Newspaper Page Text
' — 1 — » - : -U
The Chariot Clock of the Emperor of
'I III. Mtmrlnuv lVnti*r (I or I, nt'Clinrli'innitiii' Tin*
Tower Clock of McMrlbng mid till 1 Automatic
( lock of 1‘ltfcnwccn.
'Will M. Clemens.
Many yenrH «(fo two cWmOch of gmit in
genuity and elegant workmanship worn
made in Luidon and pivscnt"d tollio Em- i
peror of China by the l*kwt India (,'ompa- ;
ny, a wealthy organization engaged in
commerce Eaeh clock \vn« made in the I
form of a chariot, in which was placed tin?
figure of a lady leaning her right hand !
upon a part of the eharlot, and under it
was the clock of curious workmanship. It
was smaller than a silver twenty-five cent
piece, would repeat and strike the hours
and would go for eight days. Upon the
finger of the lady Nif.s a bird, finely mod
eled. set with diamonds and rubies, with
its tiny wings extended in a flying posture.
By touching a diamond button the bird
would actually flutter for a time. The
body of the bird, although it contained a
f iart of the wheels that gave motion to
he clock, was not more than one-six
teenth of an inch In size. The lady held
in her led hand a gold tube, not much
thicker than a large pin, on the top of
which was n small round box, to which
was fixed a circular movement set with
diamonds, and not much larger than a
ten-cent piece. Over the lady’s head was
supported by a small (luted pillar a double
umbrella. The pillar was no larger than
a quill. Under the largest umbrella a
bell was fixed at a considerable distance
from the clock, with which It seemed to
have no connection; but in reality com
munication was secretly conveyed to a
hammer that regularly struck the hour,
and repenting the same at pleasure by the
touching of a diamond button fixed to the
clock below. At the feet of the lady was
a gold dog, and before it, from the point
of the chariot, was two birds fixed on
spiral winds, the wings and feathers of
which were set with jewels of various
colors, and appeared as if flying away with
the chariot. From another secret motion
the chariot was made to run in a straight,
circular, or, Indeed, in any direction.
Above the umbrella were (lowers and or
naments of precious stones, and it termi
nated with a flying dragon, ornamented
in a similar manner. The whole clock
was made of gold, most delicately
executed, ami embellished with rubies and
A wonderful pioee of mechanism known
as the Clepsydra, or water clock, was once
upon a time presented by a Turk of high
rank to Charlemagne. In the dials of the
clock were twelve doors opening at the
hours which they represented, and little
bulls equaling the hours in number ap
peared and struck the time upon a brazen
bell. The doors continued open until
noon, when twelve knights, mounted on
horseback, issued forth, one from each
door, and, after parading around the dial
of the clock, shut themselves in again.
In the tower of the town house in the
city of Heidelberg, Germany, there existed
many years ago a clock so constructed
that when the hours struck tho figure
of an old man pulled off his hat, a
cock crowed and clapped his wings, and
bunds of soldiers appeared and foughtwith
each other. This curious piece of work
manship was burned in 1(103, together with
the castle and town.
In olden times there was a remarkable
clock in the cathedral at London. Every
hour two horsemen came out of the clock
to encounter each other, a door flew open
disclosing the Virgin Mary on a throne,
with Christ in her arms, people ure gath
ered around presenting gifts, and two
trumpeters are sounding their horns. This
clock ulso showed the month, day of the
month, and all of the festivals and holidays
of the year.
In the village of Pittenwoen, in Scotland,
about fifty years ago, there was made ana
exhibited by Mr. Smith, a clock and watch
maker of that place, an automatical clock,
which, from the description given of it at
that time, appears to have equaled any
thing of the kind over produced. It com
prehended a very sinking illustration of
the musical and religious character of tho
people of Scotland. The case, which was
of the IInest mahogany, was seven feet
high, with fluted columns upon each side.
