Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, October 30, 1886, Image 7
WHEW 1 -W0I THE GRAB FOR THE CENTRAL. A Brief Ch.l with » Shirklinldpr. itml Whiit Itv Thinks. Sivvammh Times. “Have you heard any news about (be Richmond and Danville gobbling up the Central?” said a prominent stockholder to a Times reporter to-day. “No; can you put me on to anythin*’ [ have made inquiries everywhere' but even- body seems to put little inith in the renori mid the knowing’ ouch Hiiy they are entir - ly ignorant of the affair, hut' if you hnT any information I’ll be mighty glad to got “Well, I think the dispatch was so,-.' from Savannah, and although the better part ot those interested in the railroad heem to put iittle faitii in the article i ul- lished in the New York World and rctno- «uccd in the Times, J have my ideas.” What do you know?” was the reporter’s blank question. . “ We V, !l11 1 kuow iH that when the stock is bought now it is bought with the prox ies attached. Now, if the stock was bought svs an investment, would the proxies be at tached?” “The stock seems to be bought to vote with, as the transfer would have to be made ninety days before the election for the owner to vote in iiis name.” "Who’s buying the stock?” “The brokers, but of course you can’t get any information about whom they are buy ing it for. There is a great deal of truth in that part of the article which appears in the World about the Central taking 1 he best part of the cotton business in South Carolina away from the Richmond and Danville, and it is only natural to suppose Mr. Inman would like to got hold tu t bo road and then turn all the cotton which now conies to Savannah to Norfolk.” “Yes, but could a big deal like this bo going on In such a quiet way without the directors and other railroad officials know ing anything about it?” "That is a very good question, but Mr Inman would naturally try and keep tilings quiet until he gets all the stock lie wants, it is a rather mysterious affair, and may turn out to be a reality instead of a big bubble, as many expect it to do.” —A fL Y ENQUIRER - SPA: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 80, 1886. 3 F AIR SCENES AT LENOX. Autumn flowers that Kerri! to Set tip Slniilens Still ill Their Springtime. Penox Letter. The autumn flower beds at Lenox arc sights for men and gods. A great expen diture of ingenuity and taste marks them as unusual examples of ornamental garden ing. Nearly every home has its bright flower bed before its door and adds just so much to the pleasure of the wayfarer who, perhaps, gives but a careless glance as he passes by. Like everything in Datui-e that ■ ennobles, this new development of art ar rests attention and unconsciously im plants a taste for the beau tiful in the callous human being as nothing else has done. Besides, it enables the girls to go out at dewy morn in an idealized milkmaid costume, gather posies in a basket Arcadia fashion and bewitch- ingly present them to the young million aire. Thousands of dollars are spent to clothe the walls of the ballrooms with flowers, and I am told that it sometimes happens that when the regular baiDocm is not large enough for a special parly u in n or- is put up for the purpose and torn down ancr- ward. That has not happened this year, .but it did last year. Trouble Ahead for Hill. Washington Critic. * “Daniel,” remarked the president this morning, as he gazed in an abstracted man ner at a newspaper spread before him and chewed on the stump of an expiring cigar. “Yes, sire,” responded Daniel, inclining his head gracefully. “Do you know Dave Hill? Of New York, I mean.” “Well, rather, sire,” replied Daniel, somewhat irreverently. “Now that the season of county fairs is' over his address is once more Albany, isn’t it, Daniel?” “I presume so, sire.” “Very good, Daniel. I wish you would go and get a bottle of hair restorer and send it to him.” “For why, sire?” questioned Daniel in . amazement. “Because, Daniel,” and the president’s face hard, bed and his jaws came together like a steam vise, “because I want to snatch him bald-headed in 1888, and-1 am remind ed by a short item in this paper that he is already that way. If we would have oar revenge complete, Daniel, we must omit no precaution, neglet no opportunity. Go get the hair restorer. Away! ” And the arm of the chief executive pointed toward the door, like the old Third Reader picture of Napoleon crossing the Alps, and Daniel hastened to the surgeon general’s office for a prescription. The question of a proper food for in terests all mothers; especially those una ble to nurse their offspring. Mellin’s Food possesses all the requisites as a substitute for mother's milk, and is highly com mended by the medical faculty of both Europe and America. oclO tu th sat&wlm Must He Prepared. Men who now enter public life cannot hide under a bushel. A fiorce light beats upon their crowns whether they like it or not, and every hair of their heads gets numbered. In preparing for this race they should think now conspicuous they will become: how the shape of their finger nails and the out of their mustache will be criticised and “mentioned;” along with their moral and financial worth, from one end of the country to the other.—Boston Herald. More Money for Your Work If you improve good opportunities. Hal- lett&Co., Portland, Maine, will mail free full information allowing how you can make from $5 to $26 and upwards a day and live at home wherever you are located. Better write; some have made over $50 in a day; all new. No capital required; started free. Both sexes; all ages. Suc cess for every worker. Send address and see for yourself. oo20 d6m How lo XogotlntP ft Loan. “By the way,” exclaimed Sinithcrs, “have you two fives for a ten?” “I have,” responded Johnson. “Then lend me one of them.”—Pittsburg Dispatch. Valuable mill ('ftnvenli nl. Brown’s Bronchial Troches are a safe and sure remedy for Bronchitis, Goughs, and other troubles of the throat and Luugs. Sold only in boxes. Price cents. oc28 d&wlw A Society That Should Brow. A society composed of seventeen young aril#,.. 1 _ * 1 . - . j In fj I'Cliltl <« I ~\l 11 I “nr Hi’.PAiiu." ..„- ui mf’j C i ,mpIet S c y ro > a11 annoying Ki.i- Bla 1 der and (Trlnary Diseases. «1- At druggists. f “II(H UH OX Itl|,K“ P1I.I.S. Small granules, small dose, big results, pleasant in operation, don’t disturb tlu> stomach. 10c and 26c. “Ron.’ll ox m lif." Ask for “Rough on Dirt.” A perfect washing powder found at last! A harm less, extra line A I article, pure and clean; sweetens, ireshens, bleaches and whitens ■ "" n 'U 1 slightest injury to finest fabric, j • - '■ i ; • i’ue linens and luces, gen- : end lion;,. “itclien and laundry use | Softens water, s ives laboi and .joan. Added to slureh prevents yellowing, r-. 10c, SBo, at Grocers. __ dAwtf ! A .InymiH I. reel lug. “Ubod morning! How do von do?” said j Miss Birdie McGinnis to K«i - iusko Mur- phy. “I have been to Ban Antonin, and have just got back on the train.” “You | don t say so? I thought 1 had the pleasure of not seeing you for several days past.”— Texas Siftings. A fresh.laid Meteor. About two weeks ago J. If. Duke, of i Orlando, noticed a falling body of Are or | jneieor, and watched its course until within three or four feet or t he earth, on aline and within a very short distance i troin his yard. Saturday morning, while | Mrs. Duke was ip the garden, she espied and picked up a stone or piece of inetulic j lava weighing half a pound; which may be seen at Mr. Duke’s store. Several per- sons have examined it, but no definite 1 theory of its origin or home has been ad- I vanced.—Florida letter. -A.T THE The New York Store I - hemic j uarf ers lor J, ||Ladies’ Cloaks and Wrap: SEAFQAM ALL FSR3T-CLAS3 StoreiBepers noir keep it for Sale »*1‘ every (It’sn’ipiioii. They Imvo the Fireesl stock in Hd | city and sell IItem < henper. Dry won Hun* doesn't in I or- T.