Newspaper Page Text
N«w« from the Three States Told in
Brief Paragraphs.
L*Vk<* Cotton Yinltl In llonroi'k County—A llin
Home Iturmil In Cloy—An Kxtru SuuhIoii of
Court tu lie Held In l.umpkin County—Slinntlnu
Krrapo In Thonms— Alulinimi uni! Klorlilu Jfotcii.
The rice planters have Kotten nearly
their whole crop into market.
The legislature will be asked to in
corporate the Exchange bank of Athens.
Colonel John T. Osborn, a prominent
lawyer of Elbcrton; has had a light stroke
of paralysis, and while he 1s not danger
ously ill now, his physicians feel some un
easiness about him
Jake M. Stanley, of Hancock, reports
that he has gathered, this year, from five
and one-fourth acres in corn 2681 bushels.
From eleven acres in cotton he has pick
ed 12,388 pounds already, with at least
2000 poundB in the field.
Mr. E. R. King, of Clay county, had his
gin house and contents, twelvo bales of
cotton, destroyed by fire. It is supposed
that some matches were in the cotton and
as they went through the gin caught fire.
The Central railroad of Georgia has pur
chased a controlling interest in the Boston
and Savannah Stbamship Company, run-
ninga line of steamers between Savannah
and Boston, and the line will be run in
connection with the Ocean Steamship
Company’s lines.
Mr. R. M. Worthen, while going to
Washington from Athens last Friday on
the Georgia road lost or had stolen from
him $300. He missed it for the first time
near Union Point. Mr. Worthen had just
sold his cotton in Athens and was return
ing to his home.
■ The grand jury of Lumpkin county has
found a “true bill” against Turner and the
Lingerfelts charging them with the mur
der of Lawson Seine. The prisoners were
brought up for a hearing Wednesday morn
ing, but the state was not ready for trial at
this court, and the case was postponed.
An extra session will likely be held to try
the case.
A serious cutting and shooting affair
took place at the mill and cotton gin of
Mr. Green Lewis, in Thomas county, on
Tuesday. For a year or two there has
been bad blood between twp neighbors
living four or five miles from Cairo—Mr.
Levi Harper and Mr. JesSe Cone. They
. are both men of families, and well-to-do
farmers. Mr. Harper and a son of Mr.
Cone got into a difficulty, in which Mr.
Harper out young Cone several times. In
the melee the elder Cone shot Mr. Harper,
the ball entering the shonlder and lodging
under the snoulder blade. It has not been
extracted. The wound is not thougbtlto
be dangerous. The same may be said tf
the knife wounds on the young man.
Young Cone was subsequently cut in seven
places. All the parties involved have
waived an examination aud given bond for
their appearance at the next term of the
superior court.
A newspaper, the Herald, is to be estab
lished at Uniontown.
The dry weather and low water in the
rivers have caused a blockade of cotton at
Columbia and Geneva.
Sam Murchison’s house at Broken
Arrow, St. Clair county, was burned re
cently. Nothing of any value saved.
Henry Matthews,a hard working colored
man, living a few miles west of Oz irk, had
his house and contents destroyed by fire
last Sunday.
Abram West, of Cherokee county, has
been sentenced to two years in the peniten
tiary for bigamy and has been carried to
the Pratt coal mines.
The city of Huntsville, which receives
annually from 15,000 to 20.000 bales of cotton
is without a warehouse. Men who whish to
hold their cotton have no place of storage.
Dr. Newton Slayton, of Gum Pond, Law
rence county, says when he was a resident
of Blount county, he once saw a dog cut
open that had been bitten by a snake, and
a snake several feet long was found grow
ing to the dog’s liver.
Curran Salter, the negro who assaulted
Mrs. W. A. Jernigan at Kirkland, some
two weeks ago, has been captured at last
and is safely confined in jail at Brewton.
No attempt to lynch him will be made but
stern justice will be meted out to him. He
has confessed the crime.
