Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, November 13, 1886, Image 6

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DAILY ENQUIRER-SUE: COLUMBUS. GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13, 1886. FEATS OF GREAT EATERS. ■mm »f Ttna n..ria»n<ti< and Other* ■rrrlj (irrat Ulultona. OhicaRo Tribune. Lady Macbeth tells us that “to feed were best at homo," and Jack FalstafT avers that, should lie crow Croat, he will live cleanly, as a nobleman should. It Is alto gether probable that there nre no joys superior to those: of the table, and the manv private and public dinners and sup- pcrs’one is obliged to consume in the course of a year, especially if he is in an official position, would seem to give color to the statement. An old writer says there are five kind of eaters : 1. There is your dull man, who seems to eat merelv from habit , mainly because lus parents did so before him anil he expects his children will follow his example. 2. Your impatient, fidgety being, who is all activity and who falls to at once on the dish thnt happens to he before him. 3. Your careless cuter, without educa tion, who considers so much time as lost that is past at table, puts all dishes on the same level, and hardly knows the differ ence between the breast und the drum stick. 4. Next conies your ravenous animal who thinks only of quantity, takes every thing that conies in his way, as if anxious to show tbe capacity of his stomach. 6. Lastly come the professors, men of taste, who east a practiced eye over the table before they eat, use judgment in the choice of such dishes as suit their habits, and eat sparingly of each, that their palate may be gently excited by variety. It was with the fourth variety that this article will have to do. Fine feeders they may be termed by courtesy, but in reality gluttons. Elizabeth Charlotte, the dnohesse of Or leanes, writing under date of De ember 5, 1718, says: “The late king, Monsieur the Dauphin, and the Due de Ttcrri were enor mous eaters. I have, often seen the king eat four plates of different kinds of soup, a Whole pheasant, a partridge, a dish of salad, I wo thick slices of ham, mutton, flavored with garlic, n plateful of pastry, and finish his repast wit h fruit and hkril- boilyd eggs," Not. bad that, but.not quite so bAcj as Hercules, who, It was said, would at a meal oat up the grilled carcass of a cow. But such' a meal, perhaps, was.need ed by a man, or n god, wh? cleaned'tl.e Augean stables, and. Milo was'good for a whole ox. There was a Hir'd oltj (lermarnffom Wit- temberg, where m,v Lordilatplct atfcnded the university, who had a fine faculty fov ; storing away provender.' liis-ease is well attested. For a wager' no would eat a whole sheep, or a whole pig, or put out o( sight a bushel of cherries, stones and all. He lived until lie was about 80 years of age, a great portion of the time support ing himself by exhibiting (lie peculiarity of his appetite, which, to say the least, roust have been a very eccentric one. Thus, lie would chew glass, earthenware anil flint into small fragments. 11 • had an especial preference for caterpillars, mice and birds, and, when these were not pro curable, lie would content himself with mineral kubstances. Once lie put down his “maw and gulf” a pen, the ink, and the sand pounce, and he would have got) bled the inkstand, too, lind he not licet, restrained. Taylor, the water poet, tells id Nicholas Wood, of the count y of Kent, in England who was a tolerably good trencherman On one occasion lie got away with a whole sheep; at another time with several rabbits; at a third with three dosnn pigeons—well grown pigeons, not squabs: again with eighteen yards of black pudding it!link o that, Master Brook),.and oil two other oc casions sixty pounds of cherries and thru, peeks of damsons. And, Taylor goes on t say: “Two loynes of mutton and oneloynt of-veal wore but ns three sprats