Newspaper Page Text
News from the Three States Told in
Brief Paragraphs.
MM'tliii! of the - Ilonril of Trustees of tile stnto
I'nivomlf)—Suieldofi In AluliHina — The Clour
DukIiipu* in Florida on a Hoorn. Ktr.
Mr. E. S. Green, of Social Circle, had his
right arm badly torn up in a gin Wednes
day morning. Fears are entertained that
it will hnve to be amputated.
R. W. Lumpkin's gin house and six bales
of totton were burned Wednesday near
Appling. The gin caught from a spark
from the engine. The loss was about 61800.
No insurance.
Lawson Maine was assassinated near
Dahlonega a few nights ago.
At Dallas, on Tuesday night, John Allen
was cut to death by J. N. Dill.
The planting of the class tree of ’87 at the
State university will occur about the mid
dle of November.
Sheriff Davis, of Webster county, has ar
rested a fugitive from Sumter named Pear
son. The suspect had thirty-seven keys in
his possession.
The board of trustees of the State uni
versity will probably be called together
early in November to consider some ques
tions in regard to the Gilmer fund. The
meeting will probably occur in Atlanta.
Counterfeit dollars, supposed to be the
ones made at Union Point, are now being
circulated in Athens and passed on the
merchants. They are much lighter than
the genuine coins, but excellent imita
Sunday night about 11 o’clock a gin
house belonging to Mrs. Paulain, near
Coosa, was discovered to be on fire. Mr.
Sanford had a good deal of cotton in the
gin house. The gin house, cotton and saw
mill were destroyed.
The Madisonian tells of a negro man
who was standing on the sidewalk mlfrout
of Mr. P. S. Burney’s store, in Madison,
cne day last week, when all of a sadden
the negro sank into the hard sidewalk up
to his knees. There was no hole there
before, and no one supposed that such a
thing could possibly happen. The negro
man was not materially hurt by the acci
dent, but was awfully frightened and made
tracks from the place as rapidly as his feet
could carry him.
Jesse Rogers, of Dodge county, has made
twenty-five bales of cotton from seventeen
Watt Walker and A. J. Hamilton, of
Macon county, have each gathered over
fifty-five bushels of corn from an acre.
A prominent farmer of Pulaski county
has gathered this year fifty-five bales of
cotton from a five mule farm. He has
made plenty of corn, and will get a few
more bales of cot^n.
The railroad commission has decided
that the refusal of the Western railroad to
issue through bills of lading oncotton from
Opelika to New Orleans is an unjust dis
crimination against Opelika.
John McLoed, of White Oak, died Tues
day night.
Wm. Coleman has committed suicide in
jail at Tuskaloosa, Coleman was raised
in Glennville, Russell county. He was
tried in Eufaula for stealing a horse and
proven insane two years ago. Dr. Bryce
turned him out and he committed other
thefts. He was jailed, broke jail and was
caught again last week.
A Bostou drummer named Page, who
kept a cottage and a woman at Lake View,
near Birmingham, committed suicide
Tuesday night. Financial embarrassment
is given as the cause.
Tuesday afternoon a little boy by the
name of Smith was playing around the
cotton gin of Messrs. Comvell & Smith, at
Falkville, with some matches, striking the
composition with his knife to hear the
“pop.” When the blaze came in contact
with the cotton in the lint room it ignited,
and in a few minutes the buildings were
enveloped in flames. The total loss of
buildings, machinery and cotton is esti
mated at 610,030, No insurance.
The stables of Martin Wright, a worthy
and respected colored citizen of Union
Springs, was burned Tuesday night about
8 o’clock. Loss 6300. No insurance.
Martin managed to get his stock out in
time to save them. The fire was undoubt
edly the work of an incendiary, and is the
result of a split among the membership of
the colored Methodist church there.
Jim Houghton, a painter at work fresco
ing the inside of the Presbyterian church
at Tnlladege, fell from a scaffold and re
ceived interna] injuries Wednesday that
will probably result in his death.
Elbert, theiittlesou of Mr. M. McEldery,
of Talladega, had a le™ broken while play
ing on a tram car Wednesday.
Over 200 immigrants are arriving at Key
West weekly.
Quite a number of sponge craft arrived
at Key West last week from the hay, hav
ing met with fair success.
