Newspaper Page Text
ProfCMlInirK In Hip Spnivtp Mid In Uip House mi
Nervous, DrblllUtPd Men.
You arc allowed a free trial of thirty
days of the use of Dr. Dye’s Celebrated
Voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Ap
pliances, for tho speedy relief and perma
nent cure of Nervous Debility, loss or Vital
ity and Manhood, and all kindred troubles.
Also for many other diseases. Complete
restoration to health, vigor and manhood
guaranteed. No risk is incurred. Illus
trated pamphlet, with fhll information,
terms, etc., mailed free by addressing Vol
taic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich.
decl7 ly
liifFMMt it tlip (VlPKtlal Worlds Goring Uip
Holiday Month.
Venus closed her rocord as a morning
star on the 1st of the month, and com
menced her reign as evening star on the
2d. The earth will enjoy her serene light
in the evening sky through the winter,
spring and summer of the next year, for
sno will be the evening star until Septem
ber 20. She will not be visible during the
present month, for the simple reason that
she is hidden in the Bun’s intense bright
Met-cury was evening star until the 3d,
and is morning star for tho rest of the
oaturn is morning star. If Venus and
mercury claim precedence for the interest
ing epochs that enliven their course.
Saturu stands unrivaled on the December
annals for his beautiful appearance among
the stars, and for his highly favorrble po
sition for observation, lie reigns alone in
the evening sky.
Jupiter is morning star. Observers of
the eastern sky, soon after 3 o’clock in the
morning in tho early part of the month,
will behold the advent of the princely
planet, when he will come looming above
the horizon with a brightness which sur
passes that of any other visible star.
Mars is evening star. He sets nearly two
hours after the sun.
Uranus is the morning star. Very bright
eyes will discern his presence three de
grees south of Gamma Virginis.
Neptune is evening star, and under
favorable conditions for telescopic observa
tions, being nbove the horizon nearly the
whole night, he may bo found south of the
At the close of the month Neptune,Mars
and Venus are evening stars; Mercury,
Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn are morning
Fresh Fashion Notes.
Passementeries of steol and silver are
used to decorate rich black satin dresses.
Plushes with frise stripes of seal brown
and navy blue arc among the new goods.
Silk stockings in moss-green, heliotrope
and yellow are lurgely imported for even
ing wear.
Turbans in velvet or plush, trimmed
with fur, will bo worn by youitg girls this
Brown is one of the most useful of the
season’s colors, and is seen in endless va
riety of shades.
Unique brocades, satins, gros grains,
tulle and gauze are the materials most fa
vored for evening dresses.
Faille Franeaise is made with a “locked
weave,” which prevents its drawing in the
seams as did the gros grain.
Some exquisite bonnets in grav tones
areBhown. These will doubtlessbe ap-
|>reciated by the ladies of quiet, elegant
The old-fashioned black atraskan furs,
In the senate on Friday the following
bills came up on a third reading and were
disposed of as follows:
House bill 142—To amend section 2008 of
the code, relating to consolidation of rail
Permits foreign corporations to con
solidate with roads in this state j requires
them to keep an office in the state, and
makes them amenable to the laws of the
state as domestic corporations. Passed.
House bill 246—The general appropria
tion bill was amended and passed.
Senate bill 216—Joint resolution propos
ing amendments to tho constitution of the
state of Alabama, prohibiting the manu
facture, sale or giving nway any Bpirituous,
vinous or malt liquors, wines or other in
toxicants, except hereinafter provided.
On motion of Senator Falkner the bill
was postponed until the 3d day of February.
House bill 658—To prevent in certain
cases the sale, exchange and transporta
tion of cotton in the seed in township 24,
range 3 east, and that part of township 24,
ruiige east, lying east of the Warrior river
in Tuskaloosa county. Passed.
House bill 10—To amqnd section 3 of an
act dividing the state into nine judicial cir
cuits, in so far as the same relates to the
second circuit, by striking out December
and inserting January. Passed.
House bill 219—To authorize the Issue of
live class A bonds in exchange, and substi
tution for Alabama five percent, stock cer
tificates oi 1833, now owned and held by
tho heirs of the late Levi Woodbury.
Senate bill 176—To amend section 4409 of
the code, relating to maiming, etc., of ani
mals, etc. Passed.