-,'T‘i> Wulk'u-.r .la-kcs from $1.50 up. 100 NYwmavkols at| • <‘iv Willi ii.-. Hoi wcatluir ■' | ;dl prices. 1(H) <■ I<-l*:imI Short Wraps in all kinds of doosn ! interfere with us. Gold ill uutlt rial and in all the new designs and shapes. • ><)(i .liT-eys from ot V. up. Duffy's. Pure Mall Whiskey and Duffy’s Formula. For Dyspepsia and Indigestion. 5?® ‘’* RK Avrnu*, Cincinnati, Ohio, near Sirs—I have hud dvfipop.-m lor 11 or Ifl ypnrs, aril your lliiffy’* L’uro Mali Whiskey 1ms curod me (.uttr.-fy tt cares when, nil others f,.il. 1 uui tlmnktnl 10 you ror it! have recommended it, mill my Irlends mn usinir Mas. KVIil.lNK TAItLTON, 1340 Moork SriiRKT, Ptiltadclphlft, l'» Sins—I have sutlm-cil with dyspepsia t 01 elclit or left years and have tried patent medi cine-! with results wholly uimmisractory. 1 liud your Hull •. Pure Midi Wbiskoyaraoat excellent, rein" . :i.,d uivsiu.ihle io those set torlnR troin Dyspepsia. u w MORGAN. _ Baaoaviu.E, Wta., Jnno 6,188ft. Dear Sirs—Am happy lossy that yuur Duffy’. Formula Is ot the greatest value :is a cure for dyspepsia. 1 have been troubled with tndlgea tlon tor about lour vears, ami after uplift. on, bottle ot your DutlVs Pure Mall Whipkoy, with the other lusrouiems named. I feel much better. .). K. MEANT. 82H \ 11:01 sra Avc,, 8.W., Wasuixqtok. D o I have Improved rapidly since hiking vout Bully's JPufe Mult Whiskey and DutlVs Form ula. I was a great sufferer From IritllgesHoii sml severe pains In my cnesi and bark-, and now they have almost entirely disappeared My family are also taking both ami ore do riving much bonolH. I liuvo trained II noundi " four weeks H does not seem possible, bin It is all owing to Puffy's Pure Mult Whiskey There is nothing to equal ti. A. 1). DIJGANNE, Photographer. I’m ladelphia Dkimt. i QtrAP.TRnMAfjTKit Department U. S. a., f Schuylkill At dentil. \ Gentlemen-I am n firm believer in Duffy'! Pure Malt Whiskey. It 1ms made me a new pC|)B!U. a chronic sufferer from d>s THOMAS II. McUINNISS. _ _ Kavp Oranok. N .1. Dear Sirs—I have used Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey and Duffy's Formula lor disordered stomach, and have found them to he all vou Claim. 1 feel so much belter th»»t after tailing a tew doses l mn not now taking anything. 1 have recommended them to others, who have Improved. S. M. LONG. Ueal Estate and Insurance Agent purity of Duffy'n Pure Malt Whinkey, and in in- ten,fed more npeei.fteally .for the treatment of Cun'itrw lion, l)y»prpnin Iiuliyentinn, Malaria. General Debility tnul all Wanting Pi sen ten. In ad at ion to the tunic effect of our ichixkem it fur- ninhcn vlooa forming material, whereby the Weight iirui Strength are in»rreaned. It h made in accordant-* \rith. a npecially prepared formula and coiurittnprincipally of Dujf u'n Pure Malt WhlHkeu and Ihuo jfeefuteak combined in weather tloesn'l inltnfere wijh ! ns. Huiny wealher doesn'l ! interfi'i'e with ns. Nothin;'! can inlerfei'e \\ il Ji ns. Om Prices are !#! o and (lie peiijile kuow ii. Nol- withslaiidiii” I he hnl and dry weiiflier. onr sales ;tre Far Ahead of Las! leaf, Some three weeks since we had a speeiel sale of Ladies' and Gcnl's Hemstitched Handkerch’f: Malt UguUl form- the being extracted chnngen by a palatable, an ever made It DOLLAR riJIi POTTLE. elements of the beef The only perfect lllbw,.,.,. milk. Invaluable In Oholer and Teething, a pre.digested —- .. PeX^nu»rffi V ^.?. 0 n n . VB tei'i£ Requires no cooking. Our Book, The Care and Feeding Of ft.runts, mailed free. DOUBEB. GOOD ALB At CO.. Boston. Mas* _ speaking . They hold weekly meetings and collect a fine of one cent for every “mean thing the members have said about P e J.P , during the week. We were told that» enough money had been paid in to buy all the ladies a badge. One of the members informed us that they were liable to line it they said a boy was ugly, a dude, con- ooited, stuck up, his clothes didn’t tit, or had big feet, etc., and we decided at once that the organization was a good one, and it has our best wishes for success.