Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, October 06, 1886, Image 2

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DAILY ENQUIRER • RUN : COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING OCTOBER 6, 1X86. ALFAND BOB. rriigrriM of tlip Broth.lV I'rrnllnr C'iu»|mluii !n Timni'nvp. Grand Junction. October 4.—As the reporter stepped In the room ol the Taylor brothers at Bolivar this morning, Alt' was laughing at the caricatures of himself and J3ol> in Prank Leslie’s and other humorous papers. He said to Bob: “That little fiddling we did at Chattanooga has given the impression th'at we are llddliiig our ■way over the state." Both are fine violin ists, but they have never played but once in the campaign, and that was to a select party at Chattanooga. Bob has the repu tation of living a line tiddler, while Alf is in fact the best performer. As they be gan to play at Chattanooga Alf remarked, “Now. Boii, as usual, play second.” Boh answered, “I want all present to under stand Hint this is the only place 1 play second to you.” While the brothers were talking pleasantly together about the can vass. Colonel T. Cnin, superintendent of the penitentiary, entered the room and congratulated them upon, the elevated canvass they were making. Haul lie: “I have known you since you were hoys, and while politically I am for Boh. you know, Alf, that personally I have for you the kindest feeling. II does my heart good to see you treat each other on the stump os brothers.” THIS SPEECHES. There was the usual large crowd present to-day to hear the sneakers. The people from Hardeman and adjoining counties, and from Mississippi, Hocked to the court bouse square. The crowd was almost en tirely democratic, with the exception of the negroes. When Boh made his appear ance-lie was greeted with tremendous ap plause, and several salutes were IIred in honor of the mountain hoy. Boh said: “I am glad that wo have a grand government. I am glad that it is possible for two iirothers to meet on the stump and discuss the questions that interest tiles ] people. While 1 propose to show the cor- i rtiption and rottenness of the republican party, I don’t want any one to think that I I mean any disrespect to my brother. I have known him since he was a baby, and I tell you to-day t hat he is as honest as the day is long. He is u good, pure mail, lie lias a thousand virtues linked to one vice. H,- helongs ton party that i hate -a party that lias trampled under foot the rights of the American people, and is unworthy of their confidence.” WHAT ISA DEMOCRATIC TARIFF ? Alf, after opening his speech, referred to Bob as an artful dodger, lie said: “My honorable competitor lias said a great many pretty things, lie lues twisted his face into any conceivable shape, lie lues told you several funny anecdotes and lues highly entertained you. No one admires his genius more than I. He laughs at the Blair bill. He makes faces when he talks about the tin-ill'. Yet all this ridicule can’t drive these two questions from the politics of this state!. They are live questions which concern every man in the state, and I propose to discuss them earnestly and to answer the charges my competitor lias made against the republican party, in reply to his remarks about the tariff 1 desire to say that democrats are forever talking about democratic tariff, and yet nobody k lows how the party stauuH. It has within it a number of fac tions, some favoring high*tarilf, some low tariff ami some no tariff. Mr. Randall, standing upon the high end of the demo cratic tariff plank, introduces a tariff bill. Mr. Morrison rises on the lower end of the tariff plank and kills Randall’s Gill. Mr. Morrison, rising on the low end of the nl ink proposes a measure of tariff reform; Mr. Randall rises on Ids end of the plank and downs Mr. Morrison’s bill. Thus, while the democracy has always preached tariff reform on the stump it finds itself in eo-igress tumble to carry through a single measure of reform:” min's REJOINDER. The rejoinders to-day were more spirited than they have been heretofore. Bob took up Alf’s points, one by one. Haiti lie: “AH' said that (lie civil service reform president -contributed money to curry the election in New York. On I hilt subject 1 want to say that the president. Imd a right to give any sum he pleased to help defray Ule expenses ■of the cam pai.