Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, December 01, 1886, Image 3
■ _ ■ i7W|1WM| DAILY ENQUIRER SUN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1, 1888. IA, Now* from tha Three State* Told in Brief Paragraph*. 4«<*e Willi* A. Hankie, Drad-A S.gro Child Predict* Her Own Death—A Tobacco Packing Hoaae Ibr ((ulncjr, Etc. Georgia. Bears are plentiful in the swamps a few miles from Darien. Congressman Clements will wed a Louis- Tille, Ky., belle on Wednesday. Judge Willis A. Hawkins died at his home in Americus Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The annual assembly of the south Geor gia conference meets at Cuthbert on the 8th prox. The surveying party of the Atlanta and Hawkinsville railroad are within five miles of Thomaston and will reach there in a few days. The congregation of the Independent Presbyterian church of Savannah resolved unanimously to call Rev. Dr. Leonard W Bacon, of Norwich, Conn., to the nastorate for one year. Information in Rome is to the effect that a syndicate, with fl,000,000, has been formed in New York for the purpose of establishing an iron furnace somewhere on the line of the Rome and Decatur road That city will bid for the site. Captain G. W. Holmes, of the Covington and Macon railroad, says that the road will be completed to Round Oak by to-dav or to-morrow, when a regular train will lie put on. Track laying is progressing rap idly. 1 William Miller, colored, charged with burning Napier’s gin house a short while since, has been arrested mid placed In the jail at Eatonton to await his trial. Mr Na pier lost near *4000 by the fire and had no insurance. William Miller was employed by Napier. In Fort Valley Mrs. General Anderson, a week or two since, fell and broke her arm. She is now nearly well, and a day or two ago the general fell and broke one or two of his flgers on his wounded hand, and on Wednesday his son, Lofton, fell and broke his arm. Hamilton Brown, a native of Greenock, Scotland, aged fifty-five years, died at St. Joseph’s infirmary at Savannah Monday morning. His . wife is living at Cape Town, South Africa, from which place he came to Savannah in search of his son, who had suddenly disappeared and been traced to Georgia. The gin house oh Professor Williams’ place, near Fort Valley, now occupied by Mr. Tom Watson, was destroyed by fire this week. The gin house was insured. The loss was about $1000, on which there Was no insurance. Only the house was in sured, and two bales of cotton, 1300 bush els of seed, a good gin, engine, press, etc., Were destroyed. A very strange occurrence took plaoe near Rome on Sunday. A little twelve- year-old negro girl, apparently in perfect health, told her mother to dress her in her grave dress, because she was going to die. Her mother, to humor the child’s whim. S artially complied, and before she had nished the child was dead. The facts are vouched for bv a responsible gentleman who resides in the neighborhood. Alabama. Birmingham real estate continues to boom. Greenville Is to have an election on the 13th on the prohibition question. It is rumored that Sam Noble will erect a furnace at Syllacauga in January. Messrs. M. B. and J. Y. McCarthy, late of Savannah, Ga., are in Montgomery for] the purpose of establishing a business ! college. The gin house of Mr. James Ferrior, near Letohatchie, was burned Sunday night. It contained about ten bales of cotton. The total loss is about $3000; insurance $1500. Mr. J. B. Gay, of Montgomery, lost the barn on his stock farm by fire Sunday night. The farm is on the Hayneville road, about nine miles from the city. A large quantity of oats and corn was de stroyed with the barn. A special order issued by the Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company announces that Mr. J. T. Poe has been appointed genera] southern agent of that road, with head quarters at Mobile. Mr. Poe was a citizen of Montgomery some years ago. Florid*. The trustees of the Presbyterian church of DeLancl have purchased a lot on which they propose to erect a $4000 or $5000 church immediately. The dedication of the New Hope Baptist church near Long Pond, in Columbia coun ty, J. I). Tayloi pastor, will occur on Mon day, December 20. Capt. W. H. Paschal], of Columbia coun ty, has sold his tobacco