Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, October 19, 1886, Image 6
DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10, 1886. MR. BLAINE ON PROHIBITION. Fuar* the Tom per mi re Men lion* Than flu* Labor Parly. Boston, Octobe r 15.- James G. Blaine arrived this morning from Augusta, and took rooms at Young’s. While he was wailing for tin* afternoon New York ex press the World correspondent called on Sir. Blaine and had a quiet chat with him concern i g the political situation of the day. Mr. Blaine looks hale and hearty, and speaks and acts with the vigor of youth. “I am just from Augusta.” said Mr. Biaim • “and on my way to Philadelphia, where 1 speak to-morrow night. 1 shall visit Pittsburg and several other cities, re turning about the middle ot next week. ‘‘What is the situation in Pennsylvania?” Was naked. . “It is about the same as it was in Maine. The prohibitory party men are creating havoc in and determined to destroy the re publican party.” “How about New York stgte? “It is a little different there, replied Mr. Blaine. “I presume if the question was submitted to a popular vote it would be defeated, and that is the very reason Why the temperance fanatics oppose sueb a proposition. It is true that the republi- I can party has never formally advocated j S roliiliition in it* platform, but every law int lia* tended In any way to suppress the I liquor traffic in the state has been passed by republican legislatures. I remember an Anecdote that. Gov. Seymour told me him self which hears on this very question and which is, by the way, against prohibition. Seymour was conversing with Mr. Dela- van. of Albany, about the effect of absolute prohibition in the state of New York. ‘Now,’ said Mr. Seymour, ‘suppose we had a community in the state where tho side of intoxicating drinks was absolutely prohib ited, where everybody had all the food he wanted to cat and the clothing he wanted to wear’-;—‘Rut you were talking of Elysium,’ Inter rupted Mr. Delavan. ‘But that’s the kind of n community you are striving to create, isn’t it?’ ‘Yes, perhaps so,’ replied Mr. Delavan. ‘Well, said Seymour, ‘we have 2200 of just such people as these in Sing Sing.’ Delavan saw the point.” “Do you think the prohibitory party movement much more dangerous than the labor movement?” inquired the corres pondent. “Yes, for the reason that the former tends to disrupt and destroy the republi can party. It is the strangest tiling to me wliy the. third party men think that we are continually fighting temperance when we are for It. it is a perversity of human na ture almost, inexplicable. I 111i 11k_ that the campaign in Maine injured the third party movement very njiieh. Neal Dow’s con duct can only be explained on the ground that he is an old man.” “What do you think of Henry George’s •andidaev for mayor of New York ?” “X don’t see how he is going to carry his land schemes Into practice,” said Mr. Blaine. “It may lie all well enough to limit, the amount of land one man can hold, but I don’t see how you can limit the time. You can’t limit it to leas than a year, for a man will not sow unless he '8kn reap.” “Are you satisfied with the campaign in Maine ?” “Yes, and more than satisfied. We had a good candidate for governor in Mr. Boawell, and he will make an excellent governor,” WOMAIN’S TONGUE vOI*. ; >o QX^lNV |s s s ssssssssss %#nl? Semi toi pr one! Illustrated (atuiogui* CINCINNATI fO.j COfiRCGAI ING CC Electric Belt Fre To Introduce it nird obtain rv ia wo will for tii .. i sixty days give r.w ay. i roe ot rhnnrtV In eac h r >\ in the U. H. u limito«i number «x our Electro CJalvntiD S*i«q»»*!i*i»ry Ik.’lis, I'li- • t positive p'i 1 uni • * -■ V.IricGce'.