Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, November 11, 1886, Image 6
DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11, 1886. uiid ns pastor this city, REV. PHOEBE A. HANAFORD. laisrcstin? Kkrtrh «f the Famous Woman IMrini'. llor Nanturket lllslnrj. Nkw Haven, November 8.—Tlic Rev. Phoebe A. Hanaford, for five years vice- f (resident, of Sorosis, one year of which ime. during Mrs. Croly’s absence, aho was acting president,is a preacher of eloquence and earnest convictions, and ns the church of tile Holy Spirit, in corner of Ward street ana Davenport ave nue, lives on Howard avenue, a pleasant street a few blocks distant. Mrs. Hana ford ‘'keeps bouse” with her friend and companion of the past seventeen years, Miss Ellon Miles, owe a Massachusetts teacher and now a writer of children’s books and author of many popular poems. Her book called “Our Home Beyond the Tide and Kindred Poems,” has in its differ ent editions reached a sale of nearly 70,000 copies. Mrs. Hanaford, who may be usually found in her study on the second floor of the house, where the outlook is over a semi-cirole of graceful elms, is a woman of most prepossessing personal ap pearance. She is essentially feminine, with dork waving hair, large dark eyes holding a beautiful expression, and delicate fea tures. Mrs. Hanaford Is fifty-six years of age, and was horn at Nantucket of a good family of merchant ship owners, being the daughter of Captain Gtorgo W. Collin, who is still living at the age of eighty- two. Her voice, which is full, rich and clear, isan inheritance ofa line of Quaker preach ers, coming directly from her father, w ho is said to have stood on the stormy south shore of Nantucket during a terrible gale, when the beacon lights were dim, direct ing a laboring ship offshore how to avoid the rocks, thundering Ids “starboard” and “larboard” so as to be clearly heard above the roar of the wind and the surf. When a young girl Mrs. Hanaford used logo up the lower of the old Brunt Point lighthouse, kept by lu-r great uncle, and read aloud to the wild wind and waves from Shakespeare and the Spectator, revel ing unconsciously in a p over which she then failed lo comprehend. Her Bible studies commenced in rending aloud to her old grnndmoi Her, whose dulling cars heard readily the ringing childish voice. Mrs. Hanaford, whose call to preach seemed as irresistible as that of Dinah Marris in “Adam Bede,” delivered her first sermon iu the little school house at Blasconset, Where Hhe had been a teaoher nt sixteen, but it was not until 1888 Unit she began regular ministerial work. Since that time she has engaged in unremitting gospel labor, having been ordained as pastor of the first Universalist church in Bingham, Mass., in February, 1888. Eater she went to Waltham and to Jersey City, serving professionally for s vernl years,' and was called to New Haven in 1870 as pastor of the first Universalist church, the edifice which has since been converted into an opera house. The Church of the Holy Spirit has a most attractive audience-room with bright frescoes, stuined-glass windows and crim son carpeting and upholstery. It wuhpur chased by Mr. and Mrs. 11. II. Olds, who offered it to the society, which is prepar ing to pay for it. upon very easy terms, in the meantime giving them ihe use of it. Mrs. Hanaford is not only remarkable as a comparatively rare instance of an or dallied woman minister, but also for her versatility at genius and power mid the amount of work accomplished during the past twenty years of her life. She has ably sustained the office of pastor, doing most arduous work, having upon one day preached four sermons in four different towns, addressed a Sunday school and ridden twenty-eight miles in a carriage to accomplish it. Oil another occasion she preached three sermons and rode eighteen miles on an Intensely hot Sun- W. fle'f health Is perfect. Besides tlie Phurch, hospital, parish, tumporance and women’s suftVago