Newspaper Page Text
daily cotton STATEMENT.
COLCMBI’S, On., October 27, 1886.
New York ».£ off, Eastern % off, Boston slight '/,
Off, Savannah off; Bank checking on New York
over the counter premium and on Savannah
•l par.
Market to-dny dull; inferior 0; ordi
nary Be: good ordinary tr .,c; low middling
8c; middling 8 1 good
Miss Louis Balfc. Maruli»r» Sale.
Miss Louis Bnlfe, a charming actress, will ap- One large white and black spotted sow will be
—The steamer Aid is expected to arrive to-day. ' f u , Sprlngcr operahouse next Monday night, sold nt the public pound on Saturday, unless
The sugar-cane crop of Tnlhot county is cut yt rs \v. T. Powell, who owns the Richmond claimed and expenses paid by the owner before
off by the drouth. j |) 10ll tte, has written the following complimentary : that time. John II. Palmkh,
' note: "Richmond, Va„ October 0.—Hear Miss
Balfe: I cannot allow you* engagement at my
: theatre to close without expressing the gratifica
tion your performances have given. The en-
coniums on your playing have been unqualified,
as 1 have heard on all sides. The press notices,
oc28 3t
KT'i euflsll 11> Lmlge X«». 282, KnigllCs
and l.iidioM ol Honor.
5y Southwestern railroad 56
By Mobile and nirurd railroad 92
By Columbus ami western road... 0
By Columbus and Rome railroad.. 170
By the river 0
By wagons 3*16
—Mr. L. A. Baldwin is a candidate for treas
urer of Talbot conqfy.
—The weather has turned much cooler and it
is feared that it will be some time before we will
have a rain.
—Mr. Q. Y. Tinner returned from Opelika Inst
middling ni h r,lt - The railroad case in which lie was to though short, have established you as a Rich- |
take testimony was continued. | mond favorite, and will secure to you on y
Talbotton New Era; Mr. A. R. Wllkcrson Is ; next visit a flattering and enthusiastic welcome, j Do you wake "up‘withV'bad' taste in yonr
Regular meeting this (Thursday) evening at
o’clock. M. M. Moore,
2d&4th th Secretary.
To Date.
■ letf-ta-Iuve.
guending some time with us buying cotton. It | “Th e great e vidence of the pleasure the audi-
looks natural to see him in Talbotton. I cnees have experienced from your playing is, ,
Butler Herald: A little son, six years ofnge, ; tj u ,t on each performance you have been called
of Mr. William Garrett, of this connty, foil from j | >e f ore tl,e curtain at the end of each act; and,
a barrel a few days ago and broke his arm. what is lather unusual, at the end of each play
The good work i<», still going on at Shiloh j ^j iev v/ouKl not leave the theatre until you hud
By Southwestern railroad 1071
By Columbus and Western road... 0
By the river 0
Taken by Columbus factories 0
29,462 i church, several miles northeast of the city. Rev.
i Dr. Leonard, the pastor, baptized three converts
I on last Sunday.
responded to their final cull.
“The governor and his lady, accompanied by
Miss Davis, daughter of President Davis, and
mouth? If so, brush your tdeth well, night and
morning, with a soil bfush, moistened with De-
lectalave, then rinse thoroughly with Delecta-
liive, which will neutralize any acidity in the
saliva, and keep your mouth sweet and clean.
For sale by all Druggists.
0| --Mr. O’Leary, advance agent of the Louise j H.obs, were present last night in a private Cigarros,
2 612 ! company, was ifithe city last nighty ^ box, and expressed themselves as greatly de-
(iThihI KciMihiic < igarras.
Go to W. S. Freeman’s for the Grand Republic
oc28 6t
Stock on hand August 31, 1885 _ 1,079
Received to-day 670
“ previously 28,792—29,102
Shipped to-day..
4 * nrovinni
I 30,541
Stocks on hand 9,775
Stock August 31, 1885. 350; received same day,
644; total recoipts 32,092; shipped same day 352;
total shipments 23,194, stock 9,248, sales 255;
middling. 8-%c. ,
Brnndreth’s Pills.
Marshal’s Hale—John II. Palmer.
Deafness Cured—T. S. Page, New York.
Hntsand Underwear—A. C. Chancellor.
Fish and Oysters J. L. Treadaway & Co.
Springer Opera House —Miss Louise Balfe.
Grand Republic Cigarros-W. S. Freeman.
Manhood Restored - C. J. Mason, New York.
Cabbages and Apples—J. L. Treadaway & C’o.
An energetic youi g man wanted at Ledger
Pin* at Midway.
The Eufhuln Times says that on Saturday
night at 11 o’clock a (ire occurred in a cotton yard
belonging to Mr. Fletcher Coiner and annexed to
the depot yard, in which nine hales of cotton
were destroyed, six belonging to Mr. M. C.
Merritt, and three to Mr. Comer, the latter how
ever, fortunately having the railroad’s receipt for
them. The lire is supposed to have caught from
the spark of a passing train.
