Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, November 09, 1886, Image 3
DAILY ENQUIRER • SUN, COLUMBUS, * GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 0, 1 m.' N*w» from the Three States Told In Brief Paragraphs. A Tragod}- In Walker County—Nolrlil. at Val- doata—Sorlous Accident at Wctuni|ika. -Iti'Hiilt- ing In Several Heaths—An Indian Skeleton Un earthed In Florida. tleorvia. There is considerable hydrophobia among animals in Walker county. Three prisoners broke jail at Ellijay last ijt week, among them were Terrel Purcell, who was under sentence of twelve months for train rocking. Alexander Johnson and Dora Clark, both having families, have deserted them and gone off together. Both left several chil dren each, living near Andersonvllle, to take care of themselves. They are colored. The primary of Lee county for the nom ination of officers resulted in the follow ing: J. M. Hines for sheriff, E. B. Martin for tax collector, A. A. Paul for tax re ceiver, Joseph Morgan for clerk, W. S. Jennus for treasurer, H. C. Mitcnell for coroner, W. H. Baldy for county surveyor. The gin house, together with eleven bales of cotton belonging to A. C. Pull- more, six miles from Blakely, on the river, was destroyed by fire. The gin was run ning at the time, and the lire \Vns first dis covered coming out through the gin. A match is supposed to have been in the cot ton. Last week near Heads, in Walker coun ty, a tragedy occurred. Willy Beavers lmd sii hot a bird which fell in a brier thicket. He was crawling in after it, when his gun was discharged, the load penetrating the brain and killing him instantly. The body was not found until Mondy. Mr. P. W. Allen, who lives near Hamp ton, says he, for three or four years, has made an average of nine bales of cotton to the band, and uses no guano. In picking out his cotton he hires one Lem Jackson, a colored boy about 17 years of age, who never fails to pick 200 pounds of clean cot ton every day he work's. Mr. J. Henry Butterworth, of Cherokee county, last Wednesday accidentally shot himself at the saw mill near Canton. He was standing talking with a rifle-gun lean ing against his left side. In some way the i stir ’ - 1 ’ • ■ " gun slipped through a crack in the floor and the hammer struck against a plank which caused the gun to be discharged, emptying the contents into his arm and Bhoulder. The ball, a large size squirrel shot, flrst entered the arm below the elbow and ranged up the arm and finally lodged about the collar bone. The wounds were very painfnl and bled profusely. Dr. Cole man was summoned, stopped the flow of blood and dressed the wounds. Taylor Hnntcommitted suicide Saturday afternoon about 3 o’clock, by throwing himself under a moving freight train at the depot in Valdosta. When he approach ed the train, he was noticed by several bystanders, but they observed nothing un usual in his demeanor. He seemed as much self possessed as us.ial, and had doubtless fully made up his mind tojshuffle off this mortal coil in the way mentioned. Hunt has been here for last fifteen years a citizen of Valdosta. He had a chee rful, genial dis position, but hud long become a victim to strong drink and dissipation in its worst form. For more than a year he was a sufferer and invalid, as the result of early indiscre tions, and for tho last few months was melancholy and dispirited, and of late his mind was Weak and he was a wreck bpih mentally and physically. Faalllarlty Had Brad Centa—pt. Jepson—I wonder what makes De Bilge drink so much liquor? It must cost him a heap of money. Jackson—So it does, my boy; but don’t you know? “I don’t.” “He Is a stock broker.” “What has that to do with it?” “Why, he handles so much wafer in his stocks that he can’t think of drinking it. He knows it’s bad stuff.”