Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, December 03, 1886, Image 2
DAILY ENQUIRER • SUN : COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING DECEMBER 3, IW6. IMS NG fill!!;. The Company'* Condition and Prospers Thr Riilldlnir Up of the Alabama «n-l Carolina NjhLuik— Ilia lllrmlnaliain Lvtdiainn — Largo Rutin;,a lu ImprUTtiiK thr- Itnnil unci Ailillnir to Itx Knulpmcnt—I nr ream'll Karnlnga Korealinilow l.inrir tllrldonda— future Proaprrlt) of the Compa*)'. Savannah, November 29.—Editor Morn ing News: The recent advance in the mnrket value of Central railroad stock haa caused many holders to sell. Some huve been prompted to do this because they thought the stock had been run up by speculation to a point above its real value, Other holders are beglning to inquire into the real merits of the property, and although reports are annually made, made os clear and full ns possible, the officers of the company are frequently asked for Information in regard to it. It has therefore oocurred to me to give yi for publication ns brief a statement possible of the condition and prospects of I will say. however, in the in i cannot be derived from a careful reading of the annual reports made to the stock holders. LAYING STEEL RAILS. Soon after the present administration was inaugurated, not quite four years ago, we were called upon by several branch roads that were being contemplated and which would act os feeders to tho main line, for assistance in the way of second hand rails and rolling stock. Thero was in the track of both the Contral and South western roads, where the traffic was largo and increasing, a large quantity of iron rails that it was thought could last there only two to four years, but if placed on branch or light traffic roads would lust ten to fifteen years. It was therefore deter mined, as steel rails were very low, to take up and dispose of these iron rails and replaco them with Bteel rails. A BIO OUTLAY. Accordingly, 15,000 tons of steel rails were purchased with the determination to spread their cost over three years (see forty-ninth annual report.) No account, however, was taken at tho time of what would be received for the iron rails to be sold, that in reality the difference between the cost of the steel rails and what was al most entirely paid out of tho earnings of tho two years, 1883-4 and 1884-5, leaving but little to be paid in 1885-0. The rolling stock of the company was also largely in creased during those years. This accounts mainly for the large reduction in operat ing expenses during tho past year as com pared with former years, and must con tinue to operate in fu Jnue to operate in future in the same pro portion that tho durability of steel rail) compares with the durability of iron rails. The branch roads referred to, in addi tion to proving vuluable feeders to tho main lines, are themselves earning and paying interest on their obligations given In payment for their rails and equipment. THE CAROLINA SYSTEM. The roads acquired in South Carolina, and which have just been completed, were practically acquired for tho cost of super structure and rolling stock, the right of way having been Becured and the done by stock subscriptions in the locali ties they are intended to serve. It is con fidently believed these roads will earn interest oil their bonds issued in payment for their completion, besides contributing considerable business to the Central road and tho Ocean Steamship Company. The last annual repo t gives thu reasons for extending at this time the Co lumbus and Western road, owned entirely by the Central, to Birmingham, Ala. This extension is now under contract to reliable and experienced railroad build ers and is to be completed by September 15 next, by which time the connecting road, the Kansas City, Memphis and Bir mingham's to be finished to Birmingham. THE COLUMBUS AND WESTERN. This extension is to be paid for from the proceeds of bonds of tho Columbus and Western road, the interest on which, it is believed, that road will earn from its own business. The sale of theso bonds has -already been negotiated at a