Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, October 28, 1886, Image 6
DAILY ENQUIRER ■ SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1886. HEWITT AS AN “ACCIDENT.” Bcpljr*f the Democratic Candidftto fur Mayor of Sow York to n Slur of llonry George. At a democratic mooting in New York last Friday night Hon. A. 8. Hewitt, the candidate for mayor, thus replied to an at tack upon him by Henry George: “The opposing candidate attacks me be cause, as he says, I am tt rich man, and he tusks your suffrages because he is a poor man. In New York wc have long boon familiar, unfortunately, with the beggar in the streets. Wo know that poor, old blind Belisarius stood with hat in hand begging an oblus in t he streets of the cap ital lie Lad saved; hut never before in a free country has a man passed around his hat and begged for your sulftages, alleging as his chief reason that lie is a poor man. [Great appluuse.] Ho say's that I owe my riches, such as they are, to a series of ‘happy accidents.’ I have never paraded my personal history be fore the people of tii is city. I hesitate to say anything about it to-night; but, under ail the circumstances, 1 have con cluded that perhaps some good may be done to some struggling young man if some of these ‘happy accidents’ were re corded. I Laughter.] “The Hist of these ‘happy accidents’ was one which 1 could not help—my birth. [Laughter, if Henry Ueorge had then discovered his wonderful safecure human ity, that ,‘aceident’might not have hnp- e ened. [Laughter.] But he was not on and, so X was born of a mother who was • farmer’s daughter and a father who was a mechanic. They were of good, steady, honest stock—and 1 wasn’t brought up ou the bottle. [Laughter. ] BOMB OF T1IE “ACCIDENTS.” “You see I show some signs of my early nurture even yet. The next ‘happy acci dent’ was tuut they were not rich, but poor, honest people, who earned their daily bread and brought up their children to reverence Uoil and give an equivalent for what they received. [Applause.] My education—the uext ‘happy accident 1 —was in tho public schools of the city of New York. There I learned to meet my equals and to measure my capacities with those who began life witli equal advantages— an honest mind in a sound body. The next ‘accident’ was that Columbia college gave two scholarships free to the competition of the boys in the public schools. There were of us wont up for these two scholarships. One of them wits given me. [Great applause.] 1 was admitted to tne college, aud J was Obliged to support myself from the day 1 entered to the day 1 graduated by teaching those whom I could iind who would take me. Not one dollar of burden did my edu cation impose upon my parents, who, anx ious as they might be to give me an educa tion, were too poor to do so. And perhaps it was by another ‘happy accident’ that 1 passed through college at the head of my class. [Applause.] . “it was certainly through another ‘acci dent’ that about this time . became nearly blind;” (At this point a man near the doorway shouted, “Three cheers for liem-y George!” which called forth no cheers, but a storm of hisses.) “I was compelled to pass a year in Europe, during which I lived upon tho lit tle money I had Haved by my teaching. Another accident , was that the ship in which I was went to the bottom and I was saved in one of the small bouts, in com pany with a mau who has been my friend and brother, aud will be to the end of my life. X lauded at New York in midwinter in a borrowed suit of sailor’s clothing, and I had three silver dollars in my pocket, my entire worldly wealth. [Applause.] THE GREATEST ACCIDENT, “I was then 22 years old aud that ‘acci dent’ was the turning point of my life. It taught me for the first time that X could stand in the face of death without fear and without flinching. It taught me another thing—that my life, which lmd been mi raculously rescued, belonged not to me, and from that hour 1 gave it to the work which from that time lias been in my thoughts—tiie welfare of my fellow-citi zens. [Applause.] l ,x or thirty years I have never turned aside from that task. The tusk which I had set for myself was to con tribute, as far as I could, to the employ ment of moil,so that they could help them selves und not be made the subjects of pub lic charity. [Applause.] Self-help is the remedy for all the evils of which men coin- plain. 1 have hud to help myself from the earliest year I can remember, and every struggling young man who chooses to fol low the same rule, who will help himself and not become dependent ou public or private charity, can achieve a measure of success that will satisfy every independent Citizen. [Applause. ] A STUDENT OF ECONOMY. “Tho circumstances in which 1 was placed have compelled me to study tho re lations of capital and labor. I am not f oing to deal with that question to-night. have, in the course of the three letters whieli I have been unexpectedly called upon to ."rite, given to the people wiiat i regard as the essence of the question on which corporate and private individual property have their foundations. There is no man in this community who can have any true interest in destroying tho prop erty of his neighbor. There is no man who can have any interest except to pro mote the prosperity of his neighbor. Whatever a capitalist may own il gives him no benefit unless it benefits the poorer man, who has to earn the rent or the income which it produces. [Applause.] So fur as my life is concerned, the riches which I have accumulated have been used in giving employment to labor, and—let the record go down—every dollar that 1 own to-day, without exception, is employ ed in giving occupation to men who un willing to work for their living. [Great Applause.] Does this experience make me insensible to the filet that the world is not yet a paradise—that there are no wrongs to be corrected? The record ot my publio life shows that that question hiis been the dominant idea in my mind and the key to every speech and vote. A young girl who came to Boston from Chicago lately was shown by a Yankee girl of excellent family some ancestral china. “These dishes,” said the New England girl, “hava been in our family during seven generations.” “Seven generations I ” exclaimed the Chicago girl. “Well,” and she shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know whether 1 ever had a great-grandfather or not; but I do know that if I did have one he didn’t use dishes?”