Newspaper Page Text
De Coon an’ do Mink.
Tfew Orleans Picayune.
De mink win tollin' ilo 'coon erbout
How be not ketched in er flel'
Bootin’ cr row uf goobers out
Dat bo went derc fur ter steal.
Ho say, “De former gin mo or w’ack
Dat make me si e stars an’ or moon;
Hit nlmos’ brake mer pore ole back—’’
“Erhaw, haw, haw f" 1 ailed the coon.
“Hit Berb yer right,” sod de coon ter be.
“Fur gwlne dere for to steal;
Ef yer hadder leP dein plnders bo
You wouldn’t got ketched In the flol’."
De bery nex' night de coon went roun’
Fur ter git some goobers to eat;
He sneaked in er flel’ an’ pooty soon fouu’ 4
He wui ketched in er trap by de feet.
Passln’ dat flel’ cum er limpin’ chap
Dat sed as he gin er wink,
“You’se hones’ enuff till yer’s ketched In er trap.
Er he, he, he I ” laffed the mink.
From Smiles to Scowls.
Sufficient unto the year is the politics
thereof.—N. Y. World.
Railroad brakemen should emigrate to
.Switcherland.—St. Paul Herald.
It is no trouble to mfeet a bill. But to
get out of the way of it is most difficult.—
An exchange has an article on “Whv
Bees Make Honey." They make it to
cell.—Philadelphia Call.
Remember that the best Christian is he
who soonest has the snow cleared from the
sidewalk.—St. Paul Globe.
A book agent was shot in Texas the
other day. Let us hear no more about the
uncivilized west.—Boston Post.
Eight million umbrellas are made in
this country every year. So much laid up
for a rainy day.—Hartford Post.
The woman who marries a man for his
E ocketbook should not expect to find his
eart Inside.—Philadelphia Call.
The Russians must loe a very consump
tive race. Nearly every one lias a koff
hanging on to him—Boston Post.
Browning has just “finished a new
poem.” That’s what he never did to some
of his old opes.—Washington Post.
There are some women who wouldn’t be
happy in a mansion in heaven unless they
could clean house about once every three
months.—Boston Post.
A Boston woman, by way of experiment,
recently tied a pedometer to her chin, and
discovered that she talked thirty-three
miles between breakfast and lunch.—Life.
Hostess—“What has become of Sandy
Smith, who stood so high in your class?”
Alumnus—Oh, he’s taken orders some
time.” “He’s in the ministry, then?”
“No, in a restaurant.—Exchange.
Almost every one is troubled with nerv
ousness in some form, and nine-tenths of
the prevailing illness comes from nervous
exhaustion, brought on by overwork,
mental strain or dissipation. No wonder
people are asking for a reliable nerve
remedy like Moxie Nerve Pood: it builds
you up, and strengthens your whole nerv
ous system. Try it.
Thankaglvlsg in Dakota.
The day is brilliant with sun and snow.
It is only 8 degrees below zero. Sleighs
are out in force, and it is safe to say that
never was there a more brilliant day for
Thanksgiving than this.—Fargo Sun.
More Money for Your Work
If you improve good opportunities. Hal-
lett & Co., Portland, Maine, will mail free
full information showing how you can
.make from $6 to $25 and upwaTds a day
and live at home wherever you are located.
Better write; some have made over $50 in
a day; all new. No capital required;
started free. Both sexes; all ages. Suc
cess for every worker. Send address and
see for yourself. oc28 dflm
A Sordid Trnth.
Among the “ hundred best books” the
pocket-book ranks first. If it is sufficient
ly robust, there will be no difficulty in se
lecting the other ninety-nine.—Philadel
phia Call.
A Becord Breaker.
A Boston woman, byway of experiment,
recently tied a pedometer to her chin, ana
discovered that she talked thirty-three
miles between breakfast and lunch.—Lile.
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, rever, 'fetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and aU Skin Eruptions, and positive
ly cures Piles, or no pay is required. W is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents pel
box. For sale by Brannon & £|rson.^
Urine for Mutter.
r in the Husbandman who sells
for nearly twice quoted prices,
jrine for butter in this way; u
i best dairy salt and stirs in hot
much as can bo taken up oidi»
1 a little more. When tb °*°“= b I
so that the brine is as strong as
.de, he strains it through a tig
cloth, and then sets it awaj to
len cool he pours it on the P j '
rkin to the top of a online
supply may be sufficient for en-
ry vacant place. r l he same pro
ulred when butter !s packed m a
b, the purpose being to excluae
irlne serving this use effectually,
samelime leeping U* strength
ting in some degree as a preser
I'ncerUIntj of Worldly Joj».,,? bi §- ’P 0B9un > •>> limbo for our
iunrd-rf, ’V® uiuuer, but it escaped the
fin? wn l h LSdll Vi‘ ghtand ’ , 'P to this writ-
Tlfe Minn™u! 1 ^ ar Jl ed .S f lts whereabouts.
