Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, October 29, 1886, Image 3
• • - . i DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN, COLUMBUS, GFflltGIA. FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 20, 1886. 3 New* from the Three States Told In Brief Paragraphs. A Mammoth (tenrjrhi I’eor—A Thirteen-Yenr-Old Boy Molten n Hole to the Acre—How lliriiiliu.'- liam Property Increases In Value—A Now lee Factory at Key Went. tleiirirla. Moses Martin, of Buford, is a candidate for door-keeper of the house. Mr. Thomas F. Lime, who had his arm cut in a gin near Athens, will probably die. Mrs. Emma Hayes, a lady about 70 years of age, was recently burned to death near Athens. The carpenters in Covington are so busy on new houses that small jobs have to be postponed. About $20,000 has been expended this year in Waynesboro in the erection of new ^ buildings. The Gainesville Eagle says over 300,000 chickens have been shipped from that place the present season. It is rumored that E. W. Marsh & Co. will build a cotton factory at Salt Spring that will employ 400 hands. A pear has been exhibited in Dahlonega by Mr- Miller Davis which weighs a pound and three-quarters and measured fourteen inch4s around. Mr. S. A. Gray, on his little farm in Waynesbo.o, has gathered 600 bushels of corn from sixteen acres, over thirty bush els to the acre. Mr. John A Moore, of Franklin county, is the chief butter maker of that section. Since June 1st he has sold, from one cow 200 pounds, besides what he used at home. Dr. W. N. Bruce, an eminent physician of Decatur county, aged 75, died Wednes day at his residence at Bainbridge. He leaves a large family and a host of friends to mourn his loss. The Franklin News says that “the chil dren about town are gathering immense quantities of hickory nuts. There are thousands of them this year, and the late dry weather makes them quite sweet.” Mary Jane Westmoreland, a young negro girl, was convicted of larceny before City Judge Daniel, in Griffin, and sentenced to pay a fine of $23.40, or serve six months on the chain gang, >Ir. B. W. Whitfield, who resides near Munnerlyn, recently lost fifty-four out of sixty-four hogs. Those lie lost would havo netted him 3000 pounds of pork. Mr. Situ Reeves, of the same locality, is also a heavy loser. In the case of the L. II. Edwards estate vs. the Wilcoxon manufacturing company, before Judge Boynton, in Newnan, an order was granted enjoining the company from issuing bonds, and Captain H. J. Sargent, the secretary and treasurer, wa9 made permanent receiver. The business of the company has been resumed. Mr. F. T. Berry, a prominent and suc cessful farmer near Crawford, savs he will not make more than half a cotton crop, and his prospects are as good rs any of his neighbors. Cotton below Antioch is a little better, but over the country gener ally the croD will be short. A severe drouth visited this section last summer. Mr. Henry Brittain, of Athens, is now in his 88th year, but bears his age wondei- fully. He has been confined to his bed lor several days, but is no ways serious. Mr. Brittain savs that just before the war he could have bought all the land lying in front of him, and once owned by Major II. S. Hughes, at $6 per acre. It now brings from $25 to $100. Master Harry Levy, the little thirteen- year-old son of Postmaster J. M. Levy, of Covington, has made a heavy bale and a half of cotton on one and a half acres of land the present yeur. On Thursday last he sold one bale, weighing 586 pounds, which brought him nearly fifty dollars at the present low' price, and he still has half a bale to sell yet. He has done all the work of raising the cotton himself, besides doing a great deal of other work. After selling his bale on Thursday he paid for his guano, rent and other expenses, which were about fifteen dollars, purchased him self a handsome suit of‘ clothes, and then had plenty of money left to pay his ex- S enses to the state fair at Macon, where e is now gone with his father to spend several days. Kloriitu. There are now thirty-four prisoners in the Orange county jail. Mr. Gruber is to have the appointment of postmaster at