Newspaper Page Text
- <>. *
Columbus, Oft.. November 10,1H
New Tork off, Eastern r '„ off, Hon ton .light H |
•ff, jemin.h off: Hank checking on Now York Sending Hi. Loved-Tipped Arrow* into
Ower the oounWr premium and on Savannah
m par. . Young and Trusting Hearts,
ratio*. "
Market to-dav nnchangodi inferior 0; ordi- 1 •— —
rrnMl ordinary —c; low middling Happy llrliln and fJronifi. Polio* the Kvample nf
laaar and Itrbecra Three (ionplea l»llght Their
and the aeaaoned eider sisters were all at the
church in large numbers. Many young ladies
whose coming marriages have already been an-
Decayed teeth cause indigestion, loss of appe
tite, affections of the'eyes, pains in the ears,
nounced to take place within a brief period were headaches, neuralgias, and general disturbance
there In force to see “what the bride wore.”' of the health. Prevent all this by using Delecta-
SK 4/t\ middling «Oak*,c. good middling
To-da.v. To I)fttc.
By Southwestern railroad 4ft 4,954
toy Mobile and Girard n»dr.* ( »d W 4,?1«
toy Columbus and western road. 23 770
By Columbus and Rome railroad 76 6.2X9
By the river 142 3,644
By wagon* 309 17,714
Troth ut Ib ynifitN Altar.
Rill I'M ENTS.
3,657 |
770 ! Yesterday was a hapyy day in Columbus—we
5,289 i like to have raid a gala day. Such a rush of
nuptials, and such a number of marriages were
*1. i scarcely ever seen in one day before. The dav
36,579 | dawned smoky and hazy and warm, but the
orange blossoms were almost as thick as the fog,
21*0.17 n "Elding bells appeared to be playing a
’ o tune on every street. At the noon hour, wedding
procession clashed with wedding procession at the
right angles of the streets, and the silver laugh*
54* '27.0HU I to** of the lieutitiful bridesmaids tinkled on the
>1 20,724 circumambient air like ser mules from Fairy
land, or like the whispered greetings of the
1,079 1 zephyrs to the earliest roses of spring. And even
35 82ft-3tf67® : ft ^ cr the WCttr y circling sun had closed up the
’ * { red curtains of the west, and tucked the clouds
37,660 | like blankets about his head and gone to sleep,
•Milled to-day.... *24 , Hymen still held high revelry by lamp light in
previous y ,< <. the city of Columbus, which beyond a doubt he
had captured and held fora day.
At last the familiar strains of the wedding
< march swelled through the church, and the
I bridal party entered. The attendants formed
1 a line on each side of the aisle, the young gentle
men facing the .voting ladies, while the groom
and the bride passed down to their position in
I front of the altar. The attendants then re
formed int« couples and proceeded to the altar,
, forming a semi-circle.- At 8:30 o'clock Rev. W. A.
j Carter performed the cereuionv, which was most Thirteenth ftreet. For frirther information ad-
impressive. The church was beautifhllv deco- 1 drewl p # q. Box No. 5ft.
lave. For sale by all Druggists.
i'rlentlMlilp Lodge No. 28'i, Knlghtn
and Ladies of Honor.
Regular meeting this (Thursday) evening at
7 o’clock. M. M. Moorr,
2d<h th Secretary.
For Kent.
Two desirable rooms in ft private residence on
By Bonthwestern railroad
& Columbus and Western
By the river
Taken by Columbus factories ...
Stock on hAnd August 31, 1865..
Beceived Uwluy
44 previously
Stocks on hand A 9,9(19
Stock August 31,1885. 350; received same day,
HI; total receipts 41,284; shipped same day 564;
total shipments 31,112, stock 10,522, sales 853;
■toddling, 8¥jC.
Ite-lec io-luvr.
Two Desirable Rooms fer Itri.t.
Notice to Shippers T. 1). Huff. Agent.
Oysters John L, Hogan. .
LlTiiigHfoft Aarrested in Kufiral*.
Chief Palmer received a telegram from Eufaula
Iasi night announcing that J. W. Livingston,
the burglar who escaped from Jail Sunday even
ing, had been arrested and was in jail there. An
officer will Ire seip to Eufaula this mo uing to
bring Livingston hack to this city.
An Arm lludl) Itrokan.
Mr. Sam Jones, who lives about seven miles
east of the city, (ell from a ladder on Tuesday,
and suffered a compound fracture of the arm,
tbe bone protruding from the flesh and entering i boarded thie train aniid a perfect shower of rice,
Itoe ground. He was making some repairs to his ; and many friends were present to wish for them ]■
boom at the time. Dr. R. E. Griggs was called j a safe ami joyous journey. We could not wish j
yesterday and rendered the necessary surgical more for thdm than that their future may always '
aid- be as happy as is the beginning of their wedded
i life.
j A brilliant marriage took place on Third
I Avenue at twelve meridian. The contracting
j parties were Mr. Fred A. Norman, of Clayton,
Ala-, and Miss Maggie Brannon, daughter of Mr.
