Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, October 28, 1886, Image 8
jM.Wpip.ffl ill,jlj|l ) , 'F^yywrTTrjy ? DAILY ENQUIRER • SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1886. A ROYAL YOUTH. I’rlnio I.juIn Ns|inl«on Arrive, nl Sew York on HI, four of the World—He Isn't Hand,onto. Hoi HI, Kje, Are Brown and Honest. New York, October 25.—Prince Luuin .Napoleon, ol Prance, accompanied by the Chevalier Mario Michela, Mr. T. L). Mc Kay, Pacitlc coast agent of the Hurliugtuu ana (Quincy Kailroud Company, ana a valet, arrived in this city this morning unu is stopping at the Filth Avenue Hotel. The prince, who is on a tour of the world, left France a year since, going direct to India, where about six months were spent in huutingand sight-seeing. After traveling through Japan and Chinu the party left for America, arriving in San Francisco about four weeks ago. Alter a short stop in Salt Lake City and three days in Chicago the prince and suite left for the east, arriving here yesterday morning about 7:30 o’clock. The prince is traveling under the name of Count Louis de Moncaliere, and in order to preserve his incognito and to avoid cre ating any gossip among the French news papers he politely declined to be inter viewed to-uay. "You must not think that the prince is so full of pride,” said the Chevalier Mich ael, "that he refuses to see .eporlers. He is traveling incog., and wishes to maintain "Your plan to avoid publicity does not seem to have been a good one,” said the reporter, "as several interviews with the prince have appeared in western papers.” “Yes, I know, replied the chevalier, “I saw them also, and we were very much amused by them, as every word in them was a fabrication, neither the prince or myself having talked to a reporter since our arrival in this country.” “What is the object of your being in New York at the present time? Is it for the purpose of being present at the un veiling of the statue of liberty?” asked the reporter. "We knew nothing about the statue of liberty being unveiled next Thursday until our arrival in New York this morning. We shall remain in town for a few days .and then go to Montreal. In Chicago we were very much amused. When it be came known that the prince was in town the hotel where we were stopping was thronged with men and women with books, in which they would request the prince to write his autograph. We did not understand them at first, or why they should want our names, but when it was explained to us as being one of the customs of the country we cheerfully complied with the requests as long as human endur ance would allow.” Prince Louis Napoleon was born at Men tone in 1884. In personal appearance he resembles rather ms mother, the pious but homely Princess Clothilde, of Italy. His face is only saved from downright ugliness by a pair of very bright and honest brown ■ey'es. He is a special favorite of the widowed ex-empress, who lias promised to leave him her whole fortune of .£80,000 a year. At all the courts which he has vis ited in the course of his wanderings he has been received by the respective govern ments as prince of the royal family of Italy. Advice to Mothers.—Mrs. Winslow’s Boothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It re lieves the little sufferer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as “bright as a button.” It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regu lates the bowels and is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from.tecthing or other causes. Twenty- live cents a bottle. je!7 d&wly (uuse"uhI Wet. “How did it happen that the church was so crowded to-day ?” “Well, I’ll tell you. You see the pro fessor of theology preached, and on his account all the students came—on their account all the girls, and on their account all the young men, and on their account all the widows, and on theira all the wid owers.” -Church Review. The ItcaHon for It. The tariff issue is carried into the home by the writer in the Atlantic Monthly, ■vho asks why do servant girls who are satisfied with fl a week in London or Dub lin want $3 or f I here? The tariff is sup posed to insure high wnges, but labor is the one thing in which absolutely free trade exists. Hence the tariff has only this much to do with the case, that about, everything the girl spends Her wages for here is increased in price by the tariff so that $3 or $4 is little more than half that at home.