Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, October 29, 1886, Image 2
DAILY ENQUIRER • SUN : COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING OCTOBER 29, 1*86. THE SCIENCE OF HIE SHAM Result of Mr. Earle Sloan's Special Ob servations. 3tome of tlu> Phenomena Attending the (Ireat A.gust Kartli(|uake—Tlie Forco mill Direction of the Tllirnlloni—The furred ltallH and the “f ra- terlet*." Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey and DufTy's Formula. Dyftentery, Diarrhoea, Cramps. Or nt If men—I have used your Duffy's Pure Mu It Whi**K"y with the tnos» beuelldal client* Mv trouble was Chronic Di tri lni'it WALTKK HUlUIAUll. which hungtv BktaK, Williams County, Ohio Gentlemen—I was troubled with cramps of the stomach for a hum time, until I found out your Duffy’s Pure Malt Will-key and Duffy's Formula. I have used them and find that the cramps do not return. MARTIN SCHOTT. Mt. Hoi»k A vie., Frick's Mill ) Cincinnati, Ohio. ) Gentlemen—I have been sick all the winter with catarrh of tho stomach and dvsentery, and 1 find your Cully's Pure Malt Whiskey the best remedy 1 ever used. Please send your Duffy's Formula to take with It. MRS. MKAHA. Winston, North Carolina. Gentlemen—For two years I suffered with what the doctors called Chronic Diarrhoea, and was unable to get relief. I was irreatly reduced when 1 commenced the use of your I)utty’s Pure Malt Whiskey, since which I have experienced grout rnyef. and have gained more than 30 pounds In weight. DOC. COAim 10S Morris Stukrt. Philadelphia, Pa. 1 have used the Duffy's Formula along with Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, giving It to my youngest child of seven years, quite a deli cate little thing. She had boon ailing a long time with marasmus. I am triad to say that there Is a decided impro\ Now, and Courier. Mr. Earle Sloan, assistant geologist of •the United States geologic survey, who has done such excellent work as the repre sentative of the earthquake commission since the departure of Profs. McUce and Mendenhall, gave to a reporter yesl afternoon the result of the special observa tions which he has made up to date. It is almost unnecessary to state that tho re port of the commission on the facts as pre sented to them finally may materially change the theory or theories that are at the present time held us to the most prob able or actual cause of the disturbance. Mr. Sloan has accumulated a vast massof data bearing upon the earthquake, and has traveled over many square miles of terri tory in the affected district. He said that although he could not presume to antici pate tne conclusions of the commission, yet he had no objection to an expression •of his . bsetvations as to the proximnte •causes and effect of the earthquake. Sub stantially Mr. Sloan said that many data of •eloquent significance strongly argue the probability that the great shock experi enced at Charleston on August 31 was a compound one, proceeding from several foci or points at which were suddenly re leased vast accumulations of terrestial •strain which have been progressively ex plosive in a line ot action from northeast co southwest, each propagating its wav s ■of force, radiating in all directions. The •waves from the great focus, which proceeded southeasterly, were the first to strike Charleston, which, while yet in its throes, was struck by a series of waves from a secondary focus. This latter series, acting from a westerly direction, combined •with the first component to afford most marked expressions of concurrence and in terference of waves, producing, through the most varied resultants of both forces and resistances, actions not only horizon tal and vertical, but even a rotation both' right and left handed. Occasionally the •counteracting influence afforded loci of comparative calm. Again many, even deli cate, objects in falling to the earth, at favorable