Tilusviile. A grocery store in Gainesville has just received a wagon load of watermelens. The ice factory building at Bartow is nearly complete, and the machinery has arrived. Ramon Riverov Revero has been nomi nated by the tv nights of Labor at Key West for tlie senate. A base ball club has been organized in Fort Meade which is open for challenges from any other clubs. J. T. Beek ■, the superintendent of pub lic instruction for Orange county, will again be a candidate foi*re-electlon at the coming election. First Lieut. Wm. M. Beach, corps of en gineers, has been ordered to St. Augustine for the purpose of inspecting the sea wall, tlie foundation of which is in a dilajndatcd condition. J. J. Walker, the democratic nominee in Madison countv for assemblyman, has donated a lot of land at Simpson’s Spring to the Jefferson County Teachers’ Associa tion. Two negroes, charged with breaking open the store of Minor & Co., of Oconee, and taking therefrom a quantity of goods, have been lodged in jail. Some fiend threw a whitewash brush into the passenger car window of a train that had just passed Maitland recently. The window glass was broke n into Hin ders and the passengei'3 considerably frigntened. William C. Brown was shot recently at Dr. Harris’ place, on tlie C.iloosahatchie river. Tiie coroner’s jury brought in a verdict to the effect tint Brown was killed by an unknown party. Peter Outcn, a negro living on the place, was arrested, but discharged, as the evidence was not strong enough to hold him. The new factory about to be put up at Key West by McDermott and Higgs will be one of the largest and finest on the island. It is being built for Mr. Waddell, near the garrison, oh one of the most pleasant locations on the island, and will front on a street fifty feet wide. The fac tory will be 40 feet wide by 140 feet long, three stories high, and will afford space enough on each floor for 200 operatives. The South Florida Foundry and Ma chine Company, at Orlando, made the largest “pour” Wednesday that has been made since they went into business, oyer two tons having been poured. It consist ed of car castings for the South Florida railroad, orange sorters, castings for brick machinery, tramway wheels, etc. Every department in the foundry is crowded with work to its utmost capacity. Ala bam it. Birminghom has outgrown her gas works. Mr. C. S. C. Brown, of Montgomery, fell on a pavement in Talladega and fractured his skull. f Dr. Hudson, a prominent young physi cian of Griffin, Ga., has moved to LaFaytte to practice his profession. Mrs. Moreu’s crib, near Brierfleld, con taining 800 or 1000 bushels of old corn, burned Sunday night. It is supposed to be incendiary. Mr. Lucius Russell, of Clayton, Ain., and Miss Estelle Butts, of Amerieus, Ga., were married Sunday night at the residence of the bride’s brother-in-law. Mr. W. E, Payne, several miles east of Greenville. A few days ago tlie gin house of Stewart & Webb, at AmberBon, Cherokee county, was entirely destroyed by fire, together with eight or ten bnles of < 6ton. The loss is estimated at $1500. It ; apposed to be the work of an incendiary. Billy Vasser, a negro oartman at Selma, came near being killed Tuesday. A mule attached to a cart loaded with coal ran away, throwing Billy out. The cart passed over his body, breaking his leg and rtinsh- ing him badly. The people of Union Springs are much gratified that Mr. Charles R. McCall, who has been vice consul general at Rio de Janiero for the last eignteeh months, was last week promoted by President Cleve land to the consulship at Santos, Brazil. Mr. McCall is a native of Bullock sounty. The gin house of Messrs. W. J. & H. R. Lewis, nekr Invereness, was burned Wed nesday morning, together with three bales of cotton and the seed from thirty more. It was evidently the work of an incendi ary. It is thought the gin house was in sured. Montgomery boasts of a war relic in the shape of an antiquated mule. The mule is branded “Confederate States” on one side and “United States” on the other. He is said to have served a time on both sides of the issue in the late war between the states. The Birmingham Age says: A gentle