Newspaper Page Text
p Columbus, Oft., November 30,1886.
W«w York % off, Eastern % off, Boston alight \
Off, davamiah \ off; Bank checking on New York
•vwr the counter \ premium ami on Savannah
Mt par.
Market today unchanged; inferior 0; ordi
nary—o; *oo<{ ordinary —c; low middling
MHc; middling BV^g^c. good middling
To-day. To Date.
By South western railroad 48
By Mobile and Girard railroad 252
fly Columbus and western road... 4
By Columbus and Rome railroad.. 62
By the river 0
By wagons 343
By Southwestern railroad
By Columbus and Western road... 0
By the river 0
taken by Columbus factories 180
To-day. To Date
Shipped to-day
'* nrovim
look on hand August 31, 1885 1.079
Booeived to-<lay 709
•* previously 46,554 —46,263
previously 86,808—36,385
Stocks on hand 10,957
Stock August 31,1885, 350; received same day,
623; total receipts 53,180; shipped same day 318;
total shipments 40,271, stock 13,259, sales 265;
Middling, 8\./c.
$2000 Wanted to borrow.
DeHaven’s Great Ten-Cent Show.
Candy and Fireworks Adams & Rowers.
See Adv. of Colgate*’s “New” Soap on 2d page.
Real Estate for Sale and Rent—Soule Redd &
Dressed Turkeys and Chickens Salisbury &
Love Feast To-Night.
The monthly lovo feast of St. Luke church will
be held at the lecture room to-night at 7 o’clock.
A Dill attendance of the members is desired.
The Orphan Asylum.
The managers of the orphan asylum will hoM
their monthly meeting to-day. A Dill attendance
of the members of the board is desired.
(lone to Texas.
Mr; J. M. Armour and family, Mr. J. M. Harvey
and fkmily, and Mrs. Mahala Butts and family,
All of Marion county, left this citv for Texas yes
terday. They expect to locate in Glass county.
Three Negroes Arrested.
On Monday Sheriff Harp, of Chattahoochee
county, arrested Will Patterson, Rich Perry and
Henry Nash. They are all negroes, and have
been indicted for carrying concoalod weapons.
It is seldom that a criminal escapes Sheriff
Harp’s clutches,
He (lives Bond.
Jesse Nelson, the young man who was placed
In jail here Monday evening charged with oper
ating an illicit distillery in Talbot county, gave
bail yesterday for his appearance at the prelimi
nary trial on Friday. The case will be heard by
Uuited States commissioner Wynne.
Captnin ll'ni. K. Moore.
Telegrams received from Apalachicola yester
day state that Captain W. R, Moore is rapidly
Improving. lie was placed aboard the steainer
Milton H. Smith yesterday and will reach this
city to-morrow. His many friends here will be
(lid to learn that there is every i eason to sup-
pose that he will soon recover f»* ora his injuries.
Death of Rev. U. M. Lockwood.
A telegram received from Thoinasville an
nounces the death of Rev. R.. M. Lockwood. He
Was very well known and beloved in this city,
where he served faithfully Iris Master as pastor
of the Broad Street Methodist church. Rev. Mr.
Ixxritwood had been a member of the South
Georgia conference for quite a number of years
And was noted for ht* piety. He leaves many
friends here of all denominations who, while
they rejoice that he has received the crown of
glory, sorrow for the departure of so faithful a
servant of his church.
Mr. L. W. Redd, of Suspension, is the city.
Mr. Hoffman, of Baltimore, is in the city.
Miss Minnie Long, of Huvtsboro, Ala., is visit
ing the family of Dr. C. D. Hurt, of this city.
Miss Mattie Alford, of Opelika, spent yesterday
In the citv.
Mayor Seaton Grantland, of GriiRn, president
of the Georgia Midland railroad, is in the city on
business connected with the company.
Captain T. E. Blanchard returned from Atlanta
last night.
Mr. J. P. Kyle left for Gadsden, Ala;, yesterday.
Mr. G. Guuby Jordan will go up to Atlanta to
day on business connected with the Georgia Mid
Sheriff Harp, of Chattahoochee county, is in
the city.
Messrs. Tom Rogers, Matt Williams and E. M
Tharp, of Marion county, are in the city.
Mr. Emmett Dawson, of Opelika, Ala., is in the
Colonel W. A. McDongald has returned from a
trip to the west.
Mrs. J. B. Mitchell, of Seale, is visiting the city,
the guest of Mrs Dr. Johnson.
Mr. Lee Lamar returned to Macon yesterday.
Rev. B. W. Bussey is in the city, en route to
New Orleans, where he goes to take pastoral
charge of the Colliseum Baptist church, of which
his father-in-law, Rev. Dr. S. Landrum, was pash
tor at the time of his death The many friends
of Rev Mr. Bussey iu this city wish for him suc
cess in his new field of labor.
—The city council will hold its monthly meet
ing to-night.
—There was a dauce at the Oolumbus Guards
Armory last night.
