Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, October 08, 1886, Image 3
DAILY ENQUIRER.»SUN. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 8, 188fi. Newt from the Three States Told In Brief Paragraphs. The Ocorifln Mutch Factory Sold—Nearly a Slmot. Ini? Affair In a Juallci* Coart—Condition ol’ the Higher and Warrior Itlrrra—Itcbulldlni? the Klimt lllxtrlct at Key Weal. Fla. Sheriff W. X. Thornton, of Ti . roll, died in Dawson Wednesday afternoon. The state holiness convention will meet i in Milledgevllle on Monday next, lltli instant. 't here W'ere thirty-one accessions to the Baptist church in Fairburn during the re cent revival. Thomas K. Blaclcshcar’s barn, at Thomasville, was burned Wednesday. Loss, $1000, Southern Mutual carrying it. About 140 of the citizens of Elberton and immediate vicinity, have re-united them selves with the church in the last two weeks. Deputy United States Marshal Strong captured a large still near Toccog Wednes day. He also took three prisoners, viz: Lewis Stone and Vence Henderson, white, and a negro. In a political difficulty between two negroes at Palmetto Wednesday, Jim Rees stabbed William Smith with a razor. The wound is very dangerous, and Smith may not recover. Mr. H. J. Long and another gentleman, <■1 Bluifton Springs, were out hunting last Saturday. They came across a nest ot rat tlesnakes and succeeded in killing seven teen. There were at least thirty-five in the nest. The Georgia Match Factory at Gaines ville, was sold bv Mr. John A. Webb, re ceiver, to the highest bidder. It was bid v w , vu wuv UlUUCt, It WUS U1U in by Mr. Charles W. Dupre for the sum 12610. It is rumored that it W’as bought of in for Mr. Sax A. Anderson, proprietor" of the Marietta paper mills. Mr. Anderson is a brother-in-law of Mr. Dupre. The factory originally cost about $20,000, and is a good investment. Fred H. Warring happened to a sad accident Tuesday morning while out tur key hunting near Kingston. Mr. J. W. McGuire wus out also, and, unaware of Mr. Warring’s location, fired at a turkey and shot Mr. Warring down. The turkey flew over Mr. Warring, and he rose, bleed ing, and gave him a farewell salute. Mr. Warring’s wounds are painful, but not serious. What came very near being a serious shooting affair occurred at a justice of the peace trial in Jacksonville, McRae county, between Dr. H. J. Smith, of Jacksonville, and Col. B. M. Frizzell, of McRae. Five shots from each party were exchanged at short range, resulting in Dr. Smith receiv ing a painful wound in the hand, the ball passing t hrough at the joint of the forefin ger. The difficulty seems to have started about as to whether Dr. Smith could be made to serve on the jury or not in the case to be tried. The doctor contended that his name had not been placed in the jury box, and that he did not wish to serve on the case. Col. Frizzell, who was employ ed as an attorney by some of the parties interested, stated that there was a way to make Smith serve, upon which hot words were passed, resulting in the above. The parties heretofore have been the very best of friends. Aialinmn. Some of the farm hands in Pickens county are leaving to go to the railroads, “Kansas City” and “Georgia Pacific,’’ which have agents scouring the country for labor. B. M. Long, of Walker county, has an nounced himself as a candidate for con gress from the sixth district. He published notices for public speaking at twenty-four places, and in every county in the district, inviting Mr. Bankhead to meet him at every place and join in a discussion of the political issues. It is currently stated at Demopolis that Mr. John C. Webb has contracted for a compress to be established there, and that in connection therewith he will also run an ice machine or factory, using the en gine for the compress to propel his ice factory during the summer months or ice season. The boats used in the work of improv ing the navigation of the Bigbee and Warrior rivers have been moored in the river at Demopolis all summer. It is con cluded from the lateness of the season and the condition of these boats that, no work on the rivers is contemplated by Major Damrell this year. The boats and all the apparatus could not be used with out being taken to Mobile or other place and repaired, and before