Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, November 13, 1886, Image 7

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1 DAILY ENQUIRER • SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORMNG. NOVEMBER 18, 1 m. A LEVEL-HEADED CLERGYMAN. HU Sensible Advnosc) of Sunday Newspaper* slid the (lend Thoy Annmpllsli, Hartford, November 9.—The Bundnv World received gratuitious advertising at the afternoon session oftheCongregationul general oonferenoe to-day, the discussion on Sunday trains and newspapers lasting until 0 o’clock. A resolution was intro duced denouncing Sunday papers and ad vising ministers and members of churches to bear testimony against them by refus ing to buy them. Rev. Mr. Park,'of Bir mingham, threw a bombshell into the camp by advocuting Sunday papers, mak ins » strong plea in their lavor. He said that it was a settled fact that they hud come to stay. The resolution was too sweeping and discriminating. Some Sun day papers were good, while others he would not have in his house on any day. He had investigated the matter and pub lishers had informed him that clerical bo- - cotts helped them. “Sunday newspapers,” said he, “are the same as the Monday papers, only more of it. The New York World on Monday will give you eight pages, while on Sunday yon get twenty-eight. It is of the same intel lectual and moral character as on week days. Resolutions of abuse by religious bodies are of no use, as it is impossible to stop these great engines of public good.” He believed in using them for the good of the public rather than to widen the chasm between the clergy and press. After fur ther discussion the resolution was recom mitted to be reported in a modified form. Several delegates confessed to being regu lar patrons of Sunday papers. A TIJIKI Y RESCUE From a Mont Fearful Death. The Wilmington (Del.) Morning News of September 8th, 1886, gives the following histo y of a prominent business man’s plucky fight and terrible, experience with that much-dreaded and always to be feared disease, cancer: Some five years ago a barber accidentally cut my lower lip while shaving me. The S ain was very slight, and for some time ardly gave it a passing thought. Finally it assumed the condition of a wart, which refused to heal entirely with all my efforts in that direction. I went to one of the leading physicians in Philadelphia, who treated me three months f.r cancer, and sent me home cured, as he said. But I was apprehensive. 1 was told by a promi nent physician of Wilmington that I would surely die of cancer. About that time I heard of the wonderful cures effected by Swift’s Specific, known as S. 8. S. I was suffering with perfect nervous pi ostration. After I had given S. S. S. a fair trial this all disappeared, and I felt like myself again. I continued to take the Swift’s Specific medicine regularly for several months,and before I could realize how it came about, I was a new man again. In fact I was cured —never felt better in my life, and from that time up to the present I have never felt the least evidence of a return of my old trouble. The cancer disappeared over a year ago, but I refrained from making the cure public before this, as I wished to be certain that I was .urea. My condition is perfectly normal; I have none of those annoying symptoms which foil wed e ery other treatment ured. I honestly believe that I-have been cured of one of the worst afflictions that can be visited upon the human family, and by the medicine known as S. S. S. I do not wish my name to ap pear in this connection, for business reasons only, bu you are at liberty to give my name and address to any fellow-suf ferer, or anyone interested in the cause of humanity. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, At lanta, Ga. Two ID'Hnoiis. #ne (food, One llnd. There are two comprehensible reasons for Mr. Cleveland’s refusing to be a LL. D. One is that the last president who became LL. D. of Harvard was Mr. Hayes, of Ohio, and for another may be assumed a humor ous wish on the president’s part to exempt himself from being called Dr. Cleveland by the New York Sun.—Rochester Union and Advertiser. Advice to Mothers.—Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrdp should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It re lieves the little sufferer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as “bright as a button.” It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regu lates the bowels and is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twenty- five cents a bottle. jel7 d&wly An Editor Among the Women. Why is it that a woman always takes a joke seriously and yet is fain to giggle at a remark intended by the speaker in sober earnestness.—Lowell Courier. MELLIN’S FOOD, the only perfect sub stitute for mothers’ milk, is recommended by our most prominent physicians as the best and safest food for infants. It con tains no farinaceous matter, which so often produces disorders of the stomach. novlO tu th sat&wlm mayoralty contest for many years, because tile next mayor will enforce the provi« l°n? of the new municipal charter. He will have the appointing of the heads of a I Jin'ini 1- newly created department!, i I he name mentioned in connection with the labor nomination is that of F. A. Her ! wig, who was the labor candidate for con , gress against Harmer in the fifth district. [ He polled 4100 votes, and his success has set the workingmen to thinking. The Henry George Chib has been formed ns a nucleus for bringing the labor element to gether as a factor in political affairs, ami the test of their strength is to be made at tii j poilrt in February, NmmiM. Dchilhutnl Mon. You are allowed a freo trial of thirty days of the uso of Dr. Dye’s Celebrated voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Ap* pliances, for the speedy relief and perma nent cure of Nervous Debility loss of Vital ity and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred. Illus trated pamphlet, with full information, terms, etc., mailed free by addressing Vol taic Belt Co., Marshall, Alich. deel7 tu,th,sat,scswly ■Ilanding with Terms. Jarrett says that he was representing the tin people instead of the iron and steel people in Bill Morrison’s district. This is just like saying he was representing a duck egg instead of a goose egg.—Galveston News. Free Trade. The reduction of internal revenue and the taking oft'of revenue stamps from Pro prietary Medicines, no doubt has largely benefited the consumers,as well as relieving the burden of home manufacturers. Es pecially is this the case with Green’s Au gust Flower and Boschee’s German Syrup, as the reduction of thirty-six cents per dozen, has been added to increase the size of the bottles containing these remedies, thereby giving one-fifth more medicine in the 76 cents size. The August Flower for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and the German Syrup for Cough and Lung trou bles, have perhaps, the largest sale of any medicines in the world. The advantage of increased size of the bottles will be greatly appreciated by the sick and afflicted, in every town and village in civilized coun tries. Sample bottles for 10 cents remain the same size oef12 d&wly — ^ ~ Malaria. Twenty-five hundred dozen bottles of Ague Conqueror ordered in one month. It positively eradicates all Malaria, Fever and Ague, Bilious and Intermittent Fevers in any climate. Read our book of 1000 testimonials. Due West, S. C., March 12, 1883.