to him Once, at Sir Warhnm St. Legi r's h:msj, h showed himself so violent of teeth and stomach that he ate ns much as would have served thirty men, so that Ills belly was like to turn bankrupt and break, but that the serving man turned him to the lire and anuointed his pauiicl. with grease and butter to make it stretch and hold, and afierwaril, being laid in bed, he slept eight hours, and rusted all tin while, which, when the knight undei- stood, he commanded him to bo lain ti the stocks, and there to endure as long a ( he had lain bedrid with eating." Tin most, wonderful part of all tiiis is tha' Wood should sleep for i ight. hours and la. t all the while, lie should have carried on: his true character by still eating while h slumbered. Women needing renewed slivngLh o who stiller from nervous weakness, wit 1 find nothing to help them like Moxi Nerve Food. It is certainly a great invig orator, and will restore a shattered ner\- ous system to a healthl'ul and natural con dition in a few days. The physicians say it is the best nerve food vet. discovered. Sons „t the Oat tinn. “A charge to keep 1 have,” was the soil), of the old gun that no one knew was load ed.—New Orleans Picayune. “lumiii ns Tti.viN." Why sutler Piles? Immediate relief am complete cure guaranteed. Ask foi “Rough on Piles.” Hu re cure for itching protruding, bleeding, or any form of Piles oOe. At Druggists or mailed. SKINNY MKN. Wells’ “Health Ronower” restores health und vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Nervous Debility, For Weak Men, Deli cate Women, ft. WELLS' IIAIK 1IAL8AH. If gray, restores to original color. An elegant dressing, softens and beautifies. No oil nor grease. A Tonic Restorative. Stops hair coming out; strengthens, cleanses, heals scalp. 50o. a&wtf In lluriuony with the People. Ex-Speaker Haines says he is glad he was defeated. For once the ex-speaker is on the popular side.—Chicago Nows. CLOSE WORK IN NEW JERSEY. A Sj mphoii) In Violet. At a young ladies’ luncheon party in Now York a scort composed of violets in three shades decorated the table. Russian v'iolels covered the gilds of the scarf, fringed with lilies of the valley. The pur- Jple, Mdj'ie Louise came next, and pale 'Neuiiofitails (icdtlpied the narrow centre ot design. ' . • r - — r 11 ' twelve. The republicans savthat a recount will disclose a tie, and the democrats assert their belief that the republicans have been tampering with the ballot boxes since election day. The petitions for the recount are not in regular form and the applica tion is held under advisement. A recount has been ordered in the second district of Mercer. Walter, demo crat, has the certificate of election of the hoard of canvassers. Jones, his re publican competitor, claims that on some of the ballots counted for Walter his name i was written above Walter's printed name, but the election officers did not count them i for the reason that the voters had neglect- | ed to scratch out the printed name. PATTHSnsoN, N. J., November 0.— Judge j Dixon to-night granted orders for a re-| count of the ballots in the second mid i third assembly districts, to lie made in the ! latter district on .Saturday next, and ;, i the j former district on the following Saturday. There is a tie in the third district, and the democrats will probably certiorari the matter to the supreme court, to test the question, whether a recount is authorized by law in such a ease. Mari' MaiU'jf far Year Work improve good opportunities. Hal- lott & Co., Portland, Maine, will mail free full information showing how you can make from $5 to $25 arid upwards a day and live at home wherever you are located. JJetter write; some hat'e mode ovot fflO'in a day; all now. No capital-required; started free. Both sexes; all ages. Suc cess for every worker. Send address and see for yourself. * oe28 d8m .111. (rearm: llrllinPM to Sfutc lit* l*r I ni-i pli-K IV11 li mit I’uy. . Mr. Henry George was asked by a Sun reporter the following: “You said in one oi your speeches, ‘the labor question, or, to give it another name, the land question, is iron) henceforward the vital issue of the present.’ ’Will you please state briefly for the Sun what you mean by ‘the land question,’ and also by what practical measure, legislative or otherwise, you propose to realize the idea?" Mr. George said: “I am pdrfuetly will ing to answer those questions fur tbe, Sun, but, to do so would bo equivalent to writ ing an article, and I want pay for It. 1 am no longer a candidate. I make my living by writing.” fdClnaCordial cun EH DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVER3, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. IT give* NEW 1 LIFE to tha TT ia Invigorat ing and De lightful to take, and of great value us a Medicine for weak and Ailln; V/oinen and Gliil dren. * . AufiKimi Most of flirttl.vtisfs\thit h r.flhrt numkiml are origin ally u.’iuitod bv a dis mlenyl comfitiou of ihn LIV £ R. for all compl lints of (his kind, tmcii ns Torpidity of thol.ivor, JJiliouHn<".n, Nervous Dyspepsia. Imligou* fi*>ii Irregularity of tho*Bo\volu Constipation Flutu- 'uncy, Eructations and Burning of tho Stoiu.’ih tH.niHttinoH ciiII.mJ Hmrfchiirn) Mi-isma, Malaria. Bloody Flux. Chills nno Fever. Bivakbone Fever Exhaustion bofnro or after Ft.veis, Chronic Dinr- rha^a. Loss of Appetite, lleudarhe, Foul Breath, Irregularities inci.liMitid to Families. Roaring-down STiffilGEB’S IURMT11 is invaluable It id not.a panacea for nil discaso-, but u'1 tihurtties of tlio LIVER, will i-'-J 6 TOM ACH and BOWELS It <buncos tne complexion from n waxy, yellow tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color, ft entirely remove* low. gloomy spirits. 1». is oue of the BEST AL TERATIVES and f-Ur.lFIF.RS OF THE BLOOD, and la A f ALUAbriS V QN 1C, STADICEF 3 ARRANT!! Fur side by all Druggists. Price $1.00 per bottlo C. F. ST ADIGE R, Proprietor, *40 SO. FRONT ST.. Phllndnlori'n. Pn- whole’ SYSTEM by Strengthening the Muscles, Ton ing the NERVES, and compIetelyDi- gesting the food. no h u y t f a 1 Minerals, is com posed cf carefully selected Vegeta ble M edlcines, combined skill fully, making a Safe and Pleasant Remedy. For mile by ah DrngsfaM an<| (Jroc you not kiM>p >01.1 Vi lOKKUi, Dottle will be Hunt, churg.-H iml-l. by 1 physicians,telling now to treat dis eases at HOME, mailed, together with a 8etof hand some cards by new Heliotype process, on receipt 0f lo c. «>r*. 8bnul1 the denier near omit $1.00, «u4 • ru.l not Volina Drug and Chemical Company, li.ii.Tr.miF. ■*"' r. h. a. M other’s r Friend Not only shortens the time* . of labor und lessens the i »•- tfii.-dty of pain, but it gre: l- ly diniifiishes the dunge»* to life of both mother nnd child und ieives the mother in a j condition highly favorable *tu speedy recovery ? and far lost liable to flooding, Con vulsion-. and other alarming symptoms incident to slow or painful labor. Us wonder ful efficacy in this respect entitles it to be called Tjih Mother's Fuikkd and to he ’ ranked as one of tbe life- saving remedies of the nine* # , teentli century. We cannot publish certifi cates concerning this re me- * dy without wounding the delicacy of I he writers. Yet we have hundreds on file. Send for our book, “To Mothers,” mailed free. ..UuAniTici.n ltEm;i.ATOit Co., AtlAhta. On. jy21 cod*w linn (2\ FOR SALE. Temperance Hall, two-story brick building, walls and timbers perfectly sound. Could be converted into a splendid warehouse at nominal expense. Quarter acre lot. Will sell for what the land is worth—thirty per cent below assessed I value. The Wilkcrson Residence, Third avenue, op posite Mr. Jno. Hill’s. The Harrison Dwelling and 40 acres, Beall- wood. Two-story Brick Store occupied by J. H. Gabriel & Co. Quarter acre lot north Jackson street. FOB iROEnSTT. Offices ami Sleeping Rooms over Singer Sew ing Machine Co’s office. L. H. CHAPPELL, ISrnhr, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. .it/ (Copy.) Chicago, April 21st, lfiftG. This is to certify, that the Illinois Trust ane Savings Bank has this day received from the Union Cigar Company ot Chicago, to be held as a Special Deposit, U. S. 4 °lo Coupon Bonds, as follows : No. 220*8 D. tsoo. % Market Value of which Is “ 4120* loo. I •* *1201* too. y $1012. •• essio mu. f *800. ) (S.) yas. S. Gilbs, Cash. , I Wc offer the above as a FORFEIT, if our “FANCY GBOUKU*’ docs not prove to be a genuine Havana-fdler Cigar.