—Boston Record. CLINCMAN’S T obacco REMEDIES 11* THE CLINGMAN TOBACCOOIHTMEBT nil*: host Tivi: PREPARA TION on the for Piled. A SIRE <TltE for 11rtiinix Pdf*. Hah iii'vit fulled to give prompt relief. Will euro Annl Ulcers, AIwchhs, Vistula, Tottor, K/ilt Rlioiim. Bnrher'fi Itch, Ring worms, Pimples. Huron and Boils. Price THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO CAKE NATIItU’S OWN It I-:,HEDY, Coirs nil WoundH. Cutfl, Bruises, Snrnins, Erysipelas. Boils, Carbuncles, Bono Felons, Ulcers, Sores, Horn Eyes, More Throat Bunions,Corns, Neuralgia,Iiheumntism, Orchitis. Gout. Rheumatic Gout. Colds. Coughs, Bronchitis, Milk Log, Snake and Dog Bites. Stinga of Insects. Ac. In faet allays all locul Irritation amf. Inflammation from whatever cause. Prion flu. THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO PLASTER Prepared accord ilia to the moM neieiitilie i»rhieipleN« of tlie PI.'RICST SEDATIVE l.\(<|{|'ii)IK.V'TS compounded with the purest Tobacco Flour, and is specially recommended for Croup.Weed or Cake of the Breast, and for that class of irritant or inflammatory maladies, Aches and Pains where, from too delicate a state of the system, the pat ient is unable to bear the stronger application of tho Tobacco Cake. For Headache or other Aches and Pains, it is invaluable. Price Id etn. Able your druggist for these remedies, or write to the CLINGMAN TOBACCO CURE CO. DURHAM. N. C.. U. S. A, vi gsaagiws?. if Most of tho diseases which nfllict mankind are origin ally caused by a disordered condition of tho LIVlR. For all complaints of this kind, such us Torpidity of the Liver, Biliousness, NervouB Dyspepsia. Indiges tion. Irregularity of tho Bowels, Constipation. Flatu« loncy, Eructations and Burning of tho Stomach (sometimes called Heartburn). Miasma, Malaria, Bloody Flux, Chills anc Fever, Bre.ikbone Fever, Exhaustion before or after Fevers, Chronic Diar rhoea. Loss of Appetite, Houdache, Foul Breath, Irregularities incidental to Fomixles, Bonring-down S£i5t STAOIGER'S AURANTI1 is Invaluable. It is not a panacea for all diseases, but ^ | |D 17 all diseases of the LIVER, will Vf yg n Ci STOMACH and BOWELS It changes the complexion from a waxy, yellow tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color. It entirely removes low, gloomy spirits. It is one of the BEST AL« TERATIVES and '-UNIFIERS OF THE BLOOD, and Is A VALUABLE v ON»C. STADiCEF'S AURANTII For sale by all Druggists. Price SI *00 per bottle C. F. STAD1CER, Proprietor, •40 SO. FRONT ST.. Phl'adelDhla. Pa. WILL GIVE PERMANENT RELIEF To all persons who are suffering in any way fVoni Nervousness or Nervous Exhaustion. Everybody knows that a strong, vigorous nervous system is essential to good he alth. IMIOXIIE Is recommended by clergymeu and endorsed by emiuent physicians. It contains no alcoholic or other stimulant. It is not a drug. It is a food : not a medicine. It induces a good appetite. It insures sound, healthful sleep. It is perfectly harmless. Only OOe a Quai l llottie. For sale, wholesale and retail, by M. D. Hood & Co., Geo. A. Bradford and Evans & Howard. apt diy nrm Constructed With Our Own "Patent. Eyelet Batteries,” Surpass in power and permanency all and every other device to apply magnetism to the human system. Our record stands at bo percent of all curable cases cured. Throat, Lung, Stomach, Kidney, Liver and almost every other trouble yields to the mild yet persistent cunvins <T mag netism, as applied by our methods. The Belt and Invigorator impart great strength, warmth and comfort, and the Dyspeptic, Nervous, weak and desponding, become hopeful and genial, ami enjoy life again. In Re. “Chattahoochee Falls Company.” Ap plication for Charter. S TATE OF GEORGIA MUSCOGEE COUN TY; To the Superior Court of said county: The pc tition of .1. T. Wamock. L. F. Garrard, A. .1 Bethune, A. R, Lawton and Georfe M. Clapp, respectfully shows that they and their associates and successors desire to be incorporated and made a body corporate and politic under the name of* Chattahoochee Falls Company.” The object oi said corporators, and for which they a.-lc to be incorporated aud empowered ti engage in, is: f . . The utilization, improvement and operation ot water power on the Chattahoochee river, in tlu* County of Muscogee and State of Georgia, by con trolling the wuu-i»oi suit: Chatlahoochec river with lo« k>, dam." uodni -li other means anu tie vices may be ncces.-ary to cnubl- them to sup ply water power for in.nufaeturiiig purposes to such mills.uni machine i.v as may be thereon Jo cated ami which may be mcicuKct ] im baseu and erected by Mild corpora: ion, and u» such persum- orcorporations us may piuclni^e, lease or rent said watei power or any 1 niT thereof from it To construct and maintain ail lu ces ary cana s, chutes Huim s. sluices, dams, tramways und other appliances on, upon and through the lands aiul property ol sum corporation lor the proper dis tribution, utilization mid preservation of said water power am: which may be found essential and useful for said purposes. To utilize ami improve ail the landsacquired by saitl corporation at and cont iguous to said w ater power upon the east and west banks of the Chat tahooclioe river, in the States of'Georgia and Ala bama, by erecting thereon mills, machinery, fac tories and other buildings, and engaging in the manufacture of cotton wool and all other fibrous am textile materials into yarns, cloth, thread, rope and other f abrics, goods and products of ev kind whatever, Jinning cotton for toll or reed or other valuable consideration; manufacturing cotton seed into such products as can be obtained therefrom; grinding corn, wheat and other grain and produce for toll or for market und convening the same into flour, meal and its other products. The fumishit g of power and the production and generating thereby of electricity tor ligl t and heat, for motive power and lor such mechanical und other uses and purposes as it may be adapted to; and supplying, leasing and selling the same ami erecting ami construct!! g in connection therewith such works, po es, wires above and un der ground, aud other apparatus, electrical de vices and stations throughout said County of Muscogee as may be necessary to convey, furnish and supply the same to public and private con sumer^ The manufacture oi paper in all its forms, and of paper, timber, wood and metals into such utensils, woodenware, machinery and other goods as may be produced therefrom; and the eon ducting and carrying on oi the manufacture of all and evei y other k iml of goods, wares, machine ry, wood and metal products, or such branches or parts