Newspaper Page Text
H. ■
An Embezzler Who Led a Double Life.
Thf Singular Career of Frank Jones, the Spring-
Held Delimiter—Stolen Led gem Found at the
Home of Hln Mistress aThousand Mile, Away.
Springfield, Ohio November 15—A
singular suit for embezzlement and larceny
has come to an end here. The accused
was Jessie D. Carroll, of Spring City. Teuu.
The circumstances of the case leading up
to her trial are extremely interesting. The
13th day of March, 1886, the proprietors of
the Champion Bar and Knife Company,
one of the largest agricultural implement
manufactories of this city, were informed
by the bookkeeper, Frank B. Jones, that
the safe had been opened, and the dav
book, cash book and ledger were missing.
The propietors, knowing that no one else
but themselves and Joues had the com
bination of the safe, had Jones at once ar
rested on the charge of stealing the books.
Jones was the head bookkeeper, and had
been in the employ of the firm about three
years and was trusted absolutely. He had
a most estimable wife whom he had
married in LawrenceAille, Ind., and the
couple were boarding at a prominent hotel
When Jones was aarested he denied any
knowledge of the books. When he was
taken to the jail and stripped and searched
$450 in bills was found in his sock. After
remaining in jail over night, Jones the
next morning confessed to the proprietors
that he was not only a defalter, but had
taken the books. He directed them to go
to a certain catch-basin in this city and
part of the books would be found, and the
rest were at the house of Jessie D. Carroll,
at Spring City, Tenn. The books, torn
from the covers, were found and fished
from the Bewer. Jones told the ofHcers
what Jjooks were not in the sewer would
be found under the icehouse fioor of Jessie
Carroll’s residence in Tennessee. In the
meanwhile Jones had been brought before
the court and sentenced to ten years in
the Ohio penitentiary.
Before Jones went to the penitentiary,
ofHcers and members of the firm went to
the Carroll woman’s house to look for the
rest of the books. Miss Carroll was not at
home, but just where Jones said the books
were they were found. Steps were at once
taken for the arrest of Miss Carroll as an
accomplice to the crime. A requisition
was secured and she was arrested, had a
preliminary hearing, aud pleaded not
guilty, and was bound over for trial. In
default of f2000 bail she was sent to the
county jail here. She was finally bailed
out by her attorneys after two months’
conflnemet. The grand jury indicted her
on two counts, one on grand larceny, on
taking the books, and one for compound
ing a fellony by assisting Frank B. Jones
to steal and conceal the books. It was on
this indictment the girl was tried.
The interest in the ca»e has been intense.
Every day since the trial began, ten days
ago, the court room was filled. There was
much curiosity to see the defendant, and,
as Jones had never been tried, to learn the
story of her connection with Jones. The
evidence showed that Jessie Carroll was
taken into Jones’ family as a domestic
when a young girl, at a time when he and
his wife lived in Columbus, lnd. When l
Jones came hero to work he broke up j
housekeeping, and Jessie Carroll disap- |
peared so far as Mrs. Jones knew. It was i
shown, however, that she came ;
to this city at stated inter- [
vals and remained several days.
During the early part of 1885 Jones pur
chased four and u ,.alf acres and a house
near Spring City. Tenn., and made the
deeds to Jessie D. Carroll. She was in
stalled as mistress aud kept three servants.
Regularly every month. Jones sent her a
package of money by express, never less
than $100, and never more than $150, and
every month she visited this city. With
the Fidelity Safe Deposit Company of Cin
cinnati Jessie had a private box. The
state secured access to the safe, and in that
box were found letters in reference to the
land purchase and the paid notes.