The upper part of tho clock was orna
mented with carving, fretwork and gild
ing, with a golden bird having its wings
extended standing in the center. The case
contained a large eight-day musical clock,
with three dial plates and a chime of six
teen bells. The whole clock was divided
into live different parts, each of which hud
its own particular weight. The llrst was
tile going part; tho second kept a small
musical band in motion. Thu band played
a favorite tuno over once before striking
the hour. Tho third part, struck the hour;
the fourth moved a large musical baud,
containing eight celebrated Scotch tunes,
one of which played every three hours,
with great exactness. The front dial plate,
or face, which was about eighteen inches in
diameter, had an arch which showed the
hours, minutes and seconds, with the
name and date of the month, with
out variation during the entire
year, even on the 2Stli of February.
The clock turned out all the odd days in
one night and brought out the 1st of
March on the following morning, in the
plate there were also two small hands,
one of which discovered the day of the
week. When Sunday came there appear
ed the words, “Remember Sunday,’’ and
at 12 o’clock tho music stopped playing !
until 12 o’clock on Sunday nyrlit. The \
music then began again and continued j
until the next Saturday night. On the i
right hand was another dial plate eight !
inches wide, with an arch. II contained '
a hand that pointed to the name of the !
tune the clock played. The dial plate on ;
the left was of the same size as the ,
one on tho right. It represented
the front of a house with a door in |
the middle. At eaeli side of the door j
stood a sentinel with It is aims, in the !
livery of the city guard of Edinburg, ;
painted on brass. In the inside of tho
center of tile door was seen the inacer or 1
clerk of the lords of the council, dressed
in his robes with his nmee in his right
hand. As soon as the clock began to play
he took oft’ his hat with his right hand
and walked past the door, followed by
iifteen lords in procession. The figures
were painted on thin brass and very
much resembled life. All this was but a
part of this wonderful eight-day clock.
lie Not Form>(
To tell your lady friends that Simmons’
Iron Cordial cures those painful and liar-
rassing diseases so common with your sex.
That it clears the skin and complexion,
invigorutes, strengthens and builds up the
system, while it restores youthful vigor
and vitality. Sold by all druggists and
dealers. eod&w
A IMrasuro in store for Him.
She (at a nmsiealoi—Are you an admirer
of Beethoven, Mr. llobson ?
He—well—er—yes. 1 admire his music
very much, but I have never met Bee
thoven myself.— 1 Tid-Bits.
Malaria ! The very mention of it is a
nightmare! Whoever has suffered from
this blighting disease knows what a dread
scourge it is, and how it seems almost im
possible to eradicate it from the system.
SMITH’S BILE BEANS will most surely
destroy the germs of Malaria, and afford
permanent relief. Dose, one Beau; 2S
cents per bottle. For sale by all drug
gists aud dealers in medicine, or sent post
paid on receipt of price, to any part of the
country. octl-eod&wlm
Storekeepers now ieeii it for Sal3
Prepared with strict regard to Purity, Strength, and
IliMilthfulnuH’j. I)r. Prim's Hakim.' Pmvdur contains
no Ammonia.I.iim*,Alum or Phosphates. Dr.Price’s
Extracts, Vanilla, Lemon, etc., ilavor deliciously.
PR/CE BAKING POWDER CO. Cm ca no. and Sr Louts
Moutof thodiseases which afJliot mankind are origin
ally cauHod by a disordered oondition of the LIVER*
For all com pin in t« of this kind, such aH Torpidity of
the Liver, Biliousness, Nervous Dyspepsia, Indiges
tion. Irregularity of the Bowels, Constipation. Flatu
lency, Eructations and Burning of tho Stomach
(Hornet imon called Heart burn). Miasma, Malaria,
Bloody Flux, Chills ant Fever Break bone Fever,
Exhaustion before or after Fever ;, Chronic Diar
rhoea, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Foul Breath,
Irregularities incidental to Females, Bearing-down
is Invaluable It is not a panacea for all di sen bos,
but | bo 1C all diseases of tho LIVER,
It changes tne complexion from a waxy, yellow
tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color. It entirely removes
low, gloomy spirits. It. is one of tho BEST AL
Far solo by all Druggists. Prico $1,00 per bottle
C. F. STADICER, Proprietor,
•40 80. FRONT ST., Philadelphia, Pa.