thereof as mu> be found euential and de sirable for the prolitable employment and im provement oi the said water power und property. Said corporation to have power and authority fco sell, lease or rent its said water power, lands, ma chinery, facto- ies and buildings, orsueh parts ai cl portions* thereof as may be e> pedient, to such per sons or other corporations may deem lit and proper; and to advance from its corporate capital, funds to such persons or corporations as may oc cupy its said property; to aid and promote the carrying cm by them of their said manufacturing business, and to make and execute all necesf ary conveyances and otlu r instruments, and to enter into all proper contracts line agreements for the exercit-c of this authority and the securing of its said advanct s. Also, to have power and authority to lay out pi. ts and building lots upon the lauds which may be hereafter acquired by said corporation in the Stales ol'Georgia and Alabama; to erect buildings and improvements thereon, and the said lots, va cant or improved, and the said buildings, to sell rent or h a « to tne operatives of said manutac- turing enterprises, and to such other persons as may desire to rent, lease or purchase the same. THE PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS of said corporation will be located at the site of its said mills and water power in Muscogee Coun- tj, State of Georgia. ITS CHIEF OFFICE to be in the City of Columbus, of said County and State; but it shall have authority in pursuit of its said business and promotion of its objects to es tablish bianeh offices at such other points and to exercise its rights and franchises heretofore men tioned, and to build actories, make improve meats, contracts, agreements, investments ana carry on business of the nature and character afore mentioned with regard to its property and upon the lands and property which may be here after acquired by said corporation in the State of Alabama, and at such other places within and without the limits of said States of Georgia and Alabama, as its objects and interests may quire. THE CAPITAL STOCK UUSilIlll (lUliUXS, jUljuUlt U1 HXUUC t Y UI UllCllJi said corporators may determine, to be divided into shares of 0100 each, of which amount ten per cent, thereof shall be paid in before said corpo ration commence s to do business; and petitioners desire said corporation shall have authority to in crease said capital stock from time to time as it may deem lit and proper to any sum not exceed ing one million dollars, They desire said corporation to have the power of suing and being sued; to have and to use a common seal, ami to alter, break and change the same at will; to make rules and by-laws lor the management of its business, not in conflict with the laws of this State and the United States, and the same to alter, amend and rescind at pleasure: to receive, lease, rent or purchase and hold such real estate and personal property as may be now oi hereafter necessary for its corporate purposes, for the expansion anu advancement of its objects, for the securing of debts due and to become dtife** to said corporation, and the same to sell, mort gage and convey at will. That it have power to effect loans and to issue bonds in the name of said corporation, without security or to secure such bonds by mortgage of its property, real and personal, or of su ’ portions thereof as may be desirable; out its surplus earnings upon mortgage or other available security. To elect and appoint such officers, managers, directors and agents us it desires; and to provide such rules and regulations with respect to stock holders who leluse to pay up any balance due on their stock as will compel them to pay upon pen alty of sale or forfeiture of such stock, and to do und perform all.such acts as are necessary for the execution of its powers and to carry out the ob jects and purposes, of this corporation. The individual property ot each stockholder shall not be liable for the debts, liabilities, obli gations or default of said corporation except to the amount of unpaid stock subscribed by such stock holder. Wherefore petitioners pray that they, their as sociates and successors be duly incorporated un der the name as aforesaid for the term of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal, with all the powers herein prayed for, aud with such other powers and privileges as are incident to corpo rations under the laws of this state, and that af ter the filing, recording and publishing of this petition, as provided by law. the Court will puss an order declaring this application granted. And petitioners will ever pray, etc. MeNFILL & LEVY, L F. GARRARD. Attorneys for Petitioners. GEORGIA—MUSCOGEE COUNTY: Filed in the Clerk’s office Superior Court of said county on the llth day of October, 1886, and recorded this 12th day of October on page 15, and Records oi Bills and Writs, Muscogee Superior Court., 1885. GEO. Y. POND, ocl3 oaw 4w Clerk S. C. M. C. (4a. , ; * (Hi 1,1) KBDAIi, PARIS, loi BA KER’S HaJraMfeOf 100 Wllsniilit Hn^nelic l*ower Holt “KOTO It OS HATS” Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bod bu^s, beetles, insects, skunks, jack rabbits, sparrows, gophers. 15c. At drug gists. “ROUGH OS CORNS.” Ask for Wells’ “Rough on Corns.” Quick relief,complete cure. Corns, warts, bunions. 15c. “ROUGH OS ITCH.” “Rough on Itch” cures skin humors, eruptions, ring worm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chilblains, itch, ivy poison, barber’s itch. 50c jars. “ROUGH OS CATARRH” Corrects offensive odors at once. Com plete cure of worst chronic cases; also un equaled as gargle for diphtheria, sore throat, foul breath. 50c. d&wtf Two guests at a restaurant are chatter ing about the weather in a country town. “How hot is it, sir?” “Only 70 , sir, only 70°.” “Well, I call that a good deal for a small place like this.”—The French. Cured by 8. 8. S. CAUTION. Consumers should not confuse our Spedjlo with the numerous imitations, substitutes, potash and mercury mixtures which are got ten up to sell, not on their own merit, but on the merit of our remedy. An imitation is always a fraud awl a cheat, and they thrive only as they can steal from the article imitated. Treatise on Blood and Shin Diseases mailed free. For sab by all druggi • THE S WIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. S. S.S. vs. POTASH. I have had blood poison for ten years. I know I have taken one hundred bottles of iodide or potash in that time, but it did me no good. Last summer my face, neck, body and limbs were covered with sores, and I could scarcely use my arms on account of rheu matism in my shoulders. I took S. 8. 