Newspaper Page Text
Columbus, Ga., December 1,188*.
cotton bilio—ziobt.
Hew York % off, Eastern % off, Boston alight \
•C, Savannah \ off;Bank checkingon New York
•■Tea the oounter % premium anil on Savannah
Ml par.
Market to-day unchanged; inferior 0; ordi-
o; good ordinary —e; low middling
middling 8%#8V{c. good middling
ScmthweNtem railroad
Mobile and Girard railroad 97
Columbus and western road... 10
Columbus and Rome railroad.. 70
the river 283
wufons 416
To-day. To Pate.
% Southwestern railroad..
mf Columbus and Western road... 0
ft? the river 0
Taken by Columbus factories 116
. 1,073
Hook on hand August 81, 1885 1,079
Maeeived to-day 975
" previously 48,263-47,238
bhipoed to-day 811
previously 36,385- 36,036
Stocks on hand 11,621
Stock August 31, 1885, 350; received same day,
fBt; total receipts 63,878; shipped same day 27;
total shipments 40,298, stock 13,930, sales 163;
middling, B^c.
PeHaven’s Great Dime Circus.
A 8chool Wanted—A. S. IT.
Chattahoochee Hlieriir.s Sale—LaFaycttc Harp,
Dressed Poultry and Sausage—Salisbury «fe
Foot Warmers—J. Marion Estes & Son.
Fish Hoc and Pork Sausage—II. II. Daniel.
Men’s Overcoats and IioyB’ Suits—A. C. Chan
Marshal’s Sale.
A Reported Failure.
B. B. Comer, a largo merchant nt Harris, a sta
tion on the Montgomery and Eufaula railroad, is
reported as having failed for a large amount. His
debts are due to home people.
Died Near (Tiip!ey.
Mrs. Ann Trammell died at her home near
They Hold Their Monthly Meeting—The Regnlsr
Reports and Other Matters of Interest.
The city council held its regular monthly
meeting last night. A Bill board was present.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and
Alderman Hatcher, chairman of the police
committee, reported that the two mounted
policemen had been dismounted and the city re-
districlcd into four beats. The two new police
men have not been appointed, as it is only a
short time until an entire new force will be
Alderman McEachren, chairman of the street
committee, reported that he bad purchased two
mules for Resouo Hook and Ladder Company.
City Attorney 8. B. Hatcher submitted the fol
lowing opinion by request of council.
Columhuk, Ga., December 1,1886.—To the Hon
orable Mayor and Council of Colnmbus, Ga.:
In obedience to (he resolution of your body de
siring ray opinion, to-wit: “Alderman Foley
moved that the city atto/ney construe so much
of the ordinance in relation to gunpowder as pre
scribed ratew of storage fbr same and give bis
opinion as to t-ho right of the mugazinc keeper
to allow any rebate in the same. Adopted.”
Section 6, page 52 of city ordinances prescribes
the rates of storage at one cent per pound
for first twelve months or any shorter time, if
paid by the owner in not exceeding ten days
after the powder shall havo been stored therein,
and one and a half cents per cound if not so
The penalty of an half cent per pound, if not
paid in ten days, shows unmistakably that it was
the intention of the council in adopting the ordi
nance to enforce the collection of the rates for
storage charged in the ordinance. In addition
to the penalty embraced in section 0 the punish
ment mr any violation ot'the ordinance is pro
vided for in section 7, which manifests the inten
tion of the makers of the ordinance as to the
enforcement ol it. Therefore, it is the opinion of
your attorney that it is the duty of the mugazinc
keeper to collect all moneys due for storage, as
provided for in section 3, os it is his duty to re
ceive and deliver to the owner; to have a fixed
place of residence, or business, and to advertise
the same; !•> enter all powder received in a book
to the creditor the respective owners, issue re
ceipts therefor and to keep account of all moneys
collected, etc., jib prescribed in section 3.
The clerk of council in his submission of the
above resolution states:
“1 deem it proper to say that it is conceded by
council that section 3 of said ordinance has been
changed, by custom or otherwise, so that the fee
I collected shrill b'- retained by the magazine keeper
as his p. r iui; *e instead of being pafd to the
city treasurer.”
Now n ■ to ttu right of the magazine keeper to
allow a rebate m the storage. When the storage
is collected K becomes his perquisites, and in our
opinion bo can do ns ic pleases with it. But we
do not think it was the intention of the council
Chipley Tuesday night. She was quite old, and | adopting the custom of giving the magazine
keeper the storage as perquisites to permit him
to extend a reb ite and thereby change the rates
of storage established by the ordinance. After
he has collected it then it becomes his money
and lie can do with it as he pleases.
Respect fully submitted,
Samuel B. Hatcher.
Alderman Dozier moved that the opinion be re
ceived, and that the mayor rescind his order and
was the mother of William Dugas Trammell,
onco well known in this section as a leading re
publican and author of the novel “Ca Ira.”
1/ Allegro Gorman Club.
The improvements which have been going on
in the L’Allegro club rooms have been completed
and the German Friday night will be given there.