Thomas M. Borland, one of'Dale’s most
useful citizens, had the misfortune to have
his dwelling, kitchen and perhaps one or
two other buildings, w’tli the contents,
destroyed by fire on Friday night of last
week. In one of the buildings was several
thousand pounds of seed cotton, which
was burned.
A colored man named Andrew Baylor,
living near Greensboro, had the misfortune
to have his corn crib burned completely
up on Monday morning about daylight.
The crib was tired by some unknown fiend.
Andrew pursued the villain but was unable
to catch him. The crib contained about
200 bushels of corn.
Mr. J. B. Thompson, a braketnau on the
Montgomery and Mobile railroad, was
killed at Brewton Tuesday night. He was
coupling cars, when he was caught and
terribly crushed between two cars. His
injuries proved fatal, and he died a few
minutes after the accident. Mr. Thomp
son’s home is iD Geneva, Ga.
Reuben Antony, jr., who was engaged in
cutting logs in Autauga county Monday
cut a tree that lodged against another tree.
He went to cutting that tree, which, after
being partly cut, shivered up, striking An
tony on the right side, just below the hip,
tearing away the flesh and hip joint. He
lived about eight houre afterwards, when
death came to his relief, for he suffered
much, notwithstanding he had taken large
doses of morphine.
Last Saturday night Mr. Ben Griffin, of
Pinetucky, Perry county, and his son, went
hunting. Returning that night the son
went to his room. The father, however,
wandered off' again. Next morning Mr.
Griffin was missed from home. Search
was at once begun. About 10 o’clock Mr.
Griffin’s bodv was found about one-half a
mile from Some poised upon the bands
and knees, stiff’ and cold in death. I he
cause is unknown, but it is supposed to be
a case of suicide.
The water is yet high in the flat woods
between Orange City and the coust.
Oranges are ripening earlier in Volusia
county than usual, and shipments will
commence in earnest by November 15.
Rev. E. K. Mitchell, of New York, has
been called to the pastorate of the Presby
terian church at St. Augustine.
E. Brown, a colored farmer of Columbia
county, will make 2000 pounds of sugar
this year in addition to his other products.
Rev. Mr. Kcdzlie has organized a Bap
tist church in St. Augustine with forty
members. This is the first church of that
denom nation ever established at that
Pl David Wright, colored, of Columbia City,
stands ahead of the list tor a family. He
is the father of twenty-five children, most
of them living, and his present wife is the
mother of twenty-seven children, nineteen
of whom are living.
E. Mellick, the young white man who
left Jacksonville suddenly Thursday morn
ing, after having gotten all he could from
merchants and about $10 from the Peo
ple's Line of steamers, has been arrested in
Dr. A. P. Smith, of Starke, has several
pieces Of real genuine china, made in 1JW8.
He gave the editor of the Sta’ ke Telegraph
a handsome saucer made in 1398 of finest
quality of china ware, upon which is im
printed flowers unique and equal to any
designs of the present day.
A shooting affray occurred at Port Or-
ange on Saturday last between C. C. Sut
ton and a man named Snow, in Which the I
former was shot in the right breast. Snow !
shot while Sutton was making an assault I
with a piece of timber. The difficulty oc
curred about a matter in which Snow '
claimed tl\at Sutton swindled him out of
money and a fine tract of]-.. id at i he bend
of Tomoka. The bull s ruck a rib and
glanced uround to the side. The wound
is not considered dangerous. Snow was
placed under bond for his appearance at !
On Monday night, October 25, a thief or
thieves entered the house of Isbam J.
