Newspaper Page Text
Ntw* from the Three State* Told In
Brief Paragraph*.
A Tonhu Han Aeclilcntnll) Killed Near llnrnex-
Tllle—New Alabama I’ox tin extern-Fn«t Time tin
the I'lorlda Southern Railroad—ether Matters
*f Interest.
Mr. Robert Williamson, near Rocky
Ford, loat his dwelling by fire on Monday
Willie Morer, of Hampton, was acci
dentally killed Tuesday near Bartlesville,
while hunting.
V. T. Joyner & Brother, general mer
chandise, Oconee, assigned Monday after
noon to Dr. J. 8. Wood, of Irwinton. As
sets $10,000; liabilities $9000.
Arthur Bryant, a negro from Houston
county, stole two bales of cotton from Dr,
J. Palmer, near York, Houston county,
carried them to Macon and old them.
Tuesday evening he was arrested by officer
Baughn, on a warrant, and locked up.
Monday the Cuthbert district voted on
the stock law question. A deep interest
was manifested. The fence men gained by
a majority of eleven, the vote being for
fence 129, for stock law 118. The negroes,
with a few whites, voted for the fence; the
whites generally for stock law.
Two negro women on the place of Mr.
Lewis Wilson, two miles from Adairsvillo,
one middle-aged, the other 100 years old,
while seated around the lire Monday, the
former’s clothing caught fire, and the lat
ter, in attempting to put out the fire, was
burned to death. The former died shortly
after being burned.
There are no later developments in the
Bhellmnn affray on Saturday last, except
that Mr. Jesse Oliver has had his arm
amputated and the wo uld on his head
dressed. He is now thought to be out of
danger and resting easy. Mr. Joe Oliver
is resting easy from the wounds received
In the neck.
The following officers have been elected
for the ensuing year at the Savannah Cot
ton Exchange: President, John Hannery;
vlce-oresident, E. M. Greene; directors, J.
B. Duckworth, E. Karrow, F. D. Blood-
worth, S. Tatum, C. R. Woods, J. F. Minis,
M. McLean, C. A. Shearson, J. R. Garnet.
Three inspectors of the next election, D.
Y. Dancy, J. N. Johnson, Theo. Gordon.
The body of an unknown white woman
was found Tuesday morning in Mill creek,
about three miles from Dalton. The coro
ner’s inquest evidence developed the fact
that the woman had been murdered and
thrown into the creek, blood having been
found on the banister of the bridge. From
the condition of the body it is evident she
had been dead several days,but was thrown
into the creek Monday night. A buggy
was hired from a livery stable Monday
night, upon which blood was found.
Charley Patten, who hired the buggy, and
a man named Holman, were arrested, and
are now in jail.
Tuskaloosa has a cash balance of over
•7000 in her treasury.
The Anniston and Atlanta railroad is
graded to Syllacauga.
Alabama now spends $650,060 annually
on public education.
Mayor Lane, of Birmingham, is a can
didate for re-election.
W. D'. Chapin has begun work on the
Bufaula water works.
Senator Pugh subscribes $1000 to the
Bqfaula and St. Andrews railroad.
Rev. R. Tucker, of Perry county, has
raised $200 worth of sweet potatoes.
Twelve runaway couples are recorded
for uervalb county since cotton picking
The iron men of Birmingham raised
one-half of the stock to build the road
from Dalton to Mobile.
Lawrence Percy Dawson, of Selma, has
been appointed confidential clerk to N. II.
R Dawson, commissioner of education, at
a salary of $1800 per annum.
The Sloss furnace company, of Birming
ham, is going to build a mammoth board
ing house for its colored employes, board
ing them at lowest figures. JOT
Mr. James P. Tarry and Miss Georgia
Dehoney were married at Vilulu Tuesday
night. The bride and groom are among
the most popular young people of the
community in which they live.
The following Alabama postmasters have
been appointed: Clements F. Porter, Ban
gor, Biount county, vice E. G. Mnsgrove,
resigned; George W Fail, Fail, Choctaw
county, vice Alfred Fail, deceased; Robert
F. Proctor, Maj nard Cove, Jackson coun
ty, vice A. J. Gold, rtsigded; Miss Willie
E. Boose, Talladega county, vice David
Gliuu, resigned.
A building and loan association is being
organized in I^eesburg.
