Newspaper Page Text
I 11 W 711 WEI” IliffTTHI'ffJii
Columbus, Oft., October 29, 1886.
If«w York % off, Eastern off, Boston slight x / 9
Iff, Savannah % off; Bank checking on New York
•wr the counter V4 premium and on Savannah
•I par.
Market to-day dull; inferior 0; ordi
nary —c; good ordinary —c; low middling
9$8%c; middling 8Vh@B%c. good middling
To-dfty. To Date.
By Booth western railroad 105 4,000
By Mobile and Oirard railroad 01 3,410
By Columbus and western road... 2 029
By Columbus and Home railroad.. 20 4,773
By the river. 0 2,897
By wagons 398 15,053
Totals 592 30,837
By Southwestern railroad 792
By Coltlinbus and Western road... 0
By the river 0
Taken by Columbus factories 1t3
Totals ! 935
To-day. To Date
Stock on hand August 31, 1885..
Received to-dny...
“ previously
. 592
.30,215 30,837
. 935
..20,974- 21.909
Stocks on band 10,007
1886. 1885.
Block A ugust 31st 1.079 350
Received past week 3.863 4.996
Total received 30.837 33,907
Total received, including stock 31.916 34,257
Shipped past week 4 355 4.195
Total shinped 21.909 24.806
Total r«.Iambus factories 2.899 ?,?4«
Block September 10 10.007 9 151
Sales 1,744 2,951
Columbus lias received 30.837 bales since Septem
ber 1, 2341 bales less than <h«
The South v
—There was another frost yesterday morning.
Oame is said to be very plentiful in Russell
—The steamer Aid will hardly arrive before to
—Judge Brooks will hold his monthly court
next Monday.
There Is very little travel on the railroads
besides the drummers.
—Muscogee superior court will convene one
week from next Monday.
— Indications for Georgia. R’air weather, north
westerly winds, slightly warmer.
—The receipts of cotton here yesterday were
not as heavy as usual on Fridays.
—The surveyors arc making a survey of the
road from Griffin to LaG range.
— The new moon which appeared last night
has its horns up. This means drought.
The public library is not as much of a resort
for the young people as it should be.
—The chief clerk of the Atlanta post office has
been arrested charged with embezzlement.
—Mr. J. F. Rutledge, sr., informs us that the
report that his son’s life was insured for $20,000 is
—The Georgia legislature meets next Tuesday,
and Hon. W. A. Little will here-elected Bpenker
of the house.
The intolerable dust keeps the ladies off the
streets, consequently they have an unattractive
appearance- the streets, not the ladies.
Those people who snug “Wait ’Till the
Clouds Roll By” have no v their reward. They
seem to have effectually driven them all “by.”
The democratic committee of Meriwether
county will meet next Tuesday and determine
the question of a nomination for county officers.
Married, near Greenville, at the residence of
Mr. Joseph II. Jackson, the bride’s father, on
Tuesday, the 26th, by Rev. 8. P. Calloway, of La-
Grange, Mr. Cornelius II. Johnson to Mbs Lelie
All-Halloween. Among the
The Clfliens* Committee Split the Difference—TI10
Itulancn of Power In the Hands of Judge R. T.
Special to Enquirer-Sun.
Atlanta, October 29.—The committee
of fifty met to-night ut 7 o’clock, and after
roll call and supplying vacancies on both
sides the balloting was begun. The 8th,
9th and 10th bailots resulted: Dorsey 25,
Cooper 25. Mr. Hoke Smith moved the
appointment of a committee of‘five from
each side for a conference. The following
committees were appointed: Prohibition
ists—Grady, Haygood, Hillyer, Rice and
Ilarle; Antis—Cox, Goodwin, Smith, Ful
ler and Morris.
A recess was taken during the consulta
tion of the committee. Notwithstanding
the fact that the consultations lasted until
nearly midnight, the crowd remained in
the court room awaiting the result.
It was Hoke Smith’s pleasure to report
that the committee on consultation have
agreed unanimously upon the following
ticket [applause] : Mayor, John Tyler
Cooper, anti; aldermen, W. A. Hemphill,
prohi; John H. Mfcctislin. anti; It. T. Dor
sey, prohi; conneijmen, George H. Tanner,
anti; if. A. Boy ton, prohi; E. T. Allen,
j anti; L. B. Nelson, prohi; H. M. Bentell,
anti; F. P. Rice, prohi. This divides the
council equally and- gives one straiglitout
anti and one straightoufc prohi alderman,
and leaves the balance of power in the
hands of Judge it. T. Dorsey, who suffi
ciently enjoys the confidence of both sides
to be entrusted with the deciding vote.
He was nominated by the prohis against
rn 1
452 less: Mobile and Girard 3416 bales, 141 1c
Columbusan<l \Wstem 020brilcs,717less;Columbus
and Rome 4773 bales, 68 le^s* river 2897 bales,
2376 less; wagons 15.053 bale s, 2311 more.
