Newspaper Page Text
Nawa from the Three States Told in
Brief Paragraphs.
BossUmvIIU linn a Host Uw-Sno Jinn Nhootn
Another Over n Oume of Curds— Drrer In In
Kabul! Jnll fur llrutlnK Ills Wlfc-.t Great lie-
Ugloua Revival In Tuscaloosa-Ncws from Ala
bama anil Florida.
DouglaeviHe city council has levied a tax
ol uity cents on each dog in that place.
The ladies of the Memorial Association
at Rome, have just completed the confed
erate soldiers’ monument at a cost of $3500.
Two negro men suspected of the murder
of Kitchens, the colored preacher at Sterl
ing station, have been arrested by SherilF
Berrie and lodged in Glynn county jail.
Mr. J. H. Butte worth, near Canton, acci
dentally shot himself through the fleshy
port of his arm while “pranking” with a
rifle gun Thursday morning. The wound,
while painful, is not thought dangerous.
Jim Stewart shot Ed Morriwether ov£r a
game of cards on Commissioner of Agri
culture Henderson’s plantation, in Newton
county, Saturday niarht. Both parties are
colored. Stewart left for parts unknown,
while Merriwether will probably die, be
ing shot in the head.
Judge D. J. Dillon reports in Brunswick
that the naval store men along the Oemul-
gee and Oconee rivers are in a sad fix.
These rivers are “so low” that the boats
can’t run, and consequently they can noth
er get their goods to market nor get their
provisions from the city. In some cases
they have been hauling these twenty or
thirty miles by wagons. To add to their
other troubles they have been compelled
In many Instances to haul water, their
wells having gone dry.
Daniel Dover is confined in Rabun
county jail for wife beating. lie went to
that county three years ago and married a
young girl named Morgan. Soon after
their marriage he began to ill treat her,
and went from bad to worse, until he got
so abusive she had him arrested. He has
beaten her more or less for the greater
part of their married life. They have one
child dead, which she says died from his
abuse. Dover boasted when he was put in
jail that “he had some of Eugene Beck in
During the trial of a case before the su
perior court in Richmond a witness was
examined who bore a peculiar mark on
his cheek that has a novel history. Ed
mund Butler, or “Tuck Lovell,” as he is
called, was owned by Mr. Lovell, a butch
er. Tuck was employed by him in his
business. During the war, when sanguina
ry justice was meted out to the offender.
Tuck was charged with having attempted
a heinous crime. Shortly after the date
of accusation ho was secured and branded
on the cheek. The marks of the hot iron
are as plainly visible to-day as when first
burned, and will e borne by him to the
grave. He claims that he was innocent of
the crime.
Sunday morning when Dr. Cook, of
Grifflu, opened the front door of his resi
dence he wua very much surprised to see
lay ing on each of the gate posts two little
packages. On examination he fonnd that
eack contained a fuse tiiat had been light
ed, but for some reason burned only half
way to the packages. They were then
opened, and the contents were whitish in
appearance, resembling plaster of Paris
mixed with some other subs*anee. The
paper was considerably charred. Whether
these packages were put there as a joke,
or whether there is a Cartersville dyna
miter in the town is not known.
The residence of Dr. E. S. Rawls in Ma
rion was burned Wednesday night.
An effort is being made to organize a dry-
dock at Mobile with a 2000 ton capacity, it
will cost $1.00,000.
A negro lost a leg while trying to seal a
ride on the George Paciile Thursday uigut
near Birmingham.
Cards are out for the marriage of Mr.
Joe. K. Cook, of Opelika, and Mis3 Lonla
E. Clower, of Opelika.
James K. P. Shelton, of Gaston, has been
granted four patents for a cotton chopper
and cultivator, cotton planter, portable
house and a steering and brake device.
The Patsalig t Beekeepers’ Association- ol 1
Alabama, request bee keepers throughout
the state to meet delegates from this asso
ciation in Montgomery November 9,1836,
for the purpose of forming a beekeepers’
association for the state.
