Newspaper Page Text
News fr«m the Three State* Told In
Brief Paragraphs.
Tfct fl«rro»nt of Amerleu* MswtWtM with Their
Treatment In Loral Polltlftt-A Pnlaekl ('nnnly
Ian Buna from Verdict of not Guilty—Father
Rran’a Orara Cared fbr-Other latterg of In-
Uenrol a.
A paeaengpr and freight depot wlU Boon
be bnllt at McRea.
The town council of Blakely haa fixed
the liquor license for 1887 at $500.
Miss Jennie Perry, of Early county
seven yearB of age,was burned to'death last
The Brunswick Advertiser and Appeal
will come out as a daily after the 1st of
Mr. W. T. Melton, of Marion county, in
digging a well, found a piece of wood at a
depth of forty feet.
An estate of *20,000 which has been in
litigation at Madison for thirty years, will
now net the three surviving heirs *200
A few nights since burglars entered the
house of Mr. Green Fleetwood, in Telfair
county, and carried away a trunk contain
ing about $500.
Work on both ends of the Americas,
Preston and Lumpkin railrnnd is being
S ushed with great vigor, and its eomple-
on at an early day is assured.
Charles HayE’ gin house, in Sumter
county, was burned Saturday, with twenty-
five bales of cotton. Mr. Hays was bndiy
burned in endeavors to subdue the flames.
Mr. George W. Coates, agent of the
Brunswick and Western railroad nt Albany,
has been appointed auditor of the road.
He is succeeded as agent by Mr. Charles
Ab Seafesson, colored, i9 dead, shot
through the head, at Collins’ near Fort
Gaines. He was shot about sunrise Wed
nesday morning. There is no clue to his
The German citizens of Americas pub
lish a protest against their treatment in
local politics. They think they were un
justly ignored in making up a committee
to select a candidate for mayor.
A fire in Savannah Friday morning de
stroyed several tenements belonging to a
colored woman, Mary Jane Ward, and the
Btables of Mr. Andrew McCorinauk. The
loss was about $4500, with no insurance.
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Central railroad will be held in Sa
vannah December 22. Stockholders and
their families will be passed over the road
from December lit to 22 inclusive, and re
turning, from December 22 to 25.
In an election at Conyers Saturday for
mayor and aldermen the following ticket
was elected: Mayor, Colonel J. (J. Barton;
aldermen, J. J. Langford, M. R, Stewart,
G. W. Cain, J. R. Irwin, J. H. Dabney and
J. S. Daniel.
The facts brought out in the trial of
James Wilson for the murder of his wife,
in Mitchell county court last Wednesday,
show the crime to have been of peculiar
atrocity. He attacked the woman sud
denly trom behind, threw her into the
fire, and placing his knees upoD her breast
held her in that position until she was so
horribly burned that death soon ensued.
Ou Wednesday of last week, as Mr. Levi
Clements, a prosperous farmer of Berrien
county,was driving a lead of corn to a mill
his team ran ijway and overturned the
Wagon, under which Mr. Clements was
caught and dragged a considerable dis
tance. The physician who who was called
found him paralyzed from the waist down.
There iB little probability that he will re
Before the war William Hampton was a
wealthy fanner living near Dahlonega, but
old age has found him a broken down und
penniless man. Recently one of his old
slaves, Julia Hampton, who by industry
and.economy has accummulated a coin,
petency, tired of seeing her old master
without a home, deeded him a lot, built a
cottage for him and installed him comfort
ably in it.
Before Pulaski court last week a white
man named John Striplingwas on trial for
shooting a negro. After the evidence was
in, the arguments concluded and the jury
in their room, the prisoner, who evidently
feared conviction, skipped from the court
room, mounted his horse and fled. Next
day the sheriff received a message from
Stripling saying that if he was acquitted
it was all riaht, and if ho was convicted it
was all right, as he had the start. The ver
dict of the jury was “not guilty.”
Dr. W. B. Treat died at LaFayette on
Friday of heart disease.
North Alabama was covered with snow
on Saturday and Sunday.
Julius Rosoh is charged with having
stolen $1000 in Birmingham Friday night.
He made his escape.