man related an incident to ail Age reporter eharaeteristie of tlie real estate movement here. A brick house on Second avenue was bought by him three years ago for $4500; he sold it after a year for $5000. In six months he bought it back for $6600. He sold it again August for $75000 and bought it back two weeks ago for $10,500, and it is now on the market for $15,000. A MOST I.IBEKAI, OFFER. The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on thirty days’ trial to any man afflicted with Nerv ous Debility, Loss of Vitality, ..lanhood, &e. Illustrated pamphlet in sealed en velope with full particulars, mailed free, Write them at once. l&wtf MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared with strict regard to Purity, Strength, and Healthfulness. l)r. Price's Baking Powder contains no Ammonia,Lime. Alum or Phosphates. Dr. Price's Extracts, Vanilla, Lemon, etc., flavor deliciously. PP/CE BAX/NG POWDER CO. Chncano. and Sr louts. WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA. Shortest, Quickest and Best—308 Miles Shorter to New York than via Louisville—Close Connection with Piedmont Air Line anti Western and Atlantic Railroad. in effect September 12th, issh. Leave New Orleans... ** NIobi e “ Selma “ Montgomery.. “ Chehaw Arrive Columbus Leave Columbus “ Opelika Arrive west Point.... Lu Grange Neu Atlanta Via W. & A. Railroad. Leave Atlanta. Arrive Rome ; I “ Dalton “ Chattanooga “ Cincinnati [..* Via the Piedmont Air Line to New York and East. Leave Atlanta Arrive Charlotte “ Richmond “ Washington “ Baltimore “ Philadelphia “ New York No. 53 s 20 p m | 1 10 a m j 0 05 a m 1 8 20 i) m 9 55 p m 11 55 a m ‘2 28 ii m i 10 53 p in ! 11 10 p in I 12 20H m ! I 45 n ill i ! 3 25 a mi 7 50 a ill 11 15 a mi 11 40 a in I 1 00 p m No. 51 7 55 a m 1 20 p m 4 30 a ill 7 55 a in 9 07 a ill 11 55 a m 8 5-1 a m 10 05 a m 10 49 a m 11 20 a m 12 23 p m 1 45 p ill 7 40 a mi 0 25 p ill 7 00 a m I 8 00 a ni j 9 35 2 40 p m 3 40 l) m 0 50 p 111 5 55 j) ill 7 37 p ill 1 07 p ill 4 00 p ill 4 05 a 111 3 37 p ill 8 30 j) ill 11 25 p m 3 0(1 a ni 6 20 a ill Traiii 51, Pullman Palace Buffet Car Atlanta to New York without change. South Bound Trains. | No. 50 | No. 52 Leave At lantn ! | 1 45 p m i 11 20 p iu Leave Columbus 1 j 2 28 p ni' ?.... “ Opelika I ; ! 5 18 p ml 3 30am Arrive Cn fill aw i I 6 02 pm 4 40 am ‘‘ Montgomery | • v 1 | 7 15 p m j 6 20 a ni Arrive Mobile 1 ; j 2 25 a in 2 10 p m ,..iin 50, Pullman Palace Sleeping Car through to New C Sleeping Ca 1 , free of charge, through to Texas without change Via Selinu and Queen and Crescent. I ! I I “ Opelika I ; 5 ** Montgomery : 8 Arrive Selma : i ll " Marion | I .... “ Greensboro | j j.... “ Vicksburg | \ .... PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I.AWYDIIN, ^IHARLES It. RUSSELL, Attorney-at-Law, Columbus, Ga. JOSEPH F. POl T , Attorney-at-Law, Oflice up stairs over till Broad street. pEABODY, BRANNON & BATTLE, Attorneys-at-Law. r J'HOMAS W. GRIMES, Attorney-at-Law. Office up stairs over Robert* Carter’s drug store. yy^M. A. LITTLE, Attorney- at-Law. GRIG8BY E THOMAS, JR. GRIGSBY E. CHANDLER. rjiHOMAS & CHANDLER, Attorneys-at-Luw. Office up stairs over C. E. Hochstrasser’s store. AS. M. LENNARD, Attorney at-Law. Office back room over C. J. Edge’s shoe store. 28 p m . 18 p ill . 15 J) 111| 15 P 111! : 11 ... I... 1 45 p ill 3 45 p m 5 35 p in 0 27 p m p m 4 22 a ill 0 50 a m 1 40 p m 0 35 p in CECIL GAB BUTT, General Manager. other’s Friend Not only shortens the time of labor and lessens the in tensity of pain, but it great ly diminishes the danger to life of both mother nnd child and leaves the mother in a condition highly favorable to speedy recovery, nnd far less liable to L'looding, Con vulsions, and other alarming symptoms incident to slow or painful labor. Its wonder ful efficacy in ihis respect entitles it to be called The Mother’s Friend and to be ranked as one of the life saving remedies of the nine teenth century. We cannot publish certifi cates concerning this reme dy without wounding the delicacy of the writers. Yet we have hundreds on file. Send for our book, “To Mothers,” mailed free. Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. jy21 eod&w nrm (2) p BORGIA/ CHATTAHOOCHEE COUNTY- " J Notice is hereby given to all persons con cerned that on the — day of . 188«, Mintn Daniel, late of Chattahoochee county, departed this life intestate and no person has applied for administration on the estate of said Minta Dan iel in said state. That administration will be vested in the sheriff of said county or some other fit and proper person after the publication of this citation once a week for four weeks, unless valid objection is made to his appointment. JAMES CASTLEBERRY. Orddinary and Ex-Officio C. C. O. au«2R oaw 4w GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY; .... __ - _ . i his guardianship of S. H fore to cite all persons co» cenred, 'o show cause why the said II. H. Epping should not be dis missed from his guardianship of S II. and F. II. Hill and receive the usual letters of dismission. Given under my hand and official signature this October 4th, 1886. octl oaw4w F. M. BROOKS. Ordinury. WAPlTAIi Pitl/j; J*75,000.-m* Tickets on By 8.1. Sluice* in proportion. Louisiana State Lottery Comp’y “TFe do hereby certify that we supervise the o* rangement for all tlie Monthly and Quarterlj rawifigs themselves, and that the same are eon ducted with honesty, fairness, nnd in good faith toward all parties, and we authorize the Compan| to use this certificate, with fac-similes of our sii natures attached, to its advertisements.” Constructed With Our Own “Patent Eyelet Batteries,” Surpass in power and permanency all and every other device to app.y magnetism to the human system. Our record stands at k> percent of all curable eases cured. Throat. Luna, Stomach, Kidney, Liver and almost every other trouble yields to Hie mild ytt persistent currents of mag netism. ns applied by our methods. The Belt and invigomiov impart event, strength, warmth and comfort, and the Dyspeptic. Nervous, weak and desponding Income hopeful and genial, and enjoy lite again. CoiiimiHNioncrM. B r c the undersigned Banks and Bankers wit pay all Prices drawn in The Louisiana State Lot teries which may be presented at our counters. J. II. OGliEMHY. Pros. La. Xnfl Hank J. W. Ii I LItKLTII. I*re*. Ntuto Xm'l B'J* A. RALIMITX, Fren. X. O. Xut*l llacil Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years bv the LegiRla ture for Educational and Charitable purposes • with a capital of $1,000,060—to which a reservi fund of over $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchisi was made a part of tlie present State Constitu tion, adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed 6j the people of any State. IT NEVER SCALES OR POSTPONES. Its Grand Siiiylc Number Drauiiijg? lake gtlace Mont lily , and the Extraordinary Drawings regularly every three months, instead of semi-annually as heretofore, beginning March, 1886. A NPliKXDII) O IM’OIMTX IT Y T«» WIN A FORTUNE. ELEVENTH GRAND DRAWING. CLASS I.. IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, Xovom- her Dili. 1886—lUHtli Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL Pltl/Jl #75,000. 100.000 Tickets at l ive Hollars Each Fractions in Filths in |»r<»|M»rlinn. J ( J L. WILLIS, Attorney at Law. Office over Crane’s corner. | AS. G. MOON, Attorney-at-Law and Real Estate Agent. Office corner below Swill’s warehouse. JAMES M. RUSSELL, Attorney-at-Law. • Practices in the state and federal courts of Georgia and Alabama. Office over 1247 Broad St. 8. 13. HATCH UR. D. PEABODY. J JATCHER & PEABODY, • Attorn eys-at-Law.* Office up stairs over 1119 Broad street. yy A. TIGHTER, Attorney-at Law. Office on second floor of Garrard building. ^ P. GILBERT, Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all lousiness. Office over R. S. Crane. COMMISSIONERS' SALE -for Partition- Two Valuable Plantations. r< EOROIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY—Unrlcr nnd; " * by virtue of an order from the Superior Court of Muscogee County, passed gt the May term, I88t- thereof, the undersigned Commissioners appoint ed by said court will sill In front of the court house of said county, in the city of Columbus, on* the first Tuesday in Novi niber next, between the ^ legal hours of sal*’, at public outcry to the highest bidder, tlie following described plantation proper ty, all lying in tlie county of Muscogee, state of Georgia, to-wit: All that body of land known aa the “James H, Jones” or “Ridgewood Plantation,’ coi sisting of lot No. 256 in the ninth district, also lots Nos. 288 and 201, two hundred two ard a half * 202 1 v - acres each, more or less: Also too acres of the north part of lot No. 287 at Jones’ Crossing, also fractional lots Nos.28ftand 260, eighty-one tQD ucres- each, all in the tenth district, also the south half of lot No. 287 one hundred one and a quarter 1101 1 1) ueri s more or less; also fructioD al lots Nos. 257 nnd 288, ninety (901 acres each, in seventeenth' district ; also fractional lot No. 1 in eighteenth' district,sixty-seven nno a half <07U > acres more or less. Haiil plantation containing in all twelve' hundred and eighteen and oi e-fourth (1218M) acres more or less; (excepting therefrom the small plat or enclosure known as the “Jonea family cemetery,” containing U acre, and the right of access thereto , bounded on north by lands of Boyd, Stripling and McFarland, west by McFarland. south by Mo- Farlaiul and Cox. cast by the “Carnes place.” Improvements'--an 8 room two- story dwelling house, tenant * screw, stables, well fine water Also, the body of land known as the “Carnes place,” consisting of lot No. 257, two hundred two and one-half 1202S) acres; part of lot No. 254 west of Kendall creek, one hundred five and three- fourths (I05 : *i i acres, more or 1<rh; fractional lot No.256, eighty-one (81 > acres , and all that part ot fractional lot No. 255,'went of Kendall creek and south of a line running due west from said creek 8 chains nnd 20 links south of the district line, con taining eighteen and tbree-fourtns (.18*,) acres, more or less, said plantation containing in all four hundred anil eight acres, more or less; all in the tenth district of said county; bounded north by Boyd’H place, south by Cox. east by Kendall creek and Jenkins, west by “Jones place.” Im provements a commodious one-story dwelling house, out houses, good fences and well of fine: water. of sale: One-third cash on day of Rale,. sionoi nom pmces given on .January i, 1887. de scription of lunds from recent survey by Jno. E. Lamar, county surveyor. Sale for partition. D. A. ANDREWS, ) J.G. MOON. Comm’rs. TOL Y. CRAWFORD.) oct2d*wtd REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. T HAVE FOR SALE a half acre lot anil new I live-room Dwelling oil lower Broad street, which the owner has authorized me to offer at u bargain, as he wishes to move away. The desirable Residence of Mr. O. C. Bullock, on Fourth avenue, next to girls’ public school, at a very reasonable price. Key of Hose Hill, good Store and Dwelling House. §1800. New five room Dwelling nnd acre lot on Rose Hill, near street car line. WilL sell on terms to suit, the purchaser. 1100. Half acre vacant lot on Second avenue. 800. A good four-room House on Second av enue. north of railroad. too. A new three-room House on Fourth Htreet . Will sell on terms to suit purchaser. 3500. 150 Acres of land and good six-room Dwell ing in Wynnton. 250. A vacant lot on lowr Second avenue. 225. A vacant lot near Slade’s school, looo. Four new thiee-room Houses in Northern. Liberties rent for 810 per month. W. S. GREEN, Real Estate Agt eodtf R. SLADE, Attorney-at-Law. Office on second floor ot Georgia Home build- ! ing. yy r ALONZO CARTER, Attorney-at-Law. Office up stairs over R. S. Crane. J OUIS F. GARRARD, Attorney-at-Law, Oflice in Garrard building, over Wittich Kinsel’s. TON & CO. New Stand OUR MAGNIFICENT STOCK Fall Millinery * i i. do 300 do 100 1000 do 25 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750 6,75t 9 Approximation Prizes of 500 4,50i 9 Approximation Prizes of 250 2.25< ! 1SB Wilson In Mi>gm.(i<. 