this could now be done, the rivers will probably rise to a point that would make any work im practicable. The stock law election took place in Lee county Tuesday ; only a small crowd turn ed out. The total vote polled was 793; for stock law 492, against stock law 201 ; stock law majority 191. Mr. Stith Evans, a prominent citizen and wealthy planter, who lives about eight i miles from Greensboro, died very suddenly on Monday while sitting in his chair read- ins'. At the annual election of officers of the Selma Cotton and Produce Exchange held in their rooms Wednesday, the following officers were elected : M. Woolsey, presi dent; I. Schwarz, secretary and treasurer. Directors: X. Woodruff, VV. P. Welch, E. S. Starr, Geo. Waller. Florida. There are twenty-three houses going up on the burnt district at Key West. Key West’s cigar industry is enlarging muchly. A manufacturer says that by November 1 the city will ship her former number of cigars— 2,000,000 weekly. Key West reports that the row boat picked up by the revenue cutter Dix, sup- i posed to have been the property of Cooper, I the murderer, has found an owner in one 1 Tedder, who claimed and was given the) boat. . . Key West’s real estate boom is on the in crease. Property which cost $300 last year now costs *1500. No dwelling houses can be found “for rent.” Everybody is build- ing factories and private dwellings. cure .„rrv^"r:: Iowa Falls, Harding Co., Iowa, June 8, 1886. j I have been using Allcock’s Porous j Plasters for four years, and think 1 could not get along without them. Fora long timfe I was afflicted with a pain under mv right shoulder blade ; 1 also had considers- j hie difficulty in breathing. I applied an Allcoek’s Porous Plaster on my back, and one on my ehest. I kept changing them j every four days, and at the end of three weeks was entirely cured. eod&w E. S. Stevens. Mr. Samuel A. Lide, who was thrown from his horse in Uniontown a few days ago, died Saturday of injuries received at that time. . ^ Malaria ! The very mention of it is a nightmare! Whoever has suffered from this blighting disease knows what a dread scourge it is, and how it seems almost im possible to eradicate it from the system. SMITH’S BILE BEANS will most surely destroy the germs of Malaria, and afford permanent relief. Dose, one Bean ; i> cents per bottle. For sale by all drug gists and dealers in medicine, or sent post paid on receipt of price, to any part of the country. octl-eod&wlm Political Clips. General Sickles.hos so vivid a recollec tion of Gettysburg that he refused to stump Pennsylvania for the democratic ticket. Congressman Van Sohaiok, of Wiscon sin, steadfastly refuses to accept a renomi- nation, having given his wife a promise to that effect. William Walter Phelps has been renom- j hinted for congress, but there is still talk ot making him the republican Candida; lor governor of New Jersey. Texas republicans don’t believe in wear- j ing themselves out unnecessarily. The chairman of their state < >.. ,.:iitee has been sojourning in the imr a id no cam paign work has yet been del,.;. Charles It. Jones, editor of I he Charlotte (N. C.) Observer, proposes to run for con- j gress solely on ihe declaration of [Usability to terrace the state capital grounds with a two-mule team at an expense of $1000, $160,000 having been appropriated for t lie- work. Circulars are being sent to Pennsylvania ; legislative candidates by John Costello, president of the miners’union, Pittsburg, asking questions as follows : “Will you ho | for or against cottage hospitals?” “Are you in favor of a state mine school for bitu minous miners?” “How do you stand in regard to the actions of the coal andiron police?” “Are you in favor of two weeks pay?” “Will you use your endeavors to secure an appropriation for the labor bureau ?” Congressman Reed, of Maine, is a deba ter ot the ferocious class. Here is a de scription of his voice: It lias ail auricular effect like that which a rich, crisp slice of breakfast bacon has upon the eye. Thc r e is an oleaginous twang about it that defies j and terrorizes any attempt at adequate de- scriptio . It is just the vehicle for the transmission of satiric and sarcastic lan guage. It gnaws its way through contro versial barriers in a manner that makes Mr. Reed’s