Newspaper Page Text
News from the Three States Told
Brief Paragraphs.
'he A Illinium (lolil lift- liisurum-i
ltoinb Explosion in i-'riinkllii (mi
imh Mini shoots His Du null ter. Kir
I. J. Davis shot and killed Tom Miller,
at Lothnir, in Montgomery county, on the
day ol the election. The trouble was
about a cow. Davis has been arrested
and bound over to the superior court.
At Holman’s stable in Macon, among a
drove of Indian and Texas ponies, is a
age, had his water give out. He obtained!
some from an island and used it several
days before coming ashore, and is now in
a dying condition.
Mr. Reid, a sailor, was found dead in his
bed at Tampa Wednesday. He had been
sick for some time. A verdict of death !
from natural causes was brought in. The
county does not provide for the poor sick.
A young man employed by the South
Florida road had a leg from the knee
| down mashed under an engine at Tampa I
Wednesday. lie was carried to the com
pany’s hospital at Sanford. ITe will not
lose his leg.
The county commissi,n < rs of Hills
borough have ordered an election Novem
ber Id to see if they can bond the county
for *50,000 for a new court house, .jail and
an iron bridge across the Hillsborough
i river, much needed.
A man from Mississippi, about (10 year
white pony said to bo an animal ridden by j of age, was found in the woods near
Gerommo. The pony is an ordinary loot- Tampa, sick and starving, and taken to , o + ; -ri RnorU of Wlcrlni
ing animal, but belongs to the class that | Tampa. ^ Mayor Glogowsld cared for him. | String I llOSe DcarlS 01 VV ISCIOI
and Count Them Every Day.
appointed assistant United States district
attorney ft
can stand any amount of rough usage.
Howard E. W. Palmer, Esq., the newly
ppointed assistant United States district
attorney for the northern district of Geor
gia, was sworn in Saturday.
The first lot of convicts to work on the,
Macon and Covington railroad between upon to carry in stock the purest and best
Monticello and Madison reached Monti- 1 • 3 - -- J —*•-*- *•’ u -
cedo Saturday night. They will com
mence work about eighteen miles from
He died Wednesday morning. He was too
low to take nourishment. He was buried i
by the citizens. He lias a son sick at j
Point Pinellas.
Active. l'li'liluLr mi,I Hellalile.
Brannon & Carson can always lie relied
!ron Works
O O IMI IP .A. 3ST "5T,
Columbus, Georgia.
Columbus, Ga.
there, near Little river.
It is understood that a Macon party is
figuring on a new hotel for Indian Spring,
and if possible will have it lit operation
next season. It is to have about fifty
rooms, furnished with modern furniture,
electric bells, etc., and built with a special
view to the comfort and entertainment of
guests. A site has been bargained for, and
efforts are being made to carry out the en
terprise to completion.
Last Thursday and Friday, Van’s creek
Baptist church, situated at Buckersville,
near Elberton, held its centennial celebra
tion. The church was organized in 1785,
but for some reason the celebration was
S ostponed to this year. Hon. Elbert M.
ucker, of Anderson, S. C., delivered an
address on the history of the church and
Rev. C. D. Campbell, of Athens, Ga., an
address on the progress of the Baptist
church in the last hundred years. Three
ministers served Van’s creek church all
the time from 1785 to 1871. They were
Revs. Dozier Thornton, Frank Calloway
and Asa Chandler.
Charles Ramsey, a white stevedore, shot
his daughter, Jennie, at his house on the
corner of Lincoln and Bay-street lane, in
Savanm h, Friday night. The pistol shot
took effect in her arm, which being raised
suddenly, prevented it from entering her
breast, ana probably saved her from in
stant death. She is painfully wounded,
but she will doubtless recover. There is
some mystery connected with the affair,
though Ramsey’s friends claim that the
girl was mistaken for a burglar.
A fire broke out nt 1 oo’loek Saturday
evening in the uarjvo of the British steam
ship Lancaster, which was just finishing
loading 5400 bales of cotton at the Central
cotton press at Savannah. The hatches
were closed and the fire department sum
moned. After water had been pumped
into the hold for three hours, the fire was
got under control. The amount of damage
to the cargo and vessel has not yet been
ascertained. The origin of the fire is in
volved in mystery.
