Newspaper Page Text
Valklag With the Outride of the Throat and the
Top of the Head.
Chicago Herald.
Several friends mot at the residence of
James Ix>wth, 742 West Congress street, to
witness some of the very curious and in
teresting features of the new system of
transmission, by contact with the body of
the speaker, through a solid medium in
stead'of through atmospheric Impulse, as
practiced In all
In the new s;
ated by pli
ist t
cticed in all diaphragm instruments.
system the instrument is actu-
placing a button projecting from
it against the side of the throat, the opera
tor speaks, and the vibrations that occur
in the exterior su. face of the throat during
the utterances of the words are conducted
by the button and its stem to the elec
trodes, and they being disturbed, in ac
cordance with the vibrations that form
the muscular word, so to sneak, transmit a
S eriectly articulated word. Conversation
oarried on with facility through com
bined instruments, the tone is much Jouder
and fuller than found in any of the dia
phragm class, and its timber is of n
ainoothcr and more sol id character.
One of its peculiar and very important
of all ac-
ities is that it is independent <
jidental sounds or disturbances which so
Often interfere with the good surface of
the instruments of the telephone systom;
the speaker may be surrounded by any
number of people talking loudly, and only
his voice will be transmitted.
The loudness and clearness with which
speech is transmitted with these instru
ments is wonderful. During the exhibi-
bition of this curious new principle, the in
ventor applied the button to the top of his
head and transmitted speech in a perfect
ly clear voice, only not as loud as in the
usual way of holding; also to the back of
the neck, various parts of the chest, and
other parts of the body, all in a good, clear
tone, every word well defined and intelli
gible. A tost was made with a ten-pound
weight of lend, and through this, as in all
other eases, the transmission was made
The inventor lias a line at his house in
operation having a two-mile resistance.
Ho has taken out American and foreign
patents covering this new art.
Ivif a Mississlppuui Would .Stand Marti, but
Drun the I.lne ut That.
From ex-Ctov. Curtin’s rtellcfonte Speech.
When I was in Washington the first
winter my congressional life 1 found
myself sitting alongside of a man i didn’t
know. I turned to him and said, “What’s
your name?” Said he, “My name’s Allen,
and I’m from Mississippi. I know who
you are well enough: you aro Gov. Curtin,
of Pennsylvania, the great tariff state.”
“Well,” said Mr. Curtin, “Allen, as we are
going to sit together, I guess we might ns
well be friends, and, said the speaker,
“we are friends to this day.” “Speaking of
the tariff, though,” suid Mr. Allen, “down
in Mississippi, governor, we don’t know
anything about it, and the more I think
about it and the more I read about it the
less 1 know about it and tlie more confused
I get, and 1 always feel like kicking a man
woo talks to me about it. It reminds me
of a man down in our section who was ar
rested for assault and battery and who was
relating his story to the judge. A traveler
on horseback rode up one evening to this
man’s house and asked for supper, horse
feed and lodging, all of whiuh were cheer
fully accorded with true southern hospital
ity. After supper the stranger insulted the
man’s wife, “and judge,” said he, “1 stood
TT U Invigorat
ing and De
lightful to take,
and of great value
ae a Medicine for
weak and Ailing
Women and Chil
IT gives NEW
1 LIFE to the
whole SYSTEM
ing the NERVE9,
and completelyDU
getting the food.
no hurtful
Minerals, is com
posed of carefully
selected Vegeta
ble Medicines,
combined skill
fully, making n
Safe and Pleasant
Fftr mile by all T>ruggl*t« and flroron
rou not k.’.-n > Dl.i .N A 4 Oltlll A !•, ret
bullle will bo at-ul, tiiurgea paid.
ow to treat dis
eases at HOME,
mailed, together
with a set of hand
some cards by new
Heliotype process,
on receipt of lo c.
, Should the dealer near
it $LOO, *ud a full moj
Volina Drug and Chemical Company,
KALTIJlORk, JII)., 1. H. A.
T obacco
< rrmrkct for Pile*. A NT Iff! (:(JI{li
Pile*. Huh ni'vi’i' fitiicil to sivo
nil! MOS'I
TION on thei
for Ih'liliiii i —.. .. . ..
prompt relief. Will cure Anal Ulcers, AbHC-eus,
Mutula, Tetter, Suit Rheum Iiarher’H Itch, Iting-
worniH, Pimples, Sores and Boils. Price AO cLm.