The rooms are in charge of a Janitor and arc the dork of council bo instructed to notify the
open at all seasonable lioms for the recoot ion clerk of markets and mngaz!no that lie wi 1 be ex-
of the members and their friends.
Vuplain Moore'* Condition.
A telegram was received yesterday from Capt.
Bandlott, of the steamer Milton Smith, that he
would arrive here this afternoon. Capt. W R
Moore, who was injured by the explosion of ibe
ammonia boiler at Apalachicola, is on board of i
the steamer Smith and is doing >voll ftlid U re^ j
ported entirely out of danger. 1
Death In Talbot County.
Mrs. James Dismuke died at her home four j amounted to $23.
pectcd to enforce the ordinance as written.
The motion was lost upon a division, as fol
Yeas - Hatcher, El ledge, Brannon, Dozier, Mo-
Arille and Foley.
Nays— MoKochren, Garrett, Joseph, Curtis, Jef
ferson and Dillingham. There being a tie, the
mayor yytpti my,
the Monthly reports.
The clerk of market reported that collections
from wagons during the month of November
miles north of Talbotton, Monday. She was 84
years old and was a noble Christian woman. It
is related of Mrs. Dismuke that she cut a front
tooth about a year ago, and though she was more
than four score years old her hair was perfectly
Marriagoin Talbot,
Mr. Dutch Maxwell, of Talbotton, and Mi.->s
Lizzie Little, of I’rattsburg. were married at the
residence ot the bride’s father last night. The
groom is a worthy young business man of Tul-
botton, and a brother .of Mr. J. B. Maxwell, of
—Alabama Inaugurated her new governor
—L’Allegro german club will give a german at
their rooms to-morrow night.
—The library director* will hold their month
ly meeting to-morrow night.
—Dr. T. 8. Mitchell, of Hamilton will move hi*
family to Columbus the last of this week.
—Mayor Grimes held quite an interesting
court yesterday and bound four parties over for
public indecency.
—A bill which practically prohibits the sale of
liquor in Lee county passed one house in the
Alabama legislature on Tuesday and is very like
ly to become a law.
—The Columbus and Rome engine ran into a
mail car on the Southwestern road at the car
shed yesterday morning and smashed one end of
the car badly.
— fir. Ben Cobb and family and Mr. Rush Ryan
and family, of Green Hill, Georgia, are in the
city en route to Mississippi, where they expect to
—Mr. Wm. Stakely Jr.,has resigned the position
of express agent at Union Springs, and Mr. M. J.
Caldwell, of Midway, has been installed in his
—The Alabama signal service bureau sent out a
telegram yesterday morning stating that the
temperature would fall fifteen or twenty degrees
within twenty-four to thirty-six hours.
—Messrs. W. F. Anderson and Win. Vann, of
Russell county, passed through he city yester
day en route to Florida, where they go with a
view to locating.
—Hamilton’s cotton shipments for the season
are 183 bales ahead of the corresponding dates of
last year, tlie total for the months ol September,
October and November being 2095.
The Hamilton Journal says; Mr. M. Wolfson
made a trip yesterday on the line of the Georgia
Midland. He reports tlie work on the road pro
gressing fircly Ossahatchie has been crossed
and the track laying foice will reach Waverly
Ilall In a day or two.
--The Macon Telegraph sa. s: Mr. A. H. Rozar,
postal clerk on the Eatonton and Macon railroad
has been transferred to the Macon and Opelika
run. Mr. J. M. McMicliael, of the latter route,
will take the Eatonton and Macon run. Mr.
Rozar leaves many friends along the route from
Macon to Eatonton who will greatly miss him.
He is one of the most painstaking ami cleverest
postal clerks in the service.
—Hon. Isaac Dough ten, of the first ward, Cam
den, N. J., a prominent broker doing business in
Philadelphia, and known by many in this city,
who has recently declined a nomination as mem
ber of the council—much to the regret of his
friends—is an aspirant for congressional honors
from his district to the fifty-first congress. As a
nomination in hi3 district is equivalent to an
election, the friends of Mr. Doughten are much
c ated over his prospects. *
Married in Butler.
Yesterday at the residence of the bride’s father,
Mr. R. G. Tomlin, in Butler. Mr. L. R. Wright, of
Bartow, FJa., and Miss Geraldine Tomlin were
united in marriage. Mr. Wright is a well known
railroad contractor of his section, and is to be
congratulated on winning such a charming wc-
J man fora life partner.
| Programme of tlie Eiiterlnliimeiit at tlie Public
1 Library To. Ight.
j A concert will be gives at the- library rooms to-
bight by Mine. A. B. Grant auil Prof. II McCor-
The marshal reported that during November
there were fourteen arrivals of boats, from which
, $70 were collected as port dues.
