Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, November 07, 1886, Image 8
DAILY ENQUIRER - BUN: COLUMBUS GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, 1886, DAILY COTTON NTATRDKNT. Columbus, On., November 6,1886. COTTON BILLS—HIOHT. Hew York % off, Eastern % off, Boston slight % «ff, Savannah off; Bank checking on New York tm the counter ’4 premium and on Savannah * par. Cotton. Market to-day unchanged; inferior 0; ordi nary—c; rood ordinary —c; low middling •BtlVc; middling good middling By Southwestern railroad.. By Mobile and Oirnrd railroad ... Columbus and western road... 5 723 Oolunihus and Rome railroad.. 53 6,115 By the river 110 3,367 ^ wagons 17ft 17,028 Ttotata 441 SIM I'M i:NTH. Br Bonthwestern railroad 402 *T Columbus and Western road... 0 By the river 0 Taken by Columbus factories 75 To-day. To Cate 1.079 31,918 86,907 25,971 LOCAL LACONICS. STATEMENT. (Book on hand August 31, 1885 Booeived to-day..../ 441 “ previously 84,477 shipped to-day f37 M previously 25,434- Htocks on hand 10,026 Stock August 31, 1885, 850; received same day, Ml; total receipts 43,282; shipped same day 370; total shipments 32,320, stock 10,062, sales 1:081; middling, INDKX TO NKIT ABYKRTISEBENTN. Do-lcc ta-lave. At Springer Opera House- Bijou Opera Com pany. House for Bale- John Blackmar. For Coroner W. D. Am yet. Columbus Lodge No. 631, K, of H. Muscogee Mutual Loan Association. Fresh Fish and Oysters J. L. Trcadaway A Oo. Dross Goods J. A Kirveu A Co. Closing Out Sale ,J. A. Lewis. Dry Goods Red Star Store. Corsets Trade Palace. Dress Goods—Beoiiivo. Clothing A. C. Chancellor. Millinery Boughton At Co. Shoes J. Marion Estes Sou. Wool Shawls L. Harris. French Millinery-Mrs. Lequln. For Marshal—John H. Palmer. Boy Warded. Real Estate—L. H. Chappell. Wood and Coal—Telephone No. 88. Oranges J. J. Wood. City Registry List. Horses and Buggy for Sale-J. C. Reedy. Horseshoeing—R. Bizo, Manure J. M. Fletcher & Son. For Tax Recelver-G. W. Cargill. Produce for Sale G. E. Chandler. Jewelry—C. H. Lequiu. Crushed Coke—Columbus Gas Co, Groceries 1. L. Pollard. St. Luke Church. TYiere will be preaching and nacramcntal ser vice by the pastor at 11 ”, m., and preaching at 7?1B p. m. at this church to-duy. . Open Air Meeting. If the weather is suitable, this meeting will be held at the usual place at 4 o'clock. If unsuit- Ue, we will hold a prayer meeting in Mr. Hick’s oomer room in the Muscogee hoarding house. J. H. Campiiell. St. Paul Church. There will be services at 11 a m. and 7:15 p. m. ▲t night after the sermon there will probably be * baptismal and reception service for cumlidutOB. The pastor desires a full attendance of the con- ^iTTHTfiifoB morning and evening, exclude all t. “ riniontal to bui Otai I. *lta«r. Will observe, is Arnold, wife of John Arnold, an leaves are placed this city and a member of St. hive to act as an church, died in Albany, Ga. the bees in retains residence of her son, Mr. hive. Bees do noth, sects of this kind, tnf dormant stale, keep! to enable the cluster ; n . ,, . ... aide of the hive if nw UhoM 11 s>nB s " vlce t1l,H ! -ticca tuo ^o.viu^, of the cloth is turned the association will be hold | Xmm CJ,18a,n u « wn ’ Ami,fl ,Tl ! uU '’ escape of moisture gat o’clock, and every 1 M,mn » Eveline Chrgilb Stella lltfrnitoll, MiK3 . arriving iYom the l>t»jy requested \) b»* present t Bullock, Mi?n .Pram*, Mirl. l)f. LUunchard, Mrs. j Across the frames i'' '’..l 1 ’ 'James Daniel, Mrs. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. 13 II, j from settling: UrtilrL | Jenkins, C. A. Redd, J. W. Cargill, Rev. Arthur* Art* reliably liifm*m«cl lhat Judge Willis j Harris. Rev. W. A. Huckabte. U. J. Peacock, J. | A. —Carmichael got only one vote for congress in Harris county —There are to bo three weddings in this city next Wednesday. —The Baptists of Ohipley are getting ready to erect a new house of worship. —The tunnel forco on the Georgia Midland have gone about M0 ic-et into Pine mountain. —The ladies of Chipley have raised about $300, to be used in finishing the new Methodist church at that place. Mr. W. I). Martin, who has been street over seer, leaves to-day to go on the Southwestern railroad ur conductor. A young white boy had a fit in front of the Beehive yesterday afternoon and created consid erable excitement. —Track laying on the Georgia Midland lias reached a point near Ellcr*lie. Work on the road is satisfactorily progressing. — The county commissioners It eld their month ly meeting yesterday and passed the usual or ders. No other business was transacted. —The new front and