Judge Hatcher, a colored man on the
farm of Mrs. Underwood, near Prattsvillc,
was caught some days ago in the saws of
tho gin and was so severely cut that he.
died in two or three hours.
Right Rev. Bishop O’Sullivan, when in
Eufaula a few days since, referring to the
grave of Father Ryan and the widely cir
culated report that it was neglected and
covered with weeds, said that the state
ment was nothing less than a lie; that
Father Ryan’s grave, as well as the graves
of all the other priests buried in Mobile,
was well taken care of, and was covered
with a marble slab.
The Orlando Guards will formally open
their armory on December 17 with a
grand ball. „„ , ..
There is an average of 2000 letters
mailed dally from the Gainesville post-
Hereafter Palatka will receive three
mails from the north daily and two will be
sentout. . ,
Wednesday an election will be held at
Marianna for a mayor, three aldermen, a
marshal and clerk.
It has been reported that a gentleman
who owns a large hotel in . Jacksonville
contemplates erecting at Gaiusville a 200
room hotel.
At Leesburg, during the past week, the
large double brick stores fronting on Main
Street, and known as the Gold block, were
sold to a gentleman in Loudon, England,
for the sum of $8000 cash.
There is located about two miles we3t of
Palatka what is known as the Beihelrnery
egg farm, which is one of the most suc
cessful' institutions of the kind in the state.
There are about 400 bens on the farm, and
the average weekly product is about lnty
dozen eggs.
The indictment against W. J. Wingate,
of Volusia county, for the alleged murder
of his son-in-law urews, about fifteen years
since, was quashed last week at line
Level, Manatee county, and, on account oi
the absence of witnesses, Mr. Wingate was
bound over to the next grand jury.
On Friday last the steam ginnery loca
ted at the plantation of A. Merrett. near
Marianna, was totally destroyed by lire.
The fire originated from a match in I he
seed cotton, which in passing through the
gin Ignited. The loss of engine, gin ana
house is estimated at $1000, besides tour or
five bales of cotton.
The estimates for Florida’s share of the
river andharbor billl, os prepared by the (
secretary of war, are as fellows; jiout
°f 8t ' John’s river, *300,000; St.John’s
WRhL™ 8 , ' ,outh -J 1 MpO I Suwannee and
MDDfr fl2E?. heo i» * 10 ’ 0( ? each l Manatee,
$8000, Sabrago Bayou, $3000; Escambia and
Ba?'JSS each; Apalachicola
Key, $13,000; Pensacola
harbor, $20,000; Tampa tay, $26jooo.
Augustine, Friday, W. W. Wing,
white, foreman of George Mvers C 1 -» *«
adjusting"abSt. 8 oiFthe
^ ^ right hand caught in the
mac.hiue, and betore any assistance could
get to him, was carried two or three times
around and through the air, breaking his
sustaining a compound
fracture of the skull, from which he died
ft! f D ,. ur ' J£ he shoes Were torn from his
T,K Mr> Wing leaves n wife and six
children, who reside at Bayard.
A Problem.
^ h ? coachman pulls up at a railroad
crossing, alights and lowers the window of
the carriage.
head ouTnow!” h ° 8ay8 ’ •' y °“ ° nn pUt yer
mean 1 ?” 111 y head out? What do you
“ Why, sor, the sign beyant there by the
thrack says, 1 took oet for the locomo
tive.’ ”
“ Why, you fpol,” testily exclaimed the
occupant of the carriage, “ you are the
Party who Ls to do the looking out.”
1 lam! Well, how can I do that when
I m not inside ?”—Pittsburg Dispatch.
Mothers worn out with the cares of ma
ternity Bhould take Moxie.
fhaoahiK llnbj's I'rofruHlan.
When Jimmy Silker got home from the
store the other evening his wife met him
at the door looking very much worried.
‘Jim, what do you think! Baby John
swallowed four pennies this afternoon, and
I couldn’t find the doctor, and I’m so
frightened I don't know what to do.”
‘‘Well, brace up," said Jim reassuringly.
I’m kind of glad it hnppened.”
“Oh, you horrid thing 1 Glad!”
“Yes. You sgo, I’ve been wondering for
a long while what profession we would
have John go into when he grows up.”
“And did yon just decide ?”
. “Yes. I think he ought to do flrst-rnte
in the internal revenue service.”