j The clerk of the council reported that during ! mack, assisted by some of their pupils and the
I the month of November <10 parties Were tried in i Philharmonic flocl'tv. The concert is for the
I the mayor's court, of whom 30 were lined iiiul ill | benoflt of the public library. A well selected
oisclinrgod. The flues collected Amouutod to j pifogramnie has been arranged for the occasion,
1 $11 75, and four were sent to the chain gang or j and some ol* the masterpieces of music will be
I jail for an Aggregate of 13 days. rendered, notably among which may be men-
j The city sexton reported t bit during November \ Honed “Come Gentle Spring.” from Haydn’s,
j there were 13 interments in the white cemetery, I “Seasons,” and “Hail Blight Abode,” from Tann-
four of which were non-residents. There were j ha user. These two choruses will be rendered
the evening by the Philharmonic So*
There were j
this city. The bridals the charming daughter of; th® colored cemetery, of which 8 were mm- |
J 1 residents. ciety. Following is the
Representat ive J. F. Little, of Talbot county, and
is a lovely and highly cultivated young lady.
They have a host of friendj who wish for thorn a
bright and prosperous Allure.
Dr. J. W, Cameron, city physician, submitted
the following report;
Mayor and City Council—Gentlemen: Follow- -
ing is my report as city physician for the month ' Algier”; Rossini
„ . ...... i ending December 1,1886: Admitted in the bos-I
Marriage Aesterilay. pital during November, 3; rein lining in hospital
Married yesterday at the residence of Mr. Jas. | November 1st, 6; discharged from hospital dur-
Kimbell in Beall wood, Mr. Jas. E. Young
Miss Georgia Hinton Ivimboll. The ceremony was
•d^erfbriued by Rev, Walker Lewis at 1 o’clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Young left for New Orleans yester
day afternoon, where they will spend sometime.
The groom is a son of Mr. Wm. H. Young and
is a genial and energetic gentleman. The bride
Is the sister of Mr. Jas. Kimbell, ami is a young
lady of rare accomplishments and many per
sonal charms. The happy couple have the best
wishes of a host of frien is.
Rev. IV. M. Bayes.
This able and zealous servant of God closes up |
bis services as presiding older of the Columbus j
district the present week. 11c is one of the most |
popular presiding oilicei'H the district ever had. |
As a preacher wo regard him the peer of any I
man in the country. A broad field of u cfiilness
is before him. We believe the Methodists of the
Columbus district would be more than pleased t>» J
have him continued in the place he has so ad
mirably filled.—Talbotton New Era.
There has been general satisfaction through- j
out the district with Rev. Mr. Hayes’ admin is- |
tration, and it would be gratifying to have the
oonferenci* retain him in his present position,
llow in UrimvH for Spvakvr l
We have been asked the above question fifty
times at least. We havo mo authority to speak
Ibr our friend Grimes, but we take it upon our
self to say that, knowing Mr. Grimes as we do,
we believe that he will act a9 he believes for tlie
best interest of his country and party. That he
has evidence before him that conclusively sat
isfies him that the highest interest of his coun
try and party, and especially the interest of that
section of the country which he has been select
ed to represent, requires that he shall
cast his vote for Samuel J. Ran
dall for speaker of the house of
which he is a member. It would be strange if a
congressman from a manufacturing city like Co
lumbus should vote fbr Carlise in preference to
Randall—the more especially is this true when
the election of Raudall will more certainly pro
mote the interest of the section that Mr. Grimes
represents, as well as that of the whole country,
than will the election of Mr. Carlisle to the posi
tion of speaker.—Butler Herald.
What will the Herald say when it learns that
the president of the largest manufacturing con
cern in Columbus agrees with Mr. Carlisle on the
ariff issue?
Arrival of the Steamer Amos llay* Yesterday.
The steamer Amos Hays arrived yesterday
morning, bringing 338 bales of cotton, consigned
as follows: George P. Swift & Son, 62; Slade &
Etheridge, 44; Eagle and Phenix Manufacturing
Company, 13; Blanchard, Burrus & Co., 20; F. J.
Jenkins & Co., 35; Thweatt & Snider, 88; M. T.
Bergan, 3; Chambers & Alexander, 73.
Her passengers were: Mittie Baiefield, Apa
lachicola; H. J. Hawkins, Mrs. H. J. Hawkins, J.
Don Hawkins, Ruth Hawkins, Iola; Lawrence
. Baker, Riverside; J3. K. Stewart, Gordon; James
A. Bowdon, R. W. Smith, J. n. Bessick, M. D.
Harris, C. H. Key, Columbia; W. C. Fairchild,
Miss Bessie Fairchild, Fairchilds; B. H. McAllis
ter. Fort Gaines; G. T. Fontroy, Mr. D. Thomas,
Miss Lola Hall, Eufaula; Hon. T S. Fontaine,
Fontaine's lower; Henrietta Fovd, Nora Davis,
iorence; James M. Chitwood, J. \V. Cotton,
imney Bluff; Eugene Chitwood, Hatchers;
*r C. Alexander, Chambers; 17 on deck, va-
ing November, 6; died in hospital diiri'
vember l; remaining in hospital December 1st, 1.