work she has doue, she has written some fourteen books and edited several papers and magazines. Of them was “Myrtle,” issued by the Univer- saiist Publishing House in Boston, where she carried on a Sunday school paper, nt the same time reading proof, examining manuscript and writing editorials at a salary of $800 a year. Sbo was for three years editor of the Ladies’ Repository. Of her books, the best known are her “Daughters of America,” a work descrip tive of eminent women as authors, artists, lecturers, professional nmUmsiness women. This work bus reached a sale of over 80,000 copies. Of lice “Life of Abraham Lincoln some 20,000 were sold, of which 8000 were printed in Gorman. Her “Lite of George Peabody” reached its sixteenth thousand'. A “Life of Charles Dickons” was also suc cessful, it. with all her “Lives " and books of poetry, being now in the bunds of I. Lotliron & Co., tile B islon publishers. It is interesting to note l-hiil- Mrs. Hana ford published in 1852 a lit lie book called “Lucretia, the Quukoresi,” which appear ed in the Independent Democrat, of Con cord, N. 11.. about. t,bo time airs. Stowe was writing “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” Mrs. Hauaford’sbook was upon the inti-siaver.i question. The fact is mentioned to show how the minds of intelligent women were waking up to tlic great wrong. To these books and numerous minor works copies may be seen in Mrs. Hiinaford’s study; one ail “edition de luxe” of the “Life of George Peabody,” three copies of wnioh were sumptuously gotten u:> by the publisher one for his wile, one given to the author and the third sent to Queen Victoria. Mrs. Hanaford treasures among her household gods a letter troni Buckingham palace written by Sir Thomas Biddulph, the queen’s secretary, thanking her for the work. Also, framed upon the wall, is an autograph letter of La Place and a “pro tection paper” given the owner’s maternal grandfather for use in foreign ports, print- ed in three languages and signed by George Washington. The date is 1788. There are £ holographs of Lucretia Mott, Maria litehell and Rev. Dr. Ferdinand C. Ever, all of whom are family connections of Mrs. Hu nn ford and horn at Nantucket. At the desk there is n bronze bust of Beniamin Franklin, who is an ancestor. Mrs. Hana ford does daily a surprising amount of liter ary work. She is at present engaged upon a novel ette to be called “Tile Heart of Sinscon- set,” and is compiling a book of poems relative to Nantucket. Slie is also writing a sevies of '‘Book Talks” for the Gospel Banner, and has in hand several more books which have not yet been engaged to any publisher. As a visitor sits looking at thisgent.lewoman who, despite her earnest wish lor equal rights, insists that “ men have always been better than their laws," it seems impossible that so much personal work could huve been compressed into twenty years. There comes a vigorous scratching at the library door. It is opened and two little dogs, “ Beujamina” and “Gypsy” frisk in striving jealously for the favor of their mistress and the visitor, and follow one politely to the door. free Trade. The reduction of internal revenue and the taking off of revenue stamps from Pro prietary Medicines, no doubt has largely benefited the consumers,as well as relieving the burden of home manufacturers. Es pecially is this the case with Green’s Au gust Flower and Bosctid.-'s German Syrup, as the reduction of thirty-six cents per dozen, has been added to increase the size of the bottles containing these remedies, thereby giving one fifth more medicine in the 75 cents size. The August Flower for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and the G-. rm .m Syrup for Cough and Lung trou bles, have perimps, the larg. -v sale of any medicines in the world. Tbeadvantage of increased size oi the bottles will be greatly epprc'.-ia'e.l by tile sick and afflicted, in •everytown and village in .