Newspaper Page Text
Newt from the Three States Told in
Brief Paragraphs.
A Horrible Murder Near Headland—A (iiuiiu Man
Killed by a Train In Florida—Some Decisions In
the Courts—Several More Gin Houses llurned.
Dr. Hogan, a promint physician of Ath
ens, died on Monday.
Contrary to expectation, the Irish heirs
’ • *-' tic
Fargo, J. B. Dougherty and J. C. Harper
as administrators.
News reached Augusta of forest fires in
the 121st district of Richmond county,
caused by careless hunters.. Much valuable
timber land is now laid waste, and the res
idence of Mrs. Martha Bland and other
houses were only saved through the united
efforts of the population of the community.
The county authorities are investigating
the matter. '
In the city court at Savannah Monday
the Southern bank of the state of Georgia
took judgment by default against Mr. Geo.
S. Schley for $15,120, besides costs, ex
penses and attorney’s fees. This is one of
the bank cases for money advanced on
rice receipts of the Planters’ Rice Mill, the
receipts having been fraudulently issued
by Owens, the manager of the mills, who
obtained the money through Schley, as
his agent and partner, ana absconded,
leaving Schley and the bank in the lurch,
Some thief or thieves broke open the
store of Mr. Tom Haisten, at Hatcher sta
tion, on Friday night last, and took out
nee, sugar, coffee, meat, lard and candy;
also, a valuable horse was taken from the
stable of Mr. M. I. Nesbitt, which wa3 situ
ated very near the store. The horse’s tracks
were closely followed by Messrs. Nesbitt
and Craft. They recovered the ho r se, but
the thief, being so hotly pressed, aban
doned the animal and escaped capture.
There is no clue to the burglars as yet.
Mr. J. M. Gilbert, who lives about eight
miles east of Washington, suffered a severe
loss last Saturday night by having his
b&rn, stables And sheas burned, together
with his corn, fodder and shucks. Mr.
Gilbert was at supper when he heard the
cry of fire, and on going out into the yard
found his barn burning. He, with the
laborers on the place, tried to get the
mules out, but they persistently refused to
move until part ot the stable fell in, The
fire had gotten so hot by this time that the
mules dashed through the flames, with
their mouths wide open and uttering ter-
ri 9}' ie3 * They Were perfectly wild, but
will all get over their burns* as they \Yere
only soorehetl in a tV.y places.
ping and Industrial League, to be held in
Pensacola on November 10, promises to be
the largest convention ever held in Pensa
cola. Already many cities have acted on
the matter, choosing delegates to repre
sent their varied and respective interests, j
Last Saturday evening about 4 o’clock a I
young man was killed at Wild Wood. It ,
is supposed that his name was Norris, as
he went to the post office and inquired for !
letters for that name. The south bound
passenger train was standing at the depot,
and Norris went to the engineer and asked
he could go with him on the engine.
When the engineer refused to let him go
he stepped back to a flat car .uid purpose
ly placed himself in the way of the car,
and two truck wheels passed over his
neck, killing him instantly. There were
no papers found upon his person to tell
where he came from. In his pocket was
found a small piece of bacon, a few
matches and five cents.
Coi*t of Ituunlng for Office.
According to* Henry George, it costs a
New York alderman double his salary to
be elected. It costs a congressman from
f10.000 to $80,000, and a mayor from $75,000
to $200,000. Ht nry proposes to bear the
market or bust.
Valuable mid Convenient.
Brown’s Bronchial Troqhes are a
safe and sure remedy for Bronchitis,
Coughs, and other troubles of the Throat
and Lungs. Sold only in boxes. Price 25
cents. oc28 d&wlw
More Money for Your Work
If you improve good opportunities. Hal-
lett&Co., Portland, Maine, will mail free
full information showing how you can
make from $5 to $25 and upwards a day
and live at home wherever you are locatea.