Senate bill 132—To repeal an act entitled
an act “To punish persons for failing to
work the public roads in Chambers coun
ty.” Passed.
Tho following bills were disposed of in
the house.
By Mr. Smith, of Montgomery—II. B. to
require the clerk of the board of revenue
of Montgomery county to give bond for
the faithful performance of his duties.
By Mr. Smith, of Shelby—H. B. to re
quire railroads in Alabama to keep a reg
ister of marks and brands of stock killed or
injured by trains or locomotives of such
roads. Passed.
By Mr. Stevens—II. B. to confer ad
ditional jurisdiction on the county court of
Chambers county. Passed.
By Mr. Vasser—H. B. fo- the relief of
Wm. Jones, administrator of L F. Strange.
On motion of Mr. Ix>ng, of Russell, the
vote was reconsidered, and on again being
put to a vote was passed.
By Mr. Walker—Houso bill to provide
for the division of Macon county into four
commissioners’ districts, from each of
which a commissioner shall be elected by
the voters of that district. Talked out of
time, and the bill went over.
By Mr. Wright—Senate bill to establish
tho Clio school district in Barbour county.
By Mr. Reynolds—Senate bill to fix the
time of holding tho cireuit courts of Bul
lock county. Passed.
By Mr. Clements—House bill to regulate
the fine and forfeiture fund of Tuskaloosa
county. Passed.
Mr. Smith, of Montgomery, by request,
introduced a bill to authorize the governor
to issue a duplicate bond of class A, num
bered 7256, to John B. Manning, to replace
the lost original.
The house bill showing the consolida
tion of homo and foreign railroads came up
with senate amendments, and a long de
bate sprang up. The house bill required
the Alahuran railroad to retain its princi
pal office and hold its corporate meetings
in Alabama. The senate amendment
struck out this requirement.
Mr. Hewitt and Mr. Caldwell favored
the senate amendment. Mr. Smith, of
Montgomery and Mr. Lay opposed the
amendment. The house concurred in the
senate amendment.
in both the curly and longer, wavy fleeced
varieties, are to be worn again this win
Brown and cream white are to be com
bined for dressy wear. An elegant toilet
is of rich brown faille Franeaise, with
cream white uncut velvet.
Watered silks arc a?ain fashionable.
They arc shown in dark shades for street
suits in combination, and in very light
Bhades for evening toilets.
Dainty evening dresses for young ladies
have skirts of white plush, with over
dresses of pale pink, blue, salmon or cardi
nal crepe de Chine or real Canton crepe.
Brown and green is a favorite combina
tion. A pretty costume has a skirt of
brown and green plush edged with fur.
The polonaise is of green cloth, trimmed
with heavy brown cord gimp.
Oiip (treat Merit
of that beautlflor of the teeth, SOZODONT,
is that its effect upon the mouth is refresh
ing, while as a moans of clennsing the
teeth and improving the breath it stands
alone. sat,se,tu,th&w
Try These on Thick Tongues.
Amidst the mists and colder frosts,
With barest wrists and stoutest boasts,
Ho thrust his fists against the posts,
And still Insists he sees the ghosts.
When a twister o-twisting would twist him a
For twisting a twist three twists will he twist:
Hut if one of the twists untwists from the twist,
The twist thus untwisting untwisteth the twist.
“Of all the saws I over saw, I never saw
a saw saw as thiB saw saws.”
“Thou wreath’d and muzzl’d’st the far
fetched ox, and iraprison’d’st him in the
volcanic Mexican mountain of Popocata-
petl, in Cotopaxi.”
“Robert Rowley rolled a round roll
round; a round roll Robert Rowley rolled
round. Where rolled the round roll Rob
ert Rowley rolled round?”
“Peter go down to the peach orchard
and pick up a peck of peaches for those
poor little perishing pigs in the pine-pole
pig pen.”
"Theophilus Thistle, tho successful this
tle-sifter, in sifting a sieveful of unsiited
thistles, thrust three thousand thistles
through the thick of his thumb. If, then,
TheophiluB Thistle, the successful thistle-
sifter, in sifting a sieveful of unsifted this
tles, thrust three thousand thistles through
the thick of his thumb, see that thou in
sifting a sieveful of unsifted thistles thrust
not three thousand thistles through the
thick of thy thumb.”