Jones had put some Florida property in
her name. too. By witnesses it was shown
that two nights before the books were
missed Jessie arrived at the depot in this
city and was met by Jones. The watchman
saw him in the company’s office tlmt
night. Mrs. Jones was away visiting her
parents. That night a trunk was taken to
Jones’room and the trunk and Jossio left
on the midnight train. It is the theory j
tlmt the books were put into this trunk j
ai d taken to Tennessee. The attorneys in
the case say they can find no account of a :
case similar to this one in the records of i
the state. The boldness of the theft of
the books to cover the embezzlement has ;
no parallel. The confiding wife of Jones j
was on the stand in the case. She never j
knew what salary he!' hvsband got or any- I
thing about his business. He provided
for her ana treated her kindly. The
firm has never yet made public the amount
of Jones’embezzlement but it is at least,
f in,000, and it has been going on for years.
ones covered it up by false footings in his
cash book. The case against Jessie Car-
roll is not as strong as could lie desired.
The defense has made n dogged fight for
her, and she ha 1 the sympathy of the com
munity, the impression being that she was
onlv the tool of Jones and was afraid not
to do his bidding. Action has been begun
against the property in Tennessee, the
firm claiming that it was purchased with
money stolen from them. The case was
given to the jury Saturday evening and a
verdict has not yet been returned.
J. H. Clabough has been appointed post
master at Oxmour, Jefferson county.
Troy wants the legislature to establish
a state normal school at that pluce.
The gin house, and also a large lot of
improved agricultural machinery, belong
ing to ••'. J, Bales, burned near Hamburg
Tuesday night.
Mews has reached Greenville that the
young man named Jones, thought to have
been killed when Mr. Pinney was, by the
falling logs, is not vet dead, hut is in a
precarious condition, and very little hopes
are entertained of his recovery.
At a meeting of the building committee
of the First Baptist cliureh of Trey Tues
day night, it was agreed to expend at
least §SOOO on a new hubstontiai brick
church for that body. Rev. J. F. Pierson,
the pastor, will furnish the designs.
Homer Mobley, the negro > who killed
John Key, another colored man, who was
too intimate with Mobley ’s wife, October
1, on the Flower’s place, in Pike county,
was captured by Mr. J. I. \V. Flowers lust
Monday uight, and lodged in jail hr await
The Burning of 11 Cotton Pin.
Elberton, Ga., November 17.—The gin
house of Mr. James Childs, situated about
nine miles east of Elberton, was destroyed
by fire, together with thirty bales of cotton
and two gins, press, saw mill and fixtures.
The origin of the tire is unknown.
A Wreck at Tunnel Hill.
Tunnel Hill, Ga., November 17.—A se
vere wind and rain storm passed through
here about 2 o’clock this afternoon, doinc
considerable damage to property. The
Cumberland Presbyterian church is a com
plete wreck. Dowling’s gin house is near
ly down. Dr. Clement’s store house is
badly damaged.
Joshua IIIH’k Daughter Married.
Madison, Ga., November 17.—Colonel
Edward W. Butler and Miss Julia Y. Hill
were married last evening by Dr. W. B.
Crawford. The bride Is a daughter ot
Hon. Joshua Hill and the groom a| son of
Rev. David E. Butler, whose death, a few
mouths ago, was such a loss to the state.
Death of> Pronlnent Cltlsea.
Savannah, Ga., November 17.—W. N.
Holt, of the firm of Ellis, Holt A Co., naval
stores factors, died this morning at his res
idence, after an illness of a month, aged 45.
A Mysterious Fire.
Savannah, Ga., November 17.—A Are
early this morning destroyed the extensive
turpentine works of D. C. Newton, at
Poole No. 1, Central railroad, together
with a large lot of spirits and rosin. There
were seventy-flve hands employed at the
works. The origin of the fire is unknown.
More Money for Your Work
If you improve good opportunities. Hal
le™ & Co., Portland, Maine, will mail free
full information showing how you can
fr° m $5 to $25 and upwards a day
and live at home wherever you are located.
