Newspaper Page Text
Newt from the Three States Told in
Brief Paragraphs.
Doth of Mrs. Wuli'iTiouso .it liiicna Ylxta—An
Onsun osl'iil Altoni|it ut Suicide— l l.itilc
Frantx in Court llrttroeii Two Liinjers Onim.cs
Piu-kril In liny.
There are 110 students registered ut the
state university.
Mr. Walter Gordon, brother of General
Jonn B. Gordon, died in New York Satur
On account of the state fair Judge Sim
mons will adjourn Bibb superior court
until the second Monday in November.
James B. Law, a lather, was run over
and killed by a street ear in Savannah
Friday night.
There are now 66 inmates of the Bibb
county hospital. About a dozen of them
are helpless and troublesome. The aver
age number of inmates is sixty.
Mr. John Woods, of Twiggs county, was
in Macon Saturday, and reported that so me
time Thursday or Friday night a bale of
cotton was stolenfrom his premises.
Dr. McGuire, who tried to commit sui
cide a day or two ago in Augusta, it is now
thought, will recover. He refuses to talk
about the deed, but now earnestly prays
that his life may be spared.
The residence, kitchen and smoke-house
of Mr. Dan. Forest, ten miles south of
Thomasvllle, were completely destroyed
by Are Saturday night. Mr. Forest was
absent from home. No insurance.
Mrs. Waterhouse, wife of Mr. T. W.
Waterhouse, engineer on the Buena Vista
railroad, was seriously burned Saturday,
from which she died Saturday night. No
one being with her at the time, it is not
known how it occurred.
Mr. J. O. Dwelmin, a track hand
on the Western and Atlantic rail
road, was knocked down by a freight
cur at Marietta Saturday and painfully
hurt. He will probably lose all the
fingers on one hand.
The dwelling house of Mr. Stonewall
Williams, nearSoarboro, was burned down
with everything in it on Saturday. Mr.
Williams had gone to Savannah that morn- j
ing with his family, and there being no
one at home it is not known how the tire !
Four negro prisoners escaped from jail !
at Jesup Friday night. They were Henry !
Moore, charged with assault with intent i
to kill; West Morris, charged with grand I
larceny; Frank Jackson, charged with
larceny, and Tisah Anderson, charged
with assault and battery.
M. P. Bubers, postmaster at Anderson- 1
ville, an old man of 74 years, pleaded guilty
to the offense of hypothecating postage |
stamps, in the United States court at Ma
con Saturday. It appears that the offense
was technical, and in consideration of the
defendant’s years and his good character,
which he has always borne, testilied to by
the district attorney, his sentence was sus
pended by the court.
Officer A. L. Barnett, of the Montgom- j
cry police force, died Saturday morning at
6.T5 o’clock.
• Crops in east Alabama are very short, i
the average over a large section of country j
being only about three bales to each gne j
mule farm.
While the little children of Mr. .John W. ;
Bell, of Brushy creek, Conecuh county,
were playing with matches they set (ire to
and burned bis corn crib, barn and con- |
tents, one bale of seed cotton and all his ,
Two miles from LaFayette Saturday eve- ]
ning the horse attached to J. F. Moore’s
wagon took fright and ran away, throw
ing him out ana killing him instantly. He
was a good citizen and his death is much
The negro Mose Howard, the first negro i
arrested and suspected as the murderer of
Policeman Pugh, of Montgomery, is want
ed in Tuskegee, where he is charged with
wife murder, arson and a bad record gen
Sat; rday, in Birmingham, the jury, aflor
being out. thirty minutes, returned a ver
dict pronouncing the killing of Alex.
Mitchell murder, and giving Wesley Evans
twenty years for it. Notice was given for
a motion for a new trial.
Conductor Atkinson, who had his foot
crushed at Searcy station Thursday, was
more seriously injured than was first
thought. Amputation was deemed neces
sary by physicians, and on Friday evening
his'loot was taken otf just above the ankle.
