Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, November 03, 1886, Image 8

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Columbus, Go., November 2, 1886.
New York % off, Eastern % off Boston slight V*
Off, Savannah off; Bank checking on New York
•var the counter \\ premium and on Savannah
•t par.
Market to-<1av very dull; inferior 0; ordi
nary —e; f*>od ordinary —c; low middling
WMV$c; middling 8' H ro8!jc. good middling
To-day. To Date.
By Southwestern rnilroad 166 4,454
By Mobile and Girard railroad 125 3.663
s* Columbus and western road... 8 678
By Columbus and Rome railroad.. 64 4,688
By the river .170 3,109
By wagons 256 15,678
Totals 784 32,470
To-day. To Date
* By Southwestern railroad 346 20,294
By Columbus and Western road . .. 0 0
By the river 0 0
Token by Columbus factories 49 3,044
TOtftls 395 23,338
287 22,883
Block on hand August 31, 1885 1.079
Baoelved to-day 784
“ previously 31,686—32,470
skipped to-day 395
previously 22,943— 23,338
Stocks on hand 10,211
Stock August 31, 1885, 350; received same day, I
TM; total receipts 36,814; shipped same day 373; !
total shipments 27,115, stock 10,019, sales 414; j
■riddling. 8*.jc.
Gold Bracelet Lost..
Night School J. H. Crowell.
Fresh Fish - Salisbury & Crow.
Money to Loan -John Blackmar.
New Drug Firm- Kail Wheat,
Housekeeper Wanted--D. C. Bhiitze.
Citation Notices F. M. Brooks. Ordinary. J
Fine lot Fisb and Oysters Win. Thomas.
Furnished Room Wanted in private family.
Boarded Wanted Mrs. Mattie Fogle Pin hi.
Fresh Fish and Oysters J. L. Treadaway & Co. ;
Sleeping Rooms in Webster Building -John j
Horses, Oxen, Wagons, etc., for Sale -Hyff& ;
Northwestern Mutual’s Semi-tontine Policy j
Jno. F. Iverson. Agent.
The friends and acquaintances of Mr. John j
J. Moth, Mrs. Catherine Mote, and Chas. R. I
Mote, are respectfully invited to attend the
fhneral of the former, from his late residence in I
Rrowneville, this afternoon at 4 o’clock
Married Yesterday.
Mr. John Henry Amos Cherry and Miss Ellen ,
Gill wore married in this city yesterday. Rev. j
J. W. Howard, pastor oI the Second Baptist j
church, performed the ceremony.
The Cut Woman Married.
John Parent and Miss A me ia Hill, the fat lady, ,
both of Dolls’ circus, were married at the resi
dence of Rev. Dr. Barnwell in Selma Monday
evening at 4 o’clock.
Adjudged u Lunatic.
Marshal Maffett, of Greenville, passed through
the city yesterday en route to MUledgeville. He j
had in his charge Lee Moreland, colored, who
had been adjudged a lunatic ami whom he was
taking to the asylum.
Death in Opelika.
Mr. H. A. Hall died ut his residence in Opelika |
ht 4 o'clock on Sunday afternoon and was buried
Monday evening at 4 o’clock. Mr. Hall was one
of the old citizens of that place, and his death ic j
regretted by his many fr iends.
Another (llu House Burned.
The gin house of Mr. I. T. Woodward, in Mori- !
wether county, was destroyed by fire late Mon- ,
day evening, together with ten bales of cotton, j
The gin was being run at the time, and the fire
was accidental. We learn that there was no in
surance. and the loss falls very heavily on a de
serving man.
Public Sales Yesterday.
Yesterday was public sale day, but very little |
real estate w;.s put uudor the hammer. The
HsnKcrd lots on Front street, opposte the Eagle ,
and Phenix mills, were sold by F. M. Knowles &
Co., auctioneers, to L. C Levy, Esq., for $5u00. *
Col. F. G. Wilkins, auctioneer, sold the Jones j
plantation to J. L. Wi lte for Henry McKee for
$4880, and the Carnes plantation to W. A. Phil
lips lor $2000.
Vunenil of Mr. J. B. Slade.
The frmeral of Mr. J. B. Slade took place from
81. Paul church yesterday morning at to o’clock.
The services were conducted by Rev. Walker |
Leals, and us an evidence of the high esteem in ;
which the deceased Was held, a large concourse
of friends and acquaintances were present. The I
ibllowing gentlemen were pall bearers: Messrs, j
C. A. Etheredge, W. J. Watt, G. W. Dillingham, •
J. F. Flournoy, J. S. Matthews, G E. Thomas, !
sr., H. J. Abbott and B. T. Hatcher.
Married In Marietta.