This being the last monthly report for the year,
I feel it due to > our honorable body to give a
summary of the year’s work. The number of
proscriptions filled by Mr. Glass, ci’y druggist,
from January fat to December fat is 4810. The
number of visits made no record was made of,
hence cannot furnish them. A number of visits
were made to parties who managed to pay for
their medicine, but not able to pay doctor’s bill.
I would most respectfully suggest to your hon
orable body a change of location for the hospital.
Owing to the minima rising rom the river, and
other local causes. I consider it one of the most
unhealthy local ions for the hospital.
No mutter what type of disease or
injury is sent there the case becomes compli
cated with malaria. Some of the cases In conse
quence of this complication result fatally, which
otherwise would recover. The health of the city
paupers during the year has been good, and
for t ie past month excellent.
I find many cases of poverty and destitution
not in my power iv< city physician to relieve. 1
tike pawn re in calling attention to the compe
tency and faithfulness of Mrs. Anderson, hos
pital keeper.
Any information not contained in this report,
which may be desired, will be cheerfully given
on application.
A petition asking a sewer on South Second
avenue was referred to the street committee.
A petition asking for the erection of a gas
lamp at the intersection of Fourth avenue oinl
Eighth street was referred to the gas committee.
A petition asking for the erection of a lamp
post at'the intersection of Third avenue and
Sixth street was referred to the gas committee.
On motion of Alderman Brannon $40 were
appropriated to pay the managers of the ap
proaching city election.
Alderman Curtis nominated for managers M.
C Wooten, C. A. Klink, H. W. Battle and A. A.
Dozier, and they were unanimously elected.
Council then adjourned until Monday night,
the 13th of this month.
Major W. S. Greene left fbr Dawson yesterday
in the interest of the Columbus and Florida rail
Mrs. I zee Jordan, who has been visiting t ho
city, returned to Macon yesterday.
Mr. J. S. Willcox returned from Birmingham
last night.
Mr. B. Williams, of Hamilton, is in the city.
Mrs. Cecil Gabbett returned to Montgomery
Piano Duet—Overture to “IValiana in
Mrs. W. B, Slade and Mrs.
2. Chorus—“Come, Gent.e Spring,” (Seasons);
Haydn. Philharmonic Society.
3. Recitation—“The Fate of Virginia;” Lord
McCauly. Mis? Jodie Struppa.
4. Song—“Awake,” (Violin Cello Obligato);
Alfred Piatte. Miss Teresa Grant and Mr. John
Sch erf.
5 Vocal Duet —“Hearme Norma;” Bellini.
Miss Laura Browne and IVJrs. Slade.
0. Song—“Cuckoo;” R. Pease. Miss Teresa
7. Vocal Quintette—“Row, Swiftly, Row;” Cam
panil. Mrs. Pease, Mm. Slade, Mrs. Browne, Mrs.
Wells and Miss Grant.
8. Piano Trio—“Faust;” Gounod. Mrs. John
ston, Miss Teresa and Mine. Grant.
9. Chorusflail Bright Abode,” (Tanhauser);
Wagner. Philharmonic Society.
lft. Duet—“Golden Day,” (Voice and Flute)
Campana. Miss Teresa Grant aud Mrs. John
ston .
11. ’Cello Solo—“Serenade;” Titt’l. Mr. John
Sch erf.
12. Vocal Duet—“Ah, Cruel One,” (L’Elisir
D’Amor”); Donizetti. .Miss Teresa Grant and Mr,
13. Quartette—“Greeting to Spring,” (by spe
cial request); Strauss. Mi ses Anna Himle, Hat
tie Turner, Mrs. Johnston and Miss Teresa Grant.
Admission 50 cents.
New Fish Roe at. H. H. Daniel's.
Ntonewall l.o<lg«* No. *25, H. of P.
Regular meeting of Stonewall Lodge No. 25,
K. of P., will be held this (Thursday) evening at
7:30 o’clock.
By order of L Banner, C. C.
Jno. S. Stewart, IC. of R. & s.
A School Wanted.
A school for the ensuing year, by a qualified
teacher. For refereuce3 write to the following
gentlemen: Rev. G. O. N. Mac Don ell, Rev.
Walker Lewis. Messrs. A. M. Brannon, W. R.
Bedell, T. Pearce, Columbus, Ga. Address A. S.
H., P. O. Box- 93, Columbus, Ga.
dec2 eodGfc w2t
l>oSCavon's Great SHctio CirniM.
Next Tuesday DeHaven will pitch his immense
spread of cauvas on the vancant Jots north of
Miss Emmie Stewart, one of Macon’s sweetest | the Colnmbus and Western railroad, anti between
nnd most amiable young ladies, left for borne | First nnil second avenues. This was the only
yesterday, much to the regret of a host of ad- j vacant iota available that were large enough to
mirers. She will always meet with a warm wel- hold the cauvas. DoHaven’s Show is said to be
come in Columbus. j as gool i as uny „ ow traveling, and it only costs
Colonel J. M. Mobley, of Hamilton, was in the j ten cents for admission. Besides a regular two-
Onr I'ott Warmer*
Are comfortableII
Not expensive 11
Freedom from colds I!