The contracting firm of C. D. Smith <&
Co., have been awarded the contract for
thirty-five miles of the Mobile and West
ern road, beginning at Jackson, on the
Tombigbee river, and proceeding north
toward Birmingham. They will begin
work this week and will complete their
contract, which embraces grading, piling
and trestling, by the first day of March.
William Aiverton, aged about 15 years,
living with hi3 step-father, Mr. John
Savage, near Broken Arrow, was sent out
on last Sunday morning to catch a horse.
Not returning, a search was instituted and
he was found unconscious, whith his skull
fractured behind the right ear. His right
side was paralyzed and atllast accounts he
was reported dying.
At Tuskegee on Saturday the jury in the
ease of O. G. Mottey, charged with the
murder of Maeintos a*Cox, brought in a
verdict of manslaughter in the second de
gree, and recommended as a punishment
thirty days’ imprisonment in the county
jail. The sentence was pronounced by
Judge Lapsley and the -prisoner placed in
the custody of the sheriff.
The Wesley Evans murder trial in Birm
ingham was enlivened Saturday afternoon
by a bit of muscular argument between
two of the leading lawyers of that city.
Mr. B. II. Pearson, who was assisting the
solicitor, was speaking upon the attempt
of Mr. B. H. Tabor to predjudice the jury
by the fact of the em doyment of outside
counsel to prosecute. _ Tabor insisted Pear
son was misquoting him and Pearson final
ly gave him the lie, and upon his springing
to his feet to resent it, struck him a stag
gering blow over the eye. Order being re
stored by the interposition ol friends,
Judge Sharpe had Mr. Pearson proceed
with kis argument, saying he would later
impose a fine on both gentlemen.
At Sanford all of the saloon petitions
have been granted.
At least fifty residences arc now being
erected in Gainesville.
A small hotel is to be built at Georgians,
on Indian river, this fall.
The East Florida Seminary barracks, at
Gainesville, are nearly completed.
Several fine deer have been killed _ in
the hammocks near Gainesville, during
the past few days.
One of the oldest and best farmers of
Gadsden county states that the cotton
crop there will fall short three-fourths.
Baird’s saw mill near Hague station,
on the Savannah, Florida and Western
railway, was burned last Thursday night.
Oviedo is rejoicing in the prospect of a
handsome orange crop, especially on the
high pine lands, the estimate being some
50,000 boxes.
The whisky men of Leesburg are again
making efforts to get up a petition. It is
thought that the cutting off of the Lady
lake section from the Leesburg precinct
encourages them to hope for success.
It is understood that the president has
about concluded to net upon General I
Miles’ recommendation that Goronimo j
and his party should be sent to Fort I
Marion, Fla., where their wives are now |
held. General Sheridan is understood to
concur in this suggestion.
Akin Stivender, of Leesburg, will pack :
his oranges in hay and hold them for good
prices. For this purpose hr lias- an amply i
large packing house, in which he wiil ,
place his oranges enveloped in .straw
eighteen inches to two feet deep. Tie has
experimented on this line and feels con
fident of success.
Two New Orleans jv contracted
last week with Captain i; -on, of Lees
burg. ior the purchase of 40,000 boxgs of
oranges grown on Esmeralda island, on
Lake Griffin. The price paid was £1 t>0
per box, the purchaser to do the picking
and packing. The contract was accepted
and closed by the parties depositing >10,000
as earnest money in one of the Leesburg
“rough ox i*n.ks.**
Why suffer Piles? Immediate relief and
complete cure guaranteed. Ask for
“Rough on Piles.” Sure cure for itching^
protruding, bleeding, or any form of Piles.
50c. At Druggists or mailed.
Wells’ “Health Renewer” restores health
and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence,
Nervous Debility. For Weak Men, Deli
cate Women. $1.
If gray, restores to original color. An
elegant dressing, softens and beautifies.
No oil nor grease. A Tonic Restorative.
