Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, October 19, 1886, Image 7
WOMEN AND MONEY. WlrlB Nhonlil b« T.mtlit tln«ln?s» 1'rlnrliili-n mnl Habit*. “Every girl or woman,” writes the author of “John Halifax, Uentlemau,' “who is now depeudont on her male rela tions—a position which, considering a;i the ups and downs of life, the sooner sin.- gets out of, the better—ought by the time sue is old enough to possess any money to know exactly how much she has, where ii is invested, and what it ought yearly to bring in. By this time also she should have acquired some knowledge of bnsinesj —bank business, referring to cheeks, divi dends, and so on—and as much of ordinary business as she can. To her information of a practical kind never comes amiss, es pecially the three golden rules which have very rare exceptions: No investment over 5 per cent, is really safe; trust no one with your money without security, which ought to be as striot between the nearest and dearest friends a; between strangers; and, lastly, keep all your aflUirs from day to day In an accurate order, os if you had to die to-morrow. The mention of dying suggests another neces sity—as soon as you are 21 years of age make your will. You will not die a day tho sooner; you can alter it whenever you like; while the ease of mind it will be to you and the trouble it may save to those that come after you are beyond telling. It cannot be too strongly impressed upon every girl who has or expects that not un desirable thing, “a little income of her own,” what a fortunate responsibility this is, and how useful she may make it to others. Happier than the lot of many a married woman is that of the “unappropriated blessing,” as X have heard an old maid called, who has her money, less or more; in her own name, and oan use Jit as she chooses, generously as wisely, without asking anybody’s leave and being accountable for it to no one. But then she must have learned from her youth upward how to use it, she must not spire any amount of trouble in the using of it, and she must console herself for many a lonely regret—we are but human, all of us—with the thought that she has been trusted to be a steward of the Great Master. Such an old maid often does as much good in her generation as twenty married women. BCCKLKN’S AUNICA SAI.VK. The best 9alvo in the world for Cuts. Bruises. Bores, Ulcers, Balt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, ■Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay is required, it. is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For saie by Brannon ufc Carson. ifc‘21 oed&w Who Can Foil eysters (Iruri'lully. The man or woman who knows how to eat oysters gracefully has mastered two- thirds of the science of table etiquette.— Baltimore American. The Verdict l ntniiinoiiB. W. I). Bult, druggist, Bippus, Ind., testi fies: “lean recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of rheuma tism of 10 years’ standing.” Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms: “The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years’ experience, is Electric Bitters.” Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the ■verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the liver, kidneys or blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at Bran non & Carson’s Drug Store. eod&w Cat It Short. A good deal of space in the popular mag azines is to be devoted to “earthquakes.” It, is to lie hoped that the subject will not remain fresh as long as the battle of Shiloh did.—Savannah News. Excitement in Tcxns. Great excitement has been caused in tho vicinity of Paris, Texas, by the remarkable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley, who was so helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise bis head; everybody said he was dying of -consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery was sent him. Finding re lief, he bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills; by the time he .had taken two boxes of Pills and two bot tles of the Discovery, he was well and had gained in flesh thirty-six pounds. Trial bottles of this Great Discovery for consumption free at Brannon & Carson’s. eod&w He Didn't I,Ike Tragedy. “How did you like it?” asked Smith, as he left the theatre with Jones. “I don’t admire tragedy,” was the reply. “Why, that wasn’t tragedy; it was com- ‘^Yes, I know it was put on for comedy; but you see they murdered it.”