“Villy Vite and vife vent on a voyage to
Vos Vindsor, and Vest Vindham von Vit-
sen Vednesday.”
“Bandy-legged Borochio Mustoohio
Whiskerfusclus, the bald but brave Bom-
bardino of Bagdad, helped Abormilique
Bluebeard, Bashaw of Babelmandeb, to
beat down an abominable bumble of
I saw Esau kissing Kate;
The fact is, we all three saw;
For I saw Esau, ho saw me,
And she saw I saw Esau.
O, tho shaking of the ague !
O, tho tortures of Neuralgia!
O, the misery of dyspepsia I
O, the wretchedness of headache 1
O, the gripes of bilious colic!
All of these will Burely vanish
Like the snow befor the Southwind,
If you’ll only take Smith’s Bilb Beans.
You can buy them at your drug store
For a quarter of a dollar;
And if you will only try them
You will never be without them.
decl eod&wlm
An Uncomfortable Tableau.
The bad boy who will tell tales ou his sister ia
a great nuisance. They were sitting in the par
lor • the young lady and her beau—a few even
ings ago, when he, with his blandest smile re
“Won’t you sing something, please?”
“What shall it be —sentimental, comic or ope
“Please yourself, and you will suit me nicely,"
was his stereotyped repty; for he had said the
same thing every night for a month.
Slio played the prelude through, and then be
“He thinks I do not love him!
He believed eaeu word I said;
And he went nway in sorrow
Ere the sun had let! its bed.
I’d have told the truth this morning,
But ho now is out of sight;
Oh, 1 wish my voice could bring him
Whore we uarted yesternight!
Oh, I wish"
“Say, Charley,” said the little rascal from un
der the piano, “she don’t mean a word of that
song. Here, sister, you stop kicking me! I’ll
tell ifl want to. She said she wishod you would
either propose to her to-night or get out and give
the other fellow a chance.
List of unclaimed letters remaining in the Co
lutnbus, Ua., post office for the week ending Dec.
1J. If not called for within thirty days will bo
sent to the Dead Letter Office:
Adams mrs P
Allen miss F col
Ausburn J
Berry miss M E
Boyd miss M
Boyd miss L
Bostick mrs P
Broadnax L
Broadnax mrs C
Bryan miss N
llrnnan K
Brazil & Alton
Brown W A
Browfi mrs C
Butler miss A
Carey miss C M
Cass W B
Collins W I
Cardwell miss F
Colbert E col
Cavencr B
Cooper mrs A L
Cokln miss B
Cooper mrs F E 2
Cooke miss L
Daniel M '2
Dawson J
David L
Difly J B
Dixon miss L
Doner W
Elder M
Evan miss E A
Flewellon miss L
Floyd miss N col
Gaines miss W col
Garrett F
Garrett mrs B
Gardner miss .1
Garett miss S
Goldsmith W
Gray W
G egory miss 11
Greenwood miss S
ilreenlcafmlss N
Gunry I) col
Hall mrs M F
Hammons A W
Harrison miss M
Harris 1-’ II
Heusoley mrs F
Hour ricks J
llollison M
Holland mrs S
Hoopper mrs M
Hull miss M
Hutson mrs F
Huso D
Jackson D col
Jackson miss II col
Jackson miss T
Jackson miss I
Jerrett D
Johnson miss M
Johnson D
Jones miss L
Jones mrs J
Jones C
Jones mrs J
Jones mrs M
Jones C H
Jones miss S
King mrs S
King mrs E 2
Lamb J C
Lampkin mrs R
Laurauee uirs L
Lewis miss I,
Leslie J J
Lewis mrs L
Love mrs J
Lynch D
Mncfecl miss H
McCullough M
McCall W 2
McCarter A E
McAdams C
McGuyrt E
Maclemoro miss A
McKindree miss L
Matthews H
Martin miss L
Mayes W
Mayer M
Milburu miss J
Newsom mrs M
Newman J w
Pasters mrs A
Perry miss S
Phillips J F C
Prather K A
Rayford mrs L col
ltalie miss E
Raymond M M
Reynolds miss J
Reynolds miss C 2
Rickeley mrs J
Riles miss T
Rodgers J W
Russell mrs S
Ruslin N T
Panders mrs R
Sogres M
Sells T
Shirat M V
Storge F
Strong miss M
Swift T 1.