O’Leary is an old base ball player, and managed : if^iited. It gives me much pleasure to give you ,
the Scranton (Pa.lolub the past season. j this testimony of your ability as a great artist, ]
—Tho New Era says: “There are more Talbot J ., i „~/i *i„ i
county fh
bus by wagon than ev
Fresh Fish and Oysters to-day at
J. L. Treadaway & Co’s.
says: ‘There are im«e ; am j that you may have a long and deseiveelly | The finest lot of Cabbages and Apples in the
carrying their cotton to Colum- ! ous career , 9 my sincere wish. Hoping to clty just arrived at J. L. Treadaway & Go’s.
n ever has been known before. | havesoon again the pleasurc „f meeting yon, be- I
lievc me, yours sincerely, Wanted.
"Mrs. Wm, T. Powell." An energetic young nmn. Apply at Evening
— Ledger office, No. 5 Twelfth street. oc28 2t
^ on the biggest boom in her his-
Colurnbus, too
—Butler Herald: Mr. James Y. Carmichael,
independent candidate to congress from this dis
trict, addressed a few citizens at the court house
on Saturday night. He is from Newman, but his
chances are slim for congress.
—Talbotton New Era: Mrs. W. E. Williams, of
Columbus, is visiting her friends and relatives in
Talbotton and the county. She is much pleased
with Columbus, but says there is no spot on
earth as dear to her as Talbotton.
—The session of the Harris Baptist Association
in Browneville yesterday was devoted to busi
ness in which the public is very little interested.
Among the prominent preachers who arrived
yesterday morning was Rev. G. A. Nunnalley, of
—Union Springs Herald: Our efficient railroad
Mr. W. J. Watt returned from Lumpkin yester
Mr. Saunders Jones, of Louisville, is in the
Mrs. Clara Marcrum went to Macon yesterday
to attend the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mobley, of Hamilton, were
in the city yesterday.
Mr. O. C. Bullock went over to Macon yester
day to attend the state fair.
Mrs. A. G. Wiley, of Macon, is visting Mrs. L.
R. Chappell, on Hose hill.
Miss Lula Mobley, of Hamilton, is visiting the
city, the guest of Miss Maggie Cook
Mrs. M. Wolfson, of Hamilton, who has been
8x10 Gold Frames 75 cents.
oct24 d&w eow
Alaha A. Williams.
To the Voters of.ffuseogee County.
I announce myself as a candidate for the office
of County Treasurer, and respectfully solicit
your support for ihe same. Election January
next. G. E. Gager.
Columbus, Ga., September 22,1886. sep23 tf
agent, Mr. E. B. Palmer, brought Mrs. and Mas- ! visiting relatives in the city, left for home yester-
ter Palmer home last week, and they are now j day.
Attention. ColiienlniM People.
Cabinet Photographs—the very best—$4 per
dozen. Alpha A. Williams.
oct24 d&weow
If you want something nice for the table go to
oet22tf Pollard’s.
Mrs. D. T. Mont fort ami Master Steve Moore
will sell three cakes best Toilet Soap for
25c, one dozen Honey and Glycerine Bouquet foT
family of P
ofessor H. W. Battle, on Second i line, etc.
occupying their new residence on East Conecuh
street. Miss Booher, of Columbus, spent last | Montfort, of Reynolds, Oa., 41 re visiting the j 60c.; algo, Laundry and Washing Crystals, Pear*
week with her sister, Mrs. Palmer.
—The Butler Herald says that “the voters of
Taylor county should remember that the elec
tion of Hon. Thomas W. Grimes for congressman
of the fourth congressional district takes place |
on Tuesday the 2d day of November. Let 11s
give Mr. Grimes, the democratic nominee, a good
vote in this county.’’
id !>'•
el iiur.
eeting of colored ministers and deacons
will be held at Rev. Phillip Owens* church in
Wvniiton to-morrow. Rev. W. S Ramsey, of
the First African Baptist church, will prepare
the topics of the day.
Cooked Feed for Cows, composed of barley,
bran and cotton seed, Poultry Feed, composed of
corn barley and rye, at Crane’s.
You can get Sullivan’s Tobaccos at
oc22tf Pollard’s
DrngM, Fancy Articles* and Drug Sun
The City Drug Store is the recognized head
quarters for Pnre, Fresh Drugs, correctly filled
prescriptions and fancy goods of every shadow
shape and price.
Many thousand pure Havana cigars have just
been received, and their qualify and price cannot
be equaled in Columbus. These cigars cannot
be sold cheaper than we sell them, if they are
legitimately obtained. There is nothing second-
class about the City Drug Store except its prices.
An endless variety of Bristle Goods, Tooth
Brushes, Hair Brushes, Nail Brushes, Baby
Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Blacking and Cloth
Brushes. The best 25c Tooth Brush ever sold in
this market. A beautiful Child’s Crush for 15c.
Combs of any kind and style.
All makes of Face Powders. A beautiftil assort
ment of Puff Boxes, Puffs and Sachet Powders.
A large line of Colognes and Extracts from
every maker of prominence. Our White Rose
Cologne cannot be surpassed in the United
We carry the largest and most varied assort
ment of soaps of any house in the city, from 5c to
75c a cake. A special bargain at 50c per dozen.
