Newspaper Page Text
I',i'\v\ l’ro; "iIiirtir Flul.l
Gives prompt and j-crmnnent relief in
burns, Roalds, chilblains, venomous stiiiBi; I
or bites, cuts and wounds of every decrlp- I
tlou. It is invaluable in scarlet fever, |
diphtheria, small-pax, oholern, yellow, !
tvphus, typhoid and other fevers. For
rick rooms, to prevent the spread of con
tagion, it is the best disinfectant known,
lluii. tin*. 11. Stephens, ortttvrg'n,
Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid is an article
.of but little cost, but great value. Its
domestic as well as medicinal uses arc nu
merous, while its specialties are most
wonderful, iso head of a family should ____ eodsejjw
So Longer Puritan.
Governor-elect Ames is stricter thnn
Mayor O’Brien in giving his otHoial coun
tenance to public dinners. The lieutenant-
Kovernor draws the line at Sunday morn
ing, while the mayor presides with dis
tinguish grace up to the time almost to
cock-crow. Well, times have much changed
in Boston. There nre residents of the city
who remember when, Governor Morton,
was severely crieised and lost many votes
because he was known once to visit the
theatre while in office.—Boston Herald.
Some people suffer from sick headache
all their lives, dragging out a miserable
exlstanee. If they would onlv try one
dose of SMITH’S BILE BEANS tone
Beam they would never say that nothing
would afford them relief. This wondeifui
remedy is pleasant harmless and always
effective. The price, 25 cents per bottle,
makes it very popular. For sale by all
druggists and dealers iu medicines, or sent
by mail. novt eod.twlm
Worth Considering.
Mrs. Donovan, the mother of the young the Brook
lyn and the Niagara suspension bridge,
wants to know “if there is anything higher
that Lawrence can jump oil?’’ \Ve take
pleasure in directing the attention of her
ambitious son to the Washington monu
ment in this city. The possibilities of that
structure as a means of riding the country
of cranks arc worth taking into considera
tion. -Washington Star.
Xu Hurrlttin-S After Sunset.
Archbishop ltyan, in carrying out the de
crees of the recent council at Baltimore,
has enjoined the priests;ln this diocese from
performing marriage ceremonies iu the
evening. He insists that weddings in
church must take place with a nuptial
mass, or, failing in that, as early in the
afternoon ns possible. Under none but the
most urgent circumstances will a marriage
ceremony be allowed to take place after
sundown. A prominent Catholic prelate,
in speaking of this decree, said it was the
spirit of the church to surround the nuptial
ceremony with all the impressiveness and
sanctity possible. “In the Catholic
church,” he said, “matrimony is one of the
sacraments, and should only be reeei ed
with the most intense devotion. The
couple to he married should be in
a state of grace—that is, they should
have made a general confession
and be prepared to receive the holy com
munion at the nuptial mass, and thus begin
their new life with a feeling that they will
be strengthened by the sacraments of the
church m the many trials they will have to
rhe Other Rurilrrtni of Voimit Wulilrupln -lull —
He Tells Seiernl Stories About the Bloody
Montgomery AdvortiRor.
George lfnrt. one of the negroes who
murdered voting Edwin Wnldrup in Leo
countv, n few weeks ago, is now lodged in
the Montgomery county Jail in this city.
His identity ami guilt seems unquestiona
The murderer was captured atCnnlberg,
near Birmingham, about 0 o’clock Sunday
ni-ht. The nrr. st win. made by Mr. It. W.
•Trammell, a citizen of Loo county, who
brought him to this city on the smith
bound Louisville and Nashville passenger
train Inst night and lodged him iri jail for
Mr. Trnmmell lives in the neighborhood
where voting Wnldrup re-idod and was
murdered. He knew Waldrup nnri both
the negroes w< 11. Hu snvs the negro lu-
hasin custody is George Uni t, without, any
sort of doubt. and I lie prisoner answers
perfectly I lie' description of the murderer
given lit, the time the crime was com
Mr. Trammell succeeded in making the
arrest hv n splendid piece of detective
work, fie shadowed n negro who he
thought was intimate with George Hart
and knew of his whereabouts. lie follow
ed his man through this city last Satur
day night mid shadowed him to Birming
ham ami from thorn to Conlburg. Sunday
night the suspect id negro met George Hart
at a negro house in Conlburg. Mr. Tram
mell was clove on the t rack mid witnessed
the meeting between the two negroes. He
had his man cornered and closed in upon
him. George Hurt heard the command,
“Hands up!” and obeyed without a word.