—G. G. Green, Dear Sir—We will soon need more Ague Conqueror. It is taking like “hot cakes” and giving satisfaction. Yours, Ellis Bros. Fairfield, Mo., August 29, 1886.—G. G. Green, Dear Sir—Your Ague Conqueror knocks the Chills and Dumb Ague every time. I warrant every bottle and it never fails. I have cured cases where quinine had no effect whatever. actl2 d&wlv Yours truly, W. H. Shaw a Co. Sunil*) In the fit) of Mexico. Two big bull fights, one at Tlalnepantla and the other at Toluca, it is feared will depopulate the city to-day.—Two Repub lics. "SHADELAND”S,vI PURE BRED LIVE STOCK ABLISHMENT in the WORLD. New Imports, tlon* constant)/ arriving. Rare Individual excellence and choice Breeding. ;s. risiti iitiuu.v, piim.uAN or FRENCH DRAFT HORSES. ENGLISH DRAFT HORSES, TROTTING.Bit ED ROADSTERS, CLEVELAND BAYS and FRENCH COACHER8, ICELAND amt SHETLAND FCNIES, H0LSTKIN-FHIK8IAN and DEVON CATTLE, Our customers have the advantage of onr nan) yearn expert ” ‘ importing; Superior I ricty and Immense I No other establishment In the world offers such advantages to the purchaser. .PRICES LOW I TERMS EASY! Vis- Itors welcome. Correspondence solle* Red. Circulars Free, Mention this page* POWELL BROS., spiwboro. Crawford Co-F* A Daring Democrat. Colonel Morrison assigns so many good reasons to account for his defeat that we begin to wonder how he ever dared to run at all.—Boston Globe. Coughs and Colds. Those who are suffer ing from Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, etc., should try Brown’s Bronchial Troches. Sold only in boxes. th sat se tu&w A Brai l' of Compensations. Bourke Cockran and the glorious Cox in the fiftieth congress will compensate for j many losses.—Omaha Herald. Laughter I,ends u New Charm To beauty when it discloses a pretty set of teeth. Whiteness, when nature has sup- , plied this element of loveliness, may be retained through life by using fragrant SOZODONT. ' sat se tu tb&w The Best fill'd. Democratic congressmen may euchre , their opponents after all. With Sunset I Cox they have the joker.—Philadelphia North American. A MONT LIBERAL OFFER. The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on thirty days’ trial to any' man afflicted with Nerv ous Debility, Loss of Vitality, -lanhood, &c. Illustrated pamphlet in sealed en velope with full particulars, mailed free. Write them at once. Lfcwtf PHILADELPHIA LABOR VOTE. Electric Belt Fret To introduce it and obtain omenta we will for the nexl sixty days give away, freo of charge, in oach count) in the u. S. a limited number of our (wermnii Electro Galvanic Suapcnaory licit**, Price $5 a positive and unfailing cure for Nervous Debility Varicocele, Emissions, Impoteuey &c. 8500.00 Reward paid if every Belt we manufacture) does not generate a trenuine electriccurrent. Address at oneo ELECTRIC BELT AGENCY. P.O.Box 178 Brm.klvn N v $1000 REWARD^ THE WSH For any machine hulliug and r> Cleaning fit for market a* much Clover Seed in ON IS DAY ** as the VICTOR DOUBLE HULLER. ~ tinted circa- twot ital It™. if, llug«'r»towo-0<l je21 wl2w aON ■iiff r,r. Duffy’s Pure Malt ,jskey and Duffy^s Formula. 8 For full — IIIII|lllmi. B*ii.n-nrusit, o„ m mu so. larm. Thf r>K/ru .1 Inn Wnukru IMImmre. Mil. M.v Drill- -Ir- Ymlr l>ull, V I'uu.'Mali Wl.ln- 111 P’ truUhtc (thotl.'hl to OP fill ii.ici’). She w.o* iiridN' 11 lmr Inst 111 poun«l ■» wlii’ii \our Wluskev. mm to-«lnv •n In Us. firm hlim, wi’iuli- IK’IIIR USlllil ' r T.eiir ve I and t!it> Jon »‘">k In pri’M’ii.u ike Dull iiiia mid o'her In 1 i i . n mu your eve liln t-IrlmiN. | x|)„ii | rui K . p Dm\ l n.uOv •»a \ i’(l ni ' all in\ iill.r- fire. Prop hxeeMoi-8 !