Better write; some have made over $50 in
a day, all new. No capital required;
started free. Both sexes; all ages. Suc
cess for every worker. Send address and
see for yourself. oc2« dOm
H.iTTSlm Then-,
Guest—“Hasn’t this wine been doc
Waiter—“Can’t you tell by the taste if it
has been doctored?”
“Then what difference does it make?”—
Texas Siftings.
Twenty-five hundred dozen bottles of
Ague Conqueror ordered in one month. It
positively eradicates all Malaria, Fever
and Ague. BiliouB and Intermittent Fevers
in any climate. Read our book of 1000
Due West, S. C., March 12,1883.—G. G.
Green, Dear Sir—We will booh need more
Ague Conqueror. It is taking like “hot
cakes” and giving satisfaction.
Yours, Ellis Bros.
Fairfield, Mo., August 29,1836.—G. G.
Green, Dear Sir—Your Ague Conqueror
knocks the Chills and Dumb Ague every
time. I warrant every bottle and it never
fails. I have cured cases where quinine
had no effect whatever.
Yours truly,
actl2 d&wly W. H. Shaw a Co.
A Cause for Thank..
We are In receipt of a poem entitled
“Farewell.” If this is true, thanks.—New
Haven News.
Why suffer Piles ? Immediate relief and
complete cure guaranteed. Ask for
“Rough on Piles.” Sure cure for itching,
protruding, bleeding, or any form of Files.
50c. At Druggists or mailed.
Wells’ “Health Renewer” restores health
and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence,
Nervous Debility. For Weak Men, Deli
cate Women. $1.
If gray, restores to original color. An
elegant dressing, softens and beautifies.
No oil nor grease. A Tonic Restorative.
Stops hair coming out; strengthens,
cleanses, heals scalp. 50c. d&wtf
llecsuse They uro' Uenerully Full.
Strange that people who know so much
don’t know a little more.—Hartford Re
ligious Herald.
The time has come when the terri
ble a crony of this critical period in wo
man’s life can be avoided. A distin
guished physician, who spent 44 .years
iu tills branch of practice, IctY to child
bearing woman this legaci, THE
MOTHERS’ FRIK.ND, and to-day
th re are thousands of women who,
having used this remedy before con
finement, rise up and ea'l his name
blessed. We can prove all we claim
by living witnesses, and any one n-
tereslort can call, or have their lius-
bauds do so, and see the original let
ters, which we cannot publish.
A11 druggists sell it. For particulars address
UiiADpfBM) Regulator Co.. Atlanta, Ga.
eoa&w n r in
'iT<* I he Stock of t3#c
huu nhdUND £ CliLF R.
I t beiim officially to the Board of Direct
ors of the Georgia Midland and Gulf Railroad
Company that the first section of twenty mites of
(leorffir. Midland and Ouif Railroad, ol four feet
and nine inches crude, between Columbus, Ga.,
ami Atlanta. Ga., or between Columbus, Ga., and
some point on the Fast Tennessee, Virginia and
Georgia Railroad between Atlanta, Ga., and
Macon, Ga.. with the privilege or entering At
lanta on the track of any railroad with terminal
facilit ies there, is graded and ready for the cross-
tic s, trestles and bridges, and whereas, by the
terms of subscription th. first installment of the
same becomes due and payable upon official pub
lication of the completion of the work as above.
Be i; resolved. That the Treasurer is authorized
to publish in the name ot this Board the comple
tion of the first section of twenty miles, as stipu
lated in said subscription notes, and to call on
the subscribers lor payment of the first install
ment notes of *26 per cent., which notes are now
due anti payable at the National Bank of Colum-
Seaton Grantland, C. L. Davis,
Geo. 1 J . Swift, jr., N. J. Bussey,
W. J. Kincaid, J. F. Flournoy.
B.T.Hate„er. j w ^Frley.