The cane and potato crop in south Flori
da is said to be the best for years.
There are now twenty-five prisoners in
jail at Palatka, most of them to be tried at
this term of the circuit court.
T. C. Carroll, at Pine Hill, Bradford
Prepared with strict regard to Purity, Strength, and
llealtbf ulnea9. I)r. Price's Baking Powder contain?
no Ammonia,Li mo, Alum or Phopphatos. Dr. Priced
Extracts, Vanilla, Lemon, etc., flavor deliciously.
This whisky was introduced originally in the ye""
18.VJ, and is constantly making new friends. It
the product of the most appro
friends. __
d process of distil -
iitioij, from carefully selected grain, being held uni-
lonnly in warehouse umil fully matured liy age, in
justly celebrated for its purity, delicacy of flavor
and uniform quality. For sale, and orders solicited
. T. .11. FOLliV. Opera House,
i Stroet and 1st Avenue, Columbus, G
woman's peculiar afflictions. It Isa rcmei
WOMAN ONLY, and for one special class of her
discuses. It is a specific for certain diseased con
ditions of the womb, and so controls the
Menstrual organs as to regulate all derangements
and irregularities of her Monthly Sickness. The
proprietors claim for this remedy no other medi
cal property. It Is strictly a Vegetable Com
pound, the Btudied prescription of a learned phy
sician whose specialty was Female Diseases,
plaints. Suffering woman, it will relieve 3
nearly all complaints peculiar to your sex.
For sale by druggists. Write for book, "Met
sago to Woman," mailed free.
Brapfikld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
eodaw nrm 13)
county, has a hen’s eggs which measures
74x64 inches, and weighs three ounces.
The masonic lodge of Palatka will have
a public installation of officers and concert
on December 27, which promises to be a
most interesting occasion.
A petition, signed by nearly all the resi
dents of precinct No. 18, in West Putnam,
has been forwarded to Washington, pray
ing that a post office be established there
to be known as Barnesville, with John T.
Minton as postmaster.
Hon. Peter Monroe, member of the
board of county commissioners for Put
nam county, and one of the county’s most
prominent citizens, died a day or two ago.
The deceased was a native of Georgia, but
had resided in Florida for many years.
Engineer Billv ColweH recently made
the fastest time that has ever been made
over the Florida Southern road, and has
passed Dumas, who wins considered lo be
the “flyer” of the Florida Southern. Mr.
Colwell made the run from Palatka to
Rochelle, a distance of forty miles,in forty-
five minutes, making five stops ou the
route, equal to a mile a minute’s straight
running. • .... , . . .
A few days ago, as one ot the machinists
in the South Florida railroad car shops at
Sanford was engaged in making some re
pairs on engine No. 7 he was unexpectedly
confronted by a ground rattler which had
crawled into a longbolt hole to keep out of
the wet. His snakeship had “held the fort
while the castings had been dressed for
use, having passed through the lathe, etc.,
and had been handled by many persons.
More Mom*) for Your Work
If you improve good opportunities. Hal-
lett & Co., Portland, Msine, will mail free
full information showing how you can
make from $5 to $25 and upwards a day
and live at home wherever you are located.
Better write; some have made over .$50 in
a day; all new. No capital required;
started free. Both sexes; all sges. Suc
cess for every worker. Send address and
see for yourself. ^ dGin
Grow her in I’oUtirni Gran*.
The people of Massachusetts are grow
ing in political grace* very rapidly. I he ;
little republican majority of 3000 i* a great
letting down from tbt 75,0*10 or 80,000 that
used lo be the rule. Intelligent voters are ■
failing to discover cny logical reason lor
supporting the republican p - rty ol Blaine
because of the record of ..the republican
party of Lincoln.
vt msu
Most of thodise.’iflOR whioh aflh-t nvinknul are origin
ally eu used by a cl to .rcis.od comfit ion of t li*« LIV «L R •
For nil cmnnliinta of tills kiml such us Torpidity of
tha Liver. Jl:lloumie.«. Norvoim Dyspepsia. Indigna
tion, Ir egnlnrity of tho Bo vnln. Constipation. Flatu-
’ency. Eructations and Burning of tho Stomach
(Himetimua oalWl Heartburn) Min am.a. Malaria,
B1 jody Flux. Chills one Fever, Broakbone Fever.