Baird’s saw mill, near Hague station, on
the Savannah, Florida and Western rail
way, was burned last Thursday night.
A clerk in F. A. Brost’s store, at Key
West, while going to the bank Saturday,
lost a 6100 silver certificate. The note was
in his coat pocket and the supposition is
that some one stole it.
The new English colony known as the
“Frazer Park Company” will soon begin
the improvement of their lands lying
about six miles west of Gainesville. One
hundred families are expected at the first
The proprietor of Macedonia City, KJJ.
Duffy, has set apart the following lots on
his town plat at Charlotte Harbor: Four
lots to Episcopal church, four lots to
Catholic church, four lots to Methodist
church, four lots to Baptist church, four
lots for public schools, ten lots for public
The cigar manufacturing business con
tinues unabated in Florida, as will no seen
from tbe reports made to the collector ol
internal revenue. During the month ql
September there were manufactured in
the state 8,916,375 cigars, and the receipts
at the revenue office were 626.719.121. Ihe
large volume of business keeps Collector
Thompson and Deputy Collector Smith
busy day and night.
Capt. Leo Vogel last week sent in his
resignation as commander of the fine
steamshipICityJof Palatka. He has accepted
a similar position with W. P. Clyde & Co.
on one of their steamphips, and will in all
probability in future run between New
York and Charleston. Capt. Vogel has
been running on the line between Jack
sonville and Charleston for a great many
years, and is very popular with the travel
ing public.
Making Powderly’s salary 650,000 and bis
office hereditary would be a good way for
the knights to commence governing the
earth.—Philadelphia News. •
“The government contemplates re
moving the Apaches." At one time it
looked as if the Apaches contemplated re
moving the government.—Richmond Dis-
Dutly’s Pure Malt Whiskey
Putty's Formula.
<iatn ol' 115 round*.
2B4 Division St., New York City, t
April 2D lssn. \
OenUcmon—4?lx weeks l commenced
taking your Duffy** Formula. I \v:n com
pletely run down in health from want of sleep,
poor a pi h- tile, and uclehltm only 121 pound*
Sii.ce then tny rest-oruJion to health has t ern
wondcnul. I now weigh ir»0 round*, sleep
well, ord hav* h good Hp|«*oie 1 mncrtnil
U-ucj n all my IUe. Lulls* WARD,
Gain ol nil Pound*.
i i i \v, r. If. Va..
I have boon nslng veer ; Dure Malt
Whiskey for il>>i-*'|>ia ' ton iv&ulta.
I et innicm o*t Vr n»v « .1 tdx week* ugo
f.nd l live tfttilifd JyM | < . i d*. 1 ehwrfuRy
4 CO.
i.cmnieiul it
nil »utu rirnr with ind
lion. • / HARRISON,
Guilt id 20 round*.
M.<*. ID a i. khtatk, Rkvtino and)
1.0*N lllA.YiS, .'Hi \\ \SIII\OTu.\ ST., i
Ol nDemen - I w. t- m> noticed ! y dys; t i..-T i
»*r indigestion Uuu I iboucht my time r.sul
npeut come, uml I hud i.j Uve on u-ef tea,
slide l re?Kl urn milk. eie.. I Law N-en t.iktng
vour RuCfr'- Pure M.wi Whlfhcy vno Dufiv’h
Fo-nula iiPvui three moM.>, Rive gained
about rwenty pounds in Mesh -iixl cui; id
tU'uv.i pvx rytiling, tu.0 haw not !♦•>» »<> wv ll In
•wenty year-. M. CTMlNGrt.
Gain of 20 round.*.
D3 I*aiik St., Jer.-ey City, N. .1.
OenthMiren -I started tinting vour Dniiy's
Dure Mill W ids key und IHillyV l-’..rti.nlm mak
ing it up rnj neli. slhuv then Ihn\o gained 20
potinds In weight. KAN HALL LOMiWKLb.
Uiiin of 15 Roumls.