A. M. Brannon, of the wholesale drug firm of
! Brannon & Carson, of this city. Mr. Norman had
| arrived on Tuesday evening from his home in Ala
! hama, accompanied by about a dozen friends and
relatives. By 11 o’clock a. m.,the invited guests be
rated and the altar was literally imbedded in
flower#, which had been arranged with gieat
skill and taste. The following were the attend
E. M. Patterson and Miss Lucy Hill.
H. B. Woolfolk and Miss Mamie Hanserd.
Frank Adams and Miss Florida Wellborn.
. Andrew Crawford and Miss Annie Kyle.
Ray Wellborn, of Atlanta, *nd Miss Ida Beach.
Rhodes Browne and Miss WiUle Bell, of
George Riddle and Miss Annie Redd.
Notice to Mil|»|»<‘rN.
The steim barge Aid leaves 8 o’clock this
morning for Florence. T. D. Huff, Agent.
Oywtertt! Oyster#!
Fresh Oysters at the old reliable,
John L. Hohan's.
Tut Bayers, Take Notice.
State and County Taxes for 1886 must be now
collected in compliance with law. By pay
ing at once tax pa.' era will save cost of execution,
Leroy Johnston and Miss Emmie Stewart, of adverti ing and sale. Come up and settle.
The first marriage of tbe day was th t of Mr.
Frank C. Reich and Mi-s Annie Owen, which
was celebrated at the church of the Holy Family
at 11:15 a. in. Long before that hour the hand
some edifice was filled with friends of the happy
couple. The impressive ceremony of the Catholic
church was performed by Rev. Father Hchlenke.
There were no attendants. The ushers were
Messrs. Aslm Bivins, V. J. Pekor, Chas. J. Eifler
and George T. Curry.
The groom is bookkeeper for tbe wholesale
dry goods house of M. Joseph, and is one* of the
most energetic,, warm-hearted, upright young
gentlemen in the city. The bride is well known •
an one of the Queen City’s most livable and esti- j
mable young ladies. She is in evlry respect I
fitted to make hnppj the home of the deserving j
young man who has sworn to ever love and pro- |
tect her.
Mr. and Mrs. Reich left immediately alter the 1
ceremony fpr ,Savannah; and Jacksonville. They |
Will McKay and Miss Jnliett Hudson.
Misses Wyolene Lowe and Alice Curtis.
The bride was arrayed in a handsome white
silk and brocaded velvet, with Toulon veil, lilies
of the valley and diamonds, and never appeared
half so lovely. The bridesmaids were all arrayed
D. A. Andrews,
Tax Collector Muscogee County.
Office: Georgia Home Building.
noviO dlw
Ladies’ Felt Sailors at Boughton’s. noviO 2t
Bo u gr b ton's
in rich and elegant costumes, and the whole ! I s headquarters for Ribbons. We carry more
scene was literally fairy-like. Ribbons than any three houses in town put to-
Atler the ceremony an elegant reception was ! gether, and offer lower prices. noviO 2t
tendered the bridal party at the esidence of the Houghton's prices on, Ladies', Misses’ and
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lowe, j chndrf .„. g FeIts are le8a by one . third . than those
Their hospitality is proverbial, but on this occa- , of oUier Millinery houses in the city. noviO 2t
sion they eclipsed all previous efforts and spread
u feast fit for the gods. The occasion was one
which will long he remembered with pleusure by
all who were so fortunate as to he present. Nu- Fln<* 4'iu»rw.
jjUierous congratulatory telegrams were received, 5000 Garrett’s No. 11.
and the display of presents embraced many val- I 5000 Conquerors,
uable and useful articles. * 5000 10O-Per Cent:
The groom is bookkeeper for the well-known 10,000 (fraud Republic Cigarros sold under a
shoe firm of Wells & Curtis. He is one of the bona fled guarantee. I consider any of the above
most gonial and noblest of our young men, and , brands as being worthy of special mention, and
is diligent and energetic in business mutters, j can recommend as possessing all the elements of
The bride has long been a leader in society. Her j fine quality, and such as will give perfect satis-
persona! charms,numerous accomplishments and j faction to the smokers. Robert 8. Crane.
Fresh Crackers, all styles, ut
H. A. Gibson loft yesterday for Montgomery to
attend the fair.
Hon. Thomas W. Grimes returned from At
lanta last night.
Captaiu H W. Pitts, of Hamilton, is iu the
non. L F. Garrard and Mr. George Fontaine
returner! from Atlanta last night.