•: I- UA1UJI N<i}• It, 1'rlliliuir Works. •Brooklyn, \. Y • I’i mhi lie M i o| \.. tlul Di.llvV l*o -I If-.n ’< elilliiiml lolrnl,.’ • nmn nil o\ hum env.ii 63 N To the !'".!){/ Mult liTi/vIr// < 'uin/i Inly ilu m. (I. Con volt. \vr... Baunmoiu*. Mu, must die will. Cornsu.. . him certnlnlv beiielUird me w:-v mueli. so nick and weak it'iitilt> <«r t • • h -i.i ; min irivo mo the M.tlt Whiskm. M\ il when l begun lo Improve, 1 must hike ft Mire times ii flny in the same qu.m nr uul 1 *}i»\ Vh'C It while I cun pat 11. I hope Hint thus who Puller may henr ot II nntl he hem’lliioil a I have been. Miib. ANNIE M. GRIMES. a? .Vru A vie* PUt«bura% Pa. Dear Slrs-1 would very thiinkfully any in he- stored. At the time or Utkina It flint he'was depressed In energy ami spirtis, cbarnctc* tstic ol ilmt dread dlseuse, but now he 1ms Ruined so much In weight, strength and general vigor he is actively attending to bu«inoB9. .JOHN H. I1ULT9. THE DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO.. Baltimouk, mb. *7*ovn Wripkrt ir Sold Only in Botri.KR, Nrvkr in Bulk. OLD n CATARRH CURE PILE OINTMENT Of Druggists or by Mail. 215 Cti. OLD SAUL CO , BALTIMOUK, HD. L Columbus, Ga., September 19, 188®. O N and after this date Passenger Trains will run as follows. Tains * daily; t daily ex cept Sunday. The standard time by which these Trains run is the same as Columbus citi r tiipe. t 8 50pm Leave Columbus.. Arrive Macon “ Atlanta * 12 00 m * 4 38 p in * 9 35 pm Eufaula Albany |* 11 10 p m Millen ’* 3 00am Augusta .....j* 6 15am Savannah I* 5 55am 5 40 a m 1 35 p m 7 23 p m 3 58 p m 2 45 p m 1 13 p m 3 45 p m 4 07 p m Passengers for Sylvania, Sanderville, Wrights- ville, Milledgeville and Eatonton, Thomaston, Carrollton. Perry, Fort Gaines, Talbotton, Buena Vista, B akely and Clayton should take 8 50 p m train. Leave Macon “ Atlanta “ Montgomery.. “ Eufaula “ Albany “ Millrn “ Augusta “ Savannah Arrive Columbus 8 30pm 3 10pm 7 40 a m 10 55 a m 1200 m 1200 m 1 9 30 a m 1 8 40am : 5 20 a in Sleeping Cars on all night trains between Co lumbus and Macon, Macon and Savannah, Ma con and Atlanta, Savannah and Macon, and Sa vannah and Atlanta. Tickets for all points and Sleeping Car Berths on sale at Depot Ticket Office G. A. WHITEHEAD, Gen’l Pass. Agent. C. W. MEYER, Ticket Agent. augl tf \ Henry George Clul) Intends to Noiii Candidate for Mayor. Philadelphia. November 10.— The Henry George idea is spreading. 1 here are about 70,000 workingmen in this city, who divide their votes between the repub lican and democratic parties. If they should combine their forces they could carry the city. Some of them organized a Henry George club. So far the leaders in the movement have been at work secretly and have beeu feeling their way. It is an nounced this afternoon that they intend to place a candidate of their own in nomina tion for mayor. . . The election for mayor will be held in February, and will be the most important PENNYROYAL PILLS “CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH.” The Original anil Only Gi'uuiiir. C.f.. , n dttlwnv- Iti-lin': ■ n.-warco: wnrlllJr.. Tmlt.ll'm*. I... i i - j.i-i.-nbli-' tu LADIES. A-l. ■-•ir ”'•"11a) “ f“! mail; Wamk papf N EW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY 0F MUSIC Boston, Mass. THE LARGEST and BEST EQUIPPED inthe WORLD —1<*<» Tiihtrnctorfl, Students last year. 1 Hor- ouKh Instruction In Vocal and Instrumental Music. 