He was then searched and then hand
cuffed, without making an effort to escape
or resist the officer. He had no weapons,
but a pocket hook nnd watch chain were
found on his person and identified ns the
S roporty of young Waldrup. George claims
lat he bought the watch and traded it oil.
After the arrest, ami before lie was im
prisoned for the night, he was told that he
would bo thrown into one of the red hot
coke owes. lie thought the end was at
hand, and said he wanted to tell nil about
thecrin, lie then made a full confession
of the crime, and told how it was planned
and executed. Latterly, when he found
that he. would not he put to death on the
spot, he changed his story and said that ho
killed young Waldrup in self-defense.
Talking to the ofHeera yesterday he denied
that he took any part in the murder, and
said he was in Birmingham when It was
committed. On investigation Mr. Tram
mell found Hint he lmd been working at.
Coalburg fifteen days, and was employed
as a sect ion hand on the railroad between
Birmingham and Coalburg.
Before leaving Birmingham yesterday
■afternoon Mr. Trammell was informed
that the news of George Hart’s capture
had reached Loe county, and that a mob
of citizens was being organized for the
purpose of faking the prisoner by force
and putting Him to death. The plan was
to take the prisoner from the train at
JLoachapoka and swing him to the first
tree. Mr. Trammell telegraphed the gov
ernor for instruct,ions, but (lid not get a
reply to the same before leaving Birming
ham. On reaching this oily he decided to
put the negro in jail here for safekeeping.
To-day it will be decided which is the best
and safest plan, to have the prisoner kept
hero or sent under guard to the Lee coun-
tv jail at Opelika. Mr. Trammell says
that he will not take George Hart
to Lee county unless the governor orders
it and sends a strong guard with him. He
says that the friends of young Waldrup
are desperate and determined, and the
prisoner would t.xi taken from the sheriff
and lynched if he is taken to Opallita with
out an extra guard. The people are aroused
and indignant, and George Hart will go
the way John Moss went it he once gets
into their clutches.
It iu not probable that tho prisoner will
be exposed to violence. If ho is guilty of
the crime with which he is charged, he
will receive a propel- punishment, after a
fair trial has been had in the courts. Even-
handed justice will lb: t ho penalty when
the law has taken itscourse. The authori
ties owe it to themselves and the state to
see that I he dignity o! the law is preserved
nnd no further judgment passed hastily.
A Mini laiinlr) far l.imt Ciimiiuii).
What, hns become of the mugwumps?— j
Tipton Times.
contend with. The archbishop desires to
increase tho happiness of the married state,
and he feels that tills can be done by im
pressing the members of his flock of the
importance of the step they are taking,
them to observe the
and by compelling
forms prescribed by the church for the
marriage ceremony. Hereafter, in this
diocese, and I have no doubt in al! the
dioceses in this country, instead of aaotiple
rushing into a church nod being wedded
with a form that lasts about five minutes
they will have to be wedded with the
church’s greatest ceremony—a mass.”
An Ancient Ehc of Sue nr.
It is stated that sugar in its course state,
called “goor,” has been ivied in India from
time immemorial as an ingredient in'mor-
tar, and mnsonry cemented with it Inis
been known to defy every effort of pick
and shovel. The cohesive power of “sugar”
in political matters hns long been recog
nized in this country.—Newark (N. J.)
the: famous brand of
c U It K 8
MALARIA, liver complaint,
TT is Invigorat
ing end De
lightful to take,
and of great value
an a Medicine for
v.*enk and Ailing
Women and Chil-
J T gives NEW
LIFE to tho
whole 8YSTEM
by Strengthening
the Muncies, Ton
ing the NERVES,
and completelyDi-
gcating the l'ood.
Fire Insurance
Telephone No. 104.