The following Alabama postmasters were
appointed Thursday: Calvin Cobb, at
Edgowood, Elmore county, vice L. B. Jen
nings, resigned ; Mrs. Mattie L. Owen, at
New Hope, Madison county, vice C. B. Cal
bren, removed; J. M. Winfrey, at Olean
der, Marshall county, vice Nicliolas -Mas ,
The two working gangs on the Mobile
and West Alabama ruilroad are now only
fifteen miles apart, the northern workmen
having reached Lewis’creek. As soon as
the two gangs meet track-laying will be
gin. Three carloads of crofe-ties, together
with all Uiemecessagy implements for the
construction of the track, have already
been received. The track will probably
be laid by January first.
The result of the recent religious revival
in Tus aloosa is thus summed up: More
than 175 people (very few children among
them) have joined the different churches;
a youn f man’s prayer meeting, consisting
of about 103 young men, has been formed
in connection with the Young Men’s Chris
tian Association; the young ladies have
also formed a prayer meeting, together
with several other societies of a religious
nature; about 200 men have pledged them
selves never to enter a bar-room unless
compelled to do so by the orisi >g of some
unavoidable emergency, ami among these
were quite a number who were accustomed
to resorting to such places; about 200 ladies
have pledged themselves not to have wine
on their tables hereafter and not to use it
as a sauce, and these were by no means all
Women’s Christian Temperance Union la
The proposed Bartow and Kissingcn
railroad is meeting with much encourage
A large canning fawtry is to be built at
Fort Ogden. Beef no doubt will be its
principal material.
The Grove City Land Company is having
a fine steamer built to run from Puutu
Gorda to Grove City.
A 200-room hotel is being built at Char
lotte harbor, and Captain Slusser, of 1 al-
lahassee, will soon be there with a fine
Judge King, at Ocala last week, gave two
negroes who attempted to wreck a tram
on the Florida Southern railroad ten years
at hard labor.
Oilando has caught on to the drummer
license regulations. Tax Collector Monta
gue nabbed three last week who were only
released by paying $25 each.
Thomas Wingate, 68 years of age, living
near Tomoka, in Volusia county, was ar
rested last week for the murder ol his son-
in-law, in Manatee county, fifteen years
ago ’ r
At the meeting of the town council ot
8anford Monday night, Mayor Sirrine and
Marshal Campbell banded in their resig
nations, to take effect at once. An election
was ordered.
While at work assisting in the erection
of a derrick for driving piles at Disniukea
& Barling’s new wharf at St. Augustine 111
Monday, t.ho o>rrmn^ rrnrn
Monday, the ground gave way, letting n
heavy timber fall, which caught Andrew
Ureaney, a respectable white man, across
the feet, and rolling over struck nitu on
the back, from which injury he died in ten
minutes. Ureaney loaves a wife. He came
to St. Augustine a few months ago from
The fast mail south bound train on the
South Florida railroad, while starting out
from Maitland on October 28, struck Sec
tion Master Ragland in the breast, injuring
him so badly that lie lived but a short
time. The circumstances wm-e such as to
attach no blame to Engineer Dan Boll,who
was in charge of engine 5. Mr. Ragland
was standing alongside the track, and as
the train approached noticed that one of
his workmen had carelessly left a crowbar
retting across the track. Me removed it.
but immediately after doing so jumped
across the track in front of the approach
ing engine, when he was struck. He left
no family. He was in charge of section 2,
at Mayo.
XervmiK. Debilitated Mon.
You are allowed a free triul of thirty
days of the use of Dr. Dye’s Celebrated
Voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Ap
pliances, for the speedy relief and perma
nent euro of Nervous Debility, loss of Vital
ity and Manhood, and all kindred troubles.
Also for many other diseases. Complete
restoration to health, vigor and manhood
guaranteed. No risk is incurred. Illus
trated pamphlet, with full information,
terms, etc., mailed free by addressing Vol
taic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. ‘
At Wholesale by
je5 eodOm
>ld in Head.
ota Liquid, Snuff 01
owtjer. Free from
■ ■ K niuriouR drugs and
HAY "rEVtK •tfeuRive odors.
A particle Is applied into each nostril and is
ugreenble. Price 50 cents at Druggists: by mail,
registered 50 ct.s. Circulars free. ELY BIi»>8..
Druggists Owego, N. Y aui/3 eod&wtf urm
Piece Goods
For Fall, 1886.