The Board of D 1 rectors of the Georgia Midland
and Gulf Railroad Company^ L D ^
novlG oaw-fw Treasurer.
f iier s
Not only shortens the timo
of labor lind lessens the In
tensity of pain, but it great
ly diminishes the danger to
life of both mother and child
and leaves the mother in a
condition highly favorable
to speedy recovery, and far
less liable to Hooding, Con
vulsions,and other alarming
symptoms incident to slow
or painftil labor. Rs wonder
ful efficacy in Ihis respect
entitles it to be called Tub
Mothbk’s Fribnd and to be
ranked as one of the life
saving remedies of the nine
teenth century.
We cannot publish certifi
cates concerning this reme
dy without wounding the
delicacy of the writers. Yet
we have hundreds on file.
Bend for our book, “To Mothers,” mailed free.
Bradfikld Regulator Co., Atlanta, ua.
Jy21 eod&w nrni W
In Re. "ChAttahooehee Falla Company.*' Ap
plication for Charter.
O TY : To the Superior Court of said county:
The pe tition of .1. T. Warnock. L. F. Garrard, A.
J. Bethune, A. R, Luwton and Georte M. Clapp,
respectfully shows that the) and their associates
and successors desire to be incorporated and
made a body corporate and politic under the
name ol Chattahoochee Falls Company.”
The object of said corporators, and for which
they ask to be incorporated and empowered tc
engage in,is:
The utilization, improvement and operatior of
w ater power on the Chattahoochee river, in the
County ol Muscogee and State of Georgia, by con
trolling the waters o: sale Chattahoochee river
with locks, dams and Mich other means and de
vices as may be necessary to enubl- them to sup
ply water power for manufacturing purposes to
such mills and machinery us may be thereon lo
cated and which may be hereafter purchased and
erected by said corporation, anti to such persons
or corporations as may purchuse, lease or rent
suid waterpower or uny part thereof from it
To construct and niaintuiu all ueccs- ary cana s,
chute* flunks, sluices, dams, tram way sand other
appliances on. upon and through the lands and
property of said corporation for the proper dis
iribution, utilization and preservation of said
waterpower aim which may be found essential
and useful for said purposes.
To utilize and improve all the lands acquired by
said corporation at and contiguous to said water
power upon the east aud west banks of the Chat
tuhoochec river, in the States of Georgia and Ala
bama, by erecting thereon mills, machinery, fac
tories and other buildings, and engaging in the
manufacture of cotton wool and all other fibrous
ano textile materials into yarns, cloth, thread,
rope and other fabrics, goods and products of ev
ery kind whatever.
Ginning cotton for toll or seed or other valuable
consideration: manufacturing cotton seed into
such products us can be obtained therefrom;
finding corn, wheat and other grain and produce
lor toll or for murket ano converting the same into
flour, meal and its other products.
The fhmishii g of power and the production and
generating thereby of electricity for light and
heat, lor motive power and lor such mechanical
and other uses and purposes as it may be adapted
to; and supplying, leasing and selling the same
aud erecting and constructii g in connection
therewith such works, po es, wires above and un
der ground, and other apparatus, electrical de
vices aud stations throughout said Coui.ty of
Muscogee as may be necessary to convey, furnish
and supply the same to public and private con
The manufacture of paper in all its forms, and
of paper, timber, wood and metals into such
utensils, wooden ware, machinery and other
goods as may be produced therefrom; and the con
ducting and carrying on of the manufacture of
all and evei y other kind of goods, wareB, machine
ry, wood and metal products, or such branches or
parts thereof as may be found er»ential and de
sirable lor the profitable employment and im
provement o' the said water power and property.