O no h u i-1. f u 1
Minerals, i'J cc ti-
poccd of cnre*fuily
r.clcctrd Vegeta
ble Medicine a,
< omL
fully, making a
!S ..'u and 1-leasant
Kt.r* l-y nil T)nntKlRt
CJui***** iii* ’* ' u:r ' ' ‘
to treat dis
eases at HOME,
mailed, together
with a set of hand
some cards by new
H si iotype proces s,
on receipt of lo c.
« nml Grocer*. 0’ionM tho denier upnr
AL, vomit fci.VM), »uU » lull diA j
Pioneer Building, Front Street.
AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Philadelphia. Honestly
paid every loss since 1810.
NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE CO., of New York. Every policy
issued under New York Safety Fund law.
SUN FIRE OFFICE, of London. Established 1710. Always
Policies issued on all classes of insurable property.
llcprcscutntive Companies. Ctuirkoiis Treatment. Pair Adjustments. Prompt Payments.
A share of your business solicited.
i Introduced originally in the year
mlly making now friend*. It
• ni'.s? Mi.jirovd
l, y * f ,"d grain, being hold uni-
""til frilly matured l»y ago, Is
-•r ii • purity, dodejn y of flavor
mm hiiii... in (jim.'itv. For >a!c, and orders solicited
by the agent. T. .>1, FOI.L Y« Oi era House,
Cor 10th .Street mid Jet Avenue, Columbus, Qm
atiou, fr.»
form I v in
j'lutu cm:
i't U liinlio) Hub-
«* rural in home with-
t pain. Hook o? par-
Fit Eli.
\ M..D.
—-liars ...
A1 In III (I, till, onice
“ Whitehall Street
. . relief. Will w . .. lirM ro „
idntulu, Totter. Salt Rhoum. Barber’s Itch, Uing-
worniH, PimplcH, Soros and Boils. Price ,)OcIh.
V iTiTtL’s dun i<i:.iri:i>v, » ,-.n
‘ v .tundrt. Cuts Brulson, Snrair.a, ErjsipuluH Reiln, Hono Pulnns, Uliern, Sores. Sere Eyes.
!y»roThrivit.BunionH,Ooma. Neuralgia Rhouin.iti:-m,
(hvhitirt. (inut.. Khoumalio Gout. Colds, Goughs,
BimirIiKIh, Milk Lea, Snake and I>ng Stings
l v » ei»,ired accord in;; to Die moril Kcienil/'c
mhicipIcH, ot tho S’liKliST SBDATIV S*.
J M.h r JMIC.VIVS compounded with the purest
iobtinio J«lour, nnd ih specially rocomuiendod tor
Croup Wood or (take ot the Breast, and for that claim
ei irritant or intlmnniutory nmlndion, Aches and
J 'aitiB where, from too delicate a Htato of the Hjslen.,
t.w patient in unable to bear the at router application
el die Tobacco Cake. For Hoaduclie or other Aches
and Pains, it. is invaluable. I’rire Id cis
Ask your druggist for these remedies, or write to the
DURHAM. N. C. J. S. A.
Most huppHy meets tho demand of tho age ft..'
woman's peculiar afflictions. It is a remedy tor
WOMAN ONLY, and for one special class of her
diseases. It is a spocitie for certain diseases! con
dition 8 of the womb, and so controls the
Menstrual organs to regulate a’l derangements
and irregularities of hi r Monthly Sickness. The
proprietors claim for this remedy no other medi
cal property. It is stric’ly u Vegetable Com •
pound, the studied proscription of a learned phy
sician whose specialty was Female Diseases,
and whose fume been me enviable because of his
success in the treatment and euro of ft male com
plaints. SutTcrinjr woman, it will relieve you of
nearly nil complaints peculiar to your sex.
For sale by druggists. Write for book, “Men
sage to Woman,” mailed free.