Rhodu, a well-to-do farmer, living seven
miles northweat of McClenny, white the
family was eat ing supper and carried off a
large trunk containing $150 in money,
twenty-one pounds of tobacco and many
other very valuable articles. They ali o
took an ax along to open the trunk, but on
finding the trunk unlocked were saved
that trouble. The trunk was found next
day sitting on the fence and the ax stick
ing in the ground near by, about 350 yards
from the nouse. The thief or thieves
failed to find the money, it being in a small
tray in the back part of the large one. i t
was so dark it was overlooked. From ap
pearances they plundered or searched
very closely. They took the tobacco with
them, but the family has missed nothing
She books lliiailsoaio la New York.
“Gracious!’’.exclaimed a rural lady with
a surprised look at Bartholdi’s big statute,
“and is that the Goddess of Liberty?
Why, I had no idea she was so much big
ger than the rest of us women.”—Nor:is-
town Herald.
c c n i: j
]T gives NEW
JT is Invigorat
ing and Do-
to take,
und of Treat value
as a Medicine for
weak and Ailing
Women and Chil
LIFE to the
who! a SYSTEM
by Strengthening
the Muscles, Ton
ing the NERVES,
and ccmpletclyDi-
gesting the food.
"yY>Y>Y 1
Most happily meets the demand of the age for
woman’s peculiar afflictions. It is a remedy for
WOMAN ONLY, and for one special class of her
diseases. It is a specific for certain diseased con
ditions of the womb, and so controls the
Menstrual organs as to regulate a’l derangements
and irregularities of her Monthly Sickness. The
proprietors claim for this remedy no other medi
cal property. It is striclly a Vegetable Com
pound, the studied prescription of a learned phy
sician whose specialty was Female Diseases.
and whose fame became enviable because of his
success in the treatment and cure of female com
plaints. will relieve you of
nearly all complaints peculiar to your sex.
For sale by druggists. Write for book, “Mes
sage to Woman,” mailed free.
Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
eod&w nrm (3)
'.old in Head,
Ota Liquid, Snuff or
USA. 1 owder. Free from
UAV.eTVrB •ffurious drugs and
|{AT "rbVt. rl liensive odors.
A parliclc is applied into each nostril and iB
agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists; by mail,
registered 50 ets. Circulars free. ELY BEH8..
Druggists Owego. N. Y aug3 eod&wtf arm
a ZE3I IE w
f ~"
~ ^ I
At Wholesale by
je5 eod8m
Piece Goods
For Fall, 1886,
Clothing Made to Order.
Variety Unparalleled.
Prices Reasonable.
.Satisfaction Guaranteed
GOODS selected now will be made ready foi
delivery at any date desired. Call and favor ui
with an order. ,
Clothing Manufacturer, 1300 A 1208
Ilroa. Street. Columbus Ga.
no hurtful
Minerals, is com
posed of careful! /
selected Vegeta
ble Medicines,
combined skill
fully, making a
Safe and Pleasant
Ml* by aim,
to treat dis
eases at HOME,
mailed, together
with a set of hand
some cards by new
Hcliotypc process,
on receipt of to c.
find OroriT*. 8JionM tlm rtoaler
ttlo Will bo
* lull ai4>
Volina Drug and Chemioal Company,
KALTUMMG, JK*>., r, R, 4,
In Re. The Eagle and Phenix Manufacturing
Company. Petition to amend Charter,
To the Honorable Superior Court of said
Count': The petition of the Eagle und Phenix
Manufacturing Com puny respectfully shows.
That it is u corporation of said state, located and
doing businessin said county, and its principal
office and place of doing business is in Columbus,
in said county.
That the original charter and act of incornora
tion was granted by the General Aa.cmbfy ol
said State by an Act entit ed * An Act to incorpo
rate the Eagle and Phenix Manufacturing Com
pany of Couimbus, Georgia,” which act was ap
proved lOtli of March, lotto.
That said Act of Incorporation did r ot provide
for the election o'more than live Directors, nor
has there been any change in the laws respecting
said corporation.
That the corporators named in said Act did or
ganize said company, aud that the capital stock
o said company has been incieuaed to one mill
ion two hundred and fifty thousand dollurs, all of
which has been paid in.