antagonists shrink ms from the touch of creeping things. The Washington Hatchet- says of Gen. Butler: He loves to toy with popular sur mise and tumble now and then from the political tight-rope with well dissembled awkwardness for the edification of the groundlings. But he can walk it in chalk- line style when lie chooses. He knows his limitations and has the self-poise not to expect, though he may assume to attempt impossibilities. It is a mistake to suppose that he is a bold, had ogre, who delights in mockery of mankind. He is simply a jolly old bald headed person who enjoys tile development of quizzical situations. hrntli, IjijLpNiy iN'c/jjlJj MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared with strict recrard to Purity, Strength, and ileullhfulness. Dr. Price d Making Powder contains no Ammonia.Lime, Aluiu or Phosphates. Dr.Price's Extracts, Vanilla, Lemon, etc., ilavor deliciouely. PWCE BAKING POWER CO. Ciiicacc. and St. Lnuts RAOFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR Most happily meets the demand of the age for woman’s peculiar alflictions. It is a remedy for WOMAN ONLY, and for one special class of her diseases. It is a specific for certain diseased con ditions of the womb, and so controls the Menstrual organs us to regulate a'I derangements and irregularities of her Monthly Sickness. The proprietors claim for this remedy no other medi cal property. It is strioily a Vegetable Com pound. the studied prescription of a learned phy sician whose specialty was Fkmalk Ijiseasks, and whose fame became enviable because of his success in the treatment and cure of finiab of plaints. Suffering woman, it will relieve yc nearly all complaints peculiar to your sex. For sale by druggists. Write for book, “Mes sage to Woman,” mailed free. Bhadfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. eod&w nrm «a» CLIftCfflAN’S TOBACCO 3 REMEDIES M other’s Friend Not onlv shortens the time of and lessens tin* in- tensii\ t pain, but it great ly diminishes the danger to life - f b -tli mother umicniUl and leaves the mother in a condition highly favorable t-» speedy recovery, and far less liable to Hooding, Con- vuMon*.and othoi alarm ng symptom* incident t<> slow or painful labor. Its wonder ful cfheaey in Ibis respect entitles it to be called Tim Mornhk’s l*hikxn tml to be f:. iked as one of the liie- i- aving remedies of the nine- nth < MltU ■>t publish certifi cates concerning this reme dy without wounding the delicacy of the writers. Yet we have huudieds on tile. Send for our book, “To Mothers,” mailed free. Bhadfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. jy21 eod&w nrm (2) ®MH1 ALL FIRST-CLASS Storeltaepers now keep It for Sale TO PARENTS. Many baking powders are very pernicious to health, and while every one regards his own, ho should also have a care for the tender ones—the little children. SEA FOAM contains none of the had qualities of baking powders—soda or saleratus. It contains no hurtful ingredient—no alum or ammonia. SCIENTIFIC. All Chemistsj,who have analyzed Pea Foam Commend it. Housekeepers win have used it will have no other. Cooks, whose best efforts have failed with other powders, are jubilant over Sea Foam. Saves thne % saves lubur, saves money. It is positively unequalod. Absolutely pure. Used by the leading hotels and restaurants in New York city and throughout the country For sale by all first-class grocers. GANTZ, JONES d> CO., 170 T)untie St., N. Y. (Copy.) Chicago, April 21st, 18S0. This is to certify, that the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank has this day received from the Union Cigar Company olChicago, to be held as a Special Deposit, U. S. 4°lo Coupon Bonds, a3 follows: Ko. 22028 D. *500. > Market Value of which is 41204 JOO. J .1*06 100. j. $1012. o: * (S.) Tni. S. Gilt £2870 loo $800. J (S.) Jas. S. Gibbs, Cash. We offer the above as a FORFEIT, if our “ FANCY 0ROGER*’ docs not prove to be a genuine Havana-fillcrCigar.-Uniou Cigar Co. QfiOCE* If. | mis THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO OINTMENT j’flli HOST EFFECTIVE PUEPAIIA- YlifN «.I1 theiairl; i for Piles. A!* I'ICC (1 ICE lor 11eliin.Fil."., Ha* never Inihd to give prompt relief. Will euro Ai.