At the residence of the bride’s parents in Ma
rietta, yesterday morning at 8 o’clock, Mr. Will
8. Davis, of this city, and Miss Adella Brown,
were united in marriage. The happy couple
•cached this city last night and were tendered a
reception at the home of the groom’s parents on
Seventh street. The groom is an energetic young j
Merchant and an upright and genial gentleman,
while the bride was one of Marietta’s moat at-
tractive and accomplished young ladies. They
have a host of friends, who extend congratula
tions and best washes.
Death in Browncvllle.
Mr. John J. Mote died at his home in Browne-
ville at 6 o’clock yesterday afternoon after a lin
gering illness of consumption. He was 57'
years of age. aud had been residing in Browne-
ville about seven years. He formerly lived in
Aberfoil, Ala. He leaves a wife and seven chil
dren, who have the sympathy of many friends in
their bereavement. Mr. Mote was a consistent
member of the Methodist church, an upright
man and a good citizen. The fhuerai will take
place this afternoon at 4 o’clock from the resi
One of the Murderers Captured.
A correspondent writing from Wetumpka,
Ala., says:
‘•The negro, John Hart, who aided in the mur
der of Mr. Wftldrupin Lee county last Tuesday-
night, was arrested here to-day at 11 o’clock pn
Capt. Welch’s plantation. Your correspondent
saw the negro boy as he was brought into town
to day by the posse of men who have him iu
charge. They let! for Opelika going through the
countr.. The boy looks to be about 18 years o.
age, and has rather a surly look and is rather
Idiotic. He made a confession to Mr. G. E.
Easlow, of this place, who aided in the arrest.
Arrival of the Aid.
The steamer Aid arrived yesterday at 11:20
o*clock, bringing 119 bales of cotton and miscel*
laneous freight consigned as follows: Flournoy
Jk Epping, 82 bales; Blanchard, Burrus A Co., 34
hales; Carter & Bradley, 3 bales; J. T. Kava
nagh, 1 box pomegranates; Wm. Snell, 1 box
chickens; T. L. Gruzard, l mantle, 1 gate, 1
package blinds; Tony Rice, 1 box merchandise;
B. M. Walsh & Co., 3 coses empty bottles.
Following is the list of her passengers: Mrs.
Annie Duflie and child, Mrs. M. Duffle, Miss Rosa
Dnffie, Alfred Duffle, Willie Odom, Daniel B.
Bussell, Eufaula; 3 on deck. She will leave early
HUs morning.
Sonict^ng About 1h<* Blockade it This City.
ChargPH of DiNcriminstiou A gal lint Coluni-
For several weeks there has been a blockade
of cotton at the Central railroad yards at this
city. The cotton men have been complaining cc n"
siderably, but the railroad officials say it cannot
be avoided.
By comparing the receipts and shipments of
cotton from Columbus Inst year with this we
make the following statement:
Columbus had on 31st October, 1885, 34,257 boles
of cotton to be moved. Of this amount 18,195
bales were chipped over the Southwestern rail
This year we had 31,916 bales to be moved, and
19,010 have been shipped over the Southwestern
railroad. In addition to the Columbus cotton
there was received of through cotton to October
41, 1885, and shipped over Southwestern railroad
12.857 hales, whilst to 3lst October, 1886, there has
been received 39,911 bales.
With 2341 bales less to be shipped this year.
Columbus has actually shipped 015 bales more
over the Southwestern railroad this year t' an
last; and In addition to this the through cotton
has increased 27,084 bales, so that the South
western hfts received at Columbus 28,899 bales of
cotton more than at this time last year. This in
crease has naturally caused quite a blockade at
Columbus, the receipts being greater than the
capacity of the compress to handle. Of course,
the Central moved cotton as rapidly as possible
Inst season, as there was competition via the
river. This year thero is no competition and
more cotton has been taken from Columbus than
last year.
A few days ago an Enquirer-Sun reporter
asked a prominent warehouseman for news.
The warehouseman replied that he had no news,
but there was one thing that he would like to
mention. He said that it was a noticeable fact
that more cotton was passing through Columbus
this year than ever before, especially over the
Columbus ami Rome railroad. He stated that
this coin puny would ship through cotton from
Chipley at 7 cents per hundred, when it charged I
22 cents per hundred for cotton shipped from 1
that point to Columbus. This, he said, was a
palpable discrimination against Columns.
Yesterday afternoon an Enquirer-SDn report
er saw Mr. W. L. Clark, general manager of the
Columbus and Rom t railroad, and stated to him
the complaint of the cotton merchant. Mr.
Clark replied that the complaint was unfounded.