-;!i ill hi-, mil Ive st ate. Under liis administration all the offices are not prostituted to political purposes, and the officers are not assessed, ill's is a pure, honest idmiuistration. 1 charged that the republican party, in op n violation of the constitution, had impeached Am! ew Johnson. Alf l-opli.d tl: it the .dd democratic mugwump, Bun H i'ler, did it. Tlmt is incorrect. Beil Butler was connected with the impeaeh- m at, hut lie was a full fledged republican at that time. I charged that the republi can party hud s' den millions ol' tile peo ple's m i-.iey. i! answered this charge by sn \ dig :h it tiler-- were bad men in ail pai- 1 •-s, ebur-he : arid Sunday schools. My dear brother, sm-h answers will not do. It you should spend vnur time discussing the Biair bill.'' COIVIJUR.NG WITH HENRY CLAY. riff - Ldimsyii,.,!-:, October 'J. Senator Sher man, of Onio, addressed u fairly good audience here tins evening. His remarks were so strictly adapted to the Kentucky market tlmt lie did iiitle throughout but <1 well on the whig record of the stale in the days of Henry Clay, with tile evident design of inducing his audience to wheel back into the nnt-idemoevatie ranks. On this he said: I could scarcely hope to make any im pression upon I he democratic vote of the city of Louisville or the state of Kentucky. Still, 1 have always thought it strange that your people, who through many long years followed the fortunes and believed in (he doctrines ol' Henry Clay, should wil lingly belong to a party opposed to all ids ideas, and I was curious to learn why the same great events that led the people of Ohio Into the ranks of the republican party should lead the people of Kentucky in i the ranks of the democratic party. II is to make this discovery that I come here to night, and I will speak to you, not for the purpose of reviving past controversies, but to see whether, after all, the people of Ohio and Kentucky ought not now to stand side bv side in their political action as they didpu the days of old. From this point lie went on to review at length tlie anti-bellum situation, the Mis- 8 juri compromise and the part Clay took in national affairs. He then proceeded to claim that all legislation since the war had been on the broad national line advocated by Clay. From this it was an easy shift to the hor rors of sectionalism, which he assured his hearers was inevitable with the return of democracy to power. In conclusion he asked: Can it be that the gallant people of Ken tucky, whose courage and manliness we ha e always been taught to respect ever since the days when under the lead of heroes honored among you they marched to the relief of tiie scattered settlers in northwestern Ohio in the Indian war and the war of 1812, can sympathize with crimes either ill Mississippi or Ohio that s rike at the foundation of republican in stitutions? It is to the conservative southern states of Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and the two Virginias 1 make this appeal. They can save the country from another sectional contest. I was troubled with chronic catarrh and gathering in head; wa-s deaf at times, had discharges from ears, unable to breathe through nose. Before the second bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm was exhausted 1 was cured.—C. J. Corbin, 923 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. eod&w Duffy’s Pure Mall Whiskey and Duffy's Formula. For Dyspepsia and Indigestion. 