Rrmwield Regulator. Co., Atlanta, Ga.
eod&w nrm (3)
G HE 3U "W
AC Wholesale by
je5 eodCm
agentsw ants l3D»colli > fiior
V. y 'Z’lvO}“V r ' 0 f tf iemo*tthrllMiigporso»ial ftdvrnturps, ex*
^iV-^ ploitu oficuuti ami spies,forlorn hopot.hcro-
1c bravery, imprisonments ami halr-breadtt.
vsrapcff, hand-to-hand striurelrs, pprilous j.mrneva. darinu
:«idfc and l«ol:l deeds on hotii hu»es durinp the(Sroat Civil
'fiCAMMiZl.'. iWUS'fnV.'lS'KKBKlSiW!
.. i,AUK Y AND
v'llJ bimo which proiorred
«; { O r»*aotnrorak
Rjruo , l mcmuatijO.
V6li r.a Dt’117 and Chemical Company,
«.•.! ti ;oht: • m.. r. s. a.
(Copy.) Chicago, April .a, .
This is to certify, that tho Illinois Trust :m
Savings Bank bus thi#day received from the.
Union Cigar Company ofChicago, to be held
as a Special Deposit,
U. S. 4°lo Coupon Bonds,
as follows:
No. {*2028 D. ?500. ^ Market Value of which la
No. 22028 U. ?500. n ^
“ 41204 100. I
41205 100. y
•• 62830 100. (
8800. J l
8800. / (S.) Jas. 5. dubs, Cash.
We ofTer the aliove as a F0 T tFK5T, if our
“FANCY GROCER*’ does not prove u> be a
genuine Havann^fillcr Cigar.-Union Cigar Co
g\G fin
\ 7
Our LA 1.0MA 10c. Cigar is strictly Hand
made. Elegant quality. Superior woikmanhip.
Sold by all Grocers.
?5 N. Clinton St., - CHICAGO.
Retail bit
C D. HUNT, Columbus, Ga
yj la
. V o p- ..-o refunded bv h«Uh.
l.. ti.i. i.w lx me genuine without Hail*
. ...."i.L New York
” ‘ 4’.-*- "oc. iff 1‘Juuaoit, .ot.
Uped for over years wiOitrri'at Rn-reosby tlia
physicians cf l'ai lu, »«• Y..rX »-j l Loudon, and
nuporb.r to nil o’.Ii.ts ) . r-upt <nro of;*
cases.rccmit.xorionaRuuid:.!;:. L up otilvin
OlasslIoidi Rc.imaainig(’ j)onl-Ru..pb. Puic’8
Prcporod by
CU.N & OIL, [
W arranted absolute By pm
Cocon, from which the excetta
Oil ha.-? been removed. It hue f/irv
times tho strength of Cocoa nuxo*
with Starch, Arrowroot or Bur
and is therefore far moreecon^
ical, costing less than, Jo
cup. It ia delicious, nour B nt - •
strengthening, easily O-VdVreprt
and admirably adap d :or
ids as well as for persona in he\ • T M..
Bold by Grocera o?erywhe. A ,'
BAKER & CO., Borchester, Mass.
D P A C*NI PQQ I causes, and a new
C.HT • and successful tTUK at
your own home, by one who was deal
twenty-eight years. Treated by the most
noted specialists without benefit. Cured himselj
iu three months, and since then hundreds ol
others. Full particulars sent on application.
T. S. PAGE, No. 41 West 31st St., New York Cily
oc28 tu th sat&w6m
Successors fu JOHN DISH 1(0 W d- CO.
East Side of Firs*. Ave., between 12th and 13th Sts.
Nobby Turnouts, Safe nnd •Showy Horses, t'nrefiil and Experienced Drivers,
: Sew
FUNERALS personally conducted and properly attended to. The finest Hearses in
the city.
AFTER SEPTEMBER 1st, Horses boarded and carefully cared for at $16 per
month. Ample accommodations for LIVE STOCK. Headquarters for dealers.
ft»-T<*lepl>im<» .Vo. 5S.4 Po:<1 j lv ,
Infantile and Birth Humors Speedily
Cured by Cuticura.