—Pittsburg Dis patch, BOSTON, MASS. CAPITA I.. NIRBMM. 8100.000 100,000 Nervous. Debilitated Hen. You are allowed a free trial of thirty days of the use of Dr. Dye’s Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Ap pliances, for the speedy relief and perma nent cure of Nervous Debility, loss of Vital ity and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurrca. Illus trated pamphlet, with full information, terms, etc., mailed free by addressing Vol- ’ ~ ~ ” * ", Mich. taic Belt Co., Marshall, deo!7,sat,se&wly An Advantageous Transaction. Sharpley—Old fellow, you’ve been taken in. Do you know why Skinner borrowed all that money of you? Green—No. Sharpley—Because he was so hard ur> that he had to borrow in order to pay cred itors who’ve waited for years. Green—Oh, that’s all right, then. I’m the largest or ’em.—The Rambler. Accounts of Bunks, Bankers ami Corporation* solicited. Our facilities for COLLECTIONS are excellent and we re discount lor Banks when balances warrant it. Bouton is a Reserve CiO, and balances with us lYoni Banks inot located in other Reserve Cities; counted as a reserve* We draw our own Exchange on London and the Continent, and mnke Cable transfers and place money by telegraph throughout the United States and Canada. Government Bonds bought and sold, and Ex changes in Washington made for Bunks without extra charge We have a market for prime first-c’ass Invest ment Securities, an t invito proposals from States, Counties and Cities when issuing Bonds. We do a geueral Banking business, and invite correspondence. AM A I*. POTTER, President. JON. TV. WORK, ('luthier. oc.1i) wed&sutfim ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. W 4 llijllft:. _ DRPRICE&I SPECIAL to the highest bidder, at public outcry in front oJ the auction house of F. M. Knowles & Co., on Broad street, in the city ol‘Columbus, tin , on the first Tuesday in December next, bet worn tin legal hours of sale, the following described Real Estate, situate. Iying aud being m said itate and county, lo-wit: The north half of lot No 481, containing 0110- quarttr of an acre, more or less, with good Dwell SftkiHg 1 gOWMig MOST PERFECT Prepared with strict regard to Pnrltv, Strength, and Healthfulness. Dr. Price's Baking Powder contains no Ammonia.Lime,Alum or Phosphates. Dr. Price’s Extracts, Vanilla, Lemon, etc., flavor deliciously. PfflCt BAK/NG POWDER CO. Cn/cuno. and Sr t ours one quarter of ail acre, more or iug House and improvements, mt-.. .. "• same bein RADFI ELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR Alitbnma. A board of trade has been organized at Troy. The East Alabama presbytery has been in sjssion at Columbia. Tne next meeting will be ncld at Anniston. Lawreuceville subscribed $8000 and Abbe- vilie $23 000 to theEulaulaaud St. Andrews Bay Air Line iu oue day. Tue people of Henry county have of fered a reward of #100 for tne capture of the murderer of Mr. Abe Saunders. The South Alabama presbytery,which has been in session at Union Springs, will hold its next meeting at Geneva iu April. The Montgomery Advertiser says: Tue steam ginnery aud mill of Mr. Ed. liobert- sou was burned night about 8 o’cloek. The origiu of the lire is unknown. The buildings belonged to Mr il. McIntyre, and were leased to Mr. Robertson, who owned the machinery. Mr. McIntyre’s loss is about $500. Robertson loses three gins, two large presses, a forty-inch geared mill, with shutting, belting, etc. Loss about$2000. The damage to a thirty-horse power engine will probably largely in crease this amount. The insurance is small. Saturday about 12 o’clock, a serious ac cident occurred at Wctumpka on the new bridge iu course of erection across the Coosa river. Some heavy pieces were be ing raised into place on the top of