8., and it has done me more good than all other medi cines I have taken. My face, body and neck are perfectly clear and clean, and my rheu- ne. I weighed 116 pounds when I began the med*'“ J T *“** _._t bottle helped me greatly, and gave'me an appi I would not be without S. S. S. for several times its weight in gold. Q. E. MITCHELL, W. 23d St. Ferry, New York. sssssssssssss s s S | For Fifty Years the great Remedy for S Blood. Poison and Skin Diseases. For 50 Years. S.S.S; It never Fails! S S S S ssssssssssss Interesting Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to all who apply. It should be carefully read by everybody. Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. NVnrrnntcil absolutely pul “ Cocoa, from which the excess Oil baa been removed. It has thr K times the strength of Cocoa mtxo with Ptarch, Arrowroot or Sugai and is therefore far more cconoo leal, costing less tha?i one cent cup. It is delicious, nourishing strengthening, easily o' and admirably adapted ror mva, ds as well us for persons in t Sold by Grocers everywhere. f BASER s on. MBtar.iia CREAM BAKING PoWDE* MOST PERFECT MADE The Cream of Tartar used in DR. PRICE’S CREAM BAKING POWDER is the purest in the world. The crystals are from the finest Grapes, imported direct from the vineyards of France. Washington, D. C., April 23, 1885. • 1 have analyzed the Cream of Tartar used in Dr. Prieds Baling Powder, and find it of the highest degree of purity. PETER COLLIER, Chief Chemist for Iho United States Department of Agriculture. The following, Heads of the Great Universities and Public Food Analysts, find Dr. Price’s the purest and strongest. Free from Ammonia, freo from Lime, free from Alum, and recommend its use in every family. rersonsi doubling tho truthfulness of this can writo any of t’.ia Chemists named; . Prof. Tt. OGDIiY POREMUS. M. I)., L. L. D., Bellevue Medical College, New York. Prof. II. C. WHITE, State Chemist, University Georgia, Athens, Ga. of. R. 0. KEDZIE, Late President State Board of Health, Lansing, Mich. Tof. H. M. SCHEFFER, Analytical Chemist, St. Louis, Mo. Prof. CHARLES E. DWIGHT, Analytical Chemist, Wheeling, W. Va. 3’rof. JAMES F. BABCOCK. State Assayer, Boston, Mass. Dr. ELIA; " Prof, cur Prof. M. .1 / - . L, W > liLLIXU, v. -! ill , I, U11IUWI..J Prof. It. S. G. PATON. Lata Chemist Health Department, . . Prof. JOHN M. ORDWAY, Mass. Institute of Technology, Boston. 3’rof. IL A. W1TTIIAUS, A. M.. M. D., University of Buffalo, N Y Prof, A. II. SABIN State Chemist, Burlington, Vt. Prof. JOHN BOIILANDER, Jr., A. M., M. D., Prof. Chemistry and Toxicology, College Medicine and Surgery, Cincinnati, 0. Profs. AUSTEN & Y/ILBER,Prois.Cheniistry,RiitgersColle?e,NewBnmswiek,N.J. Prof. GEORGE E. BARKER, Prof. Chemistry University of Pennsylvania, Phila delphia, Pa. Prof. PETER COLLIER, Chief Chemist for tho United States Department of Agri culture, Washington, D. C. Profs, i LEYS <fc RICE, Profs. Chemistry, Ontario School Pharmacy, Toronto,Canada, Dr. JAMES ALBRECHT. Chemist at the United States Mint, New Orleans, La. Prof EDGAR EVERHART, Prof. Chemistry., University of Texas, Austin, Texas. Proi. E. W illLCAED, Prof. Chemistry, University California. Berkeley, Cal. Mobile & Girard R. R. Co, o N and after this date Trains will run as follows: COLUMBUS, GA., October 3d, 1886. WEST BOUND TRAINS. No. 1. Pass’ger. No. 3. Accom. No. 5. Accom. Leave Columbus Union Depot “ Columbus Broad Street Depot 2 30 p m 2 46 p m 5 37 p m 6 46 p m 8: 0 p m 7 23 p m 10 33 p m 10 25 P ill 10 86 p ill 6 20 a m 6 30 a m 10 29 a m 11 20 a m 115 p m Leave Union Springs Arrive Troy “ Montgomery. M. A E. R. R “ Eufflula, M. A E. R. R 2 00 a m ”T&0 a m EAST BOUND TRAINS. No. 2. Pass 'ger. No. 4. Accom. No. 6. Accom. Leave Montgomery, M. & E R. R 44 Eufaula, M. & E. R. R Arrive Union Springs Leave Union Sgrings Arrive Montgomery, M. & E. R R 44 Columbus 7 40 a m 4 25 a m 9 10a m 9 25 a ill 7 29 a m 12 15 p ill 3 30 p m 4 01 p m *6*40 pm 7 15 p m 10 49 p m >. 345 a ril 5 34 a m 6 29 a m 7 29 a m 10 19 a m 125 Wilson lit Mngnetto Power Ladies* Abdominal Snpporter Give* great support and comfort and in creased strength to the walls of the abdomen in cases of abdominal enlargement without any particular disease. Tends also to decrease ana prevent excessive accumulation of fht. The Mnf&'netic Teething: Necklace soothes and quiets the Teething Baby and pre vents convulsions. The fUll power Kyelct Mattery ViimoIon not only warm the feet, but prevent cramps in legs so prevalent in advancing years. No Invalid should despair because cheaper or inferior goods have failed, until they have tried our methods. Pamphlet, letters of instruction and testimonials mailed to any address. Advice and counsel fVee to all patients. Dr, .CARLISLE TERRY, t'olmulms, Ga., Agent, OclU dtjelO Used for ovi v ‘25 yenrs v:idi groit su vive physicians of Puns, Now Ytc nu I Lunrb superb t t.i all o' Id rs 1 vt : • , r .mpt cir casos.reivntc poflong iu .n.-. J'liMip Glass Bottles e.miaiiiiny <■ t (J Pm.Iohc .oh. ( KXTS, MAKING J11 KM Tilli UAE CAIksULLS IN THE MALLEI'. Prepared by CLIN&CU; Paris. CALQLE3 by ths •u, ai d > of rR Sold Every* whore. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. public auction house of F. M. Knowles & Co., on Broad street, in the city of Columbus, Ga, the usual place of holding sheriff sales, in and for said county, on the 1st Tuesday in November next, between the legal hours of sale, the following de scribed real estate, situate, lying and being in- said state and county, and known as the south part of lot No. 6, dn the Northern Liberties ad joining the city of Columbus', and having a front on Oglethorpe street of sixtv-eight («8^ feet 6 inches, and a depth of one hundred and forty- four • 144 > feet, the same being the real estate be longing to tho estate of Eveline Gaines, deceased, and tho house and lot in which she resided at time of her death. Turn s cash. ALEXANDER HOWARD, Administrator, with the will annexed, of Evelina Gaines, oct4oaw lw’ks J.C.RlEEDY, Real Estate Agent, NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE, COl’MBUN, GA FOH RALE. $1450. Four room House. M acre lot on Second avenue. 800 h acre lot, 4 room House, good repair upper Second aveuue. 700 3 Room house- on 6th street, between 2d and 3d avenues. 650 Vacant lot cn tth avenue, between 8th and 9th streets. 2500 6 room house, M acre land, all necessary outhouses, all new, on lower Broad. 