—Boston Transcript. Aiv i.XriNCT RACE. Itollri: of Hull I ml I hum of »nTou:iil1niiil BUrut. mill on nn IkIiiiiil In Notre Diinie Buy. St. Johns, N. F., October 2S.—Relics of the extinct race of red Indians, who were the aboriginal inhabitants of Newfound land, were recently discovered on Piliey’s island, Notre Dame bay. Very few re mains of the vanished race of the Bethuks or Boethies have been preserved. There are a few in private hands and the New foundland museum contains a small collec tion, including a skull and n skeleton, some arrow heads, axes and other stone implements. In a recent excavation one or two graves opened contained the skull of an adult in an excel lent state of preservation. It has the characteristics of the skull of a savage, but is well shaped and pretty well developed in the intellectual region, one that proves conclusively that the Boe thies were by no means of a low type. In the other grave a skeleton was found which, with the exception of the vertebra of the neck, is perfect. Apparently it is the skeleton of a younc Boethie 9 or 10 years of age. The body had been wrapped in birch bark, doubled together, laid on its side and covered with a heap of stones. The form was found perfectly preserved when the wrappings or birch hark were re moved and it lias somewhat the appear ance of a mummy. In addition there are in the collection several specimens of beau tifully finished stone arrow heads, hatch ets, various articles made from birch bnrk, such as small models of canoes, drinking vessels, etc., and curiously shaped hone ornaments. A Suro (.'lire. Old Mrs. Bently—I see, John, that this new faith cure lias been the means of savin’ a great many people. Old Mr. Bently—So I’ve heerd. Old Mrs. Bently—Well, the fust'time you pass a drug store, John, I wish you’d stop and get a bottle of it. Duffy’s Pure Walt Whiskey and Duffy's Formula. For Dyspepsia and Indigestion. 345 I’auk Avenuk, Cincinnati, Ohio. Deft, Sire—1 have hull dyspepsia lor 14 nr 15 years, ami your Unity's Pure Malt Whiskey has cured me entirety It cures where all others tail. 1 uni thuDKiul to you for It: hnve recommended ti, ami mv trlcmls are using It. Mas. EVELINE TAltLTON. Sirs—I have suffered ... eight or tell years and have irted patent medi cines with results wholly unsatisfactory. I find your Duffy's Pure Mult Whiskey a most excellent reme and Invaluable to iliose sut ferlug from Dyspepsia. D. W. MORGAN. Kkkdsvit,lk, lVis, June 5,1885. The Prncttco in New Haven. In shaking hands with a lady a gentle man is not permitted to press her hand, but if she is pretty he does all the same.— New Haven Morning News. The question of a proper food for in terests all mothers; especially those una ble to nurse their offspring. Mellin’s Food possesses all The requisites as a substitute for mother’s milk, and is highly com mended by the medical faculty of both Europe and America. oclO tu th sat&wlm Patient—When can I be sure to see the • doctor alone? Housemaid—You had better come during his consultation hours, from 2 to 3; he is always quite alone at that time.—Fliegende Blatter. More Motley for Your Work If you improve good opportunities. Hal- lett & Co., Portland, Maine, will mail free full information showing how you can make from £5 to $25 and upwards a day and live at home wherever you are located. Better write; some have -matte over £50 in a day; all new. No capital required; started free. Both sexes; all ages. Suc cess for every worker. Send address and see for yourself. oc26 d6m j Lately betrothed: She—Isn’t that papa coining? He—How provoking; I was just going to She* 1 (ingeniously) — He’s awfully near sighted, Charley—awfully!