F IR Cleansing the Skin and Scalp of Birth
Humors, for allaying Itching, Burning and
Inflammation, for curing the first symptoms of
Eczema, Psoriasis, Milk Crust, Scald Head,
Scro-ula and other inherited skin and blood dis
ease®, Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuti
cum Soap, an exquisite Skin Beautifiev. exter
nally, and ( uticura Resolvent, the new Blood
Purifier, internally, are infallible. Absolutely
Now six years of age, when an infant six months
old, was attacked with a virulent, malignant «kir.
disease.. All ordinary remedies fal ing, we called
pur family physician, who attempted to cure it
hut it sp ead with almost incredible ' apidity, ur.
til the lower portion of th£ little fellow’s perse n.
from the middh of his back down to his knees,
was one solid rash, ugly, painful, blotched and
malicious. We had no rest at night, no peuce by
day. The physician did not know then, and dof s
not know now. what it was. Finally.we were ad
vised to try Cuticura Remedies. Without the
knowledge of our physician, I procured a box of
Cuticura an- a cake of Cuticura Soop. The < fieci
U ing the two together, first washing him thor
oughly with ( uticura Heap then anointing him
with Cuticura. From tie first application a
change; for the better appear d. The doctor said
we had no further need of him, and ceased hit-
visits. In three or four Reel’s a complete cure
v/as wrought leaving the little 'ellow’s person at
white ami healthy ns though he had m ver been
attacked. In m*. opinion,your valuable remedies-
save d h s life, and to-day he is a strong. Ik alth?
chi’d, pc rfectly well, no repetition of thedh eabi.
having * ver occurred. Yon arc welcome to male.
any use of t his you may deem best.
Att’y at Law and Lx Proa. Att'y,
, „ Ashland. Ohio
Reference: J. G. Weist. Druggist, Ashland. O
Arc sold everywhere. Price: CrTici.’itA, r»o cents
CuTicutiA Soap, 26 cents; Cuticura Resolvent.
Si.oo. Prepared by P.OTTBK Drug and Ciidmicaj
Co., Boston.
Send for “How to Cure Skin Diseases. M
i> \ DV Use Cuticura Soap, an c-xquisitelj
1 l perfumed Skin Beautifier.
Skin Diseases Instunlly R.e
lieved by Cuticura.
the great Skin Cure. Tills repeated daily, with
two or three doses of CUTICURA RE80LVENT,
the New Hlood Purifier, i.o keep the blood cool,
the perspiration pure and unirritatiug the bow
els open, the liver and kidneys active, will speed
ily cure Eczema, Tetter. Ringworm. Psoriasis,
Lichen, Pruritus, Scald-Head. Dandruff and
every species of Itching. Sciuy and Pimply Hu
mors of the Scalp and Skin, when the best physi
cians and remedies fail.
Your most valuable CUTICURA REMEDIES
have done my child so much good that I feel like
saying this for the benefit of those who are trou-
bied wii h • l:in disease s. My little girl was trou
bled with Eczema, and 1 tried several doctois
and medicines, hut did not do her any good until
I used the CUTICURA: REMEDIES, which
speedily»tired her, for which I owe you many
I was almost perfectly bald, caused by Tetter
of the op of the scalp. I used >cur CUTICURA
REMEDIES about six weeks, and they cured my
scalp perfectly, aud now my hair is coming back
as thick a • it ever whs.
J. P. CHOICE, Whitesboro, Tex.
I want to tell you that your CUTICURA RE
SOLVENT is magnificent About three months
ago my face was covered with Blotches, and af
ter using three bottles of RESOLVENT I was
perfectly cured. FREDERICK MATTER,
23 at. Charles St., New Orleans, La.
I cannot speak in too high terms of your CUTI
CURA. It is worth its weight in pure gold for
skin diseases. I believe it ha*- no eonal.
1015 Harney St., Omaha, Neb.
Sold everywhere. Price: Cuticura. 50c; Cu-
ticura Soap, 25c: Cuticura Resolvent 31.00.
Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical
Co., Boston, Mass. Send for “How to Cu e Skin
PLES, Blackheads, Skin Blemishes and
Baby Humors, use CUTICURA SOAP.