periods of its vibration, encoun tered a shifting, and, therefore, a gradual arrest or translation of motion, Having them from an injury, which is greatly in creased when tho period is that of contra ry vibration. Charleston, not only from its peculiar subsoil, but through increased amplitude of oscillations from want of lateral resist ance, : which is derived by enclosing streams, experienced a damage which, under other circumstances, would lie out of proportion to its distance from tho legit imate line of the greatest disturbance. Proceeding to this line, we rind numerous expressions of vust onergy. among which may be noted the forcing forward and ac cumulating of railway tracks, the dragging forward and splitting of crossties, fruetur- iug ankle-plates and shearing off bolts, and upon suddenly encountering increased re sistance afforded by short trestles the force has whipped the accumulated rail into sharp and manifold curves, and always on the side of resistance nearest to the origin of the disturbance. This accumulation of rail has been at the expense of vast open ings of joints at previous points of travel. Again, said Mr, Sloan, the most inter esting and pronounced indications estab lish oscillations of such magnitude as to have caused ridges to force their sides to wards channels of intervening streams, of which the marsh tracts with included piling, huvo bodily approached the chan nels of streams, dragging bents ol' trcstling from a vertical position and jamming the superstructure front opposite sides of the point of conflict with a violence wrecking the iron, bulging up stringers and in gen- ‘oral affording most liberal indications of a shortening of tho distance separating origi nal bunks. Instances are established wherein the vibration, aggravating gravity, hm. caused the plastic muss of marsh and mud to move slightly down stream. The maximum force again finds expressions along bluffs, the violent vibrations of which have rent them from attached hills towards adjacent depressions of stream or valley, fracturing tuo detached mass iulo ‘SBSBKSiSkwitu ,.M. HAY-FEVER and mud in Huapension, have been invested with a Plutonic origin not their due, as they arc susceptible of ready explanation. Much of tiie “lower pine belt” affords a yorv shallow, water-bearing stratum, con sisting of a system of veins and pools of quick and water-bearing sands. The earth arc >es sustaining the subsoil over ffAiese receptacles have been crushed by the recent violence, thereby suddenly ap plying a pressure, ejecting water, which has brought to the surface suspended mat ter in amounts in the functional ratio of the violence of the emission. The varie gated uaftAws arc due to accidental impuri ties. atwcll as to tho inherent colors of the ^ oomjpiynouts. -Ah*. Sloan, eing asked to explain the cause of the slight depressio is in tho soil which have been noted at several places, sivui that they were accounted for by the fact that the subsoil in such places was crushed and fell into the places from which the quicksands had boon expelled .through the craterlets. fl'20 Wklcii Sthkkt, ctinftor, Fa. Gnntinnien—1 lmvo been nuttVrlng for ton r 'ciirn with catarrh of tl.o Htoiimch (P’huIt of yphohl f«ver>. running Into ovscn»cry and airnralloii ot the lower bowel. The best brands of whlakey never Milted nif palate until I tested your Duffy'* Fury M ill Whiskey, ' ‘ aatUfactor .HAH A. Wfc y r-MilfH IDN ICR. .JOHN BUKGAN. •y The Duffy's Formula is a special house- hold application of the medicinal virtues and purity of Duffy's Pure Mall Whiskey, and is in- tended more Specifically for the treatment of Consumption, Dyspepsia Indigestion, Malaria, General Debility and all Wasting Diseases. In addition to the tonic effect of our whiskey, it f nr- nishes uneqalleil blood-forming material. whereby the Weight and Strength are. imreased. It Is made in