1‘owi'l* I.ndlen* Abdominal Supporter Gives great support and comfort and in creased strength to the walls of the abdomen iu j cases of ubdomiiiul enlargement without any particular disease. Tends also to decrease and j prevent excessive accumulation of fat. The Magnetic Ti'citdug Necklace soothes and quiets the Teething Baby and pro i vents convulsions. The full power llyclct nailery fiosoles not only warm 1 lie feet, but prevent cramps in legs so prevalent in advancing years. No Invalid should despair because chcapi i* or inferior poods have failed, until they have tried cur methods. Pamphlet, letters of instruetio., a id testimonials mailed to any address. Advice and counsel free to all patients. Dr. imiMifi TEIi’I’V, ('oh oclllilljelO Iiik (iii., Ami! 1967 Prizes, amounting to.., Application for rates to clubs should be nindi only to the Office of the Company in New Orleans For further information write clearly, giving full address. POSTAL NOTES, Expres* Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordi nary letter. Currency by Express (at our ex peuse; addressed .Ml A# OAK’E’IIIX, Xew Orleans, La. Or ML A. HA IT*IIIX. Washington. II. F. Make I*. 41. Money Or«Ie»*s payiiii « >iu<l address Itcgistcrcri Loiters lo XEW ORLEANS X VI'EOXA I. ISA X 14 . wed se&w4w Xew Orleans. La A Stan<lar<i Medical Work FORYOliSC 4 JllllMIED Mff OJfliY ■HAW liV .>1.111.. rONTI’AII). ILLUSTRATED SAMPLE FREE TO AL GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUN’IY. ,ocr .in Wlmroim. Geornt? Y. Pond niiuo s application $265,o0( tor letters ol udnnnist rat ion di.* holds non upon the estate of Hu h Dover, late of said county, '‘vccascd; These an., therefore, to cite all persons con l»ll YSIC IAXS. J'J C.TICKNOR, Practicing Physician. Office at Robert Carter’s drug store. riEORGE J. GRIMES. Physician and Burgee n. Office up stairs over City Drug Store. J W. CAMERON, Practicing Physician. Office up stairs over Central Drug Store. J E. GILLESPIE, Practicing Physician. Otfic at Robert Carter’s drug store. . w. BRUCE. ! y\ r W. BRUCE A SON, ROBERT BRUCE. j ncr'c an . uieiciore, io cue an ] i cerned, kindred and creditors. t<» slum cause, u any they have, within tin time prescribed bylaw, why said letters should not be gjanted to said applicant.. Witness my official signature this October 5th 88«: F. M. BROOKS, d&wtf HI AA/ 'vlion bufllnosB !s dull and prices are low Is tWSLW buy your aatsiiS? U N S U IV flliiflin <v < «». Bl.rdl klnnni*Nt v**wr Vn»-1- ft Mu A Great Meilicul Work on Manhood Exhausted Vitality Nervous and Physical Debil lty. Premature Decline in Man, Errors of Youth and the untold misery resulting from indiscretioi ! or excesses. A book for every man, young, mid ; dle-aged and old. Jt contains 125 prescription! | for all acute and curonic diseases, each one ol ; which is invaluable. So found by the Author I whose experience for 25 years is such as probabij never before befel the lot of any physician. 30( pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, em bossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finei work in every sense—mechanical, literary anr professional—than any other work sold in thi: country for $2.50, or the money will be refunded in every instance. Price only $1.00 by mail, post paid. Illustrated sample fl cents. Send now Gold medal awarded tlie author by the Nations Medical Association, to the President of which the Hon. P. A. Bissell. and associate officers o' the Board the reader is respectfully referred. The Science of Life should be read by the youm for instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. J* will benefit all.- London Lancet. There is no member of society to whom Thr Science of life will not be useful, whether youth parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman. Ar gonaiit. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr W. H. Parker. No. t B iJ.inch strut. Dost,.,, Mas-., v. ho m: y be consulted on all di-ensi - re quiring skill and experi'-nce. Chronic, nd o'.-ti Bate di.-euses that huve ha Led the skill <>/ all other physicians a specialty. Such tr< atccl i < . cessfully without an instance of failure. Mop. i bead io fork) pp, Cataiogt* l tion this paper. ap28wly 188«; oct5 oawiw GEORGIA. MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Whereas, L. frowning, administratrix of estate of L. T. Downing, dece.u . d, represents t< the court l i her jk tition. duly lih-d, that. he has ref L. r J\;i). wningV estate. Thisifl, therefore ••at, heirs and creditor can, why said ;i«i charger from u letters of comber, Witness my official signature thi-September I. i 188c F. M. BROOKS. aep5 oawam Ordinary. G EO RGIA. M l>;< ’OGI.:; CO (; NT Y. Whereas, \l. Al. Moore, administrator of the e. fat. of David Z. W ir l. I .1, makes appli- < for leu\e to - 'I all t «• estate belong- liiglo.suid ditr.j. od in the Stall.’ of UcMT.ia; These are. there fore, to cite all penons con- *' i d. kindred and creditors, to show cause, ii he time prescribed bj < Jrdinary. •He all pc ■ ow can e, if any the) .1 rix should not Ik dis- i r • r. * ion and receive i he fii > -t Monday in Do- any they have, within tin lime nrei-cribcll‘bj law, wby leavi; io noil said propi rly should not be if ranted tosus applicant. Witness my ollicial signature thi. Get'ber fitli F. M. BROOKS, .-’old A MONTH !»*>• a M IVI\J IN I n || V( . Vomijf Men or Ladies in each county. P. W. ZIEGLER ,fc CO., ocll w8t Philadelphia THE PATENT MICE & DUST PI100F o'Bookcases,Tables, Ofiiet ’S Chairs,Letter Frosseo, ;| Fine Cabinets, &c. JPJj „ -'- -,1 TYLER DESK CO. ' olj "-^Yni '■ R .?«N.FourthHf..8t. GEORGIA, CHATTAHOOCHEE COUNTY . To all whim it may concern: E. .J. Wyrn hav- lint applied to me tor li tters of udniinistiution on the estate ot J. J. MeConk, ot tlie slate of Louisi ana, deceased, situate in this stale: This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of tlie said J. J. .McCook, to be and appear at my office within (he time pre scribed by law, and sh. w cause, if anv tiiey can, why letters of administration should not be granted to the said K. J. Wynn on tlie estate of ' said J, J McCook situate in tins state. Witness my bund and official signature this tth October. 1880. JAMES CASTLEBERRY. oct^d eod5t&w4w Ordinary. GEORGIA. MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Whereas, Thomas L. Williams, administrate of R. G. Wi Ilia ins, deeensed. represents to tin- court in his petition duly Died, that he has fully administered It. O. Willian ' . -tale. Tills is. then tori. to cm .,11 p- isous concerned heirs und ei ditors. ... show . imo if any tlie can. why said m-r Id not he di charged frnn Ids administration . nd receive h ters ot dismission eeinhcr. issti. September Itlo 1888 L'mctieiug Phystctans, Office up stairs over Frazer Dozier’s liaril- ware store. J NO. J. MASON, Practicing Physician. Office at City Drug Store. E. GRIGGS, Practicing Physician. Offle up stairs over Evans it Howard’s drug store. /JAItLISLE TERRY, Physician and Surgeon. Office over 1119 Broad street. Residence 214 Tenth street. J1 W. BATTLE, Practicing Physician. Officcc over Brannon & Carson. Residence 727 Now on Exhibition. i All the novelties In Felts', Astrakhan and Plush Hals can he found til our store ! We .ire displaying the most j elegant line ot Fancy Feather.- , | Birds' Wings, elc., ever shown in this market. Special bargains in Ostrich . Tips and Plumes. go Dozen Misses" and Cb?A dren's Trimmed St I tool Hals at from 50 cents up. Our Pal lent Hats are new on exhibition. BGDGHTDN 4 CO, id street. iniMisrs. \V. FJ TIGNER, •ss of endurance to the eye cannot , nabling tlie wearerto read for hours* 'itliout fatigue. In fact, they are Perfect Siylit Preservers. Testimonials from the leading physicians in, the United States, governors, senators, legis lators, stockmen. nu n of note in all professions and in different branches of trade, bankers, me- ** | chanics, etc., can be given, who have had thei* Office up stairs over Glass Bros’ drug store, I “* ht in “’ r °v^ by their use. rweflh street. all eyes fitted and the fit guaranteed by T EO. W. McELHANEY, BRANNON &. CARSON, » entis t- ! Druggists, Columbus, Georgia, Office up stairs over Wittich & Kinsel’s, in •rard building. \\ r M- J- FOGLE, Dentist. Office over Rothschild Bros., 12 7 Broad street, v I D . i R. ., M. 0 AmmMi . < jlliSlJisf^|Viumeiit luculty. Ki ■ —‘,^7^/doised by businc^ SSUSATBsBUSINSSS l In - School is the best in America. The most practical course <,r In ti net ion and the most JSn- houses. For circulars mid specimens ot Pen* ni.inslnp, address MOSGAIT J. 301C?11!TH Principal