—The steamer Pactolus left for Apalachicola
yesterday morning.
—The steamer Amos Hays is expected to reach
the wharf early this morning.
—Mr. Isaac Brooks, who has been seriously ill,
is now convalescing. •
—Judge Brooks issued thirty-four marriage
licenses during the month of November.
—It is expected that Beard’s minstrels will ap
pear at Springer opera house next Mouday night.
—Rev. I. P. Cheney, of Hurtsboro, will preach
at the Baptist church in Browneville to-night.
—The Georgia Midland tracklaying force is
Within two and one-half miles of Waverly Hall.
—Elbert Cooper, the negro charged with com
plicity in the murder of old man Sanders, will
have a preliminary trial at Seale to-day.
—Mr. John Kennedy has secured the position
of book keeper of the Muscogee Manufacturing
Company to fill the vacancy caused by the death
of Mr. Jno. D. Carter.
—Dr. Hobbs, of this city, was arraigned before
Justice McElvy in Browneville yesterday, charged
with practicing medicine without license. After
hearing the testimony Justice McElvy dismissed
the case.
—It was Mr. J. E. McCrary, instead of J. H.
McCrary, who was robbed on the Seale road
Saturday night. He called at the Enquiber-
Sun oflice yesterday and confirmed the account
of the affair already published.
—Two painters went up on the north com
mons yesterday to fight out their differences, but
just as the fun began two policemen appeared on
the scene and took the combatants to the guard
Transfers Recorded In the Clerk’s Office Daring
(lie Month of November.
Mrs. Narcy Wright to John Duncan and J. S.
Young, lot of land No. 57 in Northdrn Liberties,
for $300.
Peabody & Rrannon to Thomas S. Young, part
of city lot No. 201, for $510.
EdmundB. McEachren to Thomas S. Young,
part of city lot No. 201, for $1000.
L. A. Phillips to John Duncan, partof lot No.
43 in Northern Liberties, for $150.
Charles Philips to John Duncan, lot No. 49
(Phillip’ssurvey) in eighth district of Muscogee
county, for $200.
Andrew Williams to John Duncan, city lot No.
7, for $2000.
Charity Crawford to Oliver H. Jackson, lot No.
47 in Northern Liberties, for $20.
Oliver Jackson to John Duncan, lot No. 47, in
Northern Liberties, for $110.
EminaJ. White to Win. M. Harrington, partof
lot No. 241 in the eighth district, for $450.
D. A. Andrews, et al, commissioners, to W. A.
Phillips and R. J. Boyd, lot of land in Tenth
district, containing 408 acres, mote or Jess,
(Carnes’ place) for $660.78.
John Duncan and T. 8. Young to John D.
Dally,parts of lots Nos.4 and 7 in the Phillips sur
vey, for $60.
Ann Wadsworth to Geoage Y. Pond, part of
city lot No. 204, for $500.
D. A. Andrews et al, commissioners, to L. H.
Jenkins, lots Nos. 256, 288, 291, 287, fractional
parts of lots Nos. 289 and 290 in the Tenth dis
trict of Muscogee county, for $4,875.
8. H. Jenkins to Jas. W. Jackson, part of lot
No. 186 in the Tenth district, for $350.
John Brooks to Mary A. Ragg, ten acres of lot
No. J74, for love and affection.
Sarah A. Thomas and Georgia Hall to Isom
Huekabee, lot No. 92 in Northern Liberties,
for $500.
Michael Callahan to William L. Salisbury, half
interest in city lots Nos. 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436,
437, 438 for $900.
W. L. Salisbury to John Peabody and W. H.
Brannon, half interest in* same property for
Peabody A Brannon to E. Sims Ranks, half in
terest in same property for $950.
Felix and Catherine McArdle to William L.
Salisbury, half interest in same property for $800.
J. J. Bradford, sheriff, to W. L. Salisbury, half
interest in same property for $800.
C. T. Porter to E. A. Barks, part of city lot No.
536 for $850.
John L. Ho*ward to Harry Cooper, lot of land in
Coweta reserve for $300.
G. Gunby Jordan and John Blackmar to John
Love and George Lyman, city lot No. 12, for
W. It. and T. H. Moore to Miss Sue M. Banks,
city lot No. 253, for $1800.
J. II. Hamilton to Susan M. Schley, city lot
No. 212, for $2600.
J. N. Embry to Henrietta Bruce, lots No. 202
and 203, for $3500.
G. E. Glenn to J. B. David, lot No. 36, in eighth
district, for $4500.
Mary J. Marshall to Lawrence M. Burrus, city
lot No. 100, for $2000.
Mary A. Burrus, executrix, to Frank J. Kohn,
city lot No. 100, for $2350. *
Elbert Wilson to Melinda Lacy, lot No. 9, in
Gunby survey, for $70.
R. M. Norman to J. H. Connor and William
McGovern, city lot No. 256, for $900.