4500 V.\ Acre lot, 6 room house,water works,bath, 250 One vacant lot fronting park. 1250 20 Acres land, 6 room house in good repair 1000 10 A ores land, 5 room house, barn, all under good fence, 3 miles east of city. 3000 35 Acres land, 5 room house, two 2 room kitchens, all in good repair, in Wynnton. 1150 115 Acres land, 2 room house, on Bull creek in a fine state of cultivation. Terms easy’ I have several fine farms on both sides of tlio river, will sell for cash or on time, or exchange for city property. Call and see me before making arrangements elsewhere. I have a few good houses for rent yet, 5 and Groom houses and sleep ing rooms. J-. O. REEDY, Real Estate Agent, 12th St. NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. dtf Vegetables and Fruits, NORTHERN CABBAGE, ONIONS, PO TATOES, APPLES, PEARS, &c. (Ml GARLIC I GARLIC I Am receiving New and Seasonable Goods. Fresh Ground Meal and Grits, $1.25 per sack. CANNED GOODS. Finest brands of new and seasonable goods. For scouring and cleaning purposes, 6c a cake.. tine Flour, Sugars, Coffees and Teas, Ferris k Co.'s Breakfast Bacon and Ranis, J. J. WOOD, 1026 Broad Street. 3d tf tCopv.) Chicago, April 21st, 1880. This is to certify, that the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank has this day received from the Union Cigar Company of Chicago, to be held as a Special Deposit, U. s. 4°lo Coupon Bonds, as follows J Ko. 22028 D. $500. x Market Value of which Is »» 41204 100. I “ 41205 100. V $1012. •• 62830 loo, f 0800. J (S.) yas. S. Gibbs, Cash. We offer the above as a FORFEIT* if our tk FANCY GROCER” does not prove to be a genuine Havana-fillerCigar.-Union Cigar Cos fjurey X Trains Nos. 1 and 2 (Mail) daily. Nos. 3 and 4 (Macon and Montgomery Through Freight and Accommodation) daily except Sunday. No. 5 and 6 (Way Freight and Accommodation) daily ex- ceptcept Sunday. W. L CLARK. Ron’t.D E. WILLIAMS. G. P. A. Our LA LOItA 10c. Cigar is strictly Hand made. Elegant quality. Superior workmanhip. Sold by all Grocers. UNION CIGAR COMPANY, ?fi X. Clinton St., - CHICAGO, Retail by C. D. HUNT, Columbus, Ga. Ie24 dly O HEW RUDOLPH FINZER’S * STARLIGHT T HOSE I HOSE I IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF RUBBER HOSE, I WILL OFFER SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THE NEXT WEEK. IWe have the best and cheapest Hose in the market. A full line of Hose Heels and Nozzles. STEAM AND GAS PIPE Telephone 99. 13 Twelfth Street. At Wholettnle by LOUIS BUHLER & Co, OOILTJn^r-BTTS, C3YM- je5 eod6m ALYDOR gentlemen-sFRIEND Cures G and G in SS to 4 days. Ask your druggist for it. i Sent to any address for $1.50 MALYDOR MFG, CO. SnriRgfield.0. EVANS & HOWARD, Agents. oc9 dtim I’rlnce I,Jills .Napoleon Arrives at Sew York on His four or the World—He Isn’t Handsome, Hot His Eyes Are Brown nntl Honest. New York, October 25.-Prince Louis Napoleon, oi r ranee, accompanied by the Chevalier Mario Michela, Air. T D Mc Kay, Pacific coast agent of the Burlington ana Quincy Railroad Company, ana u valet, arrived in tnis city this morning ana is stopping at the Filth Avenue llotel. re. e t* n “ ce ’ wlJO is 011 a tour of the world, Tnriio r f.!L ce .. a y , uar . “ nce , Suing direct to luaia, wneie about six months were spent ihr™ U iA U ? aud ^.-Boeing. After traveling thiough Japan and China the party left for America, arriving in San Francisco about Ttof ago ‘ , After a short stop in Salt «H^.,V ty , and ll ? ree days m Chicago the prince and suite left for the east, arriving Here yesterday morning about 7:a0 o’clock. is traveling under the name of Count Louis de Moncaliere, and in order to preserve his incognito ana’ to avoid ere- a “ y gossip among the French news papers he politely declined to be inter- viewed to-aay. Un ion U 1 11US L U ?> t t hi' lk that the prince is at pride,” smd the Chevalier Mich- aei, that he refuses to see .eporiers. fie is travehng incog., and wishes to maintain «ni'm 0 t Ur . plan u toavoid P ub hcity does not seem to have been a good one,” said the reporter, “as several interviews with the prince have appeared in western papers.” * know, replied the chevalier, “I ■saw them also, ana we were very much amused by them, as every word 111 them was a fabrication, neither the prince or myself iiaymg talked to a reporter since ou t arriva 1 m this country.” 01 your beiu S i» New York at the present time ? Is it for *pn P “ r P 0 ,? e ., ot b ? iug P reseut at the un- the reporter. ° ° f lihoYdf. n ll?W uothil 1 lg about the statue of liberty being unveiled next Thursday until ZE alm Kew York tbis morning. We shaii remain in town for a few days -and then go to Montreal. In Chicago we were very much amused. When it be- came known that the prince was in town the hotel where we were stopping was thronged with men and women with books, in which they would request tho prince to write his autograph. We did not understand them at lirst, or why thev should want our names, but wheu it was explained to us as being one of the customs nii-hfk oountry , we cheerfully complied with the requests as long as human endur ance would allow” ^“Pclcou was born at Men- lu personal appearance he ? atber mother, the pious but homely Princess Clothilde, of Italy. His taoe is only saved from downright ugliness by a pair oi very bright and honest brown •eyes. He is a special favorite of the widowed ex-empress, who has promised to leave him her whole fortune of $80,000 a year. At all the courts which he has vis ited in the course of his wanderings he has been received by the respective govern- Italy tS aS priDCe 0f the royal of Advice to Mothers.—Mrs. Winslows Boothino Syrup should always be used When children are cutting teeth. It re lieves the little sufferer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little client!> awakes as •‘bright as a button.’ J It is very pit. to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, aHays all pain, relieves wind, regu lates the bowels and is tho best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from.teothmg or other causes. Twenty- ave cents a bottle. j e l7 d&wly Umise anil lilttct. ’“How did it happen that the church was so crowded to-day ?” “Well, I’ll tell you. You see the pro fessor of theology preached, and on his account all the students came—on their account all the girls, and on their account a |J the ypung men, and on their account all the widows, and on their3 all the wid owers,” —Church Review. ’flic Practice In New Haven. In shaking hands with a lady a gentle man is not permitted to press her hand, but if she is pretty he does all the same.