Newspaper Page Text
Thi>, Kmr*. * Follow Brio* from llrlng
Over lh« Foil* of ru.
ProhpbotHousb, Niagara Falls, Ont.,
October 7.—The town is excited over n
thrilling accident that occurred here this
evening. Charlie Robinson, a young man
lil yearn of nge, n resident of Niagara Falls,
N. Y., left the Schlosser club house on the
river, about two miles above here, in a
small boat to come home. By Home acci
dent ho lost his course and got into the
rapids, where liis boat capsized and he
was whirled in the angry tor
rents toward Bath island, near the
site where the Pettibone paper mill stood,
together with its piers and water dams,
since demolished by the Niagara state
reservation. Fortunately there were some
heavy iron drift bolts undisturbed, and
Robinson wa» dashed against one of these
and grasped it. He managed by all tlio
power he possessed to get his legs around
It and hold himself fast. The news of the
accident was soon spread. Tom Conroy,
-lack McCloyand John Haines, commonly
known as “bailor Jack,” nothing daunted,
volunteered their lives to save that of a
fellow being. They took a rope and waded
out into the broken-down pier into the
rapids above Goat island bridge where the
water was shallow, and after several at
tempts of casting a line some forty feet
llohinson managed to get hold of it and
fasten it around Ills body. Ho then let go
his hold of tlie iron rod. The current
soon swung him past the brave fellows
who held the line and he was quickly
dragged to them. He was lifted from the
water at 10 o’clock completely exhasted
and carried safely to shore. Had it not
been for the courage of the three stout
men the young man in a short time would
have been swept over the falls.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
Duffy's Formula.
For Dyspepsia anil Indigestion.
84ft I’akr Avknvk, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Dear Bln*— 1 have harl flyspep-lii lor 14 or If
yours and your Puffy’a rare Malt Whlsket
has cured rae entirely It r.iro* where uf
others full. 1 ain ttmnklul to yon for It: have
recommended it. and myfrlcmlH are using It
eight or ten vea
clues with resn
find your Duffv'* Purr
excellent rein« . and l
fering from Dyspepsia.
Malt Wlilske
ftiuuhle io tliose hii
Woiium Snmi
Him to Hie Effects of
Nkw York. October 6.—Early yesterday
morning a lacly came into the dental ofllco
of Ur. Charles II. Moseley, No. ID!) (irand
street, Brooklyn, eastern district, miHering
from toothache. Ether was given her by
Ur. Francis Eschauzicr, Ur. Moseley’s as
sistant, and he then extracted a wisdom
tooth. Tlie lady recovered consciousness
for a moment, then sank back uncon
scious. Ur. Eschauzicr used every means
to resuscitate her, and Ur. Charles O. Haw
kins, of 11doper street, and Ur. Metcalf, of
Lee avenue, were summoned. Artificial
respiratio i was kept no for two hours
with no effect, and hypodermic injections
resulted no better. The doctors could
only say that the woman was dead.
Ur. Esehauzior was arrested and taken
to the fifth precinct station, lie is a
graduate ofl he New York dental college,
and his work has always been considered
excellent and he a careful man. The wo
man was about 2(1 years old and wore a
brown dress and blue waist and a block
shawl with silk trimmings. Her hair was
dark. Around her neck she wore a scapu
lar and in her poeketbook was a mission
card, a small Roman medal. 18 in cur
rency and a card reading: “Mrs. Millen,
dressmaker, No. 142 West Seventeenth
street, New York.” There was also a bill
for furniture bought of S. Her/., No. 284
Seventh avenue, this city. The woman
had not been identified last night. A post
mortem will be held and the cause of death
Mrs. Millen, of No. 142 West Seventeenth
street was seen Inst, evening. She had no
idea as to who the woman was or how she
•came by the card found in her pocket.
if waVjim.
ItKKDBVIM.E, WlH., .1 lino ft, iSHfl.