—New York Sun. ’Tis SOZODONT the. whole world tries, ’Tis SOZODONT which purifies The breath and mouth, and dirt defies. ’Tis SOZODONT for which we cry, Sweet SOZODONT for which we sigh, ’Tis only SOZODONT we buy. tu th sat se&w GunKing the Doom. The business boom as expressed in in creased railroad facilities may be described as moving at the rate of one new freig ht car every fifteen minutes from the Altoona shops.—Pittsburg Commercial Gazette. I.KJIOJI ELIXIR. Editorial. Office Sunday Telegram, Atlanta, Ga., October 9, 1885.—Mr. Mozley: Allow me to thank you most kindly for the bottle of Lemon Elixir. I am not much of a be liever in medicine, but being overtaxed by excessive office work, I concluded to try your Lemon Elixir. It proved all and more than you claimed for it. It acts like a charm on the liver, stomach and bowels, gives a check to nervousness and produces what X craved most, namely: pleasant and refreshing rest at night. I cordially recom mend your remedy as a delightful tonic in all cases of indigestion, biliousness and ner vous prostration. Chas. T. Logan, Editor and Proprietor Sunday Telegram. Sold by druggists. 50c and $1 per bottle. Preparea by H. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. octl setm A Woman In Pawn. An unpaid board bill in a California town drove the landlady into this expedient: She locked out the delinquent family, save the aged mother, and then told the chil dren that she would release the parent on receipt of the $7 due. The matter was compromised, but it suggests a dreadful possibility to some Bos tonBoarders.—Boston Record. Eroo Trade 1 . The reduction of internal revenue and the taking off of reveune stamps from Pro prietary Medicines, no doubt has largely benefited the consumers,as well as relieving tliej burden of home manufacturers. Es pecially is this the case with Green’s Au gust Flower and Bose bee’s German Syrup, as the reduction of thirty-six cents per dozen, has been added to increase the size of the bottles containing these remedies, thereby giving one-fifth more medicine in the 75 cents size. The Augusl_ Flower for Dyspepsia and .Liver Complaint, and the German Syrup for Cough and Lung trou bles, have pernaps, the largest sale of any medicines in the world. The advantage of increased size of the bottles will be greatly appreciated by the sick and afflicted, in every town and village in civilized coun- ■ tries. Sample bottles for 10 cents remain the same size. oct!2 d&wly T>AI1T ENQUIRER- SUN: — — COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, OC TOBER 10, m 5. IIcnlhen Saltation. The missionary convention .at Des Moines is going to discuss and determln. the question whether the heathen can bi saved without conversion. If it should b. , ! < r d 111 the affirmative, it will follow that there has been a great deal of money wasted in foreign mission work. It is 1. pretty big subject, anyway, for the church militant to tackle, and tne wisest thing to do is to leave the decision of the question to the Almighty, where it belongs. -81 Paul Globe. Cnnrer of tin 1 Tongue, My wife, some three or four years ago, was troubled with an ulcer on tne side ol her tongu'o noar the throat. The pain was incessant, causing loss of sleep and pro ducing srreat nervous prostration. Ac companying this trouble was rheu matism. It had passed from the shoulders and centered in the wrist of one hand, she almost losing the use of it. Between the suffering of the two, life had grown burdensome. By the use of a half dozen email-sized bottles ol Swift’s Specific she was entirely relieved and restored to health. This was three years ago, and there has been no return of the disease. H. L. Middlebrooic. Sparta, Ga, June 5, 187(1. Friendly Emulation. At President Cleveland’s reception the other day he shook 400 hands. That’s al most as many “bunds” as tiie new public printer shook when he assumed control.