, Notions, Hosiery,
jjeciaJ prices on Silk, viz : 55c, 65c, 75c, fl 00, up to
Silks and Velvets and Courtauld’s Fine Crapes. 600
Thirty-five acres land in Wyunton, two
miles from city, 5 room House, 2 room
kitchen, 2 servant houses.
300 or 400 acres fine farm land near the city for
sale or exchange. Several other farms for sale.
For CCeut from October 1st.
$25 00. Six room House on lower Broad street.
15 oo. Four room House ami kitchen on corner
of First avenue and Seventh street.
15 00. Four room House on Second avenue, be
tween Sixth and Seventh streets.
12 50. Four room House, 2 room kitchen, corner
of Fourth avenue and Eighth street.
10 00. Four room House and kitchen, Fourth
avenue, between Seventh and Eighth Sts.
12 00. Four room House on upper Second Ave.s
10 00. Four room House on upper Second Ave.B
To LmuilordH.
Any property placed in my hands for sale or
rent will have prompt attention. 1 do not trou
ble a man to death, or try to get other agents
property out of their hands, but do a square and
legitimate business.
Real Estate Agent, 12th St.
nnted. !M) bent
I. 1 i3iii|il' Ir
I A V K|iOV>” v “ ■•->'*
EBUSATEs BUSINESS university oe’ Georgia,
! |\ II. MKI.L. It It.. LI*. I>.. (’IniiH i llor.
rpHK 86th Session of Departments at Athene
a will begin Wednesday, fith ot October next.
' Full courses of stud* in Letters and Science:
special courses in Engineering. AgrRultnrc,
Physics and Chemistry. TUITION J UKE, hor
catalogues and information address tin* Chun*
eel lor at Athens. Law S non) n; ens at the Haute
time. For information address Pkof. fii'.o.
Duni.KY Thomas, at Allien*. Git. Lamar Conn6
. Sec’y Board of Trustees, Athens, Ga. Aug.. 18 8*
1 sepi ddcwlm
M, D, HOOD & CO.,
Columbus, Ga.
The faultless family remedy. For biliousneBD*
torpid liver, indigestion, constipation, and all the
common illsofliteit is simply perfect and can
not be improved. Don’t be without a bottle.
Jordan's Joyous Julep
The infallible remedy for Neuralgia. It wil.
cure the worst case of Neuralgia, however severe
and long standing the case.
A specific for Sick Headache. A dose takeiK-
when symptoms appear will prevent the worei.
Hick Headache. It cures nothing else.
Thomas'* German Cologne, a PerfUme-
most delightful and refreshing.
Extracts of liCinon and Vanilla, tht
finest flavoring extracts known—something su
perior and elegant. ♦ dtf
For 15 years at 37 Court Place, now at
4 rr ;t,lnr), P.1I10J.UM1 .ml U-K.lly <iui.lin.'.l pl.T.lcloa .o-l Ul«
_ v
bpormatorrlioa and Impotency,,
•a fie romilt of nolf-rxbuse In youth, sexual excesses in
Mm-r vesrn ur other causes, aiwl iimludng nomu c f the fot-
iinvm'n i-iIuoLn: Nervousness, Bomlual Kmisslons, (night «
M mm i.v ilruains). Wuiumw of HIrU, DoftcUve Meinonr, i*hy-
si ilD -iay, I»liU|.l.won Knee. A vorsinn to Society of Kcffia es,
Confusion of Iduas, Loss of Hoxnul Power. Ac., reodcrinff.
ni.irrluao linpropcr or uuhaptW, aro thoroughly nod perm**
neatly mirJ. SYPHIX. IS P°* l HS. oljr ^ CU *
tlr. lv f? M u tho synUMii; OoiiOl’rhoa.
GLEET, fttrlcturo, Orchitis, Hernift, (or Rupture),
PUo» and other private diwm-* quickly oured*
It in solf-ovldcnt Unit a phy '.Icinn who pays *p«*lal attoutioa
to a certain cliuu of dissasos, anil ircutlug thousands uunu-
ally, acquires great skill. Physicians knowing this fact oftek
recoiuuvna uorsons to my oarc. When it l> Inconvenient to/
vinlt th<> city for treatment, niodlolnes can bo Mat privatoly
Umi srifsiy by mail or curprnM anywhera.
Curas Guaranteed in all Case*
U ®liSSSSl?S5mnall/ or hy hitter fro* and InvlteftL
Churgus ruuwmaula and com«|Mmdouco Btrlotiy coudusutiskl.
4 PRIVATE counselor
Of .ion ... .... Hdit u> nny addro ji, ■••ouroly sealed, for thirty. 1 '
should ho road hy all. Address »■* ahova
ttiuib u.J. .rciu B A. M. toq P M. Buudwa. a to i ». if
■mm SJCTSt rn Ka
-MIKE BUIoiisu^
.C) One tforo relieves F -. ruii;v,3. , „
proven! GhiUs .<■' • r.: ur_Stomach Bad-
'’(•ache in Four hours.
They ouro antf
Stomach "“ 1
•0 Norm, ft”
|tf» .i. vigor lo Iho system, ho-o: on '• I e ; *vn.
ry them on-:') and yo" will . v, er bo v R.'j’;’ ucr
rice. 2B c.i?r,ir, per boffin. Cold hy D ■ “oi,
loc1*cino l)i*alors fjfneraff^. Sont o . i- . j *-
price in stamps, postpaid, tn : , a (Kir.;,.,
... v. Htn n:r & co.„
WanufnclurctJ and Sole Frop>.. ST. LCUiS, M0»
Crab Orchard
Car Load Lots
Our Buyer Has Excelled all Previous Efforts
tn his juirdiuserf. Kxpt.*rience makes as proficient. All are
invited to call and inspect our Novelties in Dress Goods.
, 'I'M*5 I.IVER.
Ithe htojiach.
3 dyspepsia.
Constipation. •<
Sick Headache, w
Dosr.(Inn to two tnMpi»nifnI«:
Oi-nulno Chau (Jhhiakh Sa'.tb In
Hfitlfil pack ages »it luc. and -^0.
guuuiuo SaltH uold m bulk.
Crab Orchard Water Co., Prop’rs
S. N. JONES. Manager, Louisvilte^Cy
Can learn the exact cost
of any proposed line of
advertising in American.
Papers by addressing'
Geo. P. Rowell A Co.,.
Newspaper Advertising Bureau,
IO Spruce St., New York.
Send JOcis for lOO-oaue Pamphleft
hi.-.School lr» the hurt
in America. The most
practical course <>t in
struction ami the most
cm.fiefit facility. En
.ion*e«l hv buhinene
nonces. For circulars
ami Hj.eclmenH ot l‘> n
man ah ip, aUffre^n
1£*20 IT J. CCLCCldl-H,
Whereus, Alexander Toles, administrator oi
R. W. Williams, deceuBed, represents to the
court in his petition, duly filed, that lie has fully
administered K. W. Williams’ estate.
Thin, is therefore, to cite all persons con
cernecl, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if anj
they can. why said administrator should not hr
discharged from his administration and receivt
letters of dismission on the first Monday in De
cember, 1886.
F. M. BROOKS. Ordinary.
September 4th, 168G. oav/jrn
j The College ot Letters, Music and Art. Sixteen
professors and teachers; five in music, with the
1 Misses Cox, directors, Misses Reiclienan and
Records, both graduates of I.eipsic, and Miss
| Deaderick, a thoroughly trained vocalist; full
I apparatus with mounted telescope. For cata-
| ogues address I. F. COX, Fres’t
1 j v 11 a&w2m