—Tid-Bits. Malaria. Twenty-five hundred dozen bottles of Ague Conqueror ordered in one month. It positively eradicates all Malaria, Fever and Ague, Bilious and Intermittent Fevers in any climate. Read our book of 1000 testimonials. Due West, S. C., March 12, 1883.—G. ti. Green, Dear Sir—Wo will soon need more Ague Conqueror. It is taking like “hot cakes” and giving satisfaction. Yours, Ellis Bros. Fairfield, Mo., August 29,1886.—G. ti. Green, Dear Sir—Your Ague Conqueror knocks the Chills and Dumb Ague every time. I warrant every bottle and it never fails. I have cured eases where quinine had no effect whatever. Yours truly, actl2 d&wly W. II. Shaw & Co. • Some I'rlilti Left. “How’s them peas?” she asked. "The peas are very nice, madam,” re- f lied the tramp, with his mouth full; "but wish you would give me a four-tinea fork instead of this spoon to eat them with. I may be a tramp now,” he added bitterly, “but I’ve seen better days.” A MOST LIBERAL OFFER. The YoltaioBelt Co., Marshall, Mich.. offer to send their celebrated Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on thirty days’ trial to any man afflicted with Nerv ous Debility, Loss of Vitality, ..lanhood, &o. Illustrated pamphlet in sealed en velope with full particulars, mailed free. Write them at once. t&wtf Thu President ami the Babies. During his stay at Governor Lee’s man sion President Cleveland played with Mrs. Lee’s three-months-old girl baby, talked infantile talk and imprinted a presidential kiss upon the little cherub’s red lips. He fondled the governor’s children, and as the train was about to steam out of the I station this evening a lady presented her I baby to the president to kiss, which he I did.—Washington Evening Star. bottle of your .'i»* *Y A Mil I N G rON« 19. _ . pidly since Hiking youi Duffy’s Pure Mult Whiskey and Duffy's Form ula. I was a eyeat nuflerer from Indigestion and severe paiiip In my chest and back, and now tliev have almost entirely disappeared Mv family are also taking both and are do riving much benefit. 1 have gained 31 poundi In four weeks It doe? not seem possible, but it Is nil owing to Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey. There is nothing to equal it. A. D. DUGANNE, Photographer. Schuylkill Arsenal. Gentlemen—I am a firm believer In Duffy t Pure Malt Whiskey. It lias made me a new man from being a chronic sufferer from d>s pepela. THOMAS H. McGINN ISS. East Okange, N J. Dear 8irs—I have used Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey and Duffy's Formula lor disordered stomach, and have found them to he all you Claim. I feel bo much better that after taking a lew doses I am not now taking anythine. 1 have recommended them to others, who have improved. S. M. LONG. Ueal Estate and Insurance Agent THE DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO,, BALTIMORE, MD. The Dufiv's Formula is a special houso application of the medicinal v purity of Duffy' lrr m „ formula *« U hold application of the medicinal virtues and purity of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, and is in tended more specifically for the. treatment oj Consumption, Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Malaria, General Debility and all Wasting Diseases. In addition to the tonic effect of our whiskey, it fur nishes unenalled blood-forming material. whereby the Weight and Strength are increased. It made, in accordance with a specially prepared formula and consists m'iticipally of Duffy s Furs Mali Whiskey and Raw Beefsteak combined in liouid form, the nutritious elements of the beef being extracted without cooking or chemical changes by a new process, making it the most palatable and efficacious beef preparation ever made. It can be had of all dealers at OX* DOLLAR PUR BOTTLE. -AT THE I \ - ff^gRO'S Jersey Jackets The Largest Stock in This City CAN BE FOUND AT Dry weather doesn’t inter fere ns. Ilni weather doesn't interfere wiilius. Cold weather doesn’t interfere with us. Rainy wealher doesn’t interfere with us. Nothing can interfere with us. Ouf Prices are Right and the people know it. Not withstanding the hot and