Ponr Pin* Am hnppv If) **3- that vour Puffy'*
Formula Is of tho greatest value as 11 cure for
dyspepsia. I have born troubled with Indiges
tion for about four vurs, and after using one
bottle of your Duffy's Purr Malt Whiskey,
with the other Ingredients named, I tool much
better. J. K. ME ANY,
w., W
Duffy's Pure Mall Whiskey and Dull'v's f orm
uln. I whs n great sufferer from Indigestion
and severe pains In my chest and hack, and
now thrv have almost entirely disappeared
M\ famliv am alio taking both and »re do*
riving much benefit. I have gained 11 poundt
In four week*! It does not seem no; slide, bul
It Ir allowing to Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey.
There 1b nothing t(. equal It.
A. D. DUGANNE, Photographer.
Pure Malt Whiskey. It has made .. ..
man from being a chronic sufferer from dvs
pejtsla. THOMAS II. M0OINNI8S.
^ „ . Kart Ora nor. N J.
Dear Sirs-I have used Duffy’s Pure Malt
Whiskey and Duffy's Formula for disordered
stomach, and have found them to be all von •
Claim. I feel so much hotter that after taking
a lew dosofl ] am not now taking anything. 7
have recommended them toothers, who have
Improved. s. M. LONG,
Iteal Estate and Insurance Agent.
WT The. Du.Fy'» Formula 1* a special house
hold application of the medicinal virtue* and
purity nj Duff y's Fare MaltW/uskey* and is in
tended more specifically far the treatment of
Consumption* l)ysj>eps\a Indigestion. Malaria,
General Debility and all Wanting Disrate*. In
addition to the tonic effect of our whiskey* it fur
nishes unegafled blood-forming malt rial..whereby
th< Weight and .Strength are increased, ft is
made in accordance with a .specially prepared
formula and consists principally of Dufy's Dure
Mali Whiskey and /.'air lte>t.d. nk combined in
liquid form* the nutritious* of the bee J
being extracted without cooking or chemical
changes by a new process, making il the most
palatable and efficacious beef preparation
ern mad* ft• can be had uj all dealers at Off A
l -
lo (lie Front With
Arden Affair.
Nkw York, October (i. For several
weeks a ease has been under examination
in t.he ofHcu of Horatio l\ King, of Brook
lyn, which suggests the romance of
‘‘Enoch Arden,” though with a prosaic
binding. On Monday Judge Pratt, of the
supremo court in Kings county, by grant
ing a decree of absolute divoree t.o James ,
Speer from bis wife. Emetine Blaekmeyer,
“wrongfully so-called,” succeeded for a
time, at least, hi extricating the three
dramatis pevsome from tho terrible tangle
into which fate Imd thrown them.
Twenty-live years ago, when Einelinc
Speer was a rosy-cheeked girl, JanieH Sneer
used to carry her hooks home from school
and eat ice cream off the same saucer. It
ended in a marriage whieh was leisurely
regretted. In about two years thejoung
people, in tho words of the novelists,
“drifted apart,” Speer going forth from 1
his quiet homo in Roslyn, L. I., to bat
tle with the hard world in the capacity of .
commercial traveler. Emetine went to !
work in n large Brooklyn store and, after
live years, in the comfortable belief that
Speer was dead, married Blackmever. I
The life of the Blaekmeyer family was
about oh smooth as most people’s unt il one
day last winter, when Blaekmeyer and his
wife mot Speer on Fulton street “face to
face.” Emelinc said, “Gracious, Jim, is
that you?” And “Jim” went straight off
to Lawyer Kendall and began the divoree
proceedings, whieh have ended success
fully. At lirst Blaekmeyer considered
himself aggrieved by His wife's want of
confidence, but lie was soon pacified mid
exceedingly happy when Speer refused to
prosecute his wife for bigamy.
X slinuliiiu tn'rs) hi " ]ii'll tlir IVn>m.- tin
Mrmpuih, October 7.--At Madison. Ar
kansas, forty miles west of Memphis, a
shooting affray occurred ttiis morning,
whieh resulted in the killing ui Roger
Mallory and the wounding of Martin
Mitchell, the notorious desperado who has
so long defied the officers of the law and
earned for himself the soubriquet of the \
“Swamp Angel.” Tlie shooting was done ,
by John Andrews, a man with
whom Mitchell had a quarrel yes- [
terday concerning a debt which
Mitchell claimed Andrews owed him. At
fi o’clock this morning, o-s Mitchell and
Mallory were entering the store of T. A. 1
Hatcher & Co., they were fired on by An- |
drews, who was concealed behind an ad- ,
joining building. The weapon used was a
double-barreled shotgun. Mitchell was j
struck by bullets in the right arm and :
hand, inflicting painful but not mortal
wounds. The larger portion of the charge
struck Mallory in the back, killing him
instantly. Andrews fled after tlie shoot- ,
ing and is still at large. Mallory was
standing partly behind Mitchell when An
drews fired. He was a clerk in the store
of Hatcher & Oo., and his death is gener
ally regretted.