Rene infs for I be wee
Total receipts to dab
Exports for tin* week
Total exports to tint
.. 255.923
,. 146.812
. 616.930
,. 132,029
Rnme.s played on (lie ooeanion, that Q f ; Cooper but itiscliracd that it was in aspirit
Iroad halt brought 4060 bales, j looting into an old well, just at midnight, to see j compromise, and not because he was an
avowed prohibitionist.
Both sides endorsed the ticket reported
by the committee of conference, and Chair-
man Hnmmond, of the committee of fifty,
will report the requl to a mass meeting to
be called by Chat,man Collier. Both sides
arc pledged to support Um ticket, and a
bitter partisan wrangle has been averted.
Said Mr. Grady: “It is not a victory for
prohibition or anti-prohibition, but for Afc-
I ’Ibiscultured little English lady, whose pro- j lanta, and it is the most important thing
A^r,’h .’uoP, UK, . nU ' l T tn,,S, ,' e nC ?,s'T ,C ‘! done by the people of Atlanta in five
balft lie worlrl and nearly nine-tenths of the best I , T , . . * . ,
or the world, will appear at the opera house /bo'vs that we are ready to
I Monday night. I throw aside subordinate differences for tbe
I Besides her charming enunciation,she has that j » oot ^ the J^tyJ*
conception of the niceties of tbe character in
tho face of a future husband reflected
water, is a favorite with the young ladies.
During one of the running races at the state
fhir Thursday, Home smart Aleck attempted to
cross the track between the flying horses Tbe
rear racer sti uclc him full on the shoulder and j
knocked him about thirty feet. It bruised tbe I
horse and its rider, but, of course, the crank es- i
caped without serious injury.
MIhr Luulsv IlalfV.
Tliromrh Cotton.
The following table shows tbe number of bales of
notion which have parsed through this city from
points on the roads named to Savannah and
eastern markets since September 1, 1880:
Mobile anil Girard railroad 13,061
Oolunihusand Rome railroad 2.770
Columbus aud Western railroad 24,110
Total bales cotton
flee Ordinary’s Notices.
Maverick National Bank Boston, Mass.
The Now Windsor Hotel, Montgomery. Ala.
Galled Meeting of Wilson Williams Lodge.
Fresh Oysters-Salisbury & Crow.
Fish and Oysters- J. L Treadaway & Co.
Fancy Groceries—Robt. 8. Crane.
Pickles, Jellies, etc. -Robert Justice.
Cleveland’s Superior Bukina Powder.
Furniture at Auction-F. M. Knowles & Co.
Two-story Residence for Rent.
Fr©f h Fish and Oysters William Thomas.
which she appears, that at once makes her per
Burglary on Rose Hill.
Burglars entered the store of Rothchild Bros,
at the foot of Rose Hill night before last and
carried off about $40 wortli of merchandise. The
officers are at work on the case and hope to cap
ture the guilty part-ics.
4 Shoe Thief Arrested.
Dennis Miller, colored, was arrested yesterday.
He is charged with stealing a pair of shoes from
Mr. Charles Philips’ shoe store on Thursday even
ing. He was t aken before Justice Wynne, but the
ease was continued until to-day.
Married In Girard.
Married in this city Thursday night at 8 o’clock,
Mr. Thomas J. Tate, of Geneva. Ga„ to Miss
Mary L Bray, of Girard, Ala., Rev. J. W. Howard
officiating. The groom is a prosperous farmer,
and the bride is one of Girard’s fairest daughters
They have the best wishes of a large number of
Mr. diaries Brown's Condition.
Mr. Charles F. Brown, who accidentally shot
himself on Thursday afternoon, suffered a great
•Wfiyesterfriy. Tt seems certain now that the
entered his lung, and that his condition ia
much more serious than at first reported. It is
hoped by his many friends, however, that he
will recover.
Tendered and Accented.
Hon. B. H. Williams, of Hamilton, was in the
city yesterday. He informed us that* lie had
forwarded his resignation as sheriff of Harris
county to the governor and it lias been accepted,
to take effect on the first of November. As is al
ready known, Mr. Williams lms been elected to
represent Harris county in the legislature.
The New Windsor Hotel.
The new Windsor hotel, Montgomery, Ala.,
after having recently been remodeled and en
larged, is again open to the public. To it has
been added all the recent improvements, and
everything connected with it arranged for the
comlbrt aud convenience of the guests. Captain
R. L. Watt, the proprietor, one of the best hotel
men in the south, is always alive to the wants of
his patrons.
(fraud Lodge of Masons,
The Grand Lodge of Masons closed their labors
at Macon Thursday evening after an interesting
and harmonious session. During the day Grand
Master Davidson appointed the following
officers: R. B. Nisbet, grand senior deacon; U.