Durable and handsome 11
Every lady likes them 111
J. Marion Earn A Bon.
For Tax Collector.
Announcing myself a candidate ibr re-election
to the office of Tax Collector of Muscogee county,
I respectfully solicit the votes of its citizens,
and will endeavor to deserve their support by
fhithfUlly discharging the duties of this office in
the future as in t he past. Election first Wednes
day in January next.
sep21 codtd Davis A. Andrews.
General Auctioneer, Real Batiste,
Stock and Bond Agent.
Special attention given administrators’, execu
tors’ and assignees’ sales, selling and ranting
Real Estate at public or private sale. Office over
Abbott A Newsom’s corner.
For Sale—My Residence on Broad street.
Jell tf F. G. Wilkins
God Rican the Children.
Nothing has been so productive of health and
diminished so much the suffering and mortality
amonp children as Tkbthina (Teething Powders).
Tekthina allays Irritation, aids Digestion,
Regulates the Bowels, Strengthens the child,
Cures Eruptions and Sores and niakess Teething
All Druggists and country stores keep Teeth-
ina. Brannon & Carson. Columbus. Ga.,
Wholesale Agents, supply the trade at mans
(heturer’s prices. Iy4 d&wly
Special Attention.
You have only three days longer to get cabi
nets at $1 per dozen. On and after December I
I will advance my prices to $0 per dozen or $1 per
half dozen. I also call your attention to the large
photographs I am turning out at reduced rates
for Christmas presents, which will be also ad
vanced. Call early in the week and make en
gagements. Alpha A. Williams.
■lolltlny .Goods.
We go upon the principle that the best is the
cheapest, aud have purchased the largest and by
fartlie lineal line of these goods, which will be
sold from 23 to GO per cent less than ever before
in this cijy. Wo invite all interested in thi3 line
to see them before purchasing, and we are con
fident we can please both in quality and price. We
have the latest novelties in Plush casesof all kinds,
made. In Leather Goods we have an endless
variety of beautiful Card, Cigar, Gigarettes, Mani
cure, Traveling and Writing Cases. These goods
are all new Jupanese and Pressed Leather de
signs, and are extremely beautiful. Every
ir like and odor of Cologne and Ex
tract desired can he had of us, and all guaran
teed to give sail-faction. Cut Bottles, largo Cut
Pungents, silver tops for name or monogram,
small Cut Pungents and Odor Bottles of all sizes
and [price, and an immense stock of German
Favors, all prices. See our beautiful Whisk
Holders, Hair Brushes, Ivory and Buffalo Dress
ing Combs. They make nice substantial holiday
aud wedding presents for little money. Imported
and lino domestic Cigirs a specialty.
Hall & Wheat,
Druggists and Dealers in Fine Toilet Goods,
dtf 1016 Broad street.
Clirlstmns, Christinas.
Make engagements now, before the rush; it will
give me plenty time to finish large photographs
for Christmas presents. Cabinets $4 per dozen,
till December 1, Alpha A. Williams.
A Bargain.
A good, new “New Home” Sewing Machine to
bo sold cheap. Call and see it in Kirven’s Cloak
Room. Miss Mattie T. Watt.
Ladies having any Slippers to make for Christ-
mas presents will do well by calling on Fritz
Klinkerfuss, at No. 10 Twelfth street.
uov28 7t
Holiday Goods! Holiday Goods!
We have received ami displayed our Holiday
Goods, and can promise om: patrons and IViends
an unusually large and pleasing assortment at
very low prices, our object being more to make a
reputation than u prodt on this line of goods.
We have Toilet and Jewel Cases in convenient
combinations, Odor Cases, Majolica Ware, Bisque
aud Bronze Figures, Mirrors, Ornaments, Sets
of any description; in fact can please any one.
Cut Glass Goods, and something entirely new
and ii-eful in Writing tablets.
Don’t forget us when you want to buy or look ;
’tis a pleasure for us to show goods.
We are honest in our belief I hat we have the
prettiest and most complete assortment of
Bristle Goods over offered in Columbus. We
have Brushes of every shadow, shape and price,
and for any uses to which a brush can be put.
The Best 25 cents Tooth Brush sold in the state.
A beautiful brush for 15 cents.
Face Powder, Puff Boxes, Putt’s and Satchet
Powders. A large line of Colognes from every
maker ofpromiuence. Wo distil seven Colognes,
and our White Rose Cologne is unequalled.
Our drug department is kept supplied with the
boat and purest drug's. Our motto being (he best
only. Sv.ocial and careful attention given all pre
scription work by qualified and competent pre-
scriptiouists. Remember us. Always pleased to
see you.
dtf Geo. A. Bradford, Manager.
Fine Figaro.
5000 Garrett’s No. 11.
5000 Conquerors.
5000 too-Per Cent.
10,000 Grand Republic Cigatros sold under a
bona tied guarantee. I consider any of the above
brands as being worthy of special mention, and
cau recommend as possessing all the elements of
fine quality, and such as will give perfect satis
faction to the smokers. Robert S. Crane.
city yesterday.