Wounds. Cuts. Bruises, Sprains, Erysipelas. Boils,
Carbuncles, Boms Felons, Ulcers, Soros. Sore Eyes,
8or6Threat,Bunions,Corns, Neuralgia Rheumntism,
Orchitis, Gout. Rheumatics Gout Colds, Goughs,
Bronchitis, Milk Let;, Snake and Dog Rites. Stings
of Insects. Ae. In l'uct nll.-iyH all loeui Irritation am'
Inihimutation from whatever cause. Pricis 2o cfn,
Pivpurud nccunliiitf to tho most sciisntiiir
m iiieipl«‘M, of Hits PURICST SEDATlVK
INGREDIENTS, compounded with the purest
Tobacco Flour, and iB specially recommended for
Croup,Wood or Cake of the Breast, and for thnt class
of irritant or inflammatory maladies, Aches and
Pains where, from too delicate a state of the system,
the patient is unable to bear the stronger application
of the Tobacco Cake. For Hoadaehn or otner Aches
and Pains, it is invaluable. Price Id ctf».
Ask your druggist for these remedies, or write to the
DURHAM, N. C. J. S. A.
that because he wus my guest. Then he
wanted to kiss my daughter, and chased
her out into the kitchen and then back
•gain; and, judge, I stood that, because he
wus under my roof and had eaten salt at
mv table. Then he ran out into the yard
•nd heaved a stone through the window,
and, judge, I stood that, because I was de
termined to be hospitable. But I went out
to the fellow, and I says to him, ‘Now, see
here, old fellow, I’ve given you supper and
fed your horse, and in return you’ve In
sulted my wife, chased my daughter and
heaved a stoue through the window, but
I’ll overlook all that because vou are my
* guost, if you’ll only come into the house.
Behave yourself and go to bed. Then I’ll
give you a good breakfast and send you ofl
rejoicing.’ And, by thunder, judge, what
do you think he did then? Why, as sure as
you’re alivo he put his finger into my
Button-hole and wanted to discuss the
tariff with me, and then, tl—n him, I hit
him.” __
Nervous, lleUlliluteil Men.
You are allowed a free trial of thirty
days of the use of Dr. Dye’s Celebrated
Voltaic Belt with Klectric Suspensory Ap
pliances, for the speedy relief and perma
nent cure of Nervous Debility, loss of Vital
ity and Manhood, mid.iill kindred troubles.
Also for many other diseases. Complete
restoration to health, vigor and manhood
guaranteed. No risk is incurreo. Illus
trated pamphlet, with ftill information,
terraH, etc., mailed free by addressing Vol
taic Belt Go., Marshall, Mich.
dni’17 hi.I h.sat.Ke*\viy
Tho Paul fhoero Hull,
The bell of the Memorial Methodist
ehurch at Plymouth was placed in the bel
fry Tuesday attornoon. It Was presented
to the society by Lieutenant-Governor
Aines, having been in his possession for a
number of years. This bell was cost by
Paul Revere, and bears the words, “Revere
& Son, Bostou, 180(1.” It was once known
In Boston us the “Liberty Bell,” it having
been customary to ring it on the issuance
of a pardou by the governor.—Boston
Twenty-five hundred dozen bottles of
Ague Conqueror ordered in ono month. It
positively eradicates all Malaria, Fever
and Ague, Bilious and Intermittent Fevers
In any climate. Read our book of 1000
Dub West, S. C., March 12,1883.—G. G.
Green, Dear Sir—We will soon need more
Ague Conqueror. It is taking like “hot
eakes” and giving satisfaction.
Yours, Ellis Bros.
Fairfield, Mo., August 29, 1886.—G. G.
Green, Dear Sir—Your Aguo Conqueror
knocks the Chills and Dumb Ague every
time. I warrant every bottle ana it never
fails. I have cured cases where quinine
had no effect whatever.
Yours truly,
actl2 d&wly W. H. Shaw * Co.
Must Have I he Nows.
Chicago man—Got any Chicngo papers?
Omaha newsdealer—The Chicago papers
will not be bere for an hour or more. Are
you from Chicago ?
“Did you see what Rev. Sam Jones says
about your city?”
“Why, no.”
“He says every kind of sin described in
the Bible is committed in Chicago.”