A Boston tailor of twenty-two years’ ex
perience has never found a customer with
both logs exactly of the same length. The
average difference is one-sixteenth of an
inch. There is nbout the same difference
in arms, and eyes and ears are never ex
actly of the same strength in seeing and
Tho Whole Tiling: Not tho IMcook.
“Now isn’t it true that you went to this
girl’s father and tried to settle the case
against the defendant?" asked Lawyer — of
a dark skinned witness during tlie recent
session of court. “Yes, sah, I did sah,”
was the darky’s prompt reply. “Oh, you
did,” spoke up tlie counselor, “you acted
the peacemaker; ure you a peacemaker by
occupation?” “No. sah,” earnestly re
plied the witness, ‘‘I’se a brickmalter.”
And the judge joined in the smile.—Elmira
Most of the diseases which afflict mankind are origin
ally cauHed by a disordered condition of tho LIVER*
For all complaint** of this kind, such ah Torpidity of
the Liver, Biliousness, Nervous Dyspepsia, Indiges
tion, Irregularity of the Bowels, Constipation, Flatu
lency, Eructations nnd Burning of the Stomach
(sometimes called Heartburn) Miasma, Malaria,
Bloody Flux, Chills anc Fever, Breakbone Fever,
Exhaustion before or after Fevers, Chronic Diar
rhoea. Loss of Appetite, Headache, Foul Breath,
Irregularities incidental to Females. Bearing-down
is Invaluable* It is not a panacea for all diseases,
but- 'r^llfSJirr all diseases Of the LIVER,
will ££2yL»3LS2 STOMACH and BOWELS
It changon tne complexion from n waxy, yellow
tinge, to a ruddy, heall ivy color, it, entirely remove*
low, gloomy spirits. It. is on-' of tho BEST AL
Fur sale by all Druggists. Price $| .00 per bottle
C. F.STADiCiiR, Proprietor, !
•40 SO. TRflNT r»T.. Ph'lndelnhla. Pa,
We Will Offer 250 Dozen
Gents' All Linen
At 15c. Each.
The same Handkerchiefs
are sold in lliis city at 35
and 40 ceiils.
Ladies’ All Linen White
The Burnt Child Cries !
So it is with many competitors that cannot keep lip with the
great march of
So Dozen Jerseys, all de-
When Gray secured that large bankrupt stock, and
amazed the public of Columbus and vicinity by the quality of
the goods, and the prices, intermingled with such crowds
that only can he seen at the Trade Palace, such boasting
and pleading was never heard before, by some so-called first-
class merchants, in their vain endeavor to catch a few cus
tomers a day to come in their stores, in order to keep them
up in spirits and hopes. Until Gray gets through selling out
their bankrupt slock, and not have a meteor, like Mark
Twain's, descend upon them—well, unless some change
their way of doing business, Gray's meteor, charged with
public indignation at high prices, will pay them a call soon.
So they had better look out. Where’s there is smoke, you
will find lire. Grafs Great .Soothing Syrup Trices for this
week will he. by request, for competitors to match and show the
SILK-FACED VELVETS, every shade made, our price is 49c. a yard, sold in other
Stores here at 90c.
WARRANTED ALL SILK VELVETS, every shade made, our price $1.00, sold else
where at $1.75.
price $1.50, sold elsewhere at $2.10.
We can match anybody’s $1.25 BLACK SILK for 72Ac.
We can match anybody’s $1.60 BLACK SILK for $1.00.
We are selling NICE JERSEYS at $4.00, that you will pay elsewhere $7.50. A limited
quantity left.