Our drug department is kept supplied with the
best and purest drugs. Our motto being the best
only. We have secured the services of Mr. Wm.
McLendon, jr., of Thomasville, a graduate in phar
macy, and in every way qualified to fill prescrip
tions, to which work we give special and careful
We have a frill line of Teas and Spices, which
we guarantee pure.
Large lot of Slate Sponges. *
Give Us a call. Polite attention given all.
dtf Geo. A. Bradford, Manager.
New Presen es, Jellies and Pickles at
oc22tf Pollard’s.
1 3 3 4 5 8 7 8 0 10 11 13
Cabinet Photographs $4 per dozen.
oct2i d&w eow Alpha A. Williams.
ChMieral Auctioneer. Real Estate,
Stock iukI ISoikI Agent.
Special attention given administrators’, execu
tors’ and assignees’ sales, selling and renting
Real Estate at public or private sale. Office over
Abbott & Newsom’s corner.
For Sale—My Residence on Broad street,
jell tf F. G. Wilktns
fi lial Urn
oks Like It Will he Hu
Done in Thai Di
Been Mr. Mil)'
timed --Serious
Negro Girl.
Funeral of Mrs. Bruy.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary F. Bray took place at
her home in the Nortnern Liberties at 10 a. m.
yesterday. A large concourse of sorrowing friends
followed her remains to their last resting place
in the city cemetery. The following gentlemen,
members of the Improved Order of lied Men, of
which order her son is a member, acted as pall
bearers: James E. Belcher, W. S. Lawrence; J.
G Grubbs, David Williams, Peter Giddens and
Theo Reganbur.
If there was ever any doubt about the prompt
extension of the Columbus and Western rail
road to Birmingham, there is no room for it now.
Upon his recent visit to Birmingham, Captain
Raoul, president of the Central railroad, not only
bought the grounds for depots, hut let twenty-
seven miles of the work starting at the Binning-
.Shale, Ala., October 27.—Mr. John May’s resi
dence near Oswichee was burned yesterday
about noon. The fire caught from the "tove
room. No particulars.
A little negro girl was seriously injured at Capt.
G. A. Farrell’s gin near Hurtsboro yesterday.
She was caught between the band wheel and the
ham end. A large part of this twenty-seven 1 lever. Her collar bone was broken in three
The Next Speaker.
The Hamilton Journal has the following high
ly complimentary notice of Hon. W. A. Little:
miles is already graded, being the old road bed j places, and
built by Mr. DeBartlabeu to the Cali aba river
from Birmingham. This embraces much of the
heavier work of the road.
Tt e road from Goodwater to Syllacauga is
already graded. So this makes about half the
line from Goodwater to Birmingham practically
i of her ears was torn off.
Valuable Property to be Taxed by the Slate
Next Year.
The Atlanta correspondent of the Macon Tele-
ror City Sexton.
I announce myself a candidate for re-election
of Sexton and solicit a support of my friends and
the citizens. A. Odom.
oct24d tildecll
B>. F. fi lLL.
insurance Agency, II15 Broad Street.
For t'omify Treasurer.
T announce myself a candidate for County
Treasurer, and respectfully ask the voters of
Muscogee county for their suffrage.
sep2id&wtd John C. Cook.
God Bless the <’liildrcn.
Nothing has been so productive of health and
diminished so much the suffering and mortality
amons children as Teethina (Teething Powders).
Teethina allays Irritation, aids Digestion,
Regulates the Bowels, Strengthens the child,
Cures Eruptions and Sores and makess Teething
All Druggists and country stores keep Teeth-
oct24 d&w eow
Alpha A. Williams.
“Hon. W. A. Little will, in all probability, be j under construction and largely finished. Bids ' B ra Ph has prepared the following interesting , ina. Brannon & Carson. Columbus. Ga.
elected speaker of the next house. Few men I have been advertised for the building of the ! ftr ticle: ; Wholesale Agents, supply the trade at manu
have had his large experience in legislative mat- 1 piers for the bridge across the Coosa river near i R is, perhaps, generally known in the state ♦aeturer’s prices. iv4 d&wlv
. , r , . , 1 <11 1 .11*, . .» that a large amount of property in Georgia en-
ters, ftiid few are belter qualified by nature or I Childersburg, the work to be ready for super- j„ys a legal immunity from the burdens of taxa-! 8x10 Walnut Frames, 50 cents,
education for such work. In our acquaintance, ; structure by April 1 next. j tiou, but it is not so generally known just what
we know of no man who carries a more | This road will put Columbus closer to coal and this property is, the amount nor the time ex-
11, . . , 1 • , ‘ .. empted. A very considerable portion of it is
evenly balanced head than Hon. W. A. Little, j iron and nearer to the great west than any other i railroad property, the Western and Atlantic,
and one whose judgment is at all times more to j Georgia city. Our future has not been half fore- | Central, Georgia and Southwestern railroads!
be relied upon. His splendid ability as speaker ; told. But there is a different class of property scattered
1 j here and there over the state under the ten year
Ihuifli «P Mrs. G. E. (Handler. ! exemption «ft. which, owing to the approaching
. , , , . , _ .. expiration ot the term provided in the act, will
Hie telegraph brings the sad news of the | soon become an important factor in estimating
death of Mrs. Donie Chandler at Bamberg, South the state’s revenues. This property is the cotton
Carolina, at the residence of her father, Col. T. J. 1 fi' ct - o ne«and ' v ! r c l 1 ? s . u , e ? c .'- nc j to(l
, ’ „ . . . , i under an act. approved August. 22, 1872, I find m
Counts, at 9 o’clock Tuesday night. The de- ; the office of the comptroller-general the follow-
ceased was the wife of Grigsby E. Chandler, Esq., j ing list of the companies showing where they
of the next house will be of incalculable worth
to the people of Georgia.”