S. K. C*:«. Wth and Wood Sr*. )
Gentlemen—About lour months,tu
been an Invalid lor six months, aivd had nsen
every Imaginable remedy, and trot no good
from anything. My appetite and strength
were gone and I had a very had rough. I am
entirely cured. I hare gained tifieen pounds
In walght and can highly reeommend Its
Galu of 12 Pound**
Gentlemen—The bcm’ftte derived from your
Duflv’s Formula have been such that too much
cannot he said in its praise.. Tbe ailmeni #n»
I formerly had in the side has about entirely
disappeared, anil the had t.^te that I had In
my mouth every morning, and which was very
disagreeable, tuts since taking a small portion
ntlrely left me. Appetite v
me. . „ .. __
pounds. GEORGE
Daltimouk, Md.
*7*Ovb whiskey is Sold only in Sealed
Bi/rruis, Never in Hit.k.
The time has como when the terri
ble agony of this critical period in wo
man’s life can be avoided. A distin
guished physician, who spent 44 years
in this branch of practice, left to child-
bearing woman this legacy, THE
MOTHERS’ FRIEND, and to-day
th' re are thousands of women who,
having used this remedy before con
finement, rise up and call his name
blessed. We can prove all we claim
by living witnesses, and any one ’n-
terested can call, or have their hus
bands do so, and see the original let
ters, which we cannot publish.
All druggists sell it. For.particulars address
Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
eod&w n r in
New Stand.
Fall Millinery
Now on Exhibition.
All Ihe novelties in Felts,
Astrakhan and Plush Hats
can l>e found at our store.
We are displaying I lie most
elegant line ot Fancy Feathers,
Birds' Wings, etc., ever shown
in this market.
Special bargains in Ostrich
Tips and Plumes.
25 Dozen Misses* and Chil
dren's Trimmed School Hats
at from 50 cents up.
Our Pattern Hats are now
on exhibition.
J/. Joseph's Old Stand.
Bladder and ^idneijg.
Endorsed by Practicing Physicians
SI For Fifty Years the great Remedy for S
SI Blood Poison and Skin Diseases.
Interesting Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases
mailed free to all who apply. It should be
carefully read by everybody. Address
Cured by S. S. S.
Qmswnen should not confute our Specific
with the numerous Imitation*, substitutes,
j to tosh and mercury mixtures which a re got
ten up to Sill, not on their own merit, but on
the merit of our remedy. --In imitation is
altoays a fraud and a cheat, and they thrive
only as they can steal from tfu article imitated.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases ?nailed
free.. For sal: by all druggists.
Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.
S. S. S. vs. POTASH.
I have had blood poison for ton years. 1 know I have taken one hundred bottles of
iodide of pole ah in that time, but it aid me no good. Dist summer my face, neck, hotly
and limbs were covered with sores, and 1 could scarcely use my arms on account of rheu
matism in my shoulders. I took S. S. H., and it has done me more good than all other medi
cines I have taken. My face, body and neck are perfectly clear tuid clean, and my rheu
matism is entirely gone. 1 weighed impounds when 1 licgan the medicine, and I now weigh
152 pounds. My first bottle helped me greatly, and gave me an appetite like a strong man.
1 would not be without 55 55. S3, for several times its weight in gold.
C. 1£. MITCHELL, W. 23d 55t. X^crry, New York.
II, D, HOOD & C0„
Columbus, Ga.
The faultless fttmily remedy. For biliousness,
torpid liver, indigestion, constipation, and all the
common ills of liie it is simply perfect and can
not be improved. Don’t be with ‘ * "*
rf S?/AMBA^S 11
Wr "a&'&« °' ,rc
[HAYFEVE®! JJ-iold in Head.
ttiurious drugs and
I AY-FEVER So odors.
A particle is applied into each nostril and is
agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists; by mail,
registered 50 cts. Circulars free. ELY 13ROB..
Druggists Owego. N. Y. >J aug3eod&wtf nryi
Offered on its merits, not introduced >•
the the public by parceling the names at-
nature of the complaints of those who hsvi
been benefited by its use
Every bottle speaks tor itself and is
own advertisement.
Ask your druggist for
Extract ol lay Flower,
Sold aH Ground the World.
Sale, Feed and Liveru Stables*
Xt iv and Nobby Turnouts, Safe and Showy Horses. Careful
and Experienced Drivers.
FUNERALS personally conducted and properly attended to. The finest Hearses
in the city.