Of course our BLACK AND COLORED JERSEY stock is replete, and prices range
from 50c. and upwards.
Call and see our great IRISH FRY-FACED BLANKETS, worth $5.00, for $2.50.
Call and see our CALIFORNIA BLANKETS, 11, worth $8.00, for $4.(55.
Call and see our ALL-WOOL FLANNELS, White, Red and Fancy, worth 35c., for 22.1c.
This is (1111113 aind mIhuijvp. tint nevertheless true. flint Gray sells <lie lies! X5*.
CAXTOX ul !) l-tie I*a*lev IM’ess <U<uuls <»!*<»w here. Uiru iumu 1
ji£Vitim. mill Ionvo hull of (ho money Intuit’, and yt> lo aho Trmlo Unlace
anil soo the l>newest Dross Goods SI00F1 in town, an«l ^oi tho Dross .yon
want at half price,
Remember, we will have our Great Black Goods Sale on Monday and Tuesday. Come and see
tlie best 65c. BLACK CASHMERE, at 25c.
We have decided on FINE BL.VK AND COLORED DRESS HOODS, from 40c. n yard and up
wards, to put in all TRIMMINGS FREE, for these two days only, and you will act them and
only the best of same.
There is one stock opeciully we wish to let you know that we have decided bargains in, and
that is our UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. Big inducements offered in this department. \Ve
can show the best 25c„ 40c., 50c., 75c. and §1.00 UNDERSHIRT in Columbus.
Calicoes,! Calicoes! Calicoes in abundance! New styles 4c.
As we said before we have bid good-bye lo those that can uot struggle, only by copying from our
old advertisements. We will give them a bint how to do. No wonder that trade is dull with
them, and business quiet. Antedeluvion, dead and doomed ways and ideas. Surpassed only by
Gray, with his crushing, cutting cash figures. Like General Forrest at Fort Pillow, asking nor
giving quarter, buried in the furrowed parallels and trenches* the hearths, hopeless, helpless Credit
Regulator only. Many merchants believe that success lies 111 the direction of Big Profits; While
Gray’s theory is to make your profits in buying, so as to undersell all competetion, and control
the big rush of trade like the Trade Palace is doing. Then the vast aggregate of your business will
constitute the real foundations of your popularity and prosperity, and not show your cowardice by
bombastic extravagances with your printers’ ink. As an intelligent public knows, you cry in despair
and call aloud—Gray stop cutting the prices. Since the only crusher of low price \ Gray has a big
meteor at the end of his yard stick, which he will swing loosely this week, so look out. It is only
within two points of the compass of you.
Best 50c. Corset in Georgia to be sold at 25c.
Come and see the fun and rush this week.
Piece Goods
Remember Monday and Tuesday is Special Black Goods Day.
The above Bankrupt Stock we are now selling at such low prices, that it brings
many new faces to our store.
Respectfully submitted by the On-Top-Live-House,
C. P. GRAY & CO.
tjESsr 5 " Largest Business Connections South,
For Fall, 1886.
doing Made to Order.
Vnrlety Inpnrnllelcd.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
GOODS selected now will be made ready for
delivery at any date desired. Call and favor us
with an order.
Cloliiini: MimmifiM't 11 rcr, 1300 A 1303
Brotti Street. Columbus U.-i.
W. S. GREEN, Real Estate Agt,
I have for sole the following list of Real Estate
which I will be pleased to show to parties who
desire to purchase;
1800. One new live room house on Ninth street,
near court house.
$2100. One six room house, near court house.
51500. ‘r-; acre lot with six room house on Second
avenue, near Thirteenth street.
82500. New eight room house on lower Broad
1800. A new five room residence on Rose Hill,
$5000, i acre lot with six room house, on Second
avenue near Fourteenth street.
3000. New six room residence, on Fifth avenue,
near Fourteenth street.
2500. Eight room residence on Rose Hill.
2200. Six room house on Fourth avenue, near
street car line.
3000. Improved corner lot on Fifth avenue, pay
ing fourteen per cent.
750. Two new three room houses in lower town
paying fifteen per cent.
1000. Four new three room houses in Northern
Liberties, rents for 816 per month.