Miss Fannie P. Garrard, of Nona. Ga., is visit-
"** 1 r erry .\‘ n ,, v. 1 gnu lo (father at Mr. Brannon’s residence. Two I
McGuire, of Hateheehubbee, is In the loIllf rows of carriages soon collected in front of
*%ptein J. W. Morphy retroned from Atlanta the hou8e ' 0n<1 b * 12 °’ clo<:k over “ hundred I
ton t night. * 1 R uea{H » representing the elite, wealth and culture
Mr. U. F. Coleman, Jr„ him returned from I of this and other cities, were thronging the brood
Opelika, where he ha* been spending a few parlors, cloak room, and b»U. In the drawing
j room on the right, as the guests entered, they
— —-’ j were greeted with the diaplay of wodding pres-
Onlaah*. lev a*<l Refrigerating Company. ; ents. It was one of the finest, costliest and most
The annual meeting of the stockholders of the j numerous displays of wedding presents the re-
OoiainbuH Ioc and Refrigerating Company was orter has ever Seen. The sllverplato was espec-
heM yesterday. The report of the treasurer tally elegaut and heavy, and the young couple
showed that the net earnings for the year were j will go to housekeeping well prei ared to enter-
hatween 10 and 13 per cent, on the capital stock
A dividend of fi par cent, was declared and the
balance was passed to tbe reserve fund. The fol
lowing officers were elected:
President-Dr. N. P. Banks.
Secretory and Treasurer -G. M. Williams.
Directors N. p. Banks. O M. WilliAms. John
Hill, B. H. McHaehren, A. lllges, I. Joseph and A-
The report of the treasurer «raa a moat aatiafac-
tory exhibit, and she w> that the !ce factory is a
Paying establishment. j
Th* llijoa ft|iflra Compsny. * ' j
The Bijou Opera Company will begin ah en- !
gageineut at Springer opera house to-morrow \
mght. On Batunluy night, they will present* I
“The Princess of Trebizonde,” cf which the
Montgomery Advertiser has the following to
•’The beautiful opera of‘The Princess ofTre- !
bbuHide’ given lust night was u (lei i%led huccckh. '
The Bijou Opera Company is a g . ,d one. jm<| | " nouncod'a. a “lunch,” but it would he safe lo
the audience from the oponing 1“ the close Were h „ y tllllt a morc C()8tly ttnd ma g n |flcenl wedding
more than pleased-they were .delighted. The I feast hits not been spread in Columbus in a de-
imerest of the opera centered, of.course, in*Miss . ctulc Thc Ulble w . ka in the form ofu cv088 , alul
Randall, who, as 'Raphael,' tho lovely and lov-| its bcttllty |9 almoat indescribable. For the one
ing prince, not only looked beautiful, but snug [ hundred guests enough had been prepared for
tain. Among tho preaenU there was
also a frill China set, which many ladies pro
nounced the handsomest ever seen in Columbus.
The drawing room containing the presents re’
nsinded one of tho inside of a jewelry store, %ud
if every present represented a friend -as it surely
did—what a-host of friends this young couple
roust have with which to begin their new and
butter HA*.
The marriage ceremony took placfe under a
lovely arch and was performed by Rev. Geo. G.
N. MacDonell, assisted by Rev. J. O. A. Cook. A
beautiful wedding march was rendered by Mrs.
Frank Dudley 'and Miss Annie Cargill. The at
tendants wer&’‘ A *
Mr. J. W.Piti&fttid iWbs Alice Battle.
Mr. S. C. Cowan and Miss Emma Frazier.
Mr. Will Daniel and Miss Minnie Cook.
Mr. Geo. W. Peach and Miss Lulu Woolrjdge.
Dr. J. 1‘. Marlin and Miss Lola Wright.
An hour after the ceremony., the guests were
invited in to “lunch.” \t least it was modestly
lovable character have made her a favorite
wherever known. Such a union as this can but
be blessed. The Enquirku-Sun joins the host
of friendR of the happy couple in wishing for
them a bright and prosperous future.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis will leave to-day for New
York and other northern cities.
Arrival of tho Steamer Aid.
The si earner Aid arrived at 216 o’clock yester
day afternoon from McMillan’s landing, bring
ing 112 bales of cotton, 120 bales of which were
consigned to Blanchard, Burrus & Co., and 22
bales to B. T. Hatcher.
Death of an Aged Lady.
Mrs. Nancy Hannah died at her residence near
Smith's station on Tuesday in the 75th year ot
her age. She was a noble Christian woman, and
her death is regretted by many friends.
lion. Tho*. W. Grimes Receives a Larger Vote
Than Any Oilier Congressional Candidate In
The following official figures, obtained from the
secretary of state, shows the vote cast for the
democratic nominee in each congressional dis
trict : #
Fifth disirict
Tenth district
» By re-
ig. ‘The I
it never j
with charming grace and expro
quest she introduced the
ttilver Lino,* which was sung
has been
deserved encore.