TION on tin* market for Files. A Si'll E CI'lfE
for lleliiun Piles. Has never lulled to give
prompt relief. Will cure Anal Ulcers, Abscess,
i istulii. Tetter, Salt Ithouni. Barber’s Itch, Ring
worms, Pimples, Sores and Boils. Price uOctn*
Wounds, Cuts. Bruises, Sprains, Erysipelas. Boils,
Carbuncles, Bone Felons, Ulcers, bores. Sore Eyes,
Sore Throat Bunions,Corns, Noiiralgia.Rheumatism,
Orchitis, (tout. Rheumatic Gout. Colds, Coughs,
Bronchitis, Milk Leg, Snake and Dog Bites, Stings
ot Inserts. Ac. In fact allays all local Irritation nnc’
Inilainiuation from whatever cause. Price 'io «*!.*♦,
Prcpaml according to flic must scientific
oi'iucipIcM. of the PI REST SEDATIVE
I Mi II EDI ENTS, compounded with tho purest
. and iH specially recommended for
Ask your druggist for those remedies, or writo to tho
DURHAM, N. C. U. S, A.
™ only perfect substitute for Mother**
milk. Invaluable In Cholera Infantum
and Teething. A pre-dlaestadrood for Dys
peptics, Consumptives, Convalescents.
Perfect nutrient In all Wasting Disease*.
Requires no cooking. Our Book. The Car*
and Feeding of It..'ants, mailed free.
Many baking powders are pernicious
to health, ami while every one regards hi*-*
own, he should also have a care for the tender
ones—the little children.
contains none of the had qualities of baking
powders soda or saleratns. It contahiB no
hurtful ingredient-no alum or ammonia.
All Chemiststfvho have analyzed Pea Foam
commend it. Housekeepers who have used v
will have no other. Cooks, whose best effort«
have failed with other powders, are jubilunl
over Sea Foam. Saves time, saves labor, save?
It is positively unequaled. Absolutely pure
Used by the leading hotels and restaurants
in New York city and throughout the country
For sale by all first-class grocers.
17d Duane St., K. Y.
In Re. The Engle and Phenix Manufacturing
Company. Petition to amend Charter,
To the Honorable Superior Court of said
Count* : The petition of the Eagle and Phenix
Manufacturing Company respectfully shows,
That it is a corporation of said state, located and
doing business in said county, and its principal
office and place of doing bus ness is in Colvfr.ibus,
in said county.
That the original charter and act of incorpora
tion was granted by the General Assembly of
said State by an Act entit’ed ' An Act to incorpo
rate the Eagle and Phenix .Manufacturing Com
pany of Columbus. Georgia,” which act was ap
proved 10th of March, 1860.
That said Act of Incorporation did not provide
for the election oi more than five Directors, nor
has there been any change in the laws respecting
said corporation.
That the corporators named in said Act did or
ganize said company, and that the capital stock
o' said company has been increased to one mill
ion two hundred und fifty thousand dollars, all of
which has been paid in.
That the object of said corporation was the
manufacture and sale oi cotton and woolen
goods, and said company still carry on such busi
ness in sa’.d county.
That at the last annua 1 meeting of the stock
holders of said company it was resolved by said
stockholders that application should be made to
alter and amend the charter of said companv, so
as to provide that the stock holder, should, at the
annual elections, choose nine directors among
said stockholders instead of five, as provided by
said charter.
Wherefore, j
may be passed
Court dedaiing said petition granted, and that
the Fourth Section of said Act snail be so altered
and amenced as that the same sha 1 read as fol
lows :
See. l V. That there shall be an annual meeting
of the stockholders of said corporation at such
time and place as the corporation may provide by
its by-laws for the purpose of electing nine direct
ors, and that the time of holding the first meeting
of the directors under the said first election shall
be fixed by said directors, or a majority of them,
and the said directors chosen at said election, or
at the annual election to be afterwards held,shall,
us.soon as may be after subsequent elections,
chose out «'f their uumberia president,and in case
of the death, resignation or removal of the presi
dent or any directors, such vacancy or vacancies
may be filled for the remainder of the year where
in they may happen by the said remaining rirect-
ors, or a majority of them may appoint a presi
dent pro tern., who shall exercise such powers
and functions as the by-laws of said corporation
may provide.