Exhaustion before or aitor Fevwr-.. Chronic Diar
rhoea. Lobs of Appetite. Hendnche Foul Brenth,
Irrogularitioa in<*Mn:it il to Females. Bearing-down
to Invaluable It to not a panacea for all diseases,
bat nil diseasea of the LIVER,
will STOMACH and 30V/ELS
It changes the complexion from a waxy, yellow
tinge, to ft ruddy, healthy color. It entirely remover
low, gloomy spirits. It to one of the BEST AL"
Fox sale by all Druggtots Price 81 -OO per bottle
C. F. STADICER, Proprietor,
140 so. FRONT ST.. Philadelphia. Pa.
12260. A new six room house and \ acre lot on
lower Rroud street.
3200. A six loom residence on 4th avenue. ho
size of the h t is 1 1 of an acre; next door
sout hof girls’ public school.
1600. A two story six room house on 10th street;
rents for 8*.?n per month.
$1700. S acre lot v ith new five room residence
on Hose Hill.
11000. Half acre vacant lot cor. tot avenue and 5th
st reet.
2500. Corner lot, 74 fert front, with desirable res
idence, centrally located, on i»d avenue.
Kioo. Four thice*room Houses in Northern
Liberties--rent for $15 per month. Will
sell one or all on In* (ailment plan.
3500. A very desirable rwidenci anil 150 acres of
land in Wynnton.
250. A vacant lot on lower Second avenue.
225. A vacant lot near Slade’s school.
Kioo. Key of Rose Hill, good Store ami Dwelling
House. Apply to
W. S. GREEN, Real Estate Agt.
Maverick national Bank,
NT 111*LI S. -
H 400.000
Acr mints of Banks, Bankers and Corporations
Our facilities for COLLECTIONS are excellent
and we re discount for Banks when balances
warrant it.
Boston is a Reserve City, and balances with us
from Banks mot located in other Reserve Cities)
counted as a reserve.
We draw our own Exchange on Loudon and
the Continent, and make Cable transfers anil
place money by telegraph throughout the United
States and Canada.
Government Bonds bought and sold, and Ex
changes in Washington made for Banks without
extra charge
We have a market for prime fnst-c ass Invest
ment Securities, ami invite proposals from States.
Counties and Cities when issuing Bouds.
We ilo a general Banking business, and invite
corref pondence.
ANA 1*. POTT Kit. President.
1JY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi-
1J nury of Muscogee county, Georgia, I will sell
to the highest bidder, at pffblic outcry in front of
tho auction house of F. M. Knowles & Co., on
Broad street, in the city of Columbus, Ga , on the
first Tuesday in December next, between the
legal hours of sale, the following described Real
Estate, situate, lying and being in said Ftute and
county, to-wit:
The north half of lot No. 481, containing one-
quarter of an acre, more or less, with good Dwell
ing and other necessary improvements.
The south half i f lot No. 491. the same being
one quarter of an acre, more or less, with Dwell
ing House and improvements.
Tito south half of lot No. 492. being one-quarter
of an acre, more or less, with two-room tene
ment on same.
The same being the real estate belonging to
the i state of David Z Ward, deceased.
Also, ut same time and pluoe, will be sold a
small lot of lumber, now on premises occupied by
Mr. R. Stock well lot 491 >, belonging to said
deceased. Terms cash. M M. MOORE,
Adm’r Eat. D. Z. Ward in Georgia.
nov2 oaw4w
Postponed Administrator's Sals
T)Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary
of Muscogee County, Georgia, I will sell to the
highest bidder at public outcry, in front of the
auction house of F. M. Knowles «& Co., on Broad
Btreet, in the city of Columbus, Ga , the usual
place of holding sheriff sales, in and for said
county, on the 1st Tuesday in December next,
between the legal hours of sale, the following de
scribed real estate, situate, lying and being in-
said state and county, and known as the south
part of lot No. n, tin the Northern Liberties ad
joining the city of Columbus), and having a front
on Oglethorpe street of thirty-five feet, more or
less, and a depth of one hundred und forty-
four (.144) feet, running west, the same being the
real estate belonging to the estate of Evelina
Gaines, deceased, und the house and lot in
which she resided at time of her death. Terms
Adra'r, with the will annexed, of Evelina Guinea,
novfl oaw4W
John H. Henderson vs. Green McArthur. Bui*
Nisi to foreclose Mortgage. May Term, 188*
Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia.