Married Yesterday.
At the residence of tho bride’s parents in this
city, yesterday morning at ll o’clock, Captain
Pollard’s stock of Fancy Groceries is now com
plete. oc22tf
Kennedy’s New England Ginger Snaps, freshi
dtf Adams & Bowers.
Cabinet Easel Frames, 25 ancl 35 cents.
oct24 d&w e c d A111 a A. W; 11 u v. s
Tax Collector.
Jesse Ilall, of Macon, and Miss Mattie Walker f .. . r,ti!n e vl,, 0 mhn,. ia!o e i,n S- are located, date of filing tne application under : I announce myself a candidate for Tax Col-
were united in marriage. Rev. Walker Lewis * . ,V . » “ ® wovemDeriaw sne | theactj when expiring and the amount exempt- J i ec i
performed the ceremony.
Thu groom is a conductor on tho Arlington
branch railroad, and is a popular, gonial and
most deserving young gentleman. The bride is
the daughter of Mr. 8. W. Walker, and is a lovely
and highly accomplished young lady.
The bridal party left for Macon on the noon
train yesterday, carrying with them the best
wishes of a host of friends.
lector of Muscogee County. Election in Jan-
a happy bride, and many friends from this j e d,:
i city will rememberThe joyous bridal party. She ! The Bibb Manufacturing Company, of Bibb uar > next. [ocl2 td] N. G. Oattis.
came to our city, and by her gentle and sweet 1 county, made its ujiplicatjoii in January and
' -Y , ; „ ,, , , May. 1877, covering $<(),000 ot property. The ex-
| manners, won the heat ts ot all who knew her. I emption will terminate next year.
| She leaves a little boy babe five days old. The; The Othcaloga Manufacturing Company, of
grief-stricken husband is almost crashed by the ! Bartow county with |l9.000ot property, made ap-
. .. , , , , plication m March, 18<8. Its exemption will ter-
; sad blow. He has ever been a ready and willing initiate next March.
; nurse to any one in sickness, and his bright, I _ The Diamond furnace, of Bartow county, made
Russian Relief Portraits,
oct24 d&w eow J
per dozen.
pha A. Williams.
Accessible at all hours. Office telephone, No. 7.
Residence telepone, No. 49. All calls promptly
answered. D. F. Wjllcox.
oct8 dtf
For Tax Receiver.
I announce myselffe candidate for election to
he office of Tax Receiver, and respectfully solicit
the votes of the citizens of Muscogee county.
Election Wednesday, January 5th, 1887.
sep23 tf Woolfolk Walker.
Kennedy’s Graham Wafers, fresh.
dtf Adams & Bowers.
Removal Notice.
We have removed to No. 1022 Broad street, be
low the Central Hotel, where we will continue to
keep the choicest line of Cigars, Tobacco and
We call especial attention to our celebrated
Imperial Wedding Whisky and fine brands of
Key West and Havana Cigars, and kindly ask
our friends to favor us with their orders.
Louis Buhler & Co.
Sole Agents for the Celebrated Anheuser and
and Budweiser Bottled Beer.
seplO tf
happy faco has often carried joy and comfort to its application in June, 1876, coverinp of i
..... ... t „ 4 nr... _ j i property. Lius exemption expired in June ot the
The L’Allegro (’lull.
This club, which added so much gayely to
society last winter, has taken on new life for the
coming season, and promises to have in future a
very successful existence. They have taken rooms
in the Gunby building for club purposes, which
are now being comfortably fitted up and neatly
fUrnisbed. Their first entertainment of the
season will occur to-morrow evening in the club
rooms. Their honorary members and the ladies
are cordially invited to attend this, as well as
those to come hereafter.
We are requested to state that all gormans
during the season will begin at 9 and close
promptly at 12:30.
It will lose its e:;emption in September, 1887.
many aching hearts. May God comfort and sus
tain him in this trying hour, for he has the sym
pathy of the entire community, but God alone
can heal the wounded heart. The deceased was
a member of the Baptist church and a consistent
Christian. Her work here is ended, blit her
memory will long live in the hearts of those who j q'he Laurel Mill ’M.i
knew her. Her remains were interred at Bam- ! Cobb county, with property
berg yesterday aft ernoon.
“ ’Tis by faith of joys to come,
We walk through deserts dark as night
Till we arrive at heaven, our home,
Faith is our guide and faith is our light.
Bmtcl Tliiw.