— i Morning New Haven , News. The question of a proper food for in terests all mothers; especially those una ble to nurse their offspring. Mellin’s Food possesses all fhe requisites as a substitute for mother’s milk, and is highly com mended by the medical faculty of both Europe and America. oolO tu th sat&wlm Patient—When can I be sure to see the •doctor alone? Housemaid—You had better come during his consultation hours, from 2 to 3; he is always quite alone at that time.—Fliegende Blatter. More Money for Your Work If you improve good opportunities. Hal- lett & Uo., Portland, Maine, will mail free full information showing how you can make from $5 to $25 and upwards a day and Jive at home wherever you are located. Better write; some have -made over $50 in a day; all new. No capital required; started free. Both sexes; all ages. Suc cess for every worker. Send address and see for yourself. o C 26 d6m Lately betrothed: She—Isn’t that papa coming? . He—How provoking; I was just going to steal a kiss. She (ingeniously) — He’s awfully near sighted, Charley—awfully!—Tid-Bits. Malaria. Twenty-five hundred dozen bottles of Ague Conqueror ordered in one month. It positively eradicates all Malaria, Fever and Ague, Bilious and Intermittent Fevers m any climate. Read our book of 1000 testimonials. Due West, S. C., March 12, m3.—G. G. Green, Dear Sir—We will soon need more Ague Conqueror. It is taking like “hot cakes” and giving satisfaction. Yours, Ellis Bros. Fairfield, Mo., August 29,1SS6.—G. G. Green, Dear Sir—Your Ague Conqueror knocks the Chills and Dumb Ague every time. I warrant every bottle and it never tails. I have cured cases where quinine had no effect whatever. . Yours truly, actl2 d&wly W. H. Shaw & Co. • Some Pride Led. “How’s them peas?” she asked, the peas are very nice, madam,” re plied the tramp, with his mouth full; “but f wish you would give me a four-tinea fork instead of this spoon to eat them with. I may be a tramp now,” he added bitterly, but I’ve seen better days.” A HOST LHIERAL OFFER. The V°l tai ° Belt Co., Marshall, Mich.. nj!L to their celebrated Voltaic ® ec tric Appliances on thirty „ ays T 5 r St.t° any man afflicted with Nerv- nw lty J L’ 083 °f Vitality, ..lanhood, vel’nne TOm at l d n P atn phlet in sealed en- fLfl particulars, mailed free. Write them at once. I&wtf Tlio President and the Babies. sionPresident ?L ay a , t Governor Lee’s man- Lee’8 th™! i Cleveland played with Mrs. infantile hs-old girl baby, talked kiss unon th* imprinted a presidential fondled tLe° Uttlecherub ’ 8 re d Hps. He the tmin th wa g °T n< i r 8 children, and as station thi^® 8 at ? out (o steam out of the babv tn th th eveni 1 n JT a lady presented her dfd y toL J!? president to kiss, which he did.—Washington Evening Star. The Henson for if. The tariff issue is carried into the home y hn h „<i t P r *5 the Atlantic Monthly, ■ v do servant girls who are ?{n w 6 f a week in London or Dub lin want S3 or £4 here? The tariff is sun- posed to Insure high wages, but labor is « thing in which absolutely free t.ade exists. Hence the tariff has only this much to do with the case, that about prarything the girl spends Her wages for tw J? ,u< J?? 8 ?rJ, n ,>rlce by the tariff so that $3 or $1 is little more than half that at home.—Boston Transcript. Ai* i.:<r!NCT RACE. Hidlrii nr Red Indians of Xmrfnundliind Itlscov. ered on tin Islmid in Jinfrn name Buy. ST. Johns, N. F„ October 2S.-Relics of the extinct race of red Indians, who were the aboriginal inhabitants of Newfound land, were recently discovered on Pillev’s island, Notre Dame bay. Very lew re mains of the vanished race of the Bethuks or Boethius have been preserved. There are a few in private hands and the New foundland museum contains a small collec tion, including a skull and a skeleton, some arrow heads, axes and other stone implements. In a recent excavation one or two graves opened contained the skull of au adult in an excel lent state of preservation. It has the characteristics of the skull of a savage, but is well shaped and nretty well developed in the intellectual region, one that proves conclusively that the Boe- thies were by no means of a low type. In the other grave a skeleton was found which, with the exception of the vertebra of the neck, is perfect. Apparently it is the skeleton of a young Boethie 9 or 10 years of age. The body had been wrapped in birch bark, doubled together, laid on its side and covered with a heap of stones. The form was found perfectly preserved when the wrappings of birch bark were re moved and it lias somewhat the appear ance of a mummy. In addition there are in the collection several specimens of beau tifully finished stone arrow heads, hatch ets, various articles made from birch bark, such as small models of canoes, drinking vessels, etc., and curiously shaped bone ornaments. < •A.T TIEUE! T Jersey Jackets The Largest Stock i A Sure Cure. Old Mrs. Bently—I see, John, that this new faith cure has been the means of savin’ a great many people. Old Mr. Bently—So I’ve heerd. Old Mrs. Bently—Well, the fust time you pass a drug store, John, I wish you’d stop and get a bottle of it. Dutl'y’s Pure malt Whiskey and Duffy’s Formula. For Dyspepsia anti Indigestion. 345 Park Atenuk, Cincinnati. Ohio, r Sirs—1 have had dyspepsia lor 14 or 18 ?uro Mult Whiskey It cures where all to you for it: have (t. and inv lrieiids are usinjr it. Mks. EvLLLNK TAliLTON, recommended it. and feriUK from Dyspepsia. ejiriit or ten years and have tried patent medh clues with results wholly unsatisfactory. I find vour Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey a most excellent rente \ and Invaluable to those gut D. iW. MORGAN. , Wia., June 5,1888. Formula is of the greatest vafuensTcure^V)! dyspepsia. 1 have been troubled with Indices tion tor about tour years, and after using ons wuh fh 0t rt «£ 0Ur i ™ re MaU Whiskey* ^LvL- other ln L r redIents named, Heel much better. 