Commissioners of commons to Muscogee Oil
Company, lots Nos. 1 and 4, for $120.
John 8. Roberts to Paris M. Terry and Wm. D.
Terrv,of lot No. 113 in Coweta reserve, for
8. H. Jenkins to A. J. Jenkins, lots Nos. 24 and
25 in 18tli district, also lots Nos. 83 and 84 in same
district, for $1700.
W. A. Wilmington to Rebecca Solomon, city
lot No. 513, for $6.50.
J. M. Fletcher to Wm. A. Willis, tract of land
in Wynton, known as the Ivey place, for $150.
J. M. Fletcher to Wm. A. Willis, 7% acres,
same place, for $725.
F. H. Lummus, Brooklyn; Austin Leslie, New
York; G. B. Anderson. Boston; II. F. Moore,
Now York; Geo. 1). Wndley, Alabama; II. Wells,
Milwaukee; J. M. Richards, New York; Emmett
Dawson, Philadelphia;W.J. Maxwell, New Yvrk;
H. S. Framvick, Florida; J. T. Ellison, Ellerslie;
W. D. Owen, Woodbury, Ga.; S. P. Moses, G. E.
Wyer, Boston; J. W. Wilson, Louisville; Lansing
Burrows, Augusta; A. F. Stanley. Cusseta, Ala.;
J. E. McCrary, Blankston D. Grantland, Gridin.
Ed. Frizzell, E. F. May, Atlanta; D M. Hitch
cock, agent Dellavcn’s show; A J. Baxter, New
York; D. B. Ferrell,Baltimore; M. B. Kimbrough,
Hamilton; Mrs. A P. Baxter, Richland; J. A.
Graves, Danville; Miss Lizzie Neal, Everett Neal,
Talbotton; A. 8. Harper, Philadelphia; B. T. Pea
cock, Buena Vista; G. T. Hazelton, Grand Rapids;
A. 8. Ellison. Ellevslie: E. M. Tharpe, Buena
Vista; W. W. Huff, Atlanta; J. D. Mason, New
Visible Supply—Ucroifris at Ports—Weather, Ete.
The New York Financial Chronicle of Novem
ber 27 makes the total visible supply of cotton
2,487,588 bales, an increase as compared with last
year oi 67,569, a decrease^as compared with 1884
of 115,555, and a decrease tip compared with 1883
of 213,135.
For the week ending November 26 the receipts
at the United States ports reached 280,262 bales,
making the total since September 1, 2,437,874
bales, showing a decrease of 12,592.
The twenty-six interior towns for the week end
ing November 26 received 176,382 bales, shipped
147,484 and had stocks of 367,078 bales. 8ame time
lost year they received 187,422, shipped 156,278 and
had stocks of 340,405.
The above totals show that the old interior
stocks have increased during the week 27,581
bales and are to-night 29,147 bales more than at
the same period last year. The receipts at the
same towns have been 12,449 bales less than the
same week last year, and since September l the
receipts at all the towns are 16,0.56 bales more
than for the same time in 1885.
The exports for the week ending this evening
reach a total of 186,463 bales, of which 130,066 were
to Great Britain, 9715 to France and 46,682 to
the rest of the continent.
The Chronicle comments on its table of re
ceipts from plantations as follows :
The above statement shows—1. That the total
receipts from plantations since September 1, 1886.
are 2,755,892 bales; in 1885 were 2,749,837 bales; in
1884 were 2,755.369 bales.
2.—That, although the receipts at the outports
the past week wore 280,262 bales, the actuul move
ment from plantations was 309,160 bales, tin* bal
ance going to increase the stocks at the interior
towns. Last year the receiuts from the planta
tions for the same week were 291,069 bales and for
1884 they were 322,286 bales.
lu the table below we give the receipts from
plantations in another form, and add to them
the net overland movement to November 1, and
also the takings by southern spinners to the
same date, so as to give substantially the amount
of cotton now iu sight.
in amount in sight to-night as compared with
last year, is 19.015 bales, the increase as compared
with 188-1 Is 40,335 bales aud the increase from
1883 is 12,427 bales.
The Chronicle's telegraphic weather reports for
the week are thus summarized:
Our telegraphic reports to-night indicate that
the temperature has been somewhat higher at
the south during the week. Picking has been in
terrupted by rain in a few districts, but otherwise
One Negro Kills Another Near Woodbury hjr Hit
ting Him With a Stick.
News reached the city yesterday of a tragedy
in Meriwether county. Harry Dickens and Pat
Washington quarreled on Friday and engaged
in a difficulty, in which Dickens struck Wash
ington on the head with a stick and killed him.
Dickens then fled and has not since been cap
tured. They were both negroes, and were em
ployed on the Baxley gang getting ties for the
Georgia Midland. At the time of the killing they
were at work near Woodbury.
Wholesale Fireworks, the best made.
dtf Adams & Bowers.
