Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, November 30, 1886, Image 3

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_DAILY enquirer • BUN, COLUMBUS. GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER SO, 1880. New* from the Three States Told in Brief Paragraphs. Work ProKri'Mlmr on the Romo and Decatur Kond. A Negro Shot and Wounded at Butler—Another (iin House Burned—Three Horses Poisoned ut Bcney—Alahama and Florida New* Notes. Ueonrla. Augusta, after long consideration, 1ms determined to have a paid tire depart ment. Mr. John Brownlee, of Gwinnettcounty was struck by an engine Saturday add had his collar bone broken, Chany Helms, a negro woman, commit ted suicide Friday night by jumping into a well in Rome. Disappointment in love is supposed to be the cause. The Methodists of Elbert-on will soon commence the erection of a fine brick church. The money, ten thousand dollars, has been subscribed and the work will move right on. At, Macon Friday Mollie Randall com mitted suicide on the corner of Fifth and Plum streets. She was a hard drmkerand a regular taker of opium. She was orig inally from Americas. Work on the Rome and Decntur railroad is progressing rapidly. The people of Rome are divided as to whether the depot should be located up town or down town. The matter has not yet been decided. G. L. Powell, at Seney the other night, lost three splendid horses. He went to the lot in the morning and found two dead and the other nearly dead, and after an in vestigation decided that they had been poisoned. The gin 'house of F. W. Barnett, six miles east of Washington, was burned Thursday. Mr. Barnett’s I093 was one bale of cotton ai^d thirty bushels of rye. pin and a large amount of seed. Ho had just finished ginning eighteen bales. Mr. H. H. Colquitt, of Atlanta, visited Madison last week with a view of estab lishing a factory for the manufacture of fertilizers. The matter has been agitated for several weeks, and the chances are that a factory will be built in the near fu ture. Robert V. Nottingham, a prominent Knight of labor, was arrested Friday in Macon on a bench warrant oharging'him with having made incendiary utterances in connection with the arrest and impris onment of Isaacs and Kelly, who are un der indictments for the murder of James Moore. He was taken before .fudge Sim mons Saturday morning and dismissed,the evidence failing to support the charge. A negro went into Butler Friday and said that he had been shot Upon exam ination it was found that he had balls in his left leg and his right arm. He was so excited that it was almost impossible to understand anything he said. Parties who saw the difficulty sny that Mr. Watson, a farmer living south of Butler did the shoot ing. The difficulty grew out of a dispute over some corn. The negro threatened him and was in the act of attacking him when shot. Alabama. Jerry Troy, the oldest conductor on‘he Mobile and Ohio railroad, up to the time of his death, died at Jackson, Tenu., Satur day morning. Every industry in Anniston is crowded with orders, and the future for the town is looking brighter than it has for many a long day. Dr. W. G. B. Pearson announces films .''f as a candidate for mayor of Tusk itoos-a against the present, incumbent, the Hor, W. C.' Jemisou. O.iiiton county, it seems, is destined 'o become known as a rich mineral county. Both iron ore and slate are found in the eartern portion of the county. Mr. Richard Gorgas, of Alabama., a clerk in the war department, has been promoted to a clerkship in class one and transferred to the bureau of education, being directly under Commissioner Dawson. Mr. Gorgas is a sou of General E. Gorgas. Mrs. Tobe Maxwells’ gin house, near Alexander City, was burned late Saturday evening, together with nine bales of cotton and 3003 bushels of cotton seed. Tom Mabry lost three bales of cotton in the fire, and this brings to mind tho fact that lie has been extremely unfortunate in this respect. Two years ago he