029 Virginia Avk., S.W., W a an i noton, d. c .,Peve Improved rapidly siuce taking voui Dufly s Pure Malt \\ hlskey and Duffy’s Form- ula. I was a great sufferer from lndleestion and severe pains in my chest and back, and now they have almost entirely disappeared Mv family are also taking both ami are do rlvlnp much belief! t. 1 have trained 3 3 poundi ks It does not, seem possible, but In? to Dutty’K Pure Malt Whiskey. In four w It Is nil c j .. x , There is nothing; to equal it. A 1) tii tri awe Dry weather doesn't inter fere with ns. Mot- weather doesn't interfere withus. Cold weather doesn't interfere with us. Rainy weather doesn't interfere with us. Nothing can interfere with us. Our Prices are Bight and the people know it. Not withstanding Hie hot and dry weather, our sales are Ear Ahead of Last fear. Some three weeks since we had a special sale of Ladies' and Gent's Hemstitched Handkerch’fs Not having enough to supply one-fifth of the demand, we wrote our buyer if he could find a sick handkerchief man to buy him out. “Verily.” he found him Consequently,we offer to-morrow 620 dozen LADIES' ALL LINEN (White and Colored Borders) CAN FOUND AT L A u SMITHS URE Biliousness; S!ck ? J eadnche Jn Kourhourt* vf) Ono done roliovos Neuralgia, t hey euro and ;u««*iP ro y. l l r ' F(ivor - SourSiornach Bad Hr oath Clear tho Skin, Tone iho He ur.d qlva -no Vlpnr to tho system. I>o«o» ONK lffiAtff, fry thom onco ana you will nevor bo •• itnoui then. Price, 2B cents por bottle. Sold by t/ycjtoia and tVfodicine Dealers generally. Sent on roselp* ut prico in ctamps, postpaid, to any address, o. F. SMITH & CO,, Manufacturers and Solo Prop3„ ST. LOUIS. MO. All Grades, From 50c. to $7. Our Large New v ;Cloak*Room3is full of OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, SEA FOAM ALL FIRST-CLASS Storekeepers uot Reep it for Sale Call and See I he Styles, A. D. DUUANNE, Pnotograoher. Philadelphia Depot. 3 Quap.tkemastkr Department U. s. A., > _ Schuylkill Arsenal. ) Gentlemen—I am a firm believer in DuflVi Pure Malt Whiskey. It 1ms made me a new man from being a chronic sufferer from dys pepsla. THOMAS H. MCGINN ISS. Dear 8irs—I have used' Duffy Wlilsk_ey and Duffy’s Formgh East Orange, N j. Dully’s Pure Malt Btomaefi, and have found tBem to bifulf^oa Claim. I feel go much better that after takina 0 tew doses I am not now taking anythin^. 1 pave recommended them to others, who have Improved. ^ S. M. LONG. Keal Estate and Insurance Agent THE DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO,, BALTIMORE, MD. 0^ The Duffy's Formula is a special house hold application of the medicinal virtues and purity of Duffy's r ijtcaiiy for the treatmen mensia. Indigestion. Mala In aaauton to the tonic effect of our whiskey, it fur nishes uneqalled blood-forming material, whereby the Weight and Strength are increased. It it made in accordance with a specially prepared formula and consists principally of Duffy's Purs Malt Whiskey and liaw Beefsteak combined in liquid form, the nutritious elements of the beej being extracted without cooking or chemical changes by a new process, making tt the most palatable and efficacious beef preparation ever made. It can be had of all dealers ai ONB at 10c., worth from 20 to 50c. each. 300 DOZEN Gent’s all Linen Hemstitched Handker chiefs, white and colored borders, at 15c. each, worth from 25 to 60c. THIRD SHIPMENT OF PARIS NOVELTY ROBES at much below former prices. JTTST RECEIVED. Handsome lot o' Homespuns, Boucies, Camel’s Hair, Donizetti Checks, Hair Lines and all the novelties are daily coming in in the newest colors. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!CLOAKS! English and French Astracbau Walking Jackets, Wraps and Sacques, Freize Wraps, Visites, Plush Wraps, Paris Cloth Wraps, Beaded Wraps, elegant Wraps trimmed in Lynx, Bear, Sable, Beaver, Fox, Astrachan Hare, Feather Trimming, Fur and Fox Tails to match. Look at our Cloaks before you buy, Sternberg&Loewenherz LEADERS OF Low Prices. HARRIS COUNTY FARM. IHO Acres for.Snlc. 1,FOURTEEN miles north of Columbus; 90 acres ! I cleared, 90 in wood, oak, hickory and pine. I Good soil, clay subsoil. All well watered by springs and branches. Fence in excellent con- | dition. Two settlements, one has three-room dwelling, kitchen, stables, orchard and garden; j other has three-room dwelling, kitchen and other ! out buildings, large orchard. Ten miles from j Fortson, near church, post office, store, saw mill, I grist mill and blacksmith shop. Cash or credit. ’ se wedfVi tf JOHN BLACK.MAH, Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga. Bates’ Brick Yard, of 24 Acres, j I 7tOR sale. Also, Brick Machinery (Sword’s improved 1, engine 16-horse power, drays, carts and everything connected with making of brick. In complete running order, stables,barns, 1 tenant houses and large, commodious sited, j Capacity 5000 to 30,000 a day. Present owner sold | 3,000,000 brick last year, and his trade is daily m- j creasing. Present price of brick delivered is ®5 a thousand. The plant will be sold for less than I cost. Call and see me or write for further partic- 1 ulars. It will prove the best paying business you ! engage in. No limit to its growth. Territory , J KIRVEN & CO. T. HATCHER, and Commission Merchant, Fontaine Warehouse, Columbus, Ga. U WILL continue the Warehouse and Commission Business in all its hrnn„hoa and solicit the patronage of my friends and the public generally. We guarantee strict attention and prompt returns on all consignments. wc guarantee strict BAGGING and TIES always on band at TO PARENTS. Many baking powdi to health, and while . own, in* should all ones—the little children. nro vory pernicious ip every one regards his have a care for the tender SKA FOAM contains none of tlio bad qualities of baking pnw.l.M-H -Dda or snleratiis. it contains no uurtful ingredient—no alum or ammonia. SCIENTIFIC. Ai! Ohemfsts»,wlio have analyzed Sea Foain] it. Housekeepers who have used it will have no other. Cooks, whoso best efforts have failed with other powders, are jubilant oversea !• oam. Saves time, saves labor, saves //. i New’York city; Absolutely pure, und restaurants it tlio e'*untry. - ----- - IES always on hand at cash prices. Storage ancl Sale ot COTTON a specialty. Agent for the Latest Improved “LUMMUS COTTON GIN. sepf 2lawlm w2m B. T. HATCHER. HILL & LAW. We will commence to-morrow morning by offering special inducements to every customer. Our Dress Goods slock is Special prices made on everything. (■’or sale by all flrsbcltuss grocers. GANTZ, JONES <C CO., 170 Duane St., N. F. OH. RICE, For 15 years at 37 Con rt Place, •322 Market Street, T nn Bet. Third nr.d Fourth, UUUlU A renulurly educate! und kyuliy qualified physician aal UM too a auccesiful, as Ids praruco will pr~ cte> a # Ssr-* EASES. , , SpormatorfrlioA and r.npolenc7 f .Hfhr result of n*lf-ai>une in youth, Bcxnnl excesses in mi* turnr years, or other causes, und piodu imr tomnof the fol> f U'lnr clleetn: NervomiHs.s, Heiniiial KuiLfdnua, (nlsht omit* si 11,s l v dreams). DlmnrsH of Pefectlvo Memory. Phy- «!