— Texas Siftings. From n Minister. Rev. C. T. Clark, a member of the South Georgia Methodist Conference, writes from Tattnall county, Ga.: “One year ago I was taken with rheumatism, and became al most helpless for over three months. All the remedies used seemed to fait until I commenced the use of Swift’s Specific. I have taken five bottles, and am perfectly sound and well again. I would have writ ten sooner, but waited to see if the cure was permanent. And now I unhesitating ly recommend S. S. S. as a safe and reliable remedy for rheumatism. I have all confi dence in its virtue.” It Never Falls. I have had blood poison ever since Octo ber, 1885, and obtained no relief from any treatment (and I tried several) until 1 com menced taking Swift’s Specific. In one month I felt as well as I ever had. I also had a good appetite, and was entirely free from the pains in my shoulder and head, which had tormented me so long. Now all the sores and swellings from my head are gone. S. W. McCarter. No. 78 Madison St. New York, April 30,1880. In tin- Midst of Dentil We Arc in Life. Between the Chicago doctors who re store animation to the dead with dynamite and Georgia physicians who perform the same act by injecting brandy and ammonia into the heart, it will soon come to pass that iu the midst of death we shall be in life. Malaria! The very mention of it is a nightmare! Whoever has suffered from this blighting disease knows what a dread scourge it is, and how it seems almost im possible to eradicate it from the system. SMITH’S BILE BEANS will most surely destroy the germs of Malaria, and afford permanent relief. Dose, one Bean; 25 cents per bottle. For sale by all drug gists and dealers in medicine, or sent post paid on receipt of price, to any part of the country. octl-eod&wlm Southern Outrage*. Several negroes in the south having been legally hanged, it will be in order for the republican journals to denoun’e the infa mous attempt of the democratic authori ties to reduce the republican vote.—St. Paul Globe. The question of a proper food for in terests all mothers; especially those una ble to nurse their offspring. Mellin’s Food possesses .all Jhe requisites as a substitute for mother’s milk, and is highly com mended by the medical faculty of both Europe and America. oclO tu th sat&wlm ffe Rust Hare ail Organ. “A first-class daily paper” is a luxury which the Knights of Labor feel they can no longer do without. They have $123,000 in the treasury, and that would give such a paper a very fair start. They must not flatter themselves that it would be self-, supporting, or that it would ever arrive at that stage of prosperity. It would not. Many alpaper has supported a “cause,” but no “cause” ever yet supported a paper.— Washington Post. I have used one bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm and it is the best remedy I have found for catarrh in fifteen years.—V. G. Babbage, Attorney, Hardinsburg, Ky. . eod&w Grow* More Nolid Every Day. Some of the republican papers are silly enough to hope that the rivalries that ex ist among the southern democracy will soon cause a break in the solid south. They do not seem to be able to perceive that the south grows more solid every day.—Sa vannah News. - Nervous. Dcliililatod Men. You are allowed a free trial of thirty days of the use of Dr. Dye’s Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Ap pliances, for the speedy relief and perma nent cure of Nervous Debility, loss of Vital ity and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases. Complete restoration to'healtb, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred. Illus trated pamphlet, with full information, terms, etc., mailed free by addressing Vol taic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. decl7,sat,se&wly The Ipirstinn of the Hour. Miss Anthony is a little behind the times. ! The question which now agitates the | thoughtful young woman is not, whether she can support herself, but whether she can afford to marry and support a husband. —Fort Worth Gazette. Tho Safest anil best. , In October, 1885,1 contracted that dread- . ful disease, blood poison. I went under treatment of a physician at once. At the end of the first month I became alarmed at the progress of the disease in my sys- tern, and abandoned the doctor. A friend told me of S. S. S and its wonderful effects. I gave it a trial, and be^an to improve witli the first bottle. I have taken ten bottles, and am to-day a well man. To ail who are in need of a blood purifier 1 will say, by all means try Swift's Specific. It I is tiie safest and best of them all. E. B. Black. 