tower which is being add ed to St. James A. M. E. church will make a great improvi ment in the appearance of the building. Macon Telegraph : A complimentary enter tainment wap tendered Miss Willie Watt, of Co- lumlnis, last night by Miss Kittle Freeman. The following couples were in attendance: Miss Willie Watt and Charles Hall, Miss Bessie Good- wyn and J. C. Holmes, Miss Mary Gilmore and C. G. Hunt, Miss Ellen Fox and J. O. Hill, Miss Julia Smith and Gray Good wyu, Miss Florence Roberts and Harry Kendall, Miss Nannie Davis and Ed Artope, Miss Johnnie Davis and Joi n 9. Persons, Miss Klttio Freeman and Walter Huff, MiHs lionise Cannon and Frank l>nkc. t tags R. Ken non, Ross White, Waiter Hanson and Frank □uzelburst. THE ItOYS ON \?HULLS. The Programme Arranged for the Bicycle Tourna ment Next Friday. The following programme has been arranged for the bicycle tournament to bo given at 9tar park next Friday afternoon for the benefit of the Public Library: 1. One mile,Columbus club championship; gold medal. 2. Half mile, handicap ; first prize, year’s mem bership in library; second, bicycle bill. 3. Two miles, handicap; first, silver modal ; second, year’s membership. 4. Hull'mile, boy’s race, handicap; first, Water- burv watch; second, tricycle. 5. One mile, handicap; first, silver medal; second, dictionary rack. 6. Consolation race, one mile; first prize, ink stand; second, tin cup; third, three cheers. The price of admission will be only 10 cents, grand stands 5 cents additional. A great crowd may be expected as whatever the bicycle club undertakes must succeed. The bicycle club has about twenty-five members, and they will do their boat to please. The ladies who always take an Interest in the public library, for whoss benefit this tournament is undertaken, will doubtless muster the largest crowd to the races that .Star Park has ever held. Let every one bo present. The price of admission is trifling, and the races promise to be both exciting and pleas urable. Come out and allow that you encourage the boys in healthful and manly sports, and do a kind deed for the library, SUNDAY SCHOOL WOUUK118. Meeting of the Husrogeo Cousty Sunday Nrliool AwioflUtiou—'The Next Session tube Held in This City. Tins association held a mass meeting at BUiloh church Homo six miles above this city yesterday, and those who attended report a very pleasant time. After the usual routine of business Rev. Dr. W. A. Carter delivered the address. The effort was one of unusual ability, and held the entranced attention of the crowd to the last. Sev eral old men pronounced it the finest Sunday School address they had ever heard, the only ob jection being that he did not speak longer. The association were right royally entertained by the people of the neighborhood and wore 1 feasted handsomely. • Among th 5J3 who fUithhled it m the cMljf Wo Personal. Miss Fannie Wilkins went over to Montgomery yesterday to visit relatives. Mr. A. F. Truett, of Hamilton, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Eugene Cranberry, editor cf the Enquirer- Hun, left yesterday for a trip to the country to re cuperate his health. Mrs. Granberry and his little girl and boy accompanied him. C >1. J. M. Mobley, of Hamilton, passed through the city yesterday en route home from Macon. Mr. J. If. Thayer has returned from Macon. Mr. R. A. Carson is spending a few days in Atlanta. The Ki'port Exaggerated. A correspondent writes us from Waverly, Ala., that the report that the negro, John Hart, was shot and burned ufter being hung by the mob for the murder of young Waldrupwns incorrect. He was neither shot nor burned. A Cold Wave. The Alabama signal service telegraphed yes terday morning that a cold wave was apprdach- ing and the thermometer would fall 15 to 2tf de grees within twenty-four hours. A killing frost is indicated for this (Sunday) morning. The news scaiocly beat tlie wave, for before 12 o’clock there was a perceptible change in the weather and last night overcoats were comfortable. It attempted to rain during the day, but last night the sky was fair. The Knights Templar. Dr. Lansing Burrows, of Augusta, Ga., has ac cepted the invitation to address St. Aklemar Cominaiulery, Knights Templar, of this city, the 30th of this month. St. Aklemar Comraamlery meets at their asylum Tuesday night. All the sir knights are requested to perfect final arrange ments. Rev. Dr. Burrows is one of the mod en tertaining speakers in Georgia, and his address will undoubtedly be a rare treat. The Primary in Talbot. Special to Euunirei-Mun Talbotvon, Ga , November 6.