• ill Pray, Pimple* on Face. Aversion to Society ofl mrlet Coufudou of Ideas, Loss of Sexual Power. Lc., reridrrlnf niarriaijo impro|>or or mihnppr, nro thoroughly and p'-rmft. enrol. SYPHILIS^"'” 1 “ dt “- giLeet: sir"™.™” sail;, n^'SSiSSt Pn. * and other private dlncnsei qulcldy cured. It i. p If cvId'Mit that n phy m|c<u ii v hu pay* special nttentloa skill. I’li vfilcinns kii' . to my earl*. Wild, i leines cm Lc a one bit Dargain. SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! Pailies desiring to buy anything in this line can save money by examining our stock. Mark the following prices we ernote- Elegant Black Silk sold for.?2, marked down *1.50. Elegant Black Silk sold for «1 vt marked downjtt. Elegant Black Silk sold for fl, marked down m Elegai t ^BlVwV out at cost." 0 *° r ?1 ’ mark6d d0Wn 850 ‘ AU tlle “KM sb ades in Surahs to be closed H7 \?? KERGHIEFS! HANDKERCHIEFS! HANKERCHIEFS* the ^ry fowe t 8 h t e p 1 rtc?s? t and m ° St attm:tlve line hl market, and are selling them at Th ,u , E A CES AND embroidery. insurc the U salc. y aD<1 Y ° ° theSe g °° ds catch tho of every buyer, and the prices GENTS’, LADIES’ AND MISSES’ UNDERWEAR. A mostbeautiful line of these goods, and great inducements offered to everyone. T ! OLOAK81 CLOAKS! . pnvutclj -i.l .ti>.ly hy nail or expros* nny where. Cinms Ouarantooii in all Caves umlcrtalion. t’oiiiu.iufl.iMP ppraonallr or hy letter fr^o and Invited, ^hurguH runaomtblt. und coriuhponduiiue ttrlctly cuufiutibUaL PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of 200 ]inKC3, rent to ..-y ndrtn-sH, aocurely aonled, for thirta ' '*) ••cn's. Phf 'dd lo rend hy all. Addri *« nn ahort t.o’.rs from N. M- too P M 81 oduve !t to 4 P. V 1/ S ED0 I'g K STEELWIEFENSE Advertisers Can loam the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers ly addressing Geo. P. Rowell A Co. # Newspnper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send JO ots for 1 OO-na.' - Crab Orchard / -WATER. - yv” awarded in 1885 at the Expositions of New Orleans and Louisville, and the In ventions Exposition of London. The superiority of Coraline over horr or whalebone has now been demonstrated by over five years' experience. It is mori durable, more pliable, more comfortable and never breaks. Avoid cheap imitations made of varioit kinds of cord. None are genuine un’es “Dr. Wahnkr’h Cor a link” is printa on inside of steel cover. fOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York Ci0 free of active competition, 50 miles square, se wed fri tf JOHN BLACK MAR. Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Gi I) A MONTH for five years will buy you a home. This is two years less time than buildinK and loan associations. Possession given when you make the first payment. JOHN BLACK MAR, Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga. se wed&fri tf Rose Hill Residences, 81300. M*»r»0 JUKI 82000. WYNNTON RESIDENCES. $1400 and $3000. LINN WOOD RESIDENCE, $8000. CITY RESIDENCES, $300, $800. $700, $1000. $1500. $2000, $2500, $2800, $5000 and $8000. JOHN BLACKMAR, Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga. larticulars ask Hardware Dealers, or address^ nieiitioiiii'i papur, 081 AUtf, * rw ’ SEDGWICK I3ROS., Richmond, Irad. mm m for one m By paying two annual premiums 7 give you a paid up tiiree-vear police Mv ss,«* low HATLS! run aimi sthipvis: i’tvni vrsi JOHN BLACKMAR, Telephone No. 61. Columbus, Ga 4 \ r T -YM-MIC LIVER. XIIK KIDMEVS, THE STOMACH. J THE BOWELS. A POSITIVE CUBE FOB DYSPEPSIA. Constipation. Sick Headache. ’ cl S B * ved&fri tf SUIT SIDE, O NE block north of Confederate Monument square, two-story, quarter acre lot, bath room, water works, gas, good drainage. If you want a residence or investment call and see me. se wed fri tf JOHN BLACKMAR, Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga. GEORGIA, CHATTAHOOCHEE COUNTY. I o all whem it may concern: E. J. Wynn hav- i applied tome (or letters ofadministiation on | the estate of J. J. McCook, of the state of Louisi- ana deceased, situate in this state; rhis is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin ol the said J. J. McCook, to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, and show cause, if any they can why letters of administration should not be granted to the said K. J. Wynn on the estate of said J. J. McCook situate in this state. Witness my hand and official signature this JAMES CASTLEBERRY. Ordinary. TAXPAYERS TAKE NOTICE! UTATE and County Taxes for 1836 must be no- is collected in compliance with Jaw. By pa' E impnonra At W iel 4 wly Hi v.JO!) SALARY AND ALL EXPENSES PAID j lravo!:sinto viuch preferred 81 OANXtf-O Mnnufnct.urorafii r..l . \ (joorjo LI., t iuemnati, O. jmpliance with Jaw. By pay ing at once taxpayers will save cost of execution, advertising and sale. Come up and settle. D. A. ANDREWS, _ Tax Collector Muscogee County. Office : Georgia Home Building. sep7 eod tdecl Zimmerman FRUIT EVAPORATORS Tlio beat in Ampriru. Groat HarauliiN for SO days. CpFrum the wife ../ }| .n. .L.iij, Siiikmas or Ohio: •*I have thorough I > «. -u 1 .our «,«. hiv a, a Maker a* well u u Uryei% anil It work•» • iTu 11v. CKi’KI.lA S. HHKitMAN’,*' Address Zimmerman JUucIilueCo., C iuclunatl, Oblo.U.S.A* e!4j Dorr Ono to two teaspoon fills. Gomiino Grab Ouciiaild Salts in Healed pack ages at lec. unil 26c. No genuine Sultn sold in bulk. Crab Orchard Water Co., Prop’rs. S. N. JONES. Manacjer, Louisville, Ky. DRUNKENNESS OR THE LIQUOR HABIT. POSITIVELY CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES’ GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It rnn bo given in a cup of coffee or tea Without tlio ItuoTvlodgo of tlio person tak- t"g It; is absolutoly liarmloss. ami will ef- foot a porni.tnont n ml speedy cure, whether tlio patient is ;i moderate drinker or ail al. coltolie wreck. It has been given in tliou* sands of eases, and in every instance a per- fia t cure lias followed. Jt never fails. Tho system once impregnated with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for tho liquor appetite to exist. I'or Sale by nrcce, sale by* M. D. HOOD & CO., DRUGGISTS. »3 IlItOAl) ST., COLUMBUS, GA. CaU or write for circular & full particulars. A FREE SAMPLE DOV t s 0 KTVfj h nF , p a 4 t iM OU?c ! loU1 r '- nlt ’ d y. ciok will! a, I 'V into every Tamlly, 1 , 1 i s ."r 1 . 1 -' [ev to any one sendinu ad- KiCIJARDS, sole ]>roprie.' or. Toledo, Ohio w utneowlv N. W.AYER&SON aDVSSriSING AGENTS eciSdSo PHILADELPHIA €or. Chestnut aud Eighth fits* Receive Advertisements for this Paper. ESTIMATES « Loweit E c“sh iRSiS FREE tt.oajpt for AYER & SON'S MANUAL