-: lized coun tries. Sample bottles tor 18 cunts remain tbe same m/e or<l%d&wlv Jaxt What Shf Is Watting For. If New York will only be patient'a few years, maybe France will present her with a monument for Gen. Grant.—Philadelphia Press. A HOST 1,1 II11K A I, OFFER. The Voi.taic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on thirty davs’ trial to any man afflicted with Nerv ous Debility, Loss of Vitality, lanhoocl, itc. Illustrated pamphlet in sealed en velope with full particulars, mailed free. Write them at once. l*wtf A strong linn* Henry George lias made a splendid run. It is mi extraordinary thing fora man with- ; out political backing, without a machine,] without money or newspaper support, and 1 without any logical, fixed, practical prin ciples, to have polled 87.000 votes for mayor I of this city.—New York World. Almost every one is troubled with nerv- i miriness in some form, and nine-tenths of the prevailing illness comes from nervous exhaustion, brought on by overwork, mental strain or dissipation. No wonder people are asking lor a reliable nerve remedy like Moxie Nerve Food; it builds you up, and strengthens your whole nerv ous system. Try it. Wlmt struck Townsend. Congressman Martin Foran, of Ohio, has written a novel, “The Other Side,” and some of the sentences in that volume arc alone wort h the price. In describing a thunder storm, the con gressman says: “The sunlight was smothered in huge, dark masses of vapor, and the quivering air was being almost continually pierced I),y the prolonged, rolling, leaping reverb erations of violent thunder, while the very earth trembled and seemed to quake and shrink at the horrible, shrieking sounds that reverberated and resounded far and near upon the pulsating air.”—Boston Record. ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. PoweP A Co, ; Newspaper* Advertise • if Bureau* lO Spruce St., Ne . York., Bend lOota for IGO-nn. • Pamphlet' The Brown Cotton Gin Co., NEW LONDON, CONN. Manufacturers of the “Old Reliable” Brown Cotton Gins, Feeders and Con densers. All the very latest Improvements: im proved roll box, patent whipper, two brush bclt3, extra strong brush, oust steel bearing” improved Feeder, enlnra"’ - ’ .as: oiu' ’ondenser. f jinipir instruction, durable -■ 'gin light, cleans the seed per- [feet., and produces first class samples. I DEI.ITEREO FRKB OF FR-BIGHT at any accessible point. Send for full description and price list. COLUMBUS IRON WORKS, Agents. Columbus. Ga. dr.rice, S ED /s'SL K STEELWIfi£FENCE For 15 years at 37 Court Place, 1 832 Market Street,' Ret. Third and Fourth, \ rptfularly educated and legally quaUdod pbytiolau and ifir r JW i dti” je.vnil, ao praotli’O will prove. sfewi® EASES, _ - v Spermatorrhea and Impol-oncy ,a ti.c 1 tvu'*. ‘>1 rclf-abui*o iu oiccKic* in ms ie.. r SYPHi.E. US r° "ifrlilv Combined with (treat Refracting Power, They lire am Transparent and Coter ie** am lilffhl lUeli, Perfect Sight Preservers. Testimonials from the leading physicians in the United Statos, governors, senators, legis lators, stockmen, men of note ill all professions and in different branches of trade, hankers, me chanics, etc., can be given, who have had their sight improved by their use. ALL 1SYE8 FITTHD AND TUB FIT OUAIt ANTBKD BY BRANNON & CARSON, Druggists, Colun?bus, Georgia. Printing, Book-Binding AND Paper Boxes OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT LOWEST FBICEP ... Gonorrhea UUu^V-vAidv 0- O iM>liy slcUji»\aiopnjKFVc?tftU'D'n"'8 to .1 c -eiiin > I .hi <>f .ii-i "id*t'<. rut*’ ttratiio; thoisanc!. at. oily, a join i fn at ilffll. Phj lot n« Inowing thli la« t on Cures Guaranteed iu all Ca:;et imdertalien. lt . ,.. . . PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of 200 i.tifcofl, spnt to any address, securely flenlod, fop lliv IV! other Friend Not only shortens the time of labor and lessens the in tensity of pain, but it great ly diminishes the danger to life of both mot her and child and leaves the mother in a condition highly favorable • to speedy recovery, and far less liable to Hooding, Con vulsions, and other alarming symptoms incident to slow or painful labor. Its wonder ful efficacy in this respect entitles it to be called Thu Mothkr’s Fiupnd and to be ranked as one of the life saving remedies of the nine teenth century. We cannot publish certifi cates concerning this reme dy without wounding the delicacy of the writers. Yet we have hundreds on file. Send for our book, “To Mothers,” mailed free. Bradfibld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Qa. Jy21 eod&w nrrn < 2) COMMISSIONERS’ SALE Is the best general purpose wire fence in use. It is a strong net-work without bnrbs. Don’t injure stock. It will torn dogs, pigs, sheep and poultry, ns well as horses and cattle. The best fence for Farms,Gardens, Stock Ranges and Railroads. Very neat,pretty styles for I.awns, Parks* flchool-Iots and Cemeteries. Covered with rust-proof paint, or made of galvanized wire, ns pre ferred. It will last a life-time. It Is better than hoards or barbed wire In every respect. Give It a fair trial ; It will wear itself Into fa vor. Vhe Sedgwick fJnteH made of wroucht-iron pipe and steel wire, defy all competition in liglitnecs, neatness, strength and durability. We make the best. p nddr iiing paper SEDGWICK BROS., Richmond, Ind. V LARGE STOCK of all kinds of PAPER, in eluding Letter, Packet and Note Heads, Bll! Heads, statements, always on hand. Also Kn* .’elopes, Cards, &c., printed at short notice ‘aper Boxes of any Rize or description not kepi n stock made at short notice. Til ON. OU.HEUT, tf 42 Randolph Street, opposite Post Office. (Copy.) Chicago* April Cist, it' This in to certify, that the Illinois Trust :»u. Savings' Bank has this day received from the Union Cigar Company ofChicago, to be held an a Special Deposit, U. S. 4°lo Coupon Bonds, as follows : Ho. 12028 D. $500. % Market Value of which is “ * 41204 100.) “ 412.05 UK>. V $1012. *» 688110 WO. \ W SHOO. / (S.) Jus. S. Gibbs, Cash. We offer the above as a FORFEIT, if our “FANCY OllOCER” does not prove to be a genuine llavana-fdler Cigar.-Union Cigar Co P'S*’ hwoci • only in 1 MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared with strict regard to Purity, Strength, anti LieuLlitfuittebS. l)r. Price’s Baking l’uwder contain: no Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Dr. Price’s Extracts, Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, etc., flavor deliciously. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., Chkujo and St. Louis. BUILDING LOT £150, Payable $10 a Month. -LAC’KMAR. Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga. < d fri tf Infantile arfd Birth Humors Speedily Cured by Cuticura. Eczema, Psoriasis. , Sero ula and other inherited skin and blood dis- | ease?, Outicura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuti j cura Soap, an exquisite Skin Beautifier. exter nally, and Cuticura Resolvent, the new Blood Purifier, internally, are infallible. Absolutely pure. MY OLDENT CHILD, Now six years of age, when an infant six montht- ! old, was attacked with a virulent, malignant pkin j disease. All ordinan remedies fal ing, we called ; our family physician, who attempted to cure it but it sp ead with almost incredible ’apidity, un 11 the lower portion of the little fellow's person, from the middl< of his back down to his knees, was, one solid rash, ugly, painful, blotched and maUcious. We had no vest at night, no peace by day. The physician did not kuow then, and dots not know now. what it was. Finally,we were ad vised to try Cuticura Remed es. Without the knowledge of our physician, I procured a box ot Cuticura an- a cake of Cuticura Soop. The»i ect WAN SIMPLY MARVELOUS. , U ing the two together, first washing him th' r ousrhiy with < utieura Hoap then anointing him with Cuticura. From the first application n change for the better appear- d. The doctor said we had no further need of hint, and ceased hit visits. In three or four