34ft I’akk Avaxtnt, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dear Sirs- I have bad dyspep'dn for 11 or It years hiwI your Duffy’a cure Malt Whlakny hns cured me entirely It care* where all othern fall 1 am thankful ro yon lor It: hare recommended M. and mytrleud* are lining It. Mkh. hVKl.INK TAULTON, Malt \N hl-KfV a moat IIVHIUhMc III ll.OHC Hllf, it. W. MORGAN. and after ut ins one lire Milt Wl.lBkev, immc'I. I lerl much .1. K. Ml)ANY. ’ Improved ruj.ldk einee i-.klmr voui ” • M ill WM- a Dull ’ Form a grout p : from Imlfuemlon u, am) intended the Real Kslale ami i - takinu w taking anytlilmr. 1 i to otlw r-. who havi M. LONG, •mice Audit. tfF" The Dufy's Formula i» a special house hold application of the medicinal virtues and pari tv <»/ Dufy's fare MaltWInxIcip and is in tt more speelfcalh/ for the treatment of Ctutiimplion. Dyspepsia Indigrxtinn, Malaria, timeral Debility and alt Wasting Diseases. In at! utinn to the lonie t fleet of our uhl-Ug. it fur- itishes unrrialled blood-fig wing material, whereby th< II’eight and strength tire imreased. It h made in nccnnlanre u-ith a specially prepared formula and >,ns,sis,till,, of Puffs Pure Malt Whixkeu ami Pair licet steak eomhined in liquid form, the nutritions eh hunts of the bee J bemg ejrtrmtetl n-iihout t ool mg or chemical changes by a neu- process, making it the most palatable amt efficacious beef' preparation enr math It con be hail oj all dealers at U (I LI. A // PK n HO T TL /•;. A auranti \ Mont of thn disoiiBOH which afflict mankind are origin ally oiuiHod by adiHordorod condition of the LIVER* For nil ooniplnintH of thin kind, nuch nn Torpidity ol the Liver, HilioiimicKrt, Nervomi Dyspepsia, Indigos* tion. Irregularity of the Bowoln, Constipation. Flatu- 'otiey, Eructations and Burning of the Stomach (HutnolimeB called Heart burn) Mamma, Malaria, Moody Flux. Chills tine Fever Brunkbone Fever, Exhaustion before or after Fovoi-, Chronic Diar- rhewa. Loss of Appetite, Headache, Foul Breath, Irregularities incidental to Females, Bearing-down 22sr«: STAQIGEB S flUBftWTil is Invaluable. It iH not ft panacea for nil diseaeos, hut /’MBMlK? al1 dlseuiuOD of the LIVER, will . ‘ Ug S TOM ACH and DOWELS I* clutnK« ’no complexion from a waxy, yellow tinuo. to a ruddy, healthy color, it, entirely remove? I"" I ! - -> > imifs. l' ia OUO of tho BEST AL* TERATiv'ES nncf r~U».IF)SRS OF THE BLOOD, and Id A fALUAbLF ‘ONIC. STAD8CEF : 'S AUR ANTI I Fur aala by all DrngiirUj. Price Si >00 per bottle C. F. STAtSjCtiii?, Frnpriotor, mo so. moNT tit.. Phtiadelohla, Pa, SPECIALTIES .A.T THE I J]? To-Morrow We Wall Offer 250 Dozen Gents' All Linen HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, COLORED BORDERS AND WHITE, At 15c. Each. The same Handkerchiefs are sold in this city at 35 and 40 con Is. 120 DOZEN Ladies' All Linen White The Burnt Child Cries ! So it is with many competitors that cannot keep up with the great march of When Gray secured that large bankrupt stock, and amazed the public of Columbus and vicinity by the quality of the goods, and the prices, intermingled with such crowds that only can be seen at the Trade Palace, such .boasting and pleading was never heard before, by some so-called first- class merchants, in their vain endeavor to catch a few cus tomers a day to come in (heir stores, in order to keep them up in spirits and hopes. Until Gray gets through selling out their bankrupt stock, and not have a meteor, like Mark Twain's, descend upon them—well, unless some change their way of doing business, Gray's meteor, charged with public indignation at high prices, will pay them a call soon. So they had better look out. Where’s there is smoke, you will find tire. (r rug’s (treat Soothing Sgriqi Triers for this week will he, hi/ request, for competitors to match and show the (roods : SILK-FACED VELVETS, every shade made, our price is 49c. a yard, sold in other stores here at 90c. WARRANTED ALL SILK VELVETS, every shade made, our price $1.00, sold else where at $1.75. WARRANTED ALL BILK CRUSHED PRESSED VELVETS, every shade made, our price $1.50, sold elsewhere at- $2.10. We can match anybody’s $1.25 BLACK SILK for 721c. We can match anybody’s $1.50 BLACK SILK for $1.00. We are selling NICE JERSEYS at $4.00, that you will pay elsewhere $7.50. A limited quantity left. Of course our BLACK AND COLORED