“Is that so ? How soon did you say the
Chicago papers would be here ?”
“Oh, not for an hour yet.”
“Well, how much are your Bibles?”—
f Omaha World.
Advice to Mothers.—Mrs. Winslow’s
Soothing 8yrup should always be used
when children are cutting teeth. It re
lieves the little sufferer at once; it produces
natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child
from pain, and the little cherub awakes as
“bright as a button. ” It is very pleasant
to taste. It soothes the child, Boftens the
gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regu
lates the bowels and is the best known
remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising
from teething or other causes. Twenty-
five cents a bottle. je!7 diwly
•Moutof thodiH'^es which aftlict mankind are origin
nlly caused by a disnntarc d courtil ion ot ihe LIV h. R •
For all complaints of this kind such asTorpiditj of
the Liver, Biliousm» s, Nervous Dyspepsia, Inrtinen*
tion, lriegnlnrity of tho Bnweln. C .iistip ition. Flatu
lency, Eructations and Burning of the Stomach
(sometimes called lloartbmr.) Miasma, Malaria,
Bloody Flux, Chills am 1 Fever Li rank bone Fever,
Exhaustion before or anti* Fevoi , Chronic Diir-
rlu>?a. Loss of Appotito, Ile.irt.icho, Foul Brouth,
Irregularities incident'll to Females. Roaring-down
Is Invaluable. It is not a panacea for nil disease*,
but rptfl BOSE? all df&eueecof the LIVE ft,
will STOMACH and SJOV\J£L$
It chntigvs the complexion from a wnxy, yellow
tinge, to u ruddy, healthy color. It ont truly remover
low, gloomy spirits. It, is one of tho BEST AL
BLOOD, and !? A MLV.A&LL- v ONIC,
Fut ealo by ail ilvugghtB. Price s 1 .00 per buttle
C. F.STADICER, Proprietor,
•40 SO. FRONT ST., Philadelphia, Pa,
Is the best general purpose wire fence in use.
wv..,- Stock
Ranges and Railroads. Very neat, pretty styles
for Lawns. Parks, School-lots and Cemeteries.
Covered with rust-proof paint, or made of gal
vanized wire, as preferred. It will last a life
time. It is belter than boards or barbed
wire in every respect. The Sedgwick Mates
made of wrought-iron pipe and steel wire, defv
all competition in lightness, neatness,strength
and durability. We make the best, cheapest
and easiest working all-iron automatic or
«elt-oiienin« ante, and the neatest cheap
Iron fence* now made. b 1 he beat w ire
Stretcher*, Cutting Pliers and Po*t
Auger*. For prices and particulars ask Hard
ware Dealers, or address, men tion liig paper,
resp< __
right party. Steady position. References ex
changed. Am. Manufacturing House, 16 Bar*
clay St., New York. oc7 tulm
for the removal of Trustee, am
poiutment of another Trustee.
Trustee, and for the ap-
Columbus. Qa., at Chambers, October 8, 1886,
the petition in the above case read and consider
ed; it is ordered that the defendant. James M.
Davis, show cause before me at 10 o’clock a. m.
on the 15th of December, 1886, at the Court House
in the city of Columbus, why he should not be
r* moved from his trust and another trustee ap
pointed as prayed for, and it appearing that said
James M. Davis resides beyond the limits of this
State, it is ordered that service be perfected or
him by publication of this order in the Columbus
Enquirer-Sun, a newspaper published in the city
of Columbus, twice a month for two months be-
fo* e the hearing.
Given under my hand and official signature.
J. T. WILLIS. Judge B. C. C. a
oct9 2Uun2m
.u Re. “Chattahoochee Falls Company.” Ap
plication for Charter.
□ TV; To the Superior Court of said county:
lhepetition of.I.T. Warnock L. F. Garrard, A.
J. Bethune, A. R, Luwton ami Geone M. Clapp,
respectfully shows that the* and their associates
and successors desire to be incorporated and
made a body corporate and politic under the
name of* Chattahoochee Falls Company.’