That the object of said corporation was the
manufacture and sale 01 cotton and woolen
goods, and said company still carry on such busi
ness in said county.
That at the last annual meeting of the stock
holders of said company it was resolved by said
stockholders that application should be made to
alter and amend the charter of said company, so
as to provide that the stockholders should, at the
annual elections, choose nine directors umong
said stockholders instead of five, as provided by
said charter.
Wherefore, your petitioner prays that an order
may be passed at the next November term of paid
Court decHling said petition granted, and that
the Fourth Section of said Aot snail be so altered
and nineimed as that the same sha 1 read os fol
lows :
Sec i V. That there shall be an annual meeting
of the stockholders of said corporation at such
t ime nnd place as the corporation may provide by
its by-laws for the purpose of electing nine direct
ors, and that the time of holding the first meeting
of the directors under the said first election shall
be fixed by said directors, or a majority of them,
and the said directors chosen at said election, or
at the annual election to be afterwards held, shall,
as soon ii* may be after subsequent elections,-
chose out of their numberia president,and in case
of the death, resignation or removui of the presi
dent or any directors, such vacancy or vacancies
may be filled for the remainder of the year where
in they may happen by the said remaining < irect-
ors, or a majority of them may appoint a presi
dent pro tern., who shall exercise such powers
and functions as the by-laws of said corporation
may provide.
Petitioners’ Attorneys.
Filed and recorded in the Clerk’s office of the
Superior Court of said county thisl8thd<*y of Sep
tember. 1880. GKO Y. POND,
Bep21 oaw 4w Clerk 8. C M. C.. Ga.
Dully’s Pure Mall Whiskey
DulTy’s Formula.
Guns ui 35 Toumls.
234 Division St., New York City, t
April 21, 18K6. \
Gentlemen—Six weeks uiro 1 commenced
taking your Dully’s Formula. I w.i
pie i
v omb
111. 1
uoocl Hpl ('
• felt
uli my life. ' LOUIS WARD.
Guin of 33 Pounds.
Ll hay, <\ II. V»„
c been using your Fully** 1 ure MaP
v lor rl\Mf]du with tile bei»i results.
meed tIf
11111 • iJ 33 ]<
1 eh<
lid, v
It \OTON ST., [
I.. Muv 7 lhHO S
ui' Kell, r-ii t: H en 1 indued 20
wcglit i AN I >ALI. JO.n G WELL
« Hin <>f ) 5 Found'.
8. 10. Colt. J5m AND Wool) Sts.. J
•d t he mm
ml Dull'
ot Putty
i Wilis-
. vIouhIv
und hud used
got no good
I had pr
u 4.11 invalid to
rv Imagluabl.' ... , . ,
it.' imvtliing. My appeil'o and strength
rn goiM mid I had a verv had cough. 1 am
ii-ch cured. I I ave gained fiItem pounds
*Sdglii and can highly ;
>nd It.
u of 12 Pounds.
Lakewood, N. J.
-The benefitb derived from yc
such that too much
cannot he said In it* praise. The ailment that
I formerly hud in the side has about entirely
disappeared, ar.d the had tr.ste that I had In.
niv mouth every morning, and which was ver>
dis .urceahle, has since taking a small portion
ot \ our whiskey every night before retiring,
entirely lett me. Appetite was never hetter,ii
• • - • ‘ n«mi up after met..
i greatly both-
and tiie dizziness which
pounds * GEOIi
Baltimore, Md.
iy-ouR W'nisKKY is Sold Only in bKALED
P S FT ’f
of Druggists or by Mail. *26 Cta
Ml u 4a t'L ro . BALTIMORE. MD
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Jatharine Sullivan, deceased, will present
them within the time pr* scribed by law, and all
persons indebted to her are required to make-
prompt payment to me. „ „
oc24 oaw4w M. SULLIVAN, Sr.