the bridge, when part of it got from under con trol and fell. Oimstead Miller, colored, was knocked oil' and was either killed or drowned Three other negroes, Murphy, Young and Rose were also knocked oil', Murphy and Young being seriously injured, wnile Rose was not hurt so badly. The riv t was dragged all the afternoon for Miller’s body, but it was not recovered. Most happily meets the demand of the age for woman’s peculiar afflictions. It is a remedy for WOMAN ONLY, and for one special class of her diseases. It is a specific for certain diseased con ditions of the womb, and so controls the cal property. It is stric'ly a Vegetable Com pound, the studied prescription of a learned phy sician whose specialty was Female Diseaskb, and whose fame became enviable because of his success in the treatment, and cure of female coin- | plaints. will relieve you of | nearly all complaints peculiar to your sex. | For sale by druggists. Write for book, “Mes . save tn Woman.” mailed free. sage to Woman,” mailed free. Braufield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. eod&w urru (31 , Florida. Uncle Sam Brown, the faithful janitor at the court house at Titusville, bus voted the democratic ticket for fifty years. A two hundred room hotel is being built at Charlotte Harbor, and Captain Slusser, of Tallahassee, will soon be there with a fine boat. A rattlesnake bit a little daughter of Mr. Sanders, living uboul a mile west of Orlan do, Monday afternoon, while she was re turning from school. Dr. Hicks was called and administered the proper reme dies and tninks the child will live. A few days ago the skeleton of an Indian was plowed up ir. the grove of Samuel Par ker, on Drayton island. The skeleton was perfect and remarkably well preserved, even all the teeth, which were sound and white, being in place and in a perfect state of preservation. C. B. Gwynn and Miss Mamie Wilson, of Tallahassee, were married Thursday in St. John’s Episcopal church, in that city, Rev. xx.* u n r\i»* flvi’ujin is W. H. Carter 'officiating. Mr. Gwynn is the eldest sou of Judge D. W. Gwynn, ol Tallahassee, and for several years hits been connected with the state land office. On Monday lust the will of Hon. D. L. Yulee, ex-lfnited States senator front Florida, was filed at the Register’s office in Washington city for probate. He gives one-half of his estate to Mrs. Nanuie C. Yulee, his wife, and the residue to his chil dren. He implores his children to con tinue united arid loving, and he desires the representative of his estate may consult with his friend, Edward N. Dickerson, of New York, respecting its assets, so far as may be agreeable. Tne will was made in Washington Christmas day, 1884, and is at tested oy E. N. Dickerson, New’ York, W. W. Johnson, 1803 K street northwost, Washington. D. C., and C. W. Beckham, Bardstown, Ky. He Hot Whirl lie Wonted. Boston barber (to customer)—Five cents more, please. Customer—But i didn’t want no bay rum. Boston barber—Yes, you said you didn’t want no bay rum, and he gave you some. That’s right, sir. Five cents more, please. Tin wont li half of lot No. 492. being one-quarter of an acre, more or let ; s, with two-mbm tene merit on name. The same being the real estate belonging to the » state of Davit! Z Ward, deceased. Also, at name time and place, will be sold a small lot of lumber, now on premises occupied b. Mr. R. Stock well «lot 491.', belonging to said deceased. Terms cash. M M. MOORE, Adm’r Eat. D. Z. Ward in Georgia. nov2 oaw4w REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. A new six room house and acre lot on lower Broad street. A six room residence on 4th avenue. he size of the L t is *4 of an acre; next door sout hof girls’ public school. A two story six room house on 10th street; rents for |20 per month. % acre lot v ith new five room residence on Rose Hill. Half acre vacant lot cor. 1st avenue and 5th street. Corner lot, 74 feet front, with desirable res idence, centrally located, on id avenue. Four three-room Houses in Northern Liberties—rent for $16 per month. Will sell one or all on installment plan. A very desirable residence and 150 acres of land in Wynnton. A vacant lot on lower Second avenue. A vacaut lot near Slade's school. 