Great llar^uliin for SO days
U»-frowi me wi/e oj ru>.\. John Shkkman of Ohio:
••1 have thoroughU tost ,I jour iim.hln** a- :i IluUtv a« troll v
a*! it works Wautilullv. CUl'KI.FA S. SIIKRM
Vdilr-'aa Zimmerman Maohiuci'u., CinciuntU. Ohio L L.A
Due to Inflamed Kidneys, Weak Back
,at»d Loins, Aching Hips and Sides. Re
lieved in one minute by the CUTI
CURA Anti-Pain Plaster. Never fails.
At Drucgists, 25 cts.: five for $1. Potter
Drug aud Chemical Co., Boston.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
All parties having claims r.gainst Thos. D.
Fortson, d ceased, are hereby notiued to present
the same, duly authenticated, to me i within the
- 111, loot
Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia.
It appearing to the Court by the Petition ch
John H. Henderson that on the first day of Sep
tember, in the year of Our Lord eighteen hurt
dred and eighty-two. Green McArthur, of saif
county, made and delivered to said John H. Hen
derson a certain instrument in writing common):
called a promissory note, whereby he promised tt
nay to said plaintiff the sum of oue hundred and
thirty-nine dollars twelve months after date with
interest from date at eight per cent, per annum
for value received, and that afterwards on the 1s
clay of September, 1882, the bettei 1.0 secure th<
payment of said instrument executed and deliv
3red .to said plaintiff his deed and raortguvi
whereby he conveyed to aaid plaintiff all that
tract or parcel of land situated, lying and heint
iu the County of Muscogee, known and bounder
as follows: On the north by the lands of Janm
Huff, on the west by the St. Mary’s road, op th<
east by the lands of James Huff and on the »•>
oy the lands of Philip Owens, containing
tour and one-lialf acres, more or less, whic
mortgage was conditioned that if the said delcmi
•mt should pay oif and discharge said promissor
note according to its tenor and effect, that thei
said deed ot mortgage and said note should b»
void. And it further appearing that said promis
sory note remains unpaid, it is therefore orderei
that said defendant do pay into this court by th<
first day of the next term thereof, the principal,
interest and cost due on said mortgage and prom
issory note, or show cause to the there
be any. and that on failure of said defendant gi
to do, the equity of redemption in and to saif
mortgaged premises be forever thereafter barm
and foreclosed. And it is further ordered tb.r
this Rule he published in the Columbus En
,uitu-.r~Sun once a month for four months, or 1
*opy thereof served on the said defendant, or h>
-•peciai agent or atton-.ey. at least three month*
-elorc the next term of this court.
13v the Court :
Petitioner’s Attorney.
J. T. WILLIS. Judge S. C. C. C.
A true extract from the minutes of Muscoge*
Superior Court at its May Terr' .1888. on th* lUtl
May of May. ld8U. GEO. Y. POND,
iy:ioamtm Clerk
Postponed Administrator's Sale
;>Y virtue of :n order from the Cou^t of Ordinary
• > of Muscogee County, Georgia, I will sell to the
lightst bidder at public outcry, in front of the
motion house of F. M. Knc-svles & Co., on Broad
treet, in the city of Columbus, Ga , the usual
•lace of holding sheriff' saks, in nnd for said
sounty. 011 ilie 1st Tuesday in December next,
between tlie legal hours of sale, the following de
scribed real estate, situate, bang and being in-
said state and comity, and known as the south
oartoflot No. 8, (in the Northern Liberties ad
joining the city of Columbus), and having a front
on Oglethorpe street of thirty-five feet, more or
iess, and a depth of one hundred and forty-
four a I4> feet. 1 arming west, the same being the
real estate belonging to the estate- of Evelina
Gaines, deceased, and the house and lot in
which she’ resided at time of her death. Terms
3 ash.
Adm’r, with the will annexed, of Evelina Gaines.
novR oaw4w
Is the best freneml purpose wire fence In use. IV
1st. straits net-work without tniriis. Don't
Injure stock. It '.vlll turn docs, pics, sheep nnd
poultry, ns well as horses nnd cuttle, The best
fence tor Farms, Gardens, Stock Re nges and Rail
roads. Very neat, pretty styles for Lawns. Turks
School-lots and Cemeteries. Covered with rust
proof paint, or made of galvanized wire, us pre
ferred. It will last a life-time. It Is better thnn
board* or barbod wire In everv respect. The
rtediiwlck (iutra made of wrougbt-lron pipe and
steel wire, defy all competition In lightness, neat
ness, strength and durability. Wo make tlie best
cheapest ami easiest working nil-iron automatic
or aeir-openiiia gate, and the nenteet cheap
iron fences now made. The best Wire
Stretchers. Catting Pliers nnd Post Angers.