lost fifteen bales of cotton by fire at the same place, two more bale3 by fire in Goodwater, and several years previous to this he lost bis large and elegant six room dwelling with all it3 contents, together with his year’s provisions and wearing apparel. A rockmason named Pat Tull.v was found at Birmingham, on tho Elyton Band com pany’s dummy street car line, about 7 o’clock Saturday night, with ids head crushed in such a way that it cannot be told whether lie was run over or clubbed to death. The theory of foul play is sup ported by the fact that shortly before 111 the same neighborhood one man was seen to strike another with a plank. The rail road men ray they did not run over the man. Tnlley was employed out on the Kansas City railroad work. A serious difficulty occurred inGeorgi- . . ... .3 UntiiTonn 1? M Kin- ana Saturday evening Myrtle Luke school district No. 40 There an°t nty ’t i8 r n ncod of a te “ehel - ! triet anri on ent - v - four pupils in the dis- to eitfhra 2 aV m l g<! nt ,tenclanee of sixteen KtessX'Ai pta. 4“s ized"m'rwi bCr i C °', nmny hM been organ- if, at. lensacola to vigorously push the section n Ti? U s C iii U ' iQg t business in that BLction 1 be Sullivan Timber Compnnv is torn to wit’ 5 ' V‘i‘ foll T OW xT B bonrcl oFdirec- n J° bn L - Maeauly, of New \°rk, and R. L. Campbell, M. ; I. Sullivan, l. E. Jordan and W. A. S Wheeler, ol' Florida, with W. A. S. W neeler as presi- tin^nl'ii T ' F“ ;! or , ,,an 48 secretary. Mar- mnih ''j 1 !. 18 the largest land owner in the S“’ 8nd be controls more timbered land than any other man to be found anywhere m the pitch pine region of the south. IsikIs Longer IV lien Tough, Stranger—I want a job as umpire. Base Ball Mogul—Did you ever umpire? •No, sir.” ‘‘Then you are an ex-player ?” “No. n “Well, what are yonr qualifications?” 1 have been a proof reader on a daily newspaper.” J “The deuce! You’re just the man we’ve been looking for.” Haiuria. Twenty-five hundred dozen bottles of Ague Conqueror ordered in one month. It positively eradicates all Malaria, Fever and Ague, Bilious and Intermittent Fevers in any climate. Read our book of 1000 testimonials. Due West, S. C., March 12,18S3.—G. G. Green, Dear Sir—We will soon need more Ague Conqueror. It is talcing like “hot cakes” and giving satisfaction. Yours, Ellis Bros. Fairfield, Mo., August 20,1886.—G. U. Green, Dear Sir—Your Ague Conqueror knocks the Chills and Dumb Ague every time, I warrant every bottle and it. never fails. I have cured cases where quinine had no effect whatever. Yours truly, actl2 d&wly W. II. Shaw & Co. Time’s Social Revenges. Mrs. Veragrande—Oh! I know that Mrs. married iu the same church, and her wedding was ever so much finer than mine, and she knew it, too.” “YeSj it’s so.” “I’d lust like to see her now, tearing her hair when she thinks of the fact that my husband had the biggest funeral there ever was on this street, and, with her husband just wallowing in health, she can’t equal it for years yet.”—Omaha World. More Money for Your Work If you improve good opportunities. Hal- lett & Co., Portland, Maine, will mail free full information showing how you can mace from $5 to $25 and upwards a day and live at home wherever you are located. Better write; some have made over |50 in a day; all new. No capital required; started free. Both sexes; all ages. Suc cess for every worker. Send address and see for yourself. oc28 d6m between E. M. Bin ion, druggist, and N. C. Cook, a farmer, living six miles west of that town. The row "started about an account in which Biuion giving Cook the d—m lie^ was knocked down by Cook, and when frnnds E oiled him off, Binion rose nud drawing is pistol shot Cook through the hand. In the row Binion’s brother gave Cook sever al ugly wounds on the head and face. Cook’s wounds are not 8eriou9. While bail was trying to be arranged for a pre liminary trial Billion availed himselt ot that ever ready “leg bail” and left. Two of United States Marshal Kellar’s deputies made a nice haul in Marion coun ty a few days since, capturing two moon shiners and confiscating two stills and 4000 gallons of beer. The stills were capable ol turning out forty gallons of whisky a day, and were located on a branch which mils through a deep gorge in the mountains in the southwest portion of the county. 