W. Hubert, grand chaplain; W. T. Kimsey,
grand junior deacon; R. T. Kendrick, first
steward; J. A. Fowler, second steward; E. A.
Pound, third steward; Charles H. Freeman, tyler.
Tho Maverick National Bank, Boston.
The announcement of the Maverick national
bank, of Bo*ton, will be found of special interest
to banks, bankers, corporations, capitalists aud
others, who have financial transactions of any
kind in the east. The Maverick bank enjoys a
high reputation for soundness and promptness,
and Mr. Asa P. Potter, its enterprising president,
is regarded as one of the ablest financiers in the
country. They invite correspondence, and will
give frill information about investment securities.
39,041 j formance seem a night of tbe sweetest novel ro- I The HavmumIi, Dublin and Western Railroad to
be Built at Once.
Philadelphia, October29.—The United States
Railroad Construction Company, of New York,
have signed a contract to build and equfp the
Savannah, Dublin and Western railroad irom
Savannah, Ga., to Macon, 117 miles, within eight
mouths’time. A branch line of the road from
Macon to Aniericus, Ga., a distance of 90 miles,
will be completed in'fourteen months from date,
at which time the whole system will be in opera
tion. George W. Vanfasset, general manager of
the construction company, left Philadelphia for
the south to-day to begin tbe work. The new
line will be tho s* ortest direct route from the
cotton-growing section of Georgia to Savannah,
where it will connect with several important
steamship lines.
The Augusta and Chattanooga.
Augusta, Ga., October 29.—The contract was
closed with W. B. Lowe & Co. to-day for the
grading of tbe Augusta and Chattanooga rail
road from Augusta, Ga., to Gainesville. The
work will be rapidly pushed on that important
western connection.
“Dagmar,” the play, is an English watering
place, romantic drama. “Dagmar,” Miss Balfe’s
part, is the difficult role of a fisherman’s
daughter suddenly Introduced into London
society. Finally the husband grows jealous of
her, and then follows the next inevitable state of
suspicion. The husband, a miserable fellow,
finally kill£ himself and the wife. “Dagmar.”
succeeds in getting an old lover to become re
sponsible for the death,
McIntyre A Heath’s Minstrels.
McIntyre & Heath’s minstrels will be at.
Springer opera house next Tuesday night. The
Philadelphia Press has the following to say of
“McIntyre & Heath’s minstrels appeared at
the Central Theatre last night before a good-
sized audience. The programme was a good
one. The company has some bright members
notably, McIntyre and Heath themselves, Harry
Armstrong, Lew Benedict and the Barlow
Brothers, who are the end-men in the first part.
The musical artists, DeWitt and Kerwiu, played
solos, and the four Powers Brothers gave a fine
j exhibition of roller-skating, juggling and danc-
| ing ou roller-skates and pedestals. Woods and
Connor exhibited their ‘shadowgraphs’ and
j Frank Moran kept the audience in a good
; humor for half an hour in his specialty of Ethi-
J opian oratory. Delhauer and Geyer, in their
‘marvellous frog and wonderful clown’ perform-
More About Mr. E. IV. ffhupinan’M Death.
A gentleman who was in the city from Russell
county yesterday says there is no doubt about
the death of Mr. E. W. Chapman from injuries
received in a difficulty with Mr. J. B. Thomas
near Jernigan a few days ago. He says that
Mr. Chapman’s hogs got into Mr. Thomas’ field,
mice, were liberally applauded aud called”before i rrhoml * 9 "' cnt ovor to see Chapman about it, and
a quarrel arose in which Chapman gave Thomas
! the lie. Thomas thereupon knocked Chapman
i down, and it is said that he kicked him* in the
side, breaking tivo ribs. Mr. Chapman lingered
I a few days and died. He was 82 years old and
| very feeble. Mr. Thomas la said to be about 60
i years old.
Miss Lula Mobley, of Hamilton, who has been
•pending a few days in the city, returned home
J. M. Lennard, Esq., returned from the state
fair yesterday.
Mr. R. A. Murphey, of Atlanta, is in the city.
Miss Mattie Neal, of White Sulphur Springs,
who has been spending a few days in the city, re
turned home yesterday.
Mrs. A. E. Woodruff, who spent the summer at
the north, has returned to the city.
Mrs. L. C. Me Lester, who has been spending
the summer abroad, has returned home.
Miss Mattie Stevens, of Cusseta, Ala., is visit
ing the city, the guest of Miss Lula Bize.
T. A. Atkinson, Esq., of Greeuville, was in the
city yesterday.
Macon Telegraph: Mrs. Captain T. J. White-
tide and daughter, Miss May, of Columbus, Ga.,
<i§ visiting her sister, Mrs. E. S. Smith.*
the curtain after their act. Their performance is
novel and interesting. The performance closes
with a burlesque entitled ‘My-Kat-Oli.’ ”
1)1 DOES IT.