Petitioners’ Attorneys.
Filed and recorded in the Clerk’s office of the
(Copy.) Chicago, April21st, 1883.
This is to certify, that the Illinois Trust
Savings Bank has this day received from the
Union Cigar Company of Chicago, to be held
as a Special Deposit,
U. S. 4°lo Coupon Bonds,
as follows:
No. 22028 D. *500. - Market Value of which Is
41204 loo. I
>»;;• I $1012.
IT ) (
$800. J (S.) yas. S. Gibbs, Cash.
We offer the above as a FORFEIT, if our
“FANCY GROCER” does not prove to be a
genuine llavana-fillcr Cigar.-Union Cigar Co
To all persons who are suffering in any way from
Nervousness or Nervous Exhaust ion. Everybody
knows that a strong, vigorous nervous system is
essential to good he alth.
Is recommended by clergymen and endorsed by
eminent physicians.
It contains no alcoholic or other stimulant.
It is not a drug.
It is a food; not a medicine.
It induces a good appetite.
It insures sound, healthful sleep.
It is perfectly harmless.
Only .UK* a 4|uart Hot tic.
a Dividend of Five Per Cent, to the Stockholders
on Demand.
octl-diw tUauiER.
Pieces Satin Pecot
Number 6, 1 inch wide, at 5 cents.
Number 7, 11 inches wide, at 8 cents.
Number 9, 1 h inches wide, at 10 cents.
Number 12, 2 inches wide, at 121 cents.
Number 16, 2£ inches wide, at 15 cents.
Boucle Jersey Jackets, in black and colors, at $2 50 and
$2 75. Astrakan Jackets in great variety, at bargain prices.
Our Dress Goods trade is booming ahead of any season in
sales. In this department choice novelties are coming in and
being sold in the spirit of this electrical age.
We are always as low as the lowest in our prices, and you
can rely on getting just what you buy of
Is Without a Rival.
Is the very best Saw Mill in the market. It took the only
medal of the first class at the New Orleans Exposition.
For the above, and for all other machinery, address,
Montgomery, Ala.
N. B.—Our stock of Wrought Iron, Pipe, Fittings and
Machinery is the largest in this part of the country.
Shortest, Quickest and Best—308 Miles Shorter to New York
than via Louisville—Close Connection with Piedmont
Air Line and Western and Atlantic Railroad.
Ill effect September 12th, 1886.
Leave New Orleans
“ Mobi e
“ Selma
“ Montgomery
“ Chehaw
Arrive Columbus
Leave Columbus
“ Opelika
Arrive West Point
“ LaGrange
“ Newnan
“ Atlanta
Via W. & A* Railroad.
Leave Atlanta
Arrive Rome
“ Dalton
“ Chattanooga
44 Cincinnati
Via the Piedmont Air Line to New York and East.
Leave Atlanta
Arrive Charlotte
“ Richmond
‘‘ Washington
44 Baltimore
44 Philadelphia
44 New York
No. 53
No. 61
8 20 p m
110 a m
9 06 a m
8 20 p m
9 55 p in
11 65 a m
2 28 p 1111
10 53 p ill
11 46 p m
12 26 a 111
1 45 a 111]
3 25 a m 1
7 60am'.
11 15 a 111
It 40 a 111 ■
1 00 p m I
7 40 a m i
6 25 p 111'
7 GO a m;
8 00 a in
9 35 a 1111
2 40 p in;
3 40 p in ,
7 55 a 111
1 20 p m
4 30 a m
7 55 a m
9 07 a in
11 55 a m
8 54 a m
10 05 a m
10 49 a^in
11 20 a m
12 23 p m
1 45 ji m
6 50 p m
5 55 p m
7 37 p 111
1 07 p 111
4 00 p 111
4 05 a 111
3 37 p m
8 30 p m
11 25 pm
3 00 a 111
6 20 a 111
Train 53, Pullman Palace Curs Montgomery to Washington without change.