Messrs. Tams and Dixie divided the honors, and
both were irresistibly funny. Miss Hoyt was at
her best in ‘Paola,’ which she invested with
more than ordinary interest. Miss May Leyton
Dixie, as ‘Zanette,’ looked so pretty and sang so
■well that it was no wonder ’Raphael' fell in love
with her. Miss Clara Randall and Mr. Waldo
were all that their Homewhnt exacting roles re
quired. The chorus was excellent, the stuge set
tings in proper form and the costuming very ele
gant. »
“To-night the company will prescut for the first
time here ‘The Bridal Trap,’ by the uutlior of
‘The Mascot’ and ‘Olivette,’ which is said to be a
delightfril opera. This occasion should bring out
A large and select audience.” •
—Yesterday was wedding day in Columbus.
—It has rained at lust and everybody should be
— Mr. O. H. Miller, of Nance’s district, had a
horse and a mule stolen from hi* place ou Mon
day night.
—The drouth has been broken nt last. A gen
tle shower began to frill early last night and was
still falling at 2 o’clock thiK morning.
five hundred people. But thc quantity was less
remarkable than the quality. Every cunning
devico ot the culinary art had been levied upon,
ami this had been intensified by a deftness ana
taste of arrangement which rendered the
table so superb in appearauce that it almost
seemed like desecrating a visioh to touch it. In
thc centre of tho table there was a terraced pyra
mid of fruits ami (lowers four feet high und
reaching to the brilliant candelabra above it,
which, for cunning and taste und beauty, ex
celled anything the reporter hud ever seen on a
similar occasion. The sceue in tho brightly lit
dining room, tynbracing as it did pyramid and
table and the one hundred richly attired guests,
was brilliant and long to be remembered. While
the feast went gaily on, repartee wrestled with
wit, and there was laughter ou every Up and
light iu every eye.
At the conclusion of the “lunch,” the guests
returned to the parlors and remained until 2:15
o’clock, at which hour the bride and groom, ac
companied by uuarly a score of friends, departed
by rail for Uuiou Springs, where several recep
tions are to be tendered them in rapid succession,
the first being at the residence of Oolonel aud
Mrs. Norman, father and mother of tho groom.
As the carriage containing the bride aud groom
whocled to leave the gate one of the prettiest of
the bride’s maids hurled the tradltu ual slipper at
it with unerring precision,aud the slipper was fol-
. 1L . A , « , lowed by a shower of rice f om dozens of humlu.
—Prof. Rhodes, the photographer, yesterday m. _ VT . ....
, , A . . The groom, Mr. Fred A. Norman, is one ot the
look a photograph of thc body ot Mr. W. E. S. 1 . . . , ...
. . most prosperous druggists ol Clayton, ami lun
Lloyd who died in the Northern Liberties on .. ... , .. , ... , . . ,
I family is one of tho oldest and highest in social
,, , n . „ . . . ] rank in all that section of Alabama. He is
—Indications for Georgia: Fair wea her, sta- , . , . , „ . . , . .
. . bright and promibiug, and has a record where
Farts fram Fortsom. f
Fortson, Ga., November 10.—And still we have
no rain, though we have promising prospects
every duy. The long dry spell, however, has been
a great blesainp to the farmers, enabling them ^
gather the whole of their cott m crop without*
having it a* all damage 1 by the bad weather that
usually prevails sooner or later during the fall.
This will compen ate in a groat measure for the
low prices that prevail The farmers, on tho
whole, will come out about as well this year as
they usually do. and much better than they ap
prehended some time b ick. We have learned by
experience that floods and drouths combined
will not make a e of the cotton crop in our
section. Let thc crop be well fertiliztd and well
cultivated, and the gathering of an average crop
from an average piece of land is rs
rising and setting of the sun.
Mrs Henry Feagln, of Houston county, spent
yesterday with us. She is now the guest of Mrs.
F. J. Johnson.
Mrs. C. H. Cook and children, of Hamilton, are*
in our town
It is now in order to lay in a suppl of fuel for
winter use. By all means let a g.»od supply be
kept sheltered from the weather. There is
nothing so well calculated to keep the housewife
in a good humor as a bountiful supply of dry
wood for house aud kitchen use. Oliver.
Look at Doughten’M Prices.
Ladies' Black Porcupine Hats at 25c.
Look at Boughton’s Ladies’ Black Canton
Hats at 25c.
Look at Boughton’s Ladies’ Colored Union
Milan Straws at 50c.
One of Bough ton's bargains this week i$ La
dies’ Rough and Ready Bailor Hate at 35c, re
duced from 50c.
Another bargain at Boughton’s is two cases of
Ladies’ Rough and Ready Knox Hats at 50c, re
duced from 75c. noviO 2t
Atmore’s Beat Mince Meat, New Currants,
Dates, Citron. R. 8. Crane.
The Yery Best
Cabinet Photographs, |4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
dweow Alpha A. Williams.
Wood and Coni.
First-class Oak and Pine wood in stock, block
aud split. Jelico Coal, prime lump, for sale by
T. S Fontaine &Co.
Telephone No. 90. nov7tf
O Den’l Forget
PhAt A. C. Chancellor will sell Underwear and
Overcoats cheaper than, they are sold in Colum
bus. He fa offering |25 Ovescoata at $12 and f 16
apiece as a specialty. You should see these
poods. ‘ dawtf
R< member Tlili.