It appearing to the Court by the Petition o'
John H. Henderson that on the first day of Sep
tember, in the year of Our Lord eighteen him
d re cl and eighty-two. Green McArthur, of Bair
county, made und delivered to said John H. Hen
derson a certain instrument in writing common!?
called a promissory note, whereby be promised t<
pay to said plaintiff the sum of one hundred am
thirty-nine dollars twelve months after ilutv wit)
interest from date at eight per’ cent, ncr aiinun
for value received, and that afterwards on the is
day of September, 1882, il».e better to secure th-
payment of said instrument executed and deliv
ered to said plaintiff his deed and mortiratr*
whereby he conveyed to said plaintiff all tha
tract or parcel of land situated, lying und bvim
in the County of Muscogee, known and hnumlet
us follows : On the non!) by the lands of Janif'
Huff, on tha west by the St. Mary’s road, op tin
east, by the lands of James Huff and on the <* •
by the lands of Philip Owens, containing
four and one-half acres, more or less. wMi
‘ it " -
. jgc
note according to its tenor ana effect, that tliei
said deed of mortgage und said note should In
void. And it further uppeuring that said promis
sory note remains unpaid, it is therefore ordere*
that said defendant do pay into this court, by tin
first day of the next term t hereof, the principal,
interest and cost due on said mortgage and prom
issory note, or show cause to the contrary,if then
he any. and that on failure of said defendant s<
to do. t he equity of redemption in and to sail
mortgaged premises be forever thereafter harrer
and foreclosed. And it is further ordered tha**
this Rule be published in the Columbus En
quiiier Sun once a month for four months, or i
copy thereof served on the said defendant, or hi.
special agent or attorne ‘ ’ ' '* ““
before the next term of
By the Court:
Petitioner’s Attorney.
J. T. WILLIS, Judge S. C. C. C.
A true extract from the minutes of Muscoge*
Superior Court at its May Term. 1886. on the lOtl
May of May, 1886. GEO. Y. POND,
|y3 oam 4in Clerk
erul purpose
The only perfect substitute for Mother’s
rollk, invaluable in Cholera Infantum
anci Teething. A pre-dlgested lood for Dya*
peptics, Consumptives, Convalescents
Perfoct nutrient iu all Wasting Diseases
Requires no cooking. Our Book, Tito Care
and Feeding Of It.’ants, mailed free.
DO LIBER. CoOJtALTB * CO.. Boston. Mas*
Temperance Hall, two-story brick building,
walls and timbers perfectly sound. Could he
converted into a splendid warehouse at nominal
expense. acre lot. Will sell for what
the land is woi th—thirty per cent beiow assessed
The Wilkerson Residence, Third avenue, op
posite Mr. Jno. Hill’s. ,
The Harrison Dwelling and 40 acres, Beall-
"■Two-story Brick Store occupied by.I. II. Gabriel
& Co.
Quarter acre iot north Jackson street.
Offices and Bleeping Rooms over Singer Scw-
,in» Machine Co’s oilica.
L. II. CHAPPELL, ILil null Insurance Vgfnl.
vfre fenco (u use.
i*l-work without ImrliN.
njmv stork. It Will turn dogs, piirs,
id poultrv, as w HI as horses and rattle,
st fenrr for Farms. Garden, Slock
and Railroads. Very neat, pi
chool-lots and Cemeteries.
Covered with rust-proof print, or made of iral-
v ,i„i Zt »d wire, as tirrfrrrrd. It will last a life
time. It Is better than boards or barbed
wire In everv respect. The Sedgwick (IntCN
made of wrought-lron pipe and steel wire, defy
all competition in lightness, neat ness, strength
and durability. We utalo* the best, cheapest
and easiest working all-iron automatic or
■elf-ojieninK Bine, mid lln-nonteHl oliemi
Iron fi'iiceH now iniulo. Tin- Ih-hi Wire
Htrelrlii-ro, Ciittin* I’lirro and I’oot
A ForprleeBinid particularHiisk Hi.ra-
wnro Dealers, or address, mentioning paper,
MM' blue r gkK'C*
W/lf AGSNTSW ANTED.: 1 :,’,'!',
C1‘J, Vpn>-Ay-ofthcinoRUhr!iJipgtM , rRom.l nilventurM.Px-
pl'*it«oficoiitR a» «l fp’.es.forlorn If r- « hero
• * _ jf bravrrv, iii-.pri«i,miiPiits fin'l 1; i --l>r'-rd !