«l Ulcer*.. AImobb, I-Hutu. Totter Suit Kin urn B iri crV Itch, King- worniH, Pimples, Sores and Boils. Price *»Ofln. THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO CAKE MTI KI ’S OWN ICi:>li:i)Y, Cure* all Woundb. fJuTH. Bruises, Sprains. ErysipeluH. Rolls, Carbuncles. Felons. TJlrors. Sores. Sore Eyes, Sore Throat Bunions.Corns. Neuralgia.Rheumatism, Oivhiti- tout. Rheumatic Gout. Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis. -Milk Leg. Snake and Dog Bites. St legs „t Insert-. Ac. In fact all lys all local Irritation anc* Intlunmntion from whatever cause. Frier g.j el*. THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO PLASTER Prepared according to (lie most scientific. iii-inripies, of the PI REST SEDATIVE INGREDIENTS, compounded with the purest Tobacco Flour, and is. specially recommended for Croup.Weed or Cake of the Breast, and for that class of irritant or inflammatory maladies, Aches and Pains whore, from too delicate a state of the system, the patient is unable to hear the stronger application of the Tobacco Cake. For Headache or other Aches and Pains, it is invaluable. Price lo c|». Ask your druggist for these remedies, or write to t he CLINGMAN TOBACCO CURE CO. DURHAM, N. C.. M. S. A. 1 “ 1.1 iy ,• v. ^53»* ',ffl Hold CLJX .V CII3,:? ' -hjO V-. ,, Evory. Paris. i/Md MJUSS where. N m m ma* when business Is dull and prices are low Is now buy your srAM? UNR i; W einfllnA Co s l-. r »«Wiinne W \«»vr Vor» MANUFACTURED BY III. D. HOOD 4 C0„ Columbus, C?a. FOOD’S ! EUREKA price; !LIVER MEDICINE 801 Pieces Satin Pecoi -AT- K IRVEN’S. Number 5, 1 inch wide, at 5 cents. Number 7. I I inches wide, ill .8 cents. Number 9, 1 J inches wide, at 10 cents. Number 12, 2 inches wide, ill 12i cenls. Number 1(5, 2i inches wide, ;il 15 cenls. Boucle Jersey Jackets, in black and colors, al $2 50 end $2 75. Astnikiin Jackets in great variety, al bargain prices. Our Dress (loods trade is booming abend of any season in sales. In Ibis department choice novelties are coming in and being sold in I lie spirit of Ibis electrical age. We are always as low as the lowest in our prices, and you can rely on getting jusl wlnxt you buy of J. A. KIRVEN & CO. HOSE! HOS IE I IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF RUBBER HOSE, We have the beHi and cheapest Hose in the market. A full line of Hose Keels and No/.zles. GEORGIA STEAM AND GAS PIPE COMPANY, Telephone 99. 13 Twelfth Street. The faultless family remedy. For biliousness, torpid liver, indigtslion, constipation, and all the common ills of lite it is simply perfect and can not be improved. Don’t be without a bottle. Jordan's Joyous Julep The infallible remedy for Neuralgia. It will cure the worst case of Neuralgia, however severe and long standing the case. J UVANTIA! A specific for Rick Headache. A dose taken when sjmptoms appear will prevent the worst Hick Headache. It cures nothing else. Thomas** fJormnii Cologne, a Perfume most delightful and refreshing. Extracts of I.omon mad Vtiiillls, the finest flavoring extracts known—something su perior and elegant. dtf DR. RICE, For is years at 37 Court Place, now at 1 physician aul Lhf is- EASES. . , _ Spormatorrhoa anil Impolency, »1 the result of Bolf-nbuiie to youth, aoxunl excesses In mo* mi or years, or otlinr caumis, nml produciiiK some of the fob lowing eiloots: Nervousness, Bemlnul Kmissions, (night emis* si 1*v dreams). Dimness of hlght, Defective Memory, 1'iiy si.*l Decay, Pimuladiiu l-'a.o. Aversion to Boclcty of Females, Confusion or Ideus, boss of bexuul Power. Ac., rendering imriinue improper or unhappy, are Uioroughly and pernio, nently SYPHlls IS po-itlvcty cured and en- emdicstof fTomtho nystTK Gonorrhea, GLEET, Stricture, Orchitis, Hornla, (or Bupturu), Files and other private — 1 When it is incon Cnroq Guariimtood. in all CaiM undertaken. „ , , , . ,, . CoiisiilUillous personally or hjr lotter free and Invited, Charges rcusonahle uud correspondence btrietljr couQueulUL * JBIVATE COUNSELOR Of 131 . apes, MUt to nuv nddiess, securely sealed, for thut) ■ Hi H,»uld hn read hv ill. Addro.s as above • 1 • - BA. M. too I* M HundakB.iloAF. ¥ SMSTB’S WILLIAMS & POU. Siircmson' to A. WALK lilt Carriages, Buggies, Plow Gear, Lap Robes, Etc. WR CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK EVER KEPT IN COLUMBUS, and will take great pleas ure in showing any one through our stock. It costs nothing to look. Call and see those BEAUTIFUL (OM’M BUS BUGGIES, For which we are Sole Agents. ! SOS. ffll k (111 /"VURE BIHousnos*.: Sic'-t Ho&dacbo In Four hours. .6) Ono dose relieve* Ncvralgia. They cure and prevent Chills . Fev<* . Sour Stomnch S' Bnd ronlh. Clear the Skin, the Wvrves. and qive •fe^ Viflor to tho sycicm. Eoact M-; HW.L'.r. y them onue ami you \. i!i never Jg. ’..illi >!