Said corporation to have power and authority to
sell, lease or vent its said water power, lands, ma
chinery, facto' ies and buildings, or such parts ai d
Er&ist Mha& d t 8endin * ^
or. Toledo. Ohio
sole proprie
w mneowlv
Funds to such persons or colorations as may oc
cupy its said property; to aid and promote the
carrying on by them of their said manufacturing
business, and to make and execute all uecesFary
and improvements thereon, and the said lots, va
cant or improved, and the said buildings, to sell
rent or lc a e to the operatives of said manufac
turing enterprises, and to such other persons as
may desire to rent, lease or purchase the same.
of said corporation will be located at the site of
its suid mills amt waterpower in Muscogee Coun
ty, Stale of Georgia.
to be in the City of Columbus, of said County and
State; but it shall have authority in pursuit of its
said business and promotion of its objects to es
tablish bi ancli offices at such other points and to
exercise its rights and franchises heretofore men
tioned, and to build actories, make improve
meuts, contracts, agreements, investments and
carry on business of the nature and character
afore mentioned with regard to its property aud
without the limits of said States of Georgia and
Alabama, as Us objects and interests may re
as said corporators may determine, to be di
into shares of 510U each, of which amouut ten per
cent, thereof shall be paid in before said corpo
ration commence s to do business; and petitioners
desire s kid corporation shall have authority to in
crease said capital stock from time to time as it
may deem lit and proper to any sum not exceed
ing one million dollurs.
They desire said corporation to have the power
of suing und being sued; to have and to use a
common seal, und lo alter, break and change the
same at. will; to make rules ami by-laws lor the
management of its business, not in conflict with
the laws of this State and the United States, und
the same to alter, amend and rescind at pleasure:
to receive, lease, rent or purchase and hold such
real estate and personal property as may be now
oi hereafter necessary for its corporate purposes,
for the expansion ano advancement of its objects,
for the securing of debts due and to become due
to said corporation, und the same to sell, mort
gage ami convey at will.
That it have power to effect loans and to issue
bonds in the name of said corporation, without
security or to secure such bonds by mortgage of its
property, real and personal, or of such parts or
portions thereof as may be oesirablo? and to loan
out ils surplus earnings upon mortgage or other
available security.
To elect and appoint such officers, managers,
directors und agents as it desires; and to provide
such rules and regulations with respect to stock
holders who ieiu.-c to pay up any balance due on
tuoir .stock as will compel them to pay upon pen
ally of sale or forfeiture of: uch stock, and to do
and perform all such acs as arc necessary for the
execution of its powers und to carry out the ob
jeets and purposes ol Him corporation.
The individual property of cucli stockholder
shall not be liable for the debts, liabilities, obli
gations or default of said corporation except to
the amount of unpaid stock subscribed by such
stock holder.
Wherefore petitioners pray that they, their as
sociates and successors be duly incorporated un
der the name an aforesaid for the term of twenty
years, with ttie privilege of renewal, with all tlie
I> wers herein prayed for, and with such other
power-j and privileges os are incident to corpo
rations under the laws of this state, and that af
ter the filing, recording aud publishing of this
petition, as provided bylaw, the Court will pass
an order declaring this application granted.
And petitioners will ever pray, etc.
Attorneys for Petitioners.
the Clerk’s office Superior Court of said county on
the lJtli day of October, 1888, and recorded this
12th day of October on page 15, and Records of
Bills and Writs, Muscogee Superior Court, 1885,
ocl3oaw4w ClerkS. C. M. C. Ga.
In Re. The Eagle and Phenix Manufacturing
Company. Petition to amend Charter.
Lv To the Honorable Superior Court of said
Count) : The petition of the Eagle aud Phenix
Manufacturing Company respectfully shows.
That it is a corporation of said state, located and
doing business in said county, and its principal
office and place of doing business is in Columbus,
in --uid county,
said State by an Act entit'ed ‘ An Act to incorpo
rate the Eagle and Phenix Manufacturing Com
pany of Columbus. Georgia,” which act was ap
proved 10th of March, lhK‘3. •
That sal t Act of Incorporation did r ot provide
for the election o' more than five Directors, nor
has there been any change in the law.- respecting
Tli •* t. • v : i” x rators named in said Act did or-
Banvo. - i. com puny,, and that the capital st
ion two 1 . o’
which ha Uei n p«i l in.