Further particulars of the dynamite ex
plosion in Franklin county, Wednesday
night, show that Senator-elect Lewis
Davis is badly hurt. He was standing
near the court house in Carnesville talk
ing to a crowd of gentlemen when the
bomb or cartridge was thrown in
the square. It carried a lighted fuse and
several of the party advanced toward it to
see what it was. The explosion which fol
lowed was terrific, shattering windows and
breaking lamps for whole blocks. Senator
Davis was picked up blackened, bruised
and senseless. He was restored to con
sciousness, and is now doing very well.
Another member of the party was hurt.
It is believed the bomb was thrown by
some enthusiastic voter, and not intended
v, negr< •
mile from Thomasvilie. Chastain was
drunk and began swearing at the negro.
The negro told him to hush. Then they
quarreled a little, when Chastain attacked
the negro withl his knife, inflicting two
woiinds in the chest, reaching the heart.
The negro died shortly afterwards. Chas
tain took to the woods, and has not been
Aliklm lllu.
Matilda Pollard, a negro woman living
on the plantation of Cnpt. Watts, near
Selma, on Friday gave birth to a child hay
ing six fingers on each of its hands, six
toes on eacli of its feet, besides a lull set of
well developed teeth.
Alve Heard, the negro who burned' the
gin house of Mr. N. M. Walker, near Pcr-
ryville, in August last, was sentenced by
Judge Moore at Marion Saturday to three
years and three mont hs hard labor for the
county of Perry.
The wife of Robert D. Hembree, of Car
penter, at Scottsboro, was gored by an un
ruly eow with probably fatal results last
Thursday. , .
The Jackson county real estate and im
migration agency has taken on new life
ana is at work.
goods, and sustain the reputation of being
active, pushing and reliable, by recom
mending articles with well established
merit and such ns are popular. Having the
agency for the celebrated Dr. King’s New
Discovery for consumption, colds and
coughs,will selllit on a positive
will surely cure any and every affection of
throat, lungs or chest, and in order to
prove our claim, we ask you to call and get
a trial bottle free.
IVantwl l£ilillillt‘.
“Give me about a dollar’n a half’s worth
of quinnine,” said a sad looking young
man to the druggist.
“Why, what do vou want so much for?”
“Well, you see, I’ve been around to see
my girl, and I’ve just got the worst case of
shake I ever heard of. Make that an even
two dollars’ worth, will you?”—MqrcUat
AVoikIcrfill Curas.
W. D. Hoyt & Co., wholesale and retail
druggists of Rome, Ga., say: We have been
selling Dr. King’s New Discovery, Electric
Bitters and Bucklcn’s Arnica Salve for two
years. Have never handled remedies that
sell as well, or give such universal satisfac
tion. There have been some wonderful
cures effected by these medicines in this
city. Several cases of pronounced con
sumption have been entirely cured by use
of a few bottles of Dr. King’s New Disco v
ery, taken in connection with Electric Bit-
tors. We guarantee them always. Sold by
Brannon & Carson. eod&w
At Uirlilirlil Kprinirs.
First Gent—Let’s return. Miss Olthe-
ruge has begun to sing.
Second Gent—Thanks; rawther be ex
First Gent—What! Refuse homage to
the belle of the bull ?
Second Gent—Not at all; it’s the bawl of
the belle I have no homage for.—Life,
KNOW THYSELF by reading the
‘Science of Life,” the best medical
work ever published, for young and mid
die-aged men. __ ap'28 wly
A Connmm Mistake.
Little Dot—The Sunny school sup’inten-
dent talked to-day ’bout ’riginal sin.
What’s that, mamma?
Mamma—Original sin? Oh, I can’t ex
plain it, pet; you are too little to under
Little Dot—Well, the sup’intendent
seemed to think we was big 'nough; he
scolded ’bout it, anyway.—Omaha World.
Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey
Duffy’s Formula.
For (.lie Weak and Debilitated and
Wasting Diseases.
, lluItimore .1 fit.
n.v mime unionti
Dually I’OJwllted
Malt Whiskey, and 1 desire to
niv lestimoiiv to its marvel,
blinding up the enervated -yste
Tilde blnklmr spoils winch
>ub dying. Violent
1 also another symt
Ml simucsted that
pntl'v s I Mire Malt \Miiski*
that I watt ever sick. As a medicinal tonic,
nivi nerve stimulant. I consider ImllyV Pure
Malt Wlnsl-mv »even.I the estimation of
moneyed value. Mu**. hU.A KKDPKIi.MAN.