Chancellor will cut prico4 in Boys’ Suits—sizes
13,14, 15 ; also, Children’s sixes, 5, 6, 7, 8 He has
more than he wants at this season. You can
buy them now tor the same as he will offer them
in May (packing time) dawtf
The Colton Crop,
New Orleans, November 10.—The report of
the National Cotton Exchange, just issued, says:
The weather during the past month has been
uniformly and exceptionally fine for picking, and
it is generally estimated that nearly three-fourths
of the crop has been already gathered. The kill
ing frost during the last week in October has
beeu reported pretty much throughout the cotton
belt. In a majority of the states the expecta
tions foreshadowed in the last report have been
fiiirly realized, but in Mississippi, Alabama und
the two Carolinos the yield has been disappoint
ing. The crop estimate is as follows:
LWmI BleNM the Children.
Nothing has been so productive of health aur |
iimini.shed so much the suffering aud mortality j
uuont children asTkbtiiina [Teething Powders), j
Teetiiina allays Irritation, aids Digestion, !
tain as the Regelates the Bowels. Strengthens the child.
| ‘.hires Eruptions and Sores and makess Teething
All Druggists and country stores keep Tehtji-
<na. Brannon Si Carson. Columbus. Ga.
Wholesale Agents, supply the trade at manu
‘M'tuTer’s nrices iv4 d.Vwlv
NcMiiethinjr New-Crushed Coke.
We are prepared to supply coke crushed to nut
size, and this fuel is the cheapest in the market.
For sale by the bushel or ton. Try it.
Columbus Gas Company.
oct 7—dse tues-th ura-sat
U ; O 5 j
tionnry temperature in the southeast portion,
cooler in northwest portion aud variable winds,
shifting to northerly.
— Uuiou Springs Herald: Mr. GeorgeR. Flour
noy, representing the wholesale house of M.
Joseph, Columbus. Ga., was in Union Springs
yesterday. He is one of the most popular and
successful “evangelists" on the road
—Atlanta Constitution: Sanders Jones, now of
lsouisville, but always of Atlanta, was in the city
yesterday shaking hands with his friends. This
means all the people of Atlanta, for everybody in
Atlanta loves Sanders Jones, a bright, talented,
capable young business man. Atlanta does not
give him up, aud hopes yet to have him back
with us, especially since he has married a Geor
gia lady, as lovely as he deserves.
—Hamilton Journal: Dr. T. 8. Mitchell has
rented a residence in Columbus, and will at an
he was raised ofrwhich any young man ought to
be proud. But with it all, he is noue too good
for the prstty and piquuut blonde whom he stole
ffway from Columbus, and whose Htuudiug here
was beautifully shown yesterday by the fa t that
when the carriugg that bore her away from the
schoolmates aud friends of her youth turned the
corner, there was scarcely a dry eye among all
the throng on the porch, who watched the
carriage as it disappeared.
The First Presbyterian church was the scene
of a happy event last night. The occasion was
the marriage of Mr. Walter W. Curtis and Miss
Mary Lave Lowe, both well known in society
circles. Long before the appointed hour the
church was crowded with invited guests and
friends and the ushers—Messrs. A. A. Willcox,
Virginia, Mis ouri, etc..
Norm Carolina
South Carolina
Tennessee V.
.) 114,600 33 j
| 1,003,195 33 i
1,290.150 31'J
,| 2,942,650 31‘.j!
.1 244.800'25
2,732,000.29 ,
2,329,700 30
1,280,850;50 i
I l ,022,700'4G
Nr Tax Reedver.
I re*pect/Ully announce myself a candidate for
Tax Receiver of Muscogee county. Election first
Wednesday in January, Gbo. W. Cargill.
nov7 td
For Tax Collector.
I announce myself as a candidate for Tax
Collector of Muscogee county (election
January next), and respectfully solicit tbe sup
port of the voters of said county.
aug29dtfwlui Oliver P. Poe.
For Tax Collector.
I announce myself tv candidate for Tax Col
lector of Muscogee County.* Election in Jan
uary next. [ool*2 td] 0 N. G. Oattis.
For Tax Collector.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax CoL
lector of Muscogee county (election January
next), and ask for the support of the votdrs of
said c unty, J. C. Woolfolk.
sep7 dtf
j To the Voter* of NfiiHcogee Cointy.
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
re-election to the office of Tax Receiver, and ask
your suffrage. I have ever tried to discharge
ray duty as an officer, and will still do the same
if elected. Election January next.
Respectfully, J. C. Rxbdy.
nov5 td
To the Voters of Muscogee County.
I announce myself as a candidate for the office
of County Treasurer, and respectfully solicit
your support for the same. Election January
next. G. E. Gager.