1600. Key of Rose Hiil, good Store and Dwelling House. Apply to W. S. GREEN, Real Estate Agt. eodtf Postponed Administrator’s Sale T>Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary highest bidder at pu blic outcry, in front of the auction house of F. M. Knowles A Co., on Broad street, in the city of Columbus, Ga , the usu;il county, on the 1st Tuesday between the legal hours of sale, the following de scribed real estate, situate, ljnng and being in- said stnte and county, and known us the south part of lot No. 6, tin the Northern Liberties ad joining the ciiy of Columbus *, and having a front on Oglethorpe street of thirty-five feet, more or less, and a depth of one hundred and forty* four 1144) feet, running west, the same being the real estate belonging to the estate of Evelina Gaines, deceased, and the house and lot in which she resided at. time of her death. Terms ALEXANDER HOWARD, Adm’r, with the will annexed, of Evelina Gaines. nov6 oaw4w John H. Henderson vs. Green McArthur. Rub Nisi to foreclose Mortgage. May Term, 188* Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia. It appearing to the Court by the Petition o John il. Henderson that on the first day of Sep tomher, in the year of Our Lord eighteen hur- dredand eighty-two. Green McArthur, of saic county, made and delivered to said John H. Hen derson a certain instrument in writing commonl: called a promissory note, whereby he promised t« pay to said plain tilt* the sum of one hundred thirty-nine dollars twelve months after date witl interest from date at eight per cent, per nnmui I’—.. I.. n ...l H.. . . .4... for value received, and that afterwards on the is day of September. 1882, the bcttei uo secure th payment of said instrument executed and delix ered ito said plaintiff his deed and mortgag* whereby h : eOitvt jcii to said plaintiff nil thy tract or parcel of land .situated, lying and bein' in the County of Muscogee, known ami hounde* as follows: On the norm by the lands of Jame; I-Iuff, on the west by the St. Mary’s road. Am Most «f the diswi-foswhi-.-h aflliot mankind at*origin ally cnuuecl by adis irdered condition of Uiu LIV £ R- For nil comnlaiuts of this kind such as Torpidity of the Liver. Biliousness, Nervous Dyspepsia. Indigcs* tion Irregularity of the Bowels Constipation Flstu- 'onuy Eructatiohs and Burning of the Stnnn-i h (sometimes called Hearth* ro) Miasma, Mal'iiia, Bl.xxiy Flux. Chills am Fovoi Break-bone Fever. Exhanstijn before or after Fever-. Chronic Diur- rhr.'a Lws of Appetite Heidacbe. Foul Breath. IrroKul irities im i lontnl to Females STWGEB’S ftUMNTII is invaluable. It is not a panacea for nil disen ne*. but f^RBS^CT rdl d’seases of the LIVER, will V STOMACH "no BOWELS It, changes toe complexion from a waxy, yellow tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color. Jt entirely remover low. gloomy spirits. It. ir om* of the BEST AL TERATIVES and r -U» IFIERS OF THE BLOOD, and is A fALUAbLF 'QNIC east by the lands of James Huff and on the s by the lands of Philip Owens, containing four and one-hall’ acres, more or less, whic mortgage was conditioned that if the saiu deli no ant should pay oil'and discharge said promist* r note according to its tenor and effect, that thei said deed of mortgage and said note should b< old. And it further nppe.uring that said promt: sory note remains unpaid, it is therefore ordere< that said defendant (fo pay into this court by t in first (lav of the next term thereof, the principal, interest and cost due on said mortgage and prom issory note, or show cause to the contrary,if then be any, and that on failure of said defendant s< to do. the equity of redemption in and to Hair mortgaged premises be forever thereafter barrer and foreclosed. And it is further ordered that this Rule be published in the Columbus En Qumisn Sun once a month for four months, or e copy thereof served on the said defendant, or hit special agent or attorney, at least three month* before the next term of this court. By the Court: TOL. Y. CRAWFORD. Petitioner’s Attorney. J. T. WILLIS. Judge 8. C. C. C. A true extract from the minutes of Muscoget Superior Court at its May Term, 1886, on the JOtl May of May, 1886. GEO. Y. POND, jy3 oam lm Clerk - SEDGWICK—- Sim WIRE FENCE STADSREP 3 AURANTII For sale by all Druggists. Price $1.00 per bottle C. F. STADICER, Proprietor, MO SO. FRONT ST., Phllrnlolobla. Pa. Tho only perfect substitute Tor Mother’ milk. invaluable In cholera Infantum and Teething, A pre-digusted food lor Uys peptics, Consumptives, Convalescents Perfect nutrient in all Wasting Disease* Requires no cooking. Our Book, The Car? and Feeding of It.'ants, mailed free. DO LIBER. OoODAI.B zu CO.. Boetrm Maim IIYKK’H RKARU KI.IXIR sdifcjpH® iov8xvei\vGra Is tin- ln--i Kimt-rul l>urp< It is a stron-: n**l-xv»rk without liurlix. Don’t in.iiir** dock. It will turn dogs, pigs, p and non• i horses and cattle. The * best fence for F irms. Garden, Stock Itangos and Railroads’. Very neat, pretty styles for Lawns. I arks. School-lots and (Vmeterl st-proof paint. made of gul- anized wire, as preferred. It will last h life line. It is better tlmu ImhiimIk or barbed vire In every Tin* Sedgwick Gate** ' ‘ n pipe and steel wire, defy ength all competition in Mglitn and durahllitv. We make the best, cheapest and easiest working nil-iron nutomntic or self-upeniiitf ante, mid the iM-atest cheap iron fences now made. The best Wire Stretchers, rutting Pliers and Post Angers. For prices ami particulars ask Hard ^ipEEnsoFDAiHMG ANT SDvcolh-ctii colloctior tthri I Brig person al a<lvcn:iirp*. ex- outs and ipiPH. forlorn hopi-r.hero. . bnpTnoHjmmVs and hair-brradtt -r- hand-to-hand Btruvi»lf-«, p-dlon* jonmrvs, darirjt *1, • d ) •!•! deed* ON moth H liKS during dmCJrr-at I’ivP •' • i -L hfcc it- PROFUSELYl» JLUURME9./. , : ,, r .V 11 0. ;.l.MISb ^ t o , Box -4.04, St. Loui* or Philadelphia "CHICHESTEiVS ENGLISH. The Oriirnu.l ami Only Genuine. safe and always R.ila'.l- OnnrMf Imlutloo,. T„Ji.pen.»tiU! to LADIES. A»k )-»t UniKcl.t hi ".•alilfoS*"’*’I Tfel■“ , ‘tilir trVt-turn «.IL NAME Si-.lthvPrJgt*- 1 -,-vt-rv w-tore. At N EW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY 0F MUSIC Boston, Mass. THE LARGEST and BEST EQUIPPED :r th« V/ORI.D —100 Instructor*. U « nd* \*ar. Trtor jiigh Instruction in Vcialand lustrmncnta! Mn*ir.Fia» <.»'*«' Organ Tun;np. Fine Arta, Oratory . Literati uset. J-Jngliah hoard am! rwn xr'tii Srmiii Fall Tarm t A V/ U THE Red Star Store —to a— DRY GOODS HOUSE. The Two Large Stores Nos. 78 and 80 (New Nos. 1136 and 1138! Broad Street have been thrown into one, and Filled With an Elegant Assortment of Diy Goods The newest and rnosl fashionable Dress Goods to bo found in Columbus English Homespuns, plain and striped. UNDERWEAR;—We have the best and cheapest and I lie birgesl assortment Ladies’ aud Gentlemen's Underwear to lx found in Columbus. .A. BIG- BABGAIU. Commencing Monday, l will place on sale a lot of CHECKED NAINSOOK at about 25 cents in the dollar on original price. Also, a big let. of BLEACHED COT TON IlE MM A NTS, containing, Wumsatta at 60; Musonville at Oc ; New York Mills at (Ic ; Fruit of the Loom at (ic, aud a number of other brands not so well known, all at (ic. Positively none sold to merchants, and not moke than 15 y, kds to any ONE PERSON. 