accordance with a specially prepared formula and consists principally of Dufy's Pure Malt Whiskey and /taw combined in ligutd form, the nutritious elements (\f the beef being extracted without cooking or chemical changes by a new process, making tt the most palatable and efficacious beef preparation ever made. It can be hud of all dealers <M OJSR DU 1.1,Ml PEli lit) TILE. RADFI ELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR Most happily meets the demand of the age for woman's peculiar afflictions. It is a remedy for W()MAN ONLY, and for one special class of her diseases. It is a specific for certain diseased con ditions of the womb, and so controls the Menstrual organs as to regulate all derangements and irregularities of her Monthly Sickness. The proprietors claim lor this remedy no other medi cal property. It is strictly a Vegetable Com pound, the studied prescription of a learned phy sician whose specialty was Female Diseases, and whose fame became enviable because of his success in the treatment and cure of female com plaints. Suffering woman, it will relieve you of nearly all complaints peculiar to your sex. For sale by druggists. Write for book, “Mes sage to Woman,” mailed free. Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.' ? eod&w nrm (3)0 Catarrh ^ wa&£„ in] , idJ '.old in Head, CAT VIC ECU, FEVER. tot a Liquid, Snuff or 'owner. Free fVom njurinus drugs and '(feusivo odors. A particle Is applied into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 50 c-.-nts at Druggists; by mail, registered 50 cih. Circulars free. FLY BROS.. Drug rists. Owegc. N. Y. aug3 eocl&wtf arm "SHADELAND". Rrsi'o Ip. You are fooling depressed, vour appetite is poor, you are bothered with heiiauohe, you arc ndgetty, nervous and generally out of sorts, and want to brnee up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an hour, and t hen leave you in worse condition than before: What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of liver and kidneys, restore your vitality, and give re newed health and strength. Such a medi cine you will find in Electric Bitters, and ■only 50 cents a bottle at Brannon & Car- son’s Drug Store. eod&w ItcruH.-il to Pay. During a discussion between the Taylor Brothers, in Tennessee', the other day, “Alf,” in discussing the tariff, offered any one in the audience a flO bill to tell on which side of the tariff question his demo cratic brother is. “Bob,” the democratic brother, at once held out his hand for the money, saying, “I’m on the Chicago plat form side of the tariff.” The audience cheered until “Air’'retorted: “I refuse to pay the money, bocause the Lord can’t tell which from tother side of that platform.” Free Trade. The reduction of internal revenue and the taking otf of revenne stamps from Pro prietary Medicines, no doubt has largely benefited the consumers,as well as relieving the* burden of home manufacturers. Es pecially is this the case with Green’s Au gust Flower and Bose hee’s German Syrup, as the reduction of thirty-six cents per dozen, has been added to increase the size of the bottles containing these remedies, thereby giving one-fifth more medicine in the 75 cents size. The August Flower for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and the German Syrup for Cough aud Lung trou bles, have perhaps, the largest sale of any meaicii\es in the world. The advantage of increased size of the bottles will be greatly -appreciated by the sick and afflicted, in every town and village in civilized coun tries. Sample bottles for 10 cents remain 4fae same size. octl2 d&wly THE MOST EXTENSIVE PURE BRED LIVE STOCK ABLISHMENT in the WORLD. New InipnrtA* ttons constantly arriving, lturc Individual excellence and choice Breeding. CLYDESDALE HORSES, I' Lit ('ll EICON' NOKMAN or FRENCH DRAFT HORSES, English draft houses. Tit I ITT iNG-II It ED HOADSTERS, CI.KYLLANl) BAYS anil UtKNdl