!ins ? .t | lUon , i r, that U is tnswampum
UpStUniDUm. Hllrl fkn nit! t • ^ i V
O, the shaking of the ague 1
O, the tortures of Neuralgia!
O, the misery of dyspepsia!
O, the wretchedness of headache 1
O, the gripes of bilious colic!
All of these will surely vanish
Like the snow befor the Southwind,
. If you’ll only take Smith’s Bile Beans.
You can buy them at your drug store
For a quarter of a dollar;
And if you will only try them
You will never be without them.
decl eod&wlm
A Blatter of Course.
It was natural that Mr. Bishop should
come to Boston. The mind reader to read
the mind must go where the mind is. Mind
that, now.—Boston Transcript.
The Verdict Unanimous.
W. D. Suit, druggist, Bippus, Ind., testi
fies: “lean recommend Electric Bitters as
the very best remedy. Every bottle sold
has given relief in every case. One man
took six bottles, and was cured of rheuma-
.tism of 10 years’ standing.” Abraham
Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms;
“The best selling medicine I have ever
handled In my 20 years’ experience, is
Electric Bitters.” Thousands of others
have added their testimony, so that tho
verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters
do cure all diseases of the liver, kidneys or
blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at Bran
non & Carson’s Drug Store. eod&w
Cleveland's Lurk.
Cleveland’s luck seems to be as good as
ever. A democrat in New York is worth
two mugwumps in Massachusetts.—New
York Sun.
Excitement in Texas.
Great excitement has been caused in the
vicinity of Paris, Texas, by the remarkable
recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley, who was so
helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise
his head; everybody said he was dying of
consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King s
New Discovery was sent him. Finding re
lief, he bought a large bottle and a box of
Dr. King’s New Life Pills; by the time lie
had taken two boxes of Pills and two oot-
ties of the Discovery, he was well and had
gained in flesh thirty-six pounds.
Trial bottles of this Great Discovery for
consumption free at Brannon & Carson s.
r eod&w
After n I’rolomreil sir jtglo.
iiw? I contracted blood poison. Since
affect!™ auf F u , re<i tortures from an
f the A kh !’ rheumatism and
ulcerating sores. During those long veors
1 !V lfler went treatment at the
Harman d IU 1?§ Phvsioians in Norwich,
BO 1 Fan!™ ?^ de ? ce ’,, B P ston sod Chica-
wo„M i ? to Set rehef at one place, I
samJ d t£, t t0 ar , 10th j r ’ but n, et with the
same treatment and effect everywhere.
The tjutinUties of mercury and potash I
have taken have not only done me no
C; 1 believe it has (lone me much
a?H V !o I L ha Y e ( t S lk ,'5 n a 8 - a six weeks,
thnn»hf£?r d ‘“beiieve my own feelings,
ough the fact that it hus done more for
t llat 8 ! lor t time than all other medi-
bnv, e in twenty years is plain and
S>x weeks ago I was a total
wreck, without hope. Now that I have
taken fourteen bottles of S. 8. S. my rheu-
is among the things of the past,
m ars T °, nly show that 1 was dis-
(u When 1 be ? an taking Swift’s Spo-
mv .,!al re was a large eating ulcer over
my right eye which alarmed me greatly,
and no one who saw it thought I would
J2ST PA we I 1 ’ „ Lika tbe other it is gone,
9, od for tbe creation of the
owiH Specific Co. and their great remedy.
dii xr xr W. Briggs.
Brooklyn, N. Y. f Nov. 18,1886.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases
mailed free.
The S^ift Specific Co., Drawer 3, At
lanta, Ga.
InHTiiblc .11 <>nnnosh.
In Nashua society the greatest offence a
gentleman can commit toward a lady is to
hide the chewing gum that she Inis laid
aside when asked’to sing.—Lowell Citizen.
CAPITAL PRIZE, - $ 150,000
“ We do hereby certify that ire supervise the at
rangement for all the Monthly and Quarterl,
Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Corn
pany,' and in person manage and control th
Drawings themselves, and lhat the same arc cor
ducted with honesty, fairness, and in good Jaitt
toward all parties, and wc authorize the Compart
11 use this cAtificate x with facsimiles o our K
n .turca attached, to its advertisements
Prepared with strict regard to Purity, Strength, and
lleulthfulness. Dr. Price's Baking Powder contains
no Ammonia,Lime.Alum or Phosphates. Dr.Price’b
Extracts, Vanilla, Lemon, etc., flavor deliciously.