—Greens boro (Ala.) Watchman. Five Cold and Two Silver Medal® awarded in 18S5 at the Expositions o N w Orleans and Louisville, and the lr vuiitious Exposition of London. TUe superiority of Coraline over lion or whalebone has now been demonstrate! by over live yews’ experience. mow durable, more pliable, more comfortable and never breaks. Avoid cheap imitations made of vanou kinds of cord. None are genuine tin ce “Db. Warner's Coraline is prints on inside of steel cover. IBS SALE BY ALL LEABiHS MERCHANTS. WARMER BROf HERS, 353 Bro"dwtty, New York Cit) Not having enough lo supply one-tifill of ihe deinaml. we wrote our buyer if he could find;i sick hiindkerciiiefinan to buy him out. ‘.‘Verily.” lie found him Cotiseqnenily.we offer to-morrow (520 dozen LADIES’ ALL LINEN (White and Colored Borders) at 10e., worth from 20 to 50c. each. 300 DOZEN Gent’s all Linen Hemstitched Handker chiefs, white and colored borders, at 15c. each, worth from 25 to 00c. THIRD SHIPMENT OF PARIS NOVELTY ROBES at much below former prices. JTTST E/EOEIVED. Handsome lot o ' Homespuns, Bouclcs, Camel’s Hair, Donizetti Checks, Hair Lines and all the novelties arc daily coming in in the newest colors. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOA KS! English and French Astracban Walking Jackets, Wraps and Sacques, Freize Wrap.--, Visites, Plush Wraps, Paris Cloth Wraps, Beaded Wraps, elegant Wraps trimmed in Lynx, Bear, Sable, Beaver, Fox, Astrachan Hare, Feather Trimming, Fur and Fox Tails to match. Look at our Cloaks before you buy. Sternberg&Loewenherz LEADERS OF Low Prices. HARRIS COUNTY FARM: 1HO AfmforKnlv. I .FOURTEEN miles north of Columbus; 90 acres cleared, 90 in wood, oak, hickory and pine. Good soil, clay subsoil. All well watered by springs and branches. Fence in excellent con dition. Two settlements, one has three-room dwelling, kitchen, stables, orchard and garden; other has three-room dwelling,kitchen and other out buildings, large orchard. Ten miles from Fortson, near church, post office, store, saw mill, grist mill and blacksmith shop. Cash or credit, se wedfri tf JOHN BLACKMAR, Real Estate Agent, Columbus, (1 a. Bates’ Brick Yard, of 24 Acres, I jiOR sale. Also, Brick Machinery (Sword’s * improved), engine 16-horse power, drays, carts and everythir g connected with muking of I brick. In complete running order, stables.!), rn.s tenant houses and largo, commodious shee. Capacity 6000 to ffO.OOO a day. Present owner soli! 3,000,000 brick last your, and his trade is daily in creasing. Present price of brick deliverer! is $5 a thousand. The plant will be sold for 1c*sj than cost. Call and sec me or write for further partic ulars. It will prove the best paying bu-nm ss you can engage in. No limit to its growth. Territory free of active competition, 50 miles square, se wed fri tf JOHN B r A< ’KM A it. Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga. A A MONTH for five years will buy you a «]p I 1 f home. This is two years less tunc than building and loan associations. Possession given when you make the first payment. 9 JOHN BLACKMAR. Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga. sc weditfri tf Bose Hill Residences, £1500, 81230 ami S2000. WYNNTON RESIDENCES. 11400 anil $3000. UN swoon RESIDENCE. *1100. CITY RESIDENCES. MOO, t.00, {lOOO. * ■ » 3000 '* 36#0 ’ WifeMAR, Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga. sewed*fri tf P'Hi will make it ini slake if you fail lo see om* stock of the above 'roods before buying. \ siutill lot of tii w Salt ties .just received. New “oods received daily. Id, L. CARGILL, Agent, w oclO dAwSm H WILLIAMS & POU, Nueces,hock fa A. WALK Hit, Carriages, Buggies, Road Carls, Wagons I-iA.T^d>T33SS SADDLERY, Plow Gear, Lap Robes, Etc. WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK EVER KEPT IN COUJMBUS. and will