He stated that the Columbus and Rome received
the same rate for cotton shipped direct to Savan.
nah or New York that it received for cotton
shipped to Columbus. He said that the company
could not refuse to give the people along the line
of the road a through bill of lading ifthey desired
it. If the company refused to do it, all the peo
ple hod to do was to appeal to the railroad com
The cotton merchant was seen again late yes
terday evening, aud his attention was called to
the statement of Mr Clark. He said that he did
not doubt tile truth of it so far as it related to
the Columbus and Rome railroad. He had no
doubt that the Columbus and Rome railroad re
ceived its local rate on all cotton, but he said it.
could not bo denied that the Central was giving
preference to through cotton. ITc claimed that
the rate from Chipley to Savannah was not.
the rate from Columbus to Savannah
with the Columbus and Rome h cal rate added,
but about twelve cents per hundred lees. He says
that a prominent Columbus shipper buys cotton
up the Columbus and Rome railroad because he
can get an immediate through bill of lading,
when if he buys it here lie is compelled to wait
about t^*o weeks to get a bill of lading. This, lie
claims, is not only the casj with the Columbus
and Koine, but with the !!?bile and Girard and
the Columbus and Western.
“What are you going to do about it ?” asked
the reporter.
“Submit, I guess, as we have always done.” j
“I thought I understood you to say you intend
ed to make a case before the commission?”
“We vill doit if we can. We are only waiting
for cx-Governor Smith to return to the city. We
will consult him, and if he thinks we can suc
cessfully make a caso before the commission ve
will do it.”
A Small Vote Polled But lion. Thomas IV. Grimes
Gets There nil the Smile— Uiunlhlate Carmichael
Run* »“!! at Bonus
The congressional election in the fourth dis
trict yosterduv was the quietest, iu many a year.
In this ci y, however, a fair vote was polled, con
sidering the fact that the people considered the
independent candidate a lame horse iu the race.
At the city box 577 votes were polled, < f which
569 were for Hon. Phos. W. Grimes, the demo
cratic nominee, and 8 for J. Y. Carmichael, the
independent. Thifty-five votes were Dolled at
Shingle Hill, all of which were for Grimes. No
other county precincts were heard from last
night. Specials to the Enquirer-Sun from a
large majority of the counties in the district show
a small vote, but the almost ununimous eleciion
of Hon. Thomas W. Grimes.
Burris Fount).
Hamilton, Ga., November 2.—Grimes received
118 votes at this place and Carmichael none.
Cataula, Ga., November 2.- Forty-two votes
were polled here, all of which were for Grimes
Chipley, Ga., November 2.—Grimes received
64 votes here and Carmichael none.
Meriwether County.
Greenville, Ga., November 2.—At this pre
cinct Grimes received 176 votes and Carmichaels.
Taylor County.
Reynolds, Ga., November 2.—Sixteen votes
were polled here, solid for Grimes.
Coweta County.
Newnan, Ga.; November 2.~ The vote here is
Grimes 197 and Carmichael 165. The other dis
tricts have not been heard from, but the county
is thought to be safe for the nominee.
Troup County.
LaGrange, Ga., November 2.—Two hundred
and sixteeu votes polled, all for Grimes, in
LaGrange district.
West Point, Ga., November 2—Light vote.
No opposition.
Marion County.
Bufna Vista, Ga., November 2.—The election
was very quiet, only filly-four voles were polled
—all for Grimes.
Talbot County.
Talbotton, Ga , November 2 —Election passed
off very quietly to-day. Very light vote polled in
the county. Talbotton and Geneva premiums
give Grimes, democratic nominee, 193; Car
michael, independent, 6.
E B. Dana, I. W. Lee, New York; J. Rider,
Baltimore; Wm. Hazleburst, Macon;‘E. C. Guth-
man, Allie Guthman, Atlanta; Louis Benton,
Cleveland; 8. P. Johnson, J. W. Thomas, A. J.
DeLamore, 8. Van Wyck, New York; W. B.
Lowe, R. A. Spratling, Atlanta; R. M. Neilson,
Baltimore; P. 8. Autrey, LaGrange; W. L. Brierly,
Baltimore; Cantham, G. H. Robinson, G. R.
Stone, New York; H. M. Cann, Baltimore; C. C.<
Alexander, New York; Mrs. Carter, Talbotton; 29
members of McIntyre & Heath’s minstrels; H. R.
Harris, Greenville; R. L. Hannaman, Cincinnati;
J. R. Barnes, Philadelphia; Ed Taylor, Cincin
nati; G. E. King, Atlanta; Leon Johnson, Louis
ville; J. B. Billups, Alabama; J. M. De Lacy, Geor
Henry Mugard, Montgomery; W* I. H. Pitts,
Waverly Hall; Josiah Allen. Seale, Ala ; R. A.
Nathans, Alabama; K. A. Mathews, Talbotton,
Ga ; W. H. Percell, W. H. Rigell. Columbia, Ala.;
M. O. Johnson, Cincinnati, O.; M. McGuire,
Hatchechubbee, Ala.: Albert Goodwin, Eufaula;
J. 8. Stuart, Montgomery; A. F. Norman, New
Orleans; vS. H. Harvey, L. P. Sects, Augusta: A.