Columbus, Ga., September 22,1886. sep23 tf
For Tox Deceiver.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Re
ceiver of Muscogee county, and respectfully
ask the support of the voters.
sep22tf‘ J. H. Harrison,
For County TreiiMurer.
I announce myself a candidate for County
Treasurer, and respectfully ask the voters of
Muscogee coujty for their suffrage. ,
sep24d&w td ; John C. Cook.
For Coroner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for Cor
oner for Muscogee county at the ensuing el(c-
trdn. * *' W. D. Am yet.
nov7 dtd * tM * •* i"
For RarNhal.
I am a candidate for re-election as marshal for
the ensuing year. John H. Palmer.
For City Marshal.
1 respectfully announce myself a candidate for
City Marshal at the election for city officers on
the second Saturday in December next, and will
be grateful for the support of my friends and the
public. . Daniel Dungan.
For City Nexton.
I announce myself a candidate for re-election
of Sexton and solicit a support of my friends and
the citizens. A. Odom.
oct24d til dec 11
For Sexton.
I announce myself a candidate fbr City Sexton
and solicit the support of my friends and fellow-
citizens. Election in December next.
aug28 d&w till dec 11 Jab. L. Trbadaway.
Ticket for Aldermen.
At the election on Saturday, the 11th of
December next for one alderman from each
ward, friends of the present members of the board
will support them for re-election. r
First Ward—J. 8. Garrett.
Second Ward—A. M. Elledge.
Third Ward-D. P. Dozier.
Fourth Ward—Theo M. Foiey.
Fifth Ward-N. N. Curtis.
Sixth Ward—George W. Dillingham.
odd td
People’s Ticket for Aldermen.
First Ward—Henry C. Bussey.
SecdbA Ward—J. Kyle OrT. s '
Third Ward D P. Dozier.
Fourth Ward Theo. M. Foley.
Fifth Ward-N. N. Curtis.
Sixth Ward—T. Jeff Bates. nov4 td |
The City Registry List
Will close on Saturday, November 20i 'Parties !
who register, who are liable to a street lax, and J
have not yet paid it, must pay at tbe time of reg- j
isterlng. M M. Moore,
noy7 d2w Clerk Council,
Pure Fruit Jellies, French QueUn Olives, Far-
rina. McMcnamin & Co’s famous Deviled Crabs, |
Casco Bay Lob-iters. Grated Pineapple, Evergreen I
Sugar Corn of superior quality and full weight.
Clipper brand of Okra and Tomatoes, Boston |
Baked Beans, Cod Fish Balls. Always the lowest '
pHces for cash at Roberts. Crane’s. !
Thc New Firm.
We take pleasure in announcing that our store
is now complete, and we ho^e fbr and
will appreciate a share of your
patronage. With an entire new, clean and first-
class stock, bought for cash and discounted, we
are in a position to offer such inducements as
Cannot be had elsewhere. We do not advertise
any special article, for if we«were to undertake to
mention only the specialties kept by us it would
take the whole Enquiuer Sun. Therefore we
respectfully ask you to visit our store and see for
yourself. Our tinctures are all made direct from
fresh drugs, not fluid extracts, and are prepared
by the 1880 Pharmacopear, and no physician need
hesitate to send us his prescriptions, for they will
bo filled accurately and just what lie prescribes
will bo used. Every article in our Prescription
Department has been caireAilly selected by one
who delights in and will use only the finest that
can be had. Everyone likes to see pretty goods
and when they buy, get new goods, so call and
see as, and we promise you shall be pleased.
Respectfully, Hall A Wheat.
The Very Deni
Cabinet Photographs, |4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, |4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, |4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, |4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, |4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, |4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
dweow Alpha A. Williams.
1143 Rrond Mrort- Hollilny Oosds.
Toilet Articles-Hnitfii.
We have been waiting for a good rain before
displaying our Holiday Goods, a part of which
we have received. As heretofore, we will have a
large and varied assortment at very low prices,
our object being more to make a reputation than
a profit on this line of goods. Will be pleased to
display these goods at any time before our regu
lar opening. Our patrons cau now make their
selections from an unbroken stock and put pur
chases aside.
’We are honest in our belief that we have the
prettiest add most complete assortment of
Bristle Goods ever offered in Columbus. We
hay^Jlrushes of every shadow, shape and price,
and for any uses to which a brush can be put.
The Best 25 cents Tooth Brush sold in the at&te.
A beautiful brush for 15 cents.
Face Powder, Puff Boxes, Puffs and Satchet
Powders. A large line ef Colognes from every
maker of prominence. We distil seven Colognes,
and our White Rose Cologne is unequalled.
We carry an unusually nice line of Soaps at
any price you wish.
Genuine Imported Cigars a specialty, un
equalled in quality and price. We can suit any
one in Cigars, imported or domestic. ,
Our drug department is kept supplied with the
best and purest drugs. Our motto being the beet
only. Special and carefhl attention given all pre
scription work by qualified and competent pre-
scriptiouists. Remember us. Always pleased to
see you.
dtf Gbo. A. Bradford, Manager.