Better write; some have made over $50 in
a day; all new. No capital required;
started free. Both sexes; all ages. Suc
cess for every worker. Send address and
see for yourself. oc26 d6m
In He. The Etude and l'hcmx Manufacturing
Company. Petition to amend Chart* r,
'Jo the Honorable Hupeiior Court of said
Count; : The petition of the Eagle and 1'lienix
Manufacturing Company respectfully shows.
That it is a coloration ot said state, located and
doing businesSjii said county, ami its principal
office and place of doing business is in Columbus,
! ~mnty
i original c
tion was granted by
said State by an Act entit ed * An Act to incorpo
rate the Eagle and Phenix Manufacturing Com*
pany of Columbus UeoivLi,” which act was ap
proved 10th of March, 1866.
That said Act of Incorporation did i ot provide
tor the election o more than live Directors, nor
has there been any change in the law. respecting
said corporation.
That the corporators named in said Act did or
ganize said company. and that the capital stock
o said company luw been Incioust'd to one mill
ion, two hundred and fifty thousand dollura, all of
which has been paid in.
That the object of said corporation was the
manufacture and sale oi cotton and woolen
srood^, and said company still carry on such busi
ness in said county.
That at the la«t annua’ meeting of the stock*
holders of said company it was resolved by said
stockholders that application should be made to
alter and amend the charter of said company, so
as to provide that the stockholders should, at the
annual elections, choose nine directors among
said stockholders instead of five, us provided by
said chai'ter.
Wherefore, your petitioner prays that an order
may be passed at the next November term ofi-aid
and amen ed as that the same sliu 1 read us fol
Sec i V. That there shall be an annual meeting
of the stockholders of said coiporation at such
time and place as the corporat ion may provide by
its by-laws for the purpose of electing nine direct**
ors, and that, the time of holding the find meeting
of the directors under the said first election shall
be fixed by said directors, or a majority of them,
and the said directors chosen at said el. ctlon, or
at the annual election to be afterwards held,shall,
as soon as may be after subsequent elections,
chose out »»f:their numberla president,and in case
ol*the death, resignation or removal of the presi
dent or any directors, such vacancy or vacancies
may be filled for the remainder of the year where
in they may happen by the said remaining« irect-
ors, or a majority of them may appoint a presi
dent pro tern., who shall exercise such powers
i the by-laws of said corporation
Most liapjiily meets the demand of the age for
woman’s peculiar afflictions. It is a remedy for
WOMAN ONLY, and for one special class of her
diseases. It is a specific for cettain diseased con
ditions of the womb, tttid so controls the
Menstrual organs as to fegulate a’l derangements
and irregularities of Her Monthly Sickness . The
proprietors claim Ibl* this remedy no other medi
cal property, it iSstriclly a Vegetable Com
pound, the studied prescription of a learned phy
sician whose specialty was Female Diseases,
and whose fame became enviable because of his
succoSS in the t reatment and cure ttf fi male com-
Mondiv morning* An-rn Cto*Ki'ina-hum a Pl*Uits. Suffering woman, it will relieve you of
* U'u.iningnam, a ttfearly nil complaints peculiar 10 your sex.
colored painter, while at- Work on Mrs* T , , . C . . ,. T
pIdi-dd’q hmiaD in ! For sale by druggists. Write for book, Mes
Fierce s house in oxont-golYlery, fell troitt | sage to Woman,” mailed fhefe.
roof to tne ground below, receiving in
juries that resulted in his death.
Dr. Gary, of Selftia, is the unfortunate
loser of a fine Wooded family horse, which
Xvrts doubtless stolen from his lot last Sat
urday night between the hours of 11
'ft’clock that Wight and 0 tne next morning.
Mr. J* I* ^est, .late half owner of the
Selma Tirtfcs, has sold his interest ip that
paper tovJapt. II. C. Graham, of Tasso j*
Ala., wfio for' some lime past has been on
the **fttff of the Times, aim manager of the
Weekly Argas.