93 S. 14th St., Newark, N. J. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. _ _ „ The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, At lanta, Ga. New York, 157 W. 23d St. Those complaining of Sore Throat or Hoarseness should use Brown’s Bron chial Troches. The effect is extraordi tmrv, particularly when used by singers and speakers for clearing the voice. ocl(l d&wlw NpwKjmpcv Notoriety. Lily Langtry, Charles J. Guiteau, Geron- imo, Fanny Chamberlain, Herr Most, Sir Charles Dilke, P. T. Barnum and Charley r oss —where would they have been but for impecunious space writers on newspnpers. As it is, they have climed tn the highest pinnacle of fame or infamy, us the case mav be. It is certain that a little notoriety of the right kind does no one harm and aids many to the attainment of renown.— Vicksburg Herald. BABY’S M Infantile ami Biriit Humors Speedily Cured by Outicura. I ^OR Cleans in a the Skin and Scalp of Birth Hmuora, for allaying Itchins, Burning and Inflammation, for curing the first symptoms of Eczema, Psoriasis. Milk (’rust, Scald Head, Soro ula and other inherited skin and blood di:<, Cuticura, the great Skin f'ure. and Cuti uur.i Soap, an exquisite Skin Beaurilier. rxter '•a ly and (. uticura Resolvent, the new Blood Puriiler, internally, arc infallible. Absolutely pure. MY OlillEMT t lllMIU Now six years of age, when an Infant six month? o'cl, wus attacked with a virulent, mali gnant skin disease. AD ordinary remedies ful bur. we called our family physi.-tun, who attempted to cure It out it m> < .id with ulmor t incredible 'upidity, un 11 the lower portion or he little fellow s person from the middle of his back dowu to his knees, was one solid null, utrly, painful, blotched ami malicious. We had no iv-t at night, no peace by day. Tin ph.vsi* i in did not know then, and does not know non . wluit it was. Finally we were ad vised to* try Cuticura Itemed < s. Without the knowledge of our physician. I procured a box of Cuticura un* a cake of Cuticura Soop. The i feet W VS MISIIITY M AHYKJdHIJi, U ing the two together. (ln?t washing him thor oughly with • uticura Soap then anointing him with Cuticura. From the first application » change for tho better appear d. The doctor said we had no further need of him, and ceased his visits. In three or four weeks a complete cure was wrought leaving the little hollow’s person ns while and hcu'thy as though he had n- ver been attacked. In my opinion.your valuable remedies Hayed h s life, and to-dny he is a strong, healthy child, perfectly well, no repetition oi the disease having - ver occurred. You are welcome to make any use of this you may deem In st. GKO. It. SMITH. Att’y at Law and Kx Pros. Att’y. Ashland, Ohio Reference: J. G. Weist, Druggist, Ashland. O. t i <'i' it a sir. m i; in kn Arc sold everywhere. Price: Outicura, 50 cents; Cuticura Soap, 28 cents; OrricuRA Resoi.vknt. Si.oo. Prepared by Potter Drug and Culmical Co., Boston. Send for “How to Cure Skin Diseases.” RHEUMATIC PAINS, / »\ °ite minute / Plaster. W; Sciatic, Sudden, Sharp and is Pains and Sti tins relieved in by tiie Cuticura Anti-Pain . arranted. At all druggists. 15 cents; five for Si. J otter l)i ug and Chemical Company, Boston, Muss. DRUNKENNESS OR THE LIQUOR HABIT. POSITIVELY CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES’ GOLDEN SPECMT0. It can be given in a cup of coft'eo or tea without tlic knowledge ol the person tak ing it; is absolutely imruilcss. and will ef fect a permanent and speedy cure, whether tho patient is a moderate drinker or an al coholic wreck. It has been given in thoh- samls of cases, and in every Instance a per fect cure has followed. II nrvvr Jails. The system once impregnated with the Specilie, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For Sale by FOB SALES BY" M. D. HOOD & GO., DRUGGISTS, 93 BROAD ST., COLUMBUS, GA, Call or write for circular & full particulars, REMOVAL of LAW OFFICE. J-. Xj. WILLIS Has removed bin Office to up tairs over R. Crane’s store. oc7 lm & Hi \ & h IIM WEL PLOW. TF ;v'a THE BEST CW’VnX PLOW !N USE. Equally geo I. ypi l.imi No farm** mould be w!