—A nomination for county officers was held in this county to-day by primaries. The following are the nominees: Clerk of .Superior Court—W. J. Raines. Tax Collector ~P. H. Tolbert. Tax Receiver-V/. 8. Brown. Sheriff -13. A. Richards. Treasurer—L. A. Baldwin ’Tlie election for receiver and for treasurer was very close. Bits From Baldwinville* Baldwinville, Tatbot Iountv, Ga., Novem ber 6.—To-day has been appointed by the execu tive committee of Talbot county for nomination of county officers. Much interest is belng/nani- fested by the largo number of candidates that are offering for the various offices as well as on the part of their friends. At this (Hart’s) pre cinct, at 12 o’clock, forty-four votes have been polled. L A. Baldwin, for treasurer, has forty- one, and W. P. Watts, his opponent, three. Ollier candidates for various offices, scattering. Married, on Thursday, November 4, 1886. at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Henry Mat thews, near Prattshurg, Mr. Brown Matthews i\nd Miss Fannie Matthews. llijnu Opera florttpany. The B'-jou Opera Company, with Miss Adelaide Randall as the star, will be at Springer Opera House next Friday and Saturday nights and Saturday matinee. On Friday night the “Bridal Trap” will be given. The Atlanta Journal has the following to say of the company: “Charming, winsome little Adelaide Randall and her excellent. I3ij.>u Opera Company, were greeted with a good audience last night of our best and most appreciative citizens, to whom they presented Audran’s dainty little opera, the “Bridal Trap.” The performance wua first-rate in every particular, and deserved a much larger audience. It is to be hoped the production of Balfe’s “Bohemian Girl” to-night, with Miss Ade laide Randa i as Arline, will be extensively' patronized. The acting of this company is re- flned and beautiful, the costumes e egant and truthful, and the orchestra makes the best music that has been heard for many a day,” Call anil see our complete Uae of Underwear. Prices from $3 to $10 per Suit. C. A. Lovelacf & Co, ih»r The manure from our stable* for the next twelve months. Call early if yeu want le. J. M. Fletcher & Son. Gent Flewellen, A. 8. Hough and J. will adjourn Muscogee RitjYeYlor court to-morrow i L. Howell, until the Monday in January. This ac- | A. Frazier. -*» tiort will bh taken on account of the election of a I The next meeting of th# association will be •olicitor-geuoral und on account of the absence } held at &t. Luke ChUrch in this city on the first tuiay in February. •Jcarlct Under to please yon. at the Beehive at of several prominent members of the bar. Klrxt Maillist Chu-ah. The subject oft) e pastor’s disc mrse this morn- f lag will be, “An Uncultivated Grice.” To-night be will preach the first of his series Of sermons on “God in Nature.” Title "Genesis.” Pupils of the schools, and students of oVory class, will find these discourses instructive, and people gen erally cannot fail robe interested. An Object of Ptt.v. Missouri Dandy, colored, was brought to this city yesterday for the purpose of having Dr. Bul lard examine her eyes. Besides being blind, she is unable to stand or walk. She is about forty years old and not over three and a half feet high. Dr. Bullard is quite sure that he can restore the vision of one eye by an operation. The other is irretrievably lost. A Short Metre Brand Jury. The grand jury of Russell adjourned for the term on Friday evening, after a session of three days—about the shortest session on record. We learn from members that, only a few unimportant trivial cases were before the body, and this speaks well for the county at large. The court took a recess yestercay until Monday, the 15th of November. Death of an Infant. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hyde died at their home in Girard at 5 a. in. yesterday. Its remains were interred in the city cemetery at 4 p. in. This is six children they have buried, the oldest living only eighteen months. The grief-stricken parents have the sympathy of a lurgc number of friends. Bled Near Yomndiuro. Mrs. Robert Jones, of Browneville, died at the home oi lier father, Mr. John Riddle, near Yongs- boro, Ala., on Friday. She was about 28 years of age, and leaves a husband and two children who have the sympathy of many friends in their sad bereavement. She was a member of the Metho dist church and her remains were buried at Lebanon church near Yongsboro yesterday. Found at Last. Tee iron safe in the steamer, Chipley at the IYRLCKKD ON TIIE RtIL. An Ur I dent On the Mobile and ti Irani iltillrottd