A Columbus Bicyclist Wins Iho (JcorgU OhniMpion-
ship for Two Hi Ion X Splen.ihl Heron!--Uoiup’s
Second Money,
Special to Rnquirer-Snn
Macon, October 29. -The bicycle races given by
the Macon Fair Association were attended by
5000 people. Mr. C. II. Dillingham, of Columbus,
covered himself with glory and medals. The
races were called at 10 a. m.
The first, three miles handicap, contested by
Bra alley, Macon; Scratch, Smith, Atlanta, 50
yards; Reid, Atlanta, 120 yards; Flvnn, Macon,
120; Tracy, Macon, 220; was won easily by Brant
ley in 10:45, Reid ‘2d.
A quarter-mile dash was won by Dillingham in
45 seconds, Smith 2d,
The principal event, the two miles Georgia
championship, was contested by Dillingham,
Brantley and Smith. Like all the championships,
this, of course, was won by Columbus, Dilling
ham crossing the tape a wheel in front of Brunt-
ley amid great cheering in 6:59.
Dillingham, Brantley, Reid and Durant was
the order at the finish of the one mil© open, non
in 3:50.
Durant, with 20 yards start in the mile handi
cap, was never headed, winning in 3:46, Reid
The crowd went wild over the brilliant riding
of the young champion in the two mile lap race,
Dillingham winning every lap aud the race in
It is doubtful if any cyclist can show so suc
cessful a racing career as Dillingham, he having
so far entered nineteen races, winning fifteen
first aud four seeoud prizes.
Tlio races were by far the most interesting fea
ture of the day’s sport, and brought out an im
mense crowd. The fair is in every respect a suc
cess. The display is very extensive and much
superior to that of former years, aud attended
by lurge crowds daily.
Romp, owned aud ridden by Bob Maynard,
took second money in the IH-mile running race.
A Young Farmer Near ( uss< U Hah His Throat Cut
From Ear to Ear.
News was received in this city yesterday of a
most brutal crime committed near Waverly, Lee
county, Ala., Thursday night. A young farmer
named Edwin Waldrup was murdered by a negro
named George Hart, who cut his throat from ear
to ear with a razor and robbed his person of about
Waldrup was missed Thursday night and. his
dead body was found yesterday morning in a
cotton field. The negro escaped, but the citi
zens are aroused and a posse of armed men is
scouring the country for the murderer. The
negro, it is said, met Waldrup in the road, and
knowing that he had money, cut his throat for
the purpose of robbery. Hart was in the employ
o' young Waldrup. Eveiy effort is being made
to capture the fiend. Telegrams have been sent
to the principal cities and a reward offered far
his arrest.
Salad From Bottle.
1 Shale, Ala-, October 29.—The depot agent re—
j ports tho cotton receipts 200 bales behind same
datejnst year.
Miss Leila Tiguer, of White Sulphur Springs, is
in town, the guest of Mis.-. Carrie Boykin.
The boys sent, up a huge kite last night with a
Japanese lantern attached. The whole town
turned out to see the sight Eminent critics pro
nounced the occasion a grand success.
Mrs. Punch Doughlie and family left for their
future home in Columbus this morning.
Will Guerry, of the Register, went over to
Opelika la ij t night,
Prof. B. J Conyers will deliver a literary ad
dress before the • hakspereau society next Wed
nesday night. His subject will be “The general
diffusion of knowledge.” The professor is a
talented speaker and will draw a large crowd.
T. C. Bureell, New York; M. L. Miller, Chicago;
W. 8. Winters, Chattanooga; E. J. Snow, jr., New
York; W. H. Jones, Georgia; F. C. Senior, Buffalo,
N. Y.; W. H. Betts, Alabama; H. A. Wheelam,
Cincinnati; Jno. T. Davis, Columbia, Ala; D. J.
Johnson, Cincinnati; F. J. Boss©, New York; C.
R. Krantz, F. H Crosley, Baltimore; R A. Mur
phy, Atlanta.
W. C. Guerry, Seale, Ala.; H. Q. Scudder, New
York; Charles W. Obendorf, St. Louis; M. Laug,
Atlanta; H. P. Moffett, Alabama; M. L. Perkins,
W. H. Bolt, Hanuahatchee; Frank Corbett,
Nashville; J. L. Roberts, Alabama; Thomas Mar
tin, Randolph Francis, Cincinnati; Janies An
drews. Montgomery ; F. A. Willis, T. 8. Simms,
Augusta; A. O. Lewis, Savannah.
Notice to StockliolricrM.