25 Dozen HANDKERCHIEFS at- 2c .each ; 25 Dozen HANDKERCHIEFS at 4c each. 14 Dozen Black BERLIN GLOVES at 5c, advertised last week at 8c, well worth 25c. JUST RECEIVED: Boys’ Hats,Boys’ Nancy Lees, Boys’ Fur Caps, Men’s Fur Caps. Ask to look at our Misses’ Full Regular RIBBED HOSE for 17c. My stock of Hosiery is one of the best to be found. Uiu I Constructed With Our Own “Patent Eyelet Batteries,’ Surpass in power and permanency all and every other device to apply imianc linn to the huinun system, i >ur record stands at M percent of all curable cases cured.,, St.nnach, Kidney, Liver and ulinoM c-v-ny oilier trouble v'elii i to tlic mild yet lu-jsi l .lit < orients of tonir- ’.utiMii, us applied by cur incihodw. The Belt md inviaoi xtor impart it.t ut strcnglh. warmth und crmiforl. and the Dj'-pcplie, Nervous, weak and dosiM-nding laconic hopeful and genial, and enjoy life again. O. C. JOHNSON. Mobile & Girard R. R. Co. Q N and after this date Trains will 1 COLUMBUS, GA., October 3d, 1886. WEST BOUND TRAINS. Leave Columhus Union Dc|>ot “ ColumbuH Broad Street Depot.. Arrive Unicn SriviiipK Leave Union Springs Arrive Tro- Montgomery. M. & E. R. R m luiiKiiuirrv, .yi . cv, rj. i EufnuK M. .St FI. R. R.. 2.30 p m 10 2 r » j> in 2 40 p m; 10 35 n m 5 37 p nil 1 45 a m 6 48 pm 2 00 a m 8:0pm 7 23 p m ■ 4 50 a m 1088 p m! 6 20am 6 30 a m 10 29 a m 11 20 a m 1 15 p m Wilson In nugnclfr Power Ladle*’ Alxloiibliiiil Nii|i|iort<*r Gives great support and comfort and in creased strength to the walls of the abdomen in cases of abdominal enlargement without any particular disease. Tends also to decrease ana prevent excessive accumulation of fat. The Itliigiarlcr Teoiliing Neclfclnre soothes and quietH the Teething Baby and pre vents convulsions. The full power flattery Iii.hoIcm not only warm the feet, but prevent cramps in legs so prevalent in advancing years. No Iuvnlid should despair because cheaper or inferior goods have failed, until they have tried our methods. Pamphlet, letters of instruction and testimonials muiled to any address. Advice and counsel free to all patients. Or. CARLIMB TERRY, Columbus, fia., Agent ocifi dtjelC EAST BOUND TRAINS. Leave Montgomery, M. & I] R. R.. “ Eufaula, M. & R. R. R Troy.. Arrive Union Springs Leave Union Sgrings Arrive Montgomery, M. & E. R R... “ Columbus No. 2. Pass ’ger. 7 40 a m 3 30 p in 4 25 a m 4 01 p m 7 35 a in 8 45 a ill 9 10am 6 40 p m 5 3-1 a m 9 25 a in I 7 15 p m i 6 29 a m 7 29 a III I ' 7 29 a m 12 46 pm' 10 t» u* '0 19 am Trains Nos. 1 and 2 (Mail) daily. Nos. 8 and 4 (Macon and Montgomery Through Freight and Accommodation) daily except'Sunday. No. 5 and 6 (Way Freight and Accommodation) daily ex- cc-pt cr*pt Smidav. W. L. CLARK. fiup’L D E. WILLIAMS. Q. P. A. WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA. Shortest, Quickest and Best—308 Miles Shorter to New York than via Louisville—Close Connection with Piedmont Air Line and Western and Atlantic Railroad. „ \\m i A $.kinti I • 8vr? ’ . , ! 1 1 1 Vi/ In effect September 12th, 1883. Leave New Orleans “ Mobi e “ Selma “ Montgomery “ Chehaw As’rive Columbus Leave Columbus ** Opelika Arrive West Point— “ LaGruuge “ Newnan “ Atlanta Via W. & A. Railroad. Leave Atlanta Arrive Rome “ Dalton “ Chattanooga “ Cincinnati Via the Piedmont Air Line to New York Leave Atlanta Arrive Charlotte “ Richmond “ Washington “ Baltimore “ Philadelphia “ New York .'ive Cold aud Two ?l!var Modal*, 8 20 p in 7 55 a 111 1 10 a ill 1 20 p in 9 05 a »n 4 30 a m 8 20 p in| 7 55 a in 9 as p n, 9 07 a in 11 55 a m 11 55 a n» 2 28 p m 8 51 a in 10 53 pm 10 05 a iu 11 40 p in' 10 49 a in 12 2tt a in 11 20 a m 1 45 a in 1*M Pi» 3 25 a m 1 45 p in 7 50 a m 11 15 a m r» 50 p 111 11 40 a m ! 