weeks a complete cure was wrought leaving the little fellow’s person as white and healthy as though lie had n ver been attacked. In niv opinion.your valuable remedies saved h s life, and to-day he is a strong, healthy child, perfectly well, no repetition of tne disease- having • vt-r occurred. You are welcome to mak* any use of this you may deem best. Att’y at Law Ashland, Ohio Reference: J. G. Woist, Druggist, Ashland, o CUTICURA REMEDIES Are sold everywhere. Price: Cuticura, 60 cents: Cuticura Soap, 25 cents; Cuticura Resolvent. jl.oo. Prepared by Potter Drug and Chemicai Co., Boston. Send for “How to Cure Skin Diseases.” I> 4 U V Use Cuticura Soap, an exquisitely I’iiD I perfumed Skin Beautifier. -ou^ RHEUMATIC PAINS Neuralgic. Sciatic, Sudden, Sharp aim /ISA Nervous Pains and Strains relieved in / m%\ one minute by the Cuticura Anti-Pain / v v Plaster. 'Warranted. At all druggi* ’■cent ; five for SI. Potter D ug and Chemical Com par y, Boston, Mass. ITCHING Skin Diseases Instantly Re lievecl by Cuticura. SOAP, a single application of CUTIuURA, the great Skin Cure. This repeated daily, with two or three doses ot CUTICURA RESOLVENT, the New Blood Purifier, to keep the blood cool, the perspiration pure and unirritating the bow els open, the liver and kidneys active, will speed ily cure Eczema, Tetter, Ringworm. Psoriosife. Lichen, Pruritus, Scald-Head. Dandruff and every species of Itching, Sea y and Pimply Hu mors oi the Scalp and Skin, when tin best physi cians and remedies fail. KUZEMA ON A CHILD. Your most valuable CUTICURA REMEDIES have done my child so much good that I feel like saying this for the benefit of those who are trou bled with skin diseases. My little girl was trou bled with Eczema, and I tried several doctors and mediciues, but did not do her any good until 1 used the CUTICURA REMEDIES, which speedily cured her, for which I owe you many TETTER OF TICE SUALU. I was a’most perfectly bald, caused by Tetter of the op of the scalp. I used : our CUTICUR A D TP Y I IP 11 I VC .(Kfttd rj, V lff/i..1rn . t .1 ,1 ♦ 1, . , , , /II, 8 m... CO, New Stand OUR MAGNIFICENT STOCK - -OF—- Fall Millinerf Now on Exhibition. All the novelties in Fells. Astrakhan and Plush Hats can be found at our ston. We are displaying the mos! elegant line ot Fancy Feathers. Birds’ Wings, etc., ever shown in this market. Special bargains in Ostrich Tips and Plumes. 26 Dozen Misses' and Gliil dren's Trimmed School Hat: at from 60 cents up. Our Pattern Hals are nov on exhibition. Our LA L0MA 10c. Cigar is strictly Hand made. Elegant quality. Superior workmanhip. Sold by ail Grocers. UNION CIGAR COMPANY, Ju N. Clinton SL, • CHICAGO. Retail by C. D. HUNT, Columbus, Ga ie24 div ALVDOR gentlemfn-sFRIEND Cures G anil O in a to 4 days. Ask your d*u£Kfct, for it. Sent to any a dd ress for $1.50 MALYDQR MF6, CO. SjjringM.0. EVANS & HOWARD, Agents. FOR SALE M Y place on Talbotton road, about two miles from city,on line of Georgia Midland. Has a new five room House, all necessary out-house . in excellent repair; splendid spring. The place contains 102' .acres, al^out 25 acres of which ai> heavily wooded. TERMS EASY. Fot particulars apply to me on the place. *u to T. M. Folev. opera house. nr1?h ~ P SPRINGER Notice to Debtors and Creditors GEORGIA. MUSCOGEE < OI'> TV. AH parlies having elnin s gainst Thos. D. Eortsoti, ceased, are he i otified to pr *>enf the same, duly fimhcutlfiUd, to me x witrin the time prcpciibed by lav : and all; allies i.ith btcd M.