premium. It is difficult to estimate the value of this ex tension, for in addition to the large local business which must be exchanged with Kansas City, Memphis and Birmingham and all intermediate points, it makes, in connec tion with the Ocean Steamship Company, tho shortest freight mileage route in ex istence between Kansas City, Memphis, Birmingham and other points ou the line, and Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. To do this additional busmens over the Central will require very little ad ditional expense, except the actual oper ation of additional trains, though it nmy necessitate additional steamers for the Ocean Steamship Company, but which can lie paid for out of the sinking fund of that compauy, it being remembered that *100,000 per annum is added to this fund from thy earnings of that company. HOW THE WORK IS DONE. It will be observed that the extensions named, though large, have and will be ac complished without drawing from the earnings of the Central or depriving its stockholders of dividends. Of the obligations of the Central out standing and which mature within the next six years, there are *5,000,000 of 7 per cent, bonds on tho main line, $1,830,000 of 8 S er cent, bonds oi the Western railroad of labania, in which, by reason of the lease of the Georgia road, the Cuntral has a three-fourths interest, and $1,000,000 of 0 percent, bonds of the Ocean Steamship Company, besides a few 8 per cent, bonds lobile nnd Girard road. Theso good deal yet for me to Inarn. I am still engaged ill learning during the day and putting arnica ou my experlcncis at night. Childhood is said to be tbe most glad some period in our lives, and in some re spects this statement mny bo regarded ns reliable, but it is not ull joy. 1 have had just ns much fun in lator year- as I did in boyhood, though the people with whom I have been thrown ill contact claim that their experience has been different. I hope they do not mean anything personal by that. I do sometimes wish that I could be n boy again, but I smother that wish on ac count of my purents. What they need most is rest and change of scene. They still enjoy children, but they would like a chance to select the children with whom they associate. My parents were blessed with five bonds can certainly be funded at not over 8 per cent., which will reduce tho fixed charges at least $100,000, or more than 2 per cent, upon the capital stock of the Central. TO BE REWARDED. Now then, with the change of gauge, improved roadbed, increased and improved Tolling stock, valuable extensions and con nections obtained for actually less than cost of construction, and the recent decis ion of the United States supreme court for bidding slates, through commissioners or otherwise, from interfering with rates on inter-state commerce, it does seem, with the growing prosperity of the country, that the stockholders of the Central who have for several years been deprived of fair returns upon their capital, arc soon to be rewarded. This is foreshadowed in the increased earnings of last year when lurger dividends would have been paid but for the reasons fully stated in the recent an nual report. Very respeotfully, H. M. Comer. BILL NYE'S BOYHOOD. WU) 111- Docs Not rurliruhirl)' Ycnru to Ilo a Boy Agnln. If I were a boy again, endowed with the same wild passion for plucking watermel ons in the dark of the moon, I would no doubt fall a victim to that overmastering F assion us I did before, but looking at it as do now, I would be wiser. Boys cannot, however, have the mature judgment of manhood without the experience and the rheumatism that go with it. So it is bet ter that in our childhood we may be able to eat a raw turnip with safety, and know something later on in life. I notice a great good digestion. The hurrying years have cavorted over my sunny head till they have worn it smooth, but they have left a bright-eyed and beautiful little boys, three of whom grew up, and by that means be came adults. I am in that condition my self. I was the oldest of the family with the exception of my parents. I am still that way. My early life was