Mobile and Girard Railroad, Office Sec
retary, Columbus, Ga., September 11, 1886.—By
direction of the Board of Directors, Stockholders
are hereby notified that the property and fran
chises of this Company have, in pursuance of a
resolution passed at the Annual Convention of
Stockholders, held July 7, 1886, been leased to
the Central Railroad and Banking Company of
By the terms of the lease each Stockholder ia
to receive One Dollar and Fifty Cents on each
Whole Share of the Capital Stock (common) held
by them, on the first day of June in every year,
which will be paid by the Lessee at their office
in Columbus, Georgia, as soon after each first
day of June as the stock list can be prepared.
No dividend will be paid on Preferred Stock,
Pike County Stock, or on Fractional Shares.
Preferred Stock will be converted into Capital
Stock, two shares of Common for one of Pre
ferred, and Pike County Stock wiU be converted
into Capital Stock, share for share, on presenta
tion at this office with proper authority fbr
Fractional shares will be transferred for pur
pose of consolidation. J. M. Frazer
octl2 3 taw 6w Secretary.
The Herman Last Night*
As has already been stated in the Enquirbi*-
Sun L’Allegro German Club has taken all the
rooms except one on the second floor of th§ Gun*
by building and furnished them in an elegant
manner. Last night they gave their first formal
german of the season. There was a large attend
ance of bewitching belles and gallant beaux, aud
no more enjoyable entertainment has ever been
given in this city. The german club proposes to
make the present season a notable one in Colum
bus society annals, and the beginning last night
speaks well for the friture. It was a charming
affair and reflected credit upon the members of
the club.
Frc«l> Fifth, OyNlerw ititfl llendlm
Fresh lot choice Blue Fish, Salt Water Trout,
Snappers, etc. Fresh Oysters and Headless
Shrimp to day at William Thomas*.
For Kent
' Two-story residence, 620 Broad street. Apply
at house. dlw
Cranberries, Dried Apples and Peaches at R.
Justice's, Agent. dtf.
Flint Hu re a I Auction To-Day.
We will sell to-day at 10 o’clock a lot of fine
furniture, consisting of Bedsteads, Bureaus,
Withstands, Chairs, Carpets, Mattresses, etc.,
also a lot of Syrup and Flour.
F. M. Knowles & Co.
Tartar on the teeth is always pernicious, caus
ing the gums to become swollen, inflamed aud
spongy Keep it off by using Delectalave. For
sale by all druggists.
At more’s Best Mince Meat, New Currants,
Dates, Citron. R. g. Crane.
Oat Meal, Yankee Beans, and English Peas
ind Evaporated Apples at ft. Justice’s, Agent.
Fhoicc <*»•<►<?€»i*Ion.
Best Ryo Flour, New York State Buckwheat,
Finest Graham .Flour, Extra- Choice Goshen But- I
ter, Marrow Beans, Boneless Cod Fish, Choice !
Mackerel, ten pound pails; Fancy \
Evaporated Apples, Choice Mixed Table Nuts.
New Raisins, Citron, Chipped Dried Beef, Lunch
Tongue, Pigs Feet and Tripe at Crane’s.
The City Drug Store is the recognized head
quarters for Pnr-s, Fresh Drugs, correctly filled
prescriptions and fancy goods of every shadow
shape and price.
Many thousand pure Havana cigars have just
been received, and their quality and price cannot
be equaled in Columbus. These cigars cannot
be sold cheaper than we sell them, if they are
legitimately obtained. There is nothing second-
class about the City Drug Store except its prices.
An endless variety of Bristle Goods, Tooth
Brushes, Hair Brushes, Nail Brushes, Baby
Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Blacking and Cloth
Brushes. The best 25c Tooth Brush ever Bold in
this market. A beautiful Child’s Crush for 16c.
Combs of any kind and style.
All makes of Face Powders. A beautifhl assort
ment of Puff Boxes, Puffs and Sachet Powders.
A large line of Colognes aiid Extracts from
every maker of prominence. Our White Rose
Cologne cannot be surpassed in the United
We carry the largest and most varied assort
ment of soaps of any house in the city, from 5c to
75c a cake. A special bargain at 50c per dozen.
Our drug department is kept supplied with the
best and purest drugs. Our motto being the best
only. We have secured the services of Mr. Wm.
McLendon, jr., of Thomasville, a graduate in phar
macy, and in eveiy way qualified to fill prescrip
tions, to which work wo give special and carefril
attention. ^
We have a full line of Teas and Spices, which
we guarantee pure.
Large lot of Slate Sponges.
Give us a call. Polite attention given all...
dtf Geo. A. Bradford, Manager.
New Preserves, Jellies and Pickles at
oc22(f # Pollard’s.
1 2 » 5 i> ii 7 8 9 10 21 12
Cabine t Photographs £l per dozen.
oct24 d&w cow Alpha A. Williams.
Have yon tried the Frank Sid dell Soap? Try
B. T. Babbitt’s Best. Potash at Crane’s.
Try my fiue Jellies aud Apple Butter in glass or
by the pound at bottom prices at Justice’s cash
store. dtf.