-Union Cigar Co. Catarrh ^LY’S 1 BSWS9 %yFEVEf{|| I ELY’S 'old in Head CATARRH. 1 AY FEVER. 11.fill Parties Seeklnjr Pontrol ot'tlie Next Legisla ture. New York Times. Tlie contest between the two parties for tile control of tho next New Jersey legisla ture promises to be exciting, and in every district in which there is the smallest ex cuse for action recounts of the vote will probably be ordered. These recounts are made by authority of a recent act of the legislature, and tbe certificate of the court b ised on them supersedes the certificate of the board of canvassers. In tho Essex county court yesterday J udi;e Depue granted an applL ation for a recount of the vote in the second and sixth assem bly districts of that county. In the second district, Peck, republican, has a narrow majority over Denny, the democratic and labor candidate. Denny alleges that pro hibition votes were tallied for Peck. In the sixth district, E. W. Crane was declared elected over Gen. Ward. The latter alleges error in the count, nnd his application for a recount was granted, In tbe second Cumberland district, Haw kins, republican, has a declared majority of two. The democratic candidate thinks that this may be destroyed by a recount, and one has been ordered. Similar action has been taken In the first Burlington dis trict, where Hutchinson, republican, lias been declared elected. Blu r, the demo crat ic candidate, claims that many of the ballots counted for Burr were second as sembly district ballot!;. An application I has been made for a recount m Salem, I where Newell, democrat, has a majority of ota Liquid, Snuff o il.SJ.I owiler. Free (Voi HAY-fever :& 6 0& an A particle is applied into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 60 cents at Druggists; by mail, registered 50 cts. Circulars free. ELY BROS., Druggists Owego. N. Y. aug3 eodAwtf unn Printing. Book-Binding AND Paper Boxes OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT LOWEST PRICES Coinliincil with It rent Rt’l'raotin? Power, They »#•<» :*s Tr«nsjuitrerii un<l Col«r- lows ns fliiKlit Itself', And for softnibs of endurance to the eye cannot be excelled, enabling the wearer to read for hour* without fatigue. I n fact, they a* c Perfect Sir/ht- Preservers. TestWmmiuH. from the leading physicians in the Unit- ii St lies, governors, senators, legis lators, sioclriuen. men of note in all professions and in diderent branches of trade, hunkers, me- chanics, etc., am be given, who have had their sight improved by their use. ALL EYBfl FITTED AND THK FIT GUARANTEED BY BRANNON & CARSON, Druggists, Columbus, Georgia. -SEDGWICK*- STEEL WIRE FENCE W Is tho host general purpose wire fenee In use. It 'a strong net-warU without hurl>«. Don’t ujure stock. It will turn dogs, pigs, sheep and noultry, ns well as horses and cattle. The besl '•nee for Farms, Gardens, Stock Ranges ami Rail mads. Very neat, pretty styles for Lawns, Darks •(•bool-lots and Cemeteries. Covered with rust roof paint, or made of galvanized wire, ns pre •rred. It will last a life-time. It is better limn imnls or barbed wire in every respect. The mdtfwie.k Bates made of wrought-!ron pipe and teel wire, defy all competition in lightness, neat- icss, strength and durability. We make the best •heapest and easiest working nil-iron nuiomatit EDCWICK BROS.. Richmond, Ind \ LARUI0 STOCK