JERSEY stock is replete, and prices range I from 60c. and upwards. Cali and see our great IRISH FRY-FACED BLANKETS, worth $5.00, for $2.50. Call and see our CALIFORNIA BLANKETS, 1|, worth $8.00, for $4.65. Call and see our ALL-WOOL FLANNELS, White, Red and Fancy, worth 35c., for 22Jc. This itt fun/i.v a««l sfniiijio. huf liovi'rfiu'h'ss Iruo.Ditif ray sells. I lie 1 ait. < AVHHV I'i.iX.M'Ji ill ttl-2c* ■•rice Dress Goods elsewhere. I hen go home attain, am! leave half of flee money home, ami «;«► to Ihe Trade l*alaee and see Ihe Largest Dress Goo<h Stork in town, ami get the Dress yon want at half price. Remember, we will have our Great Black Goods Sale on Monday and Tuesday. Come and see the best 65c. BLACK CASHMERE, at 25c. We have decided on FINE BLACK AND COLORED DRESS GOODS, from 40c. a yard and up wards. to put in all TRIMMINGS FREE, for these two days only, uiul you will get them and only the best of same. There is one stock especially we wish to let you know that we have decided bargains in, and that is our UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. Big inducements offered in this department. We can show the best 25c., 40c., 50c., 75c. and SI.00 UNDERSHIRT in Columbus. Calicoes.! Calicoes! Calicoes in abundance! New styles 4c. As we said befor old advertisements. We will giv_ __ them, and business quiet. Antedeluvian, dead and doomed ways and ideas. Surpassed only by Gray, with his crushing, cutting cash figures. Like General Forrest at Fort Pillow, asking nor giving quarter, buried in the furrowed parallels and trenches, the hearths, hopeless, helpless Credit Regulator only. Many merchants believe that success lies in the direction of Big Profits; While Gray’s theory is i»> make your profits in buying, so as to undersell all competetion, and control the big rush of trade like the Trade Palace is doing. Then the vast aggregate of your business will constitute the real foundations of your popularity and prosperity, and not show your cowardice by bombastic extravagances with your printers’ ink. As an intelligent public knows, you cry in despair and call aloud-Gray stop cutting the prices. Since the only crusher of low prices. Gray has a big meteor at the end of his yard stick, which he will swing loosely this week, so look out. It is only within two points of the compass of you. Best 50c. Corset in Georgia to be sold at 25c. Come and see the fun and rush this week. .A.T & GENTS, -i - 85 Dozen Jerseys, a 1 i de signs, all wooi. fine quality, ill $1 25 each. You can't duplicate them iu town al $1 75. Remember Monday and Tuesday is Special Black Goods Day. The above Bankrupt Stock we are now' selling at such low prices, that it brings many new faces to our store. Respectfully submitted by the On-Top-Live-House, C. P. GRAY & CO. VSY 2 ’ Largest Business Connections Month, COLUMBUS, SAVANNAH, AUGUSTA, NEW YORK. Shories!. Quickest and Best—308 Miles Shorter to New York A Klituduvd nwlivnl Worn iiiii Mi * Mill-Mi) HE) O.G.V SI.OO IIY 41 A III.. POSTIVUD. ILLUSTRATED sample free TO A LI <mL KNOW IRTSOr^MlP Bill0041, Greiil xlmunted Vi ibty. Nervous ami Physical Debit Dec line in Man. Errors of Youth, aim me untold mini ry resulting from imliseretioi or f\f”sst*:.. A bool; lon-vcry man. young, mid dlo-uucd and old. It contains 125 prescription* foi all acute and chronic diseases, each one o' which is invaluable. So found l>v the Author whose experience for u years is such as probnbh never before hotel the lot of any physician. 30( pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, em bossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finei work in every sense mechanical, literary and pr >n ssiomd than any other work sold in thn country for S2.5U, or the money will be refunded in every instance. Price only 81.00 by mail, post paid. Illustrated sample 6 cents. Send now Gold medal awarded the author by the Nationa Medical Association, to the President of which the Hon. P. A. Bissell, and associate otllcers of the Board the reader is respect Hilly referred. The Science of Life should he vend by the young for instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. II will benefit all. London Lancet. There is no member of society to whom The Science of life will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman.—Ar gonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. II. Parker, No. 4 Bulfinch street, Boston. Mass., who may be consulted on all diseases re quiring skill and experience. Chronic and obsti- PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH The Original niul Only Genuine. 8»r<* an I Always iU-ltahli*. lU wareuf « \nilt«tki4 In«tl-i»i’iMAble to LADIES. Auk your DrugifUt ft “t'hlohenter’ii EiigTlAli*’ auJ takf ao ntlnr.or inclose 4« "Wiwp*) to in for particulars m letter by return mull NAME PAPER. CI.lohe.ter Chcmleul Co.. ttnl 8 MuriUon *quur«s PhlJail*., P» Ootd by UrunUtM every where. a*i *ctii<*a.v '♦♦'f lenflUh" Oniuiomtrl »*M». *•»•■»? - 7mO’Wf 5f?r D xlt A N L S?S AW At home 1 .* fn Crr.vel;otnto which preferred LEADEBS OF Low Prices. DRUNKENNESS OR TIIE LIQUOR HABIT, P0SITIVFLY CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES’ GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given in cup of eofl'ee or t«'n without the knowledge of the person tak ing it; is absolutely harmless, and will ef fect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an al coholic wreck. It has been given in thou sands of cases, and in every instance a per fect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnated with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility tor the liquor appetite to exist. For Sale by FOR SALE 33 Y* M. D. HOOD & CO., DUS, !>;! BROAD ST., COLUMBUS, GA. Call or write for circular & full particulars. THE FAMOUS BRAND OF Via Selma and Queen and Crescent. 1 2 28 p m 5 18 p m 8 16 p m 11 15 p m 1 45 p m 3 45 p m 5 35 p m Arrive Selma T 11 15 p m 4 22 a m 6 50 a m 1 40 p m 6 35 p m “ Jackson — N.W.AYER&S0N ADVERTISING AGENTS bJSBSq PHILADELPHIA Cor. Chestnut and Eighth Sts. Receive Advertisements for this Paper CCTIUATCC For NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING CDCL tM IMA I to at Lowest Cash Rates inEC OLD MILL PORE OLD RYE 1 his whisky was introduced originally in the year ’ nl:| ls constantly making new friends, it i: Ihe product of the most approved process of distil.- ation, from carefully selected grain, being held uni formly in warehouse until fully matured ov age, is JUM.V celebrated for its purity, delicacy of flavor and uniform quality. For sate, and orders solicited by the agent. T. 31. I-'OI.KV. Opera House, Cor ltlth Street and 1st Avenue, Columbus, Ga. THE PATENT MICE & DUST PROOF TYLERDESK Bookcases, Tables, Offict Chairs,Letter Presses, Fine Cabinets, &c. TYLER DESK CO. •VX> N. Fourth st., St. Louia St*ad 4v for 4U pp, Cutulogufc tliau via Louisvilli—Close Count’ lion w i r 11 ! ^iodmont Aii* Line and Western iiiui Aiiiinli Railroad. In effecl September 12th, 188G. No. 53 j No. 51 1 i 0 a m 1 20 p m 9 05 a ml 4 30 a m 8 20 p m 7 55 a m 9 55 p ni i 9 07 a m ^ ^PhSw n, “ y * 2 28 p in 8 51 a ill 11 46 p m 10 49 a m 1 45 a ml 12 23 p ni 3 25 a in I 1 45 p m “ Atlanta Via W. & A. Railroad. ' 1115am 6 50 pm 11 40 a ni 5 55 p m 1 00 p m j 7 37 p m “ cuuttanooiK::::::::::::;::.:::::;::;::;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Cinciunr.ti ! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Via the Piedmont Air line to New York and East. 7 10 a m 1 1 00 p m 6 25 pm; 4 05 a m 7 Ob a ml 3 37 pm 8 00 a m 8 30 p m Arrive Charlotte “ Richmond “ Washington 2 40 p m | 3 00 a 114 3 40 p m 6 20 a m Tel in 53, I'nH'iian I’nlace Cars Montgomcy to Washington without ciumgc. Train 51, Pullman Palace Buffel Car Atlanta to New York without change. South Bound Trains. No. 50 | No. 52 1 -15 p m j 11 20 p m 5 18 p ml 3 30 am 6 02 p m 4 40 a m 7 15 p ml 6 20 am 2 25 a m 2 10 p m 7 20 a in' 7 30 p 111 Arrive Mobile i “ New Orleans OCiKJjtTrain 50, Pullman Palace Sleeping Car through to New Orleans. Train 52, Family Emigrant Sleeping Ca>, free of charge, through to Texas without