PRICE Swing POWDER CD. Ch/cmld. and Sr. Lows.
The only perfect substitute for Mother's
milk. Invaluable in cholera Infantum
and Teething. A pre-dlgeated food for Dys
peptics, Consumptives, Convalescents.
Perfect nutrient In ell Wasting Diseases.
Requires no cooking. Our Book. The Care
and Feeding of li..'nnts, mailed free.
D0L18ER. GOODALH * CO.. Boston. Me
Wc the undersigned Batiks and Bankers sett
pay all Prices drawn in The Louisiana State Let
tenes which may be presented at our counters.
•I. II. OUI.ENUY. I’res. Lit. Nsl’l Bask
J.W.KI 1.11 It 17111,1-ros.MateNnfl B’k
A. BALDWIN, Pros. N.O. NaPI Basil
U Over Half a Million Distribute
Louisiana State Lottery Comp’y.
Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legisia
ture for Educational and Charitable purposes
with a capital of $1,000,000— to which a reaem
ftind of over $550,000 has since been added.
By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise
was made a part of the present State Constitu
tion, adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879.
IIn Grand Ningie number Drawing*
will take place monthly. It never scales or vost
pones. Look at the following distribution:
109th Grand Monthly
In tho Academy of .Music, Sow Orleans,
Tuesday, December 14, IS86.
Under the personal supervision and manage
raent of
Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, t
Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia.
Capital Prize, $150,000.
aSF’Notlre-Tickets nre Ten Doll.m only. Halve*.
$r>. Fifth*. *2. Tenth., $1.
1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF »150,000 $160,OOt
1 GRAND PRIZE OF 60,000 60,OOt
1 GRAND PRIZE OF 20,000 20,001
2 LARGE PRIZES OF 10,000 20,OOt
4 LARGE PRIZES OF 6,000 20,001
20 PRIZES OF 1,000 i... 20.001
60 PRIZES OF 600 23,OOt
100 PRIZES OF 300 30,001
200 PRIZES OF 200 40,001
600 PRIZES OF 100 00.0IX
1,000 PRIZES OF 60 60,OOt
100 Approximation Prizes of 1200 |M,0«
100 " ” 100 10,001
100 " 76 7,604
2,270 Prizes, amounting to 6621,IKK
Application for rates to clubs should be made
only to the Office of the Company in New Orleans.
For further information write clearly, giving
foil address. l’OSTAI, NOTES, Exprcer
Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordl.
nary letter. Currency by Express (at our ex
pense) addressed M. A. IIAI I’IHN,
New Orleans, La.
WnNklngton, D. II.
Make P. O. Money Oritors pnyahle
and address Registered Letters to
wed se&w5w New Orleana.lLa.
A Standard Medical Work
A Great Medical Work on Manhood
and the untold misery resulting from indiscretion
or excesses. A book for every man, young, mid*
, dle-agcd and old. It contains 1?5 presonptionf
for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of
i which is invaluable. So found by the AuthoT
whose experience for 25 years is such as probablj
never before befel the lot of any physician. 30(
J pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, em-
: bossed covers, ftill gilt, guaranteed to be a finei
work in every sense—mechanical, literary ant
professional—than any other work sold in thh
! country for S2.50, or the money will be refunded
in every instance. Price only $1.00 by mail, post
paid. Illustrated sample 6 cents. Send now
Gold medal awarded the author by the National
Medical Association, to the President of which
the Hon. P. A. Bissell, and associate officers oJ
the Board the reader is respectfully referred.
The Science of Life should be read by the young
for instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. II
will benefit all.—London Lancet.
There is no member of society to whom The
Science of life will not be useful, whether youth
parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman.—Ar
Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr
W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bulfinch street, Boston.
Mass., who may be consulted on all diseases re
quiring skill and experience. Chronic and obsti
nate diseases that have baffled the skill of all
Fur all complaints m this kina, mset » i lorV; ’ «
;omnl lints of this kind, sucb r.n Torn a***’#--
Loody Flux. OWIIs C ruuiu UialJ:
cnaiiKus tbe ooinpit-Uion ijoih low
to a ruddy, heal my color. J f AlUrutivei
gloomy SPUItS. It “ ’»» 'fa cnlv^I. Mrie.