A l><*|mi*tiiu*nf Clerk (h*h a Atari In
“Yes,” said Mr. John M. Manning, to a Post
reporter at liis residence, No. 1106 Ninth street,
N. W. Washington. D. 0., “I am the lucky man
who drew one-fifth of the Second Capital Prize of
$75,000 in the October drawing of The Louisiana
State Lottery for $1 sent to M. A. Dauphin, New
Orleans, La. I have already my $5,000 safe in
bank. It came most opportunely. I am a clerk
in the war department, and have devoted my
Bpare time to the study of law. I graduated re
cently, and this gives me a start in life.”—Wash
ington (D. C.) Post, October 25.
Wholesale Fireworks, the best made,
dtf Adams & Bowers.
The (*re«t Ten-C’eiit .Show.
Commencing next Tuesday, December 7th,
DeHaven’s Great Two-Ring Ten Cent Circus will
begin a series of performances in this city. It
waa with some difficulty that a space of ground
sufficiently large for the immense spread of can
vas was secured. The space occupied by a ten-
cent circus last year was too small, and Dellaven
finally rented the vacant lots just north of the
Columbus and Western Railroad, and on Ogle
thorpe street. The show has a fine Menagerie
attached to the Circus. It is said to be the best
ten-cent show now traveling.
Wholesale Fireworks, the best made.
dtf Adams & Bowers.
For Tax Collector.
Announcing myself a candidate lbr re-election
to the office of Tax Collector of Muscogee county,
I respectfully solicit the votes of its citizens,
and will endeavor to deserve their support by
faithfully discharging the duties of this office in
the fhture as in i he past. Election first Wednes
day in January next.
gep21 eodtd Davis A. Andrews.
General Auctioneer, Real Estate,
Block an«l Bond Agent.
Special attention given administrators’, execu
tors’ and assignees’ sales, selling and renting
Real Estate at public or private sale. Office over
Abbott & Newsom’s corner.
For Sale—My Residence on Broad street.
jell tf F\a. Wilkins
God Bless the Children.
Nothing has been so productive of health and
diminished so much the suffering and mortality
amon? children as Tebthina (Teething Powders).
Tkethina allays Irritation, aids Digestion,
Regulates the Bowels, Strengthens the child,
Cures Eruptions and Sores and makess Teething
All Druggists and country stores keep Teeth-
ina. Brannon & Carson, Columbus, Ga.,
Wholesale Agents, supply the trade at manu
facturer’s prices. iy4 d&wly
Special Attention.
You have only three days longer to getcabi-
nets at $1 per dozen. On and after December 1
1 will advance my prices to $6 per dozen or $4 per
half dozen. I also call your attention to the large
photographs I am turning out at redueed rates
for Christmas presents, which will be also ad
vanced. Call early in the week and make en
gagements. Alpha A. Williams.
Coliiin 1>ii« Lodge No. 67, I. O. O. i\,
Will meet at their Lodge Room, corner Broad
and Twelfth streets, over R. S. Crane’s, this
(Wednesday) evening at 8 o’clock.
All Odd Fellows iu good standing are fraternal
ly invited to meet with us.
Macon O, Bekuy, N. G.
Geo. O. Berry, Sec’y. je2 wedly
A. 4>. II. W. Columbus No. 7.
Attend regular meeting this (Wednesday)
evening at 7 o’clock.
J. A. Calhoun, M. W.
C. E. Estes, Recorder. lst&3dsved
Best Stick Candy at 9c per pound, wholesale,
[dtf] SAdams & Bowers.
$2,009 Wilted.
Wanted to borrow, with good security. Ad
dress “E,” care Enquirer-Sun.
Dressed Turkeys and Chickens, Pork Sausage,
Oysters, etc. ' Salisbury & Crow.
Best Stick Candy at 9c per pound, wholesale.
dtf Adams & Bowers
Citron, Dates, Prunes, Glaze Pine Apples, Rasins
and Currants at Robert Justice, Agt.
d tf
A complete stock of pure and fresh Staple and
Fancy Groceries, Candies Fruits Etc., at
d tf R. Justice, Agt.
To I lie Public.
I have just received an assortment of fine Gold
Byzantine and Bronze Frames for the Christ
mas holidays, which are unequaled in beauty
and finish to anything heretofore sold in Colum
bus. Parties wishing fine and handsome Frames
will now place their orders. I can sell them 33*
per cent cheaper than any house in the city.
Alpha A. Williams,
d&weow The Photographer.
Total in sight Nov. 26..
Receipts nt ports to Nov. 26.. I 2,437,874
Interior stocks on Nov. 26 in|
excess of September 1...
Total receipts from planta
Net overland to Nov. 1
Southern consumption to
Nov. I
68,000 60,000
2,943,978 2,962,993
484,2901 518,321
It will be seen by the above that the decrease
Mure Sailors.