Mtss Leila Tigner, who has been spending a
few days in the city, returned to the White Sul
phur Springs yesterday.
Mr. Jno. Hunter and family, who have been
spending the summer at Hamilton, passed
through the city yesterday en loute to their
home at Leesburg, Fla.
Rev. W. C. Hunter left for Atlanta yesterday.
Bos Waddell, Esq., of Seale, was in the city
Misses Lena and Bertha O’Neal, of Marvyn,
Ala., are in the city. , . .
Mrs. Dr. McElhaney went over to Aubilti yes
Sir. J. D. Johnston aud family have gone to
Birmingham, which place they will make their
fuluro home.
Rev. Lansing Burrows, returned to Augusta
yesterday. I
ringed circus, Dellaven exhibits many rare and
euriou3 animals. Music furnished by a superb
band. For one week the show will remain, and
no doubt will be attended by large crowds at
each performance.
Dressed Turkeys and Chickens every day at
Salisbury <6 Crow’s.
Pork Sausage—Salisbury & Crow.
U. I'.BIMaGa i,
innurnnce AgtuTy, 1143 HroiqA. Nt roe t.
Accessible at all hours. Office telephone, No. 7.
Residence telepone, No. 49. All calls promptly
answered. D. F. Willcox.
oct 8 iltf
Fresh Smoked Teunessco Pork Sausage.
H. H. Daniel.
Wholesale Fireworks, the best made,
dtf Adams & Bowers,
.10,000 IliiNlielN
Of pure Texas Rust Proof Oats for sale at W. 8.
Freeman, J. U Brannan, Joseph Hccht, B. T.
Hatcher, Carter & Bradley, Georgia Warehouse,
George Estes, Talbotton; R. E. Clements, Buena
Vista, and S. ICanl & Co., Greenville,
or send your orders to me. I warrant
these Oats to be what I claim for them. Don’t
plant the red or brown Missouri Oat that is being
offered and sold as a Texas Rust Proof Oat. They
are not rust proof. W. L. Tillman.
novl4 2tawlm
Best Stick Candy at 9c per pound, wholesale.
Idtf] Adams & Bowers.
Agents Wnntnl.
Local, special and general traveling agents, for
the Kentucky Mutual Security Fund Company,
of Louisville, Ky. Thebest plan oflife insurance
ever offered to the public. Liberal contracts wil
be made. Address W. T. McCauley, General
Sup't, Louisville, Ky. nov25 dlw
Best Stick Candy at 9c per pound, wholesale,
dtf Adams, A Bowers.
Citron, Dates,Prunes,Tilaze Bine Apples, Basins
ami Currants at Roueut Justice, Agt.
d tf
Wholesale Fireworks, the best made.
dtf Adams & Bowers.
Oranges, Apples and Malaga Grapes at
d tf R. Justice, Agt.
Peeple’R Ticket for Aldermen.
First Ward—Henry 0. Bussey.
Second Ward—Homer M. Howard.
Third Ward D. P. Dozier.
Fourth Ward- Theo. M. Foley.
Fifth Ward-N. N. Curtiz.
Sixth Ward—T. Jeff Bates. novi td
Ticket Ibr Aldermen.
At the election on Saturday, the Uth of
December next for one alderman ftom each
ward, friendB of the present members of the board
will support them for re-election.
First Ward—J. 8. Garrett.
Second Ward—A. M. Elledge.
Third Ward—D. P. Dozier.
Fourth Ward—Theo M. Foley.
Fifth Ward-N. N. Curtis.
Sixth Ward—George W. Dillingham.
For t'iiy Marshal.
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
City Marshal at the election for city officers on
the second Saturday in December next, and will
be grateftrl for the support of my friends and the
public, Daniel Duncan.
octfiltd a
For Mnintinl.
I am a candidate for re-election as marshal for
the ensuing year. John H. Palmer.
For City Nexton.
I announce myself a candidate for re-election
of Sexton gnd solicit a support of my friends and
the citizens. A. Odom.
oct21d tildecll
For Nexton.
I announce myself a candidate for City Sexton
and solicit the support of my friends and fellow-
citizens. Election in December next.
aug28 d&w till dee 11 Jas. L. Treadaway.
For Tux Receiver.
I announce myself a candidate for election to
the office of Tax Receiver, and respectfully solicit
the votes of the citizens of Muscogee county.
Election Wednesday, January 5,1887.
novl6 dtf Woolfolk Walker.
For Tux Receiver.
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
Tax Receiver of Muscogee county. Election first
Wednesday in January. Geo. W. Cargill.
nov7 td
For Tux Collector.
I announce roysolf as a candidate for Tax
Collector of Muscogee county (election
January next), and respectfully solicit the sup
port of the voters of said county.
aug29dtfwlm Oliver P. Pob.
For Tux Collector.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Col
lector of Muscogee County. Election in Jan
uary next. [ool2 td] N. G. Oattib.