You can save money by buying Picture Frames
from Alpha A. Williams at cut rates. From 20
cents up, 35, 50, 65, 75, §1 to $8.50 each.
oct24 d&w eow Alpha A. Williams.
ell finished at $1 per
The Trion Manufacturing Company, of Chat-I
tooga county, with property at tho time valued at j You (’
$225,000 made its application in July, 1876. The . V1
exemp 1 ion ceaserl last J illy. * ; Obtain a perfect likeness ’
Milner's Factory, Cherokee county, valued at dozen for Cabinet Photographs, from the Art
|4000. mailq its application in September. IS77. i Parlors of Alpha A. Williams,
entemher. 1887.
0Ct24 d&w eow
... allied" at' jttOjWh I
; applied for exemption in December, 1876. It will j
| come on the tax list aftei next D: ccmber.
i Tho Wilcoxon Manufacturing company, of!
unty, with $75,0 o of roperty, secured i
For Sale.
► Fine Mules.
> Texas Horses.
l*roi»lu»t With Honor. G. A. Nunnally, Eufaulfi; C. A. Williams, At-
Rev. Sam Jones, sr., of Cartevsvillc, father of htuta; S, J. Calhoun, A. M. Calhoun, Macon; J.
our esteemed townsman, Mr. 11. C. Jones, nud j VV * Howard; J. B. Ran, Maeon; Phil Jacobs,
grandfather of the eminent minister, Rev. Sam Cincinnati; John F. H rris New York; J. M.
Jones, is here on a visit to his ssn. He is 82 years i ,>a Hon, jr , Atlanta; E. P. Edwards, Boston; G.
of age, and has spent the larger part of his life in Pringle, New York; J. H. Turner, Macon,
the ministry. He impresses us as a grand old : central hotel.
father in Israel, whos 2 very appearance inspires Joe T. Davenport, New York; R. C. Orr, J. R.
faith in the gospel he lias spent his life iu preach- Christian, Macon; Josiah Allen, New York; C.W.
ing. He instructed the congregations at the j Metcalf, Atlanta; A. J. Snelson, Snelson, Ga.; W.
Methodist church Saturday and Sunday morn- I T. Cowles, Jernigan, Ala.; ^A. F. Wa'les, P. S.
ings, and many of the number will not soon for- j Forrest, Montgomery; H. H. Cosby, Geneva; G.
get the words of wisdom that ho endeavored so | W. Roberts, Southwestern railroad; F. 11. Hall, S.
faithfully to impress upon the minds of all who i T. Nickols, Augusta; T. A. Harris, Bavanna h; I.
heard him.—Hamilton Journal. j A. Peoples, Meriwether county; S. V. Arous,
| Chattanooga.
A Dwelling House Burned.
Talbotton, Ga., October ‘27.—-Enquirer-Sun : j Editor Mum ford fi'iii French.
Mr. D. J. Caracker’s dvvoiling house, six miles In this week’s issue of the Talbotton Ni
from town, was burned this morning about 10 ' we find the following paragraph :
In Jai
| will expire next January,
j The Atlanta Cotton Factory, of Fulto county, j
1 obtained two exemptions, one tn May. 1876, on
I $50,000 of property and Urn second in July, 1877. !
for $236 000. The first has already expire, and i
l the second will expire next April,
j The Southern Agricultural Works, of Fulton j
; countv, applied for exemption on .$15,000 of prop- ;
erty in .lu,.i\ 1877.
: The Eagle and Phcnix Manufacturing Com-'
' pany, of Muscogee county, appl ed January, 1877. i
xemption on $500,000 of property. This wdl
Cheap for Cash,
oct. 2i-dtf
Kyle & Or
Kennedy’s French Roll Wafers, fresh.
dtf Adams & Bowers.
•Sale ut Vi'uvn'l.v llnll.Gourgin.
ext Ja
The HuL
rprFe Manufacturing Company,
oiinty, made appUicdion in .Via*
uipti v,i on $500,070 of property
/ill expire next Mu
1 .•?]!).-
••150 :;00 i f
flu* Rich mond la«*tory, of Richmond com
applied for exemption in Noveml
j 000 of property. The exemption will exp rv
cember, 1877.
Tne Dublin mills, ofU’eamond
; for exempt on in November, 187
property, which will terminate
the next year.
The (rlohe Cotton Mills, of Richmond c'unty,
applied for the exemption in January. 18'V mi
$75,000 of property. This will expire next Juu-
i nary.
; The Cunnning Mi-.uilacturing Comp’nv, <f
i Richmond county, n a e : pp : v.t on ii N v.:a-
ber, 1877. for exempt .on on >~> \C0) of pr per.;, ,
We will offer for sale on December 1st, 188°, nt
the above mentioned place, immediately on the
lino of the Georgia Midland and Gulf railroad (a
new road that is being buiifc from Columbus to
Athens, Oa., connecting with the Central, East
Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia, Richmond and
Danville railroads). Lots suitable for building
residences, stores, etc. Wtiverly Ifallis situated in
the “garden spot” of Georgia, farming lands
yielding above an average. The best school and
church advantage-, already established. Society
is as good as any city in (le rgia or elsewhere.