Stops hair coming out; strengthens,
cleanses, heals scalp. 50c. d&wtf
For the immediate and permanent cure
of a 1 female complaints and irregularities,
such as leuchorrhoea or whites, prolapsus
uteri, green sickness, monthly suppressions
and excesses, hysterics, nervous debility,
etc., nothing equals Simmons’ Iron Cor
dial, combined with Simmons’ Vegetable
Liver Medicine. eodwlw
o TV • To the Superior Court of said county:
The pt tit ion of J. T. Wurnock L. F, Garrard, A.
J. Belhunc, A. II, Lawton and Ueor* e ,\j. Clap]),
respectfully shows that the> and their associates
and successors desire to be incorporated and
made a body corporate and politic under the
name off Chattahoochee 1* alls Company.”
The object ol said corporators, and lbr which
they ask to he incorporated and empowered u
encage in, is:
Tne utilization, improvement and ope rut ior of
water power oil the Chattahoochee river, in the
County of Muscogee aud Suite ot Georgia, by con
trolling the waters ol sale Chattunoocliee river
with locks, dams andtuch other menus and de
vices us may be necessary to euabl tin in to sup
ply water power lor rnanulaeturmg purposes to
such mills anu machinery as may be thereon lo
cated and which may bo hcreulicr purchased anti
erecteu by said corporation, a*.d to such persons
or corporations as may purchase, lease or rent
said waterpower or any pari thereof from it
To construct and nminiain ah ntcv s ..ry eana s,
chutes Humes, sluices, dams, tramways and other
appliances on, upon and through the lands and
property ofsmu corpor.ition lor the proper dis
tribulion, utilization and preservation of said
waterpower aim wnicli may be found essential
and useful lor said purposes.
To utilize and improve all the lands acquired bjr
said corporation ut ami contiguous to said water
power upon tne east aud west hanks of the Chut
taboocliee liver, in the States of Georgia and Ala
baina, by erecting thereon mills, machinery. Vic
tories and other buildings, and engaging in the
manufacture of cotton wool and all other fibrous
an. textile materials into yarns, cloth, thread,
rope anu other fabrics, goods and products of ev
ery kind whatever.
Ginning cotton for toll or feed or other valuable
consideration: manufacturing cotton seed into
such products us can be ootamed therefrom;
grin. :ing corn, wheat and ot.ier grain anti produce
for toll or for marketund converting the same ints
flour, meal and its other products.
Tnefurnishii g of power aud the production and
generating thereby of electricity lor tig. t aud
neat, lor motive power and ior such mechanical
. ml oilier uses and purposes as it may be adapted
to; and supplying, leasing anil selling me same
unu erecting ana construeti g in connection
therewith such works, pa es, wires above aud un
der ground, and oilier apparatus, e ectricui de
vices and stations throughout suit! Com ty ol
Muscogee as may be necessary to convoy, furnish
and supply tlie some to puoxic and private con
The manufacture of paper in all its forms, and
of paper, timber, wood and metals into such
utensds, woiiucmuire, muchnr-iy anil other
goods us may be produced therelroin; anu the con
ducting and carrying on oi the inauiiwioture bi
all aud ovoi y other kind of goods, wares, machine
ry', wood and metal products, or such oranches or
parts tne roof as may be foumi c rental and de
sirable for the profitable employment and im
provement o l he sum w uter power and property.
Said corporation io have power and authority to
sell, loose or rent its said water power, lands, ma
chinery, facto lesand buildinim, or such parts uj d
portions mereof as may be o* pedient, to such per
sons wroMu.i corporations as u may mem lit and
proper; and to udvanct from its • rporate capital,
funds to such persons vh t .1 poru'.ions us may oc
cupy itsaaiuproperty: io u.d and promote tn
carrying «>n uy them ol their said nniuuim taring
businos, and to make and execute ail necessary
conveyances aim oun r instruments, and to
unit in..’
or the
Of Its
said i
power and authority to lay out
pk ts and building lots upon me hums w hich may
be hereafterd«Nia:red by s.tiel cuipoiation in tlic
Stales of Georgia mid Aluu.unu: tu civet buildings
and improvements thereon, the said lota, va
cant oi improved, and the said buildin ... lo i ell
rent or ha i to flic operative- of said mauuiue-
sueh other persons as
ir purchase the same.
the principal place of business
of said corporation will be located at the site of
its said mills and water power in Muscogee Coun
ty, State ol Giorgio
Many baking powders are v«*t ■pernicious i
to health, ami while every one regards Ids i
own, lie should also have a‘care for the tender I
ones—the Utile children.
contains none of the bad qualities of linking
powders—soda or sulemtiis. It contains no
hurtful ingredient—no alum or ammonia.