®rIlfbya"lDr.„ gists. Prloo S1.00 per bottle.
c F. STAD1CE8, Proprietor,
SOi FRONT ST„ Ph!laciolphia» Pa<
An infallible specific for
all the diseases peculiar to
women, such as painful or
suppressed Menstruation.
Falling oi the \Vonib, Leu*
corrhoea or Whites, etc.
fllANMR <“ ,, * F "
If taken duriwr this crit-
jc;i 1 period, great sufferine
and danger can be entnely
, i wioSnincr valuable information
Send for book containing'j to a) , p Ueanta.
for w0 .,[p”u Regulator Co.. Atlanta. Ol.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
the same. d S lj ,- “Ipf,,.. ind all parties indebted
Ji^tS'TfoM“u! Vv&m tS» Squired to make
immediate payment to me. F0B T80N.
oc« oaw6wi
Valuable City Property.
\ Xby virtue of an order from the Superior Court
of Muscogee County, passed on the first day of
the November terra, 1886 thereof, the undersigned
Commissioners appointed by said court will sell
in front of the court house of said county, in
the city of Columbus, on the first Tuesday in Jan
uary 1887, between the legal hours of sale at pub
lic outcry, to the highest bidder, the following
described city property, all lying in the city of
Columbus, county of Muscogee, State of Georgia,
All that tract or parcel of land lying and bong
in the city of Columbus, known and distinguish
ed in tbe plan of said city as the south half of
city lot number four hundred and eighty nine.
1489', fronting on McIntosh street, <now Fifth
avenue*, containing one fourth Cj) of an acre,
more or less, together with all and singular the
rights, members and appurtenances, and im
provements to the tame in any manner belong
ing Terms, cash.
Possession given on execution of deed to pur-
chaSer ‘ J. L. WILLIS,
nov 30-dtd Commissioners.
Real Estate Sacrifice.
Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga.
se w'ed&fri tf
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
A NY person having claims agaimt the estate of
Catharine Sullivan, deceased,* will present
them within the time prescribed by law, and all
persons indebted to her are required to muke
prompt payment to me. „
oc24oaw4w M. SULLIVAN, Sr.
na a uf whnn business Is dull and prices are low It
NOW B uY YOUR full shooting
u N 8
lV.ClHtlii* A Co. M.fiH llimno w. Hiow Vo«-»
Iron Works
Columbus, ------ Georgia.
Lime, Shingles, Dressed and Matched Ceiling and Flooring
and other Lumber. Specialty made of Dress
ing Lumber for other parlies.
Royal Pumps, Judson Governors, Eberman Feeders, Standard
Injectors, Hancock Inspirators and
Stratton’s Improved Absorption Ice Machines, Saw Mills.
Pumps, Hollow Ware, Syrup Kettles,
The Improved Calender Hollers.
The above cut represents the Improved Calender Rollers,
so much admired and extensively used by Cotton Manufac
turers of the present day. They consist principally of live
Rollers, six inches in diameter, 40 inches long; two of them
hollow, being a receptacle for steam. They are furnished
with all necessary pipe and valves, fitted up ready to be at
tached to a Boiler; has all the latest improvements on same,
inctudiug the Selvage Rollers ane Cloth Yard Folder ; a taut
and loose Pulley, 20 inches in diameter, 4 inches face, all
ready to be connected to a line of Shafting. It only requires
a trial to demonstrate their indispensibilily.
je20 wed.BeAwflm
Will Offer This Week in addition to the List of Bargains of the Past Week:
1000 Yards Heavy Wool Jeans at 20 cents, worth 25c.
1000 Yards Good Cotton Flannel at 5 cents, worth 8c.
500 Yards splendid Black Silk at 75 cents, worth $1 00.
500 Yards Heavy Gros Grain Black Silks at $1.00, worth
$1 25.
300 Yards beautiful Silk Plush at 75c, worth $1 50.
300 Yards beautiful Silk Velvets at 75c, worth $2 00.
500 Yards assorted Colored Silks at the uniform price
of 50c, worth $1 (X) to 2 00. Come and get lirsl
SPECIAL BARGAINS in Remnants Dress Goods, Vel
vets, Ac.!
New Goods received daily.
Piece Goods
For Fall, 1886.
Clothing Made to Order.
Variety ITnparallcleU.
Frier* ReamoiiuV>le.
NalhfAction fin«ranl«e4.
GOODS selected now will be made ready ftw
delivery at any date desired. Coll and favor sm
with an order.
(iloMilnc Hnnnfarlurer, 1200 4k UI'A
Rroiw Siml. C«lumliu> da.