We regret not being able to meet the demands
of our customers in the past. Can assure all that
with our increased facilities and enlarged force
of skilled workmen that none will be disappoint
ed in the future. Our prices are right and we
guarantee satisfaction. Leave your orders, and
we will fill them promptly. Perfect fits and un
equalled workmanship secret of the constant
rash. A. C. Chancellor.
Prices ItiMluced on l iulmvcnr.
Our stock must be sold. Many broken lots
wilt be closed for less than cost. Price these
gaods before buying. A. C. Chancellor.
>I;»»\Oiul\s Male.
Will be sold at the public pound on Thursday,
December 2, if not claimed and expenses paid:
One small bull calf (brindle); ear mark, hole in
left ear. Impou ded on November 18.
^Ono small Brindle Steer; put in on November
One Black and Brown Calf.
One White and Red Spotted Calf; put in on
November 22.
One small White and Red Steer; earmarks,
smooth crop in right ear, hole In left. Put in on
23d. j. h. Palmer,
nov30 3t Marshal.
Mince Meat, Apple Butter and Pure Jellies at
d tf R. Justice, Agt.
No Use Talk lug.
Chancellor is doing a large business. He has
had a boom for three months. His taade is in
creasing daily. Close prices and fine goods tell
the secret. Rest assured Chancellor has the
goods, and is not afraid to make lower prices
than the same fine goods can be bought else
where. d&wtf
t'oiiipctitioii Not Coiniidereil.
Always visit Chancellor’s before investing a
dollar, and you will save money on hats, cloth
ing aud furnishimr. d&wtf
To the Kef a 11 Trade*.
Just received 50 barrels choice Apples from $3
to $3.60 per barrel. Also a lurge lot of Almonds,
Walnuts, Pecan and Brazil Nuts, all new goods.
We have on hand a large lot of assorted Fire
works aud will receive this week 1000 boxes of
Fire-crackers, all sizes. Also the largest and
mopt complete stock of fancy aud stick Caudy
and Chewing Gum ever brought to this place.
Will also receive 200 boxes of new London layer
Raisins, assorted size boxes. Call and examine
goods and prices before buying.
nov21 tf J. T. Kavanagii.
Fifty Pair Red and W h lie
Flannel Drawers will be closed this week for 50c.,
75c. and $1 a pair. Chancellor’s prices cannot be
met. . __ • __ d&wtf
Agenls Wanted.
Local, special and general traveling ageuts, for
the Kentucky Mutual Security Fund Company,
of Louisville, Ky. The best plan of life insurance
ever offered to the public. Liberal contracts wil
be made. Address W. T. McCarley, General
Sup’t, Louisville, Ky; nov25 dlw
Holiday JiooiU.
We go upon the principle that the best is the
cheapest, and have purchased the largest and by
far the finest line of these goods, which will be
sold from 25 to 50 per cent less than ever before
in this city. We invite all interested in this line
to see them before purchasing, and wo are con
fident we can please both in q uality and price. We
have the latest novelties in Plush cases of all kinds,
made. In Leather Goods wc have an endless
variety of beautiful Card, Cigar, Cigarettes, Mani
cure, Traveling and Writing Cases. These goods
are all new Japanese and Pressed Leather de
signs, and are extremely beautiful. Every
irake and odor of Cologne and Ex
tract desired can be had of us, and all guaran
teed to give satisfaction. Cut Bottles, large Cut
Pungents, silver tops for name or monogram,
small Cut Pungents and Odor Bottles of all sizes
aftd “price, and an immense stock of German
Favors, all prices. See our beautiful Whisk
Holders, Hair Brushes, Ivory and Buffalo Dress
ing Combs. They make nice substantial holiday
and wedding presents for little money. Imported
and fine domestic Cigar? a specialty.
Hall & Wheat,
Druggists and Dealers in Fine Toilet Goods,
dtf 1016 Broad street.
It In a Pleasure
For Chancellor to show goods and make close
prices. d&wtf
C'lirlfttntAH. Christ mas.
Make engagements now, before the rush; it will
give me plenty time to finish large photographs
for Christmas presents. Cabinets $4 per dozen,
till December 1. Alpha A. Williams.
A Il:iratlin.
A good, new “New Home” Sewing Machine to
be sold cheap. Call and see it in Kirven’s Cloak
Room. Miss Mattie T. Watt.
People’s Ticket Dor Aldermen,
First Ward—Henry C. Bussey.
Second Ward—Homer M. Howard.
Third Ward D. P. Dozier.
Fourth Ward- Theo. M. Foley.
Fifth WaTd-N. N. Curtis.
Sixth Ward—T. Jeff Bates.
Ticket for Aldermen,
At the election on Saturday, the 11th of
December next for one alderman from each
ward, friends of the present members of the board
will support them for re-clcction.
First Ward—J. S. Garrett.
Second Ward—A. M. Elledge.
Third Ward—D. P. Dozier.
Fourth Ward—Theo M. Foley.
Fifth Ward—N. N. Curtis.
Sixth Ward—George W. Dillingham.
For City Marshal.