All Chomlslswwbo have analysed Sea Foam
commend it. Housekeepers who have used it
will have no other. Cooks, whoso best etiorp-
have failed with other powders, ure jubilant
over Sea Foam. Saves time, saves labor, saves
It is positively unoqualed. Absolutely pure.
Used by the leading hotels and ivstriurmifr
in New York cit y and throughout the country
For sale by all lirst-ejass grocers.
170 Duane St., X. F.
Sale, hi and Livery Stables.
Now and Nobby Turnouts, Safe and Showy Horse-;, (.'.ai'oful
niul Experienced Drivers.
FUNEHAI.S personally conduutod and properly attended lo. The finest Hearses
In the city.
AFTER SEPTEMBER 1st, Horses hoarded and carefully cared for at $1(1 per
Ample accommodations for LIVE STOCK.- Headquarters for dealers.
■J.l‘2 si.ktlllw
Mobile & Girard R. R. Co.
CELlit RAXED v 1 v
N and alter this date Trains will run ns follows:
COLUMBUS, GA., October 3d, 18WJ.
Combined with (ircat IMriirlinff Power,
And for softness of endurance to'the eye cannot
be excelled j enabling the wearer to read for horn's
without fatigue. In fact, they are
Perfect Pi</ht Preservers.
Testimonials from (he leading physicians in
the United States, governors, senators, legis
lators, stockmen, men of note in till professions
and in different bronchos of trade, bankers, me
chanics, etc., can be given, who have had their
sight improved by their use.
Druggists, Columbus, Georgia.
'■ P Q
; V. 2.»;•>: Li U
C ! C i' v £ i £ H • !v> 21 . •. C* C' S’*
1'* -Vi- - MivJ «*«!».• <« Mi'tsio.
' • /. '/ ‘M.,’ 1 •* 7’ ,, fc
i -V j’ ... V.e '.- «.y
• aw*f. pap:.;'!. • ■du-d.T ■« .'rtui
.:' M : r-c. PloUvda., »‘ u
I >Y virtue of an order from the Court ofOrdinory
> ol'Muscogee County,Georgia. I will sell to the
highest bidder at public outcry, in front of the
auction house of F. M. Knowles A: Co., on Broad
street, in the city of Columbus, (hi , the usil.1
place of holding sheriff sales, in aud for said
county, on the h-t Tuesday in November next,
between the legal hours of sale, the follow ing de
scribed real estate, situate, lying and being in-
said state ami county.and known as the south
part of lot No. ri, (in the Northern Liberties ad
joining the city of Columbus), and having a front
on Oglethorpe street of sixtv-eight or feet D
inches, and a depth of one hundred and forty-
four 'Mb feet, tiie .same being the real estate in -
longing to the estat< of Kvcline Gaines, deceased,
and the lion e and lot in which she resided ai
time of her death. Terms ei’sh.
ALEXANDER HOWARD, Administrator.
j with the will annexed, of Evelina Gaines,
ocUoaw r -iw ’ks
r. •/ ASMD
ie14 wlv
’5700 to $2 500 K
iio v.orkt: g for us. Age nt* pro toned who ear:
nish ilielr own hoi'ses and give their whoa* tnm
.)ia busiiioss. Spare moimniLH maybe im'oMIhIjIj
- 1 • ‘ A ' • * id . files,
The time has come when the terri
ble agony of this critical period in wo
man's life can be avoided. A distin-
truiOn •. physician, who spent -M years
' is branch nfpncti c, lell to child-
nan this Ice an, THE
FRIEND, and to-day
n who,
ii-iea.eii’. ’ < .,) "aiid ca l Tiis^nanie
bes-ed. \Ve cam prove u!l we claim
teresteii caaiail, or have their hus
bands do so, and see the original let
ters, which we cannot publish.