*, I in in ,* ’ >i lii rv. ty Holt v ^ a'AiU.v, *b< :r’S ons, i MOST PERFECT MADE Prepares wit’s strictregardloPirritv, strength, and Ilaaltlifulncss. Dr. Pri'-o's Baking Powder contains no Arnnionia.I.hne.Alum or Phosphates. Dr.Pricn'b K.ttructs, \ auilla, Lomon, etc., llavor deliciously. PR/RP RAK/NG POWDER CO. Cmcmo. a up St Iouis BriffistCira 1 absolutely pm AuMiTl s Most of the diseases which afflict mankind nro origin iilly caused by a dis irdored coudit iori of tho LIVER- Foi »11 complaint^ of thin kind, such oh Torpidity of tho Liver, UiliouBnens, Nervous Dyspepsia, Indigen* tion, Irregularity of the Bowels. Ooufttipntion. Flatu lency, Eructations and Burning of the Stomach (sometimes called Iloarthern) Miasma, Malaria, Bloody Flux, Chills am Fever Breakhone Fever. .E-thaustion before or after Foy^m, Chronic Diar rhoea, Low of Appetito, Headache. Foul Breath, Irregularities incidental to Femalos, Boaring-down Pn ‘ is 1 but , will It changes tna complexion from a waxy, yoliow tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color. It entirely remover low, gloomy spirits. It is ow* of the BEST AL" TENATIVES and '.UNIFIERS oF THE BLOOD, and Is A -fALUAbi.F ,u *ONIC. STADICEF 3 AURANTII For solo by all Druggists. Price $| .00 per bottle C. F. STAD1CER, Proprietor, •40 SO. FRONT ST., Phlladelohla. Pa, t£rCotxia, from which th < HI 1ms been removed, it b&etAr me tithe strength of Cocoamue iih Ftarch, Arrowroot or 8u .ra id i* therefore fur more econo: •}jl fail, Kitting /rtf.? than one ecu: cup. It ie delicious, nourishm strengthening, easily n* and admirably adapted ror :nv'’ ids us we’ I oe for persona In heu •». • Sold by Grocers overywhero W BAKER % flO. Dnrchester, Mass "SHADELAND’JSI PURE 8RE0 LIVE STOCK .ESTABLISHMENT pn the WORLD. New Imports' [tlons constantly - r arriving. Hare individual - excellence and choice Breeding. CTiYDESDALR HORNES, PKUnilllfON, M1IOILN or FRENCH Bit A FT HOUSED ENGLISH DRAFT IIOKSES, TROTTING-BK ED ROADSTERS, CLLV1.L t\D HAW and FRENCH COACKFRS, ICELAND mid SHETLAND PPVIES, HOLSlKlN-FUlhSItN and DEVON CftTTLK Our customers have the advantage of our many yearn experience in breeding and Importing ; Superior Quality; Large Vn- riety turn Immense Collection* ; opportu nity of nimiiariiiu different breeds; and low price*, because of our uncqualcd In* cilitieN,ex.teni ofhiiMiiic *h and low rates of trail iportaiioii. Nnotln r establishment in the world offers Such advantages to tin* purchaser. 1’Rin.S LOW! TERMS EASY f VIm- Itorii welcome, ( or reNpoiiilenoo solle« ited. Circulars Free. Mention tins paneft POWELL qros , spiiD^oro. Crawtord C0..P* ZIMMERMAN'PRU5T EVAPORATORS Tho host i” \«» tI’ u. i • -i KurgaliD. for .‘lO days Sr , i,i'"Tl..V.. ■ • <"• • 'h"'" ”?”«liak-r iw well« a Dryer. S s s s s s For Fifty Years the great Remedy for I S Blood Poison and Skin Diseases, 1S Interesting Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to all who apply. It should be jj j«2| carefully read by everybody. Address ' THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, i sssssssssssss g—BBMBBBaWBMBBBB—BBBB—aaBCT—MW iThe New York Store! Opened the Season with a House Full of Bargains in all Classes of JDttir GOODS, And the people are showing their appreciation of this fact by giving ns their patronage. Our salts are double what they were for the same time last season. The Jtress Goods Novelties and Trimmings are' a special at- tfaction, and are selling rapidly at the low prices we put upon them. Our CLOAKS and WRAPS are the admira tion of all who have seen them. We have found it necessary to increase our clerical | force, so that in future all can have polite and prompt attention. J. E. CARGILL, Agent. VIM A-Dolng to Win YoIph for lloury <]oori»« - Novel Kleedoneerhig Method*. New York, October 15.