crop from one and d half acres for as much money as he re ceived for eighteen acres of cotton. A number of orange buyers have been in DeLand the past week, but the prices offered has not induced the fruit growers to sell. About 50,000 boxes or more are held there. It is rumored at Quincy that it is the in tention of a northern firm to establish a packing house in that place for the curing and putting into proper shape, for market, the tobacco crop of Gadsden county, in the near future. Ex-Mayor Pearce, of Tallahassee, is try ing an experiment with Florida syrup. He takes the warm syrup from the evapo rator, puts it in bottles and seals it up. It is claimed that when opened twelve months hence it will be found to have re tained all the flavor of new syrup. The Presbytery in session at Eustis have selected Eustis from among the towns competing for the site of the Presbyterian college, the citizens of that town having offered *25,000 in money and land. The site is on Crooked lake, about tw o miles from the business portion of Eustis and just within the town limits. Naples is the name of a prospective city on the Gulf coast. It is commandingly situated upon the Gulf of Mexico, twenty- five miles south of Punta Rassa, in Monroe county, and embraces the most southern habitable portion of the mainland on that coast. The town site has a frontage ot five miles along the shore, with a broad shell beach. A Story on Ureolcy. The Argonaut. It was Horace Greeley’s custom on Sun day forenoon to attend Dr. Chapin s church, after which he would saunter down to the Tribune office and look through the exchanges. One remarkably cold Sunday he came down to the office after church. The janitor had neglected to build any fires. Mr. Greeley went into the editorial rooms, and his feet feeling cold, he took off his shoes and hung his feet in the regis ter. Presently the foreman came down on some errand of business. It was freezing cold, and there was a cold draft rushing through the register where Mr. Greeley sat immersed iu exchanges, wholly ohm l- ous of all sublunary discomforts. 'Why, Mr. Greeley!” exclaimed the foreman, “what in the world are you doing? There s no fire there, and you’ll take your death of cold.” “D—n it f” said the philosopher, pettishly, “w f hy did you tell me ? I w r as warming myself very nicely.” H* Eumi Whit He ITn Talking Abut. “I’ve been on this road ten years,” said the conductor on a southern railroad to a passenger who complainod of the slow time, “an’ I know what I’m talking aoout. ’Ten years, eh?” said the passen ger. What station did you get on at?” Harper’s Bazar. Wonderfkl Curt*. W. D. Hoyt A Co., wholesale and retail druggists of Rome, Ga., say: We have been selling Dr. King’s New Discovery, Electric Hitters and Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfac tion. There have been some wonderftil cures effected by these medicines in this city- Several cases of pronounced con- sumption have been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. King’s New Discov ery, taken in connection with Electric Bit ters. We guarantee them always. Sold by Brannon & Carson. eod&w A Smart Servant. Mrs. Greene—“Timothy, what have you done with the letter that was lying on the bureau?” Timothy—“I put it into the letter-box, ma’am.” Mrs. G.—“Oh! Provoking! Didn’t you see there was no address on the envelope?” Timothy—“Yes, ma’am, hut I thought yer didn’t want nobody to know who you was vvritin’ to.”—Life. Mulnriu. Twenty-five hundred dozen bottles of Ague Conqueror ordered in one month. It positively eradicates all Malaria, Fever and Ague, Bilious and Intermittent Fevers in any climate. Read our book of 1000 testimonials. Due West, S. C., March 12, 1883.—G. G. Green, Dear Sir—We will soon need more Ague Conqueror. It is taking like “hot cakes” and giving satisfaction. Yours, ‘ Ellis Bros. Fairfield, Mo., August 29,1888.