COACHER8, ICELAND mid SHETLAND I’t’NIES, HOLST LIN-Kit I ESI AN un.l DEVON CATTLE. Our customers have the advantage of our mniiy years experience in breeding and importing ; Superior quality i«e Va riety and Immense Collection*; opportu nity of eomparina dill'ereiit forced*; and low price*, because of our uiieounled la- rilitie*, extent olbu*iucs* and low rates of transportation. Knottier c*ttibli*hment In the world offers 8iicli advantage* to the i»iircbn*er, . FHK’KS LOW! TElOIS EASY! VI** It or* welcome. Correspondence nolle? ited. Circulars Free, Mention this paper POWELL BROS., springhorn. Crawlord Co-S* NCREASING FAST, D. A. Andrews, D. A. Anglin Averett & Porter, R. J. Auglin, J. Adams, C. Batastein, R. Broda, Bennett & Co., T. A. Cantrell, V. R. Cantrell & Co., R. 8. Crane, F. Conti, M.43. Edwards, A. Himons, J. K. Giddens, J. R. & H. F. uarrett, C. E. Hochstrasser, L. H. Kaufman & Co., G. W. Lewis, C. H. Markham, P .McArdle, T. E. Middlebrooks, Martin & Chalmers,) Tobe Newman, W. R. Newsome, J. H. Runisey, Rothschilds BroB., T. J. Stone. UNPRECEDENTED stock: ok Piece Goods NOW READY For Fall, 1886. Clothing Made to Order, Variety Unparalleled. Price* ReaMOiiabie. Satisfaction Guaranteed. GOODS selected now will be made ready foi delivery at any date desired. Call and favor ut with an order. G. J. PEACOCK, Clothing Manufacturer, 1300 * 1309 Brona Street. Columbus Ha. COLUMBUS Iron Works COMPANY, Columbus, Georgia. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, Printing, Book-Binding ANDI Paper Boxes OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT LOWEST PRICES A LARGE STOCK of all kinds of PAPER, In eluding Letter; Packet and Note Heads, Bil Heads, statements, always on hand. Also Eo velopes, Cards, &c., printed at short notice Paper Boxes of any size or description not kep in stock made at snort notice. ‘if THUS. GILBERT, tf 42 Randolph Street, opposite Post Office. t TOBACCOS is rapidly increasing, and we take pleasure in bringing the following revised list of such dealer* to your kind notice: Auction Sale Valuable City Lots I Directly Opposite the Eagle and Phenix Mills. vember next, in front of the Auction House, of F. M. KNOWLES & Co., corner of Broad and Tenth Streets, in the City of Columbus, at 11 o’clock a. m., the Valuable Lots fronting the Eagle Factory Buildings, on Front street, in the City of Columbus, Georgia, and next adjoining the Alston Warehouse, and near offices of the Georgia Midland Railroad, beginning on east side of Front street, at the North Wall of the "Alston Warehouse,” running east along said wall 127 feet 6 inches, thence north 150 feet, more or less, to the line of the lot occupied by the Southern Express Company, thence west along said line, 127 feet 6 inches, to Front street, t hence south along Front street 150 feet, more or less, to the beginning point. This property, im mediately fronting the Eagle Factory, is admira bly adapted as building lots for Dwellings, Stores or Warehouse purposes; contains now a well- built, commodious, t wo story Brick Stable. Titles perfect. Can be examined, with plot of the property, at the law office of McNeill <& Levy. Terms of sale—one-third cosh on day of purchase, balance, one, two and three years, equal amounts, with 7 per cent, interest, secured by the property. MARY B. HANSERD. oct3 tu&se-lw i..iW SB IB For is years at *>7 Court Place, 1 A reiuUrly educatod and legally qualified physician and ifif successful, in his practioe will prove. ind“ S SEXU15!i CASES. , T S pormatorrlica aud Impoteiicy, -0 tut result of solf-abuso iu youth, sexual excesses in :nv t’lnT years, or other causes, aint producing some of the fol lowing ctfects: Nervousness. Seminal Huilsslons, inl?ht ends- k! . 1 • bv dreams). L)I:iuh’«h of Si b M. Defective Memory, Phy- h il Decay, Pimples on Knee. Avcrskn to Society of'Funnies, Confusion’ of Ideas, l.oss of Sexual Power, &o., rendering m .rriiiff*’ impro|>or or unhappy, ®ro thoroughly and p.