She didn’t forgive him for an hour and
six minutes.—Merchant Traveler.
Moxie Nerve Food has proved to be a
blessing to weak and delicate women.
Kxphilnnl Again.
The reason Mr. Blaine is called a mag
netic statesmen is now clear. He is called
a magnetic statesman because he so fre
quently “shocks” his friends.—Chicago
To all who aro Buffering from the errors and
Indiscretions ot youth, nervous weakness, early
ler.ay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a roeipo
. will euro you, FREE OF CHARGE. This groat
remedy was discovered by a missionary in South
America. Semi a solf-addressod envelope to the
Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City
ne 11 ertrl&wjv (fols r ni'
Most happily meets the demand of the age fbr
and i
pound, the studi ed prescription of a**leamed phy
sician whose specialty was Fkmalu Diseases.
and whose fame became enviable because of hif
success in the treatment and cure of female com
plaints. Suffering woman, it will relieve you of
nearly all complaints peculiar to your sex.
For sale by druggists. Write for book. "Mes
sage to Woman,” mailed free.
Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
eodAw nrm ig)
tty F. M. Kuowles A Co., Aucfrs.
YfTILL be sold, the first Tuesday in Decerabor
»▼ next, in front of the auction bouse of F. M.
Knowles & Co., Broad stieet. city of Columbus.
Muscogee .county, Georgia, between the usual
hours of sale, that tract and parcel of land lying
and being in the city of Columbus, Muscogee
county, Georgia, known and distinguished in the
plan ot said city as lots numbers 29 und 30, bound
ed by Front street on the < a«t, St. Clair street on
the north, and Bay street on the west, knowp as
the Fontaine Warehouse property, and contain
ing oue acre of laud, more or less. Levied on as
the property of B. T. Hatcher, to satisft u mort
gage fi fa in my hands in favor of J. N. Embry vs.
B. T. Hatter.
nov9 oaw4w
Y virtue of an o;
nary of Muscog — - ■ —
to the highest bidder, at public: outcry in front of
the auction house of F. M. Knowles & Co., on
Broad street, in the city of Columbus, Oa . on the
first Tuesday in December next, between the
legal hours of sale, the following described Real
Estate, situate, lying and being m aaul ttale and
county, to-wit: _ ...
The north half of lot No 431, containing one-
quarter of an acre, more or less, with good Dwell
ing and other necessary improvements. .
The south half of lot No. 191. Hu- same being
one quarter of an acre, more or les3, with Dwell
ing House and improvements.
The south half of lot No. 492. being one-quarter
of an acre, more or less, with two-room tene
ment on same. . , A A . , . ,
The same being the real estate belonging to
the estate of David Z Ward, deceased.
Also, at same time and place,.will be sold a
small lot of lumber, now on premises occupied by
Mr. R. Stock well (lot «1). belonftaa to sari
deceased. Terms cash. M. M. MOORE,
Adm’r Est. D. Z. Ward in Georgia,
nova oaw4w
Maverick National Bant
8 too,ODD
Accounts of Dunks, Bunkers und Cori>oratianB
Our facilities for COLLECTIONS arc excellent
und we re discount for Banks when balances
warrant it.
Boston is a Rescive Citr, and balances with ns
from Ii;ui)*i 1 not located in other Reserve Cities!
counted as a reserve.
We draw our own Exchange on London and
the Continent, and make Cable transfers and
place money by teleirraph throughout the United
States and Canada.
Government Bonds bought and sold, and Ex
changes in Washington made for Banks without
extra charge.
We have a market for prime firstrc’ass Invest
ment Securities, and invite proposals from Statee,
Counties and Cities when issuing Bonds.
We do a general Banking business, and LnvRe
ASA P. POTTER, Pre»l«lo»N.
A MONTH. Agents wauled.
iftfdwwVi v BBOWC" •I'*.-—i. ,.i-'
,»^. DYSPEPS,A « indigestion,
WE «. K . N . ESS ' cmLLS AND fevers,
malaria, liver complaint,
kidney troubles,
JT 1* Invleorat. T T give. NEW
In* and De. 1 LIFE to tha
•ndif 1 ' ,a . ke . EPO ■ whole SYSTEM
aMa n§ IssaS®
dren. J the food.