1 be distillers were Mississippians, who had come across the line to manufacture their moonshine with the intention ot selling it in the camps along the line ot the J'-nnsas City railroad. The deputies report these camps a fine field for revenue work, quantities of wild cat whisky being nan- died among them. Floriilu. Several more brick buildings are being contracted for at Orlando. Cheap John, of Orlando, sold eight- foot alligator to the circus last Mouday lor the neat little sum of $135. Mr. Davis, a man with a feather clean ing apparatus, died suddenly at Tallahas see Saturday night of pneumonm. I leaves a wife near Bunbridge, Go., uher his home was. Dr. Robbins, editor and proprietor ol the Southern Progress, a monthly recently published at Leesburg, ria.,13 now in Orlando arranging to publish in. journal in that city. The Brown Hotel building ntSeflner was destroyed by fire one night last week *■ ne old piacc was tin eyesore and few win ie- gret its disappearance. The new “All Saints Memorial” Episco pal church in Winter Park has received a generous donation from F. B. ICnoivleSj oi Worcester, Mass., that gentleman bavin-, undertaken t e cost of erecting a laiia- 80-113 spire on the tower of the edifice. MOST PERFECT MAm Prcpnrprl with strict regard to Purity, Strength, nnd IlnalMdulni'ss. Dr. Prim's B:,k cuutilius no A muoriin.Mmo,Alum or I'inispliutOB. Dr.Prlco'b iSxtraaa, Vanilla, Lcimon, otc., flavor deliciously. pn/rr BW/AtG POWDPP BO. CmwiZ nun St. Lru’s Office Genkuai. Manager, Columbus, Ga., November 28th, 18S0. AN and alter Sunday. September 12. 13S6, th« V_J schedule of Mail Train will be as follows: No. 1—Going North Daily. Leave Columbus 3 08 p m Arrive at ORipley g J 1 P “ Arrive at Greenville G it> p u No. 9—Coining South Daily. Leave Greenville. Arrive at Chiplty ... 7 10 a u iuuvuDwutp- 8 ll a. ir Arrive at Columbus 10 21 a n No. 3—Freight and Accommodation-North. Leave Columbus Jj ? I 11 Arrive at Cniplcy J & ‘ Arrive at Greenville u n No. 4 -Freight and Accommodation—South. Leave Greenville I?m Arrive at Columbus 11 P TU W. L. CLARK. Gen’l Manager. T. C S. HOWARD. Gen’l Ticket Agent. ilLilllSiSMMmsmiLitu; Opelika, Ala., November 10th, 1880. / iN and after Monday, November 18th. MM, the ’ ) trains on this road will be rur as follows. No. 1. Leave Columbus S « ? S Arrive Opelika 9 38 “ “• No. 3. No. 3. No. 4. Leave Opelika 8 ?? !! ™ Arrive Columbus 6 p m N’o. S. No. 6. No. 7. Leave Columbus 3 oi n m So. H. Leave Opelika g 41 p n) The night trains are diseontftiuc^^fojGbe, pies- ueneral Manager The only gnrfect substitute' i/1 ^/,’t —.no invaluable in ChG.cifA TMthlnff-. * pre.di,rested food for Ova- n'-ntir® Consumptives, Convalescents- ssi-fir “<«• PROFESSIONAL CARDS. LAWYEKS. r |^OL Y. CRAWFORD, Attorney-atrLaw, JOSEPH F. POU, Attorney-at-Lftw. Office up stairs over 1111 Broad street. jpEABODY, BRANNON & BATTLE, • Attorneys at-Law. J'HOMAS W. GRIMES, Attorney-at-Law Office up stairh over Robert Carter’^ drug store yy-M. A. LITTLE, Attorney at-Law. GRIGSBY K THOMAS, Jn. GRIGSBY K. CUANDLRB. r pHOMAB & CHANDLER, Attorneys-nt-Xuaw. Office iiu stairs over C E. Hochstrasser’s store j AS. M. LENNARD, Attorney at-Law. Office back room over U. J. Edge’s shoe store. J L. WILLIS, Attorney at Law Office over Crane’s corner. JAS. G. MOON, Attorney-at-Law and Real Estate Agent. Office corner below Swift’s warehouse. JAMES M. RUSSELL, Attorney-at-Law. Practices in the state and federal courts ol Georgia and Alabama. Office over 1217 Broad St. I. D. PEABODY S. B. HATCHER. ATCHER & PEABODY, Attor; eys-at-Lnw. Office up stairs over 1119 Broad street. IF yy' A. T1GNER, Attorney-at Law. Office on second floor of