Train 51, Fulhnun Palace Buffet Cor Atlanta to New York without change.
South Bound Trains.
No. 50 i No. 52
- —
Our LA 1.031A 10c. Cigar is strictly Hand
made. Elegant quality*. Superior workmanhip.
Sold by all Grocers,
Vu X. Cliutou St., - CHICAGO,
Retail by
C. D. HUNT, Columbus, Ga
ie24 dly
Crane’s store.
irnnr FOR ALL. ft&O a week and expenses
ill IKK paid. Valuable outfit and particulars
M U111\ free. P. O. VICKORY, Augusta, Me.
oc4 w6m
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
demands against P. McArdle. late of Muscogeee
county, deceased, to present them to me properly
made out, within the time prescribed by law, so
as to show their character and amount. And all
persons indebted to said deceased are hereby re-
whon business Is dull and prices are low Is
Leave Atlanta
Leave Columbus
44 Opelika
Arrive Chehaw
4 * Montgomery
Arrive Mobile ! I.. f..V I 225a m] 2 10pm
44 New Orleans i | ! | 7 20 a in J 7 30 p m
Train 50, Pullman Palace Sleeping Car through to New Orleans. Train 52, Family Emigrant
Sleeping Ca>, free of charge, through to Texas without change.
Via Selena und Queen and Crescent.
Leave Columbus
44 Opelika
“ Montgomery
A»*vive Selma
44 Marion
44 Greensboro
44 Meridan
44 Jackson
44 Vicksburg
44 Monroe
44 Shreveport
2 28 p 111
5 18 p ni
8 15 p 111
11 15 p m
CECIL QABBETT, General Manager.
1 45 p 111
3 45 j) tu
5 35 p in
6 27 p 111
11 15 p 111
4 22 a 111
6 50 a 111
1 40 p 111
6 35 p m
General Passenger Agent.
V IV.rintllii.K'a Sl-Ml llunn
A MONTH. Agents wanted. 90 best sen
mg articles in ihe world. 1 sample free
Addrww J AY BRONSON Mi**
The Brown Cotton Grin Co,,
Manufacturers of the “Old Reliable”
Brown Cottou Gins, Feeders aud Con
All the very latest improvements: im
proved roll box, patent whtpper, two
brush belts, extra strong brush, cast
steel bearing' 0 , in:, improved Feeder,
enlarc-i dust proof 'ondeuser.
i ■ Cong, simpleh> instruction, durable
Igin 7 ast. runs light, cleans the seed per
fect., and produces first class samples.
at any accessible point. Send for full
description and price list.
COLUMBUS IRON WORKS, Agents, Columbus, Ga.
Real Estate Agent,
Building Lot and Dwelling 011 northeast corner
of Eleventh street and Fifth avenue.
2 1 I*er (Vii(. I11 vcMtiiicait.
Four quarter acre lots, three 2 room Dwellings
and one .1 room Dwelling. Price $800. Renting
for $16 per month.
iNo. 205, the best located Build-
ing Lot in the city of Columbus,
iASUABb Next south of Mrs. Griffin’s resi-
K2? donee, No. 1542 Third avenue.
Three Rose Ilill Residences—
$1250, $1800, $2000.
Two Wynnton Residences—
$1800, $3000.
IIwi'llingN For Kent from October 1st.
Hodges Manor, Linnwood, Brooms. Price *12
or will rent the rooms separate.
Wynnton Residence of Mrs Elizabeth Howard
next to Mr. W. G. Woolfolk, 8 rooms. $16.
No 821 Third avenue, one story brick, 5 rooms
water works and good well.
No. 1216 Fourth avenue, 5 rooms, on hill; splen-
did well; very healthy.
No 309 Eleventh street, next west of Judge Pou,
2 story. 6 rooms. Will be painted and
No 1221 Fourth avenue, next to Mr. Wm. W.
Bussey, 2 story.