All druggists sell it. For particulars add res
ut Co., Atlanta, G
No. 1.
No. n.
No. 5.
Leave Columbus Union Depot
2 30 p m
2 16 p zn
5 37 p m
6 46 p m
8 hO p m
7 23 p m
10 33 p m
10 25 p in
fl 20 a in
10 29 a in
11 20 a m
Arrive Trot . ...’
“ Montgomery, M. & E. U. R
“ Euftuiln, M. A: E. R. It
4 50 tv ill
1 15 p m
No. 2.
No. 4.
No. 6.
3 30 p m
4 01 p ill
6 40 p ill
7 15 p ill
5 34 n m
Leave Union Sgrings
9 25 a m
6 29 a in
12 45 p ill
10 40 P ill
10 19 a m
Trains Nos. 1
ceptcept Sunday.
W. L CLARK. Sup’t,
and 9 (Mail) daily. Nos. 3 and 4 (Macon and Montgomery Through Freight and
daily except Sunday. No. 5 and 6 (Way Freight and Accommodation) daily ex-
We have the best and cheapest Hose in th i market. A full line of Hoae Reels and Nozzles.
THonhone 99.
13 Twelfth Sired
«S-«’A1*ITA1. IMII7.K 870.OWO.-eii
Ticket* only 8ft. NlnireN in proportion.
Louisiana State Lottery Comp’y
“ We do hereby certify that we supervise the ot
ranyement for all the Monthly and Quarterly
Drawings of The Louisiana Slate Lottery Com
pany, and in person manage and control th>
Drawings themselves, and that the same are con
ducted with honesty, fairness, and, in good fait)
toward all parties, and we authorize the Companj
to use this certificate, with fae-similes of our si^
natures attached, to its advertisements."
G H H3 ’W
X \ i>
Wo the undersigned Lanka and Bankers uriL
pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana State Lo*
te.rics which may be presented at our counters.
J. ir. OfiLllSItY. Ini. N«n Bank.
.1. W. 1% I Umiyiil.I’rcM. Slate NnH Ii'U
A. ItAJLinva.V l 3 r«*rt. N.O. XaH I5u»iV
Incorporated in 1R0S for 25 years bv the. I^egisla
turc for Education.*! and Cliaritnlife purposes-
with a capital of SLOOD.uoo to which a reserve
fund of over $5.’,0,009 lias since been added.
Iiy an overwhelming popular vote iU franchis'
was made a part of the present Slate C'onstitu
lion, adopted December 2d, A. i). 1K7U.
The out// Lottery ever voted on and endorsed bi
the people of any Slate.
Els in mi lid Single .\uinP»cr drawing,
take pl«re Xmitlily. nml the Kxtniordmar\
Drawings regularly every three months, insteat i
of semi-annually as heretofore, lugimiing "March j
ber Oth. Ihso—IfiSIh Monthly Drawing. i
CAPITAL 875,000.
100.900 TlrkelH H ive 6>«>!inrs Knch
I ractioir.M in I’ifiiis in proportion.
je5 eodOm
Five Cold end Two Silver Fie dale.
awarded in lbS~) at the p^xpoaitions oft.
New Orleans and Louisville, and the la.
ventions ExpoMtion of London.
The superiority of Coralino over hors,
or whalelione hies now been demonstrated
by over live yen is’ experience. It is mors
durable, more pliable, more comfortable,
and never breads.
Avoid cheap imitations made of varionf
kinds of cord. None are genuine iin'ce
“Dk. Waknur’s Cobalink" is print©
on inside of steel cover.