—G. G. Green, Dear Sir—Your Ague Conqueror knocks the Chilis and Dumb Ague every time. I warrant every bottle and it never fails. I have cured cases where quinine had no effect whatever. You rs truly, act!2 d&wly W. lb SHAW A Co. Soiiiellilnir (loud. Thomnson—“Jones, did you say? Why, he is shiftless, lazy and utterly incompe tent!” Johnson—“But there must be something- good about him. Isn’t there something you can say in his favor?” Thompson—“We-el, ye-es, perhaps there is. He often has very good inten tions.” Free Trurtp. The reduction of internal revenue and the taking off of roveune stamps from Pro prietary Medicines, no doubt has largely benefited the consumers,as well as relieving the burden of home manufacturers. Es pecially is this the case with Green’s Au gust Flower und Boscliee’s German Syrup, as the reduction of tbirty-six cents per dozen, has been added to increase the size of the bottles containing these remedies, thereby giving one-fifth more medicine in the 75 cents size. The August Flower for Dyspepsia and Liver Comulaint, and the German Syrup for Cough and Lung trou bles, have perhaps, the largest sale of any medicines in the world. The advantage of increased size of the bottles will be greatly appreciated by the sick and afflicted, in every town and village in civilized coun tries. Sample bottles for 10 cents remain the same size octl'2 d&wlv MOST PERFECT MADE Prenareil with strict regard to Purity, Strength, and Health fulness. Ur. Price's Powder contains no Amiuonia.Lline.Alum or Phosphates. Dr.Price's Extracts, Vanilla, Lemon, etc., flavor de.'idouuly. me.f BIKING POWDER CO. CmcACO Mo St Loms. FOR SALE. i&io-rn ONE STORE HOUSE on Tenth street; six rooms, 31x116 leet. Will pay 17 per cent on investment. One six-room House on Ninth street. Owe three-room House and lot 50x117 feet 10 inches, cheap. Call quick. FOR E/EU'T. One four-room House on Tenth street, corner Fifth avenue. One small Store House on Rose Hill. J-. O. IROEIEDIDY, Real Estate Agent, No.22 12th St dtf DRUNKENNESS AW m-TT*. TTAHAD TT1DTH tkACTTTTMTT.V OR THE LIQUOR HABIT, POSITIVELY CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES’ GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can he given in n cup of coffee or tea ■without the knowledge of the person tak. ing it; is absolutely harmless, and will ef- feet a permanent und speedy cure, whether the pntient is a moderate drinker or an al coholic wreck. It has heen given in thou sands of cases, und in every instance a per fect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnated with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For Sale by I>OB SALE BV M. D. HOOD A CO., 93 BItOAD ST., COLlMflJl’S, GA. Call or write for circular & full particulars, $50 REWARD rill be paid for any Grain F tin of iame kite that can clean and hag of • Seed in irer or our Improved U urc house Mill ahieh we offer cheaj Price Llat mailed free- NEWARK MACHINE CO. Columbus, Oh. D CAITklCQQ ! Its cause*, and a new hAr IN boo : and successful CUIIK at vour own home, by one who was deaf twenty-eight years. Treated by the most noted specialists without benefit, (hired himself in three months, and since then hundreds oi others. Full particulars sent on application. T 8 PAGE, No. 11 West 31st rft., New York City. ’ oc‘28 tu th sat&wBm and Whiskey Hab it* cured at home with out pain. Book of par- Oculars sent FJtEU. 5vi 65Hi Whitehall Street PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 'POL Y. CRAWFORD, Attorney-at-Law, JOSEPH F. POU, Attorney-At-Law. Office up stairs over 1111 Broad street. pEABODY, BRANNON & BATTLE, Attorneys at-Law. J'HOMAS W. GRIMES, Attorney-at-Law. Office up stairs over Robert Carter’s drug si ore. 'yy'M. A. LITTLE, Attorney atrLaw. GRIGSBY E THOMAS, JR. GlllUHUY IS. CHANDLER. JHIOMAS & CHANDLER, Attorneys-at-Law. Office ud stairs over O E. Hochstrasser’s store J AS. M. LENNARD, Attorney-a t-Lnw. Office back room over C. J. Edge’s shoe store. J L. WILLIS, Attorney at Law Office over Crane’s corner. JAS. G. MOON, Ati u ney-at-Law and Real Estate Agent. Office corner below Swift’s warehouse. JAMES M. RUSSELL, Attorney-at-Law. Practices in the state and federal courts of Georgia and Alabama. Office over 1247 Broad St. 8. B. HATCHER. F. D. PEABODY ATCHER & PEABODY, Att or l ey s-a t- La w. Office up stairs over 1110 Broad street. ir yy A.TIGNER, Attorney-at Law. Office on second floor of Garrard building. P. GILBERT, Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all business. Office over R. S. Crane. yyr B. SLADE, Att orney-at-Law. Office on second floor of Georgia Home build ing. yy ALONZO CARTER, Attorney-at-Law. Office up stairs over