. . oilutrrlei, pcrilom jouri.* ’fl. darn >
. | .1:1 iVwNo:,’ IO.TJI stars .Ivrf.ii; lilt lirrot f \ \
I UJST® 'VIE 1 ;*
■ mi: i
, M. Lwi
11 0F MUSIC Boston, Mass.
T:ri li
-lOOlnjlnieLirs Ifl.v.i! ! '*
-1 Ar* < ■■ - . 1.1.
I . .v : -.?r r .P f:;-!' r
I ... L»i..-lar.v -
1 ,i.i ..... j.. icdv.ri::. : •:.., v,»uki s.i.
Shortest, Quickest and Best—308 Miles Shorter lo New York
than via Louisville—Close Connection with Piedmont
Air Line and Western and Atlantic Railroad.
pm in
muunm rilMU
Constructed With Our Own
•Patent Eyelet Batteries,*
in effect September 12th, 1880*
“ Atlanta
Via W. & A. Railroad.
“ Cincinnati
Via thu Piedmont Air Line to New York and East.
“ New York
No. 53
S 20 p m 7 55 a nt
1 10 a m j 1 20 p m
9 05am 4 30 u m
H 20 pm 7 65 a m
9 55 p ml 9 07 a in
11 55 a m 11 55 a m
2 28 p in H 51 a m
10 53 pm 10 05 a tit
1140pm 1019 am
12 ‘.’ll a m 11 20 a in
1 45 ii m l’» 23 p m
3 25 a in 1 45 p m
7 50 a m |
11 15 a ill 0 50 p m
11 10 a m | 5 55 pm
l 00 p m 7 37 p m
I 1 07 p III
7 40 a m 4 00 p m
0 25 p m 4 05 a in
7 00 n m| 3 37 pm
8 00 a m, 8 30pm
9 .‘15 a m | 11 25 p m
2 40 p in | 3 00 a m
3 40 pm il 20 a hi
Surpass in power and m*rmaju*»cy all and every
other device to app!.\ magm l i‘-m to flic* human
! system. Our rccotd m-imn ni *-5 per cent of all
| nimble eases cun d. fliro :. I.ung, Htoinnch.
! Kidney. Liver and nlir- t .ary other trouble
yields to the mil’! v*. I i» . • . at:; of mar
ri dism. as applied by our me* hods. The Belt
^ - I ami iuvigorator impart go t *ti\i gtb, warmth
No. 51 | and combat, and t he Dv-peptic. >. rvotis, weak
J jnv* fii“4pi ndimr la come ii'»p**fui mid -niitl. anfl
enjoy life again.
Train 51, Pullman Palace Buffol Car Atlanta to New York without change.
South Bound Trains.
.1 145 pml 1120 pm
.! 2 28pm
.1 5 18 pm 3 30 a I*
.! 6 02pm 4 40 ain
.1 7 15 pm! 6 20am
.1 2 25 a mi 2 1ft p in
.1 7 20am! 7 30pm
Leave Atlanta
Leave Columbus
“ Opelika
Arrive Cbehaw
“ Montgomery
Arrive Mobile v
“ New Orleans
Train 50, Pullman Palace Sleeping Car through to New Orleans. Train 52, Family Emigrant
Sleeping Ca . free of charge, through to Texas without change.
Via Selma and Queen and Crescent.
Leave Columbus
‘ Opelika
•ive .Selma
.Jackson ,
Shreveport !
2 28 p ill
5 18 j) m
8 15 p III
11 15 p 111.
1 45 p m
3 45 p i
5 35 p i
627 pi
11 15 p ill
4 22 a m
6 50 a m
1 40 p m
6 35 p m
CECIL QABBETT, General Manager.
General Passenger Agent.
The New York Store
Is headquarters for
Ladies’ Cloaks and Wraps
of every description. They have the largest stock in the
city and sell them cheapei.
500 VYalking Jackets from $1.50 up. 100 Newmarkets at
all prices. 100 elegant Short Wraps in all kinds of
material and in all the new designs and shapes.