*The dwelling of Mr. John S. Lceper, of
'Columbian*^ was entered Sunday b;
l pro l
and functions
may provide.
Petitioners’ Attorneys.
Filed and recorded in the Clerk’s office of the
Columbian*^ was entered Sunday by ;
burglars while the inmates were wrapped
in slumber, and money amounting to $13
takes .from his pantaloons pocket. Some j
valuable papers were taken but were i’ouud
in the front yard where the burglar .1 had
UtTOivn them.
The gin house of Mr. Andrew J. Cleve
land at Rockcastle, iu Elbert county,
caught on lire last Saturday. In attempt
ing to extinguish the lire Mr. Cleveland got
his arm caught in one of the wueols of the
machinery, wiiieh drew him in, breaking
his jaw bone, lacerating his face and other
wise painfully injuring him. The lire was
extinguished without doing any damage.
W. B. Keith, a prominent citizen of3el-
mi, came near being killed Monday even
ing. Ho was checking cotton between two
drays and a pair of mules became fright
ened. The cotton truck- started rapidly
off, scaring the mules liituhed close by.
Mr. Keith was caugut between the moving
drays and fell, the dray running over his
arui and leg, dislocating his collar bone
and mashing him badly. No bones wire I
broken, but the shoulder is disfigured. j
Sunday night the E. 1\ V. & G. passen- j
gor train No. 3, while passing between the
Mathevya cotton mills and tne C. S. & M. j
depot at Selma, had hurled in at one of the
wind-,) W3 of the passenger coaches an iron j
cotton tie bu klc, which came near dolin' '
serious mischief to passengers therein. The I
buckle was thrown with such a force ar to
break through both the bliud and sash and
struck the hat of a lady. Glancing, it
struck Mr. Lawrence, sitting on the oppo
site side of the car. A piece of the broken ;
glass also struck Conductor Picner’s face,
cutting on his cheek an ugly gash. No
clue to the rascals that did the throwing
has yet been found.
Some one called Mr. Abe Sanders, who
resides near Headland, in Henry county,
from his house last Thursday night. He
did not return. The next morning he was
found in his store a hundred yards away
with his throat cut wide open. His head
was almost severed from his body. Evi
dently one man held him while the other
butchered him. There were no other
wounds or marks. One blow did the busi
ness. It was not done for robbery, as noth
ing was stolen. He was plainly decoyed
there for the purpose of murder. It is
intimated that it was probably done by
some party who was in debt to him or
had been. Sanders, it seems, did not live
on very kindly terms with those who
Were due him.
A Spanish gentleman has bought nearly
all the oranges in the Emeralda section.
They brought good pricer.
Circuit court for Gadsden county will
commence on Monday, November 8.
There are several murder eases on the
The corn crop of Alachua county has
been harvested, and the yield has been
unusually large. The granaries of the
farmers are absolutely filled from the top
to the bottom.
The Renew brothers, who are reported
to have been lynched in Calhoun county
last week, fled from Gadsden county
some two years ago. They were charged
with hog stealing.
John A. Graham, W. M. McIntosh, Jr.,
Charles Monroe and H. E. Graham have
formed an association known and styled as
the “Leon County Land and Improvement
Co apany,” with headquarters at Talla
It Is said a charitably disposed steam
boat captain and some others chipped in
and made up a pony purse for the “poor
Indians” at Fort Pickens, and were horri
fied soon after to see the recipient “blow
it all in” on a little game of three-card
Tom Dixon, a well-known colored man
at Norwalk, was arrested a few days since
on an indictment found by the last grand
jury for his failure to discharge his duty
as a road commissioner. He gave bond
for his appearance at the next term oi
court in the sura of $200.
The convention of the American Ship
'old in Head,
t'AT A It It II .
Jot a
owder. Fit* flora
ojuriouft 'dtt&Sfs and
1 tensive &dWrs.