Oentlemeii*M ilothiug Cleaned and
I am prepaired to make, clean and repair gen
tlemen’s clothing promptly and in first'Clas*
style. Send yourwork and try me. Reeideuca
No. 841 lower First avenue.
nov0 d2w Mbs. D. A. Williams.
Try my flue Jellies and Apple Butter in glass or
by the pound at bottom prices at Justice’s cash
■tore. dt£
Caaqed^Gooda, Fanoy Crackers, Raisins, Nutm
etc., etc., fresh.
dtf Adams A Bowens.
GaJfy^L (jioods, Fancy Crackers, Raisinr, Nuts,
etc., etc., fresh.
•„ dif Adams A Bow Baa.
Drlanl Prettem*.
Ju>t received a large assortment of solid silver
articles iu fine cases, suitable for Bridal Presents.
,. Also a fine collection of peach-blow glass orna
ments at Wittich & Kinsel's.
Dr. Nctli N. .Vorduit,
Operating Surgeon and Physician. Residence,
Sanimftf House, east side front street, opposite
Lowell Warehouse. Telephone No. 2; Office,
Carter’s drug store. tf
N4>rleft ‘J, Ulintt«%li<i»o(‘h«e Rtiildinv und
Loan AnnouIiiIIou.
Books of subscription for above series now open
at office of Yonge & Grimes.
Cliff B. Oiumrr. Sec’v aud Treas.
Fresh lot El Triunfo Cigars just received.
[dtf] Adams A Bowers.
Non Nwntlowa.
A beautifril line just opened up, new. at
noviO 2t Boughton’s.
New Goods at Do ugh ton’s.
We have opened this week New Kelts—some
novelties not shown before.
New Fancj Feathers. We have added to our
stock this week more than fifty boxes of the
above goods in all qualities, from cheap wings to
the finest imported goods in the market.
New Ornaments. An immense line of import
ed Ball Ornaments added this week.
New Materials. Novelties in Striped and Plaid
Plushes, Striped and Plaid Velvets, Silk As
trakhans. Wool Astrakhans. noviO 2t
I). F. WILL *
InNiiranee Agency, 1145 Rrond Street.
Removal Native.
We have removed to No. 1022 Broad street, be
low the Central Hotel, where we will continue to
keep the choicest line of Cigars, Tobacco and
We call especial attention to our celebrated
Imperial Wedding Whisky and fine brands of
Key West and Havana Cigars, and kiudly ask
our friends to favor us with their orders.
Louis Buhlbr & Co.
Sole Agents for the Celebrated Aaheuser and
and Budweiser Bottled Beer.
sspl9 tf
Choice Grocer leu.
Best Rye Flour, New York State Buckwheat,
Finest Graham Flour, Extra Choice Goshen BuU
ter, Marrow Beans, Boneless Cod Fish, Choice
Messed Mackerel, ten pound pails; Fancy
Evaporated Apples, Choice Mixed Table Nuts,
New Raisins, Citron, Chipped Dried Beef, Lunch
926.935 Accessible a * all hours. Office telephone, No. 7.
61,200 | Residence telepoue. No. 49. All calls promptly
“98 080 ; answered D. F. Willcox.
838 6 2
j 1,490,032
! 6.414.400
Texas j 3,612,2» 0 41’
Total i 17. at,850j
CENTRAL hotel.
G. G. Smith, Hoytsville, Ga.; James Price, New
York; Harry Cooper, Ud.; Mrs. M. McGuire,
Mias Mamie McGuire, Master Willie McGuire,
Hatchechubbee, Ala.; H. W. Cant, Wetumpka ;
H. A. Mathews, Talbotton; G W. Roberts, S. W.
It. R.; H. W. Pitts, Hamilton, Ga.; N. O. Parr,
Ala.; F. H. Hall, Montgomery; Nick Smith, Chatr
F. 44. WILIilNN.
General Auctioneer. Deal Estate,
Stock and Bond Agent.
Special attention given administrators’, execu
tors’ and assignees’ Bales, selling and renting
Real Estate at public or private sale. Office over
Abbott A Newsom’s corner.
For Sale—My Residence on Broad street,
jell tf V. G. Wilf’ns
New Pickles.
Sweet mixed, Mangoes, English mixed and
i: h s:i.z% R Lass? ^* *.**»«*. ^v.
mer, New York; H. J. Sargent, Newnau, Ga. dtf.
rankin uousb. Cranberries, Dried Apples and Peaches at R.