1 iano and Organ Tuning, Fine Arts, Oratory. Wteroture. French, Ocr- nittn and Italian Lamruugcs Enclisli Branches.Oyninastics, etc. Tuition, to ; hoard and room with Steam II b tin id Electric Light, per term. Fall .Term beg ms Sep tember18S*»- F'*r Illustrated Calendar, withftiHjnfornifltioa ddrc«6, eTtOURJEE, Dir., Franklin So., BOS I ON, him A FREE SAMPLE will send a sample free to any one sending act- dress Address E. G. RICHARDS, solo propne ; 5?. Toledo. Ohio w ameowlv _ ! REMOVAL of LAW OFFICE. J. L.-WILLIS Has removed his Oiflca to up stairs over R. Crane’s store. AGENTS 25 'odHCCSMOtt EMPIBX ney cniiectuiu r»mny * ,l,u « w iurve ; all styles. Pictures guaranteed, bpecu CcHQpng Co.. *Ui Canal Street. H Opelika, Ala., September 14th, 188(J. /"kN and after Sunday, September 14th, 1886, the V / trains on this road will be run as follows: No. 1. Leave Columbus 8 22 a m Arrive Opelika * 9 52 a na BTo. 2. Leave Opelika 10 06 a m Arrive Columbus 11 20 a m No. 2. Leave Columbus 2 28 p m Arrive Opelika 8 68 p m No. 4. Leave Opelika 6 18 p m Arrive Columbus 8 43 p m No. a. Leave Columbus 7 10 a m Arrive Opelika 9 23 a m Arrive Goodwater 6 60 p na No. 6. Leave Goodwater 6 20 a m Arrive Opelika 9 46 am Arrive Columhus 12 66 p m No. 7. Leave Columbus 1 46 p m Arrive Opelika 3 38 pm No. H. Leave Opelika 4 13 p m Arrive Columbus 6 54 p m The night trains are discontinued for the pres ent. A. FLEWELLEN, dtf General Manager Office General Manager, Columbus, Ga., September 12th, 1886. O N and after Sunday, September 12, 1886, the schedule of Mail Train will be as follows: No. 1—Going North Daily. ! Leave Columbus 2 29pm I Arrive at Chipley 4 32 p m I Arrive at Oreenville 5 37 p m No. 2—Coining South Daily. Leave Greenville 7 10am ; Arrive at Cliipley 8 11 am No. 3 -Freight and Accommodation North. Leave Columbus 6 00 a m ! Arrive at Chipley « M a m Arrive at Greenville 9 25 am | No. 4—Freight and Accommodation -South. i Leave Greenville 10 22 a m Arrive at Chipley 11 3K a m Arrive at Columbus 2 11 p m W. L. CI-ARK. Gen’l Manager. T. C S. HOWARD. Gc-nT Ticket Agent. feb24 dlv i Catherine E. Jones | Libel for Divorce. Order | James W.' Jones. / to Perfect Service * I T appearing to the Court by the return of the I Sheriff thin 1 he defend, lit cannot be found in the county of Muscogee, and it further appearing that said defendant does not reside in the state of Georgia; It is ordered by the Court that sendee be per fected on said defendant by publishing this or der twice a month for two months before the November term, issfi. of this court, in the Colum bus Enquirer-Sun. a public gazette of this state. June 7. 1886. J. T. WILLIS, THOS. W. GRIMES. Judge S. C. C. C. Attorney for Libellant. A"true extract from the minutes of Muscogee Superior Court at ita May tA*m. 1880. on June 7th. 1886. GEO. Y. POND, augll 2tam2m Clerk K. C. M. C.. Ga- NOTICE is hereby given to all parties having demands against P. McArdle, late of Muscogeee county, deceased, to present them to me properl} made out. within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount. And all persons indebted to said deceased are*hereby re quired to make immediate payment to me. This August 5th 1886. J. G. BURRUS, aug5 oawfiw Administrator Notice to Debtors and Creditors A NY person having claimsagainft the estate of Catharine Sullivan, deceased, will Present them within the time prescribed by law, and all persons indebted to her are required to make prompt payment to me. flmnv . v „ oc34 oawiw M. SUlri/IVAN, ir. i.i n T\ A A rr j\J l u u u the n Dress Goods House OH’ THIS SEOTIOH. Carrying