353 Bro' clway, New York Ci1&
Two Valuable Pliuilulions.
from tin* Superior Court;
of Muscogee County, passed at the May term. 1«8«
thereof, tlic undersigned Comniissioin ra appointr
ed by said court will sell in front of the court
house of said county, in the city of Columbus,
1 lie first Tuesday in Novr inker next, bet ween the
legal hours o* sah\ tit public outcry to the highest
bidder, the following described plantation proper
ty, all lying in the county of Muscogee, state of
Georgia, to-wit: All that body of land known as
the “James If. Jones”or “Ridgewood Plantation/
cor.siHtimi of lot No. 256 in the ninth district, also
lots Nos. 288 and 281, two hundred two ar-d a half.
i202\<t) acres each, more or less; also 100 acres of tne-
north part of lot No. 287 at Jones’ Crossing, also-
i fractional lots Nos. 288 and 280, eighty-one (fll) acroa
I each, all in the tenth district, also the south half
of lot No. 2H7 one hundred one and a quarter
1101 1 1) acri s more or less; also fraction al lots Nos.
267 ami 288, ninety <9()> acres each, in seventeenth
district; also fractional lot No. l in eighteenth
district,sixty-seven nml a half (07''j) acres more or.
less. Said plantation containing in ail twelve
hundred and eighteen and ot e-fourth (1218H)
I acres more or less; (excepting therefrom the
I small plat or enclosure known as the dore»
' family cemetery,” containing Lucre, and the
i right of access thereto), bounded on north by
lands of Boyd, Stripling and McFarland*
west by McFarland. south by Mc-
Farluud and Cox, enst bv the
••(’mu- pfiir. ■ ’ l m prove men ts -an 8 room two-
jj(«ji'v (.-.veiling house, tenant houses, tin and
>< r< u h’.es, well flue wider and good fences
/V 'vi .he i-.ody of land known as the “Curnea
” eensistuig of lot No. 2.V., two hundred two
uii'l oiie-hnlf 20- 'acres: part of lot No. 264 west:
of K, nd:.ll creek, one iHimlrid five and tlirec-
. loin tin. • Mi • i ! acres, more or l* sf : Irnctionul lot
No *:>i>, eighly-enc i;-:l i acres , ami all that part of
tractioiml lot No. 2rM.'wes. cf Kei.dall creek and
south of a line running due wc*t troni said creek
s chains and « link . south of t he d hlrie? line, con
taining eighteen and three-foi.rns /18 -d aci-ca
more or !• as, said plantation containing in all
four Jiuudred and eight acres, more or Jess; allm
the tenth dislrit I ol said county; bounded north
n\ Boyd’s place, south by Fox. east by Kendall
creek and Jenkins, wist by “Jones place Ind
ents a connnodioim one-story liw'elliiHf
out houses, good fences and well of fine
water. . • , _ _
Terms of sale: One-third cash on day of sale,
balance one and two years : equal amounts, with
interest 7 per cent, secured by mortgage. Posses
sion of both I’Idcls given on January 1. 1887. De-
is fr T ““ ”
y'l]:) ' ^ ' M
Pr p 'fe>
.. 25,0(M
. 10,(MM
. i o,oo*
.. lO.OOt
. 1(),()()(
.. 20,(MM
.. 30,00<
. 25,0(M
,. 26,%(
.. B,75(
,. 2.25C
ji y
V L 1
fi 11
7% $
. / &[i
1000 do 25
9 Approximation Prizes of $7-30
9 Approximation J’ri/esof 500
9 Approximation Prizes of 250
1967 Prizes, amounting to
Application '' rat' s to clubs should be mad'
only to . lie of t ’."Company in New Orleans
For iuiltu r mi' n. i• b.n wrde clearly, giviin
a»«S'ni. .XO’i’BiS. Ex pres-
To elect and appoint such ofilcers, managers,
directors anil aifenW us it Uesir.s; anil to (.royice
such rules mid regulations with rtsu.-ct t > > lock-
hokiers who lel'use to pay ui< any balance due on
their stock as will compel them to pay upon pen
al tv of sale or forfeiture oi such stock, and to do
timl perform all such acts as are necessary for the
execution ofits powers and to curry out the ob
iects and purposes ol this corporation.