■*“. . fee, 25 cenis pe r botf'i. Su'.d , 'A'- \ (Odicine Dealers genorully. Sort r..i ,)rlco in stamps, pootnaid. to any ii* ' o. F. sriTTfi & CO„ Manufacturers and Sch P'jp5jT. tOUlS, *r*0. Crab Orchard -WATER. * U A POSITIVE CUBE FOB Our L.4 LORA 10c. Cigar is strictly Hand made. Elegant quality. Superior workmanhip. Sold by all Grocers. UNION CIGAli COMPANY, !o N. Clilltuu St., - CUICAtiO. Tletail by 1). HUNT, Columbus, Ga ic24 dly 'IKH rSMUWh « AltDS. 35)y Twelflh street (forinerly Ihnidolph street. CENTRAL, PEOPLE D | AN'D I \\r F. tkinkk, I Vt . Dentist, OF STEAMERS! Col.L'MHUH, riA., August 7, 18H6. / \N and after August 7. !S««, the local rates ol * * freight on tin • l.-.iUaimocliee, Flint and Apa Flo ehicola r rpei all be as fol 2( EW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY 0F MUSIC Boston, Mass. THE LARCESTand BEST EQUIPPED in the WORLD— lco Iiihtructorn,21KI5 Studentsla«it year. Thor- I ough InHtruetion in Vocal and Initrumcntal MunIc, Piano and ! Organ Tuning, Fine Arts, Oratory, Literature. French, Ger- I man and italian Languages, English Brnnrbes,Gymnastics, I etc. Tuition, g.'i to S‘j<l; hoard and room with Stearn Heat and K’.‘ 'trie Light. j?«t per term. F all Tern} begins Sej>. imberU, ] ••: For Illnutrufed Calendar, with full information, hirers, E. TOUKJEK, Dir., Fraukllu Sq., BOSTON, Ala* eo mv25d2m weowfit lotton Heed Meal per ton |1.2f! Cotton per bale 50 , Guano per ton $1.2£ Other freight in proportion. Passage from Columbus to Apalachicola, Other points in proportion. M SI I IMMX Steamer NAIAI) leaves Columbus Tuesdays at 8 a m for Bainhridge and Apalachicola. Steamer AMOS HAYS leaves Columbus Thurs- days at 8 a 111 for Bain bridge and Apalachicola, Steamer MILTON II. SMITH, with barge Tide, leaves Columbus Saturdays at 8 a m for ' Bainhridge and Apalachicola. Above schedule will be run, river, etc., permit ting. Schedules subject to change without no- 1 tice. Shippers will please have their freight at boat by 8 a. in. on day of leaving, as none will be re ceived after that hour. Boat reserves the right of not landing at any point when considered dangerous by the pilot. J Boat will not stop at any point not named in list of landings furnished shippers under date of May 15, 1888. Our responsibility for freight ceases after it has been discharged at a landing where no person is there to receive it. BAM’L J. WHITESIDE, Pres’t Central Line. T. H. MOORE, Agent People’s Line. T. D. HUFF, dtf Agent Merchants & Planters’ Lino. DIVIDEND No. 25.. Vegetables and Frnils, NOUTHERN CABHAGR, ONION,S, PO- TATOKS, A I’I’LKS, PEARS, &r. I1.IIILIC! (iAItLir!'IJ:; Am receiving New and Seasonable Goods. Fresh <!round MeaI and 0riIs, Si .25 per sack. Split Peas, Granula Cracked Wheat, Shreaded Oats and Steam Cooked Oats. FRESH CRACKERS just in Sweet and Plain Crockers. CANNED GOODS. Finest brands of new and seasonable goods. S ufSPEPSiA. r5, Constipation. ^ Sick Headache. Sf IIiibr :—Ono to two tnoapoonfiilB. HCHu '.l'pili'kaK.^ lit IIK-. miii SOo. Nu ML'iiuiuo HulU ho14 in bulk. Crab Orchard Water Co., Prop’rs. S. N. JONES. Manatf-r. l..iuisvill.;. ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising 1 in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell A Co., IO Sp Send IOoie .dvertising Bureau, St., New York. ’ 10O-Daqfi Pamohlo* For scouring and cleaning purposes, 5c a cake. Fine Flour, Sugars. Coll'ccs and Teas, Ferris k Co.'s HreaUa-t Bacon anil Haras THE Merchants and Me a Dividend of Five Per Cei; on Demand. A. 0. BLACKMAR, octl-d2w Casuiuu. J. J. WOOD 102G Bi oad Street. The College ot Letters, Musicand Art. Sixteen professors and teachers; five in music, with the Misses Cox, directors. Misses Reichenan and Records, both graduates of Leipsic, and Miss Deaderick, a thoroughly trained vocalist; full apparatus with mounted telescope. For ca ogues address I. F. COX, Pres’t. jy II d&w2m