T. Willis, Chattanooga; N. R. Roberts, Alabama;
Joseph M. Lamb, Russell countv; T. H. T. Had
ley, Hamilton, Ga.; R. A. Russell, Chipley, Ga.;
G. D. Gordon, G. M. and G. R. R.
—The city oouncil will hold its monthly meet
ing to-night.
—Two hearts will be made to beat as one to
—Messrs. Ingram A Ingram have gone,into ; the
mercantile business at Marvyn. Ala.
—Deputy Collector Moss informs us that he,has
received one application for stamps for ole6-
margarine in this city. He expects others.
—Major T. B Camp, of Wavnrly Hall, Harris
county, passed through our city on his way to
Florasville, Texas, which place he will ma^te
his home for the next ytar.
—Two negroes were brought down from ,Ham-
ilt n yesterday and turned over to the Chatta-
hooohee Brick Company to serve six and seven
years respectively in the state’s service.
—A young man named Williams killed an ex?
convict named Holmes on the Georgia Midland
works in Pike county a few days ago. Williams
ialhe son of Ordinary Williams, of Upson coun
ty, and it is claimed that he acted in self-defense.
Hon. Henry R. Ha iris, of Greenville, is in the,
H. R. Goelchius, Esq., left .for Griffin yester
Dr. George Phelps returned from the north on
Monday. k< *
Capt. G. E. Thomas, jr , relumed from Till but
ton yesterday.
Mr. J. M. DeLacy, of Greenville, was in the city
Mr. Randolph Livingston, the new sheriff of
Harris county, is in the city.
Mr. Frank Hadley, of Hamilton, is in the city.
Miss Lula Richardson, of Society Hdl, and Miss
Hattie Floyd, of Opelika, are at the Veranca
Mrs. Reese Crawford returned from Birming
ham yesterday.
J. M. Russell. Esq., went down to 8eale yester
day to attend the circuit court, which convenes
Hon. Thomas W. Grimes will go up to Atlanta
Mr. J. D. Odoin went over to Macon yesterday.
Dr. T. It. Mitchell, of Hami ton, is in the city.
Death of an Aged Couple. r V"
Mr. John N. Barnett, treasurer of this tity, re
ceived the sad intelligence yesterday of the death
of his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bar
nett, at Hickory, Miss. Mrs. Barnett died on last
Friday and Mr. Barnett on Sunday. Mrs. Bar
nett was 93 years of age and Mr. BarnettHvus 94
years and 9 month* old. In life they lived and
loved together and in death they were not di
vided. Such an incident under crrd'nary
circumstances would be sal indeed,
but this aged couple had long ''’passed
the allotted years of man, and quietly andpeace-
ftilly awaited the Munitions to a better and
brighter land. While they had been living in
Mississippi more than twenty years, they were
fora longtime residents of Russell county, and
had many friends in this city who will rend this
announcement with feelings of sorrow. '
McIntyre & Heath’s minstrels gave a veVy en
tertaining performance at the opera house last
night. The music was perhaps the bes? that our
people have enjoyed this season, and the singing,
while not ex ra fine, was by no means poor.
Some of the specialties were very good. A pieas-
aut feature in the performance is the fconest
work the players do. All of them put energy and
zeal into their work and it goes a long way to see
them in earnest. There was no drag or waiting.
Taking it all in all; it is about as good as any
minstrel company that is now on tnc road. The
audience showed their appreciation in enthusias
tic applause, and several times the performers
were recalled.
I Hoarder** Wanted.
! Several young men can secure good day board
' at Mrs. Mattie Fogle Pfohl's, No. 222 Thirteenth
; street, opposite 8t Paul church.
I Wanted—A clever woman, whit* or colored,
to do general housework. References required.
A good house and firewood furnished and fair
wages promptly paid. Apply to
D C. &HUTZE, *
wed fri.bse 1132 Broad Street.
t’oliiinbiiN liiMlgo No. 67, 1. O. O. I’.,
Will meet at their Lodge Room, corner Broad
and Twelfth streets, over R. 8. Crane’s, this
(Wednesday) evening at 8 o’clock.
All Odd Fellows in good standing t»re fraternal
ly invited to meet with us.
Macon O. Berry, N. G.
Geo. O. Berry, Sec’y. je2 wedly
.4. O. IT. W. (’oliinibtiN Lodge No, 7.
Attend regular meeting this (Wednesday)
evening at 8 o’clock.
. J. A. Calhoun, M. W.
C. E. Estes, Recorder. lst&3dwcd
Pel I from a Car.