of all kinds of I’APFR, i' eluding Letter, Packet and Note Heads, Bi Heads, maiements, always on hand. Also E» velopes. Cards, Aic., printed at short netic* Paper Boxes of anv size or description cot ket ti stock made at short notice. Til ON. OIV.BKKT, tf 42 Randolph Street, opposite Post Office D PAFMFQQ I Ils causes, and a new C-Hr lx LOO . and successful DU UK re your own home, by one who was deal twenty-eight years. Treated by the mos noted specialists without benefit. Cured himsel in three months, and since then hundreds b others. Full particulars sent on application. T. S. PAGE, No. 41 West 31st St., New York City oc28 tu th sat«Si\v6m _ _.. costly goods which will help all, of either sex, to make more money tight away than anything else i this world. Fortunes await the workers abso lutely sure. Terms mailed free. True & Co. AuvustA. Main* OPIUM id \\ hiskey llnl>- - cured at home with- it pain. Book of pur- tieuiars sent FKEL. attt-Si WhlieUull Street C» has taken the teai tft >c sales of ‘hat class of .jrnedies, .and has circa almost universal "'.usf4> W MURPHY BRDSm Paus.TG* ©haswon the lavor ■ the public and now ran among the leading Me :» of the oildcm. A. L. SMITH. Bradford, P. Sold by D.-iiggisw. Price .fil-00. ALL kho?4TlCR Ar.VtRTUiic IN ONI VOLUME. r, *“ ws . • lii.i ,.\l'.....‘ot.liawsitltlv'shi f • >.•, i. -t t-\ tm::» to this. Live . ' u* a;t- . '.I 'fti;.'. >ra,iu -i'. Ro n:o • >;i .oy ... k " . v’.cra.Ilkbtit.U'dv* ’cr “! •' A^:. :V5 . AiJTEO. Ix-w prat .1 n -cl CA.M.m:::..-cu..liux i-’ .Pai,.u • . >if FOR SALE M Y place on Talbotton road, about two mile* from city,on line ot Georgia Midland. Ha.- i new Uvc room House, all necessary out-house . in excellent repair; splendid spring. The plact contains 102’.. acres, about 25. acres of which art heavily wooded. TIEIRvINdlS EASY. Fot particulars apply to me on the place, o to T. M. Foley, opera house. r*c12t« ° P tfPRfNOFR Notice to Debtors and Creditors GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY. All parties having claims against Thos. D Fortson, d teased, are hereby notified to present the same, duly authenticated, to me. within tin time prescribed by law; and all parties indebtec to said Thos. D. Fortson are required to main immediate payment to me. T. W. FORTSON, octi oawtiwl Administrator Our IJ L05IA 10*c. Cigry is strlfctly Hand . made. Elegant quality. Superior worlcmanhip. Sold by ail Crooers.- U A'IoiV CIGAR COMPANY, ?5 N. Clintbu St., - CHICAGO, lie tail by D. lilJiNT, Columbus, Go. ie24 div AT THEIR & CO, l New Stand OUR MAGNIFICENT STOCK —OF— Fall Millinery Now on Exhibition. All the novelties in Felts, Astrakhan and Plush Hafs can be found at our store. .We are displaying the mosi elegant line ol Fancy Feathers, Birds’ Wings, ele., ever shown in this market. Special bargains in Ostrich Tips and Plumes. 2o Dozen Misses’ and Chil dren's Trimmed School Hats at from 50 cents lip. Our Pattern Hats are now on" exhibition. ICO, COM Ml SS40N ERS’ SALE t-FOR PARTITION— Valuable . City Property. flBORGIA—MUSCOGEE COUNTY : Under VJ und by virtue of an order from the Superior Court of Muscogee County, passed at the May Term, 1886, thereof, the undersigned Commission ers, appointed by said Court, will sell in front of the Coart House of said county, iu the city of Co lumbus. on the first Tuesday in December next between the legal hours of Bale, at public outcry' to the highest bidder the following described city j roperty, all lying in the city of Columbus, county of Muscogee, btute of Georgia, to wit: The ground, with the improvements thereon formerly known ns the McKee Carriage Reposito ry and Shops, now occupied by John Disbrow & a livery stub e being known and distin guished in the plan of said city as lot number 226. bounded on he north by lot formerly owned by Garland B. Terry, on the south by lot formerly owned I y Jones, MoDougaL vu\d Cleghorn, on the east by lot number 