Clothing lade to Order,
Sm\ f
a aiWGiD r« a
Prepared with strict regard to Purity, Strength, and
IIoulthfuluoHH. Dr. Prko's linking Powder contains
no Ammonia,Lhno.Alum or Phosplmtos. Dr.Price's
Extracts, Yauilla, Lemon, etc., llavor deliciously.
Pfi/Ct DAK/NG POWDER CO. Cmcarc. aud St. Lours
Most, happily meets the demand of the ago for
woman's peculiar uffiirtions. It is a remedy for
WOMAN ONLY, and for one special class of her
diseases. It is a specific Cor certain diseased con
ditions of the womb, and so controls the
Menstrual organs as to regulate a 1 derangemenjs
and irregularities of her Monthly Sickness. The
proprietors claim for this remedy np other medi
cal property. It is strictly a Vegetable Coni
pound, the studied prescription of a learned phy
sician whose specialty was Femai.k Diseases,
and whose fame became enviable because of his
success in the treatment and pure of ft male com
plaints. Suffering woman, it will relieve you of
nearly ail complaints peculiar to your sex.
For sale by druggists. Write for book, "Mes
sage to Woman,” mailed free.
Bradfikld REGULATOR Co., Atlanta, Ga.
cod&w nrm (3) *
In Re. The Eagle and Phenix Manufacturing
Company. Petition to amend Charter,
1 To the Honorable Superior Court of said
Count' : The petition of the Eagle and Phenix
Manufacturing Company respectfully shows.
That it is a corporation ot said state, located ana
doing business in said county, and its principal
office and place of doing business is in Columbus,
in said county.
That the original charter and act of incorpom
tion was granted by the General As embfy ol
said State by an Act entil cd * An Act to incorpo
rate the Eagle and Phenix Manufacturing Com
pany of Columbus. Ueori-ia,” which act was ap
proved 10th of March, 1860.
That said Act of Incorporation did rot provide
for the election o' more than five Directors, noi
has there been any change in the luwt respecting
said corporation.
That ti e corporators named in said Act did or
ganize said company, and that the capital stock
o said company has been incteased to ore mill
ion two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, all of
which has been paid in.
That the object of said corporation wus the
manufacture and sale 01 cotton and woolen
goody, and said company still carry on such busi
ness in said county.
That at the last annua’ meeting of the stock
holders of said company it was resolved by said
stockholders that application should be made to
alter and amend the charter of said company, so
as to provide that the stockholders should, at the
annual elections, choose nine directors among
said stockholders instead of five, as provided by
said charter.
Wherefore, your petitioner prays that an order
may be passed at the next November term of $aid
Court declaring said petition grunted, and that
the Fourth Section of said ,Av’t snail be so altered
and amended as that the same sha'l read as fol
Sec. l V. That there shall be an unnual meeting
of the stockholders of said corporation at such
time and place os the corporation may provide by
its by-laws for the purpose of electing nine direct
ors. and that the time of holding the first meeting
of the directors under the said first election shall
be fixed by said directors, or a majority of them,
and the said directors chosen at said election, or
at the annual election to be afterwards held,shall,
as soon as may be alter subsequent elections,
chose out ' ftheir numberiu president,and in case
of the death, resignation or removal of the presi
dent or any directors, such vacancy or vacancies
may be filled for the remainder of the year where
in they may happen by the said remaining < irect-
ors, or a majority of them may appoint a presi
dent pro tern., who shall exercise such powers
and functions as the by-lruvs of said corporation
may provide.
Petitioners’ Attorneys.
Filed and recorded in the Clerk’s office of the
Superior Court of said county thisisthd’iy of Sep
tember, 188(1. GEO Y. POND,
scp21 oaw 4W Oh rk 8 C M. f\. Ga.
Duffy’s Purs Malt Whiskey
Duffy’s Formula.
For tin* Wmik and Debilitated and
Wasting Diseases.
I hi* mi.nv who have been H'caily 'em'Dim
» v il .• ukc ol your ecb’hraifd DiiIIVm Pur
Mall Whiskey, and I desire In cheoriully a* i
ol m v n aladv. A livud Mi-ryes fed ih-i I 1
Dutl'v s Pure Malt Wi.i*k' y, i.nd I di*' so. u
but mile lain. Ihul It could pofsll I; h .