More Dress Goods and More Dress Trimmings Than. Any House in Columbus./' * Novelties Every Week! ALL FIRST-CLASS Storekeepers no v keep it far Sale BOOTH & BUFF'S IS TtlElPLACE FOR. u ; • ip # § v J -V, STYLISH WRAPS. Their Cloak Room is full of new and stylish Coverings of every description. Don't fail to inspect their line when you are in search of a Newmarket, a Circular, a Visile, Dolman, Jacket, or any other style Wrap being worn. Their stock is superb, and the prices are right. You are invited to look them over. B L A N C II A II I), B O O T II & H U F F- Mobile & Girard R. R. Co. o N and after this date Trains will i COLUMBUS, GA., October 3d, 1886. WEST BOUND TRAINS. No. 1. Pass’ger. No. 3. Acconi. No. 5. Acconi. 2 30 p m 2 46 p in 5 37 p m 6 46 p ill 8 Iv0 p m 7 23 p m 10 33 p m 10 25 p ni 10 35 p ni 1 45 a m 6 20 a m 6 30 a ni 10 29 a m 11 20 a in 1 15 p m “ Columbus Broad Street Depot 4 50 a m “ Montgomery, M. & E. R. R “ Eufaula, M. & E. R. R EAST BOUND TRAINS. No. 2. Pas.«’ger. No. 4. Accom. No. 6. Accom. Leave Montgomery. M. & E R. R 7 40 a m 4 25 a m 7 85 a m 9 10 a m 9 25 a in 7 29 am 12 45 p m 3 30 p m 4 01 p m 3 45 n ni 5 34 a m 6 29 a m 7 29 a m 10 19 a m 6 40 pm 718pm “ Columbus 10 49 p ill Trains Nos. 1 and 2 (Mail) daily. Nos. 3 and 4 (Macon and Montgomery Through Freight and Accommodation) daily except Sunday. No. 5 and 6 (Way Freight and Accommodation) daily ex- ceptcept Sunday. W. L. CLARK. Sup’t. D E. WILLIAMS. G. P. A. TO PARENTS. Many baking powders are ve**y pernicious to health, and while every one regards his own. he should also have a cart 1 for the tender ones—the lit tie children. SKA FOAM contains none of the bad qualities of baking powders—soda or salemtus. It contains no hurtful ingredient—no alum or ammonia* -SCIENTIFIC. All Chemistiwho have analysed Sea Foam commend it. Housekeepers who have used it will have no other. Cooks, whose best effort a have failed with other powders, are jubilunt over Sea Foam. Saves time, wives labor, save* money. It is positivelyunequaled. Absolutely pure. Used, by the leading hotels mid restaurants in New York city and through out the country. For sale by all tirst-closs grocers. GAXTZ, JOXES A CO., 176 Duane St., IT. T. ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of an^V-proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell A Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send lOcta for lOO-oaqo Pamphtefr DR. RICE, For 15 years at 37 Court Place, now at ;i S,SS s f F^! ,t ’LflilsyiUe,Kt A iTRUlarly educubxl and legally quail lied phyaioiao find U># auooMflful, as his praaiico will prorn. “ Spermntorrhoa and Impolcncy, a tliv result of nclf-abuae in youth, aoxiiul uxcckhcm lu mo. urer years, or other cauaen, uud pr«iu. iii|r nunt of the fol- iwing effects: Net vuuaoiMS, Bemlrin) KniiBRlon.n, (nlghl •djI»> loiii liy drcnuia). UlmueHs of Dcfecllvc Memory, i*hy» I -tl Decay, I’lnipleaoa Fnco, Aversion to Society of Fcmalefl, Cimfuslou of Idciia, I.osh of Hcximl Power. Ac., rrndrriug 0 thoroughly and pornio* 1 positively cured and cu. Gonorrhea, HUrroni pliy rldurt wlm •elnlatienlloa it Is Bulf-evidei . ... to a certain rlns-i of diseases, nnd treating thm ally, acqulrns great skill. Physicians knowing this fm t oft. i rooiiiDiend persons to tny care. When It Is Inrunvciilent t* v isit the rlly for treatuu nt, niedlcluen can be acat privatc(f knd safely by mall nr express anywhere, Curfls Guaranteed in all Cases imUortakon. Charges PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of 200 pages, prut to any address, securely nc.ilrd, fur thnte (•Mi} cents. Should tit read bv all. Address