Yesterday morning about 3 o’clock some one
reported to the police headquarters that a man
was lying in the road under the oulveit, at the
end of Eleventh street. Two policemen went
out with a cart and brought the unfortunate
man to the city. He said that his name was f.
E. Hill and tluvt he and another man had
boarded the 8:53 freight train Monday night to
steal a ride to Macon. They were both
under the influence of whisky. They
took their seats on the bumpers between two
freight cars, and while the train was passing over
the culvert, he fell to the ground, a distance of
about fifteen feet. When the policemen picked
him up he screamed manfully, and every time
the cart jolted he gave evidence of great suffer
ing. He was sent to the city hospital and Dr.
Cameron attended him. He found that Hill’s
back was badly bruised near the spinal column,
but does not think he is permanently injured.
Hill ia a northern man and had been in this city
three or four days. He was trying to beat his
way to Macon.
• Salad froui Seale.
Seale, Ala., November 2.—Circuit court will
convene here to-morrow. The dockets are un
usually light. The cose of Len. Ogletree, chaiged
with the murder of Needham Bennefield is the
most important one ou the docket.
Judge Carmichael arrived ye-terday, accompa
nied by his wife and children.
Prof B J. Oonyers will deliver a literary ad
dress to-morrow night before the Shukspearian
society. His subject will be “The General Diffu
sion of Knowledge.”
Hon. J. T. Normon, of Union Springs, came up
this morning to attend court.
F. D. Peabody, esq., of your city, was here yes
terday looking after legal business aud she oting
The election for a representative in the fifth
tieth congress from this district passed off quietly.
Col. Oats the present incumbent, had no oppo
sition. Only a small vote was polled at Seale.
The New Firm.
We take pleasure in announcing that our store
is now complete, and we bore for and
will appreciate a share of your
patronage. With an entire new, clean and first-
class stock, bought for cash and discounted, we
are in u position to offer such inducements os
cannot be had elsewhere. We do not advertise
any special article, for if we were to undertake to
mention only the specialties kept by us it would
take the whole Enquirer Sun. Therefore we
respectfully ask you to visit our store and tee for
yourself. Our tinctures are all made direct from
fresh drugs, not fluid extracts, and are prepared
by the 1880 Pharmacopear, and no physician need
hesitate to send us his prescriptions, for they will
be filled accurately and just what he prescribes
► will be used. Every article in our Prescription
Department has been carefrilly selected by one
who delights in and will use only the finest that
can be had. Everyone‘likes to see pretty goods,
and when they buy, get new goods, so call and
see us, and we promise you shall be pleased.
Respectful y, Hall & Wheat.
For Hale.
2 Ho* ses.
1 Yoke Oxen, n*
3 Cows,
2 Yearlings,
1 Two-horse Wagon,
1 Two-horse Express.
nov3 wed&se Huff A Starke.
Night School.
I will open a night school at my school rooms
on Fourth avenue, between Ninth and Tenth
streetR, on November 8th, 1886.
nov3 5t J. H. Crowell.
The Rout Thing of Iin Hind Ever
Offered the Public.
The Northwestern Mutual’s return premium
semi tontine policy. For description see circular
distributed over the city.
Jno. F. Iverson,
Resident Agent.
The Best Tiling: of Its Kiitd Ever
Offered the Public.
The Northwestern Mutual’s return premium
“semi-tontine policy ” For description see cir
cular distributed over the city.
Jno. F. Iverson,
Resident Agent.
The Beat Thing: of Itn Kind Ever
Offered the Publie.
The Northwestern Mutual’s “return premium”
semi-tontine policy. For description see circu
lars distributed over the city.
Ji*o. F. Iverson,
Resident Agent.
Headquarters f.r fresh Fish and Oysters every
day. J. L Tread a way & Co.
Blue Fish, Red Snappers and Sheephead at
Salisbury A Crow’s.
Win. Thomas
Received another fine lot of Trout and Blue Fish
and Oysters this morning. nov3 2t
Wanted—By a young couple, a furnished
room without board, in a private family. Refer-
erences. Address Box 3U.
Itc.iccIH Lost.
Lost on Sunday afternoon, between Ninth
street and the fi. and P. Mills, a gold Bracelet j
Name on side. Leave at this office and receive
There is a great difference in the liability of
the t eth of different’ individuals to decay.
Even iu the same mouth, some teet.: are . more
susceptible to decay than the re t, owing to con
stitutional conditions at the time of their forma
tion. Beyond question, however, the chief cause
of caries is the fermentation and decomposition
of food about and between the t. eth. To prevent
this fermentation and decomposition uso Delec-
talave. For sale by all Druggists.
Without Reference* to Earthquakes.