AFTER SEPTEMBER 1st, Horses hoarded and carefully eared for at 616 per
Ample accommodations for LIVE STOCK. Headquarters for dealers.
sepl?. se.tthjw
I WO Valuable Plantations. Scrofulous, Inherited and Con-
ill*. Morrison’s plan for every man to
hten his share of the internal revenue
: on whisky by drinking less of it seems
be a very good one.—Nashville Ameri-
l I by virtue of an order front the Superior Court
of Muscogee County, passed at the May term, J8.SH
thereof, the undersigned Commissioners appoint
ed by said court will.sell in. front of the court
house of said county, in the city of Columbus on
the first Tuesday in November next, between the ,
legal hours o* sale, at public outcry to the highest
bidder, the following described plantation proper
ty, ail lying in the county of Muscogee state ot
Georgia to-wit: All that bodyot laud known us |
the “James H. Jones”or “Ridgewood Plantation,* ;
corsistinw of lot No. 25H in ihe ninth ds.-triei. also 1
lots Nos. 238 and 291. two hundred two ur.u a hull j
202 L acres each, more or l.s>: alsojonaur. •= of the j
north part of lot No. 237 ut Jones (Tossing, also
fractional lots Nos.289and 200, eighty-one si acres I
each all in the tenth district, also tin* south nan i
of lot No. 287 one hundred one and a quarter j
• 101 1 1 • ucn s more or less; also trnctioi al lots Nos. ,
257 and 288, ninety ■ 901 acres each, in seventeenth i
district: also fractional lot No. l in eighteenth
district,sixty-seven end a half *07' acres more or
less Said plantation containing in all twelve
hundred and eighteen and t oi e-tourth 121-e,
acres more or less; excepting therefrom the
sniail plat or enclosure known as the Joid.-k
family cemetery ** cotua ;img acre, and t ie
it hi of acc'-.s thereto . bounded on north h\
lands of Boyd. Stripling ulu .| Mel-arland,
west by McEarland. south by Me-
FArland and Cox. east bv the
“Carnes place.*’ Improvements -an 8 room two-
story dwelling house, tenant houses, gin and
screw, stables, well fine water and good k «v. s.
Also. Ihe body of land km wn as the ( arn.-s
place.” consisting of lot N ». - two hundred o
and one-hii!f'* , 02 - acres: part of lot No. 2->i west
of Keniljill creek.'one lumitreil live .'.n-1 tlirei
fourths 10, ' acres, more or !•->; tnic'inn.i lot
No.iiO, eizhty-one Hl-acres. niul all lent of
fractional lot No. zs.Vwesi of Ke,i;l:\ll creek ami
sontli of a line rnnmns fine west (ion said creek
8 chains and 20 links south of the chstnctline, con
taining eighteen and three-.ourtns 1- ; i acres
Sore or less, said plantation containing ill all
four hundred and eight acres, more or less; all in
the tenth district of said county; bounded north
by Boyd's place, south by Cox. cast by Kendall
creek and Jenkins, west by Jones place Im
provements-a commodious one-story-dwelling
house, out houses, good fences and well of hue
"Terms of sale: One-third cash on day of sale,
balance one and two years ; equal amounts. WPh
interest 7 per cent, secured by mortgage. Posses
sion of both places given on January 1,188,. De
scription of lands from recent survey by Jno. h.
Lamar, county sn^yo^ Sale,for Partition.
J. G. MOON, , Coram’re.
tagions Humors,
With Loss of Hair. Glandular .Swellings. Ulcer
ous Patches in the Throat and Month, Abscc-ses,
Tumor; Carbuncles. Blotches. Scurvy.
Wasting of tlv Kidmc.vs and Mr .ry Org;
Dropsy. Ihucmia. Debility. < jir • — • i k .uumati u>.
Constii'-nion and Piles, und i lost'lise.ises ari*i:ig
m inijmro r r impoveri^hvd condition of th
Blood, are speclih-
... Ct’TIC
I Purifier, internally
Hinted by ricuu\, the : r. ,1 Skin Care, and
tktka SOAP, an excjubito Skin Beautiner. e
nally __
James E. Richardson. Cut tom House. New
leans, on oath • : - : “In l w .-) Sciofulous U
bi\>k ; out my body until J was a mass of
ruption. Iv 1 l hing known ■ 1 : e nn di< al fi
tj w »tried in vain. I becai 1 re wreck
tunes could not lift n:y baud’ t.j my lv .••!. e
not turn \ >ed ;wa - onstanl r>um and loi
upon lifi
Fire Insurance Agent,
Pioneer BuiMing, Front Stroef Telephone Xo. 10-4
AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Philadelphia. Honestly
paid every loss since 18fo.
NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE CO., of New York. Every policy
issued under New York Safety Fund law.
SUN FIRE OFFICE, of London. Established 1710. Always
Policies issued on all cltusses of Insurable property.
Representative fumpaiiirs. t'oiirlenns Treatment. Fair Adjustments, Prompt Payments.
A share of your business solicited.
t sepl2 se tuS:th tf
Hatcher & Wilkerson,
: Warehouse aod CommisslQn Msfchants,
Foulaiuu Warehouse. Columbus, Ga.
[ WE W1LL continue the Warehouse and Commission Business in ail its branches,
i and solicit the patronage of our friends and the public generally. We guarantee strict
j attention and prompt returns on all consignments,
j BAGGING and TIES always on hand at cash prices,
j Storage and Sale 01'COTTON a specialty.
Agents for the Latist Improved "HUMMUS COTTON GIN.
vitliout a bottle.
Jordan's Joyous Julep
cure the worst case of Neuralgia, however severs
and long standing the case.
A specific for Sick Headache. A dose taken
when symptoms appear will prevent the worst
Sick Headache. It cures noth tug else.
Tlionias's Gerinnii Cologne, a Perfume
most delightful and refreshing.
KxlriielN ot l.oinon and Vanilla, the
finest flavoring extracts known-something su
perior and elegant. dtf
Storekeepers MtesB it for Sale
Rakinp. Powder
Many baking powders are very pernicious
to I., i.’.tli. r.u l while every one refrards his
ow i.- slinuld also have a care for the tender
o:.. s—the little children.
‘ '-Tja foam
coniiiii.siciip of the bail anolities of linking
l«wv, ■•;■■■■ v,H or ssl-i-abts. It contains no
t .uit in I Ingredient--no alum or ammonia.
All Chemlst^ ho have analysed Rea Foam
co'nm'*i d ii. If vper > \ i. j h' ■« W'< d
u ill ha \ • no otl Co.Ars, win we U‘A
hart failed w:ui ot!i'«p ] .-v.-HtTS. : ”•* jubilaiit
■>ver Sua Foam. Saves time, saves tabor, saves
It is positively unequaled. A bsnhdely pure.
Used by t e lemHii* hotels cu d r* stauranta
:i New Yo.’k eit > and tliroiurhnut the country.
For bole by uli finstr^iaus grocers.
170 Duane St., N. T.
sep4 2tnwlr
t It!.Ml
0 I heard of the < c-i u . h.
d them, and was pericutly cim d. ’
worn to before U. s. Com. J. D. Crawford.
O V 3: jv* 1*51 !•: VVUKS'6’ UAShS.
• rif
l Hi:
iiplnint ic
or. One ol the worst cu.
iv will dir-jl by the use
ara Rjsoivont, ^'ulicura a
.Soap takes the “cake” as
Are sohl everywhere. Price: 1 Tticura, 50 cents;
Cuticura Soar. •.'•'> cents: Ci ticura Resolvknt.
51.00. Prepared by PoTTLit Dhvo and Chemical
Co., Boston.
Baby Humors, use Cuucura Soap.
m K l D X E Y P -V I X S
And that weary, lifeless, all-gone sen
sation ever present with those of in
flamed kidney-, weak oack and loins,
itching hips and sides, overworked «.r
worn out by disease, debility or dissipation, i e
relieved in one minute and cured by •
CciiccK.v Anti-Pain Plaster, i. new. ongir.i-i.
elegant and infallible antidote to pain and in
flammation. At all druggists, 25c; five for 51.CO, or
of Potter Drug and Chemical Co.. Bo-Ton.
Is the best general purpose wire fence in use. It Isn Htrong net-work without luirhui, Don’t
Injure stock. It will turn dogs, pigs,sheep and poultry, as well as l.ors.-s and rattle. The f,.-st fence
for Farms, Gardens, Stock Ranges and Kali roads. Very neat, pretty styles for Fawns, Parks.