rather tom- postuous in places, occasionally flecked with sunshine, but more frequently with retribution. I was not a very good road ster when young, and so retribution was 'most always just in the act of overtaking me. While outraged justiee was getting in its work on me, the other boys escaped through a small aperture in the fence. This is another reason why I do not yearn to be a boy again. When we ran away from school to catch chubs, and when we built a fire to cook them and the fire got into the tall, dry grass and burned four miles of fence and sixteen tons of hay for a gentleman for whom to put out the fire, the other boys escaped and have so remained ever since. A just retribution has never had any difficulty in overtaking mo and walking up and down over my wishbone. When a party of us had been engaged in gathering eastereggs in the barn- of a gentleman who was away from home at i;he time, and he returned just os we had filled our pockets with tho choicest vintage of his sun-kisBed hens, the other boys escaped while I was occupying the atten tion of the dog, and I had to slide out of the second story of the barn. It is still in my mind as I write. I wore my father’s vest at that time, and it was larger than was necessary. My father was larger than I at that time, for I was only nine years of age and had not arrived at my full stature. In sliding down the batten I dis covered that the upper end of it was loose, and that my flowing vest had slipped over it, so that when I got down about four feet I hung with the board buttoned inside my bosom and the scrambled egg oozing out of my knickerbockers. The batten had sprung back against the barn in such a way as to prevent my un buttoning my vest, and while I hung there on the side of the barn like a coon skin the proprietor came around and accused me of prematurely gathering his eggs. I had heard truth very highly spoken of by my people, who had dabbled in it more TffiCinaCbrdisl C V 11II H DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. TT U Invigorat ing and De. Ilghtful to take, and of great value a Medicine for TT glvee NEW 1 LIFE to the whole SYSTEM by Strengthening the Mueclea, Ton ing the NERVES, and completelyDl- gesting the food. ny peop; or less, and so I resolved to try it in this in stance. So I admitted that Buch was the case, and it was the best thing I could have done, for the man said as I had been so frank with him he would take me down as Boon as he got his other work done, and he was as good as his word. After he had milked nine cows and fed nine calves he came around with a ladder and took me down. He also spanked me and set the dog on me, but I did not mind that, for I was accustomed to it. To hang on tho side of a barn, however, like an autumn leaff trying to kick large holes in tbe atmosphero, is disagreeable. The incident cast a gloom over my whole life. It has also reconciled me to the awful decree that I can never be a boy again. Bill Nye. A Book, ‘Volina 4 by 1 c a d 1 n g physicians, telling how to treat die- no hurtful Minerals, la com posed of carefully selected Vegeta ble Medicines, combined skill fully, making a Safe and Pleasant Remedy. For asla br all Drugfdit, and Ororara. Should tha dssler i.™ you not Iceap VOI.I.M I'OKIIIAL, remit Si.00, aad a full aim bottle Will be aeut, chert eg paid. Volina Drug and Chemical Company, BAI.TIJ101IE, III)., I'. S. A. * ease* at HOME, mailed, together with a set of hand some carda by new Heliotype process, on receipt of to c. Five Cold and Two Sliver Medela awarded in 1885 at the Expositions o: New Orleans and Louisville, and the In ventions Exposition of London. The superiority of Coraline over hon or whalebone has now been demonstrated by over five years’experience. Itismori durable, more pliable, more comfortable and never breaks. _ Avoid cheap imitations made of various kinds of cord. None are genuine un’e# “Db. Warner’s Coraline” ia print* , on inside of steel cover. ■ FOR rale by all leadihb meroharts. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York CM ‘‘I have used Simmons Liver Regulatorjfor many years, having made it my only family medicine. My ■ mother before me was very partial to it. It is a safe, good and reliable medicine for any disorder of tin' system, and if used in time is a GREAT FREVBNT1VE OF SICK NESS. I often recommend it to my friends, and shall continue to do so.” Rev. James M. Rollins, Pastor of M. E. Church, Ho. Fairfield, Va. TIME AND MOTORS' BILLS SAVED by always keeping Smiino'is Liver Kcgiiialor in the house, “I have found Simmons’ Inver Regulator the bust family medicine I ever used for anything that nmy happen, have used it in Indigestion, Colic, Diarrhoea, Biliousness, nnd found it to relieve immediately. After eating a hearty supper, if, on going to bed, I take about a tea- spoonful, I never feel the effects of the supper eaten.” Ovid G. Suarks, Ex-Mayor Macon, Ga. erdM.Y (1EK1'INE-Ct Has our Z Stamp ou front of Wrapper. J. H. Zeilin A Co., Sole Proprietors. Fries, $1.00. Fllll,A etl'fllA, FA. cod se&w fol r in (3) CLINCMAN’S QBACCO REMEDIES T THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO OINTMENT TIIH HOST EFFECTIVE PREPARA TION on tho market for Piles. A SITR E CI'R K for tlfkinu.Pile*. Hub nevor lulled to Rive prompt Relief. Mill cure Anal Ulcers, ALmpxs, lit,tula, Tetter, Salt Rhoum, Barber’s Itch, King- wonus, Pimples, Sores ami Boils. Price nO<*ts. THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO CAKE NATI Uli’S OWN Itl.llEDY, I’ll res all pounds, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Erysipelas. Beils, Carbuucles, Bono Felons, ulcers. Sores, Sore Kyos, Sore Throat.Bunions,Corns. Neiiral&ia.Rheumatism, Orchitis. Gout. Rheumatic Gout. Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Milk Log, Snake and Dor Bites Stmgs of Injects. Ac. In fact allays all local Irritation and Iuiluminutiou from wlmtevor cauto. Price* of**, THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO PLASTER Prepared uci'oriliiig to the most Mdi'niiilc prinriplus, of the PUREST SEDATIVE EDI ENTS, compounded with tho purest Tobacco Flour, and Is specially recommended for Crimp, Weed or Cake of the Breast, and for that class of irritant or inflammatory maladies. Aches nnd Pains where, from too delicate a state of the system, tile patient is unable to bear the stronger application of ine Tobacco Cake. For Headache or other Ache* and Pains, it is invaluable. Price Id ctM. Ask your druggist for those remedies, or write to the CLINGMAN TOBACCO CURE CO. DURHAM. N. C., U. 8. A. ;tly SATISFAGTGa* its pree ref'nd'-.d bvseh- , -cV and!»«.«. Be-aua. Nu.iC Lcnuinc wtUiomi bat’ tLKAGO COZ3E T CC 13 Lispenard St., New York. "d ” -•» V* Chmao<• <iu OTHERS' FRIEND -MAKES- CHILD-BIRTH EASY! The time has como when the terri ble agony of this critical period in wo man's life can be avoided. A distin guished physician, who spent 44 years in this branch of practice, left to child- bearing woman this legacy, THE MOTHERS’ FRIEND, and to-day th< re are thousands of women who, having used this remedy before con finement, rise up and call his name blessed. We can prove all we claim by living witnesses, and any one in terested can call, or have their hus bands do so, and see the original let ters, which \te cannot publish. All druggists sell it. For particulars address Hattie R. Joh.ison vs. James M. Davis- Petition lor the removal of Trustee, and for the ap pointment of another Trustee. Columbus, Ga., at Chambers, October 8, 1B80, the petition in the above case read and consider ed; it is ordered that the defendant. James M. Davis, show cause before me at 10 o’clock a. m. on tbe loth of December, 1S8G, at the Court House iii the rity of Columbus, why he' should not 1 from bis trust and another trustee .rii el P the Columbus pointed James A! State, it is ordered that service he perfected on him by publication of this order in the Columbus Enquirer-Sun, a newspaper published in the city of Columbus, twice a month for two months be fore the henring. Given under my hand and official signature. J. T. WILLIS. Judge 8. O. C. C. OPIUM i cured at home wlth- Book of par- IILEY^nJdl tlcufurs sent j. ji. woor Potash Victim. Cared by S. S. 8. CAUTION. Consumers should not confuse our Specific with the numerous Imitations, substitutes, potash and mercury mixtures which are pot- ten up to sett, not on their own merit, but on the merit of our remedy. An imitation Is always a fraud and a cheat, and they thrive only as they can steal from the article imitated. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases malted free. For sale by all druggists. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawers, Atlanta, Oa. S. S. 3. vs. POTASH. I hnvo had blood poison for ten years. I know I have taken one hundred bottles of iodide of potash In that time, bat it aid me no good. Last summer my lace, neck, body and limbs were covered with notes, and I could scarcely use my arms on account of rheu matism In my shoulders. I took 8. 8. 8., and It has done me more good than all other medi cines I have taken. My face, body and neck arc perfectly clear and clean, and my rheu matism Is entirely gone. I weighed 116 pounds when I began the medicine, and I now weigh 158 pounds. My first bottle helped me greatly, and gavo me an appetite like a strong man. I would not be without 8.8. S. (or several times its weight in gold. C. E. MITCHELL, W. 23d St. Perry, New York. ssssssssssss For Fifty Years the great Remedy for Blood Poison and Skin Diseases. For 50 Years. It never Fails! s s s s s s ssssssssssss s.s.s. Interesting Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to all who apply. It should be carefully read by everybody. Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga.' S s s s s s s s More Jobs! IKIIID GLOVES -A-T 370, KID GLOVES -A-T 500. ICHD GLOVES .A.T 880. ioo Dozen TOILET SOAP, 24 Gents per dozen; 2 cents per cake. FACTORY SECONDS. I have a few pieces left of that lot of Bleached Cotton at 6i cents ; worth 8 cents. One case Nainsook Checks only 7 cents. The supply inexhaustible—another lot of Handkerchiefs at 4 and 2 cents. Large lot Remnants of Best Seletia only 10 cents. Don’t Forget That We keep the best line of Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Under wear to be found. We have some of the very newest tilings in Dress Goods to be found in New York. We have a good assortment of Notions and all kinds ol small wears. We keep Flannels, Blankets, Table Linens. Towels, &c. O. C. JOHNSON. The Brora Ctoiion Gin. Co., NEW LONDON, CONN. Manufacturers of the “Old Reliable” Brown Cotton Gins, Feeders and Con denser*. AU the very latest improvements: Im proved roll box, patent whlpper, two brush belts, extra strong brush, cast steel bearing" improved Feeder, enlart"--’ dast pice 'ondenser. I v/a#, simple', • .instruction, durable !gin ~t -—.a light, cleans the seed per fect.., and produces first class samples. DELIVERED FREE OF FREIGHT at any accessible point. Send for fall description and pries list. COLUMBUS IRON WORKS, Agents, Columbus, Ga. RANKIN STABLES, In Rear of Rankin House, on First Avenue. Sale, Feed and Livery Stables New Turnouts; Showy, Gentle Horses, Careful Drivers. Horses boarded and carefully attended to. 1 have ample accommodations for live stock and arrangements to make my stable headquarters for dealers. HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE. WAGON AND CARRIAGE REPAIR SHOP. I am still running my Shop on Wynn’s Hill, and will continue to do all kinds of Carriage and Wagon Work on short notice. WILLIAM M. AMOS. nov22 wed se&w6m v,4'. EMPIRE STABLES. Successors to JOHN DISH ROW & CO. East Side of First Ave., between 12th and 13th Sts. New and Noliliy Turnouts, Safe and Showy Horses, Careful and Experienced Drivers, FUNERALS personally conducted and properly attended to. The finest Hearses in the city. AFTER SEPTEMBER 1st, Horses boarded and carefully cared for at fl6 per month. Ample accommodations for LIVE STOCK. Headquarters for dealers. WTSlsphsat Is. 08. oesi dly Printing, Book-Binding AND Paper Boxes OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT LOWEST PR-IOE0. A LARGE STOCK of all kinds of PAPER, fat eluding Letter, Packet and Note Heads, BIB Heads, oiatements, always on hand. Also Bn. velopes, Cards, <Stc., printed at short notice. Paper Boxes of any size or description not km* In stock made at snort notice. TH08. GILBERT, tf 42 Randolph Street, opposite Post Office. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS To (be Stock of the GEORGIA MIDLAND & GULF R, R. OOMPA1TY. I t being officially known to tho Board of Direct ors of the Georgia Midland and Gulf Railroad Company that the first section of twenty miles of Georgia Midland and Gulf Railroad, of four feet and nine inches grade, between Columbus, Ga., and Atlanta. Ga., or between Columbus, Ga„ and some point on the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad between Atlanta, Ga., and Macon, Ga., with the privilege of entering At lanta on the track of any railroad with terminal ‘ rfoi ' ‘ O IHI IE3 "W RUDOLPH FINZER’S STARLIGHT AMD CAPITAL PRIZE m V At Wholesale by LOUIS BUHLEB & Co, OOXjX73^E"BTJS, a-JL. Je5 eodSm facilities there. ties, trestles and bridges, and readv for the cross- whereas, by the installment of the uc&tion or the completion of the work as above, Be it resolved, That the Treasurer is authorized to publish in the name of this Board the comple- the subscribers ment notes of 2 due and bus, Ga. due and payable at the National Bank of ) Seaton Grantland, C. L. Davis, Geo, P. Swift, jr„ N. J. Bussey, W. J. Kincaid, J. F. Flournoy, B. T. Hatcher, T. M. Fcley, J. W. Woolfolk. The Board of Directors of the Georgia Midland and Gull Railroad Company, novlS oaw4w ITCHING Skin Diseases Instantly Re lieved by Cuticura. great Skin Cure. This repeated daily, with two or three doses of CUTICURA RESOLVENT, the New Rloocl Purifier, to keep the blood cool, the perspiration pure and unirritating, the bow^ els open, the liver and kidneys active, will speed ily cure Eczema, Tetter, Ringworm, Psoriasis, Lichen, Pruritus, Scald-Head, Dandruff and every species of Itching. Scaly and Pimply Hu mors of the Scalp and Skin, when the best physi cians and remedies fail. ECZEMA ON A CHILD. Your most valuable CUTICURA REMEDIES have done my child so much good that I feel like saying this for the benefit of those who are trou bled with skin diseases. My little girl was trou bled with Eczema, and I tried several doctors and medicines, but did not do her any good until I used the CUTICURA REMEDIES, which speedily cured her, for which I owe you many thanks and many nights of rest. ANTON BOSSMIER, Edinburgh, Ind. TETTER OF THE NCAEP. REMEDIES about six weeks, and they cured my scalp perfectly, and now my hair is coming back — ‘hick a v it ever was. J. P. CHOICE, Whitesboro, Tex. COVERED WITH BLOTCH EN. ago my face was covered with Blotches, and ter using three bottles of RESOLVENT I perfectly cure d. b REDERICK MAITER, 23 st. Charles St., New Orleans, L*. OF I’RICKLE&B VALUE. I cannot speak in too high terms of yonr CUTI- CURA. It is worth its weight in pure gold for skin diseases. I believe it has no equal. W.W NORTHRUP, 1015 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. liVUna DUA1 , .i/Li L/UliLUltA IVr.HULVr/Pl A fi.Uv. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. Send for “How to Chre Skin Diseases.” T>T1Vf PLES. Blackheads, Skin Blemishes and A I 1U Baby Humors, use CUTICURA SOAP. BEKTWITHIRAKIST . Due to lnflamed Kidneys, Weak Back and Loins, Aching Hips and Sides. Re lieved in one minute by the CUTI CURA Anti-Pain Plaster. Never fails. At Druggists, 25 cts.: five for $1. Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 181 BAKER’S Warranted absolutely pnl Cocoa, from which the excess) Oil has been removed. IthasfAiV tim es the strength of Cocoa mixef with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugai and is therefore far more econonp icnl, costing less than one cent- cup. It is delicious, nourishing strengthening, easily ai£ef*ed v and admirably adapted for inval ids as well as for porsons In health* Sold by Grocers everywhere* ?. BAM 4 CO., Dniester, Maa S250 A MONTH* Agents wanted. 90 best sell* ig articles in the world. \ sample free, ddrssa JA V BROVSOV »».*^inn^ AfiFNTQ coin money collecting Family Pictures to e» W large; all styles. Pictures guaran e«d. SpecM '•dCTncnts. Empim Copying Co.. t8x Canal Street