225, and on the west by Firf-t avenue (formerly Oglethorpe street), on which said First avenue said ptoperty fronts.hav- ing a front of ninety-nine (0!)) feet, more or less and runs back with a depth of Qiie hundred and forty-seven feet and ten inch* s 047 feet 10 inches) more or less. . Ala-*, the following lots and parts of lots in said city oi Columbus, to-wit: All of * ity lots numbers 526 and 626, containign l> of an acre each, more or less; also, the north E arts of city lots numbers 623 and 624, said parts eingof the breadth of forty-nine feet three and one-third inchei (49 feet 3S inches) each, running through both of said lots the same width from Forsyth to McIntosh streets, being the north 1 hires of said lots numbers 523 and 624, the whole ot the aforesaid property bcingtne same property which was owned b> the late James M. Quinhy in hlK 1lfV> timp Tho fntiv lotu l.iut rlnuo^ho,! tJ„ _ C&EAftf IjAMlNg hm0 : M. Joseph's Old Siand. Infantile and Birth Humors Speedil) Cured by Cuticura. L' , OR Cleaiifeini; t)ia Skill nnd Sculp of Birtli * Humors, for allaying Itching, Burning and lidlammation, for curing the first symptoms o 1 Eczema, Psoriasis. Milk ’Crust, BcaHl Head. Scro ulaand other inheiitcd skir. and blood dis eoscf, C'uticura, the great Skin ' urc. and Cuti cura Soup, an exquisite Skin Bcuuiifier. exter- rariy, and « utiaira Resolvent, the new Blood P" ifirr, internally, aie infallible. AbsoJutcb pure. my «j,i>i:sT 4 ini,a>. Now six years of age, when an infant six months old, was attacked with a virulent, mali» nunt skin disease.. All ordinary remedies I'al ing, we called our family physician, who attempted to cure it but it sptcud with almost incredible • apidity, un t ; l the lower portion oft lie little fellow’s person, from the middl of his back down to his knees, was one solid rash, ugly, painful, blotched nnd malicious. We hud no vest at night, no peace by day. The physician did not know (hen, and docs not know now. what it was. Finally.we were ad vised to try Cutieuru Reined en. Without the knowledge of our physician. I procured a box of Cuticura • n* a cake of Cutit ura Soop. The < i ect WAS SIHFLY «AKYFikOi;S. U* ing the two togethi r,Jln-t washing him thor- oughiy with < uticura S an then anointing lrim with Cuticura, From the first application a change for the better appear d. The doctor said we had no further need of him, and c ased his visits. In three or four v eel s a c mr k’te cure was wrought leaving the little • el low’s person as white and healthy as though lie had n ver been attacked. In in* opinion,your valuable rcmcdiei- savedh s ’ife. end to-day he is a strong, hr aV.hy child, perfectly well, no repetition of thedheasc having« vc r occurrcd. Ye n art welcome lomakt any use of this you may detm h« t. GEO. B. SMITH. Att’y at Law and Ex Eros. Att’y, Ashland, Ohio Reference: J. G. Weist. Druggist, Ashland. O. ITTKT IC A B5 K.l! tl 2> ! B'S ! Arc sold everywhere. Price: Cuticura, 60 cents; I Cuticura Soap, :J5 cents; Cutiouka Rksolvknt. ; 81.00. Prepared by Pottur Druo and Chumicai Co., Boston. Send for “How to Cure Skin Diseases.” perfumed Skin Beautifler. his life time. The four lots last described lie in a cont guous body and are unimproved. For the purposes of this sale the four unim- K roved lots and parts of jots.last above described. ave been subdivide* into eight equal lots, com mencing on Fifteenth strt et (formerly Lee street), and numbered as follows, to-wit: 1,2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, . each of said lots being ot a breadth of 49 feet 01 t inches, nnd running back with a depth of 147 feet 10 inches. Lots numbers 1, 3, 6 and 7 in the above subdivision are situated on the east side of Fourth avenue (formerly Forsyth st eet>, each lot fronting on said Fourth avenue forty nine feet thiee and one third inches (49 feet 3S inches),and runniug back cast i47 feet 10 inches. Lots numbers 2.4, 6 and 8 in said fubdivision nrebituatyd to the west side of Fifth avenue (formerly McIntosh street), each of said lots fronting on said Fifth avenue 49 feet 3S inches unrl running back u i st 147 feet 10 inches. Tei ins—Cash on day of sale. Possession given on payment of purchase money. D. A. ANDREWS, TOL Y. OR AW FORD, JAS. G. MOON, nova dim Commissioners. J.C. REEDY, Real Estate Agent, SO. 22. St:XT HOOK TO POST OKFICK, OOLUM- lies, MA. FOIl SALE. $1150. l 4 acre lot, five room House, all complete, on upper Second avenue. 