The object of suid corporators, and for which
Uiey ask to be incorporated and empowered tc
^he utilization, improvement and operation of
water power on the Chattahoochee river, in the
County of Muscogee and State of Georgia, by con
trolling the waters ol said Chattahoochee river
with locks, dams and nich other means and de
vices as may be necessary to enabh them to sup
ply water power for manufacturing purposes to
such mills and machinery as may be thereon lo
cated and which may be hereafter purchased and
erected by said corporation, and to such persons
or corporations as may purchase, lease or rent
said waterpower or any parttheieol from it
To construct and maintain all neccsi ury canu s,
chute*. flumes, sluices, dams, tramways and other
appliances on. upon and through the lands and
property ofsaiu corporation for the proper dis
tribution, utilization and preservation of said
water power aiiu which may be found essential
and useful for said purposes. .
To utilize and improve all the lands acquired by
said corporation at and contiguous to said water
power upon the oust and west bunks of the Chat
talioochee river, in the States or Georgia aud Ala
banift, by erecting thereon mills, machinery, fac
tories aud other buildings, and engaging in the
manufacture of cotton wool and all other fibrous
unc textile materials into yarns, cloth, thread,
rope and other fabrics, goods and products of ev
V kind whatever.
Ginning ootton for toll or teed or other valuable
consideration; manufacturing cotton seed into
such products as can he obtained then-from;
grin-ling corn, wheat aud other grain und produce
ioi;Loli or for market and eon veriiuk tliesame into
flour, meal and its other products.
Thefurnishii gof power and the production and
generating thereby of electricity l'or ligl t and
heat, for motive power and for such mechanical
and other uses und purposes as it may be adapted
to; and supplying, leasing and selling the same
and erecting and construct!! g in connection
therewith such works, po es, wires above and un
derground, and other apparatus, eiectrical de
vices and stations throughout said County of
Muscogee us may be necessary to convey, furnish
and supply the same to public and private con
The manufacture of paper in all its forms, and
of paper, timber, wood and metals into such
utensils, woodomvare, machinery and other
gooiuj as may he produced theretrom; and the con
ducting and carrying on oj the manufacture of
all anil eve; y other Kind ol goods, wares, machine
ry, wood and metal products, or such branches or
parts thereof as mu.v be found enentml and de
sirable for the profitable employment and im-
prov ement o. the said watdr power u nd property,
Suid corporation to have power and authority to
sell, lease or rent its said water power, lands, ma
chinery, facto ies anefr buildings, or such parta ard
portions thereof as may be e pedieut, to such per
sons rr other corporations as it may deem tit and
>ropcr; und to advance from its corporate capital,
units to such persons or corporations as may oc
cupy its saul property; lo aid and promote tin
carrying on by them of their said manufacturing
business, ana to make and execute all necessary
conveyances andothi r instruments, and to enter
into all proper contracts ano agreements for the
exercise or th s authority aud the securing of its
said advanci s.
Also, to have power and authority to lay out
i>LUi and building lots upon the lands which may
ig hereafter acquired by said corporation in the
States of Georgia anil Alabama; to erect buildings
and improvements thereon, and the said lots, va
cant or improved, und the suid buildings, to sell
renter lia e to the operatives of said manufac
turing enterprises, and to such other persons as
may desire to rent, lease or purchase the same.
of said corporation will be located at the site of
its said mills and water power m ’Muscogee (Jouu-
ty, Stale of Georgia.
to be in the City of Columbus, of said County and
State; but it shall have authority in pursuit of its
suid business and promotion of iUs objects to es
tabiish biancli offices ut such other points and to
exercise its rights und franchises heretofore men
tioned, and to build aetories, make improve
inents, contracts, agreements, investments aud
carry on business of the nature and character
afore mentioned with regard to its property and
upon the lands and property which may be here
after acquired by said corporation in the State ol
Alabama, and at such other places within and
without the limits of said States of Georgia and
Alabama, as its objects anil interests may re
Potash Victim.
Cored by S. S. S.
Oontumen should not confuse our Specific
tcUA the numerous imitations, substitutes,
potash and mercury mixtures which are got
ten up to sell, not on l/leir own merit, but on
the merit of our remedy. An imitation is
always a fraud and a cheat, and they thrive
only as they can steal from the article imitated.
Treaties on Blood and Shin Diseases mailed
free. For sale by all druggists.
Drawer 8, Atlanta, Qa.