The certainty of the success of Southern enter
prises is shown by the regularity which has
characterized the Grand Monthly Drawings of
The Louisiana State Lottery—the 198th o which
events wi 1 take place on Tuesday, November 9th,
1888—wit out any reference to earthquake* or
other interferences. Gen’Is G. T. Beauregard of
, and Jubal A. Early of Va., will scatter some
$265,5t0 all about the earth. F or any information
apply to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. Do
not forget the clay.
Tlio Very Bent
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $1 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
dweow Alpha A. Williams.
.UiirstnilN .Sale.
Will be sold on Thursday November 4th, if
n t called for and the charges paid, one red and
white bull, marked crop iu left and swallow fork
in right ear. John H. Palmer,
nov2 3t Marshal.
To the Voters of Miisroiree County.
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
Treasurer of Muscogee county, and earnestly
solicit your support. I need the office and will
be very thankful for your assistance. I am pre
pared to fan. Election on the first Wednesday
in Jauuary next, 1887. Jordan L. Howell. td
For Tax Collector.
Announcing myself a candidate for re-election
to the office of Tax Collector of Muscogee county,
[ respectfully solicit the votes of its citizens,
and will endeavor to deserve their support by
faithfully discharging the duties of this office in
the future as in he past. Election first Wednes
day in January next.
sep21 eodtd Davis A. Andrews.
Another lot of those Fancy Virginia Peanuts a
oc22tt Pollard’s.
If you want something nice, go to Adams &
Bowers’ and buy a jar of Florida preserved figs,
Solid Silver and Silver-plated Ware, elegajt
line just opened. L. L. Cowdery & Co.
New nuts and raisins just received.
dtf Adams & Bowers.
For Nexton.
I announce myself a candidate for City Sexton
and solicit the support of my friends and fellow-
citizens. Election in December next.
aug28 d&w till dec 11 Ja9. L. Trbadaway.
The nicest line of cigars and cigarettes of any
retail store in town.
[dtfj Adams A Bowrrs.
The best fruits always to be had of
dtf Adams A Bowers.
For County Treasurer.
I announce myself a candidate for County
Treasurer, and respectfully ask the voters of
Muscogee conncy for their suffrage.
sep24da w td John C. Cook.
The Very Beat
Card Photographs, $1.50 a dozen.
Card Photographs, $1.50 a dozen.
Card Photographs, $1.50 a dozen.
Card Photographs, $1.50 a dozeu.
Card Photographs, $1.50 a dozen.
Card Photographs, 61.50 a dozen.
dweow Alpha A. Williams.
Removal Nntlee.
We have removed to No. 1022 Broad street, be
low the Central Hotel, where we will continue to
keep the choicest line of Cigars, Tobacco and
, We call especial attention to our celebrated
Imperial Wedding Whisky and fine brands of
Key West and Havana Cigars, and kindly ask
our friends to favor us with their orders.
Louis Buhler & Co.
Sole Agents for the Celebrated Anheuser and
and Budweiser Bottled Beer.
sepl9 tf ^
fiend Reflect anil Buy.
As winter approaches it finds the Central Drug
Store, No. 1302, with a complete line of pure
Drugs purchased during the past sixty days. A
frill stock of Bristle Goods-has arrived, to which
is being added, every few days, selections from
the best manufactories.
This week we will receive a large assortment of
Cut Glass Bottles, which will excel in beauty of
design and perfection of workmanship any ever
offered in Columbus. Numerous shapes and
sizes of covering bottles wtyh cut glass stoppers
are now being sold at: astonishingly low figures.
We offer imported Dutch Double Hyacinth Bulbs
at $1.25 per dozen, Tulips 50c per dozen, and Cro
cus at 15c per dozen. A few Lillied left will be
sold cheap.
Our upper store is In charge of Mr. T. M. Oliver,
a competent pharmacist* aud carries a full line of
the same class of goods at the Central. We take
pleasure in showing Qurgoods, and always glad
to give our customers ai*.opportunity to compare
prices with those received elsewhere. Special at
tention given to our Preaprjption Department by
competent, careful and experienced prescription
's at No. 1302 Broad street and Central Drug
Store. Evans A Howard.
Briiial Presentsi.
Ju?t received a lartre assortment of solid silver
articles in fine cases, suitable for Bridal Presents.
Also a fine collection o£ peach-blow glass orna
ments at YVittich & Kinsel’s.
For Male*.
Two Fine Mules.
Two Texas Horses.
Cheap for Cash. J. Kyle & Co.
oct. 21-dtf
Ticket for Aldermen.
At the election on Saturday, the 11th of
December next for one alderman from each
ward, friends of the present members of the board
will support them for re-election.
First Ward—J. S. Garrett.
Second Ward—A. M. Elledge.
Third Ward—D. P. Dozier.
Fourth Ward —Theo M. Foley.
Fifth Ward— N. N. Curtfe.