A particle is applied into each iMfstril and is
agreeable. Brice 60 cents at Pttagjgfots; by mail,
registered SO cts. Circulars Tree. ELY BROS.,
Druggists Owego. N. Y StartS eod&wtf nrra
At Wholesale by
* je5 eodflm
Piece Goods
For Fall, 1886.
Clothing Made to Order,
Variety Unparalleled.
Price* IleaKOuable.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
GOODS selected now will be made ready foi
delivery at any date desired. Call and favor ui
with au order.
G. j.
Dutly’s Pure Wall Whiskey
n n.;
Duffy’s Formula.
Gain of 35 Founds*
234 Division St., New York City, I
April 21, 1SKG. J
Gentlemen—Six weeks niro 1 commenced
taking your Unity's Formula. 1 was com
pletely run down m health from want ol sleep,
poor appetite, and weighing only 121 pounds
Since then my restoration to health has been
wondenul. I now weigh 160 pounds, ricep
well, and liuve a siood spj elite I never tell
better in id. my life. LOUIS WARD.
Gain of 33 Founds.
Li’hay, l\ II. Va..
I have hern using vour Dutlj’s lure Mali
Whiskey for dyspepsia with the best results.
1 commenced the use of it six weeks uco
H11.1 1 nve traltml 33 pounds. 1 chrerlully
•- •• -imr with tndlioh
Z. HAllUibON,
of 20 Founds.
end it-to all i?uJlerlmr
w.t in
I W ;
. 11 1.. Vl:.\ N 7 V : MV $
re, need 1 y d \ eerin
, tli .e l ad
i, and ^ had to In e o^
V Filiv M.,i» Whi.- key mki Dully
in Mesh
cut ..vcwv-.
• 10 1 A
'CVhHbu en—l s
1*1! i*, M 11 W1 li ke,
lnr ft up tuvself. bici
ipoVtiids 1
„ fit o well in
M i UM1 NOS.
20 Foilud*.
. Sr., .ler-oy Cite, N. J.
oil inking vonr Dully'*
tid I min '* Fot mula, >nnk-
..c • then l Inno trained 20
( alii of 16 Founds.
S. E. Cor. lo'Mi and Wontt Sts.. )
I’ll 11.A OKI.I'll I A )
Gentlemen— About four iiionlhsaco 1 <-om*
menued the use ot Puffy’s Fur© Mall Whis
key and DuHVb Formula. I tiad previously
been an invalid for six months, slid hail nsco
everv Inmitimible ronu dy, anil trot no pood
from' anythin*. My upreii-e and sirenutl.
wei " none and I had s very bad coUgh. 1 urn
cm rely cured. I have Ruined fiirc* n pound*
Lakicwooh, N. J.
Gentlemen—The benchtu derived from you?
DuHVb Formula have been sttch that too much
cannot 1 e said in its praise. The ailment that
1 formerly had tn the side has about cntirelj
disappeared, and ih« l ad taste that I had tn
ot -
entiieiy leil me. Anpctll
have no leeltntj ot being puiieu up mm* iim-uib,
and the dUzIneas which 1 was greatly hot ti
ered with bus to a great extent entirely left
me. My weight 1ms Increased nearfy 13
Baltimore. Md.
isroun WnisxKY is Sold Okly is bxALXt
IIu'itlks. Never in Bulk.
John H. Henderson vs. Green McArthur. Rill*
Nisi to foreclose Mortgage. May Term, 1888.
Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia.