The individual property ol each stockholder
shaUnotbe liable for the debts, liabilities, obh-
cations or default of said corporation except to
the amount of unpaid stock subscribed by such
^Wherefore petitioners pray that they, their as
sociates and successors be duly incorporated un
der the mime as a)orcsuid for the term ot twenty
vears with the privilege ot renewal, with. all the
n w ers herein prayed ior, and with such other
powers and privileges as are incident to corpo
rations under tiie laws oi this state, and that af
ter the filing, recording and nubli-hinir of tins
petition «S provided by Jaw, the Court will pass
ui order declaring this application granted.
And petitioners will ever imty, etc.
Attorneys for Petitioners,
the Clerk's office Superior Court ot said county on
the llih dav of, lsul. and recorded this
lifhdayofOetoher on page Hand U-eordsof
Bills and Writs, -Muscogee Superior * mrc
o"el3 oaw Iw Clerk 8. 0. M. C. CJa.
Money i irilcrs. or New York Exchange in or (I
nary letter. • \irrency by Exnifsn .at our c.
A. inmu.v,
»w Oi lcan*, JLa.
Or Vi. X. IV U'HII.V.
iV:>sl»tnu(nii. !>. C.
.7Ii*&4<* V. Moiny (frilcvN pa.yuB
nml KJl.vllcrs to
NEW mil.KAN'N \AT59A.U, ISA Mi.
wed S0&w4«v \i*w Oi'Riiiin. Di
t lie beat
told in Head,
1 Iota Liquid, SnufTor '
' U.SA.J ’owder. f ree from
HAY-F^VER jfl'ensive odors.
A particle is applied into each nostril and is
agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists; by mail,
registered 50 cts. Circulars free. ELY BROS.,
Druggists. Owego. N. Y. aug3 eod&wtf nrm
practical course of In- !
htructiou and the most j
eminent faculty. Kn■ ‘
Horsed by bu Hi ness
houHea. For circular*
and specimens of Pen-
manahlp, address
liOIflAir;. C0LDGMIT2.
Used for over 25 years vrbh grr i.t Bii'*ro«sby the
phynicliuis of 1'ariH, N.-.v Y--ru l. 1 Luimlon, m.d
anp'-ri' r t > i ll otic : < 1 vtlio : r i. |.t • :i •«; of all
ca "• \r»-'-< ut. r oflosi/-a n J a up only in
I }
* f- ; ; r •
7ft < I N : O. M.I IC1N(.
CAPaUId.d IN Ti'.L Ai.
lepared by J
r:f5HT on*
Kew York.
1 Chicauo tJt.
1 have for sale the following list of Real Estate
which I will be picas ,-d to show to parties who
desire to purchase:
$.5200. The desirable Residence of Mr. O.O. Bul
lock. on Fourth avenue, next to girls’ pub
lic school.
2100. Acre lot with new five room House on
lower Broad street.
1700. One m w Jive room House on Ninth street,
cast of court house. Rents pay 12 per cent
on price.
1800. Key of Rose Hill. Good stand for Store
and Dwelling House. &i(D less than cost.
1800. New five room Dwelling and ‘j acre lot
on Rose Hill, near street car line. Terms
-1500. The desirable Residence of Mr. William
Redd, on Second avenue; 'A acre land,
with six room House.
1000. ‘-.i At re vacant lot corner of Firstltavenue
and Fifth street the cheapest vacant lot
on the market.
I have also for sale a number of cheap Houses
in the lower part of the town and in Nortlie
W. S. GREEN. Real Estate Agt.
Third Door West of Post Office.
»^PEEDs b ojd_toh8
' ' ,1 . ■ ■ ■-
■^1— -**• Jf. <<: i .t rv.ii i-nM.nin.inti u <1 Imir-bn uilih
• .
i durint t u Great vfl
.. . V.J -.1. m;.; ; t. ?UQFttS£Lt iao^p-uen. (»nt .11
bLAAi.'ILL X <. O , lioi; . . o i, bt. Luuia ur Philoiivli-lua
i Larnar, county sii*Tc»yor. S fi* lor partition.