‘ Jnsetih -s Ohl Stand. -‘SEDGWICK- STEEL WIRE FENCE Is the best general purpose wife fence In use. It is a strong net-work without barbs. Don’t injure stock*. It will turn dogs, pies, sheep and poultry, as well as horses and cattle. The best fence for Farms, Gardens, Stock Ranges and Rail Sedgwick Gates made of wrought-iron pipe and steel wire, defy all competition in lightness, neat moss, strength and durability. We make the best heapest and easiest working all-iron automatic or self-opening gate, and the iron fences now made. The best Wire Stretchers, Cutting Pliers and Post Angers. For prices and particulars ask Hardware Dealers or address, mentioning paper, SEDGWICK BROS.. Richmond, Ind UOVEKED W ITH RLOTdIEN. I want to tell you that your CUTICURA RE SOLVENT is magnificent About three mouths ago my face was covered with Blotches, and af ter using three bottles o: RESOLVENT I was perfectly cut*, d. i REDERICK WAITER, 23 at. Charles St., New Orleans, La. OF PR1UEL.HS.H VALUE. I cannot speak in too high terms of your CUTI CURA. It is worth its weight in pure gold skiu diseases. I believe it h ».- no equal W. W NORTHRUP, 1015 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. Sold everywhere. Price: Cuticura, 50c; Cu- ticura Soap, 26c: Cuticura Resolvent Si.oo. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. Send for ‘How to Cu e Skin Diseases.” 1> I PLES, Blackheads, Skiu Blemishes and I 11* 1 Baby Hum. r .. use CUTICURA SOAP. | BEISTTWITH HPYLUnT 1 Due to Inflamed Kidneys, Weak Back and Lotus, Aching Hips and Sides. Re Ueved in one minute by the CUTI CURA Anti-Pain Plaster. Never fails. Drur gists, 25 els.: five for 81. Potter The on»y eRtoMU'hmcnt. mab'nfl n SPF r U' BUSINESS of ROSEiS. on LAfJCE HOfltt£• for ROSES olo S-rnnir Pot Planh widteble 1 " " dsnfel'. ] ohtj i -FOR PARTITION- Valuable Gity Property. G EOKQIA-MU8COQEE COUNTY: Under (ind by virtue of an order from the Sunerlnf Court of Muscogee County, pasted at the Mav Term, 1M8.8, thereof, the undersigned Commission era, appointed by said Court, will se’l in front of the Court House of said county, in the city of (v lumen*, on the first Tuesday in December nexl between tlie legal hours of sale, at public outcrv to tlie highest bidder the following describe, I city property, all lying in the city of Columbus county ot Muscogee, State of Qeorgiu, to wit ■ The ground, with tlie improvements thereon formerly known as tlie McKee Carriage Reiiositni ry and Shops, now occupied by John Disbrow & Co. as a livery stable, being known and disthp gulshed in the plun of said city us lot number 226 bounded on he north by lot formerly owned bv Oarlanii B. Terry, on the sout) by lot former]? owned by Jones, MeDougab and Cleghorn oi> the east by lot number 225, and on the west’bv First avenue tlormerly Oglethorpe street), on which said First avenue said pioperty fronts,hav ing a front ot ninety-nine (98) feet, more or less and runs back with a depth of one hundred and forty-seven feet and ten Inch, s (147 feet 10 inches i more or less. AIbip the following lots and parts of lots in said city of Columbus, to-wit: All of. ity lots numbers 525 and 526, containim ‘a oi an acre each, more or less; also, the north parts of city lots numbers 623 and 624, paid parts being of the breadth of forty-nine feet three and one-third i nolle' 149 feel 3,S inches) each, running through both of said lots the same width from Forsyth to McIntosh streets, being the north ihirosofsaid lots numbers 523 aud 524, the whole ot the aforesaid property beingthe same property which was owned bs the late James M. Quinby in bis life time. The four lots last described lie in a cont guous body and are unimproved. For the purposes of this sale the four unim proved lots and parts of tots,last above described have been sui divider into eight equul lots, com mencing on Fifteenth stn ct (formerly Lee street i and numbered as follows, to-wit: 1,2. 3, 4, 6 6 7’ , each of said lots being of a breadth of 40 feet n 1 inches, aud running back with a depth of 147 feet 10 inches. Lois numbers 1, 3, 5 and 7 in the am i- our) n avenue torly nine feet thiee and one third inches (49 feet 3 1 , inches),and running buck i ast, 147 feet 10 inches. Lots numbers 2, 4, 6 and 8 iu said f libdivisiou are situated in the west side of Fifth avenue (formerly McIntosh street), each of said lota fronting on said Fifth avenue 49 feet 3,'i inches and running back west 147 feet 10 inches. Terms—Cash 011 day of sale. Possession given on payment of purchase money. O. A. ANDREWS, TOL Y. CRAWFORl), JAS. G. MOON, nov2dlm Commissioners. J. C. REEDY, Real Estate Agent, SO.