For prices and particulars ask Hardware Dealers
or address, mentioning paper,
SEDGWICK BROS.. Richmond, Ind
time prescribed by law; and oU parties indebted
to said Thos. D. Fortson are required to make
immediate payment to me.
ocfioawtiw! Administrator
W ANTED—Lady, active and intelligent, to
represent, in her own localit'.an old finr.
References r quired. Permanent position and
i'ood salary.
E. J. JOHNSON, Manager, 16 Barclay St., N. Y.
uov9 tuliu.
M other’s
Not only shortens the time
of labor and lessens the in
tensity of pain, but it great
ly diminishes the danger to
life of both mot her and child
and leaves the mother 111 a
condition highly favorable
to speedy recovery, and' far
less liable to flooding, Con
vulsions, and other alarming
symptoms incident to slow
or painful labor. Its wender-
fUl efficacy in this respect
entitles it to be called The
Mother’s Friend and to be
ranked as one of the life
saving remedies of the nine
teenth century.
We cannot publish certifi
cates concerning this reme
dy without wounding the
delicacy of the writers. Yet
we have hundieds on file.
Send for our book, “To Mothers,” mailed ftee.
Bradfikld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
]y21 eod&w nrm (2)
M when bnslness Is dull and prk
prices are low li
outfit for the
„ ^ fall shooting
Great barealns. Sand for new F R ggr cata-f\|
wffer. The Cilooer hfs< iii
’! hijr money *o fell mu
Valuable City Property,
y by virtue of an order from the Superior
Court of Muscogee County, paused at the Mav
Term, 1880, thereof,the undersigned Commission
ers, appointed by said Court, will sell in front of
the Court House of said county, In the city ol Co
lumbus. on the first Tuesday in December next
between the legal hours of sale, at public outcrv’
to the highest bidder , the following described
oily 1 roperty, all lying in the city of Columbus
county ot Muscogee, State of Georgia, to wit •
T ho ground, with the improvements thereon
formerly known us the McKee Carriage Reposlto^
ry and bliops, now occupicu by John Disbrow &
Co. ns a livery stab e being known and distin
guished in the plan of fluid city as lot number 128
bounded on bo north by lot formerly owned by
Garland 13. Terry, on 1 he south by lot formerly
owned by Jones, McDougab nnd ( leghorn, on
the oust by lot-number 225. and on the west bv
I’‘/ft■ avenue (formerly Oglethorpe street), on
which Kind Lirst avenue snid pioperty fronts.hav-
ing u tront of ninety-nine ism feet, more or less
nnd runs bock with n depih of one hundred uiid
forty-seven feet and ten mein s (14V feet 10 Inches)
more or less, ’
Alan, the following lots and parts of lots in said
city ot Columbus, to-wlt:
All of ity lots numbers 620 and 528, contuinign
ot an acre each, more or less: also, the north
parts ot city lots numbers 023 nnd 624, said parts
beingqt Ihe breadth offorty-nine feet three nml
rlie-third lnehe; do feet 3', Inches) each, running
through both ol sate lots tlie same width from
Forsyth to McIntosh streets,-being the north
i biros ofsaid lots numbers 02,i and 024, the whole
of tlie aforesaid pioperty being the same property
Which was owned b> the late James M. Quinby in
his life lime. The four lots last described lie in a
cont guous body and arc unimproved.
1-or ihe purposes of this sale the four unim
proved lots und parts of mts.last alio”, described
have been sui divide- Into eight eoual lots, oora-
menclugon Fifteenth stri et i formerly Lee street)
und numbered as follows, to-wlt: 1, 2. 3, 4, 6, (I 7’
8-encli of said lots being ofa breadth of 49 feel
1 -1 inches, nnd running back with a depth of 147
eet in inclies. Lots numbers 1, 3, 5 amt 7 in tlie
above subdivision are situated on the east side of
1-ourtb avenue 1 formerly Forsyth st eet), each lot
fronting on saul Fourth avenue iorty nine feet
three und one third inches 149 feet 8)s inches),and
running hack fast 147 feet 10inches.