»,i\ (•(.. iiiiiuii. .Mv In a I ill lms. hov ex. r. In
lie eoj,. i:ilf,.n *.f
moneyed value. Min. r.l.l a I F! I > KM AN.
Mn. .F VITFHKLL HKill). (Ml Market Hr.,
r il l tii ,r i< I,, lie... V riles: “Your l>uftV‘. Pure
Pa:* ' - l-kex is 'he best n.e,i elite in 1 ho
a< i i l. and 1 - - n • nn i-oi.r, A.-ak sv<tem
note good 1 hi n nr.’ '
Variety l*n|mralleletl.
Prices IteuKonahle.
Sul is faction Guaranteed.
GOODS selected now will be made ready for
delivery at any date desired. Call and favor u*
with an order.
FlotliiUK Manufacturer, 1200 * 120S
lirwrt* Street. Columbus Ga.
Something Worth Having.
Our »„ Spoil futnloiriu* for IMS7. Thu
On-v Catalogue published illiRtratmg everything
in Garden, Field and Flower Seeds. New Seed-,
Ne-.v Warehouse, Kvi-r.vllilnsf .Now. Ready
for I-Ilia: dslribution early in December
Send your address SOW. Jf X. 'Of
CO.. Noi'ilinon-11 mill OO X I rout St.,
null 100 Arch St.. I*hll».U‘l|)hln. I*«.
nov8 weow bt
K) It’ll I «
an. ml • «> my I us
idcMiii.i* M.'ii.Vh.’
7 W. IIPiti Stkkki', Nrw Voi.’k, N\ Y.
non'li’ii'i f- I ' :<v»* 11*0*5 V. m I>u(!v's form-
nli- ii'.d Tnf’.Vs p'iri* Mull Wl.|>'i*v. md F:.4
it \ !»- li.’t'H *1 I»• many M sp.i-is. Mvi.i-pe-
I1I«* Is* 1»( ......
one ol b
Its, with eu i ^ '
prepura ion ui) ‘ N]|{H ,/ ,» if a VI LAND.
DiT’i \ srk. (Hilo.
Doer SI'S-I shit il roimmif il.en pnfvi.ur
Dnl! v’s Pure M.x'l AYi.ihkey and Dull\ *s For-, for II l.f all tbi.t I * ,f, r- me up. I would
thill l ea
io pet itr«*nml fhe house jf i
did mil have It. Mi;*. M. K. llIimAKI).
Gentleman 1 eonrtir In the endorsement
Of all Hint has been -aid uf ImiUVs Pure Mall
WliEke . V K. SP! VNKU.
1 M'e Tr usurer or the United Stales.
Hai.timurk, Md.
ry-oun whiskkv ih sold (»xly in Skai.zd
Catarr h Cure
of luuexists or 1:. VuU !>5 re*-ts
01.D SAL'!, ..II.MI’ANY, IJAl.'I IMm E. MO.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
-/V Catharine fSullivan, deceased, will present
them within the time pi- scribed by law, and all
persons indebted toiler are required to make
prompt payment to me. „
oc24 oawiw M. SULLIVAN, Sr.
fr.»m •haea-li.-Mt
pi...ts of J» Soto. J.i ^alle, .-*u,n.ii
i r.,- '.*•:. II.. : . Ilnij.toii, C- rM.n.Cu
jj:! 1, Crook, end others. Iilur-tm
U1411. ACtulTS WAHTEO. l»n«-
aCAM.MFF 8t CO.. Box -j i u . Pn
Bookcases,Tables, Offia
Chairs,Letter Presseo,
Fine Cabinets, &c.
an N. Fourth Bt. Sr. I-ottis
Send \v for 4d dp. Cutf.iogi»
" * "l- 'm lilnli.'mJ! elf!. L |. iv'i^'tri**'; :i.'‘x.»
known remndy. has dl*rovpn»l *x hlnir i.i -
w‘i!oh he will M*nd ppre to hU fell w -
AddreH.i, C. .1. MASON, P. O. Box filTO. New Y-
oc28 eod&wly
The Two Large Stores Nos. 78 and 80 (New Nos. 1136 and 1138)
Broad Street have been thrown into one, and
Filled With an Elegant Assortment of Dry Goods.