Mil. J. MITCIIK.LL HKIJH, (V21 Market St.,
" ilmimrton. Del., writes: “Your Daily's I'ure
llsiliii the third l.
iVhi.-Uov. When
< not aide to be <
On Thursday the Gadsden metallic paint
mills shipped
mil they all think I hn
Hill ami In flVa I”
to Lowe & Tucker, their
agents in Chattanooga,, twenty tons of
their paint. These mills are running day
and night and have orders three months
ahead. „ _
The Alabama Gold Life Insurance Com
pany of Mobile has made an assignment to
Mr. A. P. Bush, president of the company,
and the chancery court will be asked to
take charge and distribute the assets
There is a report that Mt. Vernon liar-
racks at Mobile are to he abandoned and
the two companies removed to the new
ten-company barracks, soon to be built at
Atlanta, Ga. This action is not regarded
favorably by Mobilians.
lie them a great
. M. !■.. Ill ItHAliP.
You reap what you sow.
The following letter explains:
Waco, Texas, Sept. 17, 188(1.
Rollin Jefferson—Dear Sir: Yours of
13tli instnnt to hand. We hear that un
principled parties are shipping Kansas
Oats to your market and palming them oft'
for Texas Rust Proof.
We inclose you a copy of original bill of
lading from West Station, 17 miles above
Waco, on the Missouri and Pacific Rail
road, where the Outs were grown. We
guarantee this ear shipped you to be gen
uine Texas Red Rust Proof Outs, and un
der this guarantee your trade can fully re
ly on them ns perfect seed—pure red, and
riot mixed at all, all ripening together.
Yours truly,
G. II. Randle &.Co.
1 will mail a, sample free to
any party wishing to get pure
seed. ‘’They do their own
talking.” Sue.
Spot Cotton.
I will buy Spot Cotton and pay over the
market to my regular trade. Bring it up
and try me.
Don’t tackle ’em. The Wall street cow
boys carry repeating rifles, and bring down
tlie southern bulls on every plain. Hence
the cotton crop lias no legitimate rule of
supply and demand. If so, a short crop
would bring its value, and a large crop
bear itself, verbum Sat.
UT. 3T. DJ 1 -
Fresh, Fat and Fine MACKEREL, but
at bottom figures. Sold to consumers at
New York .lobbing prices. They are for
individuals, not jobbers. Mess and Nos.
1, 2 and 3, in buckets, drums and barrels.
It’s a daisy, and I have placed 3,000 bar
rels ou fanners’tables. Made by Ruston.
Price *4 75. Also a special grade branded
“COTTON IS KING,” equal to any.
Price if5 50. These goods need no recom
mendation only from consumers. See.
For the democrats. Carlisle’s 1881, D. V.
Davis’s Standard of the World, Mill Creek,
Monogram, Rye, Old Shuck Corn.
Sweets to the Sweet.
Scuppernong Wine for the prohibs.
course they need it.
The Georgia Midland sixes are 100 per
cent. Pays 50 per cent at the start. Good
stock for farmers and merchants.
A good line of Winston Tobacco, all
grades, 10 lb. to GO lb. boxes.
Farmers, All of You,
Recollect this is the headquarters of
the old Gordon Brigade, all of whom are
my customers (or should be), and the com
missary never is entirely out, but some
times foraging is pretty hard; but I can
load the division wagons one at a time as
fast as they come in, and send you home
to please the good wife with your pur
Limp. Shingles, Dressed and Matched Ceiling and Flooring
and other Lumber. Specialty made of Dress
ing Lumber for oilier parties.
Royal Pumps, Judson Governors, Eberman Feeders, Standard
Injectors, Hancock Inspirators and
Strut Ion's Improved Absorption lee Machines, Saw Mills,
Pumps, Hollow Ware, Syrup Kellies,
Golden's Improved Iroo Screw Cotton Press,
The faultless family remedy. For biliousness
torpid liver, indigestion,constipation, and all th«
common illsoflileit is simply perfect and car>
not be improved. Don’t be without a bottle.
Jordan's Joyous Julep
The Infallible remedy for Neuralgia. It will
cure tlie worst ease of Neuralgia, however sever*
and long standing the case.