School-lots and Cemeteries. Covered with rust-proof paint, or made of galvanized wire, as pre
ferred. It will last a life-time. It Is better than boards or barbed wire in every r< spec?. < live it a
fair trial ; it will wear itself into favor. The Sedgwick Gut cm made of wrouaht-iron pipe and
steel wire, defy all competition in lightnen, neatness,strength and durability. We make the best-,
cheapest and easiest working ull-iroii utitomutic or self-opening gate, and the neatest
cheap iron fences now made. The best Wire Stretcher. Cutting Pliers and Post Auger*.
For prices and particulars ask Hardware Dealers, or address, mentioning paper,
•SEDGWICK BROS., Richmond, Ind.
Used for over 25 years with err-.n nuccossby th9
physicians of Paris, N>:w Vrk and In nd n, and
Buperi'.r to all others f r the i m.irt
cast-8, recent or of long Biui.n.ii:.'.
GlassBotti. scontaining fO- i >
Yrcparod by
uvu.’erdwieiy. p'“-i i , y
oflleo. 5 splendid varieties, your choice, all laiH’d,
for SI j 12 for 82: 19 1 rS3J 26forS4: 35 k 1 85;
75 for si 0; IOOf* r 813: we Cl V E a Handsome
Present of choice and valuable ROSES free
with ev’ery order. Our NEW GUIDE, ?
Trcati'* on the Hone.7(>pl»- eb'/'*tr>iD>l—frit u,ad.
Eo*e Growers, West Grove. Chester Co.,
To the Trade and Smokers.
Beware of Imitations, and *ee that you get. Ihe
( We hereby notify the trade that all infringements will be vigorously prosecuted to
, the full extent of the law.
Factory 200, :i«l IMstriet, S.Y.
magh. Brannon A: Car-on, King & Daniel,
eaton, W. K. Moore, E. M. Walsh & Co.
aug3 tu th sat&se3ru
Is the best general nnrposc- Aire fence In use. II
is a Htrmig tin-work without barbe. Don't
Injure stock. It will turn dogs, pics. sli«ep und
poultry, as well as horses and cattle. The best
tenet* for Farms, Dardens, Stock Ranges and Rail
roads. Very neat, pretty styles for Lawns, Parka,
School-lots and Cemeteries. Covered with rust-
pro -f paint, or made of galvanized wire, as pre
ferred. It will last a life-time. It Is better than
hoards or barbed wire in every respect. The
Sedgwick Gates made of wrought-iron pipe and
steel wire, defy all competition in lightness, neat
ness, strength and durability. We make the best,
cheapest and easiest working all-iron automatic)
or self-opening gate, and the nenteat cheap
iron feiieen now made. The best Wire
Stretchers, Cutting Pliers and Post Angers*
For prices and particulars ask Hardware Dealers,
or address, mentioning paper,
SEDCWiCK BROS.. Richmond. Ind.
Can learn the exact cost
of any proposed line of
advertising in American
Papers by addressing
Geo. P. Rowell A Co*
Newspaper Advertising Bureau*
lO Spruce St., New York,
Send JO cts for JOO-oage Pamphl*8
0F MUSIC Boston, Mass.
WORLD-IHO Instructor*. 2005 Students last year. Thor
ough Instruction in Vocal and Instrumental Music, Piano and
Organ Tuning, 8ine Arts, Oratory, Literature, French, Ger
man and Italian Languages, English Branches, Gymnastics,
etc.. Tuition, 55 to $20; board and room with Steam Ileat and
Electric Light, 845 tu $75 per term. Fall Term begins Sep
tember U, lbSO. For Illustrated Calendar, with full information,
•ddress, E. TOURJEE, Dir., Franklin Sq., BOSTON, Ma®
eo m.v25d2iu weowflt
i»* cured at home t
t pp.ln Book of par-
■u!ar- sent FREE.
mr> /•——»rr-.T«
1DI11 heir own horses and give ilicir whole time
.•the business. Snare moments maybe profitably
i tnplovirii also. A few vacaircles in towns amt cities.
Ii. F. JOHNSON & CO., 1U13 Slain St., Richmond, Va.