dry weather, our sales are Far Ahead of Last Year. Some three weeks since we had a special sale of Ladies’ and Gent's Hemstitched Handkerch’fs Not having enough to supply one-fifth of the demand, we wrote our buyer if he could find a sickhandkerchiefman to buy him out. “Verity.” he found him Consequently,we offer to-morrow 620 dozen LADIES’ ALL LINEN (White and Colored Borders) at 10c., worth from 20 to 50c. each. 300 DOZEN Gent’s all Linen Hemstitched Handker chiefs, white and colored borders, at 15c. each, worth from 25 to 60c. THIRD SHIPMENT OF PARIS NOVELTY ROBES at much below former prices. JTTST ZE^ECEIV^IEID. Handsome lot o' Homespuns, Boucles, Camel’s Hair, Donizetti Checks, Hair Lines and all the novelties are daily coming in in the newest colors. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! English and French Astrachan Walking Jackets, Wraps and Sacques, Freize Wraps, Visites, Plush Wraps, Paris Cloth Wraps, Beaded Wraps, elegant Wraps trimmed in Lynx, Bear, Sable, Beaver, Fox, Astrachan Hare, Feather Trimming, Fur and Fox Tails to match. Look at our Cloaks before you buy. Sternberg& Loewenherz LEADERS OF Low Prices. A \J Al! Grades, From 50c. to $7. Our Large New"C 1 oak*R 0 0 m 9 i s full of S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Call and See ilie Slyles. J. A. KIRVEN & CO. SMITHS B. T. HATCHER and Commission Fontaine Warehouse, Columbus, Ga. I WILL continue the Warehouse and Commission Business in all its branches, and solicit the patronage of my friends and the public generally. We guarantee strict attention and prompt returns on all consignments. BAGGING and TIES always on bund nt cash prices. Storage and Sale of COTTON a specialty. Agent for the Latest Improved “LUMMUS COTTON OIN, so]) 1 2taw1m w*2m B. T. HATCHER. HILL & LAW. We will commence to-morrow morning by offering special inducements to every customer. Our Dress Goods slock is one big bargain. Special prices made on everything. SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! Parties desiring Lo buy anythingin this line can save money by examining our slock. Mark the following priceswequote: Eiegant Black Silk sold for $2, marked down $ 1.50. Elegant Black Silk sold for $1.50, marked down il. Elegant Black Silk sold for il, marked down 80c. Elegant Black Surah Silk sold for *1, marked down 65c. All the light shades in Surahs to be closed out at cost. HANDKERCHIEFS! HANDKERCHIEFS! HANKERCHIEFS! Wo have the largest and most attractive lino in the market, and are selling them at the very lowest prices. LACES AND EMBROIDERY. The quality and style of these goods catch the eyes of every buyer, and the pricea insure the sale. GENTS’, LADIES’ AND MISSES’ UNDERWEAR. A most beautiful line of these goods, and great inducements offered to everyone. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! In this department wo excel. There is no .such line of Cloaks in the market, and the prices we have put on them will sell them rapidly. Bo don’t lose any time to call and see them. HARRIS COUNTY FARM. ISO Aero* for Sale. I .FOURTEEN miles north of Columbus; 90 acres i cleared, 90 in wood, oak, hickory and pine. Good soil, clay subsoil. All well watered by springs and branches. Fence in excellent con dition. Two settlements, one has three-room dwelling, kitchen, stables, orchard and garden; other has three-room dwelling, kitchen and other out buildings, largo orchard. Ten miles from ■ Fortson, near church, post office, store, saw mill, ! grist mill aud blacksmith shop. Cash or credit, se wedfW tf JOHN BLACKM AR, Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga. SEDwtcKSTEELWlREFENCE Five Cold and Two Silver Medal*, awarded in 1885 at the Expositions of New Orleans and Louisville, and the In ventions Exposition of London. The superiority of Coraline over horr or whalebone has now been demonstrated by over five years’experience. It is mor» durable, more pliable, more comfortable and never breaks. Avoid cheap imitations made of variotl Kinds of cord. None are genuine un’es “ Dr. Warnkb’8 Cobalinb” is print® on inside of steel cover. FDR SALE BY AIL LEADING MERCHAHT8. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York Citl Bates’ Brick Yard, of 24 Acres, I TOR sale. Also, Brick Machinery (Sword’s improved), engine 16-horse power, drays, carts and everything connected with making of brick. In complete running order, stables,barns, tenant houses and large, commodious shod. Capacity 5000 to JO,000 a day. Present owner sold 3,000,000 brick last year, and bis trade is daily in creasing. Present price of brick delivered is ?(* a thousand. The plant will be sold for less than cost. Call and see me or write for further partic ulars. It will prove the best paying business you can engage in. No limit to its growth. Territory free of active competition, 50 miles square, sewed fri tf JOHN It I, ACK M AR, Real Estate Agent, Columbus. Ga. Al A A MONTH for five years will buy you a ■3LU home. This is two years less tune than building and loan associations, Possession given when you make the <^"\ C KMAR, Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga. net-work wlfltonf. Iinrhn. Don’t for Farms,Gardens, Stock Ranges and'Railroads. Very neat,pretty styles for Lawns, Parks. .School-lots and Cemeteries. Covered with rust-proof paint, or made of galvanized wire, as pre ferred. It will last a life-time. It Is better than boards or barbed wire in every respect. Give it a fair trial; It will wear Itself into favor. The Sedgwick Gales made of wrouglit-lron pipe and steel wire,defy all competition In llghtnc:::;, neatness,strength and durability. We make the best, cheapest and easiest working nil-iron automatic or Heif-onentm* irate, and tin* neatest cheap Iron fences now made. The best Wire Si rotehor. ('lifting IMicrNiind l*o«t Augers*. cheap _ For prices and particulars ask Hardware Dealers, or addr entiouing paper se wed&fri tf Rose Rill Residences, (41500. a I*150 mill 82000. WYNNTON RESIDENCES. St too and 53000. LINN WOOD RESIDENCE, $8000. CITY RESIDENCES, *.100, 5000. 5700 , 51000. 51500. 53000, 53300, 52800, and gjjjg^ „ AR Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga. se wed&fri tf O NE block north of Confederate Monument square, two-story, quarter acre lot, wan room, water works, gas, good drainage. If you want a residence or investment call and see me. se wed fri tf JOHN BLACKMAR, Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga. SEDGWICK BROS., Richmond, Ind. By paying two annual premiumo companies have £75,000 deposited with the of my patrons. .Never contented a loss. give you a paid up three-year policy. My he Treasurer of Georgia for protection liOW HATES! b aia: ai>.n s'!\ni:.\TS! imco.ivi*t pa ymentn! JOHN BLACKMAR Telephone No. ol, Columbus, Ga. GEORGIA, CHATTAHOOCHEE COUNTY. To all whrm it may concern: K. J. Wynn hav ing applied to me for letters of administration on the estate of J. J. McCook, of the state of Louisi ana, deceased, situate in this state; This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of the said J. J. McCook, to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why letters of administration should not be granted to the said K. J. Wynn on the estate of said .J. J. McCook situate in this state. Witness my hand and official signature this 4th October. 1886. JAM EH CASTLEBERRY. oct5 d eod5t&\v4w Ordinary. E %mmi ^°° SALARY - ANp id 4 w1y ALL EXPENSES PAID r to i rove*!: stnto winch preferred nr-; sim.Nfttu Mnnufacturoratt ......s.t.4 CuwrgotA.. C nicmuutijO. TAXPAYERS TAKE NOTICE! i* TATE and County Taxes for 1888 must be now . i collected in compliance with law. By pay ing at once taxpayers will save cost of execution, ing and sale. Come up and settle. IL A. ANDREWS, Tax Collector Muscogee County. Office: Georgia Home Building. sep7 eod tdecl ZIMMERMAN FRUIT EVAPORATORS The beat in . (fj'Peum thr v “I have thoroufl * I)rye Groat IlurguliiM for 30 days. t. rtMl u»urtiiu. bln<; nt it linker nnwell«a . ;n Lfiiutifully. CKf’KMA H. HHKRMAN.*’ Address Zimmerman Muebine Co., Cincinnati, Obio.U.S.A* ©141 BEAUS /'■'•'DUE BIIIoumims: Sick Reattach,' In Your hour*. Vj) Ono Coco roliovo:. >!cJra!qia. ihey cun an* provo'it Chills Fovor, Sour Stomach •* Bit Drouth. Clear the Skin, Tone tho Nv e>, t-.r.d olv* .1(0 .