Lots numbers 2.4,0 and 8 in said tubdivision
aresituated m the west side of Fifth avenue
(formerly McIntosh street), each of said lots
fronting on said Filth avenue 49 feet 3’-, inches
and running back west 147 feet 10 inches.
Terms—Cash on day of sale.
Possession given on payment of purchaser
money. D. A. ANDREWS;
nov2dlm Commissioners.
Pteal Estate Agent,
BIS, (iA.
11450. M acre lot, five room House, al’ complete,
on upper Second avenue.
650 One vacant lot on 4th avenue, between 8th
and 9th streets.
22'0. ‘i* acre lot. six room house and other
homes, all new, on lower Broad.
2750. 5 room house, two servant houses.
250 One vacant lot fronting parte.
1800, v i acre'ot, 6 room house and store house.
450. ‘-i acre lot on 3d avenue, between 6th and
6th streets.
3000 Small farm two miles east of city.
1000 10 acres land, 5 room house, 3 miles east of
1200 20 acres land, 6 room house, good fence, two
miles north of city.
I have, also, other citi property, which I will
Real Estate Agent, No.22 12th St
/•-yURE Biliousness; Sick HeadnchJ in Four liours,.
\G) O110 dose relievos Meur&lnia, ,'hey cere anrt
prevent Chills *’ Fever, Soar Slosnaoh Bs-’
Breath. Clear the Skin, Tone iho Kervas, cr.-.l (jivii
_if e -r* Vigor to the system, liosei&NK BEl.t',
fry them'once anu yon will nover ho uilhon'. then,
Prlco, 26 cents per boillo. Sold by S.-rr-ji--' j and
eledlclno Dealers generally. Sen! on rt.ccip: o'
prlco In stamps, postpaid, to any addrosc,
ii. F. SMITH & CO.,
Manufacturers and Solo Props.. ST. LOUIS. HO.
It can bo given in n cup of coffee dr tea
without tlie knowledge of the person tak
ing it; is absolutely harmless, and will ef
fect a permanent and speedy cure, whether
the patient is a moderate drinker or an al
coholic wreck. It has been given in thou
sands of cases, and in evei y instance a per
fect cure hns followed. It never falls. The-
system once impregnated with the Specific,,
it becomes an utter impossibility for the
liquor appetite to exist. For Sale by
Call or write for circular & full particulars*
Comliincil with (treat llefractinff Power,
They arc* ns Transparent and Color
less as Li*;lit Itself,*
And for softness of endurance to the eye cannot
• excelled, enabling the wearer to read for hours
without fati&ue. I11 fact, they a«e
Perfect Sight Preservers.
Testimonials from the leading physicians in
the United States, governors, semi tors, legis
lators, stockmen, men of note in all professions
and in different branches of trade, bankers, me
chanics, etc., can be given, who have had their
sight improved by their use.
Druggists, Columbus, Georgia.
These Glasses are not supplied to peddlers at
uuy price. oc i 6 Um
NOTICE is hereby given to all parties having
demands against P. McArdle, late of Muscogeee
county, deceased, to present them to me properly
made out, within the time prescribed by law, so
as to show their character and amount. And all
persons indebted to said deceased are hereby re*
quired to make immediate payment to nie.
This August 5th 1886. J. Q. BURRU8.
aug5 oaw6w Administrator
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
A lywirig claims against the estate of
-lx- Catharine Sullivan, deceased, will present
them within the time pr« scribed by law, and all
SSI?-. 0 !?? are required to make
T>T> T Send six cents for postage and
i -IVL/J-Fi, recceive free a cosily box of
goods which will help all. of either sex, lo uiakg
more money right a.vuy ihs 1 anything else i
im»vn>i)<> furvuiics await the workers abso
lutely s Term.i mailed free. Thle & Co.
Auirurt *.»