Last Night. An accident occurred on the Mobile and Girard railroad between 7 and 8 o’clock last night at Guerrytonc An extra freight train from Union Springs was coming to this city and several of the roar cars became detached while going down a grade. The ongineor did not know that the cars weie detached, and when he slacked up they came down upon the front part of tho train with a frightful crash, completely wrecking two cars and breaking the bumpers from several oth ers. Fortunately no one was hurt. The work of clearing tho wreck was begun at once and trams were able to pass over the road before midnight. The through freight from Montgomery to this city, due here about 11 o’clock,was delayed near ly two hours at the scene of the wreck. Two of the cars are said to have been shattered into spliuters. ('iiptitiu Raoul and the Central. The Qrifttn Sun has the following: “At a meeting of the stockholders of the Savan nah, Grdfin and North Alabama railroad yester day,President Raoul sain in aconversation that be knew nothing of anv sale of the Central railroad, and that to his own knowledge the reports of the sale of the stock had been very much exaggera ted. He said that the majority of the stook was held in Georgia, and he hoped that, if for nothing else than patriotism, the people would keep thefr stock and not lot the management g.*t into the bauds of outside parties. "Mr. Raoul said also that the road was in a very prosperous condition, and everything point ed to a continued prosperity. "We certainly advise all people having stock in the Central to keep it, and not to sell because of a slight advance. The stock is valuable ix< an in vestment. and as long as it is controlled by our people will be managed to the satisfaction of all concerned.” Mr. Robert L. (lownine. Mr. Robert L. Downing will appear in “The r Fort Gaines about a year ago, Gladiator” at Springer opera house to-morrow time she su has been found. It has not yet been opened. Mr. Chas. \V. Moye, of this city, has been re quested to go down and t open the safe, as he and Mr. Mac Sparks, of Macon, are the only ones who know the combination. The safe had about $130 and some papers in it when the steamer sunk. The Browncvlllf Investigator. The Browneville Investigator made its first aji- pearance yesterday. It is a weekly paper, and is published by J. A. Shaw & Co. J. M. Leuuard, Esq., is .the editor, which is sufficient guarantee that it will be conducted upon sound principles, and edited with judgment and discretion. The first issue is as bright as a new dollar, and is a neat and newsy paper. It will doubtless meet i the success it deserves. night, and the indications are he will bo greeted by a large audience. The Cincinnati Star ba the following to say of him : “Robert L. Downing, who is starring in ‘The Gladiator’ under the management of J. H. Mack, is looked upon as the handsomest tragedian upon the stage. The photographers are after him and offering large sums for the rights. Al though but 32 years of age, he has supported Edwin Booth, Mary Anderson and Joseph Jeffer son, reaping the highest encomiums of the press with the latter two. Capt. Connor, McCullough’s old friend and manager, writes Manager Mack that he thoroughly endorses Mr. Downing as a worthy successor to the lamented tragedian.” Dunlap and Stetson Hats a specialty. C. A. Lovelace St Co. TVuidles, 4’ioe.tiM ami .lewolvy At low prices, for cash, at O. II. Lequin’s. Ih'mima* I’or Nidi*. 1 offer at private mile toy entire crop of corn, fodder, peas potatoes, hay, etc. A good horse and buggy, one hor.-o wagon, farm tools, cow and calf: nl o my entire lot of household ami kitchen furniture. Parties desiiiug to purchase will call at the < tUcc of Thomas & Chandler, G. E. CiiANfiLEH Noindliirig .N’lnv-i’rusiii'tl ('okt*. We are prepared to supply coke crushed to nut size, and this fuel is the cheapest in the market. For sale by the buthei or ton. Try it. Columbus Gas Company. oet 7—dsc tucs-tliurs-sat GenU 1 While Merino Underwear at all prices, and 25 per cent, cheaper than any other house, at the Beehive. We positively proclaim that we carry three time? the stock, styles and assortment of any house iu this section, at the Beehive. It ir^uiua In Mtllimu'y Q'Dii.s Wvnk n: Hough lon’ft. 10 dozen Ladies’ Black Satin Braid Hats, 25c., have been selling at 50c. New goods. 