It line been nearly three yenrs since I quit New York and for tho second time es
tablished nivselfunioriE you—this time uh u dealer in a small way in Clothing, Hats,
Men’s Furnishing Goods, etc. The venture has been successful somewhat beyond my
expectations, but did not sffovd the business activity to which I had so lomc In-en ac
customed, and in view of this 1 determined to enlarge my business, and to this end have
taken the two Stores, Nos. 1130 nnd 1138 Broad street, and at considerable expense
thrown the two into one large room, wherein I propose to don Dry Goods business
second to none. 1 have been ho unforUinate in getting my stock open, and in view of
the lateness of the season I will sell DRESS GOODS AT COST.
A large line ol Striped Velvets and Plushes sold at priets
unheard of.
Princess, Miraboau and Moss Trimming in all colors.
50 Dozen Black Berlin Gloves, worth 50c, to be closed
at 8 cents.
A lot of Cotton Dress Goods to be closed at 3i cents.
My Black Silk at 80 cents caPnol be matched outside of
New York; well worth $1.25.
Wraps and Jackets in all ilie desirable fabrics.
To I he gentlemen 1 will say my stock of Men’s Furnish
ing Goods and Hals will be kept up as before, but my stock of
CLOTHING will be closed out AT GOST.
Successors to J. A. WALKER,
Carriages, Buggies, Road Carts, Wagons,
Plow Gear, Lap Robes, Etc.
ure in allowing uny one through our stock. It cobts nothing to look. Call tu.d Methoie
For which we are Sole ’Agents.
Mobile & Girard R. R. Co
N and after this date Train
COLUMBUS, GA., October 3d, 188G.
Lonvo Columbus Union Depot
” Columbus Broad Street Depot..
Arrive Union Springs
Leave Union Springs
Arrive Tro* 1
Montgomery, M. & E. R. It
1'iuiu^ujiiv i y, ,u, «.*, J J. »
Kufuuhi. M. As K. R. It..
2 30 p m
2 ir> p m
5 37 p in
0 46 p m
8 : 0 p m
7 23 p in
1ft 33 p in
1ft25pm 620 c
10 35 pm 0 801
1 45 tt in 10 29c
2 00 a m II 20 a
j 115pm,
Leave Montgomery, M. As E R. R..
“ Eufaula, M. As E. It. It
The Brown Cotton Grin Co.,
Manufacturers of the “Old Reliable”
Brown Cotton Gins, Feeders and Con*
All the very latest improvements: lm*
proved roll box, patent whipper, two
brush belts, extra strong brush, cast
steel bearing" . improved Feeder,
enlarp ,r ’ ausopre* ’ondeuser.
v L t:imoir • instruction, durable
gin " t li^ht, cleans tlie seed per-
r--_ . ifect., and produces first class samples.
delivers:) of freight
at any accessible point. Send lor Tull
dcHcrijitiou nnd price list*
COLUMBUS IRON WORKS, Agents, Columbus, Ga.
Constructed With Our Own
•‘Patent Eyelet. Batteries,”
Surpass in power and permanency all and every
other device to apply magnetism to the human
system. Our record stands »*1 v.5 percent of all
cum hie ciiMi-s cured. Throt. Lung, Htomach,
Kidney. Liver and almosi every other trouble
yields to the mild yet per.-isti nt nsrrcnta of mag
net ism. ;ih applied by our melhodn. The Belt
; nd l tivigor.itor impart great strength, warmth
and comfort, and the Dyspeptic. Nervous, weak
and desponding, become hopeful and genial, and
enjoy life again,
1*25 Wilson in MngnHic Power LndlCH 1
Abdominal Supporter
Gives great support nnd comfort and in
creased strength to the walls of the abdomen in
eases of abdominal enlargement without any
particular disease. Tends also to decrease ana
prevent excessi ve accumulation of fat.
The Niignetic IVetliing Necklace
soothes and quiets the Teething Baby and pro.
vents convulsions.
The full power Eyelet lint fury IiinoIc*
not only warm the feet, but prevent cramps in
legs so prevalent in advancing years. No Invalid
should despair because cheaper or inferior goods
have ftiiled, until they have tried our methods.
Pamphlet, letters of instruction and testimonials
mailed to any address. Advice and cbunsel fYee
to all patients.