I respectfhlly announce myself a candidate for
City Marshal at the election for city officers on
the second Saturday in December next, and will
be grateful for the support of my Mends and the
public. Daniel Duncan.
For Marshal.
I am a candidate for re-election as marshal for
the ensuing year. John H. Palmer.
For City Sexton.
I announce myself a candidate for re-election
of Sexton and solicit a support of my friends and
the citizens. A. Odom.
oct24d til decll
For Sexton.
I announce myself a candidate for City Sexton
and solicit the support of my friends and fellow-
citizens. Election in December next.
aug28 d.Vw till dec 11 Jas. L. Treadaway.
For Tax Receiver.
I announce myself a candidate for election to
the office of Tax Receiver, and respectfully solicit
the votes of the citizens of Muscogee county.
Election Wednesday, January 6,1887.
novlG dtf • Woolfolk Walker.
Ladies having any Slippers to make for Christ
mas presents will do well by calling on Fritz No. 10 Twelfth street.
nov28 7t
For Sale at Waverly Hall, Georgia.
We will offer for sale on December 15th, 18Sf, at
the above mentioned place, immediately on the
line of the Georgia Midland and Gulf railroad (a
new road that is being built from Columbus to
Athens, Ga., connecting with the Cential, East
Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia, Richmond and
Danville railroads). Lots suitable for building
residences, stores, etc. Waverly I-Iall is situated in
the “garden spot” of Georgia, farming lands
yielding above an average. The best school and
church advantages already established. Society
is as good as any city in Georgia or elsewhere.
People are alive to anything progressive, and
willing to lend a helping hand to any who may
locate in our midst. It is one of the best trade
points in Harris county, being thickly populated
already, and only needs the new railroad now
being built to make it the nicest town in the state.
Healthfullness of the place is unexcelled. Water
the best. Between 2000 and 5000 bales of cotton
will be shipped from this point coming season.
This alone will be worth the consideration of
thouglitfhl business men who wish to do a good
business without having any heavy expense. To
those who wish to give thou* children the very
best educational advantages, our people especial
ly ask them to come aud locale among us. AH
parents are well aware of the advantage of odu-
j eating their children in the country than in the
cities in a moral point of view. Lots will be
sold without, reserve or limit to the highest bid
der. Any fbrther information or inquiries will
be cheerfully answered by applying lo
I. H. Pitts & Son,
sepldwed, or W. I. H. Pitts, P. M.
Holiday Goods! Holiday Goods!
We have received and displayed our Holiday
Goods, and can promise our patrons and friends
an unusually large and pleasing assortment at
very low prices, our object being more to make a
reputation than a profit on this line of goods.
We have Toilet and Jewel Cases in convenient
combinations, Odor Cases, Majolica Ware, Bisque
and Bronze Figures, Mirrors, Ornaments, Sets
of any description; in fact can please any one.
Cut Glass Goods, and something entirely new
and useful in Writing Tablets.
Don't forget us when you want to buy or look ;
’tis a pleasure for us lo show goods.
We are honest in our belief that wo have the
prettiest and most complete assortment of
Bristle Goods ever offered in Columbus. We
have Brushes of every shadow, shape and price,
and for any uses to which a brush can be put.
The Best 25 cents Tooth Brush sold in the state.
A beautiful brush for 15 cents.
Face Powder, Puff Boxes, Puffs and Satchet
Powders. A large line of Colognes from every
makerof prominence. We distil seven Colognes,
and our White Rose Cologne is unequalled.
Our drug department is kept supplied with the
best and purest drugs. Our motto being the best
only. Special and careful attention given all pre
scription work by qualified and competent pre-
senpuonists. Remember us. Always pleased to
Bee you.
dff Geo. A. Bradford, Manager.
Finn Cigan.
5000 Garrett’s No. II.
5000 Conquerors.
5000 100-PerCent.
10,000 Graud Republic Cigarros sold under
Fop Tax Receiver.
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
Tax Receiver of Muscogee county. Election first
Wed nesday in January. Geo. W. Cargill.
nov7 td
For Tax Collector.
I announce myself as a candidate for Tax
Collector of Muscogee county (election
January next), and respectfully solicit the sup
port of the voters of said county.
aug29 dtf wlm Oliver P. Poe.
For Tax Collector.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Col
lector of Muscogee County. Election in Jan
uary next. [ocl2 td] N. G. Oaths.
For Tax Collector.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Col
lector of Muscogee county (election January
next), and ask for the support of the voters ol
said c mnty. J. C. Woolfolk.
sep7 dtf
To the Voters of Muscogee County.
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
re-election to the office of Tax Receiver, and ask
your suffrage. I have ever tried to discharge
my duty as an officer, and will still do the same
if elected. Election January next.
J. C. Reedy.
To the Voters of Muscogee County.
I announce myself as a candidate for the office
of County Treasurer, and respectfully 'solicit
your support for ,he same. Election January
next. G. E. Gager.