Pe .pie are alive to anything progressive, and
willingto lend a helping hand to any who may
locate in our midst. it is one ? ihe best trade
point in Harris county, being thickly populated
Road. RolBoot and Bay.
As winter approaches it finds the Central Drug
Store, No. 1302, with a complete line of pure
Drugs purchased during the past sixty days. A
full stock of Bristle Go«ds has arrived, to which
is being added, every few days, selections from
the best manufactories.
This week we will receive a large assortment of
Cut Glass Bottles, which will excel in beauty of
design and perfection of workmanship any ever
offered in Columbus. Numerous shapes and
sizes of covering bottles with cut glass stoppers
are now being sold at astonishingly low figures.
We.offer imported Dutch Double Hyacinth Bulbs
at $1.25 per dozen, Tulips 50c per dozen, and Cro
cus at 15c per dozen. A few Lillies left will be
sold cheap.
Our upper store is in charge of Mr. T. M. Oliver,
a competent pharmacist, and carries a full line of
the same class of goods*at the Central. We take
pleasure in showing our goods, and always glad
to give our customers an opportunity to compare
prices with those received elsewhere. Spee’al at
tention given to our Prescription Department by
competent, careful and experienced prescription-
ists at No. 1302 Broad street and Central Drug
Store. Evans & Howard.
Bi’MIhI PlN'SflllH.
Just received a large assortment of solid silver
articles in fine cases, suitable for Bridal Presents.
Also a fine collection of peach-blow glass orna
ments at Wittich & Kinsel’s.
Go and see Pollard’s Fancy Cam lies. oc22tf
Tlu* Hjpjpiiiff Mouse
Having been re-rented under the present man-
j agement, rooms can now be secured for the en
| suing year. sep9 dtf
Fresh Sri?I! Goods.
j New Barrel Pickles, Oatmeal, Sour Ivrout,
i English Peas and Yankee Beans. Also a fine as-
! sortment of Kennedy’s Fancy Cakes and Crack-
5 ers, at Justice’s Cash Store. eodtf
Dr. Noth N. Jordan,
Operating Surgeon and Physician. Residence
Sammis House, east side front street, opposite
Lowell Warehouse. Telephone No. 2; Office
Carter’s drug store. if
Series 3, Clinltntioocliec Building and
Loan ANwoeialion.
Books of subscription for above series now open
at office of Yonge & Grimes.
Cliff B. Grimes. Sec’y and Treas
The celebrated Shield Bourbon is a very fine
Whisky blended from the best grades of Ken
tucky, six years olrl, put up iii honest quart bot
tles at one dollar per bottle or four dollars per
dtf Robert S. Crane.
Wateli making*.
J. H. Bramhall, Practical Watchmaker and
Jeweler, makes a specialty ot repairing fine
and complicated watches that have been in
jured by accident or otherwise, at moderate
Baker’s Premium Chocolate, Cox’s and Coop
er’s Gelatine, Farina Topioca, Sago, Duffy’s Pure
Malt Whisky for medicinal use, McEwan’s Edin
burgh Ale, and Guinness’ Extra Stout, at Crane’s
Cash Store. dtf
For Tax Collector.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Col
lector of Muscogee county (election January
next), and ask for the support of the voters of
said county. J. C. Woolfolk.
sep7 dtf
Choice Goshen Rutter, Extra Cream Cheese
Chipped Dried Beef, Boneless Pig’s Feet and
Choice Tripe in 3 lb. tins, Boston Baked Beans,
Cooked Corn Beef in 1 and 2 lb boxes, Imported
and American Sardines, Spanish Queen Olives,
Finest Olive Oil, Stove Polish, Bath Brick, Sapo-
lio for house cleaning, at Crane’s.
Kennedy’s thin Wafer Biscuits, fresh,
dtf Adams & Bowers.
Kennedy’s Cream Wafers in one pound tins, *
fresh. [dtf] Adams & Bowers.
I give the largest piece of Lorillard’s Climax To
bacco in town for 10 cents. Lorillard’s Fine Cut
Tobacco, at Crane’s Cash Store. dtf
Strictly first-ctass Cabinets $4 per dozen.
oct24d&w eow Alpha A. Williams.
For Tax Collector.
Announcing myself a candidate fbr re-election
to the office of Tax Collector of Muscogee county,.
I respectfully solicit the votes of its citizens,
and will endeavor to deserve their support by
faithfully discharging the duties of this office in
the future as in i he past. Election first Wednes
day in January iiext.
* sep21 eodtd Davis A. Andrews.
X«tic« to .Sloe!, holders.
Mobile and Girard Railroad, Office Sec
retary, Columbus, Ga., September 11, 1886.—By
direction of the Board of Directors, Stockholders
are hereby notified that the property and fran
chises of this Company have, in pursuance of a
resolution passed at the Annual Convention of
Stockholders, held July 7, 1886, been leased to
the Central Railroad and Banking Company of
By the terms of the lease each Stockholder is
to receive One Dollar and Fifty Cents on each
Whole Share of the Capital Stock (common) held
by them, on the first day of June in'every year,
which will be paid by the Lessee at their office
in Columbus, Georgia, as soon after each first
day of June as the stock list can be prepared.