15 dozen Ladies’ Black Canton Hats, in new shapes, 25c . \vell worth 50c. 2 cases Rough and Ready Poke II its. 25c., have boon 40c. 25 dozen Ladies Uaiou Milan Hats, in brown, navy, drab and tan, well worth $1, we have mai ked 50e. 5 boxes Birds and Fancy Feathers, reduced from 75e. to 50c. 15 b 'xes Fancy Feathers at $1.25, marked down to 75c. Great bargains in Ostrich Tips and Plumes. Next week wi 1 be a great bargain week with us. Call nnd ask to see these goods, as advertised Look out for Hie greatest bargains in Ladies’ Felt Hats ever shown in Columbus. Will be in 1000 Fine Wool Shawls. 500 Walking Jackets. 600 fersey Jackets. 250 Cloak*. All to be closed out at 20 per cent, leas than former prices. L. Harris, 114 Broad St. Fresh Parched Peanuts at Bartow Reed’s, T. M. Foley’s corner. If you wish a stvlish fitting Suit, buy of Lovelace & Co. Novelties in Ladies’ Dress Goods are daily com ing in, at the Beehivo. Our prices are always above approach. Sternberg Lokwenherz. ('oSumbuN Lodge Jio. 631, linights of If {Ml Of** Regular meeting to-morrow (Monday) evening at 7:30 o’clock. By order of Protector. 2d*4th mon M. M. Moore, Bec’y. Frewh Flab nnd ©ywter*. Headquarters for fresh Fish and Oysters every day. J. L. Treadaway & Co. Th« Popular Novelty. We offer the only Shoe which combines warmth, pliability, durability and noiaelessness. To business and professional men who don our “Famous Foot Warmers” they k are a source ot comfort. Ladies are especially invited to ex amine them. For sale only by J. Marion Estes & 9on. For Coroner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Cor oner for Muscogee county at the ensuing elcc* tion. W. D. Amyet. uov7 (ltd Dedecdndave. A bottle of Dclcctalave may save you a month’s suffering. 11 your gums are sore, heal them with Dolectalave. Use Delectalave on your tooth brush, and rinse out your mouth and between your teeth with it to remove the food particles and prevent fermentation, which causes a fetid breath. For sale by all druggists. Tho FroMlioNt and Most Complete. Mr. I. L. Pollard has the freshest and most complete stock of family and fancy groceries to be found iu Columbus. The truth is, there are very few things good to eat that cannot always be found at Pollard’s. He deals fairly with every body, and his prices are always reasonable. It is gratifying to know that the people appreciate this fact and accord him a liberal patronage. fold Woathor Alioad. If you expect to protect your head or body, now is the time to make preparation. A. C. Chan cellor has a Cutter whose skill is unquestioned. He is daily cutting and delivering Suits that are faultless in style, fit and fini li. Prices right. d&wtr Wu*k;oj.7<*<» JBatliml Loan Association. The 48th installment to this Association is due and payable on Wednesday, the 10th instant, at the office of 13. F. Willcox. Money will be sold at 7:00 p. m. ‘ J. 8. Willcox, nov7 2t Treasurer. Frouoli Millinery. Three first-class Trimmers wanted. Good wages. No learners neod apply. New goods re ceived daily. Plumes from 75 cents up to $4. Tip# from 25 cents a bunch up to $4. The prettiest assortment of Felt Hats, Birds, Fancy Feathers, Wings aud Trimmings in town. Prices suitable for everybody. Also, one lot of Artificial Plants, Baskets, Be gonias and Hose Bushes for decorating parlors. Feathers dyed and gloves cleaned, at Mrs. L. Lequin. For NlArftlial. I am a candidate for re-election as marshal for the ensuing year. John H. Palmer. nov7td Wanted. An industrious hoy about 15 or 16 years old. One who writes a good hand preferred. Apply at 1120 Broad street. $2ff*000 worth of Gents’ Youths’ and Children’s Clothing to be closed out at 20 per cent, below former prices. L. Harris, 114 Broad Street. Watehe*, flecks anti Jewelry At low prices, for cv?:i. at C. H. Lequin’s. Woinl and Foul. First-class Oak and Pine wood in stock, block and split. Jelico Coal, prime lump, for sale by T. S Fontaine &Co. Telephone No. 80. nov7tf lints! IIhIh !! Hint*!!! The Mascot, A pine aud Johu B. Stetson fine fur hats. Also a fine line of g#nta’ and youths’ low crown broad brim hats. L. Harris, 114 Broad Street. Ui't the Dost. East Florida Ofangea, the s.vcetest that comes to our niarkr.i. Wholesale and retail. Largest Cranberries ever seen in this city. J. J. Wood Don't Forgot That A. C. Chancellor will seil Underwear and Overcoats cheaper than they are sold in Colum bus. Ho is offering $25 Overcoats at $12 and $15 apiece us a specialty. You shou.d see these goods. O&wtf I respectfully announce myself ^ candidate for Tux Receiver of Muscogee coAnty. Election first Wednesday in January. Geo. W. Cargill. nov7 td Gents' GloVeis Wuarfs, Socks and Suspenders in an endless Variety, at the Beehive. Vt'ftloheM, flocks and Jewelry At low prices, for cash, at C. H. Lequin’s. Place Your Order far a Nil It. For weeks past A. C. Chancellor, the favorite Merchant Tailor, has been compelled to decline orders for Suits, njt being able to deliver them from two to three weeks. He has enlarged his force of skilled workmen, a"d will have two more to arrive on Monday. Panics desiring to place their orders and have them tilled promptly should call on him. d&wtf The Very Blest Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen. Cabinet Photographs, £-1 a dozen. Cabinet Photographs, (4 a dozen. Cabinet Photograpus, $4 a dozen. Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen. Cabinet Photographs, $1 a dozen. dweow t Alpha A. Williams. Five hundred Oveicoats to be sold this week at 95 cents on the dollar. L. Harris, 114 Broad street. IlizcN llivo-Iiiirgain EBay. A good time to have your Mules and Horses shoed. Wagons and Buggies repaired. On next Monday, November 8, I will have Mu es and Horses shod for 60 cents ail around, shoes and nails furnished. Wagons and Buggy- tires ohrinkod for 25 cents each. Plain aud Pat ent Spokes, each 10 cents. Notice for Birgain Days in Columbus E.vquir- eu-Sun. Shops at Bize s Wagon and Stock Yard. We are selling Ue best Gent’s Unlautidered Shirts in town We are not ruunidg ou a 50 cents Shirt. Our 75 cents aud 95 cents Shirts are our leaders. Cheap trash to catch the unwary is not our motto. At the Beehive. We are receiving novelties in all stylos of goods by'every-day express. We receive more goods by daily express than all 'lie dry goods houses iu this town combined. Express books will verify our statement. Beehive. Item ember Tit In. Chancellor will cut price* iu Boys’ Suits—sizes 13, 14, 15 ; also, Children’s sizes, 5, 6, 7, 8. He has more than he wants at this season. You can buy them now for the same as he will offer them in May (packing time). d&wtf Ladies’ Wraps at the Beehive at the right prices and styles. Tlte Very Best Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen. Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen. Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen. Cubmqt Photographs, f t a dozen. Cabinet Photographs, $1 a dozen. Cabinet Photographs, $1 a dozen. dweow Alpha A. Williams. Removal Notice. We have removed to No. 1022 Broad street, bo- low the Central Hotel, where we will continue to keep the choicest line of Cigars, Tobacco and Liquors. We call especial attention to our celebrated Imperial Wedding Whisky and fine brands of Key West and Havana Cigars, and kindly ask our friends to favor us with their orders. Louis Buhlnk JL Co. Sole Agents for the Celebrated Auheuser and and Budwciser Bottled Beer. seplft tf For Tux Follector. I announce myself as* a candidate for Tax Collector of Muscogee county (election January next), and respectfully solicit the sup port of the voters of said county. aug29dtfwlm Oliver P. Poe. For Sox ton. I announce myself a candidate for City Sexton and solicit the support of my friends and fellow- citizens. Election in December next. aug28 d&w till dec 11 Jas. L. Treadaway. The annual meeting of the stockholders of Co lumbus Ice and Refrigerating Company will be held at the Company’s office 11 a. m. Wednesday November 10th, 1886. oct24se2t&novl0 G. M. Williams, Treas’r. I. O. R. Ilf., Creek Tribe No. 11. Regular Council Tuesday’s sleep at our Wig wam (I. O. O. F. Hall). Council fire will* be kindled at the seventh run and thirtieth breath. All transient members are invited to attend. W. G. Posey, Sachem. Jno. T. Abney, C. of R. aug29 sely For Coualy Treasurer. I wish my friends to know that I will be a can didate for this office at tbe next election. I am here to run. It. J. Moses. aug22 oawtd liriunl Presents. Just received a large assortment of solid silver articles in fine cases, suitable for Bridal Presents. Also a fine Collection of peach-blow glass orna ments at Witticii & Kinsel’s. oc23tf For Male. Two Fine Mules. Two Texas Horses. Cheap for Cash, oet. 24-dtf J. Kyle & Co. Ticket for Aldermen. At the election on Saturday, the 11th of December next for one alderman from each ward, friends of the present members of the board will support them for re-election. First Ward—J. S. Garrett. Second Ward—A. M. Elledge. Third Ward-D. P. Dozier. Fourth Ward—Tlieo M. Foley. Fifth Ward—N. N. Curtis. Sixth Ward—George W. Dillingham. oct5td Atmore’s Best Mince Meat, New Currants, Dates, Citron. R. s. Crane. dtf Cranberries, Dried Apples and Peaches at R. Justice’s, Agent. dtf. Oat Meal, Yankee Beans, and English Peas and Evaporated Apples at R. Justice’s, Agent. dtf. Choice Droon-lcfi. Best Rye Flour, New York Scat# Buckwheat, Finest Graham Flour, Extra Choice Goshen But ter, Marrow Beans, Boneless Cod Fish. Choice Messed Mackerel, ten pound pails; Fancy Evaporated Apples, Choice Mixed Table Nuts, New Raisins, Citron, Chipped Dried Beef, Lunch Tongue, Pigs Feet and Trice at Crane’s. dtf Have you tried the Frank Siddell Soap? Try it. B. T. Babbitt’s Best Potash at Crane’s. dtf Tho Very Heat Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen. Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen. Cabinet Photographs, $-1 a dozen. Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen. Cabinet Photographs, ,$-4 a dozen. Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen. Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen, dweow Alpha A. Williams. Pure Fruit Jellies, French Queen Olives, Far- rum,, McMeuamin & Co’s famous Deviled Crabs, Casco Bay Lobsters. Grated Pineapple, Evergreen Sugar Corn of superior quality and fall weight. Clipper brand of Okr.t and Tomatoes, Boston Baked Beaus, Cod Fish Balls. Always the lowest prices for cash at Robert S. Crane’s. dtf tirmlomeu'H « lofifijig Clean oil nnd Repaired. I am prepaired to make, clean and repair gen tlemen’s clothing promptly and in first-class style. Send yoi»r work and try me. Residence No. 841 lower First avenue. nov6 d2w Mrs. D. A. Williams. Fin** 4’lg-arN. 5900 Garrett’s No. 11. 5000 Conquerors. 5000 100 Per Cent. 10,000 Grand Republic Cigarros sold under a bona fied guarantee. I consider any of the above brands as being worthy of special mention, and can recommend as possessing all the elements of fine qual ty. and such as will give perfect satis faction to the smokers. Robert S. Crane. dtf To the Vote I*** of Nusrogcc County. I announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, and respectfully solicit your support for be same. Election January- next. G. E. Gager. Columbus, Ga., September 22,1886. sep23 tf If you want something nice for the table go to oct22tf Pollard’s. You can get Sullivan’s Tobaccos at oc22tf Pollard’s. For City Sexton. I anuouuce myself a candidate for re-election of Sexton anti solicit a support of my friends and the citizens. A. Odom. oct21d tildecll For Tax Receiver. I announce myself a candidate for Tax Re ceiver of Muscogee county, and respectfully ask the support of the voters. sep22 tf J. H. Harrison. S. P. DEUUiKT, Atloniey-at-Law, Columbus, Ga. Prompt attention given to all business. Office over R. S. Crane. sep4 dly Wanted—A clever woman, whit* or colored, to do general housework. Refererces required. A good house and firewood furnished and fair wages pro i ptly paid. Apply to D C. Shutze, wed fri&se 1132 Broad Street. The Very Rent Card Photographs, $1.50 a dozen. Card Photographs, $1.50 a dozen. Card Photographs, $1.5J a dozen. Card Photographs, *1.53 a dozen. Card Photographs, $1.50 a dozen. Card Photographs, si.50 a dozeu. dweow Alpha A. Williams. Dr. Seth N, Jordan, Operating Surgeon and Physician. Resldenoe, Sammis House, east side front street, opposite Lowell Warehouse. Telephone No. 2; Office, Carter’s drug store. tf SerieM 3, Chattahoochee Hulldinff and Loan ANSoeftatlon. Books of subscription for above series now open at office of Yongo & Grimes. Oupp B. Grimes, Sec'v and Treaa. yinfttf Watch Making. J. H. Bramhall, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, makes a specialty ot repairing fin* and complicated watches that have been in jured by accident or otherwise, at moderate charge. dtf Fur Tax Collector. I announce myself a candidate for Tax Cob lector of Muscogee counly (election January next), and ask for the support of the voters ot said c »unty. J. O. Woolpolk. sep7 dtf New Preserves, Jellies and Pickles at oc22tf Pollard’ir. New PicklcH. Sweet mixed, Mangoes, English mixed and plain in barrels and jar9, at R. Justice’s, Agent. dtf. Go and see Pollard’s Fancy Candies. oc22tf The Eppiliff House Having been re-rented under the present man agement, rooms can now be secured for the en suing year. B epft dtf Pollard’£ plete. • i stock of Fancy Groceries is now com- oc22tf Another lot of those Fancy Virginia Peanuts a oc22tf Pollard’s. Fresh lot El Triunfo Cigars just received. [dtf] Adams St Bowers. For County Treasurer. I announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer, and respectfully ask tho voters of Muscogee county for their suffrage. sep24d&w td John C. Cook. D. F. WILI/.bAK* Insurance Agcney, 1140 Broad Street, Accessible at all hours. Office telephone, No. 7, Residence telepone, No. 49. All calls promptly