Will be sold at the public ponnd on December'
4, if net called for and charges paid; One white
spotted heifor, crop In left ear; one white and'
dan cow, no marks; one red cow with white
book, no marks. dsc2 3t
Holiday Good*.
Our large assortment of Holiday Goods are
now on exhibition at the Central Drug Store.
and comprise beautiful Toilet, Jewel
Cases, gentlemen’s Dressing Cases, Work Boxes .
Odor Cases, Manicure Sets, Baby Sets, Glove and'
Handkerchief Holders, Triple Mirrors, Fancy
Stands, Plush Mirrors, Thermometers, Cat Glass'
Bottles, whloh excel In perfection of workman,
ship and beauty of design any ever offered in
this market; aqd other toilet requisites too
numerous to mention. We are selling these
goods so cheap that the purchasers are sur
prised at the prices. In fact we offer thenu
cheaper than they can be won at raffle elsewhere.
We take pleasure in displaying them and ask
that the public call and see them and get our
prices. A large lot of Surgeon and Bath Sponges
just received.
Our line of Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes is a
complete one, and as to prices we defy competi
tion. Extracts, Colognes, Toilet Waters, Bay
Rum, Florida Waters from all the best manufac
turers, Puffs and Puff Boxes, Toilet Powders and;
Sachet Powders in abundance. To those who-
enjoy a good smoke, we say try our Evans &
Howard Cigar and other Key West goods. A
few Hyacinth Bulbs left at $1.25 a dozen.
Our Prescription Department is supplied with
the best Drugs and receives at all times the care
ful attention of an experienced Pharmacist.
Our store at 1302 Broad street is in charge of
Mr. T. M. Oliver, an experienced prescriptionist,
and carries a full line of the same Drugs as the
Central. Evans & Howard,
<1 tf Proprietors.
Removal Notice.
We have removed to No. 1022 Broad street, be
low the Central Hotel, where we will continue to
keep the choicest line of Cigarrf, Tobacco and
We call especial attention to our celebrated
Imperial Wedding Whisky and fine brands of
Key West and Havana Cigars, and kindly ask
our friends to favor us with their orders.
Louis Buhler .'2 Co.
Sole Agents for the Celebrated Auhensor and
and Budwciser Bottled Beer.
sepia tf
Hr. Noth N. Jordan,
Operating Surgeon and Physician. Residence,
Sammis House, east side front street, opposite-
Lowell Warehouse. Telephone No. 2; Office,
Carter’s drug store. tf
For Tax Collector.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Col
lector of Muscogee county (election January
next), and ask for the support of the voters of
said c .uuty. J. C. Woolfolk.
sep7 dtf
To the Voters of Knscegce County.
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
re-election to the office of Tax Receiver, aud ask
your suffrage. I have ever tried to discharge
my duty as an officer, and will still do the same
if elected. Elect ion January next.
Respectfully, J. C. Reedy.
nov5 td
To the Voters of Muscogee County.
I announce myself as a candidate for the office
of County Treasurer, and respectftilJy solicit
your support for .he same. Election January
next. G. E. Gaqer.
Columbus, Ga., September 22,1886. scp23 tf
For Tux Receiver.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Re
ceiver of Muscogee county, and respectfully
ask the support of the voters.
sep22 tf J. H. Harrison.
For Coroner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for Cor
oner for .Muscogee county at the ensuing elec
tion. W. D. Amyet.
nov7 (ltd
For County Treasurer.
I wish my friends to know that I will be a can
didate for this office at the next election I am
here to run. R. J Moses.
nov20 dtd
For County Treasurer.
I announce myself a candidate for County
Treasurer, and respectfully ask the voters of
Muscogee coujcy for their suffrage.
sep24d&w td Joun C. Cook.
Ntore 11 (minor, Etc., for Nale.
I oiler for sale my property situated at the
junction of First avenue, Fourteeth and Warren
streets, comprising two large storerooms, with
six large rooms in second story, Warehouse,
Stables, Wagon Sheds, etc. The lot measures
137 feet front. This Is one of the best business
locations in Columbus.
For price and terms, apply to
J. H. Hamilton,
nov!3 se.tu&thu tf Columbus, Ga.
Itocelvor’N Snip.
Under an order of the court. W. Cohn’s entire
stock of First-class Clothing and Gent’s Furnish
ing Goods will be sold at retail at very low prices
for a short time only. Parties will find it to their
interest to supply themselves now.
All persons indebted to W. Cohn are required
to make payment to mo only. L. Meyer,
nov28setu&thu Receiver.
Wholesale Fireworks, the best made.
dtf Adams & Bowers.
A complete stock of pure and fresh Staple and
Fancy Groceries, Candles Fruits Etc., at
d tf R. Justice, Agt.
Shield Perfection Bourbon WhlNky
I commend to all who desire a really good and
reliable article. Robert 8. CiIane,
dtf Sole Agent.