Pure Fruit Jellies, French Queen Olives, Far-
rand, McMenamin & Co’s famous Deviled Crabs,
Cases Bay Lobsters. Grated Pineapple, Evergreen
Sugar Corn of superior quality and full weight.
Clipper brand of Okra and Tomatoes, Boston
Baked Beans, Cod Fish Balls. Always the lowest
prices for cash at Robert S. Crane’s.
Nhield Perfection Bourbon Whisky
I commend to all who desire a really good and
reliable article. Robert S. Crane,
dtf Sole Agent.
Yew Pick I cm.
Sweet mixed, Mangoes, English mixed and
plain in barrels and jars, at R. Justice’s, Agent.
Fine CigpirM.
5000 Garrett’s No. 11.
5000 Conquerors.
5000 100-PerCent.
10,000 Grand Republic Cigarros sold under a
bona fled guarantee. I consider any of the above
brands as being worthy of special mention, and
can recommend as possessing all the elements of
fine quality, and such as will give perfect satis
faction to the smokers. Robert S. Crane.
FreMfi OyaterM
To-day at Salisbury & Crow’s.
Fresh Fish and Oysters to-day at
J. L. Treadaway & Co’s.
IfliiNOiiir Notice.
Wilson Williams Lodge, F. and A. M.,(Br»wne-
ville), will hold a called meeting this (Saturday)
night, October 30th, for work in the first degree.
By order of the W. M.
S. W. Buchanan, Sec’y.
Solid Silver Ware.
I expect in a few days a large shipment of
Solid Silver Ware of beautiful designs. Will
make known the arrival through the Enquirer-
Have ou harnl now one case containing 42
pieces Solid .Silver; also Olive Dishes, Berry
Spoons, Preserve Spoons, Sugar Spoons and
Bqtter Knives, Tea Strainers, Pie Knives, Mus
tard and Salt Spoons, any quantity of Tea
Spoons in beautiful cases; also Cases for Com
bination Sets atvery reasonable prices.
One ladies’ double case Gold Watch. A re
ward will bo paid lor its recovery. Inquire at
this office. oc‘29 2t
(•rand Republic Cigarros.
Go to W. S. Freeman’s for the Grand Republic
Cigarros. oo28 6t
8x10 Gold Frames 75 cents.
(frnersil turiloneer, KchiI fivnluto,
Slock null Bokiiii AjvosiI.
Special attention given administrators’, execu
tors’ and assignees’ sales, selling and renting
Real Estate at public or private sale. Office over
Abbott & Newsom’s corner.
For Sale—My Residence on Broad street.
jell tf F. G. Wilkins
l>. F. Wiki/. s*
Insurance Agency. 2 5 25 fliroitd Street*
Accessible at all hours. Office telephone, No. 7.
Residence telepone, No. 49. All calls promptly
answered. D. F. Willcox.
oct 8 dtf
Kennedy’s Graham Wafers, fresh.
dtf Adams & Bowers.
Removal Notice.
We have removed to No. 1022 Broad street, be
low the Central Hotel, where we will continue to
keep the choicest line of Cigars, Tobacco and
We call especial attention to our celebrated
Imperial Wedding Whisky and line brands of
Key West and Havana Cigars, and kindly ask
our friends to favor us with their orders.
Louis Buhler & Co.
Sole Agents for the Celebrated AaUeuser and
and Budweiser Bottled Beer.
8epl9 tf
Read, Reflect And Buy.
As winter approaches it finds the Central Drug
Store, No. 1302, with a complete line of pure
Drugs purchased during the past sixty days. A
frill stock of Bristle Goods lias arrived, to which
is being added, every flew days, selections from
the best manufactories.
This week we will receive a large assortment of
Cut Glass Bottles, which will excel in beauty of
design and perfection of workmanship any ever
offered in Columbus. Numerous shapes and
sizes of covering bottles with cut glass stoppers
are now being sold at astonishingly low figures.
We offer imported Dutch Double Hyacinth Bulbs
at $1.25 per dozen, Tulips 50c per dozen, and Cro- j
cus at 15c per dozen. A few Lillies left will be j
sold cheap. j
Our upper store is in charge of Mr. T. M. Oliver, |
a competent pharmacist, and carries a full line of j
the same class of goods at tbe Central. We take )
pleasure in showing our goods, aud always glad |
to give our customers an opportunity to compare
prices with those received elsewhere. Special at
tention given to oar Prescription Department by
competent, careful and experienced prescription-
ists at No. 1302 Broad street and Central Drug
Store. Evans & Howard.
ISWditl Presents.
Just received a large assortment of solid silver
articles in fine cases, suitable for Bridal Presents.
Also a fine collection cf peach-blow glass orna
ments at Wittich & Kinsel’s.
For -Sale.
Two Fine Mules.
Two Texas Horses.