answered. D. F. Willcox. oet 8 dtf F. G. WILKINS, General Auctioneer, Real Estate, Stock and Bond Ag;ent. Special attention given administrators’, execu tors’ and assignees’ sales, selling and renting Real Estate at public or private sale. Office over Abbott & Newsom’s corner. For Sale—My Residence on Broad street, jell tf F. G. Wiwrrsa . Clod BIcnx the Children. Nothing has been so productive of health and 1 * diminished so much the suffering and mortality among children as Terthina (Teething Powders). Teethina allays Irritation, aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels, Strengthens the child, Oures Eruptions and Sores and makess Teething easy. All Druggists and country’ stores keep Tebth- ina. Brannon & Carson. Columbus. Ga., Wholesale Agents, supply the trade at manu facturer’s prices. jv4 d&wlv H A LL A WIKI! kT. The New Firm. We take pleasure in announcing that our stcr# is now complete, and we ho ye for and will appreciate a share of your patronage. With an entire new, clean and first- class stock, bought for cash and discounted, we are in a position to offer such inducements as cannot be had elsewhere. We do not advertise any special article, for if wo were to undertake to mention only the specia'ties kept by us it would take the whole Enquirer Sun. Therefore we respectfully ask you to visit our store and see for yourself. Our tinctures are all made direct from fresh drugs, not fluid extracts, and are prepared by the 1830 Phnrmacopear, and no physician need hesitate to send us his prescriptions, for they will be filled accurately and just what he prescribes will be used. Every article in our Prescription Department has been carefully selected by one who delights iu and will use only the finest that can be had. Everyone likes to see pretty goods, ami when they buy, got new goods, so call and see is, and we promise you shall be pleased. Respectful 1 y, Hall & Wheat. novStf * ICimuI Reilectand Buy. As winter approaches it finds the Central Drug Store, No. 1302, with a complete lino of pure Drugs purchased during* the past sixty days. A full stock of Bristle Goods has arrived, to which is being added, every few days, selections from the best manufactories. This week we will receive a large assortment cf Cut Glass Bottles, which will excel in beauty of design aud perfection of work man ship any ever offered in Columbus. Numerous shapes and sizes of covering battles with cut glass stoppers are now being sold at astoni hingly low figures. We offer imported Dutch Double Hyacinth Bulbs at $1.25 per dozen, Tulips 5Pc per dozen, and Cro cus at 15c per dozen. A few Lillies left will be sold cheap. Our upper store is in charge of Mr. T. M. Oliver, a competent pharmacist, and carries a full line of the same class of goods at the Central. We take pleasure in showing our goods, and always glad to give our customers an opportunity to compare prices with received elsewhere. Spec'al at tention given to our Prescription Department by competent, careful aud experienced prescript!on- ists at No 1302 Broad street and Central Drug Store. Evans & Howard. CITY BHCUU ST9RR. 1142 Bw»:e'.1 Street - Hoililay Gooff*- Toilet Ariiefas 3)i*it«;s. We have been waiting for a good rain before displaying our Holiday Goods, a part of which we have received. As heretofore, we will have a large and varied assortment at very low p'ices, our object being more to make a reputation than a profit on this line of goods. Will be pleased to display these goods at any time before our regu lar opening. Our patrons can now make their selections from an unbroken stock and put pur chases aside. We arc honest in our beliefthat we h;.vc the prettiest and most complete assortment of Bristle Goods ever offered in Columbus. We have Brushes of every shadow, shape and price, and for any uses to which a brush can be put. The Best 25 cents Tooth Brush sold in tho atate. A beautiful brush for 15 cents. Face Powder, Puff Boxes, Puffs and Satchet Powders. A large line *f Colognes from every maker of prominence. We distil seven Colognes, and our White Rose Cologne is unequalled. We carry an uuusually nice line of Soaps at any price you wish. Genuine Imported Cigars a specialty, un equalled in quality and price. We can suit any* one in Cigars, imported or domestic. Our drug department is kept supplied with the best and purest drugs. Our motto being the best only. Special and careful attention given all pre scription work by qualified and competent pre* Bcriptiouiats. Remember us. Always pleased to see you. CITY DRUG STORE, dtf Gao. A. Bradford, Manager.