5700to$2500 A yEAn c '“
irking tor us.
Agents prefert
I give
inure moments r.._^ _ _ ,.
..I also. A row vacancies lit town* an . cities
MNSON&CO., 1013 3Iuin Kt„ Rlcnuionu. vu
it’ time
beu»t«, Irnrn ‘lie fu-lj«*8t time to this. Liv
ploiti of P-Soto, Ll Salle, Mftiidiih, Doom
Crockert. Uo” i , Houston, Cnr M in, Custer,
Bill,iien._Crook,and_others t Illuil ‘ ’
Bookcases,Tables. Oific*
Chairs, Letter Presses,
Fine Cabinets, &c.
0X» N. Fourth Kt„RT. Loui*
bead lu tor 4U vp. CuU.ugifi
Dress Goods
Can learn the exact cost
of any proposed line of
advertising in American
Papers hy addressing
House ^ C0, ^* owe ^ ^
Newspaper Advertising Bureau,
lO Spruce St., New York.
Send lOcts for 100-oat;o PamphloA*
Carrying More Dress Goods and More Dress Trimmings Than Any
House in Columbus.
Novelties Every Week!
Their Cloak Room is full of new and stylish Coverings of
every description. Don't foil to inspect their line when you
are in search of a Newmarket, a Circular, a Visile, Dolman,
Jacket, or any other style Wrap being worn. Their stock is
superb, and the prices are right. You are invited to look
them over.
For i*i years at 37 Court Place, now at
, S,S k ' t aK‘’LoiiMleli
A rrffulsrly educated and legally qualified physician and Uifi
roost auceeuful, n* hla rraotioo will ...
4®$ ffins&HFIBfc
Spormatorvlioa and Impolency,
.Htl r result of solf-abiHO in youth, sexual oxcesse* III m»-
• 11,-or vein's, or other cause*, and producing some or ihu fol-
nwinff clIuuD: NervoiisiRMs, Suminnl Kmlsslon*. fnlght enil*-
, hy dreams). Dlmnofs of Night, Defective Memory, J*hf-
• till-oqy, I'iuiploson l-'une. Aversion to Society of Konmloa.
CoiiMitnn of Ideas, Loan nr Sexual Power. Ac., rcnderlufi
1,1 .rriiiL-e Imuropor or unhaopr, aro thoroughly and pcrnia-
SYPHILIS ' ur " J V"*“•
ijLfrem'th. ,1.10111! Gonorrhea,
it 1, «.:lf
it 11 phy •deiu 11 w ho pays sjieclal stter
5 thousands 1
ally, ne.piir. t great skill. Physicians knowIngUils fact often
roeoiiiin ,, nd persons to my care. When 111- Inconveulent to
visit Ih-j .’ity for treatinei'it, medicines esn be scut privately
fist i .-ufrly hy mail or express nnvwhero.
Ciii’oa Guaranteed, in all Cases
undertaken. „ ■ . ^ .....
(liiiinittatiouj personally or hy letter free and InTliffit,
Charges reasoushlo and eurruHpoiidoneo strictly coulid«ntuUL-
Of W0 Inigos, sent to nny address, securely sealed, for thirty
1 !0) oents. .Should ho read hr all. Address as short
' im«a hours from h a. 11. to a P M Bundavs. a to 4 F. tf
Constructed With Our Own
"Patent Eyelet Batteries,”
Surpass in power and permanency all and every-
other device to apply mugnetism to the human
Hystem. Our record stands at 85 per cent of all
curable cades cured. Throat, Lung, Stomach,
Kidney, Liver and almost every other trouble
yields to the mild yet persistent currents of mag
netism, as applied by our methods. The Belt
and Inviijorator impart great strength, warmth
und comfort, and the Dyspeptic, Nervous, weak
aud desnonding, become hopeful and gcniul, and.
enjoy lire aguin.