No dividend will be paid on Preferred Stock,
Pike County Stock, or on Fractional Shares.
Preferred Stock will be converted into Capital
Stock, two shares of Common for one of Pre
ferred, and Pike County Stock will be converted
into Capital Stock, share for share, on presenta
tion at this office with proper authority for
Fractional shares will be transferred for pur
pose of consolidation. J. M. Frazer,
octl? 3taw 6w Secretary.
To the Voters of Muscogee County.
I respectfully announce myself a candidate fer
Treasurer of Muscogee county, and earnestly
solicit your support. I neod the office aud will
be very thanklul for your assistance. I am pre
pared to run. Election on the first Wednesday
in January next, 1887. Jordan L. Howell.
oct9se,wed td
OE4>KG8A SECiltl jHLN.
Corrected by John ISIacknuir, Cttltiui*
btiM, Ga.
••Is t’.i
m*' 1
“At the fourth quart<
Motho'.isi church, held
o’clock. Mr. (Altacker was in the field at ill
time, and his wife aud daughter had left tie
house only a short time before the lire was dis- | W. E. Mamtor l, tl.o o
covered to visit a neighbor. Mr. Caracker’s license t to preach the
dwelling house was burned about two \ ears ago, been troubled on tlu*
and was insured in the London, Liverpool and ; ministry, all tlu*
Globe. With the insurance received he had j he conceived w:
built a new house, which was not ully cpm- j months since 1
rly of the
c.-.ton.lay morning, Mr.
r nf this journal, was
H'ol. For years he has
jecl of a call to the
me resisting what
his duty. A few
yielded to t lie
large l.v
been p
It w
the eoi
h ve
hri.M- built to m<
it tin
,.!t! fa
n in the state,
oiled. Water
li i.,- ot:
npan e
I all t
the tin.i
ol in
baa be en ( xempted unt
to V2.371,775, amt the t
will make a very comf*
coue of the stale.
tile I), st. De.woi-r
will be shipped froii
Phis will be
thoughtful business
husines. without h;i
those who wish to
best educational a l.antagi
cons deration of
.v is . to do a good
> vy expense. To
children the very
r people especial-
Suit** for IJojm-13, 14, 15.
Chancellor is overstocked on these sizes. You
have only to name your cash prices. If reason
able he will please you. dwtf
Hot Parched Peanuts at Justice’s Cash Store.
sep28 dtf
Americus, Preston and Lumpkin 1st
mortgage 7s 100 @101
Atlantic and Guif 7s 117 @119
Central con mortgage 7s 113 @114
Columbus and Rome 1st 6s, endorsed
Central R. R 104 @106
Columbus and Western 1st mortgage
6s, endorsed by Central It. R 103 @105
Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta 1st
mortgage 114 @115
Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta 4s
2d mortgage 110 @112
Georgia Railroad 6s 106 @109
Mobile and Girard 2d mortgage en
dorsed by Central Railroad 1C3 @109
Montgomery and Eufauia 1st mort
gage (5s and Centra Railroad 108 @109
South Georgia and Florida 1st, en
dorsed by state of Georgia, 7 per
cent 118 @119
South Georgia and Florida 2d, 7 per
cent Ill @113
Western R. It. Alabama 1st mortgage,
endorsed by Central Railroad 107 @119
Western Alabama 2d mortgage, en
dorsed 110 @111
Atlanta and West Point 101 @103
Atlanta and West Point 6 per cent.
scrip 103 @105
Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent 127 @130
Central common 99 @106
Central railroad G per cent, scrip 101 @lt 2
Georgia 11 percent 192 @193
Southwestern 7 percent. guaranteed..l‘25 @127
Atlanta Cs 105 @107
Atlanta 7s 112 @118
Augusta 7s 109 @112
..103 @105
, Columbus 7s.
Columbus 5s.
La Grange 7s
| Macon Cs
! Savannah 5s
For Tax Collector.
I announce myself as a candidate for Tax
Collector of Muscogee county (election
January next), and respectfully solicit the sup
port of the voters of said county.
aug29 dtf wl m Oliver P. Poe.
ly ask the
pleted. This house was insured in the Atlanta j workings of God’s holy spirit and decided the
Home for $1000 and furniture for $500. No cause ! great and important question of his life He will
is known for either burning. The loss is heavy : not yet go fully into the work, but labor as a
on him. as he is comparatively an old
an afflicted wife.
('IuIiIkmI by n Policeman.
Yesterday morning a negro named Ike Jones
was creating considerable disturbance on
Twelfth street, in front of Judge Wootten’s office.
He was involved in some way in a possessory
warrant cane and was cussing out bailiffs aud
policemen generally, swearing that none of them
could arrest him. Policeman Johnson walked
up to the negro and warned him to keep quiet,
whereupon Jones turned upon the officer, and
not only began to abuse him in an outrageous
manner, but made an attack upon him. Police
man Johnson found it necessary to use his club
and whacked the negro over the head several
times. The blood flowed freely, and finally Jones
was landed iu the guard house. City Phyisician
Cameron was summoned and dressed his
wounds. He does not consider Jones’ injuries
local preacher whenever and wherever he is
needed, and the time and circumstances permit
of his going to work for the Master. This step
will not interfere with his secular affairs for per
haps a year or two.”