500 Jerseys from 50c. up.
You will make a mistake if you fail to see our stock of the
above goods before buying.
A small lot of niw Satines just received. New goods
received daily.
j. e. Cargill, Agent.
oclO d<fcw3in
125 WilaoiiIn Magnetic Power I.itdiew*
A iMloiirinul Stipjni rlcr
Gives great support and comfort and in-
tsed strength to tho walls of tho abdomen ia
>s of abdominal enlurgcm&id without anr
particular disease. Tends also to decrease ttnfi
prevent excessive accumulation of fat.
Tho IlliiKiietli 1 Taothittiv Korliltics
soothes and quiets the Teething Baby and pre»
vents convulsions.
The full power F.yfMei lint (cry IiimoIc*
not only warm the feet, but prevent crumps in
legs so prevalent in advancing years. No Invalid
should despair because cheaper or inferior goods
have failed, until they have tried our methods.
Pamphlet, letters of instruction and testimonials
mailed to any address. Advice and counsel free
to all patients.
Dr, CAULlSLK TI!II111, i'olunbus, Hit., Agent
oc!6 dtjefe
t an Amazing Business We Did
How the Goods Moved:
We are equal to the demand. Ask both Telegraph com
panies and they will tell you we use the wires daily to re
plenish our stock. Ask the Express company ; they will tell
you I hid we use them freely for the same purpose.
Received Last Week:
New Dress Goods in choice shades in Tricols, Cassimere
Traveres, Tricotines, Cashmeres, Serges, Homespuns, etc.
New stock Eider Down. New stock Jersey Flannels, Jer
sey Jackets and Plush Wraps.
New Slock Black and Colored Silks,
Five Cold mid Two Sliver rtfodtOs,
ufav'lfid in l(Kj ill tin: ExpoBUiono o<
j Sf vi uiIc.vh ii.i.-l j.i uisvilie, ami Iho in
veiitious lOxposi'.ion of London.
The suporinriiy < f Coralino over horn
j or whnleiiouo lias now been demonstrated
>y over five yen if' i x|;<Tk:,,ce. Il is u:orp
durable, i... is: pliable, more couifvrtablo,
uul ut.OrT brinies.
Avoid ctiebp irritations ninth* id varm*
k!’iiis of curd. Norn; are <reniiiiit! ef
‘Pit. Waknkr'b C'ohaunk" ,a print#
on inside of steel cover.
*nn sale a ml leading werchautx
3*>3 Brc Hv/ay. f '•*•' v.urt* Ci®
It min bn given in a cup ot' coffee or ten
without tIns Unowluilgn of tb*» person tak
ing it; is absolutely lins'mlcss, and will ef
fect a permanent anil speedy cure, whether
the patient is a moderate drinker «r an al
coholic. wreck. It lias been given in thou
sands of cases, and In every instance a per
fect cure lias followed. It never fail*• The
system once impregnated with the Specific,
It becomes an utter impossibility for the
liquor appetite to exist. For Sale by
Cull or write for circular Hi full particulars*
I Used f->r over 25 3 car :
physician-4 t.f Pat to, >;<• ;.■
I mijvrh’r f m’I o’Ii rs j r
Glass bouton! :11fJ 1 •;j .
75 ( I:N !S. :■ Mv 1 It '1,
(’APeUIJ.d IN 'i ii J ; M u;
W<* cannot montion here the many fresh arrivals, as our
slock is changing daily. We arc not given to bragging,
but will modestly say if you will give us a 11 even chance we
will sell you your goods every time. Call and see us.
rrcpur'.ti m ... p t-
-shy th«
do:,, and
;:-u «f it
'i hio School is the betft
m America. The most
practical coarse of
ruction and the merit
,ciniueut faculty. K»-
tiorseil by bus!nest
houses. For circuiaif
ami specimens of Pe»*
ni inship, nuilresa
iioaa^iTj. jOlccmith.
uttoropresent asm every « uunty.8ftlury
-It 1 \ «v*'\ : . - ! -■ roIUTiiisa.
f prel 1 ;■ .1; Htapli^
; '»kn'ycr;'? ,;L:i ';■ ’in!"
A1 i < .C. MA.-ON i*. o Box ii ’ii, New Yoru City.
oc28 eod&wly