-rma- n.nllv cured. SYPH1X. IS !»•><•£?>' c " rel y 4 "* 'itis' .ystrm; Gonorrhea, GLEET* Stricture, Orchitis, Hernia, t.or ‘.upturn), Piles and other private diseases qulcUly cured. It is self-evident that a phy sician who pays special attention to a certain class of diseases, ond treating thousrads auuu* ally, acquires great skill. Physicians knowing th.s fact often recommend persons to my care. When it is inconvenient to visit the city for treatment, medicines can be sent privately bud safely by mail or express anywhere. Cam Guaranteed in all Case* personally or by letter frej and invited. Charges reasonable uud correspoudee 'e stric ly caufluuutial, PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of 500 pnges, sent to auy address, securely sealed, for tbirtj 110) cents. Should he read by all. Address as above omen hours from H A. kl. to o P M. 8uudavs. 2 tu * P. D ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Powell A Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, JO Spruce St., New York. Send lOots. for lOO-oage Pamphlet of Richmond, Virginia, Manufacturers of Fanny Edel and L. Road Tc* * baccos. HERN * I.OEB are onr Sole Agent* for this territory. niy2 se6m -DEALERS IN- Lime, Shingles, Dressed and Matched Ceiling and Flooring and other Lumber. Specialty made of Dress ing Lumber for other parties. -AGENTS FOR Royal Pumps, Judson Governors, Eberman Feeders, Standard Injectors, Hancock Inspirators and BROWN COTTON GINS -MANUFACTURERS OF- Stratton's Improved Absorption Ice Machines, Saw Mills. Pumps, Hollow Ware, Syrup Kettles, Q-OLIDIElIISr OOTTCOST PRESSES, ’AND The Improved Calender Boilers, The above cut represents the Improved Calender Rollers. so much admired and extensively used by Cotton Manufac turers of the present day. They consist principally of five Rollers, six inches in diameter, 40 inches long; two of them hollow, being a receptacle for steam. They are furnished with all necessary pipe and valves, fitted up ready to be at tached to a Boiler; has all the latest improvements on same, including the Selvage Rollers ane Cloth Yard Folder ; a taut and loose Pulley, 20 inches in diameter, 4 inches face, all ready to be connected to a line of Shafting. It only requires a trial to demonstrate their indispensibility. }e20 ESTABLISHED 1S6S. DDT7L 1 Send six cents for postage and I iV IA Fi. recceive free a costly dox ol goods which wiU help all, of either Bex, to mak* more money right away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await the workers abso lutely sure. Terms mailed free. Teoe & Co* Augusta. Maine- dawti a RON RO ofi^ g Send for pricer and illustrated catalogue 01 CINCINNATI iO.' CURRU6ATING CO G.GUNBY JORDAN Fire Insurance Agent, Pioneer Building, Front Street. Telephone No.*104. REPRESENTING AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Philadelphia. Hdnestly paid every loss since 1810. NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE CO., of New York. Every policy issued under New York Safety Fund law. SUN FIRE OFFICE, of London. Established 1710. Always successful. Policies issued on all classes of insurable property. Representative Companies. Courteous Treatment. Pair Adjustments. Prompt Payments, A share of your business solicited. sep!2 se tu&th tf THE BOSS PRESS Is Without a Rival. THE LIDOELL VARIABLE FEED SAW MILL, Is the very best Saw Mill in the market. It took the only medal of the first class at the New Orleans Exposition. For the above, and for all other machinery, address, FORBES LIDDELL&CO., Montgomery, Ala. N. B.—Our stock of Wrought Iron, Pipe, Fittings' and Machinery is the largest in this part of the country. 