R. S. Crane. J OUIS F. GARRARD, Attorney-at-Law, Office ir. Garrard building, over Wittich & If! n uni ’g PHYSICIANS. jj C. TICKNOR, Practicing Physician. Office at Robert Carter’s drug store. G 1 EORGE J. GRIMES. Physician and Surgecn. Office up stairs over City Drug Store. J W. CAMERON, Practicing Physician. Office up stairs over Central Drug Store. J E. GILLESPIE, Practicing Physician. Offie at Robert Carter’s drug store. w. w. BRUCE. W W. BRUCE & SON, BERT BKRUOOK Practicing Physicians. J NO. J. MASON, Practicing Physician. Office at City Drug Store. Q D. HURT, Practicing Physician. rjl W. BATTLE, Practicing Physician. Offlcce over Brannon & Carson. Residence 727 Broad street. E. GRIGGS, Practicing Physician. DENTISTS. yy F. TIGNER, Office up stairs over Glass Bros’ drug store, Twefth street. G EO. W. McELHANEY, Dentist. Office up stairs over Wittich & Kinsel’s, in Garrard building. WM. J. FOGLE, Dentist. Office over Rothschild Bros., 1247 Broad street. sssssssssssss s s s s s s For Fifty Years the great Remedy for Blood Poison ana Skin Diseases. For 50 Years. S.S.S. It never Fails! Interesting Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to all who apply. It should be carefully read by everybody. Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. S S S S s s sssssssssssss CAUTION. Consumers should not confuse our Specific with the numerous imitations, substitutes, potash and mercury mixtures which are got ten up to sell, not on their own merit, hut on the merit of our remedy. An imitation Is always a fraud and a cheat, and (hey thrive only as they can steal from the article imitate d. Treatise on Stood und Skin Diseases mailed fixe. For sale by ail druggists. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawers, Atlanta, Ga. 3. 3. 3. vs. POTASH. I hnvo had blood poison for ten years. I know I have taken one hundred bottles of Iodide of potash in that time, but it did me no good. Last summer iny face, neck, body and limbs were covered with sores, and 1 could scarcely use my arms on account of rheu matism in my shoulders. I took 8. S. S., and it has done me more good than all other medi cines I have taken. My face, body and neck are perfectly clear and clean, and my rheu matism Ih entirely gone. I weighed 110 pounds when 1 began the medicine, and I now weigh 152 pounds. My first, bottle bellied me greatly, and gave me an appetite like a strong man. I would not be without 8. 8. S. for several times its weight in gold. C. E. MITCHELL, W. 33d 8t. Ferry, New York. Mobile & Girard R. R. Co. o N and after this date Trains will run as follows: COLUMBUS, GA., November 28, 1886. WEST BOUND TRAINS. Leave Columbus Union Depot “ Oolumhu-i Broad Street Depot j Arrive Union .springs | Leave Union Springs Arrive Tro I “ Montgomery, M. &■ E. R. R “ Kufuola, M. & E. It. R 10 30 p in 10 10 o nii 1 50 a m 2 10 a m | 7 55 p m 5 00 a m l 0 48 p m 1 : 9 47 a niL 10 30 o ml.. 12 25 p ml.. 7 55 pm!.. 9 48 p ill EAST BOUND TRAINS. No. 2. Pass’ger. Leave Montgomery, M. & E R. R... “ Eufaula, M. & E. R. R “ Troy Arrive Uniou Springs Leave Union Sgrings Arrive Montgomery, M. & E. R R.. “ Columbus 4 54 a m 4 13 a m 5 48 a m 6 13 a m 7 30am 9 25 a m 3 3Op mi 7 BO am!. 4 32 pm! 4 54 a m|. ! 7 30 a m . 7 10pm 9 18 am . 7 30 p m 10 00am . 10 59 p ill! J 40 p i Accommodation) daily except Sunday, cept Sunday. W. L. CLARK. Sup’t. No. 5 and 6 (Way Freight and Accommodation) daily ex- D E. WILLIAMS. O. P. A. WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, Shortest, Quickest and Best—308 Miles Shorter to New York than via Louisville—Close Connection with Piedmont Air Line and Western and Atlantic Railroad. In effect November 14th, 18811. Leave New Orleans.., “ Mobi e “ Selma “ Montgomery.. “ Chehaw Arrive Columbus Leave Columbus “ Opelika No. 63 > nht lam a in i I a ml “ LaOrunge “ Neuman “ Atlanta Via W. & A. Railroad. Leave Atlanta Arrive Rome “ Dalton “ Chattanooga “ Cincinnati Via the Piedmont Air Line to New York and East. I i I Leave Atlanta | I 1 ■ Arrive Charlotte I j I 12.' “ Washington I I | 3: “ Philadelphia ; J j 7 Pullman Palace Cars Montgome»y to Washington without change on ail trains. Train ol, Pullman Palace Buffet (Jar Atlanta to New York without change. 