atsvt? Mffiuc hours fiume A. Ji. too*’ U Sundays. U to 4 P. H HOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 181 BAKER'S The Brown Cotton. Gin Co., NEW LONDON, CONN. Manufacturers of the “Old Reliable** Brow'ii Cotton Gins, Feeders and Con densers. All (he very latest improvements: lin* proved roll box, patent whipper, two brush belts, extra strong brush, cast steel hearintr® at improved Feeder, enlarp" 5 ’ ullfit proo ’ondeuser, • l •xmg, simple*»• ^ instruction, durable -ghi ” J. » light, cleans the seed per* Ifcct.j and produces first class samples. DELIVERED FZtF.E OF Fit EIGHT at any accessible point. Head lor Lull description and price list* Warranted absolutely pt£ Cocoa, from which the ezee**; OilhuM been romoved. IthoH<A«l timeathe»ntrengtk ot Cocoa mtx*l with Btareh, Arrowroot or Sngaf nnd Ih therefore far moreeconoir icul, coating leaa than one cent cnp. It is delicious, nourishinf strengthening, easily ato****& •and ndtnirubly adapted for Jnvm* is an well as for persons In health Bold by Crocerw ererywher*» BAKER & HO., Dorchester, Man GEORGIA - MUSCOGEE COUNTY : Whereas, George Y. Fond, administrator d* bonis non of the estate of Hugh Dover, late of said county, deceased, makes application for leave to sell all the real and personal property belonging to said deceased; These are. therefore, to cite all persons inter ested kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they have, within the time prescribed bylaw, why leave to sell said property should not b* granted to said applicant. Witness my official signature this November3, 1886. F. M. BROOKS. nova oaw4w Ordinary. GEORGIA MUSCOGEE COUNTY: Whereas, Joseph B. Hill, guardian of Lucy T. Hill, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of sahl county for a discharge from his guardian- ship of Lucy T. Hill; This is, therefore, to cite all persons con cerned, to .show cause why the said Joseph B. Hill should not he dismissed roin his guardian ship of Lucy T. Hill and receive the usual letters of dismiss! Given under this Novemlx COLUMBUS IRON WOliKS, Agents, Co anat&wn- C;t 331 OS El I HOSE! IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF RUBBER IIOSE .We have the best and cheapest Hose in the market. A full line of Hose Reels and Nozzles. GEORGIA STEAM AND GAS PIPE COMPANY, Telephone 99. 13 Twelfth Street. ny hand and official signature , 188S. F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Whereas. Mrs.C. L. Downing, administratrix of estate ol L. 'I . Downing. <l« < e i < ,1. n pr. -,.nts to the court in her i.“i ition. duly lih-il, that > he has fully a In.ini U r. L. T.IDowmi.g , . lute. Thi- i^. ther«-l >re. , •• . d j.frsons e mcerned, heirs an I -i. ■ • > it' any they can. why-aid -tr.’tr'x -Inuild not be dia- eh.i rg.-i fif.n. Ini ... I n • i *. i ■' r..: <, 11 and reci.iva litters of disiiiUs^on on 11.«• first Monday in Do- cember, 188ft. Witness my official signature this September 4, 188fi F. M. BROOKS. sefifj oaw3m Ordinary. mmm m mm® /^JURH BillousncsE: Sink Hoailach? In c our hour,. One dose relieves Neuralgia. .’ieyou:e and proven, Chills <■ Fever, Sour Sioraach ,t* Cad Oroath. Clear the Skin, Tune the Nerves, and nive '.ife Vigor to the system. Do«u:OXH IHNAN. )r, them once and you will never he without then. Price, 2D cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists ant Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on receipt ut price In stamps, postpaid, tu any address, J. F. SMITH & CO., Manufacturers and Sole Props.. ST. LOUIS, M0. $250 A MONTH. Agents wanted. 90 beet m*. mg articles in the world, t sample free AaOUeee JAY I&ONION