295. One vacant lot, near Slade’s school,
2400. 213 acres of lund nine miles east of Colum
1200. 187 acres of land, seven miles troin city, on
Hamilton road.
3500. 160 acres of land in Wynnton, with six room
SlU'llS, ill
wool, line (iiialily. ( siiorlesU Ouickenl ami Best—308 Miles Shorter lo New York
At WlioI<‘Hiile by
l\ IUU.MI (V WI/ULr/mii mm
OKI.Y 91.00 BY WADI,. l»OSTI»AU>.
Exhausted Vitality. Nervous and Physical Debil
ity. Premature Decline in Man, Errors of Youth
amt the untold misery resulting from indiscretion
orixcessis. A book for every man, young, mid
dle-aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions
for all acute and chronic diseases, each one ot
whieh is invaluable. So found by the Author
whose experience for Tt years is suen as probablj
never before betel the lot of any physician. 30C
navies, bound iu beautiful French muslin, cm-
bossed .covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finei
work in every sense mechanical, literary and
pr ffcssional than any other work sold in this
country tor $.*.50, or tlu* money will be refunded
in every instance. Price only 81.00 by mail, post
paid. Illustrated sample 6 cents. Send now
Gold medal awarded the author by the Nationa
Medical Association, to tin* President of which
the Hon. I*. A. Bissau, and associate officers ol
the Board the reader is resnoetfully referred.
The Science of Life should be read by the young
for instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. It
will benefit all. London Lancet.
There is no member of society to whom The
Science of life will not be useful, whether youth,
parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman.-Ar
Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr.
\V. H. Parker, No. I Bulfinch street, Boston,
Mass., who may be consulted on all diseases re
quiring skill ami experience. Chronic and obsti
nate diseases that have bathed the skill of all
other physicians a specialty. Such treated suc
cessfully without an instance of failure. Men
tion this paper. ap28 wly
al iftl 25 each. You can't i
duplicate them in town al!
|l 75.
Low Prices.
It enn be given in n cup of coffee or tea
without the knowledge of the person tak
ing it; is absolutely harmless, and will ef
fect u permanent and speedy cure, whether
the patient is a moderate drinker or an al
coholic wreck. It has been given in thou
sands of eases, and in every instance a per
fect cure has followed. It never fails. Tlie
system once impregnated with the Specific,
it becomes an utter impossibility for the
liquor appetite to exist. For Sale by
1)3 11ROA1) ST., COLUMBUS, GA.
Call or write for circular & full particulars.
than via Louisville—Close Connection with Piedmont
Air Line and Western and Atlantic Railroad.
In effect September 12th, 1886. |
No. 53 1
8 20 p ill j
1 10 a m j
9 05 a m
8 20 p m
9 55 p ill
2 28 p m ]
10 53 p mi
11 46 p ml
“ Atlanta I
3 25 a ml
Via W. & A. Railroad.
1 00 p m J
Via the Piedmont Air Line to New York and East.
6 25 ]) m!
7 00 a m!
8 00 a m
9 35 a m
2 40 p m
3 40 p m
“ Richmond
“ Washington
| “ Baltimore
je5 eod6m
Train 53, Pullman Palace Cars Montgomery to Washington without change.
Train fd, Pullman Palace Bufi'G Car Atlanta to New York without change.
South Bound Trains.
ave Atlanta
ave Columbus
• Opelika
rive Clichaw
‘ Montgomery.
rive Mobile
' New Orleans
The Original and Only Genuine*
an<l always R.-UaMi*. Rowan* of worth lean Imltatk.u
Indbppnsablc to L A DI FS. Auk your l>ruc*nt to
’’t'lileheitter’a RngTlNh" aud take bo other, or meloce 4.-
(fttampft) to us for particular# in letter by return mall
NAME PAPER. 4 hkOumter ( liemtcul to.,
#318 MuilUon Mquure. I'hilada., P*
Sleeping Ca , free of charge, through to t’exas without change.
Via Selma and Queen and Crescent. |
Leave Columbus 1
“ Montgomery j
Arrive Saeima.. ; j J
“ Jackson j
“ Monroe J
“ Shreveport 1 !