That the object oi said corporation was the
manufacture and sale o• cotton and woolen
vooda, and said company slili carry on such busi
ness in said county.
That at the la^t amnia* meeting of the stock
holders of said company it was resolved by said
stockholders that application should be made to
alter and amend the charter of said company, ho
as to provide that the stockholders should, at the
annual elections, choose nine directors among
said stockholders instead of five, as provided by
raid charter.
Wherefore, your petitioner prays that an order
may be passed at the next November term of? aid
Court declaring said petition granted, and that
the Fourth Section of said Act shall be so altered
and ament ed as that the same sha 1 read as fol
Sec. 1V. That there shall be an annual meeting
of the stockholders of said corporation at such
time and place as the corporation may provide by
its by-laws for the purpose of electing nine direct
ors. and that the time of holdinor the first meeting
of the directors under the said first election shall
be fixed by said directors, or a majority of them,
and the said directors chosen at said election, or
at the annual election to be afterwards held,shall,
as soon a«« may be after subsequent elections,
choso out i'f their numbena president,and In case
of the death, resignation or removal of the presi
dent or any directors, such vacancy or vacancies
may be filled for the remainder of the year where
in they may happen by the said remaining < irect
ors. or a majority of them may appoint a presi
dent pro tem.. wno shall exercise such powers
anil functions as the by-laws of said corporation
may provide.
Petitioners’ Attorneys.
Filed and recorded in the Clerk’s office of the
Superior Court of said countv thislSthduy of Sep
tember, 1686.
sep21 oaw 4w
For Fifty Tears the great Remedy for
Blood Poison and Skin Diseases.
Interesting Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases
mailed free to all who apply. It should be
carefully read by everybody. Address
Mobile & Girard R. R. Co.
N and after this date Trains will run as follows:
COLUMBUS, GA., November 14, 1886.
Leave Columbus Union Depot
44 Columbus Broad Street Depot..
Arrive Union Springs
Leave Union Springs
Arrive Troy..
Montgomery. M. & E. R. R
Kufaula, M. & E. R. R
1 40 p m
1 56 p m
4 50 p m
7 20 p m
0 04 p m
0 40 p ill
9 48 p m
10 35 p ni
10 45 p ni
2 00 a in
2 10 a m
5 35 a m
5 44 a m
9 37 a m
10 25 a m
12 20 a m
11 20 a m
Leave Montgomery, M. & E R. R...
“ Kufaula, M. & E. R. R
11 Troy
Arrive Union Springs
Leave Union Sgrings
Arrive Montgomery, M. & E. R R..
“ Columbus
8 10 a ni
4 54 am
8 07 a m
9 42 a m
9 55 a m
7 30 a m
12 56 p ill
7 15 p m
7 35 p in
4 00 a m
5 48 a m
6 40 a in
7 30 a ni
10 31 a m
Trains Nos. 1 and 2 (Mail) daily. Nos. 3 and 4 (Macon and Montgomery Through Freight and
Accommodation) daily except Sunday. No. 5 and 6 (Way Freight and Accommodation) daily ex
cept Sunday.
W. L. CLARK. Sup’L
Shortest, Quickest and Best—308 Miles Shorter to New York
than via Louisville—Close Connection with Piedmont
Air Line and Western and Atlantic Railroad.
In effect September 12th, 1880.
Leave New Orleans..
“ Mobio
“ Seima
“ Montgomery..
“ Chehaw
Arrive Columbus
Leave Columbus
11 Opelika
Arrive West Point....