Garrard building. O P. GILBERT, Attornoy-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all business. Office over R. S. Crane. YY B. SLADE, Atf orney-at- La w. Office on second floor of Georgia Home build ing. W. IT ALONZO CARTER, Attorney-at-Law. Office up stairs over R. S. Crane. | OU1S F. GARRARD, • Attorney-at-Law, I*lf YK3CBAXN. | ^ C. TICKNOR, Practicing Physician. Office at Robert Carter’s drug store. QEORCiE J. GRIJilES. Physician and Surget n. Office up stairs over City Drug Store. J W. CAMERON, Practicing Physician. Office up stairs over Central Drug Store. SS8SSSSSSSSSS s s s s s For Fifty Years the great Remedy for Blood. Poison ana SMn Diseases. Interesting Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to all who apply. It should be carefully read by everybody. Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. [ Q SSS38SSSSSSG Constructed With Our Own Q -'Patent Eyelet Batteries,” ?Hirpa (, s in power nnd r.cmanency all and every ; other device to apply m.iipudip'm to the human system. Our record st.rul.’ ut * i ; 1 r ecu* of all curdile easen tmred. Tliie.’t. I.iwg. Stomach, Kidmy, Liv» r uud ulmest i .tvy her trouble ' ieUls to the mild j* t jh m'mtimt *• . nta of inaff- n - ‘ ll. uii :>pplit I by our r< *tio.t<. The Belli uud {“.' hr''fadir ftupart groat sirn - It. warmth Cured by S. S. S. CAUTION. Consumers should not confuse, our Specific with the numerous imitations, substitutes, potash and mercury mixtures which are got ten up to sell, not on their own merit., but on the merit of our remedy. An imitation, is altrays a fraud and a cheat, and they thrive only as they can steal from the article imitated. Treatise on Wood and Skin Diseases mailed free. For sale by all druggists. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. S. 5. S. vs. POTASH. I have hud blood poison for ten yearR. I know I have taken one hundred bottles of Iodide of potash in that time, but It did me no good. Last summer my face, neck, body and limbs were covered with sores, and 1 could scarcely use my arms on account or rheu matism in my shoulders. I took S. 8. 8., and it lias done me more good than all other medi cines I have taken. My face, body ami neck are perfectly clear and clean, and my rheu matism is entirely gone. I weighed 116 pounds when I began the medicine, and i now weigh 152 pounds. My first bottle bellied me greatly, and gave me an appetite like a strong 1 I would not be without S. 8. S. for several times its weight in gold. * ’ W. 28d “ - - - C. E. MITCHELL, 8t. Ferry, New York. Mobile & Girard R. R. Co. COLUMBUS, GA., November 28, 1880. QN and after this date Trains will run as follows: WEST BOUND TRAINS. No. 1. I No. 3. Pass’gcr.j Accom. Leave CnhmSm Union i>epot 3 10 p mi 10 30 |» ;n 7 15 pin! 2 10 a in “ Momgomciy, M. A E. R. R “ Kuhml*.. M. ,V K. It ll 7 55 pm; 5 00am. 9 48 p m ■ LAST BOUND TRAINS. No. 2. No. 4. PasUger. Accom. | 4 Al a in 1 4 32 p m 5 48 a ml 7 10pm 0 13a ml 7 30 pm Arrive Montgomery, M. & E. R R “ Columbus 9 25 a m 1 10 ■' 9 o m 5 15 am . 5 ,r> a m!. 9 47 a ni \. 10 30 a mi. 12 25 p in . 7 55 p m I. 0 48 p m . Trains Nos. 1 and 2 (Maill dalp-. Nos. 8 and 4 (Macon and Montgomery Through Freight and Accommodation) daily except dunda.v. No. 5 und C (Way Freight and Accommodation) daily ex cept Sunday. W. L, f-LARK. Sup’t. P T*1. WU Id VM8. G. P. A. Shortest. Quickest and Bed—308 MiLi, Shorter to New Yorl; than via Louissviilo—Close Connection with Piedmont Air Line and Western and AI Urn tic Railroad. J E. GILLE3PIE, Practicing Physician. Oflie at Robert Carter’s drug store. W. W. BRUCE. BI5KT BRRVOCB W. BRUCE A SON. Practicing Physicians. Office up stairs over Frazer & Dozier’s hard ware store. ( J NO. J. MASON, Practicing Physician. Office at City Drug Store. Q D. HURT, Practicing Physician. Office up stairs over Brannon & Carson’s drug store. fl W. BATTLE, Practicing Physician. Officce over Brannon & Carson. Residence 727 Broad street. E. GIIIGOS, Practicing Physician. Offie up