It appearing to the Court by the Petition 01
John 11. Henderson that on the first day of Sep
tember, in the year of Our Lord eighteen hun
dred and eighty-two. Green McAitnur, of said
county, made and delivered to said John H. Hen
derson a certain instrument iu writing commonlj
called u promissory note, whereby he promised t<
pay to said plaintiff the sum of one hundred and
thirty-nine dollars twelve months alter date with
interest from date at eight per cent, per annum
for value received, and that afterwards on the Ip’
day of September, 1882, the bettei lo secure tin
payment of said instrument executed and deliv
ered to said plaintiff* his deed and mortgag*
whereby he conveyed to said plaintiff all tha
tract or parcel of land situated, lying and he inn
in the County of Muscogee, known and bounder
os follows : On the north by the lands of Jainei
Huff, on the west by the St. Mary's road, op th<
east by the lands ot James Huff and on the s »
by the lands of Philip Owens, containing
four and one-half acres, more or less, whic
mortgage was conditioned that if the said do lend
ant should pay otf and discharge said promiss^rj
note according to its tenor unu effect, that thei
said deed of mortgage and said note should b»
void. And it further appearing that said promis-
4 ifd. it is therefore ordern
pay into this‘court by th«
\8SOry hum:, in ohv#»» oauoi- iu me tuiimvuw
be any, and that on failure of said defendant st
to do, the equity of redemption in and to siiic
mortgaged premises be forever thereafter barred
and foreclosed. And it is further ordered that
this Rule be published in the Columbus En
quirer Sun once a month for four months, or k
copy thereof served on the said defendant, or hii
special agent or attorney, at least three moutlu
before the next term of this court.
By the Court:
Petitioner’s Attorney.
J. T. WILLIS. Judge S. C. C. C.
A true extract from the minutes of Muscoge*
Superior f ' iurt at its May Term. 1886. on the loti
May of Miry. 1886. GEO. Y. POND,
jy:i oam tm Clerk
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
A NY person having claims again*! the estate of
Catharine Sullivan, deceased, will present
them within the time pr scribed by law, and all
person*indebted toiler arc required to make
prompt payment Lo me.
oc24 oavvliv M. SULLIVAN. Sr.
.e working for us.
.lish iheir own horses
• p business. 8
The ino«t Pirirt’ijt a4Tcntu"-< of all grpat
bcrdi-i h roe«i with Iiuiluim. outlaw, aiKiw ii<l
bcu^la, from the ua-licgt tunc to inis. I Avar
ploit* of D*-Soto, I.t'alle, Staiidiah, Romik
Cro/ fc. it. f/o. i* ,Hou foil. C rtoii.riiMcr.
Bill, yicu. Crook, or.d others. Ill umi -.u-.l w
iolliing .tf m» 11 fact liver, 1200 A 120 U
Brum Street. Columbus On.
Dress Goods House
Carrying More Dress Goods and More Dress Trimmings Than Any
House in Columbus.
Novelties Every Week!
Their Cloak Room is full of new and stylish Coverings of
every description. Don't fail to inspect their line when you
are in search of a Newmarket, a Circular, a Visile, Dolman,
Jacket, or any other style Wrap being worn. Their stock is
superb, and the prices are right. You are invited to look
them over.
Can learn the exact cost
of any proposed line of
advertising in American.
Papers by addressing'
Geo. P. Powell A Co.»
Newspaper Advertising Bureau, ,
lO Spruce St., New York.
Send lOots for lOO-naga Pamphlet*
For is years at 37 Court IMace, now at
A roBiilariv educated ami legally qualiOtMl pbysIcLn and tM
Bpormatorrliea and Impolency*
.H the result of aoir-nbufte In youth, sexual excesses In ma-
uirer years, or other onuses, nud producing some of thu fot-
owing cflectH: Nei vousnesj. Seminal Emissions, (niglit erula-
•Iins l»v dreams). Dimness of hight. Defectlre Memory, I’hjr-
■1 ilD'i’iiy, IMiupInaon l'’n<:o, Aversion to Society of Females,
L'u.ifinlnn of ideas, l.oos of Sexual Power, Ac., rendering
s special attc-ntioo
•.0 a coriain Ciuss or mseascs, ami trcuuug thousauJs annu
ally, armiirLS great skill, l'hyslclnus knowing lids fuel ofto*
recommend persons to my euro. When It Is Inconvenient to
t l ,lt 1 |m city Tor treatment, medicines cun be sent privately
fcil ’..duly '.*y mail or express anywhere.