Columbus, Ga., September 22,1886. sep23 tf
For Tax Receiver.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Re
ceiver of Muscogee county, and respectfully
ask the support of the voters.
sep22 tf J. H. Harrison.
For Coroner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for Cor
oner for Muscogee county at the ensuing elec
tion. W. D. Amyet.
nov7 dtd
For County Treasurer.
I wish my friends to know that I will be a can
didate for this office at the next election I am
here to run. R. J Moses.
nov20 dtd
For County Treasurer.
I announce myself a candidate for County
Treasurer, and respectfully a;i the voters of
Muscogee county for their suffra^;.
sep24d&w td John C. Cook.
Ntore Blouses. Etc.. for Sale.
I offer for sale my property situated at the
junction of First avenue, Fourteelh and Warren
streets, comprising two large storerooms, with
six large rooms in secouc story, Warehouse,
Stables, \Vagon Sheds, etc. The lot measures
137 feet front. This is one of the best business
locations in Columbus.
For price and terms, apply to
J. H. Hamilton,
novl.3 se,tu&thu tf Columbus, Ga.
Daniel R. Ilize. Proprietor.
Carriage and Wagon Repair Shops.
Blacksmith, Wood work, Painting, 1 'Trimming, and
Repairs of every description promptly done.
Horse and Mule Shoeing—plain and steel.
75c for shoeing mules and horses, plain.
25c for shrinking tire.
50c for setting axles.
10 to 20c plain and patent spokes.
Other work at proportionately low prices.
Wagon and Stock Yards still headquarters
for planters trading at Columbus. Patronage
earnestly solicited. nov21se&tutf.
Holiday Goods.
Our large assortment of Holiday Goods are
now on exhibition at the Central Drug store
and comprise beautiful Toilet Ca es, Jewel
Cases, gentlemen's Dressing Cases, Work Boxes
Odor Cases, Manicure Sols, Baby Sets, Glove and^
Handkerchief Holders, Triple Mirrors, Fancy
Stands, Plush Mirrors, Thermometers, Cut Glass.
Bottles, which excel in perfection of workman
ship and beauty of design any ever oflfered in
this market; and other . Toilet requisites too
numerous to mention. We are selling these
goods so cheap that the purchasers are sur
prised at the prices. In fact we offer them
cheaper than they can be won at raffle elsewhere.
We take pleasure In displaying them and ask
that the public call and see them and get our
prices. A large lot of Surgeon and Bath Sponges-
just received.
Our line of Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes is a
complete one, and as to prices we defy competi
tion. Extracts, Colognes, Toilet Waters, Bay
Rum, Florida Waters from all the best manufac
turers, Puffs and Puff Boxes, Toilet Powders and
Sachet Powders in abundance. To those who
enjoy a good smoke, we say try our Evans *
Howard Cigar and other Key West goods. A
few Hyacinth Bulbs left at (1.26 a dozen.
Our Prescription Department is supplied with
the best Drugs and receives at all times the care-
ftii attention of an experienced Pharmacist.
Our store at 1302 Broad street is in charge of
Mr. T. M. Oliver, an experienced prescriptionist
and carries a frill line of the same Drugs as the-
Central. Evans & Howard,
d tf Proprietors.
Removal Notice.
We have removed to No.-1022 Broad street, be-
low the Central Hotel, where we will continue tc
keep the choicest line of Cigars, Tobacco and
We call especial attention to our celebrated
Imperial Wedding Whisky and fine brands.of
Key West and Havana Cigars, and kindly ask
our friends to favor us with their orders.
Louis Buhler & Co.
Sole Agents for the Celebrated Auheuser and:
and Budweiser Bottled Beer.
sepl9 tf
Dr. Seth Jf. Jordan,
Operating Surgeon and Physician. Residence,.
Sammis House, eaBt side front street, opposite
Lowell Warehouse. Telephone No. 2; Office,
Carter’s drug store. tf
Wood and Coal,
First-class Oak and Pine wood in stock, block
and split. Jelico Coal, prime lump, for sale by
T. 8 Fontaine & Co.
Telephone No. 80. nov7tf
Series 2, Chattahoochee Building and
Loan Association.
Books of subscription for above series now open
at office of Yonge & Grimes.
Cliff B. Grimes, Sec’v and Treas.
Watch Making.
J. H. Bramhall, Practical Watchmaker and’
Jeweler, makes a specialty of repairing fin®
and complicated watches that have been in
jured by accident or otherwise, at moderate
charge. dtf
Attorney-at-Enw, Columbus, Ga.
Prompt attention given to all business. Office
over R. S. Crane. scp4 dly
Have you tried the Frank Siddcll Soap? Try
B. T. Babbitt’s Best Potash at
Pure Fruit Jellies, French Queen Olives, Far-
rina, McMenamin & Co’s famous Deviled Crabs,
Casco Bay Lobsters. Grated Pineapple, Evergreen
Sugar Corn of superior quality and fall weight.