A specific for 81ck Headache. A dose taken
when symptoms nppenr will prevent the worsfc
Sick Headache. It cures nothing else.
Tlionins's Germain Cologuo, a Perftun*
most delightHil ami refreshing.
Extriiets of Lemon it ml Vanilla, the
finest flavoring extracts known—something su
perior ami elegant. dtf
/-VURE Biliousness; Sick Hosdr.che !:iFourliour.\
(6) Ono doso relievos Neuralgia. They cure antf
prevent Chills Fovor, Sour Stomach Bad
Iroath. Cloar the Slur., Tone the Nerves, as 1 flivtt
.lie 4> Vigor to the system. Dose» ON FI
fry them once ana you will never bo either tu rn,
.’rice, 26 cents per bottle. Sold by
Medicine Dealers gonorolly. Sent on
prico In stamps, postpaid, to any address,
o. F. SMITH & CO.,
Manufacturers and Solo Props.. Of. LOUIS. .M0,
This cut is an illustration of “GoDD'u'm Improved Iron No row Colton I’rcMN."
erected in the most substantial and convenient manner. It is simple in construction, and so well
illustrated by the cut, that scarcely a word is needed by way of explanation, being simply an
Iron Screw m»«l Nut substituted for wood, the wood work of its construction, and the manner
of operating it, are substar stantially the same as in the old style of wooden plantation screw, but
the timbers required are not so heavy or long. Most planters of experience prefer the wooden screw
to any of the more modern Cotton Presses in use, but the difficulty and uncertainty of controlling
labor and mechanical skill in the season of the year most convenient to the planter for their erec
tion, usually renders it a matter of economy, as well as necessity, with him, to buy some kind ol
Press that requires but little mechanical skill to put it in operation. “Golden** Norow,’* is a
sort of compromise between the old style of wooden screw anil the modern Cotton Press, combining
the principal advantages of the former with the convenience and economy of the latter. It can be
operated with greater facility than the wooden screw, and the rapidity of its performance, like that
of the wooden screw, or any other press, depends upon its management—as on the old style screws
some planters would pack ten hales, and others thirty or thirty-five bales per day. Any ordinary
mechanic who can make a good plantation gate, or common plow stock, can do the wood work.
Within the last eleven years we have made and sold a great many of these screws, and have yet
to hear of the first one that has not given entire satisfaction.
We furnish all the Iron Work for these Screws, of which we make two sizes, und frilly warranted.
je20 wed.HO&wfim
Crab Orchard .
Constipation. ^
Sick Headache, w#
Ilnsr. :-Onn to two teiupoonfujB.
Oi'imhio CR*n Oikiiaiui S*’. t 8 In
Himli'.l piiokRKi'R nt Bio. Rf d A®*
genuine Halts sold in bulk.
Crab Orchard Water Co., Prop r*.
S. N. TONES, Manager^oujsvUlejC^
A meeting is called by Mayor Comer, of Old Saul’s
ufauln, for next Friday night to consider c m u
ic railroad situation, it looks to the | 8 8a
Aiding of the St. Andrews Bay road. , , .. .„ .
. >.>k«.i n ^. „<• Rowtwuip ! Of |iniK?Is(s..rI.vM.iil J;, (<.nts
M other’s
A meeting of prohibitionists of Barbour
county is called to meet at the court house
in Eui'aula next Friday. They are organ
izing to make a raid on the legislature tins
fall. . ,
On Saturday the governor made an ordei
for a special election for a representatn e
from Autauga county, to be held on the
16th of November, to fill the vacancy
caused by the appointment ot Judge Jas.
W. Lapley to be judge of the fifth judicial
The oldest democrat in Alabama is
Thomas Garrett, of Baldwin county, 419
years old. His first vote was cast for John
Adams in 1796. He is the father of t wenty-
one children, and he has voted the demo
cratic ticket all his life.
The prospects for the Alabama State Fair
grow brighter every day. Superintendent
Kolb reports that he receives letters m
every mail from all parts of the state,
which shows clearly that the people gen
erally are taking a liyely interest in the en
terprise. Capt. Kolb thinks that one of
the most interesting features of the great
show will be the exhibit of fine cattle ana
horses and blooded stock of all kinds.