S. S. S. vs. POTASH.
1 have had blood poison for ten Tears. I know I have taken one hundred bottles of
Iodide of potash In that time, but it did me no good. Last summer my face, neck, body
and limbs were covered with sores, and I could scarcely use my arms on account of rheu
matism In my shoulders. I took S. S. 8., and it has done me more good tlmn all other medi
cines I have taken. My faco, body and neck are perfectly clear and clean, and my rheu-
154 pounds. My firBt bottle helped me"greatly, and gave"me an appetite 1
. .. ■ ’—*-•—*’ S. for several times Its weight In gold.
. . _ i like a strong man.
I would not bo without 8. 8. S. for several times Its weight in gold.
C. K. MITCHELL, W. 48d St. Ferry, New York.
S | For Fifty Years the great Remedy for
S 3 Blood Poison am SMn Diseases.
For 50
It never
Interesting Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases
mailed free to all who apply. It should be
carefully read by everybody. Address
cent, thereof shall be paid iu before said corpo
ration commences to do business; aud petitioners
desirt suid corporation shall have authority to in
crease suid capital stock from time to time os it
may deem lit and proper to any sum not exceed
ing one million dollars, ,
They desire said corporation to have the power
* uiug and being sued; to have and to use a
imoD seal, una to alter, break and change the
same at will; to make rules aud by-laws tor the
management of iis business, not in conflict with
the laws of this State and the United States, and
the same to alter, amend and rescind at pleasure:
to receive, lease, rent or purchase and liold such
real estate and personal property as may bo now
oi hereafter necessary for its corporate purposes,
for the expansion anu advancement of its objects,
for the securing of debts due and to become due
to said corporation, anil the same to sell, mort
gage and convey at will.
That it have power to effect loans and to issue
bonds iu the name of said corporation, without
security or to secure such bondsby mortgage of its
property, real and personal, or of such parts or
portions thereof as may be desirable; and to loan
out its surplus,earnings upon mortgage or other
available security.
To elect and appoint suoli officers, managers,
directors and agents as it desires; and to provide
such rules und regulations with respect to stock
holders who icfuse to pay up any balance due ou
their stock as will compel them to pay upon pen
alty of sale or forfeiture of such stock, and to do
and perform all such acts as are necessary for the
execution of its powers and to carry out the ob
j eels and purposes of this corporation.
The individual property of eaeh stockholder
shall not be liable for the debts, liabilities, obli
gations or default of said corporation except to
the amount of unpaid stock subscribed Jjy such
stock holder.
Wherefore petitioners pray that they, their as
sociates anil successors be duly incorporate d un
der the name as atoresaid for the term of twenty
years, with the privilege of renewal, with all the
powers herein prayed for, and with such other
powers and privileges as are incident to corpo
rations under Ine Jaws of this state, und that af
ter the filing, recording and publishing of this
petition, as provided bylaw, the Court will pass
an order declaring this application granted.
And petitioners will ever pray, etc.
Attorneys for Petitioners.
the Clerk’s office Superior Court of said county on
the llth day of October, 1886, and recorded this
12th day of October on page 15, and Records of
Bills und Writs, Muscogee Superior Court, 1835.
ocl3oaw4w ClcrkS. C. M. C. Gu.
fiOLt j?aris,
Warranted absolutely puf
Cocoa, from which the
Oil has been removed. It has
times the strength of Cocoa mix©
with Starch, Arrowroot or Buga:
and is therefore far more oconoa
leal, costing less than one cent
cup. It is delicious, nourishing
strengthening, easily o***v^4xi
and admirably adapted tor inva.
'da as well os for persons in health
Sold toy Grocers everywhere.
BAKER & CO.. Dorchester, Mass
The Cream of Tartar used in DR. PRICE’S CREAM
BAKING POWDER is the purest in the world. The
c rystals are from the finest Grapes, imported direct from
the vineyards of France.
Washington, D. C., April 23, 1885.
1 have analyzed the Cream of Tartar used in Dr. Price's
Baiting Powder, and find it of the highest degree of purity.
PETER COLLIER, Chief Chemist for the United States Department of Agriculture.
The following, Heads cf the Great Universities and
Public Food Analysts, find Dr. Price’s the purest and
strongest. Free from Ammonia, free from Lime, free from
Alum, and recommend its use in every family.
Person;? doubling the truthfulness of this can write any of Chemists named:
, New York.
Prof. H. M. BCHEFjhsit, Analytical Chemist St. Louis, Mo.
Prof. CHARLES 13. DWIGHT Analytical Chemist, Wheeling, W. Va.