* Vigor to tho syslein. J>o«o > ONPJ MuAN. Try tham' onco anu you will novor bo " Ittiovi then. Price. 20 cents for bottle. Sold by t xigjlstto and idodicinc Dealers generally. Sent on rccctp*. u! prloo In clamps, postpaid, lo any addroas, J. F. SMITH & CO., Manufacturers and Solo Props.. ST. LOUIS. MO. SEA FOAM ALL FIRST-CLASS StoitesiersmieepitforSale TO PARENTS. Many linking powders nro v^rv pernicious fo health, nml while* every one regards his own, li<* should also have a cure for the tender ones—the little children. SEA FOAM contains none of the bad qualities of baking powders- soda or salemtus. It contains no hurtful ingredient—no alum or ammonia. SCIENTIFIC. Ail ChomfstsLwlio have analyzed Sea Foain commend it. Housekeepers v.Iid hnve used it will have no other. Cooks, whose best efforts Imve failed with other powders, me jubilant oversea Foam. Saves time, saves labor, saves mom //. It is positively unequaled. Absolutely pure. (Jsecl by the leading hotels and restaurants in New’York eityand throughouttlie country. For sale by all first-class grocers. GANTZ, JOKES «C CO., 170 Duane St., N. Y. DR. RICE, Rons years nt 37 Cnurt Place, now at 322 Market Street, T m ttet. Third and Fourth, DU fill a rrmlnrlv cduontiil and leaaUy giullOel physician and taouiarcii-.ral, a, Ida l.rwu.10 will prow. chh5ni# ssrw&S EASES. a - Spormatorrlion n«a iMipotency* m 1 hr result of Ju youth, Bcxiial excesses In m*» Mir -rve ii. or otli'ir causes, mid biodudn* »oi„o of the fol* i. -vinr clleotv Nervousness, fcoinluul KmUr-hiM, (night snila* H u.', 1 v dreams). DIimij' sh of Defective Memory, Phy. Hi ilD'Vriv, Piiiijii’Son Fa:o, Aversion to of 1*emote* ONifaWof llira,, lam of Saaaal Cover io.. readwla* nrrinire improper or are thoroughly ami perm*, ml. kvPHIX.IS lerr.i... (or llupiurak quickly cured. .1 „ -a'u II aha pay. .poohil altrntWO to a crruiiii .-Inn or diseases, and trentlu^ thousands uuuu* ally i.fiiiuIrM (M eat skill. PhvMcInns knowing this fact ofLsft K&.i.mou.l pc. to my care. Wh-.. 1 G inr.onv nk*nU» vi,it th- 11:,• for treatment, medicines nan be scut jjrimulj luil .nifely hy mnll or express onywhore. C tiros Guaranteed in all Cases A PRIVATE COlTNSELOIl Of MO panes, rent *o .<• y ulitrro, securely ■“'il.fd, for thirty SI • lid ' .I read 1,< alt. Addn ss nn .Lore tlr>'lv irndlontejf U Advertisers Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers hy addressing Geo. P. Powell A Co. # Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send lOoiR for 10O-na 1- •*. Pamphlfll r Crab Orchard ^ -WATER. - , s! THU 1.1 VICK. THB KIDNRYM. THIS HTOIUCH.I 'THIS HOWlSl-a. ~A l-OSITIVK CURB FOR dyspepsia. Constipation. Sick Headache. Ilnur.Ono to two toaspggnfula. Genuine Chau Ouihabd Saits In m ull'd onokasus at Inc. anil tic. Ko genuine Salts sold inbuilt. Crab Orchard Water Co., Prop’rs. S. N. TONES. Manager, Louisville. Ky. DRUNKENNESS OR THE LIQUOR HABIT. POSITIVELY CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES’ GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It enn bo given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person tak ing it; In absolutely liarroloHS, uml will ef fect a permanent nml speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an al coholic wreck. It hatf been given in thou sands of cases, nml in every instance a per fect cure has followed. Jt never fails. The system once impregnated with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for th* liquor appetite to exist. For Sale hy SA.Xj'EJ BY* IV!. D. HQGD & GO., DRUGGISTS, HIM)A 1) ST., COLUMBUS, GA. Call or write for circular & full particulars* A FRF.E SAMPLE To introduce the great household remedy, GOh DON'S KING OF PAIN, into every family, 1 will send a sample free to any one sending ad dress. Address F. G. RICHARDS, sole proprie; or. Toledo. Ohio w ilmeowlv N.WAYER&S0N ADVERTISING AGENTS BvViVtl-o PHILADELPHIA Cor. Chestnut aud Eighth Sts. Receive Advertisements for this Paper,