1 45 p ni
2 28 p ill
5 18 p m
6 02 p m
7 15 p m
11 20 pm
3 30 a m
4 40 a m
6 20 a m
2 25 a m
7 20 a ns
2 10 p m
7 30 p m
2 28 p ni
5 18 p m
8 15 p m
11 15 p m
1 45 p m
3 45 p in
5 35 p m
6 27 p m
11 15 p m
4 22 a m
6 50 a m
1 40 p m
6 35 p ill
CECIL GABBETT, General Manager.
General Passenger Agent.
^ At home or to travel;state which proforreil
Cor. Chestnut aud Eighth Sts.
Receive Advertisements for this Paper
lo MIMA I to at Lowest Cash Rates inCE
This whisky was introduced originally in the year
’>.V2, and is constantly making new friend*. It m
the product of die most approved process of dislih-
ation, troin carefully selected grain, being hold uni
formly in ware.muse until fully matured by age, is
justly celebrated for it* purity, delicacy of flavor
and uniform quality. For sale, and orders solicited
by the agent, T. .11, FOLEY* Opera House,
Cor 10th Street aud 1st Avenue, Columbus, Ga»
Mobile & Girard R. R. Co.
| and after this date Trains will run as follows:
COLUMBUS. GA., October 3d, 1886.
Bookcases,Tables, Offlct
Chairs, letter Presses,
Fine Cabinets, 4c.
500 N. Fourth at., 8t. L0UI8,
Seudta fur 40 pp, Cutulogi*
Leave Columbus Union Depot
“ Columbus Broad Street Depot..
Arrive Union Springs
Leave Union Springs
Arrive Troy
“ Montgomery, M. & E. R. R
“ Eufaula, M. & E. R. R
No. 1.
Leave Montgomery. M. & E R. R...
“ Eufaula, M. & E. R. R
“ Troy
Arrive Union Springs
Leave Union Sgrings
Arrive Montgomery’, M. & E. R R...
“ Columbus
2 30 p m
2 46 p m
5 37 p m
6 46 p in
8 SO p m
7 23 p m
10 33 p in
No. 2.
Pass ’ger.
10 25 p m
10 35 p m
1 45 a m
2 00 a m
7 35 a m
9 10 a m
9 25 a in
7 29 a m
12 45 p m
6 40 p m
7 15 p m
10 49 p ill
6 20 a m
6 30 a m
10 29 a m
11 20 a m
116 p m
3 45 a m
5 34 a m
6 29 a m
7 29 a in
10 19 a m
Trains Nos. 1 and 2 (Mail) daily. Nos. 3 and 4 (Macon and Montgomery Through Freight and
Accommodation) daily except Sunday. No. 5 and 6 (Way Freight and Accommodation) daily ex-
ceptcept Sunday. Nos. 9 and 10 (Passenger) Sundays onlv.^1
. W. L. CLAfiK, Sup’t. _ — . D. E. WILLIAMS, G. P. A.
Five Cold and Two Silver Medals,
awarded in 1835 at the Expositions ol
New Orleans ami Louisville, aud the In
ventions Exposition of London.
The superiority of Coraline over horn
or whalebone lias now been demonstrated
by over five years’ experience. It is tnor«
durable, more pliable, more comfortable,
and never breaks.
Avoid cheap imitations made of various
Kinds of cord. None are genuine un’es
“Dk. Warner’s Con a link” is print*
on inside of steel cover.
353 Broadway, New York Citiii
■*%•* choir 3rr<
recceive free a costly box of
goods which will help all, of either sex, to make
more money right away than anything else in
this world. Fortunes await the workers abso
lutely 8UT6. Terms mailed free. True & Oo*
Augusta. Maine. dawtf
1 all expense, cun be
•nude working for us. Agents preferred who can
urntsh their own horses and give their whole time
<> the business. Spare moments may be profltably
-mployed also. A few vacancies In towns nnd cities.
\i. F. JOHNSON & CO., 1018 Main St., Richmond, Vu.
aug2 w4m
\A/A5fTED—■-Ladies, local or traveling. A won*
v v derfhl entirely new specialty lor ladies only;
$4 daily easily made; no photo, no painting; par
ticulars free. Madame T. H. LITTLE.
sept30d-thu-satr-se Box 443, Chicago, DL