550 One vacant lot on 1th avenue, between 8th and 9tli .streets. 22 0. L acre lot, six room l ouse and other homes, all new, on lower Broad. 2750. 5 room house, two servant houses. 250 One vacant lot fronting park. 1800. 1 1 acre ot, G roc m house and store house- 400. 1 1 acre lot on 3d avenue, between 6th and 6th streets. anno Small farm two milts east, of city, loco 10 acres lund, 5 ^oom house, 3 mi-es east of city. 1200 20 acres land, fi room house, good fence, two miles noithof city. 1 have, also, oilier cit> property, which I will show you, and several small farms in Geo gia ami Alabama. Cal and see me before you fnake any arrangements, a* I mean business. cr. o. k,e:]eidy, Real Estate Agent, No.22 12th St dtf " PLANTATION FOR SALE. ~ I OFFER my plantation in Crenshaw county for sale, containing 5‘20 acres, with 2.50 acres under good fence. Good frame dwelling house with seven rooms, new framed kitchen unjoining, and good servants’ house in the yairl; also plenty of good tenants’ houses and nil necessary oulhuild- tnps. My place is situated two miles south of New Providence, on Conecuh river, alto on the line of the Montgomery and Florida railroad which is being rapidly built. Convenient to three churches, Primitive Baptist. Missionary Baptist and Methodist. A good school conve nient all the time. To ere are thiee good wells of water and several good springs outlie plantation, good cattle nnd hog range, and facilities for hunting and fishing pood. I will sell cheaper than any one and give thee payments, one-third cash, one-third in twelve mouths and one-third in two years with 8 percent interest on last pay ment. My reason for wishing to sell is on account of being too old to attend to a fmm of Urs «ize. W. P. MOUNT. New Providence, Ala., Oct. 15, 18S6. oct24se4t MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared with strict regard to Purity, Strength, and ilealthfulness. Dr. Price’s Baking Powder contains no Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Dr. Price’s Extracts, Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, etc., llavor deliciously. fRIC£ BAKING POWDER CO., Chicago and St. Louis. rHE DINGEE & CONARD CO’S BEAUTIFUL EVEU-BLOOMIN© HOSE The orly ertnblle’iment maklrg n SP£F|m BUSINESS of ROSES. GO L<*ROE for ROSES a'o"*-*. STn U «-Por n lt.d.'D 1 lniiiu‘diatebloo , 'idelivt r tlnafeb 1 " tu; i.iiy 1 r office, spulemlltlvar eHr-i. v''" cho oe, • !1 •'••• for Sis I« f;.r 82: 1 a f- r S~; P * 1 or -4: 35 for ??;■ 75for61 3: lOOt r6l' % : V/oO!7fc-r« ipv»r*8t>- Present of choice mill <* vdth e*-»;y ^ Our •* • • djmc&’E *•** •. Something Worth Havin Cf. <-«r Now Seed < for IHS7. The n y Dalai uiu published illustrating everything •1 Darden. Ikc’d und Flower beeds. New Seed 4 , Tew NV.i e 1 d.v«**.v ih #il^ You. Uead% r F;. v E d siributhm early in December eue you 1 uilt I ress ^ O '.V. \ V. f B ?.U N PS Jj 4>., NcMim.m.vri sy« :i tv.l \ Front St., mis lOf> .t re ft .M.. IMsil ui •Byih<n. MCJV8 weow Gt W ~?e<lingprotUattleemploy. meut to represent us i a cn cry county. Salary Hj .oiuoutfily & expenses, or ulartre conunlHS- ion on sul» s i ( preferred. Goods staple, buys. Outfit ami particulars Freo. i 1 ANI)AltJj SILVER WARE CO., Boston. Muss, novl iv iv M ANHOODtS^/oTOAprta^ cuuiliig Prumaturu Pucuy, Norvous UebllUv, Lost Muniiootl, etc , Imvlntr tried in vuln every known remedy. Iuih discovered u rimnlo