Talley It H
Sweat M A
Thomas J
Thomas IP
Thomas miss J cql
Tiauau W eol
Turner mrs E
Vardamon A J
Walker N L
Walter B II
Wards worth mrs E
Wordsworth miss M
Wuddail J M
Watson miss A
Watsou miss G
Wat kills T S
Weaver G
Weems miss J
West A
Whitehead F
Williams H C col
Williams miss M
Wildtuan T
Winters G
Woods miss E
Wood J
Wood J T
Harry once had an ardent alfection
For two lovely girls—but confessed
He was puzzled to make a election,
Since each in her turn Heemed the best.
Ho constantly tortured his mind to
Determine the endless debate:
Sometimes it was Maud he inclinod to—
Sometimes it was Kate.
If Maud had a face like a fairy,
Yet Kate had a form like a queoen;
As Maud was vivacious and airy,
So Kate was sedate and Hercne;
While years past with Maud as It is.wife would
Bring happiness nothing might sate,
An equally rapturous life would
Be given to Kate.
And long lie remained undecldod
Which one he preferred of the two;
Between such attractions divided,
What was the poor fellow to do?
These doubts ill anxiety kept him
Until ho attempted Ins fate,
To And—that Maud wouldn’t accept him
And neither would Kate!
Twenty-live hundred dozen bottles of
Ague Conqueror ordered in one month. It
positively eradicates all Malaria, Fever
and Ague, Bilious and Intermittent Fevers
in any climate. Read our book of 1000
Dub West, 8. C., March 12,1883.—G. G.
Green, Dear Sir—We will soon need more
Ague Conqueror. It is taking like “hot
iki “
cakes” and giving satisfaction.
Ellis Bros.
Fairfield, Mo., August 29,1888.—G. G.
Green, Dear 8ir—Your Ague Conqucroi
knocks tho Chills and Dumb Ague every
time. I warrant every bottle and it never
fails. I have cured cases where quinine
had no effect whatever.
Yours truly,
actl2 d&wlv W. H. Shaw a Co.
The Owl and the Birds.
A Robin and a Blackbird got into a Dis
pute one day as to whether the Beetle was
more Nutritious than the Grasshopper,
and the Question was so Hotly Discussed
that the Wrens, Martins, Blackbirds,Swal
lows and many other Birds were drawn
into it. At length it was Agreed to leave
it to the Owl, and tho Parrot stated the
case to him in a very Lawyer-like fashion:
“Ladies and Gentlemen,” said the Owl
when both Bides of the case had been pre
sented, “I will take the Case under Ad
visement and render a Decision in Due
Forever after, when Appealed to for his
Decision ho Preserved utter Silence, and
the Beetle Faction and the Grasshopper
Faction still meet to remark:
“Isn’t it Wonderful how wise a bird the
Owl is.”—Detroit Free Press.
Moxle Serve Fend Tor the Nervous, Sleepless sad
Mentally Overworked. It
Is recommended by clergymen and'en
dorsed by eminent physicians.
It contains no alcoholic or other stimu
It is not a drug.
It is a food; not a medicine.
It induces a good appetite.
It insures sound, healthfulsleep.
It is perfectly harmless.
Hon the Clerk* at Washington Will Do This Win
The society young men will surprise the
girls with a new wrinkle this winter. Let it
be only faintly whispered, but they will
powder their hair. To be prematurely
gray is to be in the hight of fashion. If
you have a florid face so much the better,
but gray you must be. and still look young.
A fashionable hairareBser has been be
sieged with applications fora lotion which
will bring about the desired result, but he
has failed to produce anything satisfactory
as yet, although he has sold quantities of
stuff which he claims will bring the silver
threads. Those who are impatient have
given up its use, however, ana will powder
their hair.—Boston Traveler.
“BU« HC-l’AlBA.”
Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kid
ney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, fl-
At druggists.
Small granules, small dose, big results,
pleasant in operation, don’t disturb the
stomach. 10c and 25c.
Ask for “Rough on Dirt.” A perfect
washing powder found at last! A harm
less, extra fine A 1 article, pure and clean;
sweetens, freshens, bleaches and whitens
without slightest injury to finest fabric.
Unequaled lor fine linens and laces, gen
eral household, kitchen and laundry use.