Frits Klinkerfuss,
The Boot and Shoemaker, is ready to do ali work
in his line at short notice, at No. to Twelfth
Street. nov28 7t
I now have in stock Stick and Fancy Candies
Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, Brazil Nuts, Cocoa-
nuts, Raisins, Figs, Cirons, Dates, French and
Turkish Prunes, Prunells, Preserves, Jellies,
Jelatine, Mince Meat, Chocolate, Grapes,
Oranges, Apples and Cranberries, all of which
will be sold at wholesale or retail.
I. L. Pollard,
dtf 1224 Broat Street.
If you want the best Cakes, Custards, Pies, Etc.,
try my home-made. They have no equal,
dtf B. Justice, Agt.
The Most Desirable City Property on
the Market, Offered for Male.
The desirable property known as the Muscogee
Home eorner, fronting 55 feet on St. Clair Btreet
and running back about 130 feet on First avenue,
wilt be sold at private sale.
On the lot there; js a- two-story brick building
occupying part of it, now rented for $300 a year;
also enough brick to build two one-story stores.
If not sold at private sale bcibre the first Tues
day in December it will be sold at public outcry.
Apply to R. M. Mulford, at Chattahoochee Na
tional Bank, or to Charles L. Davis.
uov2S dtf
Wood mid Coal.
First-class Oak and Pine wood in stock, block
and split. Jelico Coal, prime lump, for sale by
T. S Fontaine &Co.
Telephone No. 80. nov7tf
Series 2, Ckattahooehec Building and
Loan Assort at toil.
Books of subscription for above series now open-,
at office of Yonge & Grimes.
Cliff B. Grimes. Sec’v and Treas.
Watch Milking.
J. H. Bramhall, Practical Watchmaker and
Jeweler, makes a specialty of repairing flne-
and complicated watches that have been in
jured by accident or otherwise, at moderate!
charge. dtf
Attorney-at-Enw, Coin mbits, Ga,
Prompt attention given to all busiuess. Office
over R. S. Crone. scp4 dly
Have you tried the Frink Bidden Soap? Try
B. T. Babbitt's Best Potash at Crane’s.
Pure Fruit Jellies, French Queen Olives, Fan
rina, McMenamin & Co’s famous Deviled Crabs,..
Casco Bay Lobsters. Grated Pineapple, Evergreen
Sugar Corn of superior quality and full weight.
Clipper brand of Okra and Tomatoes, Boston
Baked Beans, Cod Fish Balls. Always the lowest
prices for cash at Robert S. Crane’s.
Fresh mid Nice.
It gives us pleasure to note the fact that Mr.
I. L. Pollard’s trade is steadily increasing. This
is due to the fnct that he keeps only the freshest
and best of goods, and deals fairly with all his
customers. It is acknowledged that ho has the
most complete stock of family and fancy gro
ceries in the city, and his prices are as low as
the lowest. He is indeed a friend to the house
keeper. dtf
Christmas, Christians.
Make engagements now, before the rush; it will
give me plenty time to finnish large photographs
forGhristmas presents. Cabinets $4 per dozen,
till December 1. Alpha A. Williams.
Baker’s Chocolate and Jelatine at
d tf R. Justice, Agt.
To ilu* Public.
I have just received an assortment of fine Gold
Byzantine and Bronze Frames for the Christ
mas holidays, which aro unequaled in beauty
t and finish to anything heretofore sold in Colum
bus. Parties wishing fine and handsome Frames
will now place their orders. I can sell them 33J4 .
per cent cheaper than any house in the city.
Alpha A. Williams,
dftweow The Photographer.
Marshal's Halo,
Will be sold at the public pound on Thursday*
December 2, if not claimed and expenses paid:
One small bull calf (brindle); ear mark, hole in :
left ear. Impou ded on November 18.
^One small Brindle Steer; put in on November -
One Black and Brown Calf.
One White and Red Spotted Calf) put in on .
November 22.
One small White and Red Steer; earmarks,
smooth crop in right ear, hole in left. Put in on
23d. , j. H. Palmer,
nov30 3t Marshal.
Atmore’s Best Mince Moat, New Currants, .
Dates, Citron. R. 8. Crane.
Still In the King;.
Will do all work in making and repairing
Boots and Shoes atsliort notice, at No. lOTwelfth
Street. Fritz Klinkerfuss.
nov28 7t.
Mince Meat, Apple Butter and Pure Jellies at
d tf R. Justice, Agt.
Tsx-Payers Attention—Third and Last Call.
State and County Taxes, 1886, are now past
due and must be paid at once. In conformity
with law, executions will issue for all Taxes not
paid by or before December 1, 1886. Don’t blame
the Tax Collector for complying with the law.
Come up and settle and save cost of advertise
ment. levy and sale. D. A. Andrews,
Tax Collector.
Office: Georgia Home Building.
Choice Groceries.
Best Rye Flour, New York State Buckwheat,
Finest Graham Flour, Extra Choice Goshen But
ter, Marrow Beans, Boneless Cod Fish, Choice
MesBed Mackerel, ten pound pails; Fancy
Evaporated Apples, Choice Mixed Table Nuts,
New Raisins, Citron, Chipped Dried Beef, Lunch
Tongue, Pigs Feet and Tripe at Crane’s.