A Book, ‘Volina,'
z *' by 1 e a d 1 n g
physicians, telling
how to treat dis
eases at HOME,
mailed, together
with a set of hand*
some cards by new
Heliotype process,
on receipt of 10 c.
.„r° r by Grocer*. Should the dealer near
ei-U “’ *“ J * “ U1
Volina Drug and Chemical Cornpany 9
XlAl.T12.ORC, Mb., c. 8. A.
Minerals, is com
posed of carefully
selected Vegeta
ble Medicines,
combined skill
fully, making a
Safe and Pleasant
At Wholesale by
C EE El "W
l« by
_je5 eoddm
Mr. J. H. Hamilton’s Store, corner of First
avenue and Fourteenth street, the most desirable
store property on the market in the city. Rents
are paying 8 per cent net on the price asked.
$2260. Two 34 acre lots on lower Broad street,
with new five-room House. Corner lot va
$1700. fit acre lot >« ith new five room residence
on Rose Hill.
1000. Half acre vacant lot. on lower Second
1260. >4 'acre lot with new four room Resi
dence on lower Fifth avenue.
1000. Half acre lot with four new three-room
Houses in Northern Liberties.
226. A vacant lot near Slade’s school.
Mr. O. C. Bullock’s Residence, next door south
of girls’ public school.
Mr. T. H. Moore’s Residence, south of court
b ouae.
Also several Farms for sale at low prices.
$13 per month-Large Store on Twelfth street.
$15 per month-Four-room House on Second'
avenue, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth
streets, west side.
Mr. T. H. Moore's House, south ofcourtt house.
W. S. GREEN, Real Estate Agt.
Third door west of Post Office.
January 1887, for the following specific purposes:
For medical attention to the county poor. Fur
nishing medicines to the county poor. Burial of
the poor. Furnishing coffins f r burial of poor.
Doing the wood ai d blacksmith work for county,
and doing the county printing.
The Commissioners reserve tho nght to reject
any or all bids.
By order of 1
This December 4tu, 1886.
'PHERE bti aa election held at the different
J- precincts in the county of Muscogee on
Wednesday, the 5th day of January next (18o7),
for .Sheriff, Clerk of tho Superior Court, Tax Re
ceiver, Tax Collector, Comity Treasurer, County
Surveyor, and Coroner. The mailagers will
please call at my office for the nccesf ary blanks.
This December 4th, 1836.
did F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary.
M Yplace on Talbotton road, about two miles
from city,on line of Goorgii Midland. Has
a new five room House, all necessary out-house ,
in excellent repair; splendid spring. The place
contains 102!/, acres, about 25 acres of which are
heavily wooded.
For particulars apply to me on the place, or
to T. M.~ ‘
The Luca Bustle, the latest and best.
Ladies’ and Children’s Jersey Jackets. Call for our Chil
dren's Norfolk Jerseys.
The best all-wool Five Dollar Newmarket in the city.
The best Five Dollar all-wool Blankets in Columbus.
Choice stock Hamburg Edgings and Insertions, white, red
and blue. They are scarce and hard to get.
New stock of Knit Underwear.
New stock of Jewelry. New stock of Ladies’ Trunks.
Call for our Ladies’ French Ribbed Hose, unbleached, at
25c; they are well worth 40c.
New stock Embroidered Flannels.
New stock Plaid Nainsooks for Aprons at 10c and 121c.
Our Dress Goods in wool, also silk fabrics, is being con
stantly replenished and added to.
Our five-button Kid Gloves at 50 cents are not trash, but
fresh goods.
A small lot Children’s Wraps left over from our last win
ter slock will be sold at a sacrifice
Luvi'i/i iiiiiuiumu
Comtructcd With Our Own
“Patent Eyelet Batteries,"
HurpuNN in power and permanency all and every
other device to apply magni ttem to tho human
aystem. Our record nUlihIm at 36 percent of all
curable cases cured. Throat, Lung. Stomach,
Kidney, Liver and almost every other troublo
yields to the mild yet persistent currents of mag'
netism, oh applied by our methods. The Belt
and Invigorator impart great . trongtli, warmth
and comfort, and tlie Dyspeptic. Nervous, weak
and desponding, become hope fill and genial, and
enjoy life again.