Dr. Seth N. Iordan,
Operating Surgeon and Physician. Residence
Sammis House, east side front street, oppos^
Lowell Warehouse. Telephone No. 2; Office
Carter’s drug store. ^ ’
flerte* 9, Chattahoochee Building MU( |
Loan ANHoclatlon.
Books of subscription for above series now open
at office of Yonge A Grimes.
Cliff B. Grimes. Sec’y and Treaa.
Watch Making.
J. H. Bramhall, Practical Watchmaker and
Jeweler, makes a specialty of repairing fl ne
and complicated watches that have been in
jured by accident or otherwise, at moderate
charge. dtf w
For Tax Collector.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Col
lector of Muscogee county (election January
next), and ask for the support of the voters of
said county. J. c. Woolfolk.
sep7 dtf
Kennedy’s thin WafeT Biscuits, fireBh.
dtf _ Adams & Bowers.
Kennedy’s Cream Wafers in one pound tins
fresh. [dtf] Adams & Bowers. *
Go and see Pollard’s Fancy Candies. oc22tf
The llppinp Ilouse
Having been re-rented under the present man
agement, rooms can now be secured for the en
suing year. sep 9 atf
Strictly first-ctass Cabinets $4 per dozen.
oct24d&\v cow Alpha A. Williams.
<Sod Itlcs* the Children.
Nothing has been so productive of health and
diminished so much the suffering and mortality
among children as Teetiiina (Teething Powders).
Teethina alloys Irritation, aids Digestion
Regulates tjie Bowels, Strengthens the child*
Cures Eruptions and Sores and makess Teething
All Druggists and country stores keep Teeth
ina. Brannon & Carson, Columbus. Ga.
Wholesale Agents, supply the trade at manu
facturer’s prices. jy4 d&wly
8x10 Walnut Frames, 50 cents.
oct21 d&w eow Alpha A. Williams.
Pollard’s stock of Fancy Groceries is now com
plete. oc22tf
Kennedy’s New England Ginger Snaps, fresh.
dtf Adams & Bowers.
Cabinet Easel Frames, 26 and 35 cents.
oct24 d&w ccd AiriiA A. Wnir/Ms
For Tux Collector.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Col
lector of Muscogee County. Election in Jan
uary next. [pci2 td] N. G. Oattis.
Russian Relief Portraits, $4 per dozen.
oct24 d&w eow Alpha A. Williams.
'For Tux Collector.
I announce myself as a candidate for Tax
Collector of Muscogee county (election
January next), and respectfully solicit tbe sup-
port of the voters of said county.
aug29 dtfwlra Oliver P. Poh.
Attention, folunil>iufPeo|ile.
Cabinet Photographs—the very best—$4 per
dozen. Alpha A. Williams.
oct24 d&weow
Cheap for Ca3h,
oct. 24-dtf
J. Kyle & Co.
oct‘24 d&w eow
Alaha A. Williams.
To the Voters of Miisrogpe County.
I announce myself as a candidate for the office
of County Treasurer, and respect frilly solicit
your support for ihe same. Election January
next. G. E. Gager.
Columbus, Ga., September 22,1886. sep23 tf
If you want something nice for the table go to
oct22tf Pollard’s.
You can get Sullivan’s Tobaccos at
For City Sexton.
I announce myself a candidate for re-election
of Sexton and solicit a support of my friends and
the citizens. A. Odom.
oct24d til deoil
For County Trcownrer.
I announce myself a candidate for County
Treasurer, and respectfrilly ask the voters of
Muscogee county for their suffrage.
Bep24d&w td John C. Cook.
Kennedy’s Vanilla Wafers, fresh.
dtj Adams & Bowers.
For Sexton.
I announce myself a candidate for City Sexton
and solicit the support of my friends and fellow-
citizens. Election in December next.
aug28 d&w till dec 11 Jas. L. Treadaway.
For Tax Receiver.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Re
ceiver of Muscogee county, and respectfrilly
ask the Bupport of the voters.
sep22 tf J. H. Harrison.
S. P. GILBERT,, Colunibun, Ga.
Prompt attention given to all business. Office
over R. S. Crane. sep4 dly
Another lot of those Fancy Virginia Peanuts at
oc22tl Pollard’s.
Kennedy’s French Roll Wafers, fresh.
dtf Adams & Bowers.
Read This.
You can save money by buying Picture Frames
from Alpha A. Williams at cut rates. From 20
cents up, 35, 50, 65, 76, §1 to $8.50 each.
oct24 d&w eow Alpha A. Williams.
You Fan
Obtain a perfect likeness well finished at $4 per
dozen for Cabinet Photographs, from the Art
Parlors of Alpha A. Williams.
oct24 d&w eow
Ticket for Aldermen.
At the election on Saturday, the 11th of
December next for* one alderman from each
ward, friends of the present members of the board
will support them for re-election.