< • i no* for free ||Jue (rated On» , . . »j.• n>d A'nmmic, tYRACi?$}! CftlLED PLOW CO. sriMcuae. new *ork NBIHt (WJiHE *13! OKIE. Bill, den. Crook.; _ _ mv. ACEH IT* WASTED, iwv pric .1 L-GAMMELU CD . Do" i - •*.. .Philm , . Lxjof. GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY: Whereas. H. H. Epping, guardian for S. H. Hill. Jr. and F. H Hill, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county fora discharge from his guardianship of S H* & F. H. Hill. This is there fore to cite all perrons co* cenred, ’o show cause why the said H. II. Eppinff should not he dis missed from his guardianship of S H. and F. H. Hill and receive the usual letters of dismission. Given under my hand and official signature this October lth, 18SG. oct.4 oaw4w F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY. . Whereas, George Y. Pond makes application for letters of administration de bonis non upon ♦ he estate of Hu h Dover, late of said county, d ceased; These are. therefore, to cite all persons con cerncd, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they have, withiu the time prescribed bylaw, why said letters should not be granted to said applicant. Witness my official signature this October oth 1580. F. M. BROOKS, oct5oaw4w Ordinary. Jersey Jackets The Largest Stock in This City t 111 CAN BK FOUND AT Ml All Grades, From 50c. to $7. Our Large New Cloak Boom is full of OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Call and See ilie SI vies. J. A. KIRVEN & CO Auction Sale Valuable City Lots! Directly Opposite the Eagle and Piienix Mills. WILL I1B SOUL on thn Flint Tuesday in No- * v vember next, in front of the Auction House of F. M. KNOWLES <St Co., corner of Broad and Tenth Streets, in the City of Columbus, at 11 o’clock a. m., the Valuable Lots fronting the Eagle Factory Buildings, on Front street, in the City of Columbus, Georgia, and next adjoining the Alston Warehouse, and near offices of the Georgia Midland Railroad, beginning on east side of Front street, at the North Wall of the “Alston Warehouse,’’ running east along said wall 127 feet ti inches, tin nee north 150 feet, more or less, to the line of the lot occupied by the Southern Express Company, thence west along said line. 127 feet 0 inches, to Front street, thence south along Front street 150 feet, more or less, to the beginning point. This property, im mediately fYunting the Eagle Factory, is admira bly adapted as building lots for Dwellings, Store* or Warehouse purposes; contains now a well- built, commodious, two story Brick Stable. Titles perfect. Can be examined, with plot of th* property, at the law office of McNeill & Levy. Terms ot sale one-third cash on day of purchase, balance, one, two and t hree years, equal amounts, with 7 percent, interest.secured by the property. MARY B. HANHERD. oct3 tu&se4w UNPRECEDENTED STOCK! OT 1 Piece Goods NOW IlEABY For Fall, 1886. THE BOSS PRESS Is Without a Rival. THE LIDDELL VARIABLE PEED SAW MILL. Is the very best Saw Mill in the market. II took the only medal of the first class tit the New Orleans Exposition. For the above, and for all other machinery, address, FORBES LIDDELL&CO., Montgomery,- Ala. N. B.—Our stock of Wrought Iron, Pipe, Fittings and Machinery is the largest in this part of the country. ieldwGm f To the Trade and Smokers. Beware of Imitations, and see that you gel the genuine GRAND REPUBLIC CIGARROS! -A^HSTID TAKE HO OTHLHS. We hereby notify the trade that all infringementa will be vigoroualy proseented to the full extent of the law. GEO. IP. LIES & OO., Far lory 309, -HI IMatrlct, N. Y. The genuine are for sale by W. S. Freeman, ,J. T. Kavanagh. Brannon <fc Canon, King & Daniel, Peabody & Faber. T. A. Cantrell, .1. H. Edwards. .J. E. Deaton, W. R. Moore, E. M. Walsh & Co. fi. T. Miller. R. S. Crane, and all first-class retailers. nug.’T tu th satAseAm B. T. HATCHER Warehouse and Commission Fontaine Warehouse, Columbus, fin. tenant. good. , rnrr PUOICTIIKC DHPIfKPC 1 WILL continue the Warehouse and