Sixth Ward—George W. Dillingham.
oct5 td
For Kent
Two-ston residence, 620 Broad street. Apply
at house. dlw
Atmore’s Best Mince Meat, New Currants,
Dates, Citron. R. S. Crane.
Cranberries, Dried Apples aud Peaches at R.
Justice’s, Agent. dtf.
Oat Meal, Yankee Beans, an4 English Peas
and Evaporated Apples at R. Justice’s, Agent.
4'lioice (iroeerifn.
Best Rye Flour, New York State Buckwheat,
Finest Graham Flour, Extra Choice Goshen But
ter, Marrow Beans, Boneless Cod Fish, Choice
Messed Mackerel, ten pound pails; Fancy
Evaporated Apples, Ch lice Mixed Table Nuts,
New Raisins, Citron, Chipped Dried Beef, Lunch
Tongue, Pigs Feet and l'ripe at Crane’s.
dtf _•
Now Plckloa.
Sweet mixed, Mangoes, English mixed and
plain in barrels and jars, at R. Justice’s, Agent.
Dr. Seth N. Jordan,
Operating Surgeon and Physician. Residence,
Sammis House, east side front street, opposite
Lowell Warehouse. Telephone No. 2; Office
Carter’s drug store. ^ '
Berio* 2, i hultnhooehee Building Rlld
Loan AHKOciation.
Books of subscription for above series now open
at office of Yonge & Grimes.
Cliff B. Grimes. Soc’v and Treaa
Watch Making:.
J. H. Bramhall, Practical Watchmaker and
Jeweler, makes a specialty of repairing fine
and complicated watches that have been in
jured by accident or otherwise, at moderate
charge. ^ <jtf
For Tax Collector.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Col
lector of Muscogee county (election January
next), and ask for the support of the voters of
said c unty. J. C. Woolfolk.
sep7 dtf
New Preserves, Jellies and Pickles at
oc22'.f Pollard's.
General Auctioneer, Real .Estate.
Stock and Bond Agent.
Special attention given administrators', execu
tors' and assignees’ sales, selling and ranting
Real Estate at public or private sale. Offloe over
Abbott A Newsom’s corner.
For Sale—My Residence on Broad street.
jell tf F.G. Wilkins
D. F. WILL.La s
Insurance Agency, 1145 Broad Street,
Accessible at all hours. Office telephone, No. 7.
Residence telepone, No. 49. All galls promptly
answered D. F. Willoox.
oct 8 dtf
Go and see Pollard’s Fancy Candies. oc22tf
The E|»|>iiifjr Ilouae
Having been re-rented under the present man
agement, rooms can now be secured for the en
suing year. sep9 dtf
Pollard’s stock of Fancy Groceries is now com
plete. oc22tf
Kennedy’s New England Ginger Snaps, fresh..
dtf Adams & Bowers.
For Tax Collector.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Col
lector of Muscogee County. Election in Jan
uary next. [oc!2 td] N. G. OattIs.
Have you tried the Frank Siddell Soap? Try
B. T. Babbitt's Best Potash at Crane’s.
Try m.v fine Jellies and Apple Butter in glass or
by the pound At bottom prices at Justice’s cash
store. dtf.
Pure Fruit Jellies, French Queen Olives, Far-
rina. McMenamin & Co's famous Deviled Crabs,
Casco Bay Lobsters. Grated Pineapple, Evergreen
Sugar Corn of superior quality and full weighi.
Clipper brand of Okra and Tomatoes, Boston
Baked Beans, C’Dd Fish Balls. Always the lowest
prices for cash at Robert S. Crane’s.
dtf -
Shield Perfection Bourbon Whisky
I commend to all who desire a really good and
reliable article. Robert S. Crane,
dtf Sole Agent,.
Fine ClgnrN.
5000 Garrett’s No. 11.
5000 Conquerors.
5000 100-Per Cent.
10,000 Grand Republic Cigarros sold under a
bona fled guarantee. I consider any of the above
brands as being worthy of special mention, and
can recommend as possessing all the elements of
fine qual ty, and such as will give perfect satis
faction to the smokers. Robert S. Crane.
To the Vetera ofKineAgee County.
I announce myself as a candidate for the office
of County Treasurer, an i respectfully solicit
your support for he same. Election January
next. G. E. Gager.
Columbus, Ga., September 22,1886. sep23 tf
If you want something nice for the table go to
oct22tf Pollard’s.
You can get Sullivan’s Tobaccos at
oc22tf Pollard’s.
For C’ity Sexton.
I announce myself a candidate for re-election
of Sexton and solicit a support of my friends and
the citizens. A. Odom.
oct2id tildecll
For Tax Receiver.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Re
ceiver of Muscogee county, and respectfully
ask the support of the voters.
sep22 tf J. H. Haiirison
Attnrney-at-Law. < Ga.