For 15 years ai 37 Court Place, 1
S22 Market Street,
Bet. 'Third and Fourth,
A regularly educated and legally quMliWl phyaician aud
ioeiwful, an bis 11—»•"« «*’*•» «
Hv^quAlin^d phyiicUn aud ft*
Ounra* uU forms oY'PRIVATE,
JASES. , .
SpormatoiTliua mill Impoloncy,
<n tiic result ofcalf-nbuaa in youth, sexual exeewos in -vv
luvtryeuvs, or othw eawana, uud pwUwlus sbwof tbv fai-^ efTeot*: N>i youciioji. Seminal Kmluions, (night
*1 i.m iiy droainx). Dlinneas of Sl^ht, Defective Memory, i'hy»
Hi ’alDeoay, I’lni|)lnson Face, Jtvcifclou to Society of I'cnuln^
Cfiufudou of Mean, oT Sexual Power, hr., rrmlrriaf
luarrl.igo imiirnner or unhapiir, nre thorouthl/ oml perma
nently cured. SYPHItti IS P°* iu vclj curc<i “‘A
S-rlf-rRSlSli**™hninth® syatom; GoilOrrhofl^
Stricture, OrcUllix, Ilcrulu. lor Huatura?
I’ll. M iiikI otiiur private diseases quickly cured.
It isoclf-erldeut that aphy siolau who pays sj*edal attentto*
U> a oertalu rla»» «f disease*, trcatlnu thousand* aanw>
ally, scqnlr.s freat skill. Physicians knowing thin fnctaft/m
recommend peraons to my care. When It In luoonvmjtonila
visit th? city for troatmont, medicines enu ho aent yrirtSuif
•ml safely by mail or express anywhere.
Cures Guaranteed, in all Cases
Of WO page#, sent v. r.ny address, aeourely sealed, ftir thiv4|
—"* *■“ Address as stwil
ra. 3 to « P. *
Cures G and G In a to 4 day*
Ask yonr druggist for It.
Bent to any add ress for$Lflg
Most happily meets the demand of the
and irregularities of her f
proprietors claim for this remedy no other medi
cal pio'K rty. It is strictly a Vegetable Com
pound. the studied prescription of a learned phy*
Bici-m v. hMse specialty was Female Diseases,
and v\i ■>- • lame became enviable bees use of hit
Hiicee.W’. in t lie treatment and cure of t\ male com*
plaints. HulfiTing woman, it will relieve you of
nearly all eomplamtB peculiar to your sex.
For sale by druggists. Write for book, "Mei
sage to Woman,” pi ailed free.
Bhadpii:ld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Go.
eod&w nrm (3>
Can learn the exact cost
of any proposed line of
advertising in American
Papers by addressing
Geo. P. Rowell A Co.,
Newspaper Acjvortisinfr Bureau,
IO Spruce St., New York.
Send lOot.B for 1 00-dm.(o Pamphlet
Ys&mBEVE & RftlCCn
•Mitr AC'EKxCw ANTED,™, anil ft.,lorri liopi
-»• If briivi-ry, impriHoiimfiits-ami luiir-
, liaud-to-imnd c
d ii r I nj
Great Civil
Perfect I4I.\
wlthout reHtrh-tloii as t->
\TLA%TA MAI HlAhlil v„ .
We have the best and cheapest Hose in the market. A full line of Hose Reels and Nozzles.
Telephone 99. 13 Twelfth Street.
'i in.iSchool ia the beal
m America. The most
practical course of In-
,|1|,tlon 0U(1 llie mo8t
™K-, n fr.
)uses. For clrcalarf
ml specimens of Peo*
mansfiii’, uddresa
; ;»roV*;irccl
'I 'irorett
.. juati, O.
•5700 to $2500V^'U^n SS
• w«*iii g '• i Agents pr *i _ ■ can
; i.o bui.iues.-t. bp..r«- in >i " :T« may • <• pi-.iuubly
•nnloyed also. A few vac . •> , i.. *, ; . i*i< a.
.. K. JOHNSON 6c CO., ti)I3 Main M., l;ic.intuuu, V*.
ang2 w i n>
0F MUSIC Boston, Mass.
WORLD —100 Instructor*.201V5 Student* last year. T ”.oi*j
ough Instruction iu Vocal and Instrumental Music, Piazo end
Organ Tuning, Fine Arts, Oratory, Literature, Fronch, Ger
man and Italian Langur.ges, English Branches, Gymnasticfc
etc. Tuition, $5 to $20; board and room with Steam Heat awl
Electric Light, $45to $75 per term. Fall Term begins B«
(ember 9,18W. For Illustrated Calendar, with fbll Informatk
<Uma. E. TOUBJWL !>»., FraakUa 8q., B08TOM, r~