I)r, DA RIME TERRY, Columbus, (la., Agent
oclO dtjelfi
ined with (ircat Refracting Power,
They nre nm Transparent nnd Uolor*
Icnn jin Light Itself,
And for softness of endurance to the eye cannot
bo excelled, enabling the wearer to read for hours
without fatigue. In fact, they are
Arrive Union Springs ; 9 10 a in! 0 40 pm! 5 34 a in'
Leave Union Sgrings j 9 25 a ml 7 15 p in 6 29 a in j
Arrive Montgomery, M. As E. R R i 7 29 a m| 7 29 a in
“ Columbus 12 15 p ni 10 49 p in! 1ft 19 a m
Trains Nos. 1 and 2 (Maili daily. Nos. 3 ami 4 (Macon and Montgomery Through Freight nnd
Accommodation) daily except Sunday. No. 5 and 6 (Way Freight and Accommodation) daily ex
cept cept Sunday.
W. L. CLARK, fillT>’t. D E. WILLIAMS. O. P. A.
Perfect Su/ht Preservers.
TtMtii'-'-fiii’s from tho icading physicians in
‘h* Viol ' Hlat/.s. governors, senators, legis-
V ■ v , > Y n. men of note in all professlona
■ ip ( i'i. r-.iit r.r.iin hes of trade, bankers, me-
ojtai.ij.h. i tc., ecu be given, who have hail their
sight unproved by ilu-ir use.
A!.'. i:v/ H FITT 13) AND Till? FIT Ol’Ali ANTi’.KD HY
Druggists, Columbus, Georgia.
Can lsarn tho exact cost
of any proposed line of
advertising in American.
Papers by adSressng
Geo. P. Power & Co.,
Newspaper Advert.inv
IO Spruce St.., Ne
Send lOois for 100-na
; Bureau,
1 3 j>* m pi'ildk
Is Without a Rival.
Is the very host Saw Mill in the market. It took the only
medal of Llie lii»t class at the New Orleans Exposition.
For the above, and for all other machinery, address,
Montgomery, Ala.
N. B.—Our stock of Wrought Iron. Pipe, Fittings and
Machinery is the largest in this part of the country.
Bit. RICE,
For 15 years at 37 Court Place, now at
A rr? jluly ed'ictttiffl and U'Kulljr quallUcil phyaiciao aul tM
tut •1. n-Ttiufful, a ' IIIh prootica will prove.
Cures all forms of PRIVATE,
E /VSES. , _
Sporinatori'hoa aud Impoloncy,
uu.T vcjm. or i/tber •■iiuies, and prnduOng ifonie of the fol-
•s. t Xeivo.iiu ^H, Ki.'iniuiil KinHri.iiiH, .•r.aa-
il • l.y dr«:un ) UiiiinewH of SigLt, Dcfcctiye Memory, l*hy-
111» ay. l*i:ui<lcs no Koeo, Aversion to Society of Kcmolea,
Coiifii.ion of Idear, l.<»3 nf Sexual Power, ic., rendering
?.:r”SrivpiaY; is £«j!f'5c SS ESZ
LL 'J fn*" 1 u.e »y “t.’in; (Gioiiorrhea,
' Jiupuuej,
rliy Hiciun who pays fi|>eeltilattentlo«
Physicians luiowingtLIs fact often
care. When It 1.- Inconvenient to
C«r<3s Guarautocd in all Cases
(,r iHuIutifiis iii'i'iKinnUy or by letter free and invite^,
Chnrgea icusoimUlc uud comspobdencu stiictly coaildwuiak
lurely eenled, for thirt|
j P U ‘ Rue'*a"s*2 to (Vlf
C hi* ta!'c’> the lead 1
Oku won thc^iVoTl
the public and now ran
among the leading Me
' Bradford, P,
So/d by Daiu'LMSta.
Brice *1.00.
'l his School la I he beat
m America. The most
practical course of In
struction ami the moat
'.eminent laculty. Kn-
ilorsed by business
houses. For circular*
and specimens of Pen.
m.inshii), address
orloji. Great liurtxuiiiH for SO days.
JtiiiN Sufuman of Ohio:
dir mii. hui' :r< :i Hitkor its well m
•••nulifully. OKCn.lA S. MHKRMAN."
Miu'hlncl'u., Cluoinnati. Ohlo.U.S A*