change. IBUflftS CECIL GABBETT, General Manager. CHAS. H. CROMWELL, General Passenger Agent. Mobile & Girard R. R. Co. and after this date Trains will run as follows : COLUMBUS, GA., October 3d, 1886. WEST BOUND TRAINS. No. 1. Pass’ger. Leave Columbus Union Depot 2 30 p m “ Columbus Broad Street Depot | 2 46 p m Arrive Union Springs j 5 37 p m Leave Union Springs I 6 46 p m Arrive Troy 8 f 0 p m “ Montgomery, M. & E. R. R 7 23 p m “ Eufaula, M. & E. R. R 1 10 33 p m 10 25 p m 10 35 p m 1 45 a m 2 00 am 6 20 a ni 6 30 a m 10 29 a m 11 20 a m 1 15 p m EAST BOUND TRAINS. Leave Montgomery, M. & E R. R.. “ Eufaula, M. & E. R. R “ Troy Arrive Union Springs Leave Union Sgrings Arrive Montgomery, M. & E. R R. “ Columbus No. 2. Pass’ger. 7 35 a m 9 10am 9 25 a m 7 29 a in 12 45 p m 3 30 p m 4 01 p in 3 45 a m j 5 3-la in 6 29 a m 7 29 a ill: 10 49 p m 10 19 a m 1 Trains Nos. 1 and 2 (Mail) daily. Nos. 3 and 4 (Macon and Montgomery Through Freight and Accommodation) daily except Sunday. No. 5 and 6 (Way Freight and Accommodation) daily ex- ceptcept Sunday. Nos. 9 and 10 (Passenger) Sundays only. W. L. CLAftK, Sup't. D. E. WILLIAMS, G. P. A. UNPRECEDENTED STOCK OUT Piece Goods NOW READY For Fall, 1886. Clothing Made to Order. Variety riapariillRhil. I'ricos lton*i4»na!>lf‘. KatHNf'uciioBi Uiiarnnteeri. GOODS selected now will be made ready for delivery at any date desired. Call and favor us with an order. G. J. PEACOCK, Ulotliin^ Manufacturer. 1200 A 1202 Briiiii Ntrret, Coriinutm* Ga. eodtf W. S. GREEN, Real Estate Agt. I have for sale the following list of Real Estate which I will be pleased to show to purties who desire to purchase; $1500. One eight room house on Eighth street, be tween Third and Fourth avenues. 1800. One new five room house on Ninth street, nearcourt house. $2400. One six room house, near court house. $1500. )\ acre lot with six room house on Second avenue, near Thirteenth street. $2500. New eight room house on lower Broad street. 1800. A new live room residence on Rose Hill, $3000, ‘ j acre lot with six room house, on Second avenue near Fourteenth street. 3000. New six room residence, on Fifth avenue, > near Fourteenth street. 2500. Eight room residence on Rose Hill. 2200. Six room house on Fourth avenue, near street car line. 3000. Improved corner lot on Fifth avenue, pay ing fourteen per cent. 750. Two new three room houses in lower town, paying fifteen per cent. 1000. Four new three room houses in Northern Liberties, rents for $16 per month. 225. One vacant lot, near Slade’s school. 2400. 213 acres of land nine miles east of Colum bus. 1200. 1^7 acres of land, seven miles trom city, on Alabama. 1600. 800 acres of land in Gadsden county, Fla. eod G IE! lEC "W RUDOLPH FINZER’S STARLIGHT CAPITAL PRIZE d 1 °v J J 11; A l vVlti>lc»«4fi1e by LOUIS BUHLER k Co, COLUMBUS, G-A_. je5 eodGm IJlO’S fgfgif CELEBRATED'* Five Gold and Two Sliver Medals, awarded in 18S5 at the Expositions ol New Orleans and Louisville, and the In ventions Exposition of London. The superiority of Coraline over horn or whalebone has now been demonstrated by over five years’experience. It is more durable, more pliable, more comfortable,, and never breaks. Avoid cheap imitations made of various kinds of cord. None are genuine nn’e# “Db. Warner's Coraline” is print® on inside of steel cover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York Citt T r/T? Send 8ix cents for postage and X 11J /J Fl. recceive free a costly dox ol goods which will help all, of either sex, to make more money right away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await the workers abso lutely sure. Terms mailed free. True & Co^ Augusta. Maine d&wtf .. 0 ...... /ho can urnlsh their own horses anil give their whole time o the business. Spare moments maybe profitably i-mployed also. A few vacancies In towns and cities, ff. F. JOHNSON & CO., 1013 Main St.. Richmond, Va. aug2 w4m \A/A XT ED—Ladies, local or traveling. A won- Y Y Hprt’nl nntirplvnpnr snppinlEv Inr Indies onlv'l $4 daily ticulars sept30d-thu-sat-se Box 443, Chicago, I1L