44 LaGrange
41 Newnan
44 Atlanta
No. 53
8 20 p m
110 a m
9 05 a m
8 '20 p m
9 65 p in
11 55 a m
No. 61
7 55 a m
1 20 p m
4 30 a in
7 55 a m
9 07 am
11 55 a m
2 28 p m 1 8 54 a ill
10 63 p iu 10 05 a ni
11 40 p mi 10 49 a m
12 20 a m' 11 20 am
1 45 a nil 12 23 p m
3 25 a m | 145pm
7 50 a in
11 15 a m 0 50 p m
11 40 a m! 5 55pm
a 7 87 pm
J 1 07 p ni
Storekeepers now lees it for Sale
Bakinji Powder
Many baking powders are very pernldou*
to health, and while every one regards his
own, he should also have a care for the tender
once—tlie little children.
contains nono of the bad qualities of baking
powders-soda or saleratus. It contains no
hurtful ingredient—no alum or ammonia.
commend it. Housekeepers who have used It
will have no other. Cooks, whoso best eTorts
have failed with other powders, nro jubilant
over Sea Foam. Haves time, saves labor, saves
It is positively unequaled. Absolutely pure.
Used by the leading hotels and restaurants
In New York city and throughout tlie country.
For sale by all first-class grocers.
170 Duane St., N. Y.
Can learn the exact cost
of any proposed line of
advertising in American
Papers by addressing
Geo. F. Rowell A Co.,
Newspaper Advertising Bureau,
tO Spruce St., New York.
Send 10 ets. for 10O-naqo Pamphlt^
1 OOp l
Via W. Sl A. Railroad.
Leave Atlanta
Arrive Rome
44 Dalton
44 Chattanooga
44 Cincinnati
Via the Piedmont Air Line to New York and East.
Leave Atlanta I I | 7 40 a ml 4 00 pm
Arrive Charlotte 6 25 p in 4 05am
44 Richmond | | | 7 00 a m! 8 37 p m
Washington | | j 800a inj 8 80 pm j
For 15 yearn at 37 Court Place, now at
* re.ul.rij xlue.ud ud Up.llj au«llll«l phjriolu .Dd IM
bpermatorrhea and Impotency t
•« t'ie rwuM of aelf-abuM In youth, miriI oice*»« In b*»
turer tm-«. <>r other ouiimi, »u«l prcxiiidn* tome o f the M*
nwinf el!»*t«: Nerroutncee. Bemlnh! KmlwA-mr., (olgl'i
4.,I,« bv (insuiin). Oliuoeee <*f hlfLl, DthcUte Senior;, Phjr-
„ iihKMt, IMuiiilMon Arenunn toHoclotr of Keuii'tnc,
Lunf .«*Mi ff Mom, !.<*• of BosmbI Power. Ac.. reii-Urltn
s*.--.. •,|*n -or or nnhui’pr, »ro UioroujM.r nod p<N-iu»
, ’YFHlL IS p»iu>r.j «»■»!
f,„ m tb, eyeteru; QonsrrbOA,
w f. » ntrlciuro, Orcbltla, Botuk, i.or bu,ture),
fA ai.. "iliw pi irate diteaaeii quickly cured.
Baltimore .
New York
9 35 a m 11 25 p m I
2 40 p in | 3 00am
3 40 p m; 0 20 a ill
Train 53, Pu’hmui Palace Cars Montgome ry to Washington without change.
Train 51, Pullman Palace Buflfbi Car Atlanta to New York without change.
South Bound Trains.
u who ptye apeciil r.ntnUo*
Onro'i Guaranteed in all Cases*
uni; rtaker;.
Leave Atlanta |
Leave Columbus
44 Opelika I
Arrive Chehaw I
“ Montgomery
Arrive Mobile
*• New Orleans I
Train 50, Pullman Palace Sleeping C'ar ti rough to flow Orleans.
Sleeping Ca , fYcc of charge, through to f’cxus without change.
Via Selma and Queen and Crescent. I
Leave Columbus !
44 Montgomery I
A’rive Selma
44 Greensboro {
44 Merit!an ■
44 Jackson I
44 Vicksburg I
44 Monroe !
44 Shreveport 1
CECIL QABBKTT. General Manager.