—This year a great many ladies are going into polities as propagandists of tho Homy George movement. For the past week a dozen of them have been going from house to house to eanvass for votes—distributing George truets throughout tenement houses and handing them to laborers at work near the streets. One lady, who is rich and is an enthusiastie advocate of Henry George’s election, goes into the little shops of the side streets, buys a box of matches or a paper of pins, and tells the little shop-keeper and tho customers who happen to be there why they should vote for Henry George. Some of these fair and enthusiastic canvassers for the workmen’s party are rich, some are school teachers and some are work girls. They have distributed thousands of copies of the workmen’s plat form und of Henry George's letter of ac ceptance. Several ladies have volunteered to speak at the George lie ess meeting. Mine. Deleselu/.e, a school teacher, the widow of Prof. Deiesoluze, has made polit ical speeches at several George meetings. She is said to lie as logical as F.varts, and people who have heard both prefer her oratory to his. Mrs. Lillie Devereux Blake, the chair man of the Worth faction, or fashionable half of tho women’s suffrage party, and Mrs. Margaret Moore, who wns president of the ladies’land league of Ireland, are on the list of George speakers, and will sound a key-note before the eanvass is Sale S|iwu..uimi. How a man does love to dabble in nice shallow philosophy, where lie can look down and plainly see his toes in the sand. He has just as much fun, and to my mind looks quite as wise .-is the good solemn old fellows, or tho sadly solemn young ones, who flounder and plunge in Concordinn depths, and he doesn’t snort and strangle one-half os much.—Brooklyn Eagle. Jlaluriu. Twenty-five hundred dozen bottles of Ague Conqueror ordered in one month. It positively eradicates all Malaria, Fever and Ague. Bilious and Intermittent Fevers in any climate, liead our book of 1000 testimonials. Due West, S. C., March 12,1881. -G. G. Green, Dear Sir—We will soon need more Ague Conqueror. It i,s taking like “hot cakes” and giving satisfaction. Yours, Eixts Bit- h Fairfield, Mo., August 23, ISSti,—G. G. Green, Dear Sir—Your Ague Conqueror knocks the Chills and Dumb Ague every time. X warrant every bottle and it never fails. I have cured eases where quinine hud no effect whatever. Yours truly, aetl2 d.twly W. H. Siuuv & Co. CLINCNIAN’S T obacco REMEDIES J.C. REEDY, Real Estate Agent, \KXT POOR TO POST OVFICK, COUltBUS, <u non NAl.K. $1160. Four room House, li acre lot on Second avenue. SCO ' i acre lot, l room House, Rood repairs upper Second avenue. 700 3 Room bous* on uth street, between 2d und 3d avenues. 360 Vacant lot on > th avenue, between 8th aud flth streets. 2600 6 room house, L acre land, nil necessary outhouses, all new, on lower Broad. 4600 ' j Acre lot 0 room house,water works,bath, etc/ 260 Out vacant lot fronting park. 1260 * 20 Acres land, 0room house in good repair. 1000 to Acres land, 6 room house, barn, all under* good fence, 3 miles east of city. 3000 36 Acres land, 5 room house, two 2 room kitchens, all in good repair, in Wvnnton. 1150 115 Acres land, 2 room house, on Bull creek in a flno state of cultivation. Terms easy.’ I have several fine farms on both sides of the river, will sell for cash or on time, or exchange for city property. Co il and see me before making arrangements elsewhere. I have a few Rood houses for rent yet, 8 and 0 room houses and sleep ing rooms. J". O. REEDY, Real Estate Agent, 12th St. NEXT DOOR dtf TO POST OFFICE. F Vegetables and Fruits, ACENTSAM«irj|i“£ra« dTcr! “ J’lit* 1 Vli.»«>rr* Mg-. Vo.. Uimtc ij."Cim-I M AYER ft SOU ADVERTISING AGENTS PHILADELPHIA Cor. CliRdtnut and Eighth Sts. itcccivc Advertisements for this Paper '■OTIUATCC VorlEWSMFiaUBVEUTIMSQ CtjCl Co I IMA I Lu at Lowest Catm Rates ritM & som’s i mm THE CLISGMAN TOBACCO OINTMENT emik .most tivi: i»i<i:r \u \- i' ION on thennrkei for Pile i. A S! KM Cl R 10 or Hellion File*. iH \ee lulled to rivh It ell, Kiug- Ani'l Vh \ isiula, T- ter. Shit Kboutn. Bnrl er’s \>..rm;i, Vunple?-. S..vr„ mmI Roils. |»i iee THE CLINGMAN TOBACCa CAKE NATIUI’S DUN It I .11KIH ids Outs Bri elm. 15 • !• ’I'll lit: • I V] . ITr l'rysipidji , r ui,ei‘; .nil R.ils, • i :>»•«, Notice to Debtors and Creditors GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY. All parties having elainiR against Thos. D Forlsou, dei eased, are he ei>y notified to present the same, duly iiuthcnticatea, to n\e K within the time prescribed hy law; and all parties indebted to said Tho-. I) Fori on are required to make immediate paj nu*nt to me. T. W. FORTSON. oefi nawBw Ar’ministr itor. -’SEDGWXCKt- STEEL WIRE FENCE ■jk Shortest, Quickest and Best—308 Miles Shorter to New York than via Louisville—Close Connection with Piedmont Air Line and Western and Atlantic Railroad. In effect September 12th, 1880. No. 53 Inj Is the best general purpose wire fence In use. It uct-work without tmi'tiN. Drfn’t ill turn dogs, pigs, sheep THE CLINGMAN TfiSACCC PLASTER Prepared aecordina it: !l»e •mini seienriiie Pi pies, of (In* IM KIVl S5-.DAT! V i. IN' - compoumJen with tlu* purest T -• .■ . 1 . .nr. amt •• inlly for t’r-’.ip W. . i«..r € .’k.• • • ti.i* UrOT:*t mid lorthnt eln-s t»t irritant «>r intlaniniat. r\ ninladioH, At lu n and I’.iitM wh«*rn 1'ri‘iu too ih-lu-ato ft atnt j of tin Mdun, u patient i • ' t • ■ 11 > 11 mg tr ip) licati n I t . . .t'.K” IA.r Hoad., lie or . t her A uhes and IV.iih. it is involmihlo. Prior AsU y. an- dm*..: int for tliweren, alius, or write t*> I ho CilNGMAN TOBACCO CURE CO. DUflHAiY W. C. J. S- A* j !• nee for !‘\i mats. Very and cattle, rns, (Lirdens, Stock Itunge eat. pretty styles for Law id O* eterie , ... made of gal* I furred. It will last a life-time. llisb< | hoards or barbed wire In every re i Sedgwick Datew made of wrouglil-iri , defy all competition In light The best and Rail- is, Lurks, vith n»*t- limit The rieat- tto ■pet in pip* id durability. Wo muk cheapest and easiest working nl!-iron n litonmtic »»r Hclf-oprniiifr gate, and the neatest cheap iron fnifiPH now made. The best Wirt* StretelicrM, Chtatinu' PlierHand Post Angora. For prices and particulars ask Hardware Dealers or address, mentioning paper, SEDGWICK. BROS.. Richmond, Ind EW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY op MUSIC Boston, fti'iiass. Leave New Orleans “ MobJ e “ Selma “ Montgomery “ Chcbaw Arrive Columbus Leave Columbus “ Opelika Arrive West Point “ “ Newuan “ Atlanta Via W. & A. Railroad. Leave Atlanta Arrive Rome “ Dalton “ Chattanooga “ Cincinnati Via the Piedmont Air I.ine to New York and East. Leave Atlanta Arrive Charlotte “ Richmond “ Washington “ Baltimore “ Philadelphia 8 20 p m 110 am 0 05 a m 8 20 p m 9 55 p m 11 55 a m 2 28 p m No. 51 7 55 a m 1 20 p in 4 30 a m 7 55 a m 9 07 a m 11 55 a m 8 54 ft m 10 53 p m 10 05 a m 11 40 p m 10 49 a m 12 26 a m 11 20 a m I 145 a ml 12 23 pm * 3 25 ft m 1 45 p m 7 60 a m i 1115 am 1 6 50pm 11 40 a m 5 55 p m 1 00 p m; 7 37 p m 1 07 p m 7 40 a m I 6 25 p tn; 7 00 a m! 8 00 a ml 4 00 p m 4 05 a m 3 37 p m 8 30 p m 9 35am 1125 pm 2 40 p m [ 3 00 a m Train 58, Pullman P&laoo Cara Montgome y to Washington without change. Traiu 51, Pullman Palace Buffet Car Atlanta to New York without change. South Bound Trains. 