Prompt attention given to all business. Office
over R. S. Crane. sep4 dly
We have just received a fresh lot of can goods.
dtl Adams & Bowers
Agent Appointed.
Peoples’ Line Steamers, Chattahoochee
River, Office of Traffic Manager, Savan
nah, Ga., October 27, 1886.—Order No. 20. Ckp-
tain T. H. Moore having tesigned the agency of
this line, W. R. Moore is hereby appointed to
fill the vacancy, with headquarters at Columbus, j
Ga., appointment to take effect November 1,1886. j
oct31 lw. C. D. Owens, Traffic Manager.
The Very Itest
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
dweow Alpha A. Williams, i
For City Ilnrahal. •
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
City Marshal at the election for city officers on
the second Saturday in December next, and will
be grateful for the support of my friends and the
public. Daniel Duncan.
Grand Republic CignrroH.
Go to W. S. Freeman’s f >r the Grand Republic
Cigarros. oc28 6t
Decorated Glass Ware. Large stock of Burmese
and Peach Blow Glass Ware just received.
a6t Tj. L. Cowdery & Co.
1112 Bri»n«l Street — Holiday Goods.
Toilet AriicIcH-Di’iig*.
We have been waiting for a good rain before
displaying our Holiday Goods, a part of which
we have received. As hcretof >,*o, we will have a
large and varied assortment at very low pdeep,
our object being more to make a reputation than
a profit on this line of goo Is. Will be pleased to
display these goods at any time before our regu
lar opening. Our patrons ca i now make their
selections from an unbroken stock and put pur
chases aside.
We are honest in our belief that we h ve the
prettiest and most complete assortment of
Bristle Goods .ever offer© i in Columbus. We
have Brushes of every shadow, shape and price,
and for any uses to which a brush can be put.
The Best 25 cents Tooth Brush sol i in the otate.
A beautiful brush for 15 cents.
Fact Powder, Puff Braes, Puffs and Satchet
Powders. A large line ef Colognes from every
maker ofprominence. We distil seven Colognes,
and our White Rose Cologne is unequalled.
We carry an unusually nice line of Soaps at
any price yon wish.
Genuine Imported Cigars n spec!altv, un
equalled in quality and price. Wo can suit any
one in Cigars, imported or domestic.
Our drug department is kept supplied with the
best and purest drugs. Our motto being the best
only. Special and careful attention given all pre-
sen ption work by qualifieiand competent Dre-
scriptionists. Remember as. Always pleasea to
see you.
dtf Geo. A. Bradford, Manager.
For Male at Waverly Hall, Georgia.
We will offer for sale on December 1st, 188f, at
the above mentioned place, immediately on the
line of the Georgia Midland and Gulf railroad (a
new road that is being built from Columbus to
Athens, Ga., connecting with the Cential, East
Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia, Richmond and
Danville railroads). Lots suitable for building,
residences, stores, etc. Waverly Hall is situated in
the “garden spot” of Georgia, forming lands
yielding above an overage. The best school and
church advantage* already established. Society
is as good as any city in Georgia or elsewhere.
People are alive to anything progressive, and
willing to lend a helping hand to any who may
locate in our midst , it is one of the best trade
point* in Harris county, being thickly populated
already, and only needs the new railroad now
being built to make it the nicest town in the state.
HealthfalneRs of the place is unexcelled. Water
the best. Between 2500 and 5000 bales of cotton
will be shipped from this point coming season.
This alone will be worth tlv consideration of
thoughtful business men who wish to do a good
business without having any heavy expense. To
those who wish to give their children the very
best educational advantages, our people especial
ly ask them to come and locate among us. All
parents are well aware of the- advantage of edu
cating their children in tire country than in the
cities in a moral point of view. Lots will be
s>*ld without reserve or limit to the highest bid
der. Any further information or inquiries will
be cheerfully answered by applying 1o
I. H. Pitts A Bon, or W. 1. H. Pitts. P. M.
God IftloMM tlie Fliihircn. «
Nothing has been so productive of health and
diminished so much the suffering and mortality
■unom children as Tekthina (Teething Powders),
Teethina allays Irritation, aids Digestion,
Regulates the Bowels, Strengthens the child,
Cures Eruptions and Sores and makess Teething
All Druggists and country stores keep Teeth-
ina. Brannon A Carson. Columbus. Ga.,
Wholesale Agents, supply the trade at manu-
•arturer's prices iv4 d&wlv
The Very Best
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Phoi ographs, f4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photogrnp* s, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Ph >togi\M>hs, ft a dozen*.
Cabi» et Photographs, ft a dozen.
dweow Alpha A. Williams.
I’er Tux Collector.
I announce my-elf ns a candidate for Tax
Collector ol Muscogee Cwuuty (election
January next), and respectfully solicit the sup
port of the voters of said couiv y.
auo&tdtf wlm Oliver P- Phil