5 ieldwdm RROFENAIOIVAL CARDS. w F. TIGNER, • . . . Dentist, 85) i Twelfth street (formerly Randolph street.) L Columbus, Ga., September 19, igg*, O N and after this date Passenger Trains «hii run as follows. Tains * daily; t dailv ex ccpt Sunday. The atandard time by which thrf: Trains run is the same aB Columbus city time Leave Columbus Arrive Macon ’• Atlanta “ Montgomery.. ’• Eufhula “ Albany “ Milieu “ Augusta “ Savannah • 12 00 mr 4 38 pmJ- * 936 p m|’ 8 50 p tn 5 10 a m 1 35 p m 7 23 p at *11.10pm!* 2 45 pm 3 00a mi* 113pm 3 45 P™ 55 a ml* 4 07 pm Passengers for Sylvania, Sanderville, Wrights- ville, Mllledgeville and Eatonton, Thomaston Carrollton. Perry, Fort Gaines, Talbotton, Buena’ Viata, B akely and Clayton should take 8 50 n m train. ” Leave Macon...., “ Atlanta.. Montg Montgomery.. Eufaula Albany.. Milltn “ Augusta “ Savannah.. Arrive Columbus.. * 10 00 a m * 6 00 a m * 5 40 a m •1100pm * 8 20 p m * 2 26 p m * 8 30 p m * 3 10 p m * 7 40 a m * 10 55 a m * 12 00 m * 12 00 m * 9 30am * 8 40 am * 5 20am Sleeping Cars on all night trains between Co lumbus and Maeon, Macon and Savannah, Ma con and Atlanta, Savannah and Macon, and Sa vannah and Atlanta. Tickets for all points and Sleeping Car Berths on sale at Depot Ticket Office G. A. WHITEHEAD, Gen’l Pass. Agent. C. W. MEYER, Ticket Agent. augl tf Opelika, Ala., September 14th, 1886. (IN and after Sunday, September 14th, 1886, the Yf trains on this road will be run as follows: No. 1. Leave Columbus 8 22 a m Arrive Opelika 9 52 a m No. 3. Leave Opelika: 10 05 a m Arrive Columbus 1120 a m No. 3. Leave Columbus 2 28 p m Arrive Opelika 3 58 p m No. 4. Leave Opelika 5 18 p m Arrive Columbus 6 43 p m No. ti. Leave Columbus : 710 a m Arrive Opelika 9 23 a m Arrive Goodwater : 5 50 p m No. a. Leave Goodwater 5 20 a n, Arrive Opelika 9 46 a m Arrive Columhus 12 56 p m No. 7. Leave Columbus : , 145 p in Arrive Opelika 3 38 p m No. S. Leave Opelika 413 p m Arrive Columbus 5 64 p n) The night trains are discontinued for the pres ent. A. FLEWELLEN, dtf General Manager II Office General Manager, Columbus, Ga., September 12th, 1886. O N and after Sunday, September 12, 1886, the schedule of Mail Train will be as follows: No. 1—Going North Daily. Leave Columbus 2 29 p m Arrive at Chipley 4 32 p m Arrive at Greenville 6 37 p m No. 2—Coming South Daily. Leave Greenville 7 10 a m Arrive at Chipley 8 11am Arrive at Columbus 10 21 a m No. 3—Freight and Accommodation—North. Leave Columbus 6 00 a m Arrive at Chipley 8 14 a m Arrive at Greenville *. 9 25 a m No. 4—Freight and Accommodation—South. Leave Greenville 10 22 a m Arrive at Chipley 11 38 a m Arrive at Columbus.....v 2 11 p m W. L. CLARK, Gen’l Manager. T. C. S. HOWARD, Gen’l Ticket Agent.. fob 24 dly THE FAMOUS BRAND OF OLD MILL PURE OLD RYE This whisky was introduced originally in the year 1852, and is constantly making new friends. It i \ the product of tile most approved process of distil.- atiou, from carefully selected grain, being held uni formly in warehouse until fully matured oy age. is justly celebrated for its purity, delicacy of flavor and uniform quality. For sale, and orders solicited by the agent, T. 31. FOLEY, Opera House, j Cor loth Street and 1st Avenue, Columbus, New $2800 Residence. I OCATED in excellent neighborhood, on auar- 4 ter acre lot. Large shade trees in fVont, Five rooms; high ceiling; gas; good well. No nut grass on the premises. Rented for the year end ing October 1st, 1887, to good tenant. JOHN BLAG'KMAR, Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga. se wed&fri tf BALL'S CORSETS, The ON LY C ORSET made that eanbeietum* by its purchaser aftej^hre<^week»^vea£ • not found " ^ PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY \ t * .’ry respect, and its price refunded by sell*' iviaae *n .t variety of styles and pr.ees. Bewares w,t ’' : ss imitations. None genuine without BaP" emCAGO CORSET CO Lispznard St., New York. Y4? na St Chicaon. Mr ,411 REMOVAL of LAW OFFICE. J\ L. WILLIS Has removed his Office to up stairs over R. Crane’s store. oe7 lm