W. E. Chapman, New York j T. K. Hayward, ; justice** \vent Mt
St. Louis; J. J. Christie, Louisville; R. B. V.urral, ! J ’
early day remove his family to that city. He is ! Charles D. Preer, Ed. McKay and Wilfred John-
ft popular physician, au enterprising citizeu and son—were kept busy in the aisles iu showing
hi*, intended removal we chronicle with regret, j people to seats. A wedding at this season of the
A long residence in Hamilton has made of him year affords thc good people who worship at the
one of the landmarks of the town, and his sue- altars of Fashion au admirable opportunity to
cesHful practice has eudeared him to muny of inspect the brigade which will in a few weeks
our people, who will regret his departure sin- assemble in drawing rooms aud ball rooms; and
• consequently the hopclul mother, the "bud” 1
New York ; Juo. B. Hillis. Boston ; Mr. and Mrs.
S. A. Powell, Alabama ; R. A. Cox. Chicago ; R. |
T. Camp, Ohio; R. H. McCall, New York ; II. H. '
Jacobson, New York ; I. H. Oppenheim, New !
York ; J. H. Solomon, Cincinnati; M. Alexander, |
New York ; J. B. Barnett, W. II. Lyman, B iston. |
Fancy New York Pippin Apples at 13.25 barrel,
dtt Adams A Bower*
fold Weather Ahead.
If you expect to protect your head or body, now
i* the time to make preparation. A. C. Chan
cellor has a Cutter whose skill is unquestioned.
I commend to »U who desire a really good and ; Ho is daUy cutt i.,g aud delivering Suits that are
reliable article. Hobebt S. Cuane-, | faultless in style, fit and finish. Prices right,
uu Sole Agent. • if
Shield Perfection Rourbon Whisky
Valuable Heal Estate for Sale.
The Muscogee Home corner, fronting 65 feet on
St. Clair street, and runnii.g back about 130 feet
on First avenue. Two story brick build
ing on part of lot, now rented for $300 per year.
Apply to R M. Mulford, at Chattahoochee Na
tional Bank, or to Chas. L. Davis.
nov9 eodtf
For Kent.
Possession given at once, the vtry desirable
new two-story Residence, No. 620 Broad street.
Three room House No. 1608 Third avenue.
nev6 sat *e wed Yonoe & Grimes.
You car-get Chose & Sonbourn’s Mocha and
Java Coffee at Pollard’s. oc22 tf
New Nuts, Raisins and Citron, at
oc22tf Pollard’*.
BcDutifMl Welding Present*
For sale at C. Schomburg’s. novt 3t
Notice to Nhippors.
The Steamer .Aid leaves Wednesday at 8 a m
for Florence. T. D Huff, Agent.
nov9 2t
Stafford’s Mango Pickles at
oct‘22tf Pollard's.
The Very Best
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $1 a dozen.
Cabinet Photograph*, £1 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $1 a dozen.
Cabinet Photographs, $4 a dozen.
dweow Alpha A. Williams, j
• Fresh lot El Triunfo Cigars just received. !
1 dtf A dam 3 & Bowcus.
Watch Raking.
J. H.; Urarahall, Practical Watchmaker and
l Jeweler, makes a specialty ot repairing fine
And complicated watches that have been in
jured by accident or otherwise, at moderate
charge. dtf
Atterneynt-Law, Columbus, Gai.
Prompt attention given to all business. Office
over R. S. Crane. sep4 dly
The Very Beat
Card Photographs, $1.50 a dozen.
Card Photographs, $1.54 a dozeu.
Card Photographs, $1.50 a dozen.
Card Photographs, $1.50 a dozen.
Card Photographs, $1.50 a dozen.
Card Photographs, 1.50 a dozen.
dweow Alpha A. William*.
Have you tried the Frank Siddtil Soap? Try
B. T. Babbitt's Best Potash at Crane’s.
Decorated Glass Ware. Large stock of Burmese
and Peach Blow Glass Ware just received.
dot L. L. Cow per y A Co.
Oat Meal, Yankee Beans, and English Peas
nd Evaporated Apples at R. Justice’s, Agent
. dtf.
Read Reflect and Buy.
As winter approaches it finds the Central Drug
Store, No. 1302, with a complete line of pure
Drugs purchased during the past sixty day*. A
frill stock of Bristle Goods has arrived, to which
is being added, every few days, selections froro
the best manufactories.
This week we wiU receive a large assortment c f
Cut Glass Bottles, which will excel in beauty ct
design and perfection of workmanship any ever
offered in Columbus. Numerous shapes and
sizes of covering bottles with cut glass stopper*
are now being sold at astoni hingly low figure*.
We offer imported Dutch Double Hyacinth Bulb*
at $1.25 per dozen, Tulips 56c per dozen, and Cro
cus at 15c per dozon. A few Lillies left will be
sold cheap.
Our upper store is in charge of Mr. T. M. Oliver,
a competent pharmacist, and carries a full line of
the same class of goods at tlic Central. We take
pleasure in showing our goo is. aud always glad
to give our customers an opportunity to compare
prices with those received elsewhere. Spec al at
tention given to our Preicription Department by
competent, careful dad experienced prcscription-
istoat No. 1302 Broad street and Central Drug
Store. Evans A Howard.
Fancy New York Pippin Apples at $3 25 barrel.
dtf Adams & Bowses*