*1. SKXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE, < 01,1)8- BUS, UA. FOR SALE. 11460. % acre lot, five room House, all complete* on upper Second avenue. 660 One vacant lot on 4th avenue, between 8th and 9th streets. 22'0. L acre lot. six room house and other hou? es, all new, on lower Broad. 2760. 5 room house, two servant houses. 250 One vacant lot fronting park. 1800. l 4 acre ot, 6 rof m house and store house. 460. '4 acre lot on 3d avenue, between 5th and 6th streets. 3000 Small farm two miles east of city. 1000 10 acres land, 5 room house, 3 miles east of city. 1200 20 acres land, 6 room house, good fence, two miles noi th of city. I have, also, other city property, which I wilt show you, and several small farms in Geo gia and Alabama. Cal and see me before you make- any arrangements, as I mean business. vT. O. REEDY, Real Estate Agent, No.22 12th St PLANTATION FOR SALE. I OFFER my plantation in Crenshaw county for sale, containing 520 acres, with 250 acres under good fence. Good frame dwelling house with seven rooms, new framed kitchen adjoining, and good servants’ house in the yard; also plenty of good tenants’ houses and all necessary outbuild ings. My place is situated two miles south of New Providence, on Conecuh river, nlao nn the line of the Montgomery and Florida railroad which is being rapidly built. Convenient to three churches, Primitive Baptist, Missionary Baptist and Methodist. A good school conve nient all the time. There are thiee good wells of water and several good springs on the plantation* good cattle and nog range, and facilities for hunting and fishing good. 1 will sell cheaper than any one and give three payments, one-tlnrd cash, one-third in twelve months and one-third in two years with 8 per cent interest on last pay ment. My reason for wishing to sell is on account of being too old to aitend to a farm of th'S size. W. P. MOUNT. New Providence, Ala., Oct. 15, 1888. oct24se4t Soule Redd & Co„ Brokers & Real Estate Agents. $3700 for a 5 room House; out-buildings* etc. ; hot and cold water Drug and Chemical 6o., Boston. (oQCn A MONTH. Agent* w* WL 3U ‘JdVew Auted. $10 beat foil- imn rnuired to tnakt* yfe $58 REWARD 15 ftv./j'V, • ' ~T -»i:! bi- pnld Ter coy Grain Fen oi < O --j ': • 1 / siune sire that nun eh-uu mid Uk aa a** I ^ ,,.vV much <;r:.ln -r St-t-.l i». on.- ,ir»v as >*> f • "j v • ’If* car iPntvnt MONAiK.' K G r n in op. ’^vr, it Something Worth Having. «ur Xtuv Seed fntn'ojffHi* for 18ft7. The Dp.y Catalogue published illustrating everything in Garden. Field and Flower Seeds. New Seed , New Warehouse, i.vorylh’iiig Sew. Ready for FikElU d biributiou early in December Send your address OW. S *Y• EI .IENKS A- CO., f>imIiiieiK6i iu<il 8AN Front Ht.. an«5 IOG Areh Nt.. fiiiliulelpiidi, I*n. uov8 weow fit ISITUEMESIS !f - ' •/•* ■ •’- :??•*BookcaecB,Tables, Off.ct ;.r :/. r I ’ v i Ct airs,Letter Presses, ' ■’ ’ " *1 Fine Cabinets, 6c. THE PATCoT MJC2 Si DUST PSGQ* $8000 for Gen. French’s Wynnton Residence. 83100 for Mr. Jos. Pou’s Wynnton Residence. 85000 for Mr. Thomas’s six Houses in Browneville. 83200 for Mr O. C Bullock’s desirable Residence. 83000 for Mr. H. A. Gibson’s place, Summerville. 86250 for an elegant Wynnton Residence. a IEE E w RUDOLPH FINZER’S STARLIGHT AUD CAPITAL PRIZE KDjr At Wholesnlv l»y LOUIS BUHLER & Co„ GOT-iTTnVCBTTS, <3rJ±- Je5 eodfim ey! Money! A DVANCED on 'Cottrn Receipts, Stocks and A Bonds and City Real Estate. JOHN BLACKMAIL Telephone No. 51. Columbus. Ga. se wed fri. tl a months;? or Ladies in each county. I\ W. ZIEGLER &. CO., . ocU w»t Philadelphia and ,s of DU kC i:EWARJ( MACHINE CO. si tylef DECK CO. ' • 1 N. Fourhsi..Sr. Loins bieu-J 4d* t'^r 40 pp, Cate..o^i» this world. For liitely sure. Te: AnirnsU. Maine await tlie workers absc- .nt led free. Tkue & co.