Prof. JAMES P. BABCOCK, State Assayer, Boston, Mass.
Dr. ELIAS H. BARTLEY, B. 8., Chemist to tho Dep’t of Health. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Prof. CURTIS 0. HOWARD, M. Sc., Starlhn? Medical College, Culumhu.;, Ohio,
Prof. M. DEL FONT AIN E, Analytical Chemist, Chicago, 111.
Prof. It. S. G. BATON', Late Chemist Health Department, Chicago, IU.
Prof. JO.IN M. OR I) WAY, Mass. Institute of Technology, Boston.
A Hf Ttr 1-k. IJ.nfVnLx XT XT
R. A. WITTHAU3, A. M.. M. )>., University
A. H. SABIN State Chemist, Burlington, Vt.
of Buffalo, N Y
Used for over 25 years wit h great success by thf
physicians of Paris, New York and London, aud
superior to nil others f rtlmi r^mpt cure of aft,
cases, recent or of long s’TmISr.g. Put up only in
Glass Boitloacoutaiuiug Wi: p.-nilosoucb. PRICK
Prepared by
cun & cm;
T>Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary
of Muscogee County, Georgia, I will sell to the
highest bidder at public outcry, in front of the
auction house of F. M. Knowles & Co., on Broad
street, in the city of Columbus, Ga, the usual
place of holding sheriff sales, in and for said
county, on the 1st Tuesday in November next,
between the legal hours of sale, the following de
scribed real estate, situate, lying and being in-
said state and county, and known as the south
part of lot No. 6, <in the Northern Liberties ad
joining the city of Columbus), and having a fr— A
on Oglethorpe street of sixtv-eight (fi8) fee. .
inches, aud a depth of one hundred aud forty-
four (144) feet, the same being the real estate be
longing to the estate of Eveline Gaines, deceased,
and the house and lot in which she resided at
time of her death. Terms cash.
with the will annexed, of Evelina Gaines,
Prof. JOHN HOLLANDER, Jr., A; M., M. D., Prof. Chemistry and Toxicology,
Collego Medicine and Surgery, Cincinnati, (),
Profs. AUSTEN & WILBER. Prdis.Cheinistry,Rutgers College, New Brunswick.N.J.
Prof. GEORGE E, BARKER, Prof. CheniLUy University of Pennsylvania, Pliila-
(MnMa. Pn.
Prof. PETER COLLIER, Chief Chemist for tho United States Department of Agri
culture, Washington, D. C.
Profs. IIEYS & RICE, l*rofs. Chemistry, Ontario School Pharmacy, Toronto,Canada,
~ — La.
Mobile & Girard R. R. Co.
N and after this date Trains will i
COLUMBUS, GA., October 3d, 1886.
Leave Columbus Union Depot
“ Columbus Broad Street Depot.
Arrive Union Springs
Leave Union Springs
Arrive Troy
“ Montgomery, M. & E. R. R
“ Eufaula, M. <fe E. R. R
No. 1.
2 30 p ra
2 46 p m
5 37 p m
6 46 p m
8 :0 p m
7 23pm
10 33 p m
Leave Montgomery, M. & E R. R...
“ Eufaula, M. & E. R. R
“ Troy
Arrive Union Springs
Leave Union Sgrings
Arrive Montgomery, M. & E. R R..
“ Columbus
No. 2.
7 40 a m
4 25am
7 35 a m
9 10 a m
9 25 a m
7 29 a m
12 45 p m
10 25 p m
10 35 p ra
1 45 a m
2 00 am
3 30 p m
4 01 p ra
6 20 a m
6 30 a m
10 29 a m
11 20 a m
115 p m
3 45 am
5 34 a m
6 29 a m
7 29 a m
1019 a m
Trains Nos. 1 and 2 (Mail) daily. Nos. 3 and 4 (Macon and Montgomery Through Freight and
Accommodation) daily except Sunday. No. 6 and 6 (Way Freight and Accommodation) daily ex-
The Brown Cotton Gin Co.,
Manufacturers of the “Old Reliable”
Brown Cotton Gins, Feeders and Con
All the very latest improvements: Im
proved roll box, patent whipper, two
brash belts, extra strong brash, cast
steel bearlnp*. -a.- Improved Feeder,
enlartr-f. ^ust proo ’ondenser.