Clipper brand of Okra and Tomatoes, Boston,
Baked Beans, Cod Fish Balls. Always the lowest
prices for cash at • Roberts. Crane’s.
Insurance Agency. IMS Broad Street,.
Accessible at all hours. Office telephone, No. 7.
Residence telepone, No. 49. All calls promptly
answered D. F. Willoox.
oct8 dtf
Shield Perfection Bourbon Whisky
I commend to all who desire a really good and
reliable article. Robebt S. Crane,
dtf Sole Agent.
Oranges, Apples and Malaga Grapes at
d if R. Justice, Agt.
FrltR K linker fuss.
The Boot and Shoemaker, is ready to do all work
in his line at short notice, at No. 10 Twelfth
Street. nov28 7t
I now have in stock Stick and Fancy Candies
Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, Brazil Nuts, Cocoa-
nuts, Raisins, Figs, Girons, Dates, French and
Turkish Prunes, Prunells, Preserves, Jellies,
Jclatine, Mince Meat, Chocolate, Grapes,
Oranges, Apples and Cranberries, all of which
will be sold at wholesale or retail.
I.-L. Pollard,
dtf __ 1224 Broat Street.
If you want the best Cakes, Custards, Pies, Etc.,
try my home-made. They have no equal,
dtf R, Justice, Agt.
The Most Oesilrnblc City Properly on
the Market, Offered for hale.
The desirable property known as the Muscogee
Home corner, fronting 65 feet on St. Clair street,
and running back about 130 feet on First avenue,
will be sold at private sale.
On the lot there is a two-story brick building
. „ . - , occupying part of it, now rented for *300 a year ;
bona tied guarantee. I consider any of the above also enough brick to build two one-story stores.
J list Received.
New French and Turkish Prunes, Seedless and
London Layer Raisins, Citron, Green Kern,.
Fine and Coarse Barley, Split Peas. Green Peas,
Farina, and a fresh lot of the celebrated “Boss”
Milk Crackers at J. T. Kavanagh’s.
nov21 tf
Just Received.
New French and Turkish Prunes, Seedless and
London Layer Raisins, Citron, Green Kern, Fine
and Coarse Barley, Bplit Peas, Green Peas
Farina, and a fresh lot of the celebrated “Boss”
Milk Crackers at J. T. Kavanagh’s.
nov21 tf
Fresh and Nice.
It gives us pleasure to note the fact that Mr_
I. L. Pollard’s trade is steadily increasing This
is due to the fact that he keeps only the freshest
and best of goods, and deals fairly with all his
customers. It is acknowledged that he has the
most complete stock of family aud fancy gro
ceries in the city, and his prices are as low as
the lowest. He is indeed a friend to the house
keeper. atf
Christman, Christmas.
Make engagements now, beiore the rush; it will
give me plenty time to finnish -large photographs
for Christmas presents. Cabinets (4 per dozen,
till December 1. Alpha A. Williams.
Rooms to Rent. -
Furnished or unfarnlshed. With or without
board. Meals sent out, (3 per week.
Effing House,
nov28 3t 1237 Broad Street.
Just Received.
New French and Turkish Prunes, Seedless and
London Layer Raisins, Citron, Green Kern, Fine-
and Coarse Barley, Split Peas, Green Peas
Farfaa, and a fresh lot of the celebrated “Boss’
Milk Crackers at J. T. Kavanaoh’s.
nov21 tf
Atmore’s Best Mince Meat, New Currants;
Dates, Citron. R, s. Crane.
Still In the Ring.
Will do all work in making and repairiug
Boots and Shoes atshort notice, at No. 10 Twelfth
Street. Fritz Klineerfuss.
nov28 7t.
brands as being worthy of special mention, and
can recommend as possessing all the elements of
fine quality, aud such as will give perfect satis
faction to the smokers. Robert S. Crane.
If not sold at private sale before the first Tues
day in December it will bo sold at public outcry.
Apply to R. M. Mulford, at Chattahoochee N&-
tiouol Bank, or to Charles L. Davis.
nov23 dtf
Tax-Payers Attention-Third and Last Call.
State and County Taxes, 1888, are now past
due and must he paid at once. In conformity
with law, executions will issue for all Taxes not
paid by or before December 1,1886. Don’t blame
the Tax Collector for complying with the law.
Come up and settle and save cost of advertise
ment, levy and sale. D. A. Andrews,
Tax Collector.
Office; Georgia Home Building.
Baker’s Chocolate and Jelatine at
d tf R. Justice, Agt.
Choice Groceries.
Best Rye Flour, New York State Buckwheat,
Finest Graham Flour, Extra Choice Goshen But
ter, Marrow Blans, Boneless Cod Fish, Choice
Messed Mackerel, ten pound pails; Fancy
Evaporated Apples, Choice Mixed Table Nuts,
New Raisius, Citron, Chipped Dried Beef, Lunch
Tongue, Pigs Feet and Tripe at Crane’s.