stairs over Evans & Howard’s drug To effect November Htb, 1886. ::::::::::::::: “ Atlanta Via W. & A. Railroad. “ Cincinnati 1 Via the Piedmont Air Line to Now York and East. “ Richmond “ New York 1 20 p in 9 15 a in 8 J5 p m 9 35 p in 11 01 a in 2 28 p m 10 29 p ill 11 12 p m It 44 p in 12 52 a 111 2 15 a m 7 50 1 11) 111, r p ml ) p in South Bound Tr No. 50 7 40 a m 0 15 p 111 6 30 a ?r. P 33 a in 10 03 a m 12 25 p m 3 20 p in No Wilson In Wiignoflc IMwcr Lniliei’ AImIoiiiIikiI Niipportor Gives great support and comfort and In creased strength to the walls of the abdomen fn. cases of abdominal enlargement without any particular disease. Tends also to decrease ana prevent excessive accumulation of fat. The magnetic Teething Necklace soothes and quiets the Teething Baby and pre vents convulsions. The full power Eyelet lire I cry IiimoIc* not only warm the feet, but prevent cramps in legs so prevalent, in advancing years. No Invalid should despair because cheaper or inferior good* have failed, until they have tried our methods. Pamphlet, letters of instruction and testimonials mailed to any address. Advice and counsel free to all patients. Dr. CARL1MK TERRI, Columbus, Ik, Agent oclQdtjclG UNPRECEDENTED STOCK OB 1 Piece Goods NOW RKADY For Fall, 1886. Clothing Mt to Order. Y.i rtefy rnimmdli'h'ti. Reasonable. MulfvCnciion IhiAviuiteed. G. j. PEACOCK, ('lottiiiiK Tf unn far Hirer, 1200 A 120® Hruftt Street. folrinitniN (la. ALL FIRST-CLASS Storekeepers now keep it foi’ Sale Leave Atlanta “ Montgomery, v “ New Orleona 1 1 90 jim; 12 20 am 2 2.8 p m 1 5 09 pm | 4 2> a m 6 01 p nil 5 22 a 111 7 15 p ml 6 45 a r n 2 16 a mi 2 10 pm 7 10 a n« 7 80 p ni Train 50, Pullman Palace Hlecp’ng Car through to New Orleans. Train 52. Family Emigrant Sleeping CJa , free of charge, through to Texas without change. Via Selma nnd Queen and Orescent. No. 8. No. 5 8 30 p ill 11 30 p ni 1 45 p 1 4 00 p 5 35 p “ Montgomery “ fihrcx’cr^rt 1 84B p CECIL GARRETT. G. »G.\TINTN. \* r F. TIGNEB, Deutist. Office up ptairs over Glass BroB’ drug store. Twefih street. 1 EO. W. McELHANEY, Dentist. Office up stairs over Wittich A Kinsel’s, in Garrard building. yy'M. J. FOGLE, Dentist. OfHce over Rothschild Bro*' . 12*7 Broad “treet CONSUMPTION HIOSEI HOSE I IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF RUBBER HOSE, VE WILL OFFER SPECIAL BARGAINS FOB THE NEST WEEK. We have the best and cheapoat Hose in the market. A full line of Hose Reels and Nozzles. TO PARENTS. Many baking powders are v'»’*v or mi clou* to health, ami while every one regards his own, lie should ulsn Iiave a care for tho torulef ouos—the little children. SEA FOAM contains none of tho lmd qualities of linking C owdei’R—Hotla or uaU-ralus. It contains no urtlul Ingredient—uo alum or ammonia. SCIENTIFIC. Al! ChemfstSLwho have analyzed Rea Foam commend it. Housekeepers who have lifted it will have no other. Cooks, whoso best e'Tortw have failed with other powders, are jubilant oversea Foam. Saves time, saves lalx/r, saves money. It is positively unequaled. Absolutely pure. Used by the lending hotels and n - tuurants in New York city and thrfiughoutthe c^uutry. For sale by all first-class grocers. GANTZ, JONES <C CO., J7C Duane St., N. Y. GEORGIA STEAM ANO GAS PIPE COMPANY 'IVIephono 99. 13 Twelfth Stroft.. FI I FI!! FIDE!!! Fire Insurance face for one year. By paying two annual premiums I ftive you a paid up three-year policy, if-8 will pay for 81000 a year. ?lfi will pay for $1000 three years on your Dwelling, Furniture, etc. LOWBvreNi j tat: aimi'stiie'.nts! psoupt payments: JOHN BLACKMAR, Telephone No. 51. * /.RON ...— v V' •a»*vp- v 11 '’i f-\ NO THE PATENT MICE & DUST PROOF TYLERDESK Bookcases,Tables, Offlok Chairs,Letter Presses. Pino Cabinets, &c. TVLER DESiK CO. WK* N. Fourth Ht,, 8t. Loum 8eu J \v i'iC 40 up. CutalOfZOk M.WAYER&SIM ADVETiTISIWti AGSNTS EUXLxfliiQ mmmt Cor. Cbestnnt and KigbMi Sen. H?ceive AdvcrtfsementH f*»v th'a Pap«r Columbus. Ga.|*K2“?ii-MEB £ SON'S KAKliftL 1 ..