In effect November 14tli, 1880. |
No. 51
No. 63
8 05 p in
1 20 p in
7 35 a m
8 15 p in
0 35 p in
8 05 a in
2 28 p ill
10 29 p m
11 12 p m
11 4 4 p m
12 03 p m
1 25 j) in
“ Atlanta
2 IB a m
Via W. & A. Railroad.
1 40 p m
6 59 p m
7 60 ft m
7 07 p m
6 50 p in
1 00 p m
“ Cincinnati
Via the Piedmont Air Lino to New York and East.
1 45 p m
6 15 p m
3 30 p m
4 48 p m
7 17 p in
9 20 p m
12 36 p ni
3 20 p in
“ New York
Pullman Palace Cars Montgomery to Washington without change on nil traiuH.
Train 51, Pullman Palace Buffet Car Atlanta to New York without change.
South Bound Trains.
No. 50
No. 52
1 20 p m
2 28 p m
6 09 p ni
6 01 pm
7 15 p m
12 20 ft m
4 25 ft ni
fi 22 a in
6 45 a in
Arrive cfieliaw
“ Montgomery
2 10 p in
7 30 p m
“ New Orleans
7 10 ft m
Train 50, Pullman Palace Sleeping Car through to New Orleans.
.Sleeping Ca», free of charge, through to Texas without change.
Train 52, Family
Via Selina end Queen and Crescent.
No. 8.
2 28 p m
8 30 p m
11 30 p m
No. 64.
“ Montgomery
1 45 p in
4 00 p m
6 8ff p m
6 27 p m
11 15 p m
1 40 p in
C 45 p in
** Shreveport
. Foley, opera house.
Beautiful Building Lot.
\\J EST s*de of Third avenue (formerly Forsyth
▼ V street • be ween Thirteenth and Fourteenth
streets, opposite west of Mr. Reese Craw ord.
There are very few Building Lots in the city.
Secure one while you can. Now is the tune to
commence building; if you wait until spring or
summer the cost of labor will be greater than now
Real Estate Agent, Columbus. Ga.
se wf d fri tf
The only perfect substitute for Mother**
rnlfk. invaluable in Cholera Infantum
and Teething* A pre-dlgested food for Dys»
P eptics. Consumptives, Convalescents.
orfect nutrient In all Wasting Diseases,
liequtrea no cooking. Our Book, The Care
Shortest, Quickest and Best—308 Miles Shorter to New York
than via Louisville—Close Connection with Piedmont
Air Line and Western and Atlantic Railroad.
120 Wilson!a Magnetic Power Ladles'
Abdominal Supporter
Gives great support and comfort am! in
creased strength to tho walls of the abdomen in
cases of nbuominn) enlargement without any
particular disease. Tends also to decrease and
prevent excessive accumulation of fat.
Tho Niignefie IVHliing Kerklnce
soothes and quiets tho Teething Baby and pro*
vents convulsions.
The full power Eyelet Hut lory IiimoIoa
not only warm the feet, but prevent crumps in
legs so prevalent in advancing years. No Invalid
should despair because cheaper or inferior goods
have failed, until they have tried our methods.
Pamphlet, letters of instruction and testimonials
mailed to any address. Advice and counsel free
to all patients.
Dr, CARI/IME TERRY, Columbus, (i»., Agent
oclfl dtjelG
pay 17 per cent on investment.
One six-room House on Ninth street.
One three-room House and lot 60x147 feet l®
inches, cheap. Call quick.
One four-room House on Tenth street, corner
Fifth avenue.
One small Store House on Rose Hill.
vT. a. IR/HIilEIDir,
Real Estate Agent, No. 22 12th St
CECIL GABBETT, General Manager.
General Passenger Agent.
This whisky was Introduced originally in the year
mid is f-onsbiiilly making new friends. It •»
tim predact. *.f < he n.ost approved process of distil,.
• n, from emvfmly hdected grain, being held tin!—
jnrtly celebrated for i
mid uniform *j ial'tv. 1
by tho agent, T. .11
Cor 10ih Hfrect an*'.