I D. A. AN DR- WS. >
J. G. MOON. k Poram’RL
' OOtSdAwtd
Dull'y’s Pure lYIalt Whiskey
DufTy’s Formula.
Gain of 35 rounds.
231 Division Bt., New York City, i
April 21, IKHfl. i
ten—BIx weeks ago 1 conmienci/.
, pleteiy ii
[-. ur a,'|
wen, in,a
bcttei n
iiili.ViiVn hi-uilti want of tdcojv
titMiiii! weighing only ivi i-oiimIb
i. inv r>>< < rat Ion i •> health has •: e.-n
1. f ix v. weigh 150 noiiMla, PlCl’p-
leave a cood apjielile 1 l. -ver ffl* 1
ill mi> lite 1 Ol ISWAiiD.
1 till VC
I m limit
U i AY. 1 . H. Va...
hern using v. ur Di.tiffs l uio Mata*
|«.r us . i i-. With Ihe he: . I- sulM
IIX’il |).l
.:.III. <1 1 < :icits. 1 Cheerfully
Ii- ii.”
j (J. Till’
V. 1! A L1CISON.
i l ti t ii ol 20 I’liuml-
1 v It , \ |. kh'I’A 1 K, Bk.‘ 1 ING AND »
I, • u! ■>. ;'-i., V
( IP. s.e.L i’ 1. M .V 7 T
;:."uiei |, V il I A«f , ‘(o d ! ‘V ‘S uref
.1 i.i.i| milk. etc. 1 1 ave 1 - en taking
V. 1 G Duffr :
. a du d
PurcM 1 ''!
Ing i! hi
pYUiids n
" ‘‘" il ‘’ U '' "!\i i
Gain of ‘20 Pounds.
.Pis.; i . .' * ' i v. N. J.
.en -1 -la.-Ml luk.lig >* 'ir I tllfv’h -
V, ; i • k e ' III.') Dufiv'.v F< N’iUlll, lliak-
v’' V.’,‘ ! \ N i':Alj/l.O ruVVEU.*
Gain of 15 Pounds. ^
kt v «i.d
.•II Al • sic T I
■ e II. e ..i Dull v’s I'll re .Mail Wi is-
Vdfyv V‘ i'Dhi la. 1, \ ad j revlou ly
- ■ ’ »l 8 r n :l h
Dri ll. 1 1 ' VII : Dll oil 1 II n IOUD*
.,1. i «... i.ish.4 re 1 1 Ii-i-n It.
Iain of 1H I’onnils.
1 ihKwoni., N. J.
icn Tin' tirnrfliR di nyil Irom yon*
n' M.o' L
ot \t)iir \
'.! 1 ‘:\ its (.raise '1 lie aPriient that
, |, ,n :he side l.u* a< * ui entiroly
i id t that : ; ad In
everv n-» riling, and w Im h was very
I,- i taking a M iall [ ortlou
• . m \ : v night t eti re retiring.
■ .'At i . -ito v. - i e\, r .etUT.anJ
ti., ,(* nb ; Ot 1 i ut lo . U[> alter nienls,
and tin* d zziiH fib M i.tcli 1 was greatly l orl>
ered with lias to a great extent entirely left
me. My weight has Increased r.early 12
pounds. GEOIIGK l*. SNYDER.
Daltimork, AID.
fyot'K wh’skky ts Sold only ut bEAUtn
Bottles. Nkvkb in Hulk.
nil till
\ Of Druggt«tsor by Mail. 25 Cts.
s 3 opq
«(• inhirf nt'iVrr
Clov. r >r '1 i:» !•>
0 i'iLg
Illietratcd ctreu
hr luaiktl fr»*o.
je21 w!2w
- . 8100
' .
Cylumbu-i, 0. L», Hr. fiou».-, Uu^vntonu • SL«S