No 1421 Second avenue, opposite Mr. J. S. Gar-
ret,5 rooms,2d door above Judge Ingram
No 1022 First avenue, 5 rooms, opposite east of
the market. Suitable for boarding house
Rose Hill new Residence of Mr. Harris, stable,
etc. $15.
No 1315 Third avenue. 2 story. 6 rooms, next to
Mr. Homer Howard.
No 1344 Third avenue, corner west of Mrs.
Rowe’s residence, 9 rooms, water works
and bath room.
Stores For Kent from October 1st.
Broad Street Stores Nos. 1204 and 1240.
Stores at Webster corner, formerly occupied
by John W. Sanders. Will rent low to first-class
tenants and fit up to suit the business.
Brown House Hotel, 27 guest chambers, op
posite Rankin House.. If it is conducted properly
will prove a gold mine. Business is increasing
every day. Will be painted and thoroughly reno
All advertising at my expense. For a small
commission (which will be less than the cost of
your advertising bill,) I rent property, collect, pay
taxes, &c„ attend to repairs and give careful
supervision to all property ill my charge. With
an experience of 13 years, I can serve you to ad
Call and see my list. If I have not the place
you wish, 1 will file your order free of charge and
fill as soon as possible.
se wed fri tf Real Estate Agent.
Real Estate Agent,
$1460. Four room House, H acre lot on Second
800 l A acre lot, 4 room House, good repairs,
upper Second aveuue.
700 3 Room house on 6th street, between 2d
and 3d avenues.
550 Vacant lot on f th avenue, between 8th and
9th streets.
2500 6 room house, }6 acre land, all necessary
outhouses, all new, on lower Broad.
4500 % Acre lot. 6 room house,water works,bath,
250 One vacant lot fronting park.
1250 20 Acres land, 6 room house in good repair.
1000 10 Acres land, 5 room house, barn, all under
good fence, 3 miles east of city.
3000 35 Acres land, 5 room house, two 2 room
kitchens, all in good repair, in Wynnton.
1150 115 Acres land, 2 room house, on Bull creek ,
in a fine state of cultivation. Terms easy.
I have, several fine farms on both sides of the
river, will sell for cash or 011 time, or exchange
for city property. Call and see me before making
arrangements elsewhere. I have a few good
houses for rentyet, 5 and 6100111 houses and sleep
ing rooms.
Real Estate Agent, No. 10 12th St.
Vegetables and Fruits,
UAIUjIIj « UtlllLll)
Am receiving New and Seasonable Goods.
Fresh Ground Meal and Grits,
$1.25 per sack.
Split Peas, Granula Cracked Wheat, Slireaded
Oats and Steam Cooked Oats.
FRESH CRACKERS just in—Sweet and Plain
CANNED GOODS. Finest brands of new and
seasonable goods.
For scouring and cleaning purposes, 5c a cake.
Fine Flour, Sugars, Coffees and Teas,
Ferris & Co.’s Breakfast Bacon and II
1026 Broad Street.
eod tf
Electric Belt Free
T° introduce it and obtain agents wo will for tho next
£ lv0 a '' a Y] *Ji eo 01 charge, In each county
in the U. 8. a limited number or our Gemma
Electro Cinlvnnic Huspcnsory Bolt*. Price $5;
a positive and unfailing cure for Nervous Debility,
' ‘^coeele, Emissions, Impotency &o. ififMi.OO Reward
paid if every Bolt we manufacture does not generate
Cures G and Gin 2 to 4 dayg.
I Ask your druggist for It.
| Senttoany address for $1.50
MALYDOR MF6. GO. Srnlngfield.0.
The beat in Amerleu. Great Kurgulnw for 30 days.
(£J*Fron, the irife <>/ Hon. John Sherman of Ohio:
“1 have thoroughly tested your nmchine as a Baker i»« well as
a Dryer, and it works beautifully. CEfKI.IA S. SHERMAN.**
Address Zimmerman MuchlneCu., Cincinnati. OhioU.S.A*
AGENTS spec i a Ilti k’A* ,
mnuey needed 10 buy goods. Writo for ('atalngu* at: I apeelal
offer. The Clipper Mfg. t o., (limited), Ciuulunatl,