Softens water, saves labor and soap.
Added to starch prevents yellowing. 5c,
10c, 26c, at Grocers. d&wtf
v ot Angela.
“So you are to be married?” questioned
a cynical young man. “Yes, very soon.”
“Of course you think her an angel?” “Oh,
no! I have four sisters. ”
When calling for these letters, please say they
are advertised, giving date.
Seven Years of Physical and
Mental Suffering Ended
by Cuticura.
A BOUT seven years ago 1 had a humor break
out upon \uy face ; it started in a small blotch
and looked like the sting of a bee, then it spread
and looked like a ringworm, and became very
painful. I at, once went to one of the best doc
tors in the city and he could do me ho good. No
leas than twelve of the best doctors have had a
trial at my face and all of them failed. I will not
give you a list» f of their names, but will say that
they were from Boston, New York and Maine,
also from England, France and Canada. I have
been a hotel cook and steward for years. In tli‘e
summer I cook at watering places; that is why I
have har. ‘.an opportunity of being: amoi g good
doctors. They could not cure my face, ana I had
given up all hopes of eter being any better. Last
June, 1 went to Moosehead Lake, Maine, to cook
for the season. My face was so bad I dii > ot like
to be seen. At the lake I met a gentleman from
England. He told me <o use your Cuticura Rem
edies and tin y would cure me at once. 1 did so.
The result was in three weeks the sores on m
lace were healed up. I used it all the season. My
race is all well and no scars to be seen. 1 have
recommended it to a number, and in every case
it has cured them. It would take a great deal oi*
money to put me back where I was one year ago,
providing 1 did net know what your Cuticura
would do. 1 shall recommend it as long os I live,
and shall ever nr. 1 main, H STEVENS.
East Jackson, Me.
A Host Wonder fill Skin C'ure.
Have just used your Cuticura Remedies on one
ot my girls, and found it to be just what it is
recommended to be. My daughter was all broken
out on her head and body, and the hair com
menced to come out. Now she is as smooth as
ever she was, and she lias only taken one box of
Cuticura, one cake of Cuticura Soap, and one
bottle of Cuticura Re*olvent. I doctored with
quite a number ofdoctors, but to no avail. I am
willing to make affidavit to the truth of tho suite-
mtnl. GEORGE EAST. »
Macon, Mich,
Cuticura, the great Skin Cure and Cuticura
boap. an exquisite Skin Beuutifk-r ettorually,
utnl Cuvioura Resolvent, the New blood Uui ifwr
internal^, are a positive cure for every form of
Skin and Blood L>is« use, from PimpUs to Scrofula.’
Sold everywhere. Price: Cuticura, bu cents; boap,
2ii cents: Resolvent. >I»0. Prepared by the Potter
iny, Boston. Send for
nxm jLiist-uses.”
SK I \ 5 ,\l e ,roishes, Pimples. Blackheads and
» iv i Baby Humors, use Cutieura Soap.
Aching Muscles,. Backs, Hips and
Sides an 1 all Pain, Inhumation and
Weakness relieved in one minute by
the Cuticura Anti-Path Plaster. At
Central Railroad and Banking
Company of Georgia.
Savannah, Ga., Dec. 1st, 1886.
A Dividend of FOUR DOLLARS per share
from the earnings of this Company and its de
pendencies has been declared, payable on and
after December 20th. to the Stockholders os of
record this day. T M. CUNNINGHAM,
dec7 eodist Cashier.
For the Christmas Holidays!
Such ns Fancy Rockers, Carpet Rockers, Reed arid Rattan Rockers, Children's Rockers,
Willow Chairs. Big lot, of Rugs, Lamps. Library Lamps, Clocks, Pictures of every descrip
tion. A big lot of fine Water colors, Oleographs, Artotypes. cheap Chromos aund Rustics,,
brought on especially for the Xmas Holidays. Trunks of every description.
Cooking Stoves of Every Variety and Prices Always on Hand.
MATTRESSES of every description from a cotton top Excelsior or cotton top Shuck
Mattress to the best Wool or Hair Mattress.
From #35 00 up, right from the factory. We defy the world on our goods and prices.
■wh: tt?
Because we buy for twelve houses, and pay cash for our goods.