Interfering With an Officer.
Bailiff Owen had a warrant sworn out yester
day for Mr. Bart Whitehurst and his son, Frank.
Mr. Whitehurst is watchman at the Central rail
road shops. Bailiff' Owen had a warrant against
Orange Davis, colored, for bastardy. He says
he went out to the railroad shops to arre t
Orange, but
Miller's StcHtummut.
J. W. Miller’s restaurant is open at all hours.
Fish, Oysters aud Shrimp to be had daily.
Kennedy’s Vanilla Wafers, fresh.
dtj Adams & Bowers.
For Sexton.
I announce myself a candidate for City Sexton
and solicit the support of my friends and fellow-
citizens. Election in December next.
aug28 d&w till dec 11 Jas. L. Treadaway.
une and 1"C ite among us. All
j parents are well aware of the advantage of edu-
! eating their children in the country than in the
cities in a moral point of view. Lots will be
! s-Id without reserve or limit to the highest bid
der. Any further information or inquiries will
be cheerfully answered by applying to
I. H Pitts & Son,
sepldwed,se,td or W. I. H. Puts. P. M.
Ticket for Aldermen.
At the election on Saturday, the 11th of
December next for one alderman from each
prevented from so doing by Mr. j ward, friends of the present members of the b nrd
For Tux Receiver.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Re
reiver of Muscogee county, and respectfully
itt>k the support of the voters.
J. H. Harrison.
Whitehurst and his son. The officer also charges
them with false imprisonment, as he says they
claimed the right to arrest him in order to give
the negro a fair opportunity to escape. The
warrants against Mr. Whitehurst and his son
were served by Sheriff Burrus yesterday and
the ease will come up beiore Justice Wynne
this morning at 9 o’clock.
will support them for re-election.
First Ward—J. S. Garrett.
Second Ward—A. M. Elledge.
Third Ward —D. 1*. Dozier.
Fourth Ward—Theo M. Foley.
Fifth Ward -N. N. Curtis.
Sixth Ward—George W. Dillingham.
N. I\ mi.itCUT.
Attorneyt’oliunhiii*, (4a.
•ompt attention given t*> nil husi e<s. Office
* R. S. Cim
ep4 dly
1 ‘2 :t I 3678 D lO 11 12
Cabinet Photographs, $-1 per dozen.
oct24d&w eow Alpha A. Williams.
For Sole.
My residence, 1308 Fourth avenue, and three
handsome building lots on Fourth avenue and
Thirteenth street, one a corner lot.
oct21 dlw Jas. B. Allen.
We Make No Attempt
to meet comoetition on cheap or common goods,
but use the very best material, and employ only
the best workmen, and tully intend that every
garment wt make to order shall give satisfaction
in every respect. Prices right.
A. C. Chancellor,
d&wtf Merchant Tailor, 1135 Broad street.
Another lot of tho-e Fam\. Yirgini«
Peanuts at
• LLARD’rf.
Arbuokle’s Ari.-'-a Coffee n seu->ettling,.always
full weight, six pounds for one dollar,
dtf „ H. s. Crane.
It. Howiird’s Dray Line.
I have established an office at J. C. Reedy’s
real estate office, next to the post office. Parties
f desiring any work in Dray line will leave orders
there, or telephone No. 115. Prompt attention
! given to all business. R. Howard.
i oct17 If
Russian Relief Portraits $4 per dozen by Alpha
A. Williams. d&weow
112 @113
100 @102
100 @101
110 @111
102 @103
Georgia 4’oS 107 @108
Georgia 6s 103 @104%
Georgia 7s, 1896 120 @122
Georgia 7s, 1890 ill @112
Eagle and Plienix 95 @ 90
Muscogee 95 @ 16
Georgia Home Insurance Company 135 @140
Chattahoochee National 10 per cent...175 @200
Merchants’ & Mechanics’ 10 per cent..125 @130
Confederate Coupon Bonds 1 @ 2
$5000 Americus, Preston and Lumpkin Rail
road 7 per cent Bonds.
$25,000 Georgia new 4^ per cent. 30 year Bonds.
69 Shares Mobile and Girard Railroad Stock.
50 Shares Eagle and Phenix Factory Stock.
30 Shares Merchants and Mechanics’ Bank
$ 000 Columbus Ice Co. Stock, November divi
dends go with the stock to purchaser.
20 Shares Eagle and Phenix Factory Stock.
See me before you buy or sell. I can always do
as well, and often several points better, than any
one else. JOHN BLACK HI AR.
Mail train for Greenville 2:29 p. m
Accommodation for Greenville 6*00 a. in
southwestern railroad.
Mail train for Macon 12:00
Accommodation for Macon 8:U) p. m
Mail train for Atlanta 8:22 a. in
Mail train for Montgomery 2:28 p. uj
Mail train for Troy 2:30 p. m
Accommodation for Troy and Eufauia.. 6:20 a. m
Accommodation for Union Springs and
Montgomery 10:25 p