7 56 a m 1 20 p m 9 45 a m H 16 p m 9 85 p m II 01 a m 2 28 p m 10 29 p m 11 12 i> rn 11 11 p m 12 62 a in 2 15 a m 1 40 p m j 7 50 a nr r p m ) p m > p m I 7 40 a m « lb P »«) 6 30 a m 8 30 a m 10 03 a ni I? 35 p m 3 20 p m South Bound Trams. i ( No. 50 | No. 52 Leave Atlanta Leave Columbus ' ! 2 28 p m: Arrive Chehaw “ Montgomery • ' Arrive Mobile j 1 “ New Orleans 1 | Train 50, Pullman Palace Sleeping Car through to New Orleans. Train 52, Family Emigrant Sleeping Cai, free of charge, through to Texas without change. Via Selma and Queen and Crescent. 1 No. 8. 2 28 p m 8 80 p m 11 30 p m No. 54. 1 45 p m 4 00 p rn 5 85 p m 6 27 p m 6 50 a in 1 40 p m 6 45 p m “ Slircvenoit CECIL GABBETT, General Manager. HOSE!_ HOSE I IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF RUBBER HOSE, 1WILL OFFER SPECIAL BARGAINS FDR IRE NEAT WEEK. We have the best and cheapest Hose in the market. A full line of Hose Reels and Nozzles. GEORGIA STEAM AND GAS PIPE COMPANY Telephone 99. 13 Twelfth Street. FI! FIRE!! FIRE!!! CONSUMPTION i have a positive remedy lor tu« above dimaa*-; by itn use Fire Insurance free for one year. By paying two annual premiums I give you a paid up three-year policy. f8 will pay for flliOO a year, fill will pay for $1000 three years on your Dwelling, Furniture, etc. LOW BATES! FAIR A I>.l I'STMKMS! l>KO)ll>T PAYMENTS! tint I win .end TWO ItOTTI.KS KHK.K, DASI.E TREATISE ou till. *11. prtad end i*. 0. address* DK* T. novl9 eoc’&w6in iding efficacy. h a VAlr ..... Give Us* fc LOCUM, 181 l*e»ri SI., W.fc JOHN BLACKMAR Telephone No. 51. WILS0N1A MAGNETIC APPLIANCES Constructed With Our Own “Patent Eyelet Batteries, system. Our record stands at 86 per cent of all) curable cases cured. Throat, Lung, Stomach.. Kidney, Liver and almost every other trouble 1 yields to the mild yet persistent currents of mat- tietism, as applied by our methods. The Belt; and Inviporator impart great strength, warmth ' and comfort, and the Dyspeptic, Nervous, weak and desponding, become hopeful and genial, and. enjoy life again. 12ft Wilson in M<i«ii<(lc Power Lndie«) AImIkmiiIiim3 Supporler (lives great support and comfort and ltt~ creased strength to the walls of the abdomen it cases of abdominal enlargement without any particular disease. Tends also to decrease und prevent excessive accumulation of fat. The HloKiiriic Toellilng Keckliiro soothes and quiets the Teething Baby and pro*- vents convulsions. The full power*tiyolftt Buttery Insoles not only warm the foet, but prevent cramps ir.-. legs so prevalent in advancing years. No Invalid 1 should despair because cheaper or inferior goodftv have failed, until they have tried our methods.- Pamphlet, letters of instruction and testimonials/ mailed to any address. Advice and counsel flreo to all patients. Hr, CARLISLE TERRY, Columbus, (la., Agent ocl6 dtjelG UNPRECEDENTED STOCK OF Piece Goods NOW READY For Fall, 1886. Clothing Made to Order. Variety Tiiimrul(did. 1'rifCH UeiiMiiiitble. btiliNfncfion tluarnnfred^ GOODS select*--d now will be made ready to* delivery et any date desired. Call und lavor uw .vith a ii order. G. j, PEACOCK, <'!i»IUIiu;i MaiMifuctnrer, 12(10 A I‘2S» Ilrmii Hln el. ColunihiiN (Ja. ALL FIHST-CLASS Starefccepers now knep ii for Salff Columbus. Ga. TO PARENTS. Many baking powders are vo**y pemieloimi to health, mid while every one regards hm- own, he should uh o have a cure for the tuudor ones—the little children. SEA FOAM contains none of the bad qualities of baking powders-Kfida or saleratus. It contains no hurtful ingredient—no alum or ammonia. SCIENTIFIC. All Chcmlstsiwho havo analyzed Rea Foam lommetid it. Housekeepers who have uw.'d it will have no other. Cooks, whoso best eTortfc have failed with other powders, are jubilant over Sea Foam. Saves time, saves labor, save* money. It is positively unequaled. Absolutely pure. Used by the leading hotels and restaurants- in New York city and throughout the country- For sale by all first-class grocers. OANTZ, JONES <0 CO., 170 Duane St., N. V. -.ON o. r LG mi pr*c«. e.«ov»giie o¥ •■we co PATENT MICE & OUST PROOF .TYLER DESK Bookcase*, Tables, Office Chairs, letter Pressea, Pine Cabinets, Ac. TYLER DESK CO. 600 N. Fourth at., 8t. Louui bead 4c for 40 pp. Catalog^ .WJAYEB&S9M ADVERTISING AGENTS PHILADEUSSA Cor. Chestnut und Eigluh 8tc. Receive Advertisements for th ; ,9 Paper