I ong, slrapleir instruction, durable
Jgln hist light, cleans the seed per-
.jfect.j and produces first class samples.
at any accessible point. Send far full
description and price list.
COLUMBUS IRON WORKS, Agents, Columbus, Ga.
Real Estate Agent,
$1400. Four room House. 14 acre lot on Second
800 M acre lot, 4 room House, good repairs,
upper Second aveuue.
700 3 Room house on 6th street, between 8d
and 3d avenues.
660 Vacant lot on tth avenue, between 8th and
9th streets.
2600 6 room house, % acre land, all necessary
outhouses, all new, on lower Broad.
4600 ^A cre 6 toom house,water works,bath,
260 One vacant lot fronting park.
1250 20 Acres land, 6 room house in good repair
1000 10 Acres land, 6 room house, barn, all under
good fence, 3 miles east of city.
3000 35 Acres land, 5 room house, two 2 room
kitchenB, all in good repair, in Wynnton.
1160 116 Acres land, 2 room 1 * ”
ior ciLy property. u n aim see me oeiore making
arrangements elsewhere. I have a few good
houses for rent yet, 6 and Groom houses and sleep
ing rooms.
Real Estate Agent, tath St.
Catherine E. Jones | Llbel for Divorce . 0rdeJ
James Wi Jones, /to Perfect Service.
r 1 appearing to the Court by the return of the 1
Sheriff that the defendant cannot be found in
the county of Muscogee, and it further appearing
that said delendant does not reside in the state
of Georgia; •
It is ordered by the Court that service be per
fected on said defendant by publishing this or
der twice a month for two months before the
November term, 1886, of this court, in the Colum
bus Enquirer-Sun, a public gazette of this state,
June 7, 1886. J. T. WILLIS,
THOS. W. GRIMES, Judge S. C. & C.
Attorney for Libellant.
A true extract from the minutes of Muscogee*
Superior Court at its May term. 1886, on June 7tlil
1886. GEO. Y. POND,
Augll 2tam2m Clerk S. C. M. C.. Ga.
NOTICE is hereby given to all parties having
demands against P. McArdle, late ol Muscogeee
county, deceased, to present them to me properly
made out, within the time prescribed by law, so
as to show their character and amount. And all
persons indebted to said deceased are hereby re^
luired to make immedir* a x
This August 6th 1886.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
ALL persons having demands against the-
estate of Lucius Anderson, deceased, are hereby
notified to render in their demands to the under
signed, according to law, and all persons indebted-
to said estate are required to make immediate-
payment. GEO. Y. POND,
Administrator Estate Lucius Anderson,
September 8. 1886. Deceased,
'-■on* Inw-fiw,
To introduce the great household remedy, GOK
DON’S KING OF PAIN, into every family, U
will send a sample free to any one sending ad-
dre*»«-. Address E. G. RICHARDS, sole proprie.
. Toledo. Ohio w Umeowlv
|V/| ANEOODtim^fjTjPth'fuMmpruJonc'e
| V| causing Premature Decay, Nervous Debility,
Lost Maubood, etc., having tried in vain overy
known remedy, has discovered a simple self-cure,
which ho will send FREE to his fellow sufferer*.
Address, C. J. MASON, I*. O. Box 3170. New York City.
oc28 eod&wly
(Copy.) Chicago, April21st, 1880.
This is to certify, that the Illinois Trust and
Savings Bank has this day received from the
Union Cigar Company of Chicago, to be held
as a Special Deposit,
U. s. 4°lo Coupon Bonds,
as follows:
Ko. 23028 D. $500. n Market Value of which l*i
“ Riot io»: l $1012.
•* 61870 lOO. I * *
■woo: J (S.) Jas. S. Gibbs, Ca«h..
We offer the above as a FORFEIT. If our
“FANCY GROCER” does not prove to be a
genuine Havana-filterCigar.-Union Cigar Cot
Our LA LOMA 10c. Cigar is strictly Hand
made. Elegant quality. Superior workmaohip.
Sold by all Grocers.
75 N. Clinton St., • CHICAGO.
Retail by
C. D. HUNT, Columbus, Ga.
1e24 dly
At Wholesale by
gentlemen-sFRIEND V
Cares O and O in 2 to 4 days.
Ask your druggist for it. .
Sent to any address for $LS0
& HOWARD, Agents.