5 55 p m 1 00 p m i 7 37 111 1 07 p m 7 40 a m 1 -1 (K) [j rn 6 25 p 111 1 05 a 111 7 00 it m 3 37 p in 8 00 a rn 8 30 pill 9 35 a m 11 25 pm 2 40 p m 1 3 00 a ni 3 40 p m fl 20 a 111 zn-Jwl in 18s.', ut the ExposUious ol OiT.m h ‘i 'll Louisville, and the In- ’i:nti.)iiB Expo-.ilimi of London. The supuiciily if Coralino over horn ir wluleiio:i ■ inn- now licen deumnatrated by over five yi.nnJ'I'xpeiience. It is uiort Jnrable, on re pliniile, Micro comi'ortablft and nevi r On id a. Av.iiii eiicftp ioiilntions aiadeor var'oi* j.i'i.i'iof oortl. Kono ine genuine nn'ce 1 Dn. Wahnbk’b Cokalink” is print* on inside of steal cover. fOR SAU BY All. ISAOlifO MUtCHAHTB. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Bi c' dway, M-w York CiU DRUNKENNESS Train 53, Pullman Palace Cars Montgomery to Washington without change. 'lYain 51, Pullman Palace Buffd Car Atlanta to New York without charge. South Bound Tra No. 50 Leave Atlanta Leave Columbus “ Opelika Arrive Chehaw “ Montgomery.. Arrive Mobile “ New Orleans.. 1 45 p m 2 28 p m 5 18pm 0 02 p m 7 16 p m 2 25 a in 7 20 a m | No. 52 11 20 p in 3 30 a m 1 40 a m | fi 20 a m , Train 50, Pullman Palace Sleeping Car through to New Orleans. Train 52, Family Emigrant Sleeping Ca , free of charge, through to Texas without change. Leave A r riv 2 28 p i Via Selma and Queen and Crescent. * Columbus | ! Opelika Mon tgomery | i 8 15 p i Selma j 11 15 p i Mario Vicksburg... Monroe Shreveport 1 15 p i 3 15 p . 5 35 p r 6 27 p r 11 15 pr •1 22 a i 6 50 a i 1 -10 p r (5 .'15 p i OR TIIE LIQUOR HABIT, POSITIVELY CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES’ GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It enn l»o given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge or the person tak ing it; is absolutely harmless, ami will ef fect u permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is it moderate drinker or an al coholic wreck. It has been given in thou sands of cases, and in every instance a per fect cure has followed. It itevvr fails. The system once impregnated with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For Sale by FOB SALE BY- M. D. HOOD A CO., fi.1 BROAD ST., f’OLIMIHl’S, CJA. Call or write? for circular A full particulars* CECIL OABHETT. General Manager UbciI f'»: physician IMMS’ ESTABLISHED 1836. Glass Lot 11 .- 7 5 < h N ' s, CAP.G’LM ■ G.GUNBY JORDAN Fire Insurance Agent, MA-ilKET. ‘mm* t: “by the ’ >u, nnd of at •u»ly in l‘lib B uAi’icai "biuaiilijio; Sold vary* whore. Telephone No. 104. Pioneer Building, Front Street. REPRESENTING AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Philadelphia. Honestly 1 paid every loss since 1810. NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE CO., of New York. Every policy issued under New York Safety Fund law, SUN FIRE OFFICE, of London. Established 1710. Always successful. Policies issued ou all classes of insurable property. Representative Companies. Courteous Treatment, Fair Adjustments. Prompt Payments, A share of your business solicited. EDUCATE! BUSINESS Ills School is tho beat in America. The most practical course of in struction and the most Jemlneut faculty. Kn- dorsed by business houses. For circulars sml specimens of Pea- maushiF, address U05JQT 7. 30LTSMITH, Principal l p \JkI A RIT ¥011! a Jive man or woman J •• ^ ■ ii**edingpn>litat*leuiuploy- I merit to ronrosont iwin every county. Salary ( $.5mouthly & expenses, oralarge commiHS- ion ou sah s i f preferred. Goods staple, novl 1 M anhood,RWvT.gisaRip.A.s kiri-wn, hss dUcnvrred a m-lf-curo, w'ririi he w::i Mind FR’tE lo >.!s fr-lfmv nifTererM. Aildro.,, C. J. 11ASON, P. O. Box N. v. York City.