sPlf-cure, which ho will Hem! PR66 to hl« fellow sufTerers. Addresn, C. J. MASON, I. O. Box 317®, New’ York City. oc28 eod&wly P.'f AND .IX.'ENSES PAID »e«;ntnin. l,u»h yrcforrco 1 ‘ t 1 Mtuuiucuirorsi! ,-ttt . c uiumuuti,O. THE PATENT MICE & OUST PRQQr TYLER DESK Bookcasos.Tablcs, Olfia Chairs, Letter Presses. Fine Cabinets, &c. TYLER DESK CO, 'A' N. Fourth st., S r. Louifr bead 4v Lai 1J u>, Culi'.iogi* Souls Redd 4 Co RHEUMATIC PAINS. Neuralgic, Sciatic. Sudden, Sharp and UN / A Nervous Pains and Strains’relicvcd in / V»\ one minute by the Cuticura Anti-Pain / Plaster. Warranted. At all druggi-t**. ?-* coritp; five for 81. Potter Diug and Chemical Company, Boston, Mass. ITCHING Skin Diseases Instantly Re lieved by Cuticura. r ITREATMEhiT - A warm bath with CUTIC-URA U SOAP, a single application of CUTIuURA, the great Skin Cure. This repe ated daily, with two or three doses oi CUTICURA RESOLVENT, the New Blood Purifier, to keep the blood cool, the perspiration pure and unirritating the bow els open, the liver and kidneys active, will speed ily cure Eczema, Tetter, Ringworm. Psoriasis, Lichen, Pruritus, Scald-Head. Dandiuli anti every species of Itching. Seaty and Pimply Hu mors of the Scalp and Skin, when the best physi cians and remedies fail. ECZEMA ON A CHILD. Your most valuable CUTICURA REMEDIES have done my child so much good that I feel like saying this for the benefit of those who are trou bled with skin diseases. My little girl was trou bled with Eczema, and 1 tried several doctors and medicines, but did not do her any good until I used the * CUTICURA REMEDIES, which speedily cured her, for which 1 owe you many thanks and many nights of rest. ANTON BOSSMIER, Edinburgh, Ind. TETTER OF THE M'AIJ*. 1 was a’most perfectly bald, caused by Teller of the i op of the scalp. I used jour CUTICURA REMEDIES about six weeks, and they cured my scalp perfectly, and now my liair is coming back as thick a - it ever was. J. P. CHOICE, Wliitesboro,Tex. COVERED WITH ZSLOT4 IIEB. I want to tell you that your CUTICURA RE SOLVENT is magnificent. About three months ago my face was covered with Blotches, and af ter using three bottles oi RESOLVENT I was perfectly cun d. t- REDER1CK MAITLR, 23 st. Charles St., New Orleans, La. OF PIUCEEES.S VALVE. I cannot speak in too high terms of your CUTI CURA. It is worth its weight in pure gold for skin diseases. I believe it has no equal. W. W NORTHRUP, 1016 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. Sold everywhere. Price: Cuticuha, 50c: Cu- ticura Soap, 25c; Cuticura Absolvent 81.00. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Co.. Boston, Mass. Send for ‘How to Cu e Skin Diseases.” I>TT\f PLES, B’ackheads. Skin Blemishes and 1 liu Baby Hum. r,. use CUTICURA SOAP. bbittwith; p aiit Brokers & Real Estate Agents. $3700 for a 5 room House; hot and cold water, out-buildings, etc. $',000 for Gen. French’s Wynn ton Residence. $3>)00 for Mr. Jos. Pou’s Wynnton Residence. $5000 for Mr. Thomas’s six Houses in Browneville- $3200 for Mr O. C Bullock’s desirable Residence. $3000 for Mr. II. A. Gibson’s place, Summerville- 86250 for an elegant Wynnton Residence. Other city property. S3000, 82100. $7000. $800,8400, $37f!0. Several Dwellings and Stores for rent. Bonds and Stocks bought und sold. ocl7 ly G 131 E3“W RUDOLPH FINZER’S STARLIGHT CAPITAL PRIZE m A T\ At VVIioIpmuIp by LOUIS BUHLER & Co„ QOILATIMI-BTTS, C3--A.- je5 eodfim ! Money! A DVANCED*on Cotton Receipts, Stocks ancl Bonds and City Real Estate. JOHN BLACKMAR, Telephone No. 51. Columbus, Ga. sc wed fri tt BUILDING LOT $150, Payable $10 a Month. Due to Inflamed Kidneys, Weak Back fleved 0 *ia om^'mim/ie “bv file 6 CUT? ’ ^ on extension of Third avenue. Good CURA Anti-Pain Plaster' NeverthU m SiL,? uy th,s lot “““if.'.W Al Dr.i oKtc t);.ri|e • Kuo fnr «i 1 aNO. JOHN ULAl.Km AK- Drug and C'lieiui.CttlCQ^ Boston'. i w w , d fri tf^ Cal Estftte A *» r ent, Columbus, Ga.