- - - —• ■■ - j age
i purity, delicacy of navot
r ‘* sale, and orders solicited
I'GLIIY, Opera House, 4
la! Avenue, (’nlumbus, Ga*
<3 ha* uk Bit m faiu
ic sales of class oi
ar.r! has
Mobile & Girard R. R. Co.
N and after this date Trains will run as follows:
COLUMBUS, GA., November 28, 1886.
No. 1.
No. 3.
No. 5.
3 10 p m
10 30 p in
10 40 p m
6 10pm
7 15pm
9 00 p m
7 55 p m
9 48 p m
2 10 a in
12 25 p m
7 65 p in
9 48 p in
6 00 a m
“ Eufauia, E. R. R
No. 2.
Pass 'ger.
No. 4.
No. 6.
8 30 p m
4 32 p m
7 50 a m
7 30 a m
7 10 p m
7 30 p in
10 00 a in
“ Columbus
10 69 p m
1 46 p m
Trains Nos. 1 and 2 (Mail) daily. Non. 3 and 4 (Macon and Montgomery Through Freight and
Accommodation) daily except Sunday. No. 5 and 6 (Way Freight and Accommodation) daily ex
cept Sunday.
W. L. CLARK, Sup’t.
The Original imd Only G^nnlne,
Raft; awUltrav* Ku’.iaM”. Tit-ware of v> ui-thP - Jfiliation*,
11. • 1 i -; •' n - »Mc l» LADIES. A*k yu; !/*■.!*«! »t J»l
“Uhlfhcoter m Eitfgii'.h” ia> * u.iM-r.'. .kIum: 4o,
gold by Dr'
iPSR. C’Mchr
cry who
L'Ih-oiI-hI < «.•
,rc, PUUttdat, re.
In Rear of Rankin House, on First Avenue.
Sale, Feed and Livery Stables
New Turnouts; Showy, Gentle Horses, Careful Drivers. Horses boarded and
carefully attended to. 1 have ample accommodations for live stock and arrangements
to make my stable headquarters for dealers. HOUSES AND MULES FOR BALE.
I am still running my Shop on Wynn’s Hill, and will continue to do all kinds of I ,l ** , ■ *v
Carriage and Wagon Work on bhort notice. M 1 ’ " ' •
Bookcases,Tables, Offlc*.
BChairs,Lotter Presses,
Fine Cabinets, &c.
m ' N - ■•'<»***> « lcd»
I rig |K a ntnn*l advonturro, <*x.
tul 8pie«, forlorn hope*,hero,
isonnicnt* and hair-brcadt^.
urirlan, pprilout journev*, daring
JOTII Hinns during tho Great CfvB
0F MUSIC Boston, Mass.
WORLD —100 Imitnictors,20*1.5 Student)lr.»t year. Thor.
oiiKn IriNtructlon in Voeulnmi Instrumental Music, Plano and
Organ Tuning, Fine Art*. Oratory, Literature, French, Ger-
man and Itallun Languages, En>::i>l» Rrnnrhes,GymnafifIml
etc. Tuition, $.5 to $M ; hoard and room with Steam II stand
Electric Light, $4.51«* $7.5per term. Fall Term begin* Sop.
tetither U, 1K<5. For M«qra»ed Calendar, wUhfulUnformatlO*
ddreas, K. TOL’ffJKL, Dir.. Frunklin Sq^ BOSTON, Mali
Electric Belt Free
To introdnen it and obtain i
ivill for the next
Klectro CJnlvanic Hiisp«»»isr>ry ISclts, JTice $5;
a poHitlvo and unfailimr cum for Nervous I'obilily-
VuricocHle, Kmiesions, Inq>otoney &o. SStiu.ou Roirartft
paid*! every Belt we maaufaeturo doe» uolcrenoraUa
a remiinonlectrlccum-nt. AddresiiatoncoELEO i’Jtltl
lllil.T AGENCY. P u. Box i;a Brookh-n y v
rOOFI^ 1 -'
fc?en't for
taiogua of
■j a: TCMU ■« . f : li profit^
Iiulian■.outlaw*m •! . ..i 1
: u-li t tun. to thi-. ‘J, O'JSOS*
‘.I • ' id . il. .re . ’v./y,
. .u i r. . i.L. rto
nov22 wed ut&wQm
Perfect i;v 1
4i : lLA 1 i i