Cures Guaranteed in all Case*
uiKltirtnkeu. ,, ,
CmiHuiutlouj personally or by letter free and Invited
dUaigua reasonable and correspondonoo strictly coiillaeutiaL
'if '200 pages, sent In any n<!dre«s, securely sealed, for thirty
, .0) cents. Slmnld lie read liv all. Address a;i alsiva
»Wn« hours from h A. M. too P M Sundeva. J to A P. ¥
Constructed With Our Own
"Patent Eyelet Batteries,”
Surpass in power and permanency all and every
other device to apply magnetism to the human
system. Our record stands at 86 percent of all
curable eases cured. Throat. Lung, Stomach,
Kidney, Liver and almost every other trouble
yields to the mild yet persistent currents of mag
netism, as applied by our methods. The Belt
md luvigorator impart great strength, warmth,
md comfort, and the Dyspeptic. Nervous, weak
and desponding, become hopeful and genial, and
mjoy life aguin.
Jersey Jackets
The Largest Stock in This City
All Grades, From 50c. to $7.
Our Large New Cloak Room is full of
Call and See the Styles.
i. A. KIRVEN & CO.
nos IE I nos IE I
ct Wi fionin Nngmdic 1‘osor I*adi«» v
AImIoiiiIiihI Nuppoi'flr
cases of abdominal enlargement without any
particular disease. Tends also to decrease ana
prevent excessive accumulation of fat.
The ITrihing TV celt luce
.■•■•Hitlies ami quiets the Teething Baby and pre
vents convulsions.
•he full power Kyelefl Itutlery Insolen
■D-t only warm tlic feet, tint prevent crumps in
cm so pievu enl in advam ing years. No L vulid
• 'ould despair because cltcapt r or inferior goods
m vc failed, until they huve tried our methods,
.’nvnplilet, letters of instruction and testinioniula
.uile I to siuy address. Advice and counsel flee
o all patients.
'i*. OAllUi'Lli 111!Ilk foluniliiis, Ga., Agent-
Combined with Great Refracting Power,
They nrc mn TrnuMparenl and <:«lor>
leiM HH Light IlNCll,
And for softness of endurance to the eye cannot
be excelled, enabling the wearer to read for hours
without fatigue. In fact, they aie
Perfect Sight Preservers.
Testimonials from the leading physiciitus in
the United States, governors, senators, legis-
laion-, stockmen, men of note in all professions
and 111 different branches of trade, bankers, me
chanics, etc.*., can be given, who have had their
sight improved by their use.
Druggists, Columbus, Georgia.
These Glasses are not supplied to peddlers at
any price. oc 15 lira
« ha, ta! ev helu«tt|
the sale u. hie clus 4
Bookcases,Tables, Off.ct
Chairs.Letter Presses,
Fine Cabinets, &c.
fW N. Fourth Ht.. St. Loun»
btuti Cor 4J i>u> Cutr-ugis
*We have the best and cheapest Hose in the market. A full line of Ho*e Reels and Nozzles.
Telephone 99. 13 Twelfth Street.
’1 ilia School la the beet
in America. The moot
practical coarse of (n-
.slruetion uml the moil
|,eminent faculty. JtD-
ilorsed by bu sines*
houses. For circulars
and specimens of Pen
manship, address
■ > I > I 7 11 tk-nd ,us ceuis t,,r poruaite and
’ l\ 1/j I,, recooive free >, costly box of
goods wluoli will help all. ol'eitbcr sos. to make
ii'i,re money right away ths , amtl.ine else In
ibis world. Foitnues swait the wrrker^abso.
lately -ute. Tenor mailed ire,-. Vat a &CO,
I AUHuair, Marne- d*«tt