Commission Ruainese iu ail its branches, rntafc UnnlOl mflo « AulxAbt. and solicit the patronage of my friends und the public generally. We guarantee strict attention and prompt returns on all consignments. RAGGING and TIMS always on hand at cash prices. Storage and Sale of COTTON a specialty. Agent for the Latest Improved “LUM1IU8 COTTON GIN. B. T. HATCHER. you freo of charge, if yoa will •end 20c. in iUmi» for postage, Ac., 6 pretty Chrutmas Cards, 5 nice New Year Card*, I lovely Birthday Card, n beautiful 'rilt- bound floral Autograph Album .Uuftrat.d with bird*, flower*, <p4 2lawin 'eatlV arranged in an album i; $fto our new Holiday Book. J. \V. BAUCOdK A CO., CENTERBKOOK, CONN, $50 REWARD lllif -! i'fw at MOM Aid'll 1 , rain . - • m-, Need Nci*ari*tor •*' 1 liuj*' tf** r ' r " r l»«i|»rotcd Han- KK r VewSr'k wachike co. Columbus, Ohlc* ' .UCVtLXMD* K WAITED, ibutecirculars in your vicinity. B'jv ’ i ■ ., fi.morable. p rminent. pleasant ^ easily ojKTPted 1 qenses advanced. SAMPI-B CASUS FRI'R. -.1 rant<s required. No humbug. M e mean what we ssy ' .. A . Iress NATIONAL SUPPLY COMPAN Y, ’ J Bradford Block. CINCINNATI, OJi*^ II —!!■■■ !!■! IH I 24 Pei Cent, Investment, r niJREE two-room Dwellings and one three- j 1 room Dwelling. !d acre to each lot, occupied by good tcnant« for fclfi per month. J’rice of property #k0Q. JOHN BLACK.MAH, Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga. | se wed&fH tf ■VI ^\ma#.whfinbtml n OB8!* dull and price* are low 1* NOW BUY YOUR M (,:«atbar"aln*. Send lornon FR5E cat,w /' I I BVl Ct i .vie of Wateh*’* KlflnaHpnrtlnffO'MMlHAtii’.Vfl U NU' ti W.OliiHlu&i ... M-S« Uuane Nt. «,w Varl The Brown Colton CSixi. Co., NEW LONDON, CONN. Manufacturers of the “Old ReIiablo ,? Brown Cotton Gins, Feeders and Con denseru. All the very latest improvements: lm proved roll box, patent whipper, two brush belts, extra strong brush, cast steel bearing it., improved Feeder, enlarc'' •’ 4 ti?.st proe. ondeuscr. L ’ ong^bnijif i* instruction, durable '^84—'. jjfe'V'iu liglit, cleans tiie seed per -^Kw^^yrect., ami produces first class samples, j : r-'' nni.iv1 .ti t:oi' i itlACin * ’ts- “■ or utiy nrccssllilc polar. Scud lor full " drsorifitiou uud price list. COLUMBUS IRON WORKS, Agouls, Columbus, Ga. Before Insuring YOXJR Jiiiuuuuu a.u/ .uiuitui’i CALL AND GET MY RATES AND TERMS. Twelve Years in the business and never contested a loss. All paid promptly. vJOHISr BLACKMAR, 4 oIiiinhiiN, Georgia, Nest to Telegraph Office. angfl se&w4m Ynrivl.v l'ik|»nritllel4**l. Prici’M Ui’MKOiniblv. Na t In fa e t ion ii naran t eed. GOODS Nolected now will be made ready for delivery at any date desired. Call and favor a* with an order. G. j. PEACOCK, ('lathing Manufaetiirer, 1*2(10 A 1201 Brain Ntreef. Coin mini* (hi. eodtf INCREASING FUST, ML" 'L TOBACCOS is rapidly increasing, and we take pleasure in bringing 1 be following revised list of such deolew to your'Kind notice: J. K. Guldens, J. R. & H. F. Garrett, O. E. Hochstrasser, L. H. Kaufman & Oo., G. W. I^ewis, •C. II. Markham, McArdle, D. A. A ml rev D. A. Anglin AverettAt Porter, It. J. Auglin, J. Adams, C. Bata stein, R. Broda, Bennett «& Co., T. A. Cantrell, V. R. Cantrell & Co., R. S. Crane, F. Conti, M. E. Edwards, A. Simons, T. E. Middlebrooks, Martin & Chalmers,) Tobe Newman, W. R. Newsome, J. H. Rqinsey. Rothschilds Bros., T. J. Stone. of Iti<*ItikioimI. Virginia, ■illllX A I.OEIt ure our Sole Agent* for th In territory. my2 se6m Printing, Book-Binding ANDl Paper Boxes OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT LOWEST PRICES. A LARGE STOCK of all kinds of PAPER, in. I\ eluding Letter, Packet and Note Heads, Bill Heads, materaents, always on hand. Also En velopes, Cards, Ate., printed at short notice. Paper Boxes of any size or description not kepi in stock made at short notice. 'I'llON. OILBEItT, tf 42 Randolph Street, opposite Post Office. “^Ctylerdesk Bookcases,Tables, Office Chairs, Letter Presses, Fine CabinetB, &c. TYLER DESK CO. 500 N. Fourth nt., St. Louil. bead (or 40 ui>, CatulogoA G ha«: taken th«* lead 1 MURI’HY BROSL ■Paris, T«1 6 has won the favor • the ))uhhc and uuw ran among the leading Me dues of the oildom. Bradford, Sold by Druggist*. Price #1.0(1.