1 | No. 50 | No. 52 Leave Columbus , . I ! 2 28 pm 1 “ Montgomery | I 7 15 pin; 6 20am I “ New Orleans : ! V'J'Hiji- 7 .00 p m Train 50, Pullman Palace Sleeping Car through to New Orleans. Train 52, Family Emigrant Sleeping Cir, free of charge, through to Texas without change. NORTHERN CABBAGE, ONIONS, PO TATOES, APPLES, PEARS, &c. GARLIC I GARLIC I GARLIC! Am receiving New and Seasonable Goods. Fresh Ground Meal and Grits, $1.25 per sack. Split Peas, Granula Cracked Wheat, Shreaded Oats and Steam Cooked Oats. FRESH CRACKERS just in—Sweet and Plain Crackers. CANNED GOODS. Finest brands of new and seasonable goods. For scouring and cleaning purposes, 5c a cake. Fine Flour, Sugars, Ctillks and Teas, Ferris & Co.’s Breakfast Bacon aud Hams Pure Spices. Flavoring Extracts and Baking Powders. J. J. WOOD, 1026 Broad Street. (Copy.) Chicago, April21st, 1886. This is to certify, that the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank has this day received from the Union Cigar Company of Chicago, to be held as a Special Deposit, U. S. 4 °lo Coupon Bonds, as follows : Ho. 25020 d. *500. n Market Value of which Is jS8: } SiOl2. •o7 J l 41204 41205 52870 41205 100 9800. J (S.) Jus. S. Gibbs, Cash. We offer the above as a FORFEIT, if our “FANCY GROCER” does not prove to be a genuine Havana-liller Cigar.-Union Cigar Co WILL GIVE PERMANENT REL To all i ersmis who are miff*‘ring in Norvousit ss or Nervous Exhaust to knows that a strong, vigorous non- essential to good lit tilth. zmicxxxie: a and endorsed by ither stimulant. (if Young Mother—Bless his little heart, lie’s the sweetest baby overcame from the skies. I believe all the angels have show ered him with gifts. Young l’a—Well, I wish Gabriel hadn’t given him his trumpet for a voice.—Omaha World. Advice to Mothers.—Mrs. WiNSLOW’e Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It re lieves the little sufferer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as “bright us a button.” It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the E ims, allays all pain, relieves wind, regu- tes the bowels and is tho best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twenty- five cents a bottle. jel7 d&wly IIU Business. “That young gentleman lias a very tak ing manner,” said one young lady to an other at a party, of a young man who had just left them. “Yes,” was the reply. “That's his busi ness.” “His business?” What is he?" “A photographer.”—New York Sun. Is recommended by clemym eminent physicians. It contains no alcoholic or It is not a drug. It is i food: not a medicine. It induces ti Rood npnt lite. It instill s sound, liouliiifiil Sleep. It is perfectly harmless. Only 80c a Ounrt Bottle. For sale, wholesale and retail, by M. n. Hood <V Co., Geo. A. Bradford aud Evans .V l-f Via Selma and Queen and Crescent. 