If you can t pay Cash—we want everybody who cannot pay cash for what they want to givt wa a
call and see what we will do for you on
#2 50 Per week will buy an elegant suit ot Furniture worth from #100 to $150.
Per Week Will Buy an Elegant Parlor Suit I
00 Per week will buy a nice Cooking Stove, 1 Wardrobe, Sideboard, Bed Lounge or Hall
Hat Rack. Fifty cents per week will buy a Bed Stead, Bureau, Bed Spring. Mattress, Set of
Chairs, Safe, Extension Table, Clock or Fluting Machine.
To call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Our goods will please and our
prices will induce you to buy.
No. 1017 Broad Street.
The Luca Bustle, the latest and best.
Ladies’ and Children's Jersey Jackets. Call for our Chil
dren’s Jerseys.
The best all-wool Five Dollar Newmarket in the city.
The best Five Dollar ail-wool Blankets in Columbus.
Choice stock Hamburg Edgings and Insertions, white, red
and blue. They are scarce and hard to get.
New stock of Knit Underwear.
New stock of Jewelry. New stock of Ladies' Trunks.
Call for our Ladies’ French Ribbed Hose, unbleached, at
25c; they are well worth 40c,
New stock Embroidered Flannels.
New stock Plaid Nainsooks for Aprons at 10c and 12ic.
Our Dress Goods in wool, also silk fabrics, is being con
stantly replenished and added to.
Our five-button Kid Gloves at 50 cents are not trash, but
fresh goods.
A small lot Children's Wraps left over from our last win
ter stock will be sold at a sacrifice
A substantial Six-Room Residence, centrally
j located; quarter-acie lot; convenient to business,
1 churches, schools and street railroad. Owner
j removing from the city, and will sell cheap for
j cash, or on time.
1 Temperance Hall.
I The Wilkerson Residence,
j The Harrison place, Beallwood.
Store No. 143 Broad Street.
I Quarter-Acre Lot north Second Avenue.
Rooms over Singer Machine Office.
Six-Room Dwelling, Rose Hill.
Col. Holt’s Store and Dwelling, near Swifts
Broker, Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Printing, Book-Binding
Paper Boxes
A LARGE STOCK of all kinds of PAPER, In
eluding Letter, Packet and Note Heads, Bill
Heads, {statements, always on hand. Also En
velopes, Cards, &c., printed at short notice.
Paper Boxes of any size or description not kep!
in stock made at short notice.
tf 42 Randolph Street, opposite Poet Office.
6 9350 IRzIE'WTA.IRzID. B
11? will pay ill? above reward for any case of Rheumatism. Illouil Poison or Kidney
Ihscnsc that IIUR NICUTT A fill RUM AT 1C CURE fails to
enre permanently il taken affording to directions, We mean just what wesay. This won
derful Tonic mid Wood Pnrilier is for sale by all first-class Druirgist-s,
J- M. HUNNICUTT & CO, Atlanta, Ga
Soule Redd & Co.,
i Brokers, Real Estate and Fire Insurance Agents.
1 10:58 Etruad St. Telephone 35.
Must be sold this week: Six well renting
Houses in Browneville.
City and Suburban Property for sale and rent.
Stocks and Bonds bought and sold.
Let us insure yc ur houses. ocl7 dly
ft time and then tin
1 merely to itop them for
1 again. In *
warrant my remedy to care the worst cases. BecaoM
others have failed la no muon for not now receiving a
enre. 8end at onoe for a treatlM and a Free Bottle of my
Infallible remedy. Give Express and Poet Office. It costs yon
nothing tor a trial, and I will care yon.
Address Da. U. O. BOOT, 1U Pearl St., KewYotfc.
novi9 eod&wQm
Whereas, Felder Pou makes application for
letters of administ ation on the estate of Burrell
Burse, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite all and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to
show caiwe, any they have, within the time
prescribed by law, why said letters should nol be
granted to said applicant.
a Witness my official signature this December
Bth. 1886. F. M. BROOKS,
dec® oawiw Ordinary
se wed&fri tf
Real Estate Agent, Columbus. Ga
Cr has taken the lead fe
tile sales of ‘hat class of
remedies, and has give*.
Almost universal "Uisfao
Pans. Te*
O has won the lavor •
the public and now ran
among the leading Me
cine-, of the oildom.
Bradiord, P.
Sold by Druggist*.