At Brooksville Wednesday J. B. Mickler, j
ex-sheriff of Hernando county, droppea ;
dead in the court room during the session
of the circuit court. He was about oo ;
years old.
Capt. Jones, of Tampa, on a recent voy- ,
Not only shortens the time
of labor and lessens the in
tensity of pain, but it great
ly diminishes the danger to
life of both mother ana child
and leaves the mother in a
condition highly favorable
to speedy recovery, and far
less liable to Hooding, Con
vulsions, and other alarming
symptoms incident to slow
or painful labor. Its wonder
ful efficacy in this respect
entitles it to be called The
Mother’s Friend and to be
ranked as one of the life
saving remedies of the nine
teenth century.
We cannot publish certifi
cates concerning this reme
dy without wounding the
delicacy of the writers. Yet
we have hundreds on file.
Send for our book, “To Mothers,” mailed free.
Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
jy21 eod&w nrm
Thanks, Many Thanks
To my numerous friends who have been
and are giving me their patronage, and
ask you to tell your neighbor how you
like. We give full measure and a just bal
Same old stand, southwest
of the Bell Tower, and my
sitiii reads
t 1
Sale, Feed and Livery Stables, |
New and Nobby Turnouts, Safe and Showy Horses, Careful
and Experienced Drivers.
FUNERALS personally conducted and properly attended to. The finest Hearses
1 in the city.
AFTJ^R SEPTEMBER 1st, Horses boarded and carefully cared for at *1(5 per j
1 month.
Ample accommodations for LIVE STOCK. Headquarters for dealers.
sep!2 se&th-Iw !
g. gun by Jordan!
Fire Insurance Agent,
j Pioneer Building, Front Street. Telephone No. 104.
j AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Philadelphia. Honestly j
paid every loss since 1810.
NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE CQ., of New York. Every policy
issued under New York Safety Fund law.
SUN FIRE OFFICE, of London. Established 1710. Always
Policies issued on all classes of insurable property.
Representative Companies. Courteous Treatment. Pair Adjustments. Prompt Payments.
A share of your business solicited.
Can learn the exact cost,
of any propose:! line of
advertising 1 I
Papers by a?.
Geo. P. Rc'v/S.'
Newspaper Artviortis
10 Spruce St., Nr
Send lOntH tor* imO-r.**
r-x.11 . ...iJA’
tin the WORLD.
i‘W Importa-
is ron sta nt I y
J arrhing.
k-V Harr in dividual
cxrrllrnre and
choice Breeding,
Tie OT VIN fl-iiiC K O BOA IISTI * It S,
Our customers tmv<‘ the advantage of our
experience In bn-edlng and
or lor Duality ; l.iirue Vn-
11 on mo (halloo! ici
ring dillorout I
t; •qiportu-
nity of 1
low lariooM, nocause «>r our iinc<|imiou m«
cilitioN, extent of liiiMiucHS und low rules
of trail iiortation.
Noottier OMinliliNhmont in tho world offer*
Such advantages to tin* jmrohaMor. ..
fltora wolronie. C’orroNpomlcnoe nolle*
itod. ( ireiiliirM Free. Mention this pugg
POWELL BROS., spnngtiQro. Crawlord Co-P*
acpl2 sc tu&th if
Planters 1 Supplies,
S.—If you owe me, uml
it's ilue, come up. 1 wont to
whisper in your ear.
Gin Houses Insured,
Alho Cotton ami Machinery Therein, hy
JOHN BLACKMAR, General Insurance Agent.
Next to Telegraph Office, Telephone No. 51, Columbus, Ga.
aug$ se&wlm
rilling adventures of all j
rln*roco with Indians,outlaws anti wild '•'"-w* 1 *■
»mt*, frnuj the eu-lic«t time to this. Lives seed famous ex*
»loit*> ->f D« Soto, Li. Salle, Standish. Bonne Kent jii. Brady,
r 1 . k. It. How i... I Ion,l„„, Cu rwiii, Cll.t, r. HI«Sh(
Hill, Gen. Crook, and others. Illustrated wi . -mi'; »*.*•
tle&niiiei fit f->r mark-t as mu
Seed lu ONK DAY
Illustrated circu
lar mailed free.
NEWARK ^2**^
MACH INK CO., Columbus,O. ta.Br. Iloui
je21 w!2w