1 5 18 pm S 15 p m 1 45 p in 1115 pm! 3 45 pm “ Montgomery i . ■ ■ ‘ ' CECIL OABBETT. General Manager. CHA8.. H. CROMWELL, Genera] Passenger Agent. The only perfect substitute for Mother's milk, Invniuabie tn Cholera Infantum and Teething. A pre-digested food for Dys peptics. Consumptives, convalescents- Perfect nutrient in all Wasting Diseases- Requires no cooking. Our Book, The Care and Feeding of li.'ants, mailed free. DOUBER. OuODALR A CD.. Boston. Ifuis Superb Building Lot. °r ■ Lr-r; ■ ' -4 - ess# L KIM \ HY $EL?» A G i-’CMi i .IScilU'iU YTorlt on .It an hood. aud the untold misery resultinglYom indiscrctior { or excesses. A hook for every man, younir. mid dle-arred find old. It contains 125 proscription* for ail acute and chronic diseases, each one ot which is invaluable. So found by the Author whose experience for 25 years is such as probablj never beiore befel the lot of any physician. 30( pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, em bossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finei work in every sense—mechanical, literary anc professional—than any other work sold in thii country for #2.50, or the money will be refunded in every instance. Price only $1.00 by mail, post paid. Illustrated sample 6 (rents. Send now Gold medal awarded the author by the Nations Medical Association, to the President of which the lion. P. A. Bissell, and associate officers o 1 the Board the reader is respectfully referred. — ~ ‘ Vouldt a, and by th will benefit all.—London Lancet. for instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. There is no member of society to whom Th* Science of life will not he useful, whether youth parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman.—Ar gonaut. Address the. Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. i »V. H. Parker, No. 4 Buliinch street, Boston, per Seeni *i avenue. Fall quarter acre. Ex- 1 Mass., who may be consulted on all disenses re celFnt drainage. There are only two weli located quiringskill and experience. Chrome and ohsti building lots in the city. Secure one while you nate diseases that have battled the skill of all can. ' JOHN BLACKMAIL J other physicians a specialty. Such treated si;c- R .-ol Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga. * *—* '**’ *'“ :i — M “ se wed&fri If C L.AW nd This is \k PLACE, O GET — Low PricesiGreat Bargains Every Lady who visits our store says our Goods are Beautiful, aud that our Prices can't be matched. Grand Opening of a most Exquisite Line of New Fall Goods on Monday. Most Elegant Line of Dress Trimmings and Ribbons. Cloaks! Cloaks! Cloaks! A Beautiful Line of Cloaks, in Bouele and Bourrette, and other New Materials, in most exquisite designs for Ladies’, Misses’ and Children. We are selling them rapidly already, so don’t fail to see them this week. LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S MERINO UNDERWEAR At Prices Lower than Ever Before! New\\Fall Hosiery—Every Novelty of the Season in Hosiery, Handkerchiefs and Gloves. Remember Our Motto is that our Prices shall be Lower than the Lowest. Our LA IiOSA 10c. Cigar is strictly Hand made. Elegant quality. Superior workmanhip. Sold by a!l Grocers. UNION CIGAR COMPANY, ?5 N. Clinton St,, - CHICAGO. lletail b>j G. D. HUNT, Columbus, Ga 1e24 dly ALYDOR GENnrtfrSEN ; sFRlEND ' Cures G ami GiiiUtod days. Ask youv druggist fop it. Sent to any add ress for $1.50 MALYDORMFG.CO.SMem,a EVA'i-lS & HOWARD, Agents oc9 dem —bob taoaasms. gasam—aewKwmem ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers ly addressing Geo. P. Rowell A Co.* Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send lOcts- for 10O-oace Pamphlet A A MONTH for five years will buy you a. qpiAJ home. This is two years less time than building and loan associations. Possession given when you make the first payment. JOHN BLACKMAR, Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Qa. se wed&fri tf