On MONDAY MORNING we will put on our Bargain
Counter an elegant and attractive line of Noveliy Suitings.
The goods are very stylish and beautiful, and parties pur
chasing them will get big bargains, as we have determined to
make great reductions on tlie former prices, which wore
very low to begin with.
We slid show a large and beautiful line of these goods,
and are offering them at prices Unit can't he matched in this
Cloaks! Cloaks! Cloaks!
Wc feel that we can say without hesitation that we have the largest, most varied,
most stylish and most beautiful line of these goods in tlie murket, und we will put
such prices on them that they will not fail to lake with the most careful buyer.
liitj Reduciionx in Gents' und Ladies' Merino Underwear !
A lady was in our store Saturday buying some of these goods, and she remarked
that this was tlie place to buy Underwear. “I have tried everywhere, and these are
the nicest and cheapest I have found.” All parties in need of these goods had better
do just as this lady did—look, and then come and examine our stock. This is all we
r'VURE Billotisnosft: Sick P?a<frchr In Four hours.
Ono closo relievos Kcun.^’a. ) ’ey care and
prevent Chills * Fever, Soi.r S .n. ch ^ Bad
3reath. Clear tho Skm, Yo ! i? the P: -es, r.-e give
" ' Vigor to tha syrien. lxrw. tO i & • IAN.
>m once ana you v.iu
25 cents per bottle.
Ino Dealers genonilly.
price in stamps. post;>imi. to any addruss,
u. F. SMITH £s CO.,
Manufacturers and Sole Props.. ST. LOUIS, M0.
iv .horn once ana you will nowr toot* 't then:.
Price, 26 cents per bottle. S. W1 by C ' V v~’3 *r.d
Jodicine Dealers generally. .Sent on rjccip: u<
Feather Trimmings in all the widths and shades. Mans, Fue and Astrachan Trim
mings sold here cheaper than they are sold anywhere else in this mnrket.
THE COMING WEEK will be one of bargains with us, so don’t fail to give us a
HILL &c IL-A.'W.
25 Acres—0 Room Dwelling.
A MONTH. Agent, wanted. 90 nc«t *
credit, low interest.
Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga.
isro. 172.
I—Cash or Credit
Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga.
se wed&fri tf
tin the WORLD.
Ken Import..
11Ions constant!,
I arriving.
Rare individual
excellence and
choice lire.ding.
English draft hoiisks,
Our customers have the advantage of onr
mu 115' yearn experience In breeding and
Importing ; Superior Quo lily; Inirge Va
riety n mi! Immense (ol lee! iorir*; opportu
nity of coni paring differ cut breeds ; and
low prices, hecau-e of our unequiiled fa«
cdlil iew, extent of busincM* ami low rales
of Iran .jiortation.
Nootlier entnlilinlintenl In tho world offei*
such udviiritrtges to the iHirrhiiNor.
llorH welcome. Correspondence Kollo*
lied. Uirciilar* Free. Mention this page#
POWELL BROS.. spriiH£boro ; Crawloro CoJF*
Bookcaaai, Table*, Offloh
Chairs, Letter Presses,
Pine Cabinets, die.
tylkr disk OO.
VX) N. Fourth «t„ St. Louis.
Kendle log 40 pp. CnUIu—I
B T §»«•»lining Premature Docajr, Nervou, nubility,
I*DU Muulioud, otc., having tried In vain every
known remedy. Has dUroverod a simple !»elf-cure,
wt.'rh he will send FRE* to hi, fellow mifTorera.
AUdreM, C. J. MAHON, J*. O. Box 81 TO. Now York Clip.
oc28 eod&wly
W riii A l|T Ton! alive man or worn
K ■ needingprotttableempk
mentto renreBent us in every county. Sale
tB~6inoutmy & expenses, orulartre commi
ion on sales i f preferred. Goods stall
svojyoue buys. Outfit and particulars Free.
uovl wly