First Ward—J. S. Garrett.
Second Ward—A. M. Elledge.
Third Ward—D. P. Dozier. •
Fourth Ward—Theo M. Foley.
Fifth Ward—N. N. Curtis.
Sixth Ward—George W. Dillingham.
oct5 td
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 O 1» II 12
Cabinet Photographs, i|4 per dozen.
oct24 d&w eow Alpha A. Wiliams.
For Sale.
My residence, 1308 Fourth avenue, and three
handsome building lots on Fourth avenue and
Thirteenth street, one a corner lot.
oct24 dlw Jas. B. Allen.
R. Howard’s Dray Line.
I have established an • ce at J. C. Reedy’s
real estate office, next to the post office. Parties
desiring any work in Dray line will leave orders
there, or telephone No. 116. Prompt attention
given to all business. R. Howard.
octl7 tf
Russian Relief Portraits per dozen by Alpha
A. Williams. d&weow
Marshars Kale.
One large white and black spotted sow will be
sold at the public pound on Saturday, unless
claimed and expenses paid by the owner before
that time. John H. Palmer,
oc28 3t
Arrival and Departure of All Traln»
at Columbu* Carrying Passengers*
In Effect October 3, 1986.
Mail train from Greenville 10:21 a. m»
Accommodation from Greenville 2:11 p. m»
Mail train from Macon 2:26 p. m.
Accommodation from Macon 6:20 a. m.
Mail train from Montgomery’ 11:20 a. m.
Mail train from Atlanta 6:43 p. m.
Mail train from Troy and Eufaula 12:45 p. m.
Accommodation from Troy, Eufaula
and Montgomery 10:49 p. m,
Accommodation from Union Springs... 10:19 a. m
Mail train for Greeuville 2:29 p. m.
Accommodation for Greenville 6-00 a. m.
Mail train for Macon 12:00 m,
Accommodation lor Macon 8:60.p. n,
Mail train for Atlanta 8:22 a. no.
Mail train for Montgomery 2:28 p. m,
Mail train for Troy 2:30 p. m,
Accommodation ior Troy and Eufaula.. 6:20 a. m.
Accommodation for Union Springs and
Montgomery 10:25 p m
Corrected by John llfackiunr, toiunu
bus, Ga.
Aniericus, Preston and Lumpkin 1st
mortgage 7s 100 @101
Atlantic and Gulf 7s 117 @119
Central cou mortgage 7s 113 (<£114
Columbus and Rome 1st 6s, endorsed
Central It. R 104 @106
Columbus and Western 1st mortgage
6s, endorsed by Central R. R 103 @105
Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta 1st
mortgage 114 @115
Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta 'Is
2d mortgage 110 @112
Georgia Railroad 6s 106 @109
Mobile and Girard 2d mortgage en
dorsed by Central Railroad 108 @109
Montgomery and Eufaula 1st mort
gage 6s and Centra Railroad 108 @109
South Georgia and Florida 1st, en
dorsed by state of Georgia, 7 per
cent 118 @119
South Georgia and Florida 2d, 7 per
cent Ill @113
Western R. R. Alabama 1st mortgage,
endorsed by Central Railroad 107 @119-
Western Alabama 2d mortgage, en
dorsed 110 @111
Atlanta and West Point 101 @103
Atlanta and West Point 6 per cent.
scrip 103 @105 v
Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent 127 @130
Central common 99 @100»
Central railroad 6 per cent, scrip 101 @102
Georgia 11 percent 192 @193
Southwestern 7 per cent. guaranteed..l26 @12T
Atlanta 6s 105 @107
Atlanta 7s 112 @118
Augusta 7s 109 @112
Augusta 6s 103 @106
Columbus 7s 112 @118
Columbus 5s 100 @102
LaGrange 7s 100 @101
Macon 6s 110 @111
Savannah 5s 102 @103 •
Georgia 4%s 107 @108
Georgia 6s 103 @104%
Georgia 7s, 1896 120 @122
Georgia 7s, 1890 Ill @112
Eagle and Pheuix 96 @ 96
Muscogee 95 @ 96
Georgia Home Insurance Company 135 @140
Chattahoochee National 10 per cent... 175 @200
Merchants’ & Mechanics’ 10 per cent..l25 @130
Confederate Coupon Bonds 1 @ 2
$5000 Americus, Preston and Lumpkin Rail
road 7 per cent Bonds.
$25,000 Georgia new 4% per cent. 30 year Bondi.
59 Shares Mobile and Girard Railroad Stock.
50 Shares Eagle and Phenix Factory Stock,
30 Shares Merchants and Mechanics’ Bank
$ 000 Columbus Ice Co. Stock, November divi
dends go with tbe stock to purchaser.
20 Shares Eagle and Phenix Factory Stock.
See me before you buy or sell. I can always do-
as well, and often several points better, than any