I liu!
th in
Red Star Store
€11 1 .V€»F.I> TO A-
The Two Large Stores Nos, 78 and 80 (New Nos. 1136 and 1138)
Broad Street have been thrown into one, and
Filled With an Elegant Assortment of Dry Goods.
It has been nearly three years since I quit New York and for the second time es
tablished mvself among you—this time as a dealer in a small way in Clothing, Hats,
Men’s Furnishing Goods', etc. The venture hus been successful somewhat beyond my
expectations, but did not afford tire business activity to which I had so long been ac
customed, aud in view of this I determined to enlarge ray business, and to this end have
taken the two Stores, Nos. 1136 and 1138 Broad street, and at considerable expense
thrown the two into one lurge room, wherein I propose to do n Ilry Goods business
second to none. I have been so unfortunate in getting my stock open, and in view of
the lateness of the season I will sell DRKSS GOODS AT COST.
A large hue of Striped Velvets and Plushes sold at prices
unheard of.
Princess, Mirabeau and Moss Trimming in all colors.
50 Dozen Black Berlin Gloves, worth 50c, to be closed
at 8 cents.
A lot of Cotton Dress Goods to be closed at 3i cents.
My Black Silk at 80 cents cannot be matched outside of
New York: w< II worth $1.25.
Wraps and Jackets in all the desirable fabrics.
To the gentlemen I will say my stock of Men’s Furnish
ing Goods and Hats will lie kept up as before, but my stock of
CLOTHING will be closed out AT COST.
'We have the best ant! cheapest Hose in the market. A full line of Hose Reels and Nozzles.
Telephone 99. 13 Twelfth Street.
HI Nonin Magnetic Power ■at<llcN r
Abdominal Nngiporfer
G\es emu support and comfort and in-
: ii.-ed ‘■tieiprth to the walls of the abdomen in
auMOB of ubdoniinul enlargement without any
DurLfcuIar disease. Tends also to decrease ana
prevent excessive accumulation of fat.
fthti; nolle TecJIklnu Necklace
aud/ijiicts the Teething Baby and pre
sents convuls
Hie full power Kyv
not only warm the fret,
logH so prevalent in ad\ u
•hould d us pair becaiiM' e
have failed, until they h
Pamphlet, letters of inr.t
mailed t > nny address,
to all patients.
oclO dljelC
IfalfKiy Insoles.
t prevent crumps in.
riv years. No Invalid
i»« t or imerit.r goodsr
tried oui n.ethods.
.ioi 1 and testimonials
dee and counsel free
(in.. Agent
Combined with Great Refracting Fewer,
They nrc ns Transparent and Color-
loss ns Us lit Itscir,
And for noftnesn of endurance to the eye Cannot
be excelled, cuuhliuK the wearerto read for hours
without fatluue. In fact, they are
Perfect Sight Preservers.
Testimonials from the leading physicians in
the United States, governors, senators, legis
lators, stockmen, men of note in all professions
and in different branches of trade, bankers, me-
chanics, etc., can be given, who have had their
sight improved by their use.
Druggists, Columbus, Georgia.
These Glasses arc not supplied to peddlers at
any price. ocl511m
G has ta’.-.en the letd tn
tile sales ot class 9
remedies, and has given
almost universai ''vtufro
_ . . Baris, Tt*
O has won the tavor •
the public und now ran
among the leading Me
cinek of the oildotn.
Sold by Dm'gist*.
Price *1.&U
This School la the best
in America. The moat
practical course of In
struction and the most
jemineut faculty. En
dorsed by bu si neat
housea. For circulars
and specimens of Pea*
manship, address
I )1^ V ty i"i Send six cents for postage and
I I\ I II ij. recceive free a costly dox of
goods which will help all, of either sex, to maka
more money right away tha.*x anything else in
this world. Fortunes await the workers .abso
lutely sure. Terms mailed free. True & Co^
Auguste. Maine. dawtf