take great pleas ure in showing any one through our stock. It costs nothing to look. Call and see thor.e liEAliTIFUL COLUM BUS BUGGIES, For which we are Sole Agents. iwn«i/d mww lWi m « hi Hll mm TO IMRU-VTS. Many baking powders are v n rv nomleloiMi to illh. and while every one regards bin own, In* should also have u can* for the tender ones—the little children. SKA FOAM contains none of the bad qualities of baking nowi11 i ■: soda or sakiafus. It eontaina no hunl ul ingredient—no alum or urmnonia. SLIKOTIFIC. All Cliomlsteiwho l.aro analryed Fen Foam coniuioiid it. Housekeepers v! h > have used it will Iiiivd no other. Cool.u, wbopy Lctit ef.orta have failed with other powders, are jubilant >\ erSea botuu. Saves time, saves labor. saves IUOU< }/. It h positively unequnled. Absolutely pure. Used bv tin* b iding 1 els ned n stnnrantfl in j\* w York eity and tlu oughout the country. For sale by ull llrsl-clns.-: grocers. OANTZ, JONES <f- CO., 170 Onuue St., N. Y. S ED0 I'i K STEELittFENCE Th the beHtgoneral purpose wire fence In use. Tt Ian strong nef-work \ Injurestock. It will turn dogs, pigs, sheep and poultry, ns well as horses and cattle for Farms,Gardena, Stock Ranges and Railroads. Very neat,pretty styles for Lawns, Parks, School-lots and Cemeteries. Covered with rust-proof paint, or made of galvanized wire, as pre ferred. It will last a llfe-tlme. Tt Is better than boards or Irnrhed wire In every respect. Give It a fair trial; It will wear Itself Into favor. The Ncrigwick IJntea made of wrought-lron pipe and steel wire,defy nil competition In llghtne: ;, neatnr cheapest and easiest working nll-iroi cheap Iron fences now made. The best , For prices nod particulars ask Hardware i. strength and durability. We make the best, ruing mite, and the neatest iid Post AugcrM. f paper, n automatic or Nelf-onrnlng « t Wire Stretcher, Cutting Tiler ire Dealers, or address, mentioning | SEDGWICK BROS., Richmond, Ind. HILL & LAW. We will commeiitiG to-morrow morning by offering special inducements to every customer. Our Dress Goods stock is one big bargain. Special.prices made on everything. SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! Parties desiring to buy anythingin this line cansavemoney by examining our slock. Mark the following prices we quote: Elegant Black Silk sold forf2, marked down ft.50. Elegant Blaek Silk sold for fl.50, marked down $1. Elegant Black Silk sold for #1. marked down 80c. Elegant Blaek Surah Silk sold for $1, marked down 05c. All the light shades in Surahs to be closed out at cost. fil'iousnnr'-.; r-lek >’.-ndr.chi trFiinrlioar,. V'-) One dose rollcvos Nour?.li/a. '. L ie/ Ciire and prerunt Chills •■> Favrr. Soar 8' <* Fad Jraath. Clear thn Skin, Tone the Her e.r. i;i'ie .Ite Vigor to the syniom. ho,o:0>'F. I'c’-.r-T. (r* Ihoia once ana you will nevor ho wlthcul them. I’rtco. 25 cents per hetlle. Sold by L’.'iijl! .ti «•.«< Modiclne Ocnlors flencinlly. Sent on receipt at price In stamps, postpaid, to any nddress, .,. F. SMITH Xi CO., Mnncifacturora and Solo r-rope.. ST. LOUIS. M0. WANTED, iVe will pay Agents a saury of $1)0 per month and e $HO to $1)0 per month i fwuse* lo travel and sen ouw _ .eaters, or #40 a month and cm* " to distribute circulars in your vicinity. But* I mess honorable, permanent, pleasant * easily operated, 3 Ah expenses advanced. SAMM.R CASBS PRBa Nn tamps required. No humbug. We mean what we say. Address NATIONAL SUPPLY _OOMT\N Y, llradford Blook. 9U1 I Iftl S 'SFIVI ■ A * • cjjNciNNATi, mn4 Electric Belt Free 'J’o introrluco it ami obtain ujri uts wo will for tho next sixty days give away, froo of r-lmrgn, In each county in the U. B. n limited numbi-r ot our I'soritum Elorlro ILilvunlc HiiHiirnNorv HoIim, Prioo $5. a positive and unfailing oure lor Nurvoufl Debility; Vuricoccde. I'.missions, Tinpotency &e. Sf;5o»MH) Reward RKI.T AUKNOY. I* O. Box UK Br.n'.klv« X ' ^lOOOREWAgD •leaning fli lor i.inrk. t oh inuoh Jc, Clover Hood in O.Ntfi i)A Y _ i'crofl ilMpL Illfiftmted circa- XXvraS** je‘21 w!2w the wsiy WJSLUE 8 GRlCf* a y AGENTSW ANTEM.SSS J will be paid for any firatn Faa of -arne nlze (hat can clean and bag ap imeh <iraln or Henl In one d»* m ur Patent MONAKCJlf Grata nd Heed Hcnarnior and Rig. $*r or onr Improved War*. I bnute Bf 111 which we offur tbewp. Trine Mat mailed frets NEWARK MACHINE CO. ColumbM, Olil% FREE CHRI8TMA8 PACKAGE. HANDKERCHIEFS! HANDKERCHIEFS! HANKERCHIEFS! We have the largest and most attractive line in the market, and arc selling them at the very lowest prices. LACES AND EMBROIDERY. ' Tho quality and style of these goods catch the eyes of every buyer, and the prices Insure the sale. GENTS'. LADIES’ AND MISSES'UNDERWEAR. A most beautiful line of these goods, and great inducements offered to everyone. CLOAKS! OXjO-A-IKS I CLOAKS I In tliis department we excel. There is no such line of Cloaks in the market, and m will sell them rapidly. .So don’t lose any time to call the prices we hav and see them. put on them HILL HL .A. “W. G. HATCHER Warehouse and Commission Men Fontaine Warehouse, Columbus, Ga. To introduce ovi good* ■omr# fnlorc Iradt, we will (•■$ you free of cherge, it yoo will •end 20e. In tlampi for pottage. 4c., ft pretty Cbristnin* Cerdt, ft Blre New Ttir Cards, I lovel* Birthdev Card,» beeuiifel giiV botmd florml Autorrapk Album illoktrated with birds, flowere, ferns, Ac., a handsome Pbnta- dth h fee-simile Autoirraiih of eecii ; aiso*onr ifew Holtd«v*Boa? iddns* J. W. BABCOCK 4 CO., ClbNTJCIUiBOOK. OONl< DRUNKENNESS OR THE LIQUOR HABIT, POSITIVELY CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES’ GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It: can bo given in n cup of coffee or tea without tho knowledge of the person tak ing it; is absolutely lmi inless, nml will ef- fecta permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is u moderate drinker or an al* coliolic wreck. It has been given In thou* niiiuIh <»f cases, uud in every instance a per* feet cure lias followed. It never fuiln. Th« system once impregnated with tSpeeifle, it becomes an utter impoNsihility far th* liquor appetite to exist. For Sale by FOB SALE BY* M. D. HOOD & GO., DRUGGISTS, BROAD ST., COLUM BUS, GA, Call orxvrlto for circular & full particulars* TAXPAYERS TAKE NOTICE! I I WILL continue the Warehouse and Corn mission Business in all its branches, , and solicit the patronage of my friends and the public generally. We guarantee strict ■ attention and prompt returns on all consignments. BAGGING and TILS always on hand at cash prices. Storage and Sale of COTTON a speciolty. Agent for the Latest Improved ‘‘LUMMUS COTTON GIN. I ■-p<2,w"n^,n B. T, HATCHER. FIREIISURiCI By paying two annual premiums T give you a paid up three-year policy. My companies have 175,000 deposited with the Treasurer of Georgia for protection of my patrons. Never contested a loss. s TA'I’K and Coiiut.s Tuxes for fftSti must he now collected in compliance with law. By pay ing at once taxpH' ers wi 11 :mv . cost of execution, advorti. ing and srile. Come up and settle. D. A. ANDREWS. Tux Collector Muscogee County. Office: Georgia Home Building. sep7 end klt*cl O NE block north of Confederate Monument square, two-story, quarter acre lot. Lath room, water works, gas, good drainage. If you want a residence or in vebtrnen t cal l and sec me. se wed fri tf JOHN BLACK MAH, Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga. 1.0H OATES! FAIR AIM 1ST WE NTS! I'ltonrr i»\ ymf.xtn! JOHN BLACKMAR, Telephone Columbus, Ga. LDVJCRTl'SING ■U-B-i AGENTS Bom PHILADELPHIA Cor. ClieNtmit and Kiglith Sts. Receive Advorti*»eii»eiitn for tliLi Paper; CCT'ii/iTCC L*r SKWSPIPKR ADVEKTLSTSti rt»rr C JI i if.Pi 1 lc ,it. Lowest Cash RateorrL.t B .':':;’V.'^AYER & SOW’S WANIIH ACStiftlTS W* kV